tv [untitled] BELARUSTV September 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK
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in such a familiar look , real traditions are formed from simple happy moments. we are proud of the heritage of our ancestors. we value the past for our present. belarus 24. the project was created with the support of the national agency for tourism and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes you to move forward. and the stomach sings from the heart not to lag behind . and there is a thirst for travel and adventure. and on the way you like to eat somewhere.
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belarusian cuisine is not only draniki, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people, we will show what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the predvinye and in polesie, we are going on a journey to ... make a gastronomic map of belarus. i continue to explore the luninets region, and today i will see the church, which was called the belarusian leaning tower of pisa. visit the giant amphitheater, it is on it the largest granite quarry in europe looks like this. find out what is on the menu of tough miners and what gives them strength. cook torkavanka, a dish
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that combines five main tastes. there are many attractions in the luninets district, but there are two that everyone should see: the falling church and the granite quarries. the name seems to be from two different operas, but it is even more interesting this way. i will start with kozhan-gorodok. when bonny sport got kozhan-gorodok, it decided to make a real european city out of it. arranged a regular layout. what does this mean? the central square has five streets running off it. bona sforza even hired italian architects for the design. the city's princely history is also evidenced by its name. there is a version that kazhan is a modified tatar word for prince, princely, that is, a princely city. the friendliest local resident of kazhan-town. the city can boast not only an ancient history, which is counted
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for thousands of years, but truly unique attractions. as for me, one of the most interesting attractions of our countries - a falling church, and indeed, if you look at it from afar, it seems that all the domes are facing in completely different directions, and the church is about to collapse. despite the fact that the exterior decoration is quite simple, the church is still beautiful and original. the decor includes gilded crosses on the domes and graceful pe'. on the window churches, the building was erected in the local polesian style, but in the upper part there are features of the baroque. as you can see, now the church has a foundation, once upon a time it literally hung in the air, it stood on huge piles, it protected the temple from the floods of the pripyat river. but in the sixties of the last century , soviet engineers came here and decided that the church needed a concrete foundation, they made it since then the temple began. over time, the church
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began to sag in some places went underground by 25-30 cm, which only worsened the slope that the domes acquired due to the fact that they were built on artificial ... so the church received the unofficial name of the belarusian leaning tower of pisa. later, in order to somehow level it out the church from the inside, on top of the rooted floor, a new one had to be laid. they say that the church was built without a single nail, this is not true, documents were found in which it was reported that a local jewish merchant was supplying a batch of nails for the construction of the temple and a note that if you buy nails only from me, i will sell them cheaper. in contrast to the external decoration , the interior decoration of the church amazes with its richness and beauty, which is generally not typical for orthodox churches. this is the first time i see real ship pine. in the temple there are four of them, this is the basis, everything started with them and it still holds up. it is interesting
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that in the christian church the ship is one of the important symbols. it is believed that every temple where believers gather is like a ship among the elements of the world. and even the word nev, meaning. the main space of the temple comes from the latin word ship. the church was originally built as a uniad church. and, by the way, these figures of cute little angels were carved by craftsmen from the leather town. very beautiful, i note. and after the church became orthodox, and they wanted to remove the unyat figures, but the locals rebelled, how could we have put so much effort into creating these masterpieces. as a result, the angels are in place. another masterpiece of local craftsmen, a two-tiered gilded iconostasis, made using the technique of applied carving. it hides something interesting from human eyes. a very beautiful altar with figures of peter and paul and john the baptist is hidden here. it's a pity that
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only a priest has the right to enter this territory. well, i just took a peek. the church also preserved icons, dating back to the 16th century. this is the new testament trinity and... mikhail stratik. everything in the temple is very old. the temple itself was built in 1818. the main relic of the temple is the icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker, even older, from 1730. but that 's not where the interesting things end. look, the lamp. the lamp is not a simple one, it was donated to this temple by nicholas ii in honor of his accession to the throne in 1894. it still hangs here. there is even an engraving on the lamp, which testifies to this. polesie is original in everything, if in other regions of belarus it is customary to gift an icon items made of precious metals, rings, chains, then here in polesie the icon is presented with hand-made towels. this still happens. it is better
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to visit the church in warm weather, as it is not heated. but in the winter , services are held in the church of the great martyr demetrius of thessaloniki, which was built on the southern side of the church. another simple one. the top attraction of kazhan-gorodok, an early iron age settlement. just imagine, in the 5th century bc, people lived here. how was everything arranged? that's where houses, dwellings of people stood in the lowland, on the rampart, which actually frames this lowland, there was a chistokol, which essentially protected from flood attacks. in kazhan-gorodok , real centuries-old oaks grow. one of them is called by local residents. the mickiewicz oak, it is known that it is more than 500 years old, it is considered the thickest tree in belarus. i was sure that the oak from the fairy tale by alexander sergeyevich pushkin simply does not exist, and it is not in lukomorye, but here in kazhan-gorodok. there is
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a legend that under one of these oaks adam mitskevich was resting when he came to visit the local landowner, the owner of these lands. that's where the name comes from. and here's another one. a giant, with a capital letter, the power of this oak can be felt even from a distance, it feels like it gives strength to everything living that is next to it, look, a good example, this is a mushroom, the most amazing thing is that these mushrooms are edible, you just need to know how to cook them, the history of mikoshevych cannot boast. it began to develop rapidly only at the end of the 19th century, when they decided to build a railroad. craftsmen and workers from stekat began to live in the village , and a sawmill began to operate. mikasheviche is a fairly young town, but these places are mentioned in ancient historical documents.
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the estate of the sludsky principality of the rodivil family was once located here. the town is small, but very cozy. if you look around carefully during your walk, you can find something for yourself. a lot of interesting things, how nice it is, a reconciliation bench, if you suddenly quarrel, come to mikashevich and sit on this bench and make peace. local residents in mikashevichi are especially sure that their city is built on granite, and do not argue under any circumstances, they will be offended. however, why argue if the calling card of mikoshevichi is a granite quarry. the townspeople are really proud that the city-forming enterprise is the largest granite quarry in our country , a mention of this, or rather a reminder for all tourists throughout the city. granite has been mined here for 40 years. enormous depth and bizarre shapes
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attract not only tourists, but also directors. for example, a documentary about the moon was filmed here. steep slopes, huge granite stones and man-made waterfalls create the impression that you are actually somewhere in the mountains. to get a better look at the quarry, you can go up to the observation deck, everyone is allowed here. the only exception is friday, since on this day the quarry is 150 m, which is 20 m below the level of the baltic sea. the quarry in mikoševičy is the largest quarry in central europe. from the height of the observation deck the quarry site looks like a giant amphitheater. i counted at least 10 steps, which are called mining benches here. everything seems somehow unreal, you could say, toy-like, small cars and
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small excavators, for example, that small green excavator really weighs 700 tons, just imagine, 700 tons, in a twelve-hour shift the machine travels 150 km, while burning 700 liters of fuel and about 150 liters of oil, now that's what i understand, brutal appetites, to be honest, just from the sight and... their impressions i also managed get hungry. for me, the work of the quarry turned out to be as interesting as the work of the baikanur cosmodrome. by the way, i compared the miners with cosmonauts for a reason. they have hard work plus a special diet. in order to get to know him, i go to the heart of the quarry in mikashevichi, to the canteen. the way to the heart of every miner is certainly through. stomach and natasha knows this way well, she is the head of the canteen every
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dish, but most of all the miners love local pies, we will of course get to the favorite pies of the mikashevichi miners, but first i i want to study the whole assortment, my eyes run wide, where does my lunch begin, of course with a tray, it would seem like an ordinary canteen, but just imagine, there are about five on the menu. what kind of salad do you have here, which is the most delicious? the most delicious is considered to be the festive salad, even if you are at work, you are still like at
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a holiday, well, let's take it, great, i wish you some kefir on tap, that's what i associate with the canteen, so this is, of course, the most delicious belarusian kefir, the next item is soup, there are as many as four of them here choice, but i won't think for long, i already know which one i'll take, borscht, well, of course, natasha, do you want to say that every day in this canteen there is such a rich selection, or did you prepare it for my arrival, no, we have a rich selection every day, for this alone i want to become a miner, i chose the fern kvetka cutlet as the main dish, i took stewed cabbage for the side dish, that's enough asking, what else should i take a look at, i didn't... although i still couldn't pass by the pies that miners love so much. and now we've reached the most important thing.
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as a dessert, i want to eat that very pie that all miners love. where is it? here in front of you are belishi, pies with potatoes, with cottage cheese, with povidz and smazhenka with ham. i would take more of everything, but there is already no space on the tray, so i will stop at a pie with jam. it enjoys special respect among miners, after all, a dessert with filling, and well, guess how much all this will cost. 5 rubles 40 kopecks. you just have to be sweet. now the question is imagine, a full meal for an adult man for the price of a cup of coffee in a capital cafe. that's it. thank you, i wish i could get it across. in my
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case, the phrase "he who does not work, eats" sounds extremely relevant. let's get started! it seems to me that such a lunch can be called a standard. everything is balanced here, there are vegetables, meat, hot and sweet. as we miners say, if you haven't eaten a pie with jam, you haven't been to the quarries. and here are the miners themselves who dropped in for lunch. because of the hard physical labor, they need to consume up to 5 per day on average. and it's not for nothing that they say that after a hearty, tasty meal, not only does your mood improve, but the fatigue goes away, it’s nice to feel part of this big, cheerful male company. i respect the miners’ good appetite, so i’ll stand in line for more, i’m sure i’ll easily pass for one of our own now.
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and the fact that this altar and this image of st. anthony are also a treasure, and so on these symbolic words mean that at this altars people were painted, some of the healings of these other gifts of god, caresses were received. my name is dmitry uksusnikov, i was born in the city of kazan, i have been living in minsk for 2 years now, and i am the leading soloist of the bolshoi theater of belarus, syria is my homeland, i love it very much, but it so happened that i decided to go to belarus to get an education as a cameraman. and everyone found something for themselves here. i think
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i've had a good meal, so with renewed strength i'm heading off to explore the quarry, into the thick of things. for those who like to touch everything with their own hands, like me, you can book an excursion, take a ride in a belaz. the quarry produces not only and not even so much granite, but diorite and granodiorite. how are they different? well, for me, as an ordinary person, simply by color. diorite is dark, granodiorite is a kind of mixture of dark red and granite, it is more red than any other, according to its characteristics, diarite is the strongest. as i already said, on fridays in the quarry they carry out blasts of rocks. large fragments are put aside, they are crushed by special equipment, excavators fill the bodies of belaz trucks and they are sent to the receiving point of the plant, where
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as many as 57 types of products are made from the rock mass. crushed stone goes to road construction, aggregate for concrete to house-building plants. there are a lot of springs in the ground, which, as they deepen, quarry, are transformed from essentially an underground source into a beautiful waterfall. once again about optical illusion: from afar all these horizons, the so -called steps of the quarry, the waterfall itself seemed very small, in fact a trickle, up close it is huge, 20 m high. most likely, these are the highest waterfalls in belarus and at the same time the most difficult to access for tourists. there are a lot of such sources, well, in fact, waterfalls in the quarry. in 25 years, when the development is finished, these sources will flood the quarry. which will turn into mikoshevychskoye sea. pumps are constantly working at the bottom of the quarry. scientists have calculated that if groundwater is not pumped out, the quarry
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will turn into the deepest lake in europe in 20 years. when this happens, they plan to open a diving center here. i can't wait to see it, but it will be a long wait. there is work here for at least another three decades. there are only a few cafes in small towns like mikashevichi , but the most paradoxical fact is that they cook much better than many metropolitan restaurants, delicious home-style food. what is the secret? such success? of course, in people, and it is better to adopt recipes directly, no advice from the internet will replace live communication. i am sure that the first thing that an ancient belarusian did was to invent a grater, grate potatoes on it, and from then on it went. over the years, so many dishes from grated potatoes have been invented that you can’t count them, and there is no need to, it is better to cook them. irina, what are we going to cook today? today we will cook a dish called torkovanka.
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what does torkovanka mean? torkovanka, to grate, to grate, that is, this is what torkovanka means, according to in essence, it's a grater, yes, of course, that is , torkovanka is something made from grated potatoes. in principle, it can be any dish, the main difference between torkovanka and draniki is the presence of dried fruits in that draniki are baked on... used in cooking together with the liquid that is released during its preparation, yes, klinovanka is purely a mass without liquid, which... a new bag is inserted and then everything is squeezed out, yes, like kleski, well, in general, i showed off my cleverness, i showed off my cleverness, but i still don't know how to cook, so irina, let's you
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let's get started, i'll help you, grate the potatoes and cut the bacon, it adds juiciness and fat to the dish, then fry it with onions, well, all the most interesting things go to the chef, cut the meat, fry it, and i, as an apprentice, well, grate the potatoes? now we cut the dried fruits, for us it's a pear and an apple, for someone this mixture may seem unusual, well, how is it, potatoes with meat and fruits, but in fact this is a classic combination, fruits give the dish a pleasant sweet and sour taste, what other dried fruits can be added, you can even add apple, that is, a fresh apple apple, this is worth doing, but then the dish becomes seasonal.
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that each of these ingredients adds potatoes, sour cream gives softness and does not allow the potatoes to darken, yeah, since dried fruits, dried fruits give such a taste, like something smoked, maybe. also sweet smoked notes, and why do we need pepper? for spiciness, for spiciness, spiciness, at the same time sweet with a smoky flavor, this is the magnificent dish we are preparing today, in fact, such a combination of flavors is the most correct, if you combine sweet, sour, salty and bitter, you can get the fifth taste of mami, translated from japanese, it means pleasant taste, it is mami that makes the dish so delicious. and i would also, i don’t know, add an egg here, so that it all ties together well, the egg doesn’t go here, and why? we have an egg in the babka, that is, if i add an egg here, it will be a babka, it will be like a babka, yes, we
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have an egg in the babka, amazingly. universal belarusian cuisine, without an egg - it’s torkovanka, with an egg - it’s already a babka, babka, instead of an egg we add flour as a binding material, you can rest assured, mix it, i'll bring everything, well at least they trusted me with something, now the most important thing is, we stop messing around, finally eat the cracklings, okay, i'm kidding, let's not disrupt the process, we send the cracklings together with the fat to the main mass, mix again, i would n't even fry it, i'd eat it like that, and what are you going to eat raw potatoes, no, of course i won't, we'll bake it in a pot, as needed, how much does such a dish cost in a cafe in mikashevichi, 4.50, 4 rubles 50 cop, that is, it is less than two dollars,
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in fact, if. foreign tourist, this is cool! we are almost finished, all that remains is to cover everything with a layer of sour cream. this is what the pot looks like before sending it into the oven, the famous words of professor preobrazhensky immediately come to mind, i will change them a little. ira, into the oven. that's it, let's go. torkovanka recipe. cut the bacon and fry with onions. add the fried mixture, finely chopped dried fruits, sour cream, flour to the grated potatoes. pepper and mix, then put the resulting mass in the pot, covering top with a layer of sour cream, send it to bake in the oven for 25 minutes. our tarkovanka baked for 25 minutes and for 25 minutes i persuaded irina to go out into the hall and taste what we got together, she says: no, you shouldn't do that, i say, let's go anyway, i won't eat it alone, the tarkovanka
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is baked, with me, everything is fine, but it will be even better when i try what we got, if only you knew how delicious it smells, you know what it smells like, well-baked potato crust, actually, it is here, vo ala, of course, more authentic it would be better to eat it from a pot, but i want irina to keep me company, and you can see what dish we ended up with, like any dish in a pot, the torkovanka is very hot, i'm even... afraid to put it in my mouth, we don't like tongue, no, no, well, let's try, the first impression is a dranik, a soft baked dranik, but these notes that dried fruits give us make it a completely different dish, unlike a dranik, but this dish is much fresher, i can't call it dietary, but due to the dried fruits it
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has become... with some kind of summer, light, light, right, the dish is delicious to eat both plain and with milk or sour cream, and it seems to me that dark kvass would be great here. irina, i want to say a big thank you, and i do it without unnecessary flattery, because this is a completely new dish for me made from familiar potatoes. torkovanka is just an exotic belarusian dish, an amazing combination of dried fruits and old. it may seem that there is nothing interesting in small towns, but kazhan-gorodok and mikosevichi prove the opposite, here you can not only to see the amazing sights, but also to eat tasty, satisfying food, so you will not be fed in any capital cafe.
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