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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 30, 2024 2:05pm-3:02pm MSK

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my mother offered me a love potion, you need to fall in love,
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she knew you were an idiot, what an idiot
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you are, basman, what jokes you have, you can also drown a gun. there are so many admirers at your feet, take your pick. oh, len, in our age men are either scoundrels, or impotent, or gay. sveta, what are you saying? so, don't interrupt me, in general, mashka, don't listen to her, i wish you to meet a real man. so that you meet a male with instincts, and not complexes. we are already tired of men in thongs. but the main thing is that this happens as soon as possible. in general, mashka, one more time for you. what was that? is this a present for my birthday? no, lena, sveta, is this a prank? no, no, no, no, no. god be with you, mashenka, girls. okay, i'll go
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and find out what's going on, no, no, no, masha, i won't let you, don't argue, i'll go, he 's naked, and we, my dear, will find out now whether he's naked or pretending, well, granny, do you have any vodka, what kind of granny am i to you, who found me a granny, girl, go to the adults, ask if there's any vodka in the house... i really need vodka, yeah, you're really going crazy, you've seen a lot in life, but to drink away the panties, this is the first time, i 'm freezing, i need to rub myself down, you know, who's going to rub you down, at least you, you, me, girls, bring some vodka here, quickly, there's a man freezing here, yeah, a soldier of napoleon's army
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retreating from moscow, he won't make it to the train like this. okay, i can take him, i need to go to moscow for filming anyway, soldier, thank you, let's go, let's go, mash, mash, take him, he may be strange, but he seems okay, look, svetka has her eye on him, are you blind or something? i wave, thank you, mom, oh, it took us a long time to get here,
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what can you do, traffic jams, well if anything happens, call reltsa, why realsov, 0.1, or better yet 0.3, right? all the best to you, thank you, okay, i understand everything, yes, maria mikhailovna, and green tomorrow for everyone, the suit is in your office, thank you for having a report tomorrow, yeah, okay, hello, hello, sveta, what about our next topic for 48 hours, and there's nothing yet, there's no suitable story yet, so should i have a topic tomorrow, or would it be better to have several topics at once? there's no more time, sveta, i don't have the opportunity today work for you, presentation in an hour, tomorrow at the briefing there should be a hero, everything, yes, lieutenant, everything is brilliant and simple, the doors
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open, the hinges creak, the duty officers wake up, come on, give the order to form up, and after they gather... come to me with the masking sandpaper, the task is clear, yes sir, act, that's it, well, wait, well , that's another matter, now let them sleep.
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they de-energized, they haven't de-energized yet, so why the hell, i don't know, after me, they won't let me de-energize the substation, i'm melting, i 'll salt the metal in 15 minutes, please, put it out, whatever you want, but you can't do it now, i'll screw up the stoves, ugh, the electric kit, i don't give a damn about the area, but understand, i have a melting pot... listen , there's a maternity hospital two blocks away, there are women in labor and premature babies in pressure chambers, got it? you take your hands off, okay, the owner will take my head off for these stoves, and yours too, you understand, that means this is our fate, let go, take your hands off, idiot, don't
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let him near the switch, guys, one clumsy movement and 5 years to think about the meaning of life, i promise you, "that's better, you don't know yet what enemies you have for yourself today made, enemies, rather friends, you took the sin off your soul guys, saved them from prison, and our area with electricity, of course, went to the object, well, son, report, heroically trampled underfoot general, well, not modest, not modest"? thus, thanks to the competent actions of major kikal pa, a possible collapse of the energy system of the city of moscow was prevented, what could have entailed, who wrote this? lieutenant sazonov, subordinate of this major. this may be interesting. find this major, meet
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closer to him, i think, we can try. yeah. let's get to know each other better. we need to think hard, what to think here, this is just what the doctor ordered, well, well, great, so... dear dude, there are only slackers around, and he is a steadfast tin soldier in the sovereign's service, we need to come up with a good slogan, well, well, a symbol of the reviving statehood, and what's his name, kipkala pa, kipkala, kipkala, my god, what a last name, okay, we'll film, we just need a good, romantic title, no need for these banalities, one day in the life fire. we'll make him into a russian epic hero, he's a hunter, a hunter,
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a hunter, whom firefighters hunt, the firebird, exactly, very accurate in literature, heat, fire, well done, as we'll call it, hunting for the firebird, that's it, everyone's free, except for ilyana. ivan, are you crazy, someone's going to come in now, let them, i miss them, let 's come to you today, no, no, what's wrong, why, because all this is terrible, mash, we 've talked about this 100 times, we're adults, i'm ashamed, you know, you, in front of whom, in front of katya, and for a long time now everything has been drum. in front of you, vanya, in front of you, well you know, we'll go really far, we
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've already gone so far, there's nowhere further to go, vanya, an interview for the program current report, three days of filming, like who, me, and why, don't you understand, the whole country will know you. "who, no, she won't do this, she doesn't have time for this, yeah, an idiot, a lunatic, climbed in like a parrot, says, let lina come herself, otherwise i won't be filming, well, well, let her wait." bravo, bravo, bravo, bravo,
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hello, here i am, as you asked, hello, thank you very much, why are you looking at me like that, i'm happy, can i get dressed, of course, i noticed last time that you are a very shy person, what is your name? pavel, nice to meet you, and me too, tell us about yourself, what should i tell about myself? well, i don't know, start with something, then we'll get to the main thing. can i start with the main thing right away? okay, start with the main thing. i love you. stop explaining? are you serious? no, i'd better leave. masha, wait, hold on, did i really offend you? i don't think there's anything offensive about this. and it seems to me that you are a dangerous madman. why? why? yes, because at our first meeting you burst into my house, how
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can i put it mildly, not dressed for the occasion, and now you are talking some nonsense about love? what can i do? wait until you show me how much you love me? mash, wait, i am not crazy, believe me, i just had the only chance to tell you about it, and well, think for yourself, when will i see you again, don’t be offended. i won’t do it again, don’t leave, pavel, it seems to me that you are of an age in terms of intelligence 10 at most, to be and to seem are two essences of our nature, which are constantly in opposition, chinese philosopher min, yeah, lyosh, our relationship will be different anyway, because now you know that i love you, nonsense, did you come? wait, wait, i'll be out in 5 minutes. well, you know that i love you. oh,
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my god, that's enough. stop chewing over these words. what are you talking about? stop using them as stripticide. you're telling me that i won't go on the trip we've been planning for 3 months, you're not taking me for reasons unknown to me reasons you start to sprinkle my wounds. i love you, you know how much i know for you. mash, well, i myself really wanted us to go together, but it turned out that way, come on, when you wanted, you always took me, it's just that everything has changed for you, don't jump to conclusions. well, you know how hard it is for me, of course, to lie to my wife and lover at the same time, really, you can't envy me, what are you talking about, listen, go to hell, as you command?
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and what's on fire, and nothing is on fire, we have training exercises here, oh my god, what are you doing here you're doing, you're going to fall, why should i fall, what does it all mean, teaching, rescuing victims from high-rise buildings, decided to combine business with pleasure. and the address, where did you get my address, that 's a binomial theorem for me, why did you come? honestly, i wanted to see you, well then it seemed to me that you were feeling very bad, so i decided to save you, where did you get the idea that i was feeling bad, i 'm doing well, i have a job, an adult daughter,
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friends, everyone loves me, if you want, i'll show you how much. knowledge i've gained this week, i don't want to, why are you bothering me, well why do some crazy people stick to me all the time, you were really offended, but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, who said that? nitsha, now a lot of your behavior becomes clear, let's go to my place, i can cook the smallest chebureki in the world, you have a drink, you'll find one, a second. let's go, carefully, like this.
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you can't do that on duty, but i think i'll combine business with pleasure, tell me about yourself, actually. there's nothing to tell, well, you work here for some reason, well, you know, everyone has their own purpose in life, their own duties, someone gets a job like mine, okay, but why exactly are you here, and i have the ability for this , my nerves are fine, i have few relatives, you're on...
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no, illiterate, or what, well, why, i'm a candidate of sciences, why do you need this profession, leave it, what are you talking about, how can i leave aviation, it's funny, yeah, what morality, morality, a lot is burning, a lot is burning, so i put out
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the fire conscientiously, you know, it seems to me that we have... this word conscience, it's not in use now, and no one remembers about honor now, honor - this is external conscience, and conscience is internal honor, who said that, shoppingur, you are suspiciously well-read, pavel, i think it won't be for long, you wait for me, and then i 'll take you home. okay.
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introduce the cameraman, what we're going to film, everyday life svetik, his everyday life.
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oh, hello, hello, i've come to see you, come in without ceremony, we 've met, i don't remember, well, how is it, a gun, a duck, huh? come in, don't be shy. thank you. what brought you to us? actually, i came to tell you how much i love your mother. oh, you don't
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original, you know how many people love her, sit down. they send bags of letters, do you want me to read them? no, no, thank you. it seems to me that they love her lofty and unattainable image, and not a living person. and you, then, love a living person? i, yes. "you know, she was like that, all the men turned around to look at her, i was studying at the academy then, our dorm was nearby, so i
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saw her every day, but i didn’t dare to approach her, how can you approach her like that, then by autumn i plucked up my courage, i went and got acquainted, but she jumped out right into my hands, a suitcase dropped things". beautiful so unhappy, my heart turned over, well since then i loved her, you made it all up , no, i'm a lousy inventor, i would like to, but it doesn't work out, thank you, for what? for mom, for listening, well, and for the apple, thank you. happy, and your knowledge of the russian language will be able to save you from rape, and
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they won't be able to, tamara, and where did such luxury come from, and what did he need, nothing, he said that he loves you. what is it that you like about him? and because he is not a scoundrel, like yours in yugin, oh, what do you understand about this, where did you get the idea that yugin is a scoundrel? yes, mommy, it’s written on his face in letters like these, and what ’s written on the major’s face? your major’s? it’s written on his face that he loves you, the funniest thing is, so, ivanova, overall,
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not bad, ivanova. he’s not like any of my friends, he’s so real, but that’s all i know about him, what if he can’t do anything else except climb walls like a lizard, run around moscow screaming about how he loves me, but between by the way, the ability to perfectly control one's own body, as the ability to show emotions, testifies.
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forward, they were with flashing lights, and we with what, with a flashlight, or what, it's the bosses who will put me in jail, b98 answer from9841, udaltsova 40, collision with a passenger car, possible victims, send an ambulance, we continue moving to the scene of the fire. this is the commander, where? what's going on? and you don't know what's going on? you just rammed the mayor's car, idiot! who are you? he'll find out now! let's go to the car, get him, the gun! how have you got me? if you only knew how all this has screwed me up? how all
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this has saved me, this is masha, pavel, you are in trouble, my stakes are growing, you called me by name for the first time, i know what happened. last night, last night i had an amazing dream, as if the president gave me a hero's star, and i'm trying to exchange this star for a ticket to our health resort, pavel, but seriously can you talk, but seriously, do what you have to, what will be, mashenka, well finally, i came straight to you, an hour at the door, like a dog, hi, how was your trip, well everything
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is fine, ok, ivan, it's all over between us, wow, my week is starting, what's up, everything is fine with you, everything is fine with me, you can't even imagine how fine it is, everything is so fine with me that i can finally tell you what i've been meaning to tell you for a long time, let's go, let's go, you're overexcited, you need to drink some cognac, calm down. "i'm free of you, i'm not yours anymore, i don't understand, that's it, ivan, now everything has fallen into place for me places, you told me so many times that this time is like this, that this time makes us deceitful and cruel, that i believed you outright, i always found an excuse for your vileness, your machinations that you pulled off, your non-stop lies, but how is this time like this, it doesn’t give us a choice, everyone
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is like this, so we can, what now?” “ has changed, tell me your secret, boys , boys, you won’t understand, you will always find an excuse, well know, it’s not time that makes us, it’s us that make time, who said that, it was me said, i should have taken her on the trip after all. hello, what is this, groceries, where, there?
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are you hungry, yes. well, today i'm treating you, kiss me, god, what a fool i am! sonya, get up, get up, good morning,
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i'm ready for tomorrow. what happened today doesn't mean anything, i didn't understand, and what's unclear about that, we remain free people, who do we remain, free people, and... don't you think that we have some kind of confusion with the distribution of roles, in my opinion, the role of a man would suit you better,
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that like a normal man, you come to me with vodka, with a snack, without even drinking, you say, boy, come here, auntie will kiss you, in the morning, taking advantage of my inexperience, you brazenly declare that: it doesn't mean anything, well , logically, i should ask you, i don't know, forgiveness or beg you to marry me, is that it? and what did you expect to hear? well, that i'm not indifferent to you, that this night is not just like that, but that you'll knit me a sweater for the new year, for example. i've lived alone for many years, and it's hard for me, of course, it's easier this way, it's simpler this way, i understand, okay, there will be a desire to improve my health,
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you are welcome. where are you going to the market, why are you buying wool, you ordered sweaters, forgive me! forgive me, i'm an idiot, no, you're right, i'm selfish, i'm just afraid, i, i have to tell you a lot, about my love for you, well then tell me, tell me, no,
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only someone who loves weakly can interpret their love, be quiet, be quiet, i love you, romantso, stop filling my head with all sorts of nonsense. let that dandy take it off, i don't care, for now, i 'm listening to you, vanya, we need to talk, what's wrong with you, what's going on, why don't you want to see me, it's hard to explain, you still won't be able to understand me, well, where else? me, well, you know, you still try, after all, we were together, i have every right to count on at least a simple explanation,
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don't be offended at me, vanya, but you're a bad person, and you're getting worse and worse, you were once completely different, you were the most talented of all i knew, when you entered... it became brighter there, now, everyone on the channel is afraid of you, they hide everything that can be hidden from you, you know, like they say that if in... part-time work is for weaklings and losers,
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they hide everything from me, but they haven't tried to come and tell me, they're afraid, and they're right to be afraid, it's easy to fire a person, well, you, you, try it, it's easy to tell a talentless person to his face that he 's talentless, but i do it every day, and not because i like it, not because i want to be evil, because it's necessary, otherwise there will be an aquarium with guppies on tv and zero. but the lips will be kind, the times are evil and we must be evil, oh, ugh, what are you saying, you've gone too far, well, that's it, that's it, go, the time of the evil
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it's ending, vanya, you understand, your time is ending, have you really found a kind person, i found one , i've been looking for such a person all my life and i no longer believed that i would meet him, goodbye, to you, sit, did you think about your daughter, do you think that i don't know that alina is my daughter? my god, how many years have i waited for these words, but you were silent, and i was silent, i just waited, and now you think that you can keep me with the help of my daughter, you're just crazy. get out of here,
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tell me, what is there to tell, who is roman with your friend, why should i, ask her, svetik, i'm in a very bad way mood, you can't even imagine how bad it is, if you want to continue working under my sensitive guidance, then you 'll tell me everything now, or i 'll throw you out of here in 20 seconds, time... i'd better tell your friend ilyana that you've been sleeping with me for the last 3 years, look, i even wrote some poetry, she fell in love with a fireman, what kind of fireman, what kind, the one we 're filming a story about, this soviet, this single-celled thing, that's gone crazy, a normal guy, by the way, a solid one. he puts out everything, you said yourself that he's a symbol
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reviving statehood, light, you're a fool, i said this for the sake of the tops, for the viewers of the tv channel, and not for you, your idiot girlfriend, you're an idiot yourself, they're putting out the fire , so we'll put it out, what about the report, everything's ready, tomorrow's broadcast, all the materials from the editing room, if you tell anyone, we visited the scene of the events, met with eyewitnesses of this crime, this is what the chief engineer of the substation vitaly vladimirovich kruglikov told us. major kipkala de-energized the substation, as a result of which all the furnaces burned out, our organization suffered millions losses.
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yugin, at home, at home alone, he is busy, you are a scoundrel ivan, a nonentity, i hate you, that's it, oh my god, you are a freak. "you don't even understand what a freak you are. so, after this program, your hero will be kicked out of the organs, he will leave moscow, and that will be the end of this wonderful story. no, this story will have a different ending. if you
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meet him even once more, i will put him in jail, i swear to you, he will go to court. is it him? if you pick up the phone, he will be sitting, either he will sit or leave, there are no other options, choose! nadezhda vasilievna, take it, please, phone, tell the young man that marya mikhailovna asks him never, never to call this number again, it's me, can you explain what 's going on? marya mikhailovna! asked you never to call this phone, are you crazy, do you want it to be because of you and me too, i'm removing you, know part of the deputy, there is, and we will sort things out with you, i will sort things out with ilyana,
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criticize criticize, but we will not allow anyone to slander, that's it. bye.
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hurry, hurry, ivan andreevich is having an attack madness, you'll run to save him again, we need to do something, i'm trying for you, but why, for the last 20 years you've only been doing this, and he doesn't give a damn about you, about me, mom, let's try to live without him, i 'm still young, i'll find a job for myself, you have a big pension, in the worst case we'll rent out this apartment to ourselves for less, we'll find it, mom, i
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can't suffer all my life. hey, military man, wait, we need to talk, what's the matter, you, major , were boiling, well, i was boiling, someone sent you greetings, from whom, you yourself should figure out that you need to kill? how would i know, yeah, okay, i do it myself, but things like that don't just happen, it's either
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because of money, or because of some very strong impersonal unpleasantness, well if it's because of money then it's from the factory, and if if, and if because of unrest? then from the mayor's office, eh, brother, you're alive, you have a good job and look, there are friends at the communications plant and at the city hall, it seems, and i like it myself, listen, brother, i 'll explain everything to you later, come on, catch the car, right now, right now a second, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, friend, you need help there, look, you need to take him to the hospital urgently, come on, load. tell me, where is moyer kipkala, did he leave, how did he leave, why couldn't it be? did he give me anything? to you, no, well, maybe a letter, a note or something in words, he just left this, he will never
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come back, if a person is normal, he will come back, every normal person, in fact, is only partly normal, he is abnormal, where did he go, and morozov, i asked him, where is morozov, calm down, morozov, he is probably looking for, oh my god, he thinks that i did it all... everything will be fine, everything will be fine, so, well, that's enough, masha, stop it, the kofler is also looking, and you know, nikita, if necessary, he will get it from under the ground, ivan, nikita, how many years, how many winters, what fate brought, you know, vanya, there are things that need to be done even after 20 years, otherwise i will not interfere with your life, what are you talking about,
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now it’s good, now it’s really good. maybe we should turn to the boss? they fired him, he left, he’s so proud, i didn’t notice that he was so proud when he was running around here with his legs crossed. so how long has he been gone? almost a day. have we seen more from the onion? oh, what should i do? it is human nature to value and desire what he cannot achieve. my god, alya, what are you talking about? it wasn't me, i read this from freud. give it to me, it's his book. i understand, people, he processed her with psychoanalysis, i see, she doesn't look like herself, lena, i can't take it anymore, well, do something, yes, masha, hi, it's vitaly, everything
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is fine, don't worry, i called you from the hospital, he's in the hospital, what's wrong with him? masha, they wanted to beat him up, i stood up for him, in short, he took me to the hospital, but don't worry, i'm fine, pavel, what's wrong with him, masha, and he left, took me to the hospital, went somewhere. he left, i knew where, i don't know, that's it, i'm tired of it, everyone go to bed , nikita will take care of this tomorrow, we'll go to his boss tomorrow, we 'll do everything else tomorrow, everyone go to bed now, first of all, mashenka, this concerns you, that's it, my dear, my good, beloved, mashenka, calm down, that's it, let's dry our tears. let's go to bed, okay? that's it, that's it.
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who's here? is it me, is it you? lord, how did you get here? up the stairs? i thought you left, what you won't forgive me for deciding that it was because of me that you were fired. yes, it's me, the fool, who forgives me, i freaked out, i left without understanding everything, when i understood everything, i immediately rushed here, to you. god, how grateful i am to this lieutenant? which lieutenant? but yours, who
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wrote the letter to the editor. after all, if it weren't for him, we would never have met, oh you masha, who would trust such an important matter to some lieutenant, i wrote this letter myself word for word, that's how it is, funny little thing, by god, like a child.
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we are immersed in the era. our iviv tatars to to this day, when praying, they remember the grand duke vitovt, because he valued them as great warriors and invited them here to our lands so that they could help him fight. to say that it is comfortable, no, but i feel more confident, yes, more protected, it is true, artifacts from centuries of history, a real puzzle for us, like...
3:00 pm
okay, travel with the belarus 24 tv channel. i am still a young deputy, i am still getting used to it, i always make any decision in life consciously. very often my friends and my new colleagues tell me: angelica, turn off the prosecutor. i think that i will not be able to turn off the prosecutor completely. when i got to braslava, i realized that our land is the most beautiful. there is nothing like this anywhere in europe. it is common knowledge that laws are not such that they suit everyone. the time has come when we must develop civil initiative more and more. they tell me, you have been approved, filming in 10 days. they sent me to dina georgievna, i worked with her, she says, you are thrown straight into the ocean. of course, i am afraid, but i want to.
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stories, i would really like people through small things, through animals, through nature, through beauty, to become kinder and better themselves, the project say don't be silent, don't miss new releases on the belarus 24 tv channel
3:02 pm
. on air news in the studio yulia pertsova, hello, in this release. not only tractors, but also other special equipment, zimbabwe accepts our experience in agriculture, a delegation from africa in belarus.


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