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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 31, 2024 2:20am-3:11am MSK

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only to communicate with parents there for half an hour, but depending on what institution it is in, this is actually a big problem, i even read somewhere that there is a kind of psychiatric disorder, a person's dependence on the phone, when he cannot do without it at all, and a person needs to understand that periodically it is necessary to turn off the information noise, to fall out of it, that life, as the president also said yesterday, is not only about sitting in gadgets in a gadget, there bread itself will not clean itself.
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gave lectures, we left a long time ago, and this the requirement is that we don't teach children to take notes now, yes, that is, there is no need to dictate to students, now a teacher or lecturer is no longer a bearer of sacred knowledge, yes, you can get information not just like we did before, by going to the national library, ordering a book, that is, this path is much much shorter, the teacher must show the path to obtaining this knowledge, yes, but on the other hand. if, for example, it is more convenient for a student to record me on the phone, yes, then, well, please, i see, even in the same choreographic art, that the phone helps, for example, they shoot a version of the staged process that was at the beginning, at the end, and track it, it's very convenient, their, yes, their mistakes, it's not like before you had to order a camera, and it wasn't available everywhere, then find special equipment to see it and...
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look, it's much easier, in this sense , they have all the music downloaded, the one that's needed, there's no need to be afraid of it, but the president is right when he says that, well, you know, an axe is just an axe, and you can use it chop wood, but you can also do other things, cook porridge, but unfortunately, yes, and other things, so you need to know how to use it, the fundamental difference between your children and ours is that ours are minors.
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what did you get? on the one hand, it's good when the relationship between parents and children is so close, on the other hand, it seems to me that this is overprotection, i feel somehow wrong, because my child leaves at 8:30 and then only comes back in the evening, we also have an experience when, by decision of the parents , last year the class teacher asked buy a safe for the classroom, and the children come, call their parents that they have arrived, all the phones at the end of the school day they... dial them, well, it's great that there is such interaction between the teacher, lecturer, educator and parent, it seems to me that the prestige of the profession largely depends on this, if there is contact with the parent, and for a child, even if he is a student, the parent is still the most important authority, and if the parent says: listen to your teacher, he will not teach you anything bad, this young man or girls, and accordingly the relationship. will be to
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the teacher, these are the main words that we want each of our children to hear from their parents. i remember well when i was little i said: "mom, you are not teaching me correctly, vera nikolaevna told me to write like this, and i will do it the way my first teacher told me, and my mother always supported it, and if today there is such support among the parent community, the question of prestige, teaching will generally disappear. it will not be relevant at all, today what is important to us is faith parents in us, if parents bring their children to study with us, they must be sure that we will definitely not teach them anything bad, and for this, the management of the educational institution works, selecting a team, forming it, setting it up for a working mood, that is, here administrative work is already underway, here work is being done with teachers of the educational institution, with teachers... institutions
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of higher education for the right attitude, so that our people do as they should for that, i will continue, what i started with, so that we were not afraid of growing old, so that we knew what the president said yesterday, that our children will continue to support us and become better than us, but the president also spoke about something else, the president spoke about the fact that there are no trifles in your work, and every teacher should understand this, and that a teacher should be impeccable, in this sense, we need to adhere to this high standard, this bar, because well... i absolutely agree with what my colleague said, but we ourselves must understand that we must raise our professional level, not to make mistakes, and that there is simply a declaration that i am a teacher of higher education, even if i am an associate professor, professor or something else, you cannot earn authority,
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you need to be this authority in fact, but the president also said that... there are a lot of, let's say, attacks from the outside on our education system, a lot , we are talking to you now, and i am proud of what i hear, and i understand that we are returning, we have left a lot from that soviet school that we had, and this is probably absolutely true, but that soviet school, our current education system is really being tried to belittle, well...
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they are lower, well, i've been to different educational institutions in different countries, and again, the leading educational institutions, these are the leading ones, who have achieved recognition there, at least in the field of art, and for them it's not at all like what hollywood movies show or something else, and they have very strict discipline, very - i returned from one internship there, my students were scared, because i tried to... i tried to apply those principles, which they have, that is, everything that is said, we have no freedom there, there, what we are often reproached for, in fact , everything is regulated much more strictly there, starting from appearance, ending with what can
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be said, how can be said, i remember my classmate, she also studied abroad for some time, she says, if phones were not so widespread then, if the phone rang there, you will not go into this classroom to this professor anymore, that is, everyone knew this, so we do not need to be shy about setting limits, we have a lot achievements for which we are criticized, but which, who do not believe that they actually exist, i recently just went to an interview on a program in moscow, and even in russia, this system of ours, the preserved distribution, for which we are constantly told about how bad it is, yes, they... they kind of perceive it as the greatest achievement, they say that it is true, you really do have all graduates get their first job, when we say that this is so, that a person is not abandoned to the mercy of fate - he searches for himself at 21 or 22 years old, depending on,
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who has finished their first job and doesn't know where to go, either as a waiter or to pike, he works in his profession, they perceive it as a miracle, even in the russian federation, although they have that... so they have when they need to work for the customer, but this is a target formula, this is almost our budget, yes, one of our highest achievements, but for some reason we are criticized for this all the time, you can have very different attitudes to this, so i don't think that they have something that you can learn from them, but this is far from everywhere as wonderful as they try to present to us and...
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the american education system, which , according to him, they laugh at there.
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we have frameworks and standards, we demand, we demand, and this is good, knowledge from children, today, a self-respecting teacher would not be happy to give the whole class three or four points, he would quit his job, no, i am a teacher, i am obliged to teach, this is again about the prestige of a teacher, i am not ready to agree that petya... masha, vova do not want to study, i am a teacher, i must teach them, this is probably what the soviet union taught us school, we can't do it any other way, and there is a certain indifference of the teacher, the teacher came, told and left, because even in japan up to the sixth grade there is practically no grade system of education, then somewhere around 13 years is the most difficult age for a person. within the framework of its definition, and general education ends, and you are already faced with a choice
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of the future, that is, you choose the direction of your activity, agree that it is very difficult to decide at such an age, rarely, i know from my work that very rarely children are determined, as a rule , parents are determined, you chose a profile, then you finish studying in this profile until you are 16, then you choose a profession with this profile, all this is not yours, and what to do next? our children are approaching the end of their education at the level of general-secondary education, and they already understand, they are already, i consider adults who make their choice, i always talk about this with parents, this is not your choice, this is the choice of your child, give him the opportunity to understand what he wants and support him as much as possible it in this, therefore in fact here is the notorious that we have versatile graduates. it is true, it is true, and yes, they know physics, but it is also needed in
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order to fix something at home at least, without inviting a master, to know how zaliro in china studies in a completely different way, a very busy education system, very large classes, just a child is the hope of the whole family and he has been mastering since the age of 7 - a very large volume of everything that a physicist needs, but it is also needed in order to fix something at home at least, without inviting masters, to know how to study for that is completely different, a very busy education system, very large classes , a child is the hope of the whole family and he has been mastering since the age of 7...
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well, excuse me, excuse me, there is a very high demand from this point of view. continuing the conversation about the american school, i think that how can a person claim higher education, who does not actually know where russia is located, this is true, this is not a joke. well, how, how can a person talk about the level of higher education with such the lack of basic general scientific knowledge, approaches, therefore. our guys are really very competitive, let me brag, we have very successful
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graduates this year, there is a 400-point result, we have eight hundred-point results, yes, the children study subjects at an advanced level, this is a gymnasium, this is only a profile, but this year we had a competition, i will remind you that today in our studio there were guests, the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and... yes, tomorrow, take care of yourself. dzіўnaya jumping natural wealth
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of belarus. the size of tayamnits can be adshukatsya in braslauschyna. here you will find enchanting lakes with an unusual quality, called “god’s water”. the name of the lake was inspired by the dzyakuyuchy abras, which reminds us of the waters. vozera is in the shape of a regular circle, which does not change for many hours. there is a shame that there are so many people on the right from heaven, and there is a wealth of such enchanting chandeliers in belarus.
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civil initiative, i come and they tell me, you have been approved, filming is in 10 days, they sent me to dina georgievna, i am with her i did some work, she says, you are thrown straight into the ocean, of course, i'm afraid, but i
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want, good evening, today we will sing good songs and tell heartfelt stories, i would really like people through little things, through animals, through nature, through beauty, to become kinder and better themselves, the project say don't be silent, don't miss. you'd think you knew what was holding me back 4 years ago, when mikhail andreev suddenly agreed to operate on me, we had no money, his operations are expensive, and you said that you would marry his daughter, i immediately did everything i understand, it's not him, she already tried to get rid of the child, tell me your conditions, i will only talk to alexey, watch the tv series family secrets on the belarus 24 tv channel. a delegation from zimbabwe is working in belarus, negotiations were held with the leadership of the ministry of industry, growth points for trade turnover have been identified, this is primarily agriculture, equipment supplies. belarusian tractors and combines will be sent to africa,
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while the partners are also interested in cooperation in the field of medicine and education. i lead the delegation, which includes representatives of the state, local authorities, industry, business, our president said, we need to closely cooperate with belarus, that is why we are here today, it is not only the economy that is interesting, we want to discuss the launch of joint educational programs so that students from zimbabwe come to study in belarus. we understand that agricultural machinery does not end, does not begin with a tractor, we work on combines, we work on trailer equipment. the experience of our country, they are trying to transfer, they want transfer to its market, respectively, a grain storage facility, respectively, maz equipment for grain transportation, that is, we have a very wide range for cooperation, for the continuation of zimbabwe. in 2024 , the ministry of industry of belarus and zimbabwe signed a memorandum of cooperation. the purpose of the document is to raise
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bilateral relations to a higher level, strengthen friendly relations and mutually beneficial ties between. countries. the multifaceted interaction between belarus and china will only strengthen. this was stated chairman of the house of representatives igor sergienko during a meeting with the ambassador of the people's republic of china to belarus sesi ayun, on the occasion of the completion of his diplomatic mission. during the conversation, it was noted that over the years of work in belarus, ayun was able to deeply immerse himself in belarusian-chinese projects, thanks to his participation, among other things , the landmark event of the adoption of the sco summit in september 2022 became a reality.
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the level of belarusian-chinese relations expressed confidence that it will continue to develop dynamically in all areas for the benefit of peoples of two friendly states. the days of the vitebsk region are held in pskov. an exhibition of belarusian large-sized equipment mtz, mas and amkador is located in the finnish park. a trade fair of 14 enterprises of the vitebsk region is also organized there, where you can taste the products. the vitebsk regional executive committee plans to sign a protocol to the agreement with the government of the pskov region. on cooperation in the economic, scientific, technical, cultural and humanitarian fields. the forum program includes dozens of events in the fields of culture, sports and tourism, education, health care,
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social protection for youth. the first rental house for teachers in belarus was ceremoniously opened for novosely today near minsk, its construction is an initiative of the minsk regional executive committee, which was supported by the president. many young specialists come to the region, the provision of housing will allow them to be assigned to the first working.
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houses. during the celebration of dozhinki, volozhin will become a pedestrian area. from the central square of the city to the embankment, colorful locations with musicians, artisans and shopping arcades. through culture, artists will recreate the original rituals of harvesting traditions in different countries. the new theater season at the yanka kupala national academic theater is open. the 105th anniversary begins with the legendary play paulinka. this is the oldest active theater production in belarus, which since 2019 has had the status of an intangible cultural value, a real calling card of kupala, a cheerful optimistic performance that says so much about the belarusian character and mentality. now in
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the theater's repertoire includes three new productions. the yard of my childhood based on the diaries of daniil filipovich, and the dawns here are quiet by russian director dmitry akimov and a new reading of pavel marinech's pisarev name day based on the play by vladislav golubok. belarusian swimmer igor boki won a gold medal for 17 years. at the paralympic games in paris. on the first day of competition, boki competed in the 100-meter butterfly. in the decisive swim , the athlete covered 100 meters in 54.13 seconds and won gold. this gold medal was the seventeenth for the belarusian paralympic games. the president of belarus congratulated the belarusian swimmer on his gold medal.
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in braslau, the azers are as blue as the early skies, which are in the right of the racing forest, at the beginning of the glowing dawns, the washing of creatures and the world, and the fall of hell, the accumulated azers are covered with charms , i smile at the suns, you look for yourself and never leave the sea, the bottom. what would be the golden color of the sun and the sun from the end, the accumulated azers, as if not most years ago, so much so and i would like to sustrezza, so that i don’t know.
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so that it’s all not in vain, so that it helps pray to people to help them repent, to become church-goers, as is the way sunday schools are taught today, one spiritual lesson, the law of god, one creativity lesson, one music lesson, and for the older ones, that is, adults, there are lectures on subjects, well , so to speak, more serious preparation, what is mercy, this is probably the food
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that we will always need. the era of western domination is becoming a thing of the past, the center of global progress, economic gravity, and even political decision-making is shifting to the south and east, no
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there will be no red lines, it exists. line: state border, as soon as you step on it, i say, as a border guard, the response will be immediate, it was absolutely necessary to buy something imported, if not gucci and versace, then that's it, i wear belarusian suits, we went to that very hotel where they sew new clothes for themselves, the president of the government, they brought us fabric from the orsha factory, they have made great progress in terms of technology, and i and the party monitor all foreign trips, working visits to our country, very proud when he... 27 import-substituting projects have been agreed with the russian federation, the project is aimed at modernizing existing production facilities. the amazing landscape of the belarusian lake district, upland and open lowland bogs, pine forests, floodplain meadows of the lake - this is the habitat of endangered animals and birds that you will not find anywhere else in belarus. the main topics on the main broadcast. watch on
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the belarus24 tv channel. 100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself. time has passed. how will you react if a person asks you to do something that is not suitable for him. well, i will also dissuade him somehow. there is a stereotype that all athletes are bad students, how did you study? we studied on a five-point scale, somewhere, of course, there were cs.
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eyes were all day, how it went, how i woke up there, what i ate, watch the project 100 questions to an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel . when you hear words of gratitude from patients every day, it is worth a lot, leaving work, at the end of the race, you always leave so inspired, so, and so many
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patients. came to say goodbye, so many words of gratitude, so many good reviews, so of course, the work of a doctor in any organization is hard work both physically and emotionally. we are in a unique hospital, a state institution, the republican hospital for speleotherapy. our speleotherapy hospital is unique in that it consists, so to speak, of two parts, this is the above-ground hospital, you see it in front of you, and the underground department, which is... located in 12 km from our hospital on the territory of the first mine, our ground department is also in an unusual place, this is the outskirts of the city of soligorsk, from the base of bor, we are located on the shore of the huge soligorsk reservoir.
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our patients not only breathe the unique air in the mines, yes, but also spend their leisure time, take walks here in our forest park zone, and in general speleo is translated from greek. as mines, speleotherapy began to be actively practiced only since the 19th century, in belarus speleotherapy began to develop only in the eighties x centuries, in the seventies, when the mines were built, our city was founded, this is the urban development enterprise belaruskari for our city, when the starobensky mine was opened, the rut , studies were conducted on the beneficial effect on diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, namely, staying in the rut sylvenite salts, and our hospital was founded based on scientific research,
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i am a general practitioner, head of the ponymology department, i arrived in soligorsk in 2014, my husband and i did not we are native soligorsk residents. and my husband was assigned here in 2012, not exactly to our special hospital, so we met in 2014, i got married and moved to the city of soligorsk, i myself come from the city of grodno, but i do not regret at all that i ended up in such a beautiful city, the city of seligorsk is very compact, cozy, you can relax here.
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gives me a lot of pleasure, every day we see the smiles of our patients, we hear words of gratitude from our patients. i can talk about our hospital for a very long time, it is. in fact, unique, but to feel all this, you must go down into the mine, visit our hospital, let me show you everything now.
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after a course of speliological treatment after 17 descents into the mine, yes, and the therapeutic effect lasts at least 6 months, on average - this is 9 months a year, in some patients it lasts for one and a half, even up to 2 years. our patients notice that if they had an exacerbation two or three times a year, they were hospitalized several times a year, then after a course of speliological treatment, patients, the patient feels more confident,
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that is, the patient who went down into the mine, he breathes easier, yes, he does not feel these precursors of attacks, the patient's emotional background also stabilizes, this is very important for the patient. we are now in our speleocrematic chamber, this is our, as patients call it, red speleoroom. it is very special, unique, you will not find such a place anywhere in belarus and anywhere in the world, yes, our speleoroom is made of selvenite rock, this is potassium chloride, here a... it has such a red, such a red color,
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it is special, all that we see now is the cutting of salt layers with the extraction of ore from the mines, in free time, unfortunately, this does not happen so often, yes, but my child periodically , once a year, once every two years , takes courses here, sessions with peleotherapy... we are still too young to visit, to go down into the mine, so we go as a health improvement, yes, here are sessions with peleotherapy, they are not long for us, as in principle and everywhere, a session pilitherapy in the spilioroom lasts 40 minutes, we have small patients from the city of soligorsk, adults come to us , not only with a disease... of the leg system, but also for health improvement, visiting
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the spiliorooms is very useful, yes, patients who come to us, they suffer from colds less often, colds are milder, the immune system is strengthened, yes, visiting the spiliorooms is very useful, but this spilioroom is unique in that it is rut ​​salt, yes, because basically everything, not basically, all... the linen of the room, it is sodium salt, white, yes, it is golit, it is a different salt, here, it is our ispelyukomnat, it turns out to be unique, you will not find this anywhere in any city of belarus, in any city, in any country. our little patients love to visit our red spelyukomnat, especially for them, it is equipped with a tv, where we show cartoons, on a chair, of course, they... cannot sit, they run here, play, we
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try to seat them, some bring with with their shovels, buckets, trying to arrange excavations here, but in general it is very fun here, now we are in our second speleo room, we call it a white speleo room or a halo chamber, and the effect of this speleo room is a little... from the red one, yes, as you can see, there are also layers of salt from the mine, but the main effect of this speleo room is sodium white salt, it is applied to the walls, it is sprayed through a halo generator, yes, and white sodium salt, it has more of an anti-inflammatory effect action, it improves the rheological properties of the macrota, patients feel better after visiting the speleo room. the macrota goes away, as
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a doctor i not only - observe how the disease progresses in patients, yes, their dynamics, how much certain indicators improve, which we can track with spirometry, peak flowmetry, yes, what we can see in numbers, yes, somehow touch something, see oscultatory. patients, yes, but patients also come to us, and just to relax, and to unwind, to change the environment, we all have now, so to speak, well, life is hard, we work a lot, and patients come to us, of course, not all, but most of them are tired, kind of gloomy, yes , that's it, and we see how the emotional background of patients changes here, yes, of course, this is connected with the fact that their
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quality of life improves, yes, some of their symptoms, the anxieties that worry them here, a little, decrease, yes, what worries them, it is clear, when we start to feel better, our mood improves, we blossom, and we see this in our patients, this is of course pleasant see, patients leaving us, they are, well, not completely different people, but these are people who are rested, yes, these are people who are more... these are people who look at the world with a slightly kinder look, people leave kinder than when they arrived from us.
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ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus. unique architectural monuments await you, the temple greets you with simplicity, high windows, and the belfry tower, it is the only entrance to the shrine. here, in the family estate, mikhail oginsky, together with his wife and children, spent, perhaps, the most fruitful years of his life. and today the composer's family warmly welcomes guests. bow and exit to the polonaise, this is a usual walking dance, they go the usual three steps, the fourth step goes from half-side and the most interesting historical facts: at that time krechev was surrounded by a fortress, now they only remind of it, perhaps, the name of the ancient settlement, the castle hill, and
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therefore its complete disappearance was only a matter of time, but still something interesting for tourists. watch in the program of the city of belarus on the belarus24 tv channel. meeting amazing people immersion in their profession. my name is mikhail pasmartsev, i am the head of the scientific department of the pripyatsky national park. the ecosystem is designed in such a way that the violation of one of its components will inevitably lead to the fact that all the others will change. and now we are on the territory of an open -air museum. this museum is.
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because in the same europe there are no longer such dense virgin forests that we still have in belarus. our mission is to preserve nature as it was before human intervention in it. many people love belarusian environmentally friendly products, i value this, i am proud of it and want the national park to grow and develop with our efforts, and we serve as an example for many people who come here. watch the project one day on our tv channel.
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and now we are in one of the underground departments of our speliological hospital, this is the second department, it was opened in 2012, it is considered newer, and here there is more red salt, and kolya's salt. action, our underground division, it unique, this is why patients and those who have antiallergic properties come to our hospital to go down to the mines here, some of the patients go down to the first department and are divided into a group, some of the patients go down to the second department, in general, the descents are carried out
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both during the day shift and during the night shift, and some of the patients walk here, rest and... spend the night here in the mines, this is the peculiarity of our hospital, that the procedures are released at night , and the patients who go down during the day, and they also have time rest, the so-called quiet hour, yes, this is a feature, nowhere in the hospital you will not see what we have, now we are. with you in the room where our patients rest, the uniqueness of our hospital is also that our patients have two beds, one bed in the above-ground department and the second... they have a bed here in the underground department and at the same time the descents are carried out both during the day
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and at night, some of the patients descending to the night descents rest here, practically sleep and receive speleotherapy. we have already descended to a depth of 420 and these are the deepest active mines in the world. naturally, in the lower sections of our bronchi, yes, where they have their therapeutic effect, our patients undergoing
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treatment here do not just descend and do nothing, yes, here they lead an active lifestyle, we have organized a beltstuk for patients, and patients here walk a lot, play volleyball, football, can play table tennis, there are poles for nordic walking, and many many ... patients note that in the first days of speleotherapy they can hardly walk two or three circles around the perimeter of speleo, well, our mine, when patients are already leaving, they note that it is easier for them to breathe, their physical activity and performance increase, they already walk 10 circles, they come to see the doctor, they say: doctor, my shortness of breath has decreased, now i walk not two circles. yes per session of peliotic therapy, but i walk 15 circles, yes, i can climb the stairs easier, it is easier for me to breathe, i feel easier, that's in this
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our direct treatment is here, unfortunately, i don’t go down into the mine as often as i would like, yes, this is due to the fact that our doctors are divided into two groups, so to speak, there are doctors who work in our ground hospital, and there are doctors who work... in the mine, in order to work in the mine, you need to undergo special training, it is expensive, yes, firstly, safety precautions, these are the rules of conduct in the mine, that’s why i’m not here so often, unfortunately, i’m not here i spent the night there, but i like it in the mine, maybe i'll think about moving here to work someday, anything is possible, many people think: or don't think, where did these mines come from in belarus? in fact, everything is very simple: it's the seabed.
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once upon a time, there was a sea on the territory of belarus, and these things that we see with you are layers of salt that remained after the ocean and the sea left. when work is carried out in operating mines, it is clear that we don't have this here. here in the mine, we don't have this here we will see in our spilaria, yes, and miners have repeatedly found skeletons of large ones - fish, some scorpions, yes, and even a whole museum was created at belaruskali, where you can see all these exhibits, not just our mine, this is just a mine, which someone just took and made, yes, this is a special air supply system, yes, air is supplied through a special system of labyrinths made of
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rocks, yes, 2.5 km long, the air passes very slowly, it is cleaned of dust, of microbes, of allergens, yes, it ionized, yes, by potassium sodium ions, yes, we can hear with you how easy it is for us to breathe here and... the concentration of salts, potassium sodium here significantly exceeds that of ordinary atmospheric air, this is the therapeutic effect of the mine, yes, the mine has antiallergic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effects, plus the mine also has a psychological effect, yes, we went down with you, we are cut off from the outside world, we are not affected by either electromagnetic fields or solar energy , yes, and we are 420 m underground, this is not the most short.


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