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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  September 7, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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and the main thing is your desire to study, learn, and of course to gain knowledge, and as i already said, in general, geographical specialties, geological ones - this is a state of mind, this is not a science, geologists, they come from childhood, as a child i was fascinated by books about dinosaurs, i was interested in some stones, minerals, after some time, when the question arose of where to go, i didn’t even have an alternative, i immediately came, told my parents, i will go to the geographical faculty at that time, now this is the faculty of geography and geoinformatics, when i was already studying, somewhere in the second year i realized that i was somehow bored listening to simple lectures, i needed something else, and i went to the department, i said, i would like to study paleontology, in 2005 i entered the belarusian state university in the faculty of geography, well, after 5 years i graduated, the question arose, where to be assigned, well for me it was ... just did not
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arise, the dean ivan alanovich perozhnik immediately offered me a place in the faculty, and i agreed to become an assistant, well, and passed from an assistant, then became a teacher and a senior teacher, and now the deputy dean for academic testing work. if we talk about the university, then the university has done a lot for me, firstly, it gave me the deepest outlook that each of the students who studies here receives, plus the university is... not just walls, not just classrooms that you and i have seen and not just a museum, the university is, first of all, people who gave their knowledge, who exchanged, well, perhaps, with nothing can't be appreciated, it's their wisdom, their rich experience, and our teachers, they are very unique, they are not only those who come into the classrooms and just give lectures, but they are people of practice, they once worked in production, but now they share their experience with us. we know exactly how to start the morning
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correctly, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. good morning, i am very glad to see you in my kitchen today. this will be one of my favorite breakfasts, we will cook zucchini pancakes with red fish, in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad. energy for the whole day, and the third exercise will be a crunch for the press, this will help you maintain a good figure, bend your legs, move them as much as possible to the buttocks, lie down and slowly rise, we will have three exercises, at an easy, calm pace, repeat all the movements and your joints, your muscles, your body will thank you, stretch your legs forward, do: deep breath, raise your arms
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up, go down, touch the diagonal with your right hand, left, look in the project breakfast of champions on our tv channel. meeting amazing people immersion in their profession. my name is mikhail pasmartsev, i am the head of the scientific department of the pripyatsky national park. the ecosystem is designed in such a way that the violation of one of its components will inevitably lead to that.
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for many people who come here, watch the project one day on our tv channel.
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i was a romantic student, i loved traveling, first of all. well, and i was decent, let's say, and was interested in everything unknown, that is, i wanted something new discover, get acquainted with something new. geology is not only a journey and an expedition, but it is, first of all , information processing. well, right now we are in the office where the processing takes place in office conditions, that is, we bring the rock, process it in a special way and isolate fractions where we can observe pollen. here is pollen - it can be both modern and ancient, well, here is the pollen that is here, it is about, well , somewhere thousand, probably, 40-50, so our students study this pollen and can date the period in which - actually, it was formed, and not only
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can we say the period in which it was formed, but we can say what kind of forest it was, that is, who dominated there, conifers dominated or deciduous trees dominated, now we will try with you... to study - pollen, deposits are taken, processed with a special composition, a heavy liquid, here is a heavy liquid, it captures pollen, which is lighter, and we collect these kind of test tubes, here in these test tubes is that component, which we need, well then - we take an ordinary glass slide, using a pipette we drip - this solution, dilute it a little with water, see what kind of fields we met there, today - when a huge number of schoolchildren, students, they are interested in this science, paleontology and geology, when they come, you see these bright eyes, you really want to share what you know, when people say that everything is known, in fact, little is known about our earth,
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if we take literally about that, let's ask ourselves the question, what's inside, well , a geologist will tell you that the deepest well is still 12-13 km. eh, and we don't know deeper, we only know from sounding data, and what is actually there, a big question, as for my daughter, she's still little, but she already likes to sort through minerals with her daddy, well, and sometimes she comes to see me at work, so you and i were in a museum and of course the first thing a child does is he goes around all the stones and touches them, well, i hope that maybe she herself will choose that one, of course the specialty that she wants to be, because our mother is a chemist, a nuclear scientist, i am actually a geologist, a paleontologist, well, i hope that she will be interested in science, and i think that she will still choose some specialty for herself, but i can say that she is already so
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adventurous, she really likes to travel, although she is just little, she is only one and a half years old, but she has already traveled to many regions, she was in belovorskaya pushcha, she was actually go...
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when you come to a new country, it would seem that first you look at the historical objects, and then you look at what is under your feet, and you really discover a new world. of the countries that i remember, it is certainly slovakia, i was at the deposit of apals, harlequins, and our colleagues, slovak geologists gave me the opportunity to mine this apal harlikin in the dumps myself, i have several overgrowths. there are unique ones, which are brought from slovakia, the second memorable moment was in austria near vienna - on a small river, my colleagues gave us a huge sieve, and we tried to wash gold, but here i managed to wash out one grain of sand, but you can’t imagine what a success it was, everyone
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immediately came running, started looking, because there were already gold-bearing deposits there, it was scooped up, finding a gold grain was expensive, and as for our... country, i really like to travel around our country, in fact, we have such a rich and unique nature, that is, you can go to the chalk quarries to see, you can go. our small country, how unique it is, i had a case when it was conference, here come colleagues, geologists , it would seem, on the one hand , and we tell them, we will now take you to the watershed, they are like, well, let's go, they arrive, they say, where are your
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mountains? since this is a quarry, entry is limited and, unfortunately, the quarry is still being developed, so it is unsafe for people to be there, so geologists and paleontologists always warn when they go on expeditions, then we always follow safety precautions, i will say so, i am guided by the principle, i know what i don't know, because the world so rich, so diverse, and to know everything, believe me, is well impossible. it is always to make a discovery, and the dream is, of course, to visit new places to see
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the beauty and diversity of nature, this is the dream that always strives to explore.
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three traditions of baking bread and four sack loaves are among the elements of the intangible cultural heritage of belarus.
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in the past, the forest of the country was marked out: marriage, children, and a landowner. this was expected and poor noblewoman from navahrudachina, salameya rusetskaya. but who could know what the crazy jumpers are getting into trouble. father left a dacha in khlapchuk’s knight’s house. learning how to read, write and fight from a pistalette, a steady hand and a strong wax have worked for her more than once, not only in combat, but also in salamey. that very same year we traveled to istanbul and we were driven by simple people, because my husband was considered to be a good knowledge of medicine, and god bless us. it is
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only possible to guess what the daughter's palletak from navagrajchyny, as well as the trapila from istanbul, felt. stromki. minarets, palaces, earthy jets of fantas, waste ceramics, human waste. the hell of salamea's birth chalked up her industrious mind, and she learned not only how to write recipes, but also how to perform surgical operations. this doctor was disturbed, and the gloom thickened over her. adzin valmozhny patients hell prapisanay pit of medicine. in the past, salame's husband was slaughtered. the secretive wife of the ladzitsa spraudnaya investigations and davodzitsa, the tinder and the mixture are given not by galper, my husband, but by my own enemy, pharmacist, fanserka. good luck, salamei then there were just 16 years old. galpir is special to the zhantsy, taking all the family
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pennies and leaving bosnia. salamea was caught.
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well, you won’t grow the kryvog tree. galper knows sabara rivers and ўtsek u bosnia. so the punishment came upon me and there. it’s not fun that he caught the plague and died. the doctor was leaving home, but it was not possible to leave the borders of the asman empire. the charg war began. salamea sat down with
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the dandy town of vidzin. there were no patients there. poor yana lashed out. and all possible placels follow. earned pennies are the rightful place on the right. the asman empire went to the nyavolnitsa market, and the doctor somehow went there. one turk found five people, four men and one lady. she paid and took the slave for herself, gave them special supplies, and provided the hedgehog with potion and adzenny. navoshta doctors. the slaves were paved, it is not good for medical experiments, but until i come home, they will give a good ransom to their families. if i didn’t make a plan, it turned out to be one hell of a mistake. father 's austrian kharunjaga yuzefalshtyna neshta ne they were rushing for ransoms, and then salamea sent word that i was asking the empress
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to the gentleman. there has been a hint of a charga adventure, where will the getag go... i was planning to pack my servant in goradze bar, the pack of my father will not send 300 red zlotys. and slave, you should work with your wife prapanov . absorb with compliments, of course, everything will continue to live. it was easy for the jumping officer to melt the gentle lady. the honeymoon would have been boring. no wonder it seems. as i'm excited and changing, my husband is already new i don’t think so as before, as before: your lady is only a doctor, and i am an officer. in the wake of petsyarburg, rusetskaya bequeathed her native meats, married to the hetmans mikhalam radzivilam rybanka, as requested by
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the doctor of our home. yana was admiring, but she was calming down her husband and radzivil’s private troops, and she herself was destroying further, fighting her famous turks. and all the snowy 1737 sleighs brought a 19-year-old amatarka jumper. in the capital there are empires, but the work of the empresses in the past is not so simple. salamey, who once had a healing talent. yana cured cataracts - a certain daughter - and the news of the right attack was delivered to the royal palace. roar gannay iyaanaunay, our little homestead has become a hut . she called it the most auspicious asoba. yes , finally called turk paprasila pachakat, maulya, papratsuj spyarsha pry dvara. as many as the discharged salamei leki amal zazhda dapamagali, the palonov were already released just two
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reptiles. mission is gone. the pararozhnitsa travels to st. petersburg and to radzima and navagradchyna. and all the rest of my life with my husbands. not the reception area. it’s small that pilsztyn deserts are closed for the future... zhonkay pennies, so yashche і zganbіўsya, patrapіў to ​​the guardhouse, before the radzivils nyamka, and kali salamea branch hinted to her husband that she didn’t know how to eat, that fall from the pasta atrutu, ice cream, salameya gave to her husband , ale adravila yago ў adstauk, y go yes father yuzaf ў austria, no, we’re not going to waste money on a drain of cotton, the pennies will come out. for the ransom from the palon, father's payment was pagadzilіsya, but nyashmat, maulya, the pain is that the cotton is not coughing, the salamea has
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already understood. advancing reptiles salameya rusetskaya ruled in the innocent vandrons and adventures: lviv, vienna, bucharest, yasy, warsaw, khocin. yana kneaded the garads like little fingers, and pausul dzebnize. the doctor was trying to help people cope with their non-married families, and the forest was blown by the heat near istanbul. busy with the care of the pious doctor, salameya rusetskaya decided to write her own life. to the honor and praise of pan god and the holy trinity adzinam, oh my god, all that is good and good, that i have chalked and suited, i will and i will, all this for the merits of the sky , i ahwy, like a dachshund. these records are aborted in 1760, in the great month of august
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closed the topic of the vampire, the magchy, the sustrel of one of them, with whom the story of salamiya rusetskaya died? maybe i got mara and went straight to the holy land, if i know the soup at the monastery cell, or maybe new jumps? they have begun to express their faith in an unknown way, the last hour has passed, and we are now confessing that if we touch the arch fingers, we will know the work of this jumping raman, in which salamea made her life.
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fertile land, in caring hands, our main wealth, when the joy of what we have achieved is what we want. create and develop, carefully preserving traditions, in the name of a successful happy future, where everyone's contribution to the common cause is significant, and life with others. love, that's true happiness, there is always warmth from soulful moments and
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relatives. together at the same table. belarus 24, what unites us. in our show, cheat sheets will not help the participants. the constant of our game is 42 tricky questions asked in four rounds. the variable is 12 players ready to show off their skills and find out which of them really has the right to speak. i know, is it true that the ship that sailed for asol, the heroine of green's fairy tale, under scarlet sails, was called dream, if i'm not mistaken, it was called secret, oh, oops, you can only rely on yourself here , is it true that there is an active volcano in antarctica, what do we know about antarctica in general, it is the highest continent and the coldest, i answered yes,
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there are mountains in antarctica, so there can be volcanoes too. maria, how did you reason, how did you answer? i don't know the answer to the question, but for some reason i decided that it was definitely not a, look, intellectual and entertaining project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel, we have a surprise, today we are changing, the teachers are going to the main site, and the children are going to the teachers' room to support them, we came up with classes.
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today in the efir 24.7 project we will tell you about current events and significant dates, take a walk to komsomolskoye lake in the company of our tv guides around the city and language, and also visit another architectural
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pearl on the map. belarus and, of course, we will present to your attention the fascinating and educational projects of our tv channel. stay up to date with all the most relevant news in the country and the world, watch our traditional friday project. we continue to review the key topics of the week. in the "your choice" section. we get acquainted with important news from the world of economics, public life, sports culture. results of the second uzbek-belarusian women's business forum, a holiday of belarusian cuisine. slavic mythology in 3d format. mtz supplies about 2-2,500 tractors per year to pakistan and introduces tractors with a capacity of over 100 horsepower to the pakistani market. previously, the company sold only small equipment to this region. there are agreements not only on organizing the promotion and sales of machines, but also on their maintenance.
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pakistani parliamentarians got acquainted with the capabilities of the tractor plant and the full range of equipment. the distinguished guests were on a visit to our country last week. previously , the parties agreed to supply tractors and spare parts by the end of the year for a total of over 30 million dollars. the dealer network is developed in the region. on average, the pakistani market the company supplies about 2,500 tractors per year. in 2025, they plan to increase sales by 20%. the parties do not rule out the possibility of creating.


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