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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  September 1, 2024 12:35am-2:11am MSK

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quite an active lifestyle, apparently, yes, apparently, yes, just two questions, the first one, how to get to you, if you need to go by car, i understand, there is some kind of detour, this is us, this is our land that you mentioned, 94 hectares, and to get to it, you need to drive an hour on a tractor around it, yes, and this is basically a detour, so that it is clear, yes, here is the house, here are 94 hectares that you can, you can cultivate, but you can’t drive through like that, which we started. today, the ukrainian authorities are ready to fight with everyone, just to be on the payroll of washington and fulfill the suicidal dream of joining nato, only nato needs ukraine as a springboard for war at all. the fact that ukraine
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is not ready for peace was recently stated by alexander lukashenko, the reason was an incident in our airspace. why ukraine needs this, i do not understand, we clearly defined ourselves with them and conveyed this information to them that any provocations will not go unanswered. we are closely monitoring the situation and are ready to respond to...
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moving here, you burned the bridges there in the city, that is, you left something, some a safety cushion in case it doesn't burn out here, everything won't work out, here's one left, a bridge, a bridge, one bridge, one, for god's sake, is it really a bridge, there are no more, they burned everything down, you have four children, as i understand it, all the children were born on... here , yes, they are locals, that is, not one of them has ever, not for a second of their lives, lived in the city, how soon after moving , now you have a child, after 2 years, freely, it's not true that you're confusing everything, on december 7 we got married in the glubokoye registry office, yeah, and on december 19 the following year we had a co.
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that is, you walked for months, well, yes, three, yes, then, 9 years and 3 months, yeah , i remember it like it was yesterday, it was spring, yes, and a cactus, and what is the age difference now , for the oldest child and the youngest, how old? now remember, 11 for the oldest, 11, then - 9, 5 years for four, in general, no, 10, eight and six, 6, 8
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another installation, only a little closer to the river, tell me how everything is arranged here for children, for example, and the school? 8 km, the bus comes, picks up, and brings back, it is very well arranged here, in the morning they they leave, and they finish their studies - to their lessons, then they have after-school care, uh, that is, they go to a music school, that's all, until they are picked up and brought home, happy children, happy parents, as i understand it. i love it when children are at home, yes, yes, i really love it when children are at home, so the holidays are a great time for me, i love to see them, but i also love it when they come home with victories, new pieces of music are played there, something interesting happens to them, what about the store, well, we
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can't tear ourselves away from civilization for everything 100%, yes, you have your own milk, you have cheese, you have a car, we are in the city more often than the visitors, that is, here... we have our own dairy products, our own meat products, we buy a big bag of bread, we bake our own, yeah, that is, in principle, we have all the products, well , all these vegetables, we have our own completely, well, why do we go for salt, sugar, we
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go for matches, walking around the territory of our heroes, i came across a very strange, but at the same time interesting structure, sergey offered me to pass a small test, now i want. guess the profile of this establishment by this installation so well this is a gear - i don't know a clock maybe a mechanism of something a tank this is a wheel just a wheel here is a chain a knot this i don't know in order to maybe get up or here is the background, but from left to right, from left to right, what to grab onto it and no just without vertical, what do you want to pull it closer, closer to the topic, it can be, it kind of reminds me of, and a star, a bottle cap, the sun,
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wow, only not the sun yet still not beritsa, on the right, well, chain - and if you pull, then for what if this is a slippery topic, i don’t know - for for for for to pull for what for this knot, she never pulled just for a knot, yeah, it’s a knot, so stop, the sun and the knot, knot, i ’ll give you a hint, yes, the only one, the sun in english, that’s it, bathroom, i want to say that in i’m from the village already, as in a famous other tv series there is a museum, they hand in canned goods and other things, we have our own museum of bathrooms.
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i like it, and petya, and how do you help your parents, there is something that you do here you do it all the time, that's something that 's definitely about you, petya, what are you doing here in general, do you help your parents or not, vanya, and what are you doing here, how do you help, i watch tv, yeah, katya, what do you do, do you help your parents, make cheese, make cheese, do you like making cheese or well... or your parents just ask you to help, and you can't refuse them, help, help, our heroes have
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a dream, to build a traditional belarusian village, a village where everything will be like before, traditional recipes, crafts, architecture, everyday life, a plan, to put it mildly, ambitious, so i suggested to sergey and maria to start with something simpler, well, then we will be dwarfed, yes, first the bridge, and well, yes, with you... the most important thing is that we will be heard, thank you for this day, thank you, thank you very much, our
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heroes are reviving traditional belarusian cheese making, without asking anyone for anything, all at their own expense. something tells me that the situation with the bridge should not fall on their shoulders. i really hope that in the foreseeable future this issue will be closed and something good, maybe even unexpectedly, but it will happen.
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oleshka, i'm listening, alexandrovich, i'm, hello. well, hello again, after all, it's the first time at such a speed, at such
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an altitude. altitude 1900, course 350, speed 2.500, to the drop point 10, get ready for the etapult, since i understand, get ready for the etapult.
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speed ​​and altitude, our dream, our bread, hypersonic aircraft, for example, 6.00 km / h, transport ships that take off like rockets and land like airplanes, all this is being worked on today, now, but not a single machine will get off the ground until it is created rescue... technology, so, someone has to be first of the first.
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in essence, who are you and me? so, half-engineers, and half-cattle, we toil, we burn, we check with you, who knows about this, no one, here, and i say, no one, at best, the newspapers will print the name and the first letter of the surname: miter, maxim, s, well, of course, better...
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the remote control saved my life when i was burning over the sea, sorry, i can't help, it's a pity.
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rotation, strong rotation, very strong!
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not quiet. we must behave smartly, what you do, so do i, what i do, so do you, i don't understand, they expect from us optimism and you and i will give it out, who said, me and my boy, i give you this song, calculate your strength, if
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you can't say, oink-oink, drive, don't be shy, comrades, please come in,
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based on the film footage, the questions will be: elbow, did you see the elbow? so, you think that this deflected elbow created a torque, or maybe the opposite? at first, we see the test subject from the back, that is , sideways to the oncoming flow, and the elbow acts as a steering wheel, it helps the chair stabilize. i don't know, well, ideas, hypotheses, thoughts, do you have any? rabbit, you are an engineer, that's what i'm thinking. alexander ivanovich, a fly is certainly a formidable beast, but still a fly is not an elephant. radevich held out, i also remained unharmed, a pilot is no dumber than us , he can handle it. no, we testers
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prepare for the experiment for weeks, months, both physically and psychologically, we know the day, we know the hour, this is a planned day in our lives. a pilot, his job is to fly, not to save himself. in an emergency, he first of all fights for the machine, a catapult is his last chance. he can be wounded, and when under such overloads, he won't be able to do anything. therefore, the system must be simple. convenient and extremely reliable, and you, maxim, don't get all worked up, you won't land on enthusiasm, you can sing a song on enthusiasm.
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the parachutes worked normally synchronously, which means there are no grounds for complaints about our service. we modeled different options in different conditions, once again carried out a test with a dummy, carefully calculated everything on the machines, here are the graphs. the parameters are within the specified limits, there are no deviations, the data from the recording equipment confirms that the results of the experiment are in accordance with the calculations. a... somatics worked flawlessly, so in our part everything is in order, so the reports sounded so optimistic, at least i present for awards,
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only ratkevich's conclusion is in the way. dmitry, why are you silent? i wrote everything in the conclusion, the rotation is too big, i think that the sail system is not ready. and in my opinion, it's not a big deal. considering that this is not a gentleman's carriage, but an ambulance. indeed, it's impossible to fit it in there. and by the way, ratkevich himself is alive and well, alive and healthy. is this an argument, more than, not an argument. yes, everyone is wrong. right, you don't even admit such a thought, and elementary pragmatism, to submit work on time,
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for example, is necessary. to prove that two times two is five, this simple idea sometimes unites an entire team, but the truth is not determined by a majority of votes, well, that's what i 'm talking about.
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come here, excuse me, people have a golden wedding, and you're screaming, you didn't even congratulate me, i have no more strength, quit sports and don't bother my head, well, joseph,
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hello, grandpa, great, great, heavenly guest, let me chop some wood for you, well, come on, come on, come on, eh!
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why did you ban me from jumping? well , are you going to ride a bike? no, after each jump you feel something like love, how do you know about love? i guess, i
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love you.
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by the sea, by the blue sea, with me, you are next to me, the sun is shining for us both, all
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day long, come to us farewell fish soup, and seagulls are flying over the waves, ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, unique architectural monuments await you. the temple greets
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simplicity: high windows and a belfry tower, which is the only entrance to the shrine. here in the family estate. mikhail aginsky, together with his wife and children, spent perhaps the most fruitful years of his life. and today the composer family warmly welcomes guests. a bow and an exit to polones. this is a regular walking dance. they walk the usual three steps, the fourth step comes from a half-squat. and the most interesting historical facts. at that time, krecheva was surrounded by a fortress. now they remind us of it. except that the name of the ancient settlement, the castle hill, and therefore its complete disappearance was only a matter of time, but still something interesting for tourists remained. watch the program
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of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . 100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. you have one minute to briefly. tell about yourself, time has passed, how will you react if a person asks you to do something that is not suitable for him? well, i will also dissuade him somehow. there is a stereotype that all athletes study poorly, how did you study? we we studied on a five-point scale, somewhere there were of course threes, and fours, fives, well, in different ways. is there a red sector to your right? the next question from there: hello, my name is denis, and what kind of dad are you?? i guess there is some kind of dad, i don’t know if he’s good or bad, you’re the first belarusian to win the olympics in freestyle, and how did you feel when you were standing on the podium? the first night i couldn’t sleep at all, i couldn’t
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fall asleep, because i closed my eyes, i had the whole day in front of my eyes, how it went, how did i wake up there, what did you eat, watch the project 100 questions for adults. on the belarus 24 tv channel. you are talented, oh, you know how tired i am of work, success, eternal stress, achieved something, you are afraid of losing, you can not have, but ... and if god forbid, as you say
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talent, you know how scary it is, really, oh-oh-oh, but in my opinion talent is a breakthrough, there is so much inside that you give, give, it still does not end, they will say that you are a bezdan, flutter, do not flutter, it will not help, there is a deadly power in words, i must say about myself, bread grows around the corner, bread grows around the corner, even on... a brave partner acts
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on me, it's easy to be brave when you have nothing to lose, oh. grass, man, it's all grandpa, he dries hay especially for me. "marry me, you've scraped together, had a drink, or something, you know how cold it was, we could get pneumonia, were we looking for treasure, or something, yeah, eagles, i was vaska, nothing can be done, the whole story consists of the personality that moves it, and vasik, but without them you can't..." do without, then you want to marry me,
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of course, when tomorrow, so urgently, maybe the day after tomorrow, i don't like to put it off, i want us to have two ch... two, it's wonderful, how stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid it all is!
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an exciting prospect, as if there was nothing more important in life, who are you that i would marry you? well, tell me, who? i love you. i love you, i love you, just think, like in the past centuries
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. can't you really come up to me and kiss me? why can i? you can't,
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you can't. it doesn't say that it's like that? that's how it is. mitenka is obviously busy with something that isn't her business. there was a mistake.
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well, to the meeting. remember how i wanted to surprise the world, it turned out there was nothing to give, not true, true, i'll call, olya, it's me. olya, you know who i met, masha, no, krylova, the very one, from her, what sugar, oh yeah, i went for sugar, got to an exhibition, met masha, listen, god bless him with the jam, olya, olya, no one has ever
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asked me to stay here. always, nothing, everything passes, like love, how long have we not seen each other, 8 years. eternity, yeah, that year my grandmother died, you see, mistress, even kindness is not immortal, who
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did i say that? yes, you are some georgy, hello, georgy, i understand, mash met her old friend, could you call later, it's up to you. by the way, i'm going to marry him, no need, why, well, no need at all. yes, it's all out of boredom, ted doesn't go there, he has his own life,
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goes to his granny's grave, drinks quietly, and i, vitenka, am already over 30. and you got scared, hid in a dark corner, no one cares, because you're a rich woman, mash, there's so much in you, what are you afraid of, what, well, remember, i told you, the grain grows around the corner, don't be afraid, i'll now and i'm not afraid, i met you and i won't let you go, it's impossible.
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pie, do you want it, i won't allow it, it 's all nonsense, when you can't, but you really want it , then you can, you know how my stomach hurt when i was a child, i wasn't allowed to run or jump, but i still trained on the sly, then i jumped a meter 30, everyone says, wow? delicious, yeah, eat it, i didn't have any maquis in the morning, but i had trouble, even
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if i died, no need, otherwise i'll drag you to the cemetery, radkevich, where do you want, i'm waiting and waiting for you, i was fired from work, it's all because of you!
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thank you, only moonshine can be drunk from such glasses, have you ever drunk it, have you ever drunk it, with mashka. she loves champagne exclusively, a thing, how much money do you need to treat her, what are you going to, in general we'll spend the night at maxim's, well, i'm afraid alone, well, what if you... have nowhere to live, live, that's it, i really need you,
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at night under the moon in the deserted sea the gangway blew and blew the relentless wind, and the house of the pistering in the settlement of earthlings was shaken by the tremors of variables. don't come near, if you take another step, oh, it hurts, let go, you miserable hooligan, you do you think that if i'm madly in love with you, then i'm so... you just let me go without beautiful words, without love, i'll jump, may i fall through this hole, i'll jump, thank you, at least you didn't kill me. not
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to catch a cold.
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the radkeviches live here, yeah, yeah, i'm olga , what olga, well, hello, i wrote to you to mitya, i'm his wife, mitya wrote that
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he was going to get married, oh, well, my god, it took a long time. and i brought you a present, i spent all the money, mitka tells me, his mother loves candy, and since that's the case, i ran around the whole city, my god, how much joy, thank you, but in general i came to you i came to give birth, and why didn't mitya come? oh, mitya, i don't have time, he's either pregnant or he's undergoing a test, he's preparing for the test. oh, what am i saying, actually, it's still a secret.
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you're looking at me like that, but it's not just for me, but for the little one too. you probably think that i'm no match for your mitya, and you have a profession, of course, i'm a battery operator on sports planes, but i was fired from work, i stole a car, oh, a car, a gazik, of course i wanted to put it back in its place later, but i got into an accident, so mitya decided to become a tester, yeah, well, how do you feel about it, and what is usual, well, on the one hand, of course, it's scary, on the other
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hand, they say they pay big money. you can't do this for money, why not? and we don't even have our own bed. the most current event in the world of sports: the belarusian youth track and field team won 25 medals in total in
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a match against the russian team. work and discipline give results. this is the principle by which he works this off-season bobruisk. hard training, exciting competitions. when you lift the cup, for the very first time, this is probably the most. 24 they were born in different parts of the world, i am tarakanova lyudmila, i have been living in belarus for more than 30 years, i came from russia, from the ancient
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city of ryazan. syria is my homeland, i love it very much, but it so happened that i decided to go to belarus, get an education as a cameraman. everyone found something for themselves here. so i am engaged in the creation of clothes and it makes me so happy, i am happy that people use my beauty, use my skills and appreciate it. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. belarus gave me the awareness of my dignity as a person and gave me.
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i called you at work, but what happened? i don’t understand anything, mom, i received your telegram, mitya, you are without a hat, mom, what does this mean, the post office sent money for a bed, what kind of bed, what kind of money, i only have to fly away for an hour, mom, do you love her, mitya, she loves me very much, it’s terrible, mitya, why, in my opinion, it would be worse if i hadn't figured anything out and left, remember how i suffered when masha, always respond to love with dignity, but mommy is kind, very kind, well, she is, if you want to know, but mitya, to risk life for the sake of your own bed and
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other such nonsense, mitya, it seems in youth that life is long, that you can try this and that, well you could think that about me, a chair, a bed, well, what do we sit on, what do we sleep on, well you understand, i understand, mitya, but everything passes, but the human spirit remains, you understand, the spirit?
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huh, hi, i don't see your face, what happened, oh no, well i'm your wife, i should know how you are there, well what not, i 'll tell you, stop with it, that's all. and
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don't laugh, you understand, i have things to do there, very important, necessary things, maybe i was born for them , that's why you're getting into it, you yourself don't really know, unless it's because of me, no need, you 'd better give birth to a girl for me. ratkevich. okay, mitka, give it a go,
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i met a woman, a copy of masha, is she here or something? yes, i saw her, once, well of course, you wouldn't dare more, not on a grand scale that would be enough, what did you say to the boss, am i crazy, do you hear me or not, i hear, i hear, well, how could you write such a conclusion, what is there, you wrote the truth, only the truth, oh, what kind of truth is that, and that there are two or three, i don’t understand you, quiet, quiet, quiet, mitya, don’t get worked up, only now because of this conclusion , us first of all, you and me.
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we must, we must, you can throw them wherever you want, as you like, and we, by the way, have blood in our veins and an engine on the left, not stuffed with sawdust, okay, you’re not the only one with a conscience yes, okay, that's it, the conversation is over, yes, i 'm also tired of this.
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you're not chilling here, no need to make a fever, well, listen, i'm listening, and now you listen to me, if you don't want to, you don't have to , so you think it's about the stabilizing parachute. and why are there no comments, another mode? no, brother, we've calculated everything, something's wrong here, what do you think, did maxim lie, hide it? the result of the filming is unsuccessful, it's hard to control what comes out, either maxim is lying, or, excuse me, your calculations are wrong, or i'm to blame for the rotation. a vicious circle,
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i won't work for you, i can't, i don't want to, you don't want to, go, go, protector, the only one, how old is your daughter? eldest or youngest, and you already have two, the younger one is elite, and elite. martian princess, we need to check in the air again, i 'm ready, fanasev, found you, no,
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huh? what, have you calmed down? radkevich himself suggests repeating the experiment, but to give a conclusion that the catapult system is ready, he can't, no, i won't let him or the streltsy in, but until we understand what's what, yes, yes, i'll take myself. these very means of salvation, seryozha, create people who also have one single life, here it is.
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tak tobie i mnie, zabiję serce, które wie, że życie treść, pełniejszą ma, gdy kocha się, nieraz, nie dba, jeszcze nieeraz, nie dwa, nie trzy, zabłysną w twoich oczach łzy,
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jeszcze nie raz, jdzie ktoś, z kim chciałeś swój, połączyć. "hello, zoe, hi, what are you doing, i came from the cinema, happy, who did you go with, the neighbor, are you having a movie romance with him, mine, mine is drying up at work, what should i watch, and what will i watch, am i a detective, yes well, honey, you're just"?
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and he disappears somewhere for days on end, no, well why do you call, call, until you get tired of it,
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i got home completely drunk. you show up, were you at her place again, who said that, me and you
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don't even find it necessary to justify yourself now to such a fool as me? why didn't you feed me? do you know who she is, your masha? i don't want to talk, i 've shot people like that, you need to respect, respect and trust the person who is next to you, but i can't do this, i can't do this and i don't want to, you better leave, take it, leave, okay. i'll leave, just not now, now i'm going to sleep,
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sleep, little one, sleep.
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you get it at work, do you think i don't i understand, here i am, poor man, poor! "i married you to myself, i thought you would love me, but you couldn't, what no, i understand that you live with me out of pity, but i don't want to, i can't do this."
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damn, what's wrong, the doors need to be closed, senora, where is dmitry, he's sleeping, wake him up, what are you doing, it's already night, and at night all the problems end, what happened? well, that's it, maxim streltsov has finished shooting, what's the matter, my leg, you see, has gone beyond the dimensions of the chair, and i missed it, missed it, in the picture, remember, my leg is greased, do you know what it's called? i know, bastards. this is if you noticed hid, but you did not notice, an unconscious mistake, it
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can happen to anyone, we are going to prince. don't leave me alone, mitenka, i can't live without you, i will die right away, live as you know, go wherever you want, just come back, mitenka, i you, we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, together with the audience
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we will prepare a delicious breakfast. good morning, i am very glad to see you in my kitchen today. this will be one of my favorite breakfasts, we will cook zucchini olat with red fish, in addition to this let's make a healthy green salad. vlad, good morning, glad to see you in my kitchen. today we'll make an omelette with zucchini and cottage cheese and spinach filling. and we'll get a boost of energy for the whole day. and the third exercise will be a crunch for the press, this will help you maintain a good figure. bend your legs as much as possible. move them to your buttocks, lie down and slowly rise, we'll have three exercises, at a light, calm pace, repeat all the movements, and your joints, your muscles, your body will thank you, stretch your legs forward, take a deep breath, raise your hands up, lower them down,
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touch your right hand, left hand diagonally, look at the project,
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beautiful, so self-sufficient, among all the rivers, it feeds all our paleshuks. paleshuks, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. eşingi bunga veril, düş oğlum, ıh, ıh, taklı, dur, dur, hani,
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congratulations, the task is completed. the sail system works great, oh, be careful, guys, i think i broke my leg, well, i'm serious , guys, it hurts, but be quiet. yura, do you want an apple? why are you silent, what's wrong what's going on with you, yura? i've had a fracture. yes , a fracture, a fracture, well, brother, it's your own fault, you should do figure skating, breathe fresh air, develop your muscles, why
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do something that no one has ever done before, and is unlikely to do, why, they will, you are sure of it, but this is devoid of common sense, and i say, they will, well, okay, fine, they will, so what will this product make cheaper or increase wages? decrease, increase, why do you reason like that, dad, after all, people do something for free, right, well, they probably have their own reasons, hello, good afternoon, good afternoon, oh, spiegel, thank you, thank you, what are you, a magician, to tell you honestly, almost, dad, he's a clown, a real clown, yes, i see, yes
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, york, we just read that ovchinnikov, when he does a triple axel, flies 6 m in the air, can you imagine, 6 m, what 6 m, no, he's had enough, that 's enough, he's done his jumping, let others do it, now, i don't understand, he's my only son, well, i'm also alone, my mother's, yes, put other people's necks on the line, your own will survive, but what should a poor clown do if he has he doesn't have someone else's neck, that's enough, there's only one, and there's no other, that's enough, maybe it's very funny, but that's your profession, a clown is not a profession, a clown is a worldview, yeah, and what do you want, for him to break his own neck first, right?
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on earth, that god grant them to cope with all this here, and now space, yeah, this space will come back to haunt us, well, why are you laughing, it's funny, no, nothing. well , your patients are making a lot of noise, sister, i beg you, i demand that my son be transferred from here to another ward, i'm not going anywhere, yura, no i'll go, i won't go, two, three, so, well done, three, four, hop, so, more attentive, one, two, hop, hold your legs, hold them, legs, legs, hold them, well done!
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let's rest, it's okay, we'll bring the sore leg up to the healthy level, so that it can stand, like this, the eternal question. what is the extent of a mother's power over the child she gave birth to, when can she hold him back, when does he have the right not
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to listen to her? maybe when he made his first jump, she should have grabbed him with her hands, not let him go, he wasn't made for this, he's skinny, timid, it's funny to say. in the tenth grade i buttered my bread for a grown guy, made sandwiches, he loved cheese. my boy, i'm talking nonsense, he won't stand up, and if he hadn't succeeded in what he had planned, i would have gone crazy, although i was terribly afraid, 24 hours a day. no,
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i had to, i had to insist, play tennis, white suits, rackets, applause, well, spectacularly, it would have been a different life, a different person. not my son, and then in old age, all people grow old, even children, when the time came to sum up, he would not have forgiven me for this.
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you little brat, you snot-nosed brat, figure out for yourself what you are you do, i'll kick you out to hell, with a delay, you see, he's interested in jumping, inquisitive, you know what such curiosity is worth, it's worth a life, you know,
2:06 am
it's worth a life. first learn to control the dome, now i'll tell you, you can, but in short, this is your last word, well, joseph konstantinovich, i calculated everything exactly, i was just afraid of landing near the geese with a gosling, what other geese, well , ordinary geese, geese like, biting , i didn't wait to pounce on me, and i was also scared of the geese, well, three more adults goose and fifteen boys, you see , you counted, you said that a person in the air gets dull from great stress, and you decided to test it on yourself? i'll kick you out anyway, your mother is waiting for you there, your mother with the geese!
2:07 am
mom, why do you go to the airfield? what airfield? i don't go anywhere? are you not feeling well? no, have you read these stories? which ones? bradbury, ray bradbury. i read, do you even know who you were talking to there, i don't know, some master of sports, a trainer, probably this bradbury is cruel, not his hero, himself author, cruel, why are you sighing, don't you feel well, mom, he's not just a coach, but a senior, he's not just a master, but an honored master, son, there are fools among the honored too. what did you tell him? nothing, did he
2:08 am
get so angry at me? or maybe he really is right that he wants to get rid of me? i'm not clumsy like a pullman. stupidity! you once climbed such a high tree that even the climber... the fire department was called, i have a slow reaction, remember how i almost fell off the ladder, and you caught me, mom, i ... us, i tremble before every jump, no glevishchi, every normal person is afraid of heights, even napoleon was afraid, hey!
2:09 am
mom, wait, wait, quiet, your mom can't get out, and i got to zero, you understand, on a parachute to zero, i took first place, and i feel sorry for the dog, i took first place, no one believes me,
2:10 am
pardon me, if the dog dies, i 'll get the hell out of here, people are not worth the one who offended you like that, no need, now you'll say that people are not so bad... what's her name? nadya, nadya, nadezhda, ma, ah, i dropped out of college, but i realized that medicine is not my thing, i i'm going to go to aviation school. mom, i really wanted you to do the same as dad, i
2:11 am
dreamed about it, well, of course, if you object,


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