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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  September 20, 2024 3:35am-3:51am MSK

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equipped with modern equipment for microbiological research, for enzyme immunoassay. we are the only enterprise in the republic of belarus that uses mcmaster cameras for opg monitoring, this is the most modern equipment. daily opg monitoring, namely the study of feces for salmonella, for oacysts, preventing parasitic diseases in poultry. we make sure that our products are absolutely safe, we solve all issues of the task together with the laboratory and also for the technical service, which depends on the quality compound feed is very much dependent on production, turkey production, production of our other branches, therefore, the definition of such key indicators of quality and safety as crude fat.
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mass fraction of protein, mass fraction of fiber, determination of moisture , determination of safety indicators, such as acids on the supercritical number of fat, is very important in assessing the quality of compound feed so that the bird gains weight, grows, is healthy, strong, then we have a quality product on the shelves, in our efficiency is important, to clearly and quickly determine. feed for exchange energy, according to indicators, corresponded to the required period of feeding the bird. there are no trifles in production, each production site is very important, since its work affects the quality of the finished product. we select products for research every day, in sausage, in slaughter. dry and
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send for research, this is the turkey itself, turkey meat, semi-finished products from turkey meat, sausages, after we receive confirmation that our products corresponds to quality in all respects, it is sent for sale on the counter of our consumer's stores, our products do not contain any harmful things. that can somehow affect human health, the absence of gmos, dioxins, the products comply with all sanitary rules and technical regulations that are standardized in the republic of belarus.
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i dreamed of being a veterinarian since childhood and i was very lucky to work in a friendly team with whom we solve different problems, i am still a young specialist and our enterprise young, it is just developing, gaining momentum, we are planning to expand, enter new production capacities, we have new sites in our plans, which will allow us to... increase the pace and, accordingly, greater output, i am proud that i am part of this enterprise, and i want to continue to benefit people.
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fertile land, in caring hands, is our main wealth, when you want to share the joy of what has been achieved, create and... carefully preserving traditions, in the name of a successful happy future, where the contribution of each person to the common cause is significant, and life with others in unity and love, that is true happiness. it is always warm here from spiritual
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moments and familiar views, together at one table. belarus 24, what unites us. rome, year 1522. the italian sun is shining, the landscapes of the eternal city, the hand of a man from a distant country, brings out the rhymed lines on paper. all he stands in the hut, watches what will happen. the long awaited fate, we sing with a hag in song. who was hiding there in the forest, became the main hero of this great work, and who aўtar paema? it turned out that we don’t know anything about mikola gusovsk, because the personal profile has been lost in the archives
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of history, and the creators themselves give new clues. 500 years ago, on the belarusian lands , there was a thicket and impenetrable cannons, and here there was a dry forest, there... the scorching of this place was not just a hobby for the amatars of the forest pragulaks , but the scorching was not going to happen, hide your mask and healthy people, similar to all other sports, and of course, there were special people like the hot tub arganizovali, catchers, their abavyazak sachyts behind the parades in your forests, even now the vyalik prince himself with his saint. this one of these good people has 14... 470 son mikola. mabyts, i thanked the same person gusava. and all this is so interesting? varyantau shmat. geese are everywhere in our area. there are at
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least three different regions of modern belarus. і neman region, і dnyaproўski, і vakolіtsy belavezhskaya gun. cotton's wound is getting worse let's shop daddy on the stove, let's say magchymasts. to paradise in the vyalik principality. all of the youth of the nation were born with cannons, bows, cannons, folk wisdom, and various jumping machines. father raised his son to the highest standards. it’s true, duh, mikola won’t apply for family law. the old traps would have been in shock, but the tatava vedas would save the pit in the sweat. the lad was vabila adukatsiya. the belarusian police forces, mikola, are sent to krakow. vitay jagiellonian university! then the signs of the balonsky university. she is already a master of rhetoric, and in difficult times, a doctor of philosophical sciences. napevna, father's ganary is about to take off her son. aleg usovskaga pointed at radzima. yon vartaetstsa i zapae nataryusa pasada. it’s not the same as if
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it’s tsikavaya, but you’re lying, you know it’s not good. and then it’s an hour away. it's been a long time already. so he would sit at the office, sorting through other people's papers. gety times shlyakh lyazhaў u rym. i eight eternal cities. pizza, espresa, football will be just a few hundred years old. and during these hours of gallant fun in the hot city of rome there were street battles with people. the noble italians took care of our
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delegation on this occasion. seniors, see how stealthy our asilki are in pursuit of the bull. this is not a court. syarod paslov z on pavisla dyplomatychna. they knew nothing. historic daishla and pope rymskag himself. the tens of medzichs would be intrigued. what kind of heat do the kalmaty volatians have in the vyalik principality of lithuania? our smoke bombs pastanavil adkazat pantyfika flared up, with a jumping paetichny radik. they began
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to grow up to be specialists in bison. there are all the gusovskis and young bastards jumping around here. yong, the son of a nobleman, as from the dzyatsinstvo of bachya lova. pile vochy, who sculpt for iago raspavyadze pra geta. mikalai with the impetams byaretstsa for five and to the full the hutka paema is completed. yashche b, rym, the sun of italy is delicious. hedgehog, the spirit of the minulaga, yes everything, the kalyska adradzhenya, the yago itself will roskvit. krynits for the creation of richness. the gusovskis would not have been sane paets if they had slept only on the vershavannom apisanny of the unknown in the eye of the beast. and it is clear that this tsikavostka is a good blessing for the dissemination to the whole world of its right, any land, and the great people that inhabit it. rhyming latvian words, mikola will think about what we can...
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never-before-seen nature, and asabliva lasami, there were no such things at sunset, we cried, we don’t know these volatas, pine trees, peina below, nature gave us a shchodra, water the groins of the colors of the forests, months ў favorite weight on the walk and games, and no writing only from the great nature, and... from the great people, from the ancient faiths and cultures of the european peoples, from the ages and justice the insides of the city, revealing the unrestrained rulers who pursue their ambitions, and not the agul self-interest, and the rising protrusions of the supra-covered leaders. about most holy pious panna marya, give our little ones a hearing, the army of the unfortunate, the sight of our beasts on the fallen of our new land.
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mayutsyago arkushy. the book did not become a bestseller, did not take up much space on the books,
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in the villages and in the monastery. it was important to purchase an electronic device that could read on the lapel. the forest and the forest of gusouska itself are not so happy. i packed the healthy berries. paet hvarev on the paralysis of the legs, but the spirit of the yagon would not be skarona, and the folding of the top of yon pratsyagva, although the price itself is low. with greed and frequent piss, if only it seemed true, i wouldn’t well, you know the good stuff. i only write new things. the hour of prayer is gone, the creation and the last year of our life has been forgotten. only the end of the 19th century in the library meetings of the jagiellonian university, apantans of the past from the famous dusty collection of the unknown book. it is taken into account that the radius cut out on the lapel is... it is clear that the hole was traversed by the sacramental pearl, and today,
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copies of the first step issued by the song of the right hand can be litharically moved on the fingers, so that the creation takes another breath, jiakuyuchi transfers to belarusian. it is a fact that in the grand principality of lithuania there were bright and enlightened people, who wrote brilliantly in the latvian language, had its own renaissance and patched up centuries, and the global saprada.
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the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people.


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