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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  September 1, 2024 7:20pm-7:50pm MSK

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a quick puck was sent into the opponent's goal by paloch forward egor aleshin, who later scored twice in this match. thus, the khimik becomes the prize-winner of the ruslan salei cup for the first time. in addition , the champion of the tournament will be determined today, in these minutes of youth and shakhtar are competing for the gold medals of the championship. arshensky witten, four-time winner of the belarusian mini-football super cup on the parquet in mogilev, in a duel for the first trophy of the season , the team beat the current champions of the country, the athletes of the capital, 7:4. a hit trick in the camp the winners were drawn up by sergey senitsky.
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shametka lyubov grigoryevna became a liaison for the partisan raid cavalry group in 1942, and was also a member of one of the underground groups in cherven. the girl carried out very
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important assignments, through other underground fighters who worked in the police, hospital and other institutions of the occupiers, she obtained weapons, medicines, salt, paper and passed all this on to the partisans. on march 2 , 1943, the gestapa tracked down and detained a cart with weapons heading into the forest. among them among those arrested was lyuba shamitka. for 3 days the fascists tortured the girl, trying to beat information about the partisans and underground fighters out of her, but neither torture nor death threats broke lyuba's fortitude, she did not give up any of her comrades in the struggle. on march 6, she was shot.
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what meaning do modern painters put into their works, and so that all this was not in vain, so that it helped people to pray, so that it helped.
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the heart of a compassionate soul, what unique shrines are kept in belarusian churches? here we have the holy relics of the martyr vanefaty roman, and vanefatiy... this is the patron helper of such a sin, which many, many people face, this is the sin of drinking wine, this particle of relics, which came to us just from greece, the answers to these and other questions in the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel . on december 31, 1997, a 39-year-old resident of menka left home in his car for a business meeting
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with a business partner and disappeared. the man did not get in touch for several days, in early january of 1998 he contacted by phone with relatives and acquaintances. these were calls to immediate relatives, close relatives, as well as calls to the company he headed. he asked for certain amounts of money to be transferred to bank accounts, which subsequently two or three payments were made, quite large amounts of money at that time. since then, he has stopped communicating and his further fate was unknown until 2023. after the man's disappearance, his relatives contacted the police. the operatives began searching. for many years, minsk police officers will establish circumstances of this mysterious case, but everything will become clear only after 25 years.
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after the wild nineties, operatives often had to piece together the picture of contract killings, robberies , kidnappings, and more often than others, the capital's police were involved in such work, in minsk , criminal showdowns were a private matter. all these groups, which they called themselves differently there, in different guises, of course, we with the committee on organized crime tried to find leaders.
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disappeared. in general, veterans of the minsk police, that time was one of the most difficult tests for law enforcement officers. police officers were not perceived as such. we were sometimes embarrassed to wear uniforms, we were sometimes embarrassed to walk with our beloved girlfriends in uniforms. this left its mark. plus, there were a lot of things around that were connected with bribery, abuse, corruption, when all this happens, you see all this, of course, here every police officer probably made a choice for himself at that time, with who i am, whose side i am on, and i want to say to my credit that the overwhelming
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majority of the minsk police officers remained on the side of the law, the bright side of those things... it wasn't easy, we had cases when criminals shot at a traffic patrol officer while on duty, we had cases of unauthorized runs over police officers, yes, traffic patrol officers , we had to go through all of this. in the early nineties, the streets of the capital of belarus sometimes resembled movie locations gangster petersburg. the gangsters divided the territory among themselves, the markets had their own rules. at the same time, the number of crimes such as robberies and burglaries increased, racketeering began to spread sharply. along with these offenses , the number of cases of drug use and their illegal turnover increased, but even in these difficult times, the minsk police tried
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to ensure order on the streets. we understood that if we do not eliminate this position today, you understand, it will be much worse. and you remember when the workers were shooting here. i also remember that the police used it, and we clearly defined if an operative or a district inspector understood that it was necessary to use weapons, we gave... in the criminal investigation line it remained one of the lowest in the republic. another
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historical period when the capital's police had a very hard time was the post-war years. after the liberation of minsk in july 1944, the nkvd troops again organized and began working in the city. it not only took measures to establish order in the capital, but helped residents in sorting out the rubble. many nazis hid in the city ruins. soldiers officers on the night of july 5-6, 1944 they broke through to obuvnaya street with a fight decided to escape from the city, but putin was blocked by police officers, fighters of the internal troops and partisans, the surviving fascists surrendered, in august 1944 by order of the nkvd bssr, number 00614 the police department of the city of minsk was officially organized. we from...
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in the beginning of 2000 means and methods of activity the internal affairs bodies continued
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to improve taking into account the developing operational situation, their structure and organizational and staffing structure changed, necessary adjustments were made to the organization from the system of services of the divisions, the efficiency of using personnel potential increased, international cooperation in the field of combating various types of crime expanded, and the normative was updated. you won’t be there yourself, then you won’t, as they say, scratch your head and think, how
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was it there, what to do there, how is it there, how is it organize this, this disclosure, who to involve? it was aleksandr rakov who headed the minsk police in that difficult time, as the general recalls, there was enough work, unlike our time, when numerous video surveillance cameras help to solve crimes, then it was necessary to work on the ground, resorting to traditional interrogations of witnesses. to solve one crime, it was necessary to interrogate about a dozen people, there was no modern equipment for conducting examinations either, then in general a policeman was like a universal soldier, sometimes i had to do the work of an operative, an expert and even an investigator, it is good to lead in this position when you have an understanding of how things are on the ground, here is the basis of the basics, after all , in how much a person, working on the ground, understood these problems and... to a higher position, how to solve these problems so that the personnel were interested in having law and order,
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the personnel were interested in helping a person, did not think about the fact that i need to report to the commander with some kind of sticks, numbers, etc., including thanks to the measures taken by the minsk police then, today on nemiga, as well as in all of minsk, it is almost impossible to see a company singing in the street, and the guys have become a familiar sight... with a sick ball on scooters near the horizontal bars. all this is the result of both the state policy in general and the conscientious work of the minsk police. the workload of the employees of the internal affairs agency. the highest, of course, in the city of minsk, this is any division, criminal investigation department, district police officer, it is really very big, but the question is probably different, the minsk police are used to judge the police of the whole country, and this is really so, many times it was the capital's police that was given the burden of ensuring the security
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of such grand sporting events as the world hockey championship and the european games. then the streets of minsk were really tense for them those days, but the exam was passed successfully and not a single really serious crime or incident was recorded in those days, as much as possible from the eyes of our... citizens, our employees do everything so that they feel safe, are comfortable on the sites and do not feel any danger. behind all this is the enormous work of more than one team in each district, firstly , differently, at each site everything happens differently, yes, we search, yes, we check , we check bags, we also check the presence of those
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items that citizens take with them, this is safety. it was only in our time that we managed to shed light on the kidnapping of a businessman. k his business partner, with whom the missing man had agreed to meet and discuss the details of the debt repayment, was involved in the crime. on the day of his disappearance, the man arrived at the appointed time for the meeting by car, after which the partners headed to a rented apartment on rafiyev street. there, four of his friend's accomplices, who were part of a criminal group that was collecting debts from a businessman, were waiting for the debtor.
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the suspects sent several parcels. the packages contained explosive devices, which were discovered and defused in time police officers on the facts of attempted murder, criminal cases were opened. one of the most difficult tests for the capital's police officers occurred in 2020. dozens of locations throughout the capital with mass riots, hundreds of provocations of so-called peaceful protesters, in fact armed young men and thousands. detentions, thanks to which it was then possible to bring down the wave of radicalism of society and restore order. it was the minsk police that found itself at the forefront then. amon stood to the end in front of aggressive crowds. smoke bombs were thrown at the nikami flashbang grenades, and the buildings of the central police department, the bchb youths even tried to attack, but then they stood firm,
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stood firm and showed an example of how to defend your hometown. yes, it was very difficult, everyone understands perfectly well the twentieth year, it was very difficult, but thanks to the fact that we were ready, the personnel were trained, we managed to restore order and resist the evil that was on our streets in 2020. by the way, it was during that difficult time that the center for monitoring public
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security since the twenty-first year , the video surveillance service has been operating, here they began not only... to promptly identify offenses, well, to establish the identities of intruders using a smart facial recognition system. the public safety monitoring center was finally formed in 2023. starting from 20021, 2021, we had a number of cameras in minsk, just over a thousand, entered into this system. now it's 2024, and we have... increased the number of surveillance cameras by tens of times, artificial intelligence probably didn't exist then, no one could have imagined that something like this would happen, that's why. at present, it is such a serious help to the entire law enforcement unit in carrying out the tasks assigned to them. just 10 years ago , similar technologies, when
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a person could be identified from a photograph using video cameras, seemed like science fiction, invented for the tv series the investigation. today, it is a reality not only in police stations of successful countries, but also in the main department of internal affairs minsk. thousands of cameras are connected to the system throughout the capital, including. from stores, shopping centers, banks and other important city facilities. in an instant, the operator can move from one end of minsk to the opposite, if necessary, to another city, and it is possible to identify not only a criminal, but also any car, you just need to enter the registration number of the car. and all convicts registered with criminal-executive inspections are also under surveillance. for example, if a person has a suspended sentence and he decides to skip. any object, here the employee at his workplace
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receives the so-called alarm monitor, which we express in the form of a sound signal, having received this alarm monitor, the police officer, the employee of the monitoring center specifically, checks the similarity of this person with the object of interest to us, here in case. if this information is confirmed, it is also transmitted to the initiator of the search. attention squad, i am minsk, attention squad, the nearest squad 755-744 must urgently leave the intersection of zhukovsky street, mogilevskaya draka, 10 person. this is another place in the minsk internal affairs directorate where ordinary people are not allowed to enter. the office of the operational duty service. here , the most important locations are monitored. but if necessary, the duty officer can also connect to any camera in minsk, this is most often needed when a crime is committed, because operational intervention
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and inspection of the scene, even online, is one of the components of solving a crime, we immediately inspect the scene of the incident that was committed, if it is a serious crime, then immediately senior operative or duty officer displays video at the scene, watch this really. how exactly they have a flexible psyche and high stress resistance, sometimes during a shift you have to take several hundred calls, the total number of calls on a normal day
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is about one and a half thousand, on a weekend even more. police gardener, what can we help you with? today , you can report offenses and transfer information about incidents to minsk police officers through a chatbot. basically, messages are sent here via the road line security, the share of such messages is more than 80%. if we talk about the city of minsk, then here is the newest technology, because to a certain extent the capital... police officers are a model, everything is tested here, here any innovations that we introduce, we, of course, test them, try them out in the capital
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region, because all significant political events take place here, well, and other cultural and mass events, therefore all new technologies are here, last year employees... criminal investigation department of the capital police identified six members of the gang that killed a businessman in the nineties, their ages ranged from 46 to 66 years old, based on the testimony of the defendants, operatives conducted a search at the supposed burial site of the businessman's body, as a result , human remains were found , a period has been put in this case, not everyone gave the same testimony, someone was in a state of alcoholic stupor at that time when they buried our missing person, someone was in a state of shock, someone was driving a car, someone was no longer alive, having compared all the facts, we roughly understood
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the location. forest belt and the main and distinctive feature of the place - these were hills or so-called bugarki. we went to the place in the minsk region, indicated to us by the criminals, analyzed the area that was there, found these bugarki described by them, there were about eight to ten of them, and began excavations. as a result of two or three days of work, by the end of last year, on december 23, we found the remains of the missing person. this is a criminal. case illustrative example, which in once again proves that there is no crime that cannot be solved, and it does not matter what we are talking about, a murder committed 25 years ago or petty hooliganism in a gateway where there were not even cctv cameras, as soon as it is committed, if you leave within 15-10 minutes, success is guaranteed, and i want to say this, there are practically no unsolved crimes, if the group works... in
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full abundance the crime will be solved, i always told my employees, i told my deputies that all are solved crimes, we just don't always treat certain moments of disclosure in good faith. and this is already an example of how the prompt and professional work of the minsk police helped to detain a dangerous criminal in the shortest possible time. on january 2 , 2020, utility workers in the svisloch river bag.
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in the city of vitebsk. as the police established, the murder of the woman was committed in the evening on new year's eve in her own apartment. the criminal and the victim met on the internet. the man's girlfriend left him, a random stranger became the object of a splash aggression for unhappy love. after he strangled his victim, the killer wanted to dismember her with a kitchen knife, but only after he started he realized that it was very difficult to leave the body in the apartment. all these terrible circumstances became known not even during the investigation, but already during the initial check conducted by the detective. the employees solve a considerable number of crimes, i want to tell you,
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this is daily. various kinds, various articles, you can even say so, but we do not want people to pay attention to this, but at the same time we want them to be informed how our employees cope with the same task with this or that type of crime, this is the work of a large team of minsk police and units , even some unknown to citizens, this is daily work, starting from monitoring video surveillance, ending with ...
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it was decided that the building of the gvd will be in almost the old place on dobromylsky lane, and the new features, of course, are the modernity of the same workplaces, and a museum is also provided, a duty unit, where all the information from the city of minsk flows in daily, of course, this will also be public safety monitoring, which is updated.


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