tv [untitled] BELARUSTV September 7, 2024 10:55pm-11:50pm MSK
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and quality control of work at all stages of cultivation, another order of the head of state: comes seriously fields in such rolls, they are called flax 300, each weighs from 220 to 240 kg, in total 12.00 tons have already been harvested for the season, everything is stored under such awnings during the year everything will be processed, today 70% of the area that ... is sown, these are belarusian seeds, lira, mara, lada, they are all designed for different climatic conditions, in the north of the country, grant has taken root, a less heat-loving variety and more resistant to extreme temperatures, by the way, it was bred by belarusian scientists at the flax institute. we select such parent forms, well , more for a whole range of problems, signs, and most importantly, we select ...
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on their experimental field of 367 hectares, scientists collect a very good harvest. from a hectare from 4 to 5 tons of flax three hundred number 145 - this is almost the best sample, while the indicator for the republic is 0.98, there is also something to work on, in 2022 , scientists bred a new variety of flax, accent, now it is in state variety testing, according to scientists, after them this new product will place its accents in flax growing, the selection process of the country on... here they stand still, it
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is constantly developing, and we constantly during the year somewhere one or two varieties always give out, as they say, for our country, but unfortunately, there are those who do not develop the industry, on the contrary, drag it down. during the control measures in the lyubansky district , stacks with spoiled three hundred flax were found , because of the rain seriously rotted on... covered with mold and as a result could not be used for further processing, in order to hide violations, flax from a local flax mill was shipped to a neighboring enterprise under the guise of waste, as established, the reason for the spoilage of the flax is non-compliance with technological regulations during its procurement and storage, according to the materials of the committee , criminal cases have been initiated against persons of the flax mill. in general, in the republic, at flax mills , due to a lack of specialized. nilishches,
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experts call them shoks, about 16% is stored in stacks in the open air harvested flax, after such storage nothing good will come of it. another important problem in the industry is the lack of aging equipment. the main factors affecting the pace of flax harvesting are the low percentage of use of our own machinery and tractor fleet, and this is due to high wear and tear. its long repairs, including current breakdowns, and is also the nature of all lunuzads, this is the lack of machine operators, due to which the same people work on different types of equipment, as for the equipment used, in some plants this indicator only reaches the third, the main equipment is either out of service, or there is simply no time to plant it, despite the fact that in ... enterprises
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of the industry for 2023 provided a break-even operation, the specified reasons do not allow the flax mill to work more efficiently. today, god forbid it rains, this will lead to the fact that the quality will deteriorate even more, and in general , how much more pancake will not be wiped out? 1,200 hectares, exactly. here on arshan flax mill brings fiber from all over belarus. 20 factories bring raw materials here for further processing. in total , about 25,000 tons of flax fiber are processed here per year, and the list of finished products is striking in its diversity from home textiles to branded items. we artificially age our fabric, soften it, dye it, and various effects occur that were previously with our fabric... 500 color articles
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orsha flax mill is a full -cycle enterprise with two sewing factories. this is a world leader in the production of flax products. in total, 18 million linear meters of fabrics are produced per year and more than 4.5 million individual items. all this is the largest textile mill in europe and one of the largest flax processing enterprises in the world. by the way , this is 88% for export.
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as for the processing and production of fabrics in general, we have always been at the top, we were somewhere in the middle of flax producers, now what has happened is that we are in second place. the head of state said that he plans to return to the flax topic in the fall, he stated that there are still many shortcomings in this area, starting with the cultivation of flax to ensure the processing of high-quality raw materials , although scientists have developed in this regard in belarus there is a farm, as we have seen, where they have learned to cultivate flax at a high level.
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company, guards captain nikolai sharko, particularly distinguished himself during the vistula-oder offensive operation in january 1945. during the breakthrough of the enemy defense, he raised the unit entrusted to him to attack, after which roto , under the command of sharko, captured two enemy trenches, capturing more than fifty machine guns as trophies, and took 14 nazis to klen. on january 16, 1945, during the liberation of a polish settlement , sharko's rifle company destroyed an enemy landing force. by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr for exemplary command on front of the fight against the nazi invaders, guard captain
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and we are definitely carrying a banana, exactly, and what if they can be needed by someone on the highway? yes, we have anything you might need, we've been missing a few boxes for a while, and we've mixed up something in the invoices, all that stuff, the road is quiet, we're going without stopping, and you hired such serious guys, we don't give a damn, what are we guarding? even bananas, even oranges, as long as they pay, dad writes that everything is fine, mom, what's wrong, everything is fine, right? the ring fell, a bad omen,
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right now, here, here, i want to make a flowerbed like this near the porch, great, yeah. oh, pie, give me the board, yeah, that's it, delicious, mom, let's take some photos with the pie and send it to dad, come on, oh, food, by the way, arsyusha fell for the smell, stop, that's not food, that's a photo model. alive, alive, no, it's get up, get up, can you, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, call the police , it's not the police you need, you need an ambulance, the phone is in the car, i'm coming, oh my god, now, now,
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hello, it's an ambulance, damn, the person is sick, what 's the address, what's the address, bypass highway, i say, bypass highway, third kilometer, yes, kovrov, denis sergeevich, yes, i, chernashov, the investigative committee, i found something here, let's go, we'll show you. so, denis sergeevich, who were you supposed to deliver the drugs to, i didn't know anything about them, i i just found it myself, showed it to you, myself, it's all true, but you must admit, it's strange when the vice president of a serious company is driving in a truck
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overflowing with bananas mixed with cocaine, how can that be? listen, in our company i'm responsible for optimization, it seemed strange to me that the already insured cargo was also under guard, i couldn't get a clear explanation from anyone, i decided to check it myself, no, the fact that the cargo was so brazenly stolen is a shock, but doubly shocking, cocaine was found in the cargo, what is that you have there, it's my wife, it's her birthday, that's it congratulations, denis, i don't like to beat around the bush, i don't think you're the organizer, well , i can't rule out your participation in this matter, you understand, let's do it this way: i need to know the drug movement scheme, i need to know the people behind it, the warehouse addresses, i need to know everything, i've only been in the company for 2 months, who's going to tell me that, well, you're inside
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the company, and i need my own person in this scheme, no, i probably can't. denis, either we cooperate, or you'll be celebrating the next, i think, 10 birthdays of your wife in prison, take your pick, so what? they are delighted with every corner of their small homeland, our parents lived here, now we are happy and calm here, we don't want to go anywhere, we are so happy, this place is such a spiritual and spiritual nourishment for us, such a large territory here, about 50 or
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70 hectares, here are the grasses, that is, in the summer all this was here. people who endlessly find inspiration in the simplest things, but now, when the swamp has been cultivated, when the birds have returned, when we go out, sit down we hear this singing, some kind of connection with nature it turned out, each deck has its own beauty, these were beekeepers, there were beekeepers, there were builders, they, that is, put their soul into this... i am still a young deputy, i am still getting used to it, i always make any decision in life consciously. very often my friends and my new colleagues tell me: angelica, turn off the prosecutor. i think that
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i will not be able to completely turn off the prosecutor. when i got to borsla, i realized that our land is the most beautiful. there is nothing like this anywhere in europe. it is common knowledge that laws are not such that they suit everyone. the time has come when we must develop civil initiative more and more. guys, you have been approved, filming is in 10 days, i was sent to dina georgievna, i worked with her, she says, you are thrown straight into the ocean, of course, i am afraid, but i want. good evening, today we will sing good songs and tell heartfelt stories. i would really like people through small things, through animals, through nature, through beauty, to become kinder and better themselves. the project say don't be silent, don't miss new episodes on the channel. belarus 24,
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maybe we should move on to congratulations? oh, i forgot the tomatoes, right now, well, somehow he 's not home yet, and the table is about to collapse. darina is stalling, still waiting for her denisochka. how long have they been married? about 15 years. we'll be celebrating the 20th this weekend, i showed you the invitation. oh yeah, finally, congratulations. thank you. wow, oh, how beautiful. come on, come in, everyone's been waiting for you. what's wrong with your face? it's nothing, he hit his head. let's go, let's go to the guests. let's go, let's go. hello everyone. well, finally, how long can we wait for you? oh , hello, hello, finally, you've been waiting for me, come on, sit down already, why are you sitting there, looking sad, let's drink to the birthday girl, come on, come on, so, so,
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wait, happy birthday to you, happy birthday. from you, happy birthday maria, happy birthday, thank you, congratulations, and the kovrovs saved on the cake again, stop it, there will be cake, our signature pie guarantees that wishes will come true, come on, make a wish, and i know what you wished for. thank you,
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thank you, it's very tasty, where are you going, urgent work, guys, excuse me, i'll just need a minute, you continue, i'll be back soon, go on, what nonsense, huh? yeah, i gotta say, you surprised me, running away from my wife's birthday, what happened? it's funny, my friend, can you imagine, ugh! they stole it with the cargo, right in front of me, okay, yeah, who needs so many bananas, yeah, i've been racking my brains , something's not right at the company, but i
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'll figure it out, you shouldn't have gotten involved, you'll have goals , maybe you should have a proper rest so your head will work, vitek, if i had a proper rest, i'd still be working as a driver, it's your business, you shouldn't have... well, you're being offensive, you're right, alisha is not guilty of anything, let's go, tell me what happened, it's nothing, well, what nonsense, there's a bruise. you were in an accident, what kind of an accident was it, i'm just clumsy,
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i was getting out of the car, tripped, hit myself. honestly, no, well of course, and what kind of transport workers are they, it's a murky story, the driver said that they were his own, like he always worked with them before me, but now you can't trust him, the investigator, a certain chernyshov, stubborn in appearance, said they'll look, what else can he say? so, well, the insurance company will compensate us for everything, but we let our partners down, and that's bad, i think we need to strengthen the security of our cargo, i think, on the contrary, we need to remove the security, it has shown its uselessness, especially since the insurance covers everything, and i don’t care what you think, i care that not a single banana from our boxes goes missing, it feels like we’re not transporting bananas, drugs, your for... don’t think,
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let's talk, and you about the anniversary, everyone will be there, everyone confirmed, no, that's not what i'm talking about, you 're talking about the house, i'm hoping for a bonus, if everything works out, then at the end of the month we'll go see your dream, denis, i won't sell out. "i'm talking about us, something is happening, something has changed, no, what are you saying, we're fine, kiss me,
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do you like working for us? i do, and i like the salary, and i like the salary, well, if you like everything, then why did you dig into the documents, i thought you and i understood each other, here, why did you need the reports on cargo-transportation, i submitted a request - on the reports at the beginning of the month, and the fact that they were sent after our conversation, it's just a coincidence, that's all, well, okay, but for the future,
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come on in." drug control committee? sorry, the investigative committee lied. sit down. well, what did you manage to find out? having compared the company's financial documents, i discovered that... a month ago , five trucks with bananas and one armored car, possibly with drugs, arrived at our company's warehouse in ecuador. if i'm right, then the powder from the armored car
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was packed in a box with bananas at the warehouse and from there the cargo was sent by sea to finland, and then the container was sent to customs in pskov on a tractor. then the truck with bananas went to your company's warehouse, exactly, this is the truck that was stolen, that's the point, no, they've been distributed among clients for a long time, this is a new one, in other words, in at least two cases they were transporting drugs, tell me, denis, what happens when the bananas get to the warehouse in moscow. i get a flash drive from georgy with the buyers' addresses, these are front companies with temporary addresses, i order transport and inform the warehouse, that's it, is it possible to get
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information from the flash drive at the time the cargo arrives, we would try to figure out the buyers, i i think it won't be hard to organize. you're wrong to think so, what is this, this is your georgy, he 's been watching you for a long time, how loudly you conducted your investigation, and what should you do now? now you have to die, die, how to die, but you have a choice, to die for real at the hands of accomplices, georgy,
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or fictitiously, giving us official testimony, hiding under someone else's appearance and name. wait, what about my family? now you 're risking not only yourself. but you'll die with them too, you'll see them out of danger, how much do i have there is time to think. yes, consider that not at all, you have no time, denis, be careful, here, it is for contacting me, yeah.
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a historic moment, that is how the belarusian government called the conclusion of major deals with partners in central america. contracts worth more than 85 million dollars have been signed, it is not only about the supply of equipment, but also about the creation of assembly plants with a view to selling to the entire region. at the same time , distance is not an obstacle if there is mutual interest in equal partnership. minsk bread factories are increasing export deliveries, production lines operate 24x7. about 40 tons of high-quality fresh bread will be produced per day from the conveyors. naturalness is valued, original recipes, experiments with form, packaging, also for every taste, plus full-cycle production, the pride of the capital's bakers and the so-called highlight of belarusian bread, natural sourdough. the main musical event of this summer, the thirty-third arts festival, has ended, the slavic bazaar in vitebsk has already become history. this year the vasilkovy festival broke all records. its participants 7.0 people from 42 countries became participants. half a thousand journalists covered
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more than a hundred events of the forum during the week, their work was followed by about 11 million internet users from 120 countries. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. in our show , participants will not be helped by cheat sheets. this is an intellectual show, i know. a game for those who want to. pump up their brains and test their knowledge, is it true that the hero of sholokhov's story the fate of man, andrei sokolov on was the best man at the front. i answered yes, i think that's the right answer. did you remember, or did you just guess? unfortunately, i haven't read this work, so i had to guess, i answered yes. and how did it happen that you missed a work of russian literature for the eighth grade? you can only count on yourself here. calcium o is called a basic oxide, because if we combine calcium o with water, we get a base every time,
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it feels like sofia was here in my leaflet, that's exactly right, that i am written here, voiced a rumor now, but we know for sure that sofia did not do it. what is the name of the process of transition of steam into liquid? i answered the option condensation, because when a liquid boils, steam comes out of it, then the steam is converted into liquid, this is called condensation, a recipe for making dessert, yelisey, this is a meringue, look. intellectual and entertainment project i know there is nothing on the belarus 24 tv channel. was marusya found? no, she
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does not appear on the internet either, the phone is unavailable, when did you last talk to her on i didn't understand anything on the phone, in the afternoon at lunchtime, she said she was going home, i need to call the police, oh well, maybe her phone just died, i'm calling the police, you think something serious, right? i don't know, what do you know anyway, you're hardly home. arish, the most important thing now is to find marusya. mom, i'm home. marusya, marusya, oh my god, where have you been? i was in the emergency room, i was walking down the street, some psycho pushed me, come on in. yeah, come on. there was a long line at the emergency room. they said it was a sprain. why didn't you call? yeah, my phone died. well, i told you, well, you i would ask someone? i really wanted to, sit down, but i forgot all the numbers, come on,
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marusya, you really don't remember who pushed you, promise that you'll be more careful, yes , i'm careful, i promise, well, since the panic has subsided, arseniy, wait, well, what again, i need to talk to you, and what hurts a little, what 's up with your exams? yes, everything's fine, yeah, yeah, you'll fail. this is the army, it's fine, it's fine, i'll serve my country, i'll become a real man, real ones are those who are responsible not only for themselves, but for their women, for their family, you should take care of my sister and mom, you understand me, dad, somehow not really, and you
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take care of mom, and marusya has such a character that she wants to take care of whomever she wants, arseniy. "i want you not to abandon mom and sister in a difficult moment, can you promise me that, well, yes, i can, thank you, okay, i'll go, dad, yes, go, of course, yeah." "yes, i'm sure that your daughter was pushed under the wheels by georgy's man, let's do it in 3 days, do you hear yourself, 3 days, 3 whole days of danger for
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your whole family, in 2 days we have a wedding anniversary, 20 years, my wife has been with him for six months is getting ready, i can't hurt her, so if you hurt her, then everyone will be safe and sound, listen, give me 3 days, i'll be careful, 3 days, okay, but we'll keep an eye on you with your whole family, but we need to make it clear to georgy that you've realized everything and aren't conducting... no investigations, yeah, got it, now there are two guards in each truck, one of them calls back every half hour, if there's no call, we sound the alarm, great, you, you're sorry
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that i made a fuss about you last time. i've been in this business for so many years, i understand a thing or two, it's you excuse me, i realized, you understand, so, well, that's valuable, great, denis! denis, to the pubs, sent the kids to the cinema, so our evening, oh, and what kind of holiday is this, a holiday
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of disobedience, do you remember how in the eleventh grade we ran away from the cinema with you. how do you remember that? of course, i don't remember. you kissed me for the first time then, by the way, i love you. how do you like it? beautiful, right? yes. i also want, you know, to order balloons somewhere there, there are white, blue and i want a flower arrangement on the tables, i'm glad you didn't become a holiday cancel, you know, somehow there was no reason, yes, in fact there is no reason, really, yeah, denis, so attentive, and i also want to ask them what options there are with tablecloths,
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tanya, what's wrong with you, danya, do you think my life is a fairy tale, abroad, cars, clothes, yes, vitya has a lot of money, but i'm not made of iron either, i also want love, he has someone again, he always has someone, arina, always, you know, so disgusting, tanya, tanya, leave him. you are so beautiful, you will find some, well, a good man who will love only you, arina, that's it the good ones have been taken apart for a long time, and i can't do anything else. i see that mom
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has finally gotten to you, come here, help me, please , hold me up, yeah, op, carefully, higher, yeah. and at first i thought it was the neighbors, it would be better if i helped, go change your sister, come on, come on, you'll reach, yeah, of course, yeah, how many rugs does it take to hang one shelf, oh-oh-oh,
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thank you, i want to say that, come on, guys, you're so wonderful and an example to follow, vetya won't let me lie, every time we argue at home, i always say, denis would never do that, right? in general, for you, so that we have another 100 years together, thank you, thank you, be happy, thank you, let's drink to you, be careful, oh, happiness, well, it's bitter, let's drink to you, bitter, bitter, bitter, two, three, four. five, well done,
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we'll be walking for a long time, now i'll invite relatives to examine personal belongings, and... well, we were told that identification would be, how is that, absolutely right, but the body was badly damaged, so you'll be identifying personal belongings, no, i i must see him, please show me, it's impossible, i repeat, your husband suffered very badly, i ask you , please show me, i must see him, vitya, do
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