tv [untitled] BELARUSTV October 1, 2024 11:05pm-11:56pm MSK
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about soldiers, but about any slav, enslave - this is about everyone, it does not apply to, kill, this is a war of ideology and a struggle of races, on the other side there is a 180-million people, a mixture of races of peoples whose names are unpronounceable and whose physical essence is such that the only thing that can be done with them is to shoot without any pity and mercy. we are obliged to exterminate the population, this is part of our mission to protect the german population, we will have to develop technology. if i send the flower of the german nation into the hell of war, without the slightest pity spilling precious german blood, then without a doubt i have the right to destroy millions of people of an inferior race who reproduce like worms. the genocide of the slavs was not only a daily practice of the german troops. it was expressed in quite unambiguous words. the only thing is that the word genocide itself had not yet entered the political lexicon, and therefore was not used. the
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barbarossa plan and the general plan ost are detailed regulations for the conquest, extermination and partial deportation of the slavs. the soviet union was supposed to be defeated in during the summer-autumn operation, capturing the euro-eastern part of the country, including moscow and leningrad. the ost plan began to be created by the planning department of the reichskommissariat for the strengthening of the german nationality already in february of 1940. the technical details of the plan were directly developed by a man named herbert backe, he was a deputy, state secretary, deputy minister of agriculture and food, so what was the idea, that the german troops during the offensive quickly capture these black earth territories, and then the removal of all products from this territory either to the reich or to supply the occupation forces, and accordingly those logistics chains
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that had already been established in the economy of the soviet union, they are being destroyed, and non-black earth territories, primarily large industrial centers in the northwestern and central parts of the rsfsr, they will starve, well , belarus also belonged to non-black earth territories, and there , too, famine was programmed, although not as severe as in the central part or northwestern part of the rsfsr. buck considered that if this strategy is implemented, then in... in the soviet union, 20 to 30 million people will inevitably die, especially residents of large cities. at first, himmler's department took up the fate of the polish people. then, as the wehrmacht advanced to the east, the nazis began to determine the fate of the belarusians, ukrainians, russians. in may of 1941 , the nazis had officially, planned, put down on paper, a decision to organize a mass goal.
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of course, to one degree or another, in the winter of 1941-1942, it affected all cities, occupied cities of the soviet union, more precisely all cities occupied in russia, ukraine and belarus. the situation at the front changed, and with it the forms of implementation of the ost plan changed, while the nazi strategy remained unchanged. when nazi germany began to suffer an absolutely clear defeat, the retreat began, the strategy of the higher. lands was adopted, this strategy was also genocidal, why? because, well, the nazis still thought in demographic categories, so when the germans began to retreat, they all the population sought to drive away with them, and to drive away not only the working population, which they needed, but also the non-working population only so that the arriving red army would not cure this non-working population, would not give it strength, and this population would not be able to help the red army in one form or another.
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of course, based on political, opportunistic considerations, including, if we are talking about germany, based on the unwillingness to take any responsibility for what was happening. eh, because, for example, as we know, in relation to soviet prisoners of war, and germany evaded paying compensation. at the same time, the ost plan was implemented only to a small extent. its goals were much more ambitious. in the east, from
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the czech republic through poland right up to the ural mountains, europe was subject to a total cleansing of the neo-orian element, eviction. and this word was often used instead of the term extermination, 80% of poles, 75% of belarusians, 65% of ukrainians, half of the czechs were subject to it. in the first stage, 31 million slavs had to cede living space to 2 million germans and 10 million other aryans, some of the slavs were supposed to be exterminated, the majority were not allowed to be born and so on. here is another stage of genocide that did not take place, but which was planned, mass sterilization projects, they continued to be developed, several specialists worked on this, in particular such a doctor karl clauberg, doctor horst schumann, in which they worked in auschwitz, they
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planned, looked for methods, the methods were presented to the nazis different, to mix some additives into the food of the eastern peoples, which affect: their reproductive capacity, there was considered the option with the south american plant colladium, the use of radiation, imperceptible in what forms, that is, five forms, in what forms this genocide can be carried out, direct murder, causing critical harm to health, creating conditions incompatible with life, humanitarian disasters, mass sterilization or transfer of children from one ethnic group to roughly, all these five methods they were used, five forms, were applied in relation to the slavic peoples. we really partially reduced ethnic groups and russians, ukrainians, and belarusians. it is often said that the ost plan never left the desk drawers of its author, konrad mayer, director of the planning department in himmler's reigkommissariat. this plan
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did not really turn into dry instructions for surveyors, policemen, and administrators in the occupied territories. nevertheless, it was known to the top of the reich, the researcher. was perceived by these people as a guide to action from the first to the last days of the war. an important component of the nazi extermination policy, it is so so-called counter-partisan operations. they were aimed at clearing, a complete clearing of the territory, with the destruction or removal of the local population, that is, for example, during operation winter magic, which was carried out at the beginning of the forty-third year in the northern regions of belarus, it was planned to burn 80 km from the border of latvia, destroying all settlements, destroying or removing the entire population. as a result, thanks to the actions of the partisans , only 40 km from the border were able to survive, but
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even now, when we go, for example, in verkhnedvinsky district, we see that here you are driving along the road, you are driving, driving, driving, not a single village on the way, here near minsk you will come out, immediately one village after another sits along the road, and here you drive, drive...
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women and children were sent into the fire so that their land air, so that the sun's warmth due to them, the whisper of oak groves, the aroma of herbs. went to the germans. why did the germans arrange a mass execution in the rampart? it is clear, this is an obsession, a breakdown in its purest form? but scientists are still looking for an answer to the question of why. most likely, civilians were shackled german units on the front lines of defense and interfered with attempts. to stop the advance of the soviet army, to let the peasants
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go did not occur to anyone, the germans exterminated them with some kind of devilish pleasure, not even like animals, but like insects, probably, here are the stories of oxinia kurlovich, she approached the most ardent fascist and said: i will go to my house and there i will burn together with him, laughed. a few days later they discovered something there that no imagination poisoned by the poison of primordial evil will give birth to. here hell fell upon the earth left in ashes imprint of the unimaginable. the soldiers, having tied their noses and mouths with handkerchiefs or rags, began to pull out the remains from all the cellars in a row,
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blackened bones and burnt scraps of clothing were mixed up, it was impossible to count how many corpses were found, jumping out meant getting under machine gun bullets, and the unfortunate ones hid in the cellar, leaning on each other, they died, most likely, suffocated by smoke, and then the fire got to the dead, people like...
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their racial merits. the author of the general plan ost oberführer ss, konrad meyer, in 56 became a professor of the department of state planning at... noverskom university for more than a decade shared his invaluable experience, the notorious denazification in the gdr was carried out carelessly, in west germany, it practically did not exist at all. kur kiesenger, one of the successors of konrad adenauer,
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means to all nazi criminals, when germany was already included in nato in 1955 in 1956 they announced the creation of the bundeswihr, here the demisier became one of the creators of those who carried out the remilitarization of germany, and pope benedict xvi, who had hitler jugent service in the austrian legion behind him, was nazism really a fleeting page of his life for him - turned over. i forgot, there were tens of thousands of such senior european officials, politicians, ideologists, if not more, they certainly carried racial hatred through the decades and passed it on to their heirs. the entire nazi asset, theorists and especially practitioners, were actively used in post-war period. the money, time, and effort
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spent by the nazis became investments that later... came in handy, in particular for the states. the cia was created only in 1947, yes, and before that the germans had all these powerful intelligence agencies, like the abwehr, and the rsha, and there was a huge number of intelligence agencies, they, of course, they - were very interested in taking over their service, because they had already developed an agent network, accordingly, for example, in belarus, for example, it is known that in the gesta schools. that trained provocateurs sent to fight the partisan movement, there were about 65 schools deployed, where they trained, among other things, teenagers from eight to 16 years old, this agent force that the germans trained, they handed it over completely to american and other western
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intelligence agencies, the ideology of racial superiority, the belief in the ethnic inferiority of the slavs, already in the post-war period were discovered in the most unexpected places, in the most unpredictable way, ethnic cleansing in tajikistan, the soft displacement of the slavs from the asian republics former union, their disenfranchisement in the territory of the baltics, the slavic mini-genocide that began and miraculously was not completed in transnistria, here in the documents, it is known , in the directives of the national security council of the smb, where it was clearly spelled out: yes, how they will destroy the soviet union, there it was emphasized that even when we remove the soviet power, we must still keep russia in a subordinate position, therefore when...
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chronicles, the works of a historian, it also helps to choose from the branching versions of the future , correct or, on the contrary, incorrect. to forget the alu, to forget the 5,295 burned belarusian cities and villages, of which 600... 28 with their entire population, to forget the 7.5 million peaceful soviet people killed by the nazis, and not to call it genocide, all this means to commit genocide again, justifying the past. in fact, all forms and methods of genocide were used on the territory of the bssr, this includes mass extermination people, which was put, in fact, on such a flow, a deadly conveyor belt. this is hunger, and cold, gallows, burning of people, gas chambers, executions and so on. as has already been established during the investigation,
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at least 3 million belarusians, the belarusian people, became victims of the genocide policy. we have already established during the investigation of the criminal case that the sad list of destroyed settlements is not 9,200, as was previously believed before the initiation of the criminal case, but 12,289 sad list, villages villages that shared the tragic fate khatyn, unfortunately, has also increased, we already state that there are 90 more settlements than previously thought, death, where is your sting, hell, where is your victory, tear out death? its sting and deprive hell of its victory, we are able to do this, not allowing the death of our
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ancestors to become meaningless, protecting our descendants from genocide, the time has come to remember everything, call evil by its true name, finally get off the centuries-old slavic way of the cross. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, then they made these flatbreads and swept them with pine branches under
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the oven, here on this clean one, right on it they laid these bulebyashchniki on one side they baked, on the other, and served with cracklings, what an amazingly versatile belarusian cuisine, here without an egg - this is torkovanka, with an egg - this is already babka, babka, we will learn more about ... the historical past of belarusians, when kazhan-gorodok got to bonnie sforza, she decided to make a real european city out of it, arranged a regular layout, what does this mean, the central square five diverging from her streets. we will show what they eat in different parts of our country. what is the most popular dish that people order for tomorrow? are these belgian waffles? well, also the bylgian waffles in brackets, bobruisk waffles. as we say... whoever hasn't eaten a pie with jam hasn't been to a quarry, watch the project, the food is just right on the belarus 24 tv channel. about five years
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ago, the word propaganda in our field was considered almost an insult for some reason, that is, if the propaganda of a healthy lifestyle or the propaganda of traditional values is good, but if the propaganda is television, then it is supposedly bad. i prefer to propagate the truth, so i will say it now. what is called objective journalism in its pure form does not exist and never has existed. and the word regime, by the way. regardless of what kind of regime it is, authoritarian or dictatorial, this is also a completely normal word. the president's honesty is difficult for those who in their minds in politics rely precisely on the western model, there it is customary to constantly leave something out of the audience, if it is will seem unpleasant to the audience, and to tell people only pleasant things, because the west does not see people in people, but the electorate, and it is needed to legitimize power for a new term. propaganda of common sense and truth, namely.
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turn. author's project by igor turai such propaganda is needed by people first of all propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. in 1915, chechersk received the right to self-government, the so-called magdeburg law. and then a special room was built for the rada, a wooden town hall, which has not survived to this day. about this there is so much historical data on the monument. it is known that the town hall once stood in the middle of a large square, had a large striking clock, and a guard stood on its tower to announce the arrival of guests. there were shops near the town hall, about 76. the remaining information often excludes each other and can only confuse. it is impossible, for example, to find out how many storeys the town hall had. all sources give different
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numbers. probably because each of the authors understood the word storey. we know neither the original appearance nor the author, the exact time of its construction. in 1772, after the division of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, chechersk became part of the russian empire, and a year later, in 1773, the town passed into the possession of zakhar grigorievich chernyshov. at the insistence of the russian commander and ... the construction of a new stone town hall began, the year the construction began and the name of the architect, history is silent, now the building dates back to the end of the 18th century, three churches and a catholic church also appeared in chechersk. the building of the chechersk stone town hall is rectangular, has two floors in height, with a roof on the sides crowned with four towers with spires. in the center of the roof on a raised drum.
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a fifth tower is installed, narrowed at the top, the windows of the first floor are rectangular, on the second - pointed with an arched finish, the cornices are decorated with figured brackets, the towers on the roof are made of wood, but their decorations correspond to the composition and stone decorations on the rest of the building. this trend was observed in russian architecture of the 16th century. after the war, the building was used by the city administration. in early 1974 , the town hall was badly damaged during a fire, during in which all wooden structures were destroyed. repair and restoration work dragged on until 2004. the town hall building was ceremoniously opened on september 24, 2004, on the day of the 845th anniversary of the city of chechersk.
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to see my daughter, does that surprise you? no, of course not, you have to see her. you know, i 've imagined how it would be so many times? you won't believe it, i haven't either. masha had a very difficult day today, competitions, an injury, she's a teenager, she takes everything very close to her heart now, so if you tell her everything about yourself now, it will be a slap in the face, you know, too much, take pity on her, okay, okay. hi masha, i'm your mother,
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your biological mother, to be more precise, no. "i'm your mother, i love you very much, yeah, i didn't love you for seven years, then suddenly i fell in love, why did you come, i can't stand traitors, i want you to know, i didn't betray you, i missed you very much for all these seven years, no need to explain anything, everything is clear anyway, go back to the one for whom you left me. i'm surprised by your calmness, well, it was you who allowed her to meet her daughter, you saw, and you saw how she looked at me, as if i, like
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as if it were me, i don't know, i'm a murderer, mommy, mommy. you, don't worry, everything's fine, everything's fine with masha, what do the doctors say, what's wrong with her, well, did she go for an mri, she has a slight concussion, she's been observed in the hospital for a couple of days, yes, shura is there, mom, but i asked you, like a human being, the child is in the hospital. and then there's zek's mother, what did you tell her? i didn't tell masha that i was in prison, i just wanted to see my daughter, i saw her, and now leave us alone, otherwise
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we'll protect the child from you through the court, i see, what's unclear here, my daughter thinks that i betrayed her, you did everything for this, and now you can still scare me with some kind of trial if you need me, masha. if she wants to see me, you won’t be able to stop me, anna vladimirovna. she should be deprived of parental rights. mom, what, mom, can’t you see that she won’t calm down until she ruins everything, like you, my bunny, what, your mother, asked for forgiveness, yeah, something like that, yeah, mashenka, i. i hope you understand that you can’t trust her,
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that all this is crocodile tears. granny, don’t worry, let her go back to where those 7 years old. well done, that's right. you shouldn't be nervous now, but prepare. you're my champion, right? yeah. yeah. especially after today's performance. yeah, and that's a lesson for you. you need to work harder, throw all the unnecessary things out of your head. especially mom, maybe that's enough about her, granny's a bit tired, okay, my bunny, rest, i'll go, the number is unavailable, leave a message on the answering machine, yarik, hi, you're really angry with me. well, because of the performance, i understand that
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the main problem of our western counterparties today is to find gray schemes to bypass their own, take care, because belarus is a unique country, all my friends who came here, they are simply amazed, this is a danger for this country, like yugoslavia once was, there is no such normal, beautiful, well-equipped country in europe. noble, like belarus then, when our
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the closest neighbors are closing and creating all sorts of obstacles for the development of cross-border cooperation contacts between people, which from my point of view is a gross violation of all existing conventions within the osce, the council of europe, the european union, we, however, on the contrary, show our openness, come, look, in latvia i saw a sign that says that you take a risk if you come to belarus, because you may not return from there. yes, this is really possible, because you may like belarus so much that you won't want to leave. the markov project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus24 tv channel. flowers, who gave them to you? did your boss
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break up? yes, edik is good, and you're not my husband, well, that can be fixed, i mean literally, let's get married, and you just proposed to me, yeah, so what? yes, that you asked me to marry you like that, yeah, yeah, shurka, shurka, i just got proposed to, can you imagine , please forgive me, what did you say, huh? yeah, i said that mishanya is already leaving, how is she leaving, that's it ear, what are you talking about, i just came, that means you've already left, yul, well, how about it, well , what, your relatives didn't let you see your daughter, yeah, no, masha herself doesn't want to see me, she thinks that i abandoned her, well, you told her
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the truth, no, i couldn't, and it's already bad now, yeah. "you know, when i was in prison, i thought that all this wasn't happening to me, that it was all some kind of terrible dream, i thought, i'll get out, i'll see mashenka, this whole nightmare will end, but what really drives me crazy is that the killer is still at large, he crippled my life and moved on, i have to prove that i'm not guilty for masha's sake." okay, so now i'm going to the office, if the documents aren't ready, kick yourself. lera, ler,
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i have to go away for work. you promised that there would be no work today, just you and me, i'll be back soon, and let me go, she said, how did i get into trouble, give me the money, like you promised, who are you, what's going on here, is it you? who? although you don't have to explain. so, everything is clear. vera, who came there? vitya, vitya, come here. who are you? hey, i was driving her from the airport, she refused to pay. i said that this was her house. she lied. she lied? yes no, i didn't lie. why did you fly in today? well, excuse me, i decided to surprise you. oh,
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or maybe i'm at the wrong time. ler, meet my daughter alisa. nice to meet you. i'm terribly sorry, who 's going to pay? i'll be there, let's go, let's go, let's go, i didn't think vitya had such a grown-up daughter, nice to meet you, nervous, oh, that's okay, no, daddy, i learned a lot, for example, how to survive on 100 pounds a day, blocking cards is just a super idea, dad, you're a genius, you forced me to do it yourself, your lifestyle is
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perfect, just don't, dad, don't pretend that you're interested in my lifestyle, you don't care whether i'm here or not. that's not true, i care, well then at least pretend that you're glad to see me, stop talking nonsense, come to me, i'm very glad to see you, i missed you too, i 'm sick of this studying, alice, you're probably hungry from the road, will you have breakfast, even so, yes, now she 'll be making breakfast for us, yes dad, no, of course i understand that mom has been gone for a long time, but stop dragging this bedroom of yours, alesa. everything, everything, everything, without problems, i can just disappear, as if i never existed, honestly, i feel sick of you, i have, what was that, i have such a difficult child, really difficult,
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well, you know, i'm sure that we will definitely become friends, the main thing is don't stay late at work today and... early, gets out of prison and gets plastic surgery , good, i'll try, well, you here, hold on, yeah, i saw it on tv, in short, she has an operation and comes to the one who set her up, he of course doesn't recognize her, he falls in love with her, she destroys him, that's how it is cinema, we're not going to the cinema, thank you very much for seeing me off, i'll take the rest myself. wait, please, don't you trust me? do you think i can't keep my mouth shut? i don't think anything like that, i'm just worried that you'll get into trouble, hello. tell me, does timur lesnyak still work here? he hasn't, for a long time now. or maybe it's possible to find his address or
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phone number? well, maybe it is possible? and why did you need timur? because of your timur, an innocent person was thrown into jail. so it was you? yeah, well, you're that woman who then they put him in jail, well yeah, why did you come, to assert your rights? no, just ask. calm down. thank you very much, now he definitely won't say anything, shurka, thank you very much, now he definitely won't say
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anything, shurka, shurka, shurka. well, forgive me, please, well, well, i don't know why i let it slide, really, what a fool, we'll find timur, well, i'll ask mishka, he'll get anyone from under the ground for me, really, i don't understand at all why mishka is still a district police officer, he would have been a great investigator. is this stotsky? come on, you? yes, i do. what do you need? i just wanted to ask how you sleep at night, they wouldn't let you in. what a coincidence. i wanted to ask the same thing. so, man, we were passing by, we didn't touch anything. viktor valentinovich, maybe we should call the police? thank you, andrey, no need, and i would have called them ourselves. we'll figure it out, what are you pestering us for, and we 're leaving already, let's go, let's go, my dear, let's go, you'll find out, please, lesnyak is not
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the most common surname, maybe i'll be able to find the address, though i don't know his birthdate, it doesn't matter, because there's no i won't look for timur. and i don't advise you to either. mish, maybe you didn't get something, huh? we know that stotsky is the killer, and timur will help us bring him to justice. you 'll get an order, or whatever they give you for solving the case? i don't know what they'll give me, but your friends will definitely give me a new sentence. for what? for amateur performance. okay, yulka, everything is clear with her, she's got wind in her head, well, well, what do you think, you have widows, they should sit quietly like a mouse, and you're going to play detective with your brain. i have, excuse me, a question. there is from a citizen with a criminal record, how should i address you, citizen-chief or comrade-investigator, considering that i saw
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you without panties, yulka, i am yulka, and you are a coward, no big deal, let's go to edik, he will help, what edik, edik is good, because he doesn't care about my past, mish, forgive me, please, i am very sorry that you quarreled because of me, come on, listen, yulka told me that your mother-in-law wants to deprive you of parental rights, so if you don't want to lose your daughter, urgently find a job, i hate the hospital, it's depressing, it's good that at least there's internet, and what about you, the coach is exhausted by his championship, he asked about you, he says that you're not in shape now, and i need to find another partner, what? and what did you tell him, what could i say, you have an injury, i'll call you back.
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