tv 100 BELARUSTV September 23, 2024 3:25pm-4:21pm MSK
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hello everyone, in exactly one minute the hero will take his place and answer all the questions. are you ready to meet our guest? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? are you probably interested in what i live by and how i live? you promise to tell only the truth and not to avoid sensitive issues. is it possible to do otherwise with children? are you ready to go out to the children? of course. then good luck. so, today our guest is a clergyman of the belarusian orthodox church, archpriest fyodor povny.
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father fyodor, i want to warn you that you you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well now you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself. time has started. by the grace of god, i served the lord in the rank of archpriest. my father, two brothers, father-in-law, nephew, clergy. in my youth , i served in the army, took the oath of allegiance to the fatherland, received several educations. spiritual in the moscow theological seminary academy, located in the trinity sergey lavra, secular in the theater and art institute, now academy of arts, studied at the faculty.
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of course, i have not looked god in the eyes, as i see you in front of me, i have not seen him. so, he does not exist? he ... is he who exists, moreover, in the context of eternity, he is the only one who exists, everything else is temporarily mortal, except man, man is the image of god, and the soul of man is created for eternity. god is logos, it is reason, a word that carries meaning, whoever seeks god receives knowledge about him. we are moving to the red sector. raise your hand, who is ready to ask a question? hello, father fyodor, my name is gleb. what do you think of darwin's theory? i know that he
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was the warden of his parish in the protestant one. and all the theories that he presents to us today. they actually do not correspond to how darwin thought. hello, my name is nina, i have a question for you: why is nothing mentioned in the bible about dinosaurs? well, there is a mention of a leviophan, do you know who a leviophan is? no, when i was in school, i was about the same as you, i didn’t understand.
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have been pleased to call to the priesthood by your other gifts, not by my works but by your mercy alone, teach me in your spirit to perform the great mystery with reverence”: piety and fear. priests are called by god, because the disposition of the heart and the readiness to serve him. you need to have a special trepidation in your heart. we move on to black sector. i know from history that in soviet times priests were persecuted. tell me, as a son. to talk to you about god, about faith about the church, but it was so you live in an amazing time, and we live in this time today, when we have the right not always, when i came to the decision to go on the priesthood did not get from the soviet authorities?
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spiritual path, that is, to become a priest, this decision was easy for me. but you automatically became a second- class person, there was no persecution as such, but no one praised you for it. father fyodor, i i ask you to turn around. the next question is from the red sector: father fyodor, you dreamed of becoming a pilot, you studied to be an artist, and became a priest, do you think god was testing you? if this can be called a test, then it was a joy for me, because wanting to become a pilot, this desire awakened in me in the eighth grade, but this is pain.
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you dreamed, as i said, of becoming a pilot and became a priest, do you think that each person chooses his own destiny, or everything has already been decided for us, and we simply fulfill the path, and how not to stray from this path? here is a very simple way, just two words always say in the soul and keep in mind, lord, bless,
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abstract thing. art is what is born first of all in the soul of a person and is reflected inside. and is reflected outward, in what he creates. it is not only a picture, it is his appearance, it is his word, it is his look, it is also art. and i prepared in advance for our meeting and printed out the picture. can you guess? who painted them, if i show them to you, let's try, if
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i will get something, what tricky questions our children ask today, well, you know who it is, it is our fellow countryman, mark chagall, absolutely right, the first picture yes, yes, absolutely right. a wonderful work in my opinion, here, here, here is a lady in blue, paul cezanne, so, this, this is a lady with a little ring, yes, i don’t know whether i passed your exam or not, but my great passion remains icon painting.
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hello, father fyodor, i have a question for you, how did you study at school, did you really study, what were your grades for behavior? you know, i was the same as all of you. hello, my name is evgeniya, and i, among my peers, have never heard talk about... you shouldn't talk about faith, you should show it with your actions, words, deeds. come to our memorial church, you won't regret it, you will see so many young people, you will see so many children. moreover, after the service they don't leave the church, they continue
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to communicate, and we jokingly call this communication the liturgical aftertaste. we even had to put up a tent at the entrance to the church near the front steps, because there was never enough space, our youth group, agius, she gathered. already more than one and a half hundred young guys and girls, and there they really talk about faith, you can believe it, or you can check it out, come. hello, my name is valeria, i have a question for you: i noticed that people often come to god when some tragedy happens in their lives, and how did this happen to you? as i said at the beginning, i grew up in a christian family and, one might say, absorbed faith with my mother's milk, but this does not mean at all that i am here
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i became a believer, i was immediately pious, i walked the line. no, i was the same as all of you, but maybe my difference was that in addition to school subjects, i had the opportunity to read the lives of saints, open the gospel, i could compare what was happening around me and in me, and this, of course, gave a completely different understanding and perception of life, not exaltation, but ... understanding, so i wish you to also be real in your perception of life.
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father fyodor, hello, how does the church relate to military service, is it the defense of the homeland does not break the commandment, do not kill, military service, is it only killing or what? when you kill a fly or a midge, are you breaking the commandment or not? military service is a sacred duty. to protect the fatherland, so we do not break the commandment when we serve, we break it, when we do not act according to conscience, these are different things, let's move on to the purple sector, if god is merciful,
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why does he allow wars where children are killed? you know, this is provocative. question: is it god who allows this or man by his own evil will? and if we look at all this from from the point of view of the refraction of eternity, then we are created for eternity, so do not blame god, you need to look at yourself at what is happening in the world. hello,
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years together, once we were brought to each other by love, but this does not mean that everything was cloudy, smooth and good, love, like a beautiful aroma, opens up over the years, each of us, when we create a family, in this family reveals their best qualities. sometimes sacrifice is needed, sometimes a feat is needed, but if we talk about love in refraction to the family, this is the greatest joy. yes, there are cycles, the first 3 years, then a test, then another 7 years or 9 years, as psychologists, analysts, scientists say, but
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true love is from god, and may god grant you to experience how... therefore, when we talk about divorce, and it usually happens because people... just got carried away by each other, but there was no love, so i answered in a nutshell that this is not a sin, but if we break the commandment in divorce
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- it is a sin, and if a person gets divorced, he must remain alone, be true to himself, first of all, and if he is true to his internal, pure state, that is, he will not sin, will not fornicate, will not be carried away, then the lord can send him a second happy marriage, everything depends on how he treats himself, even in divorce. we are moving to the purple sector, turn to the right. hello, my name is masha, i have a question: how did you meet your wife?
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a question, please raise your hand. i often saw in films how bad guys come to the temple, give a lot of money, and mumble their sins. this really works, you see, you formulated the question in such a way that i want to answer it with a joke, can i? let's say, there was such a cool guy who donated a lot to churches, built them, but the time came for him to step into eternity too, and he falls into the depths of hell, crawls out, knocks, "on the doors of heaven, why is your equipment not working there, don't you know, i 've helped so much, i've done this, and i've done that, and
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i've done that, report to the authorities, time passes, and he, anticipating that he'll get what he deserves now, breaks down again, and comes out..." apostle peter and says, well, the decision has been made, of course, it has been made, the decision has been made return your money, you know, in the movies it's one thing, in life it's another, but if this is a person who acted like that, in fact came to repentance, sincere, deep, real. the lord will forgive him too, because for god it is not the person's actions that are important, but his
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human soul. we can be perfect on the outside, but the most important thing is what we are inside, and if we are not real inside, and god forbid, rotten, then nothing will be forgiven us, no matter what money we donate and give to the temple, to charity, etc. so on, it is important what we are like inside, does god teach us to forgive, was there one? do you have a situation in your life that you still cannot forgive, i don't remember, i look at every person with joy, i wish this joy to everyone, and i thank god that he deprives me of this state of envy, malice, rancor.
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rejoice, forgive and you will be forgiven, so hurry to do good and rejoice, someone did something bad to you, well, pray for this person, wish him well, it is sometimes very difficult to step over yourself, but it will return to you as an old woman, hurry to do good! i heard that you can’t work on church holidays, so study and do your homework, but if it ’s just an excuse that it’s a church holiday and that’s why i won’t study and do my homework, but then it won’t be fair to yourself on a holiday,
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and what does it mean to work? “if you do something for yourself, i won’t do it for myself, but if it’s necessary to help another person, i ’ll go and work, even on a holiday, open the gospel, read a book, go and help someone who needs your help, that is, do something that will please another, and help yourself, and the holiday will become real." but, and if there is an opportunity, and you are a truly pious and religious person, then first go to church, partake of the holy mysteries of christ, be at the liturgy, as they say, recharge yourself, and then joyfully go and do something that will be good for you. have you ever
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sinned? you know, by definition there are no sinless people, and i probably haven't gone far from you, and now i have a question for you, tell me, is anger a sin? it is unlikely that anger is a sin, because we are all people, and when we we experience certain feelings, it is normal, so is it a sin or not? i think no, the concept of sin is relative, and now then there is another question, since there are more mature ones, here are the youth, and fornication is a sin? some even lowered their eyes, as it is said on the first page of the bible, be fruitful and multiply, and subdue the earth and...
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try to correct in ourselves those negatives, which are in abundance in us. this is an amazing time when we can become better, purer. more perfect, and prayer, it really helps during lent to become real, it reveals you in a completely different way, but it is impossible to put into words, it can only be experienced, are there people of a different faith among your friends, are there, for example, atheists? also there, but how do you feel about atheists? unfortunately, they are also believers, only i believe that god exists, or rather, i don’t even just believe, i know that he exists, why should i believe, and they believe that he does not exist, sometimes
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they believe so deeply that their faith can be managed by a believer in god, i know such a saying as fear god, should you be afraid? fear of god is not an animal fear, it is to do something bad in front of him, for example, if your mom and dad told you to do something good, yes, but you don’t do something good, you lied, you got a bad grade, you are afraid to tell them, what kind of fear is this, well, to be honest i don’t know, you see, in front of god, how can i act? generally badly, that is, this is a slightly different concept, this is not an animal fear, this is the fear of doing something not in good faith, to act dishonestly, here i am walking in a store,
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there is a piece of paper, but why should i pick it up, i i didn't throw it from the point of view of logic, yes, and where is the tourno, i bent down, picked it up and dropped it, i acted according to my conscience. yes, as if in the face of god. we turn 180°, black sector. hello, i noticed that all the priests drive expensive cars. does this mean that priests earn a lot? i have a good car too. but this does not mean that i earned it or that i bought it. it's just a means of transportation, nothing more, here you need to look at it differently, that's what i'll say, sometimes i have to cover distances of 4-500 km, i can go in a zhiguli, what
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will you do with my back then, that is, there must be reliability, who issues salaries to priests, well, you know, here... i'll tell you this, that we as priests, we are not only clergymen, but we are also citizens of our state, therefore we receive a salary in the parish, but we also, like all other citizens of our country, pay taxes, we contribute to the pension fund from the point of view of state laws, we are the same. like everyone else, you and us, hello, me my name is alexandra and i have a question for you:
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in history lessons one might get the impression that religion is a way of controlling people, and what do you think about this statement? "you know, i need, you refuse to answer, no, i want, i think, just how to answer it correctly, i think, you know what, that at all times, when people tried to cover up..."
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his law. the question is different, that the state should form such laws so that they correspond to the commandments, that is, conscience, they should be adequate to ours, to our inner world, but if it happens differently, then what we see today among our neighbors happens. especially in the west, imagine how a christian can live in
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hello, father fyodor, do you generally listen to music in the car, i will honestly say that i, as a rule, listen to the prayer rule in the car, because i do not have enough time, you know that there is such a navigator, alice, yes, everyone knows, i speak through. phone, prayer rule, in my voice, and so that the thought and mind do not wander, if there are no telephone interruptions, some urgent conversations, i read this prayer rule, including it, once i asked alice to plot a route for me, she did it, and i say: thank you, alice, the answer is, it is not worth it, but why, you are pleased? answer:
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i have no feelings, i am a robot, and then a short pause and in a very harsh voice, and in general i i really don't like that you pray all the time, i opened my mouth when i told my wife about it, we were driving late at night from a meeting, i say, i want to turn on the prayer rules now, let's try asking alisa. i turn it on, i say, alisa, good evening, i say, tell me, alisa, can i read the prayer rule? the answer is, you can, but is it worth it, what kind of music do you listen to? i really like old-fashioned music, i really like it. wonderful song, i brought her to god and accepted her last confession, and can you
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sing some verse, a piece of this song? i'll tell you honestly that somehow, if i were, perhaps, not in rank, not in vestments, then i would sing, in vestments i somehow don't dare, i can sing such a prayer, if it is... for you, the chosen commander, victorious, as having gotten rid of the evil, grateful. applause, please, you have a wonderful voice, father fyodor, thank you.
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hello, father fyodor, my name is maria, i have a question: do you have? children, i have a daughter, they say that priests are very strict in raising their children, what did you forbid your daughter in childhood? you know, as a priest, like any person, like all of us, we carry information of a kind, when our mother and father raised us, they never forced us, especially in faith, they showed us their faith, they never forced us. to do something without fail, but i always remember how my mother
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warned us about what could come out of what, and we, in our youth, sometimes an internal rebellion, well, somewhere we agreed, somewhere we didn’t, but there came a moment when you were faced with a situation about which you had already been warned, and you understood what to do and how to act, that’s how i tried to educate, she is wonderful with us, with her own character, her own outlook on life, her own worldview, previously the internet was read.
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among believers, there are also many different opinions on this matter, and even heresy is a delusion, there are radical orthodox, just from them you can hear that the computer is harmful, there are liberal orthodox, with them, on the contrary, everything is possible. on the main purpose of use, but there must be a middle ground, i do not welcome candles on the internet, because i believe that you need to come to church, otherwise christianity will turn into a ritual cult, and not faith in christ. hello, my name is ksyusha, i have a question for you: if you light a candle, will life immediately improve? a candle is just a small sacrifice, a symbol of your.
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it was in the city of gomel, the igor kio circus came to us, and everywhere diagonally, on the posters it was written, honored magsr, and i was interested in the word magician, then i opened the ozhigov dictionary, action, communication of a person with an otherworldly demonic force, i became very interested. and i went to the circus for a performance, as i remember now, the third row, seventh place by the aisle, the first part
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of the show was the usual, clowns, little animals, teddy bears, the second part was entirely dedicated to igor kiu, his very interesting trick. at first, i looked closely, looked closely, understood how he did it, and then there came a moment when... i saw that this was something different, and i closed my eyes and mentally turned to god, and you know, this is such a childish faith, lord, well, if this is not from you, if this corresponds to what is written in the dictionary, let him not succeed, suddenly i hear a voice, next to me igor kio stands there and says: boy, leave the hall, let me finish the performance, of course, i left, saddened by the landing, but my soul rejoiced, this was my first experience of spiritual contact and my first experience
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of this unusual miracle. is it true that you can fly an airplane and a helicopter? well, i sat at the controls of an airplane more than once, and i really tried, and a helicopter is, as i already said, my weakness. since childhood, since youth, it’s even a disease, it’s chronic, it’s not curable, it’s love that poured out into that today i even have a personal helicopter, and maybe you flew here to the studio by helicopter, no, i didn’t fly to the studio by helicopter, father fyodor, and i know that you collect model airplanes and helicopters, maybe you’ll show us that very helicopter that we’re talking about, well, let’s try, kids, do you want to? see the helicopter in the studio, please.
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this signal means that the time for questions to the hero is up. father fyodor, now you have to choose the best question of this program. maybe the question where you said. having shown that your field of interest is history, religion, please raise your hand, who asked this question. oh, we see you, please introduce yourself, where do you study, what class? my name is chermakova alexandra, i am from gymnasium number 5, i study in the tenth b-class. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift, come out to the site.
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this is not just a book, this is an amazing book that will help you to really delve into history, to get an answer not from my lips, but from holy scripture. thank you. there is an opportunity to ask the children my question, as a representative of the generation that is passing belarus into the hands of young people, i am interested in what future you see for your homeland? we are building our own future and i do not have an exact idea, but it seems to me that if we
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treat each other, ourselves, with warmth and kindness, then there will be a future. good, i would like peace to prevail throughout the world and for medicine to advance further, i see our country as very developed in the future, where everyone is help each other, built many temples, where all nations are friends in peace, everything will be fine with us in the future.
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all were equally difficult, equally interesting and truly amazing. how do you think, did you cope with our children's audience today, judge the audience. what surprised you about the children today? are they real? today you managed to answer 39 questions. tell me, if we invite you again, will you agree to come? i will answer all the rest. excellent, i am addressing our audience. do you think that our hero was he as open as possible with you today? who thinks so, raise your hand. i think he answered all the questions, answered them as honestly as possible and even managed to sing. i think he answered the...
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