tv [untitled] BELARUSTV September 15, 2024 5:55am-6:26am MSK
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well, we've already covered a lot, but this year it's somehow quite more difficult, and so the fighting spirit, i hope we'll finish, we'll have time. olympic day is a great opportunity for coaches, who knows, maybe somewhere in the crowd there's a future olympic champion walking, we have an olympic version of tekwando, we represent this sport, children have to do kicks, mostly kicks to the body, but in competitions they'll kill in goals, it would be great for children to come and do an olympic sport, i hope the children will like it.
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what else do you need for a great mood? we made our own map design, played jenga, also visited a bike shake, in general, we had a great time. the most important thing, the most important question, what gifts can you get for this? you can win a pillow, an anti-stress pillow and many other different gifts. the olympic day is over, victory is not the most important thing, it is much more important that sport has united thousands of belarusians again, so only forward, not a step back, because we are belarus, which means we will win. maxim kemel, viktor borisov, tv news agency. and now from children's sports to amateur: one of the most extreme races in the country took place in the minsk region, the participants of the kopel race passed the test of fire. and water, they ran up
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the royal mountain, did not spare clothes, crawling under barbed wire in the mud. by the way, some believe that the kopel mud is therapeutic. we no longer know whether the extreme sportsmen became healthier, but the girls and boys were definitely happier at the finish than at the start. bright and sincere emotions, for your attention. overcome the reeds, crawl under the barbed wire, swim in sneakers for several hundred meters and...
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the starting point is 10 km, but the obstacles squeeze out the maximum strength. new, we offered them swimming, this time, they will swim right in their sneakers, it is about 160 m, they will have to swim and carry concrete twelve-kilogram balls. swimming in sneakers will definitely be among the favorite challenges of the kopal reis participants, but the top of this voyage is a mud pit and barbed
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wire. our film crew is not new to the trail, last year we already heard about the healing properties of kopal mud, this year once we decided to clarify to find out from the athletes whether they feel healthier, most of all we liked it with the mud pit, under the barbed wire, it is a very interesting, funny obstacle, the most difficult, probably , after all, were just climbs, and not obstacles, the most interesting, probably, is the mud under the barbed wire.
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i feel the smell, run without sparing strength and your sneakers, this is definitely prokopol reis, far from one pair of shoes suffered here, but whoever you ask, no one regrets. yes, they have already started to select durable equipment, this is specially prepared sneakers for trails, they are for such cases, which you don’t feel sorry for, i have them for about eight years already, and i use them exclusively for these swamps, mud, and you won’t believe it, they survive, i’m already waiting for them to tear, i’m already terribly tired of them, but they don’t tear, yes, i ordered new sneakers, trail ones especially for autumn, so these sneakers have already survived everything.
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running, it was harder for me after all this, when i had already run to the finish line, just to get away from all this, but i liked it, the dome reis will not leave anyone indifferent will make you fall in love with extreme running, do you want to check it out, we are waiting for you next year here in kopyl. alesya chichura, vitaly selyavka, sergey korneev, tv news agency. and that was the day of sports. kristina kamysh was working in the studio. all the best!
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red, but in my opinion, you have a love triangle there, i want to know what happened to my father, who lived a double life for so long, and deceived me and my mother, you see, if i make a mistake in sports terminology, then it will immediately become clear that i cooked up the interview myself, help me out, please, i just have to hand it in tomorrow, okay, dictate the address, i really need to talk to you, and i'm sorry, i ca n't now, i'm not alone, you ruined my girl, listen, stop it, you can see that the guy himself is stressed, it's just an accident. an accident, no need, i can do it myself, sorry, it's just a necessity. inga, ridka, you finally came, yes, and not alone, inga, i love you very much, and i ask you to become my wife, i love someone else, i myself have been living with this feeling since the day you fell on the ice because of me.
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watch the series, there will be another day on the belarus 24 tv channel. the tv news agency presents. in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. the artel field is called a green workshop and happy is he who is given the right to be the master of this workshop under the open sky. where only the mighty can. and take. almost 350 thousand young men and women worked daily in the procurement of forage, of which 150.
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many letters and requests from tv viewers, we decided to talk about the symbolism and structure of an orthodox church. many people taking their first steps towards god have a certain fear and uncertainty when entering a church. why is a church structured this way and not otherwise, where to place candles during a service, where to stand so as not to disturb anyone, which icon to pray to, where to place candles for health and where for the repose of the soul , we asked the cleric of the holy spirit cathedral in minsk, priest andrei lamakin, to answer these and other questions. a church is a building, dedicated to god and intended for... for divine services. the lord is invisibly present in the temple and accepts our prayers. where two
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or three are gathered in my name, there i am among them - said the lord. here the heavenly power invisibly serves with us, therefore we can say that the temple is a piece of heaven on earth or an island of the heavenly kingdom. the orthodox temple contains a complex, inexhaustible symbol in its visibility. the meaning and significance of the architectural forms of the christian temple can be understood by considering the temple in its idea, as the fruit of god's dispensation, based on tradition, carefully preserved by the church. the christian temple has a heritage from the old testament temple, because the old testament... the temple in jerusalem was a place of god's special presence, and today it is believed that e we
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know that god is omnipresent, he himself tells us about this in the holy scripture, on the pages of the biblical books, but there are places where god is present in a special, special way, and one of these is the temple. the temple is the place where the main christian the sacrament, the sacrament of the eucharist and the altar in this regard place. such a special responsibility of the people who enter there. it is important to note that earlier christians had a tradition of celebrating the eucharist on the graves of martyrs, because a martyr is someone who has fulfilled - in his greatest strength, the commandment of love for god, because god said that there is no greater love than if someone lays down his life for his friends, and martyrs are those who gave the most precious thing they had, life. for christ, therefore martyrs have always been revered are revered in the christian church, in ancient times
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there was a tradition of celebrating the divine liturgy not just anywhere, but on the tombs of the holy martyrs. in fact, this tradition has survived to this day, today the divine liturgy is celebrated on a special liturgical object, the antimins. the antimins is a large plat. inside which particles of the relics of the holy martyrs are sewn. this reminds us of that ancient tradition, when the liturgy was celebrated on the tombs of the holy martyrs. today it is possible to celebrate the divine liturgy only on the antimins, without it is impossible to perform the divine liturgy. the antimins is issued by the ruling bishop for a specific church and makes his signature stating that on such and such a date. such and such a year the antimins was issued for serving the liturgy in such and such a church, only then
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can the divine liturgy be performed in this church. the antimins is always on the throne on which this sacrament is performed, and as we already know, only clergy can touch the throne in this way. the structure of an orthodox church according to traditions goes back to the old testament times, to the tabernacle of the prophet moses, a small tent for prayer. as usual , many liturgical objects that we see in the church were also made from above: the altar, the censer, the menorah, the details of the vestments of the clergy. and here it is important to remember how a clergyman differs from an ordinary christian. the priesthood is
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an ancient sacrament that was established by the lord jesus christ himself. he chose his disciples. apostles for special service, for preaching the gospel, and for performing the last supper later, that is, for the service of the eucharist. that is why the sacred esan is a special service of a christian, the main task of which is to preach the gospel and perform the divine liturgy. thus, the christian community delegates this action to a certain person, a priest. who performs the divine liturgy for the community allows them to partake of the body of the blood of christ, which is why the entrance to the altar and handling of holy objects, including the holy throne, is delegated to the priest, a very ancient stable tradition is believed that
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no one else has the right to do this except him. there is nothing accidental or superfluous in the temple. each of its parts, external internal, is filled with deep meaning. the cruciform base of the temple reminds us of the voluntary sacrifice of christ. the dome of the heavenly kingdom, where every christian prayerfully rushes. the internal structure of the orthodox church is a reflection of the kingdom of god. in the unity of its three spheres: divine, heavenly and earthly. the visible embodiment of the church symbolism - an orthodox church. a person who wants to become more closely involved with ancient tradition and traditions should, looking at the earthly in the construction of the temple, try to see
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the heavenly in it. the meaning and significance of the architectural forms of a christian church. understand, considering the temple in its idea, as the fruit of god's dispensation, based on the tradition carefully preserved by the church. in orthodoxy, the temple acquires special significance, it is not just a building in which religious services are held, it is a sacred space, a place where man meets god. spherical the structure of the arches, vaults and the space under the dome resembles. the vault of heaven, where the prayerful appeals of all those gathered in the temple are directed. in the center of the middle part of the temple there is always a nala, a high tetrahedral stand with a sloping board for the gospel, and festive icons, which everyone who comes to the temple must bow to first of all. when a person enters
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the temple, the first thing he does is kiss this icon. approaching it, a person. it is on the analog that the small gospel is placed during the sacrament of confession, the cross is three times the bride and groom walk around during the sacrament of marriage. the central part of the church is specially separated from the most sacred place of any temple, the altar. the altar is the most important part of the temple, always located on the eastern side. the word altar means a high altar. traditionally, ancient peoples placed their altars and temples on high ground, as if approaching the sky. the altar is the main shrine of the temple, sanctifying
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the entire building, symbolically depicting the village of god, the place where christ himself sits on the throne with the apostles. the altar is an image the kingdom of heaven, the place of the upper, the sublime. the main part of the altar is the throne, on which the bloodless sacrifice is performed during the divine liturgy. this sacred act is also called the eucharist. or the sacrament of communion. on the throne stands the tabernacle, usually made in the form of a temple. it contains spare holy gifts for... cleansing the sick at home in the hospital. behind the throne on the eastern side is the high place, which symbolically signifies
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the heavenly throne or the chair of the eternal high priest, jesus christ. on the high in this place there is usually an altarpiece of the virgin mary, a large cross, they are used to carry them during religious processions. in addition to the clergy, there are altar boys in the altar, these are people who do not have holy orders, but help with the service, prepare a censer, that is , a special vessel with which incense is burned, prepare prosphora, holy water for the needs of the service, in this sense, a male person who has received a blessing for this from a priest or bishop may be present in the altar, here in accordance with the ancient tradition, the presence of women in the altar is not allowed. this tradition goes deep, into
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the ancient history of the church, and continues to be observed today. it is important to note that previously in the christian church there was no iconostasis as an altar barrier. today, when we enter the temple, we see that the altar is separated from the other part of the temple space by an iconostasis, a high barrier decorated with icons. the iconostasis is a partition dividing the altar and the middle part of the temple, it is a wall with icons arranged in tiers, depicting the history of god's care for man. usually the number of tiers is from three to five, they can be considered starting from the upper tier to the lower, because such a sequence scheme indicates the historical sequence
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of events denoted by these icons. to the right of the royal gates is the icon of the savior, to the left of the virgin mary, to the right of the image of the savior is usually the temple,. icon, that is, the icon of the holiday or the saint to whom the temple is dedicated. however, when we look at the iconostasis, we will see that located there icons in a special order, in the so-called tiers of the iconostasis. the first tier is the largest icons, according to a stable tradition, there are to the right of the royal gates, these are the central gates of the iconostasis, the icon of the savior, to the left. the icon of the mother of god. further, there may be icons of angels or the temple saint. this is an ancient tradition, according to which the iconostasis icons on it
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are arranged in a special order. further, in the following tiers, we can see icons of apostles, prophets, angels of god and a special an icon called by the ancient greek word deisis, meaning earnest prayer. in the center is depicted the lord jesus christ, to the left and to the right of him are the mother of god and john the baptist, who bow their heads in prayer to the lord. this ancient decoration of the iconostasis reminds us that with god, those people who strive for him, they are glorified by him, by his glory, but each in his own measure, each has his own service, each has his own path to god. there are prophets who ... proclaimed the coming of the savior into the world, there are saints who by the severity of their life they became like god, there are apostles who preached
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the gospel of christ with all their labors, talents and powers, there are many other faces of saints, different people are gathered under the canopy of the temple, by the grace of god, so you and i are different, but god calls us all to himself. above the royal doors in the iconostasis, as a rule, there is an icon of the last supper. this icon is present in virtually all churches above the altar, because it reminds us of the moment of the establishment of the sacrament of the eucharist, because it was before his crucifixion on this on the jewish easter night, christ broke bread and gave it to his disciples, saying that this is my body, and gave them a cup of wine, saying that this is blood. mine, do this in remembrance of me. therefore, the last supper is considered the moment when the first sacrament of the eucharist is performed and since then it continues
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to be performed in the church. always. the iconostasis is an image of the fullness of the kingdom of heaven. the mother of god and all the heavenly powers stand at the throne of god. the appearance of the iconostasis is also historically conditioned and it is believed that it appeared in particular as a moment that would allow the clergy not to be distracted during the service by what is happening in the temple, but to be... learned in prayer, in particular in the prayer of the divine liturgy, but for christians who pray in the temple, this is also of great importance, because heaven is always something hidden that does not always reveal itself to us. therefore, during an orthodox service, the gates of the altar are not always opened, only at certain moments of the service. both in folk tradition and in the rules of conduct in the temple, it is considered to behave
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especially humbly. and quietly. the elevation on which the altar iconostasis stands protrudes significantly forward, into the middle part of the temple. this elevation in front of the iconostasis is called solia. according to tradition, the orthodox church temple is intended for collective prayer. the entire setting of the temple, the reading of the prayers of the holy scripture, the singing of the singers and all the worshipers, the exclamations of the priest, flickering near the icons. in the middle of the temple, at the top of the ceiling, hangs a panikodila, that is, a large candlestick with many candles, the panikodila is lit at solemn moments of the service.
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it is important to note one interesting detail: the icons themselves in the temple, they silently preach to us, they educate us, they teach us the gospel and spiritual tradition. that is why the divine service has always had a spiritual and educational character. in front of the icons and lecterns there are candlesticks on which believers put candles for the health of those who are not remembered. why does a christian light a candle? on the one hand, it is a gift to god that we bring, on the other hand, a candle is a symbol of our prayer, as the flame rushes upward, so our prayers should be ardent, fervent, directed to god, in churches they put candles on
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candlesticks, together with those who are no longer with us. how to determine where to put a candle? as a rule, in the church on the left side there is a square candlestick on a special table, which is called by the ancient word kanun. candles for the repose of the soul are put there. if there is no more space, then you can put them on any nearby candlestick, and for health they put candles on any candlestick in the church. there is a tradition to light candles and put them on the candlestick before the icon of the saint to whom a person prays. but there is no need to be afraid if we accidentally put a candle in the wrong place. we address our prayers to god, and god knows our needs and sees what we ask for. if we enter the temple and there already...
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