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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  December 30, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." >> i think the 27th. if i cut down the tree.
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courses?y still arabic >> it is an arabian horse. you are from new york, ok? >> how much is an arabian horse? >> no less than 15 grand. by"lone survivor" the movie peter burke. it is based on the book by marcus luttrell. it tells the story of a failed taliban member. it resulted in the deaths of 19 american soldiers. here is the trailer. >> i am petty officer. can you say it? mr. patton. i have been around the world twice. there is nothing i cannot do.
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i have learned a lot of lessons in my life. never shoot a man with a small caliber bullet. moderation is for cowards. i am a lover and a fighter. i am a navy seal diver. >> list enough. the red wings are a go. 20 marines killed last week. >> it going again a four man team. man with a 4- >> go! >> it is compromised. >> is your radio working? we have two options. let him go. >> we have 200 on our backs.
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we cannot to do that. i care about you. i care about you. we are going to cut them loose and we are going home. >> roger that. ♪ >> you see this? a gunfight. ♪ >> push yourself further. >> feels good, right?
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>> you are never out of the fight. peter berg, ais mark wahlberg, and marcus luttrell. he is the author and a device. -- and advise. the -- and advisor. the paperback. let me start with the idea of how you found this and what it is you wanted to do and why you wanted to make a movie and how did you approach marcus. filmwas working on another about four years ago called "hancock." my partner came to me and said you have to read this book. i was not in a position to focus. i said i would agree when i was done and she said her right now. went into the
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trailer and started reading. i locked the door and finished the book. i heard there was this guy, marcus luttrell, who was in hollywood taking meetings. i said to put me on the list. i got to him and spent time with him and showed me -- odum so my work. we had a long dinner. at the end, he said you can do it. i wanted toything, give people the opportunity to to getarcus does so well off of our busy cycles, turn off the computer's, and pay respects are more thanho statistics. they are the very best and brightest we have to offer. they are given their lives. i wanted to give a larger audience the experience i had reading it. that was to honor and understand. >> why did you select him?
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met on the set of "hancock," and walked to the site. he told about himself. it was because of the fact that he -- he was a walk the walk instead of talk the talk. instead of saying how good he was and what he could do, he said i have a movie coming out. watching that and let me know what you think. i went into the theater and watched it. attentionng get, his -- i do not focus, i cannot tell you what the movie was about. to hisaying attention attention to detail on every little aspect of the film from the way the guys moved and how the enemy performed throughout the film. if that is what sold it.
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you wanted to pay respect to the people who died? that is a question. >> is it? [laughter] >> i felt for a moment you might think that. [laughter] >> i got to you. -- the navy written came to me and said we are going to tell the story because there were so many different versions flying around. a family member would call me and say how come you did not tell me this? i was totally in the dark. a rumor that somebody came up with. the powers that be in my community said we are going to declassify and put the story out . they are the ones that helped me out. the lawyers and all the stuff
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needed to get it done. i was a navy seal, i am not a writer by any means. once the book came out and did what it did, obviously, hollywood came knocking on the door. it is one of the situations where an ultimatum was basically dropped, we are going to do this movie with or without you. you can help us out or you can we think isth what right. we wanted to make sure for the family sake and the guys that did not make it that it was authentic. seal? >> be a navy somebody tell me i could not. >> you do not have what it takes? >> and that is right. >> you said i would show you? what was the hardest part? -- it is nott part becoming a sale, it is staying
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one. most people do not realize that. going through the training is as people and lose more the attrition rate is incredibly high. tests thatass the are necessary? >> correct. once you get into the seal team, every thing around sup 100%. up the responsibility. overall, going through training and everything like that, you can maneuver around. when you're at the team and have responsibilities to your self and community, you cannot drop the ball or people die. consequences?e >> absolutely. >> how did you get involved?
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>> pete called me. we had been friendly for a while. he said do you want to make this move? i said absolutely. said what a in me great opportunity to play a flashy role. once i read it -- the expectations, the responsibility and i started getting serious and looking deep in myself as saying can i really do this? am i up to the task? i know why pete wants to make the movie. somethingbe part of that is bigger than me as an actor. that is the only time i have been a situation like this. every time i have seen the movie before or watch the and, i cannot critique the way i normally would any other movie i have been involved in. all i can think about is what markets and those guys went through. .> first clip
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a consideration. you know you have been discovered and a mission is at risk. what do you do about the people that discover you? do you kill them or let them go and what are the options? a part of that. >> over. down. eyes down. >> is your radio working? >> no curses. that is all. we have three options. one, let them go. hike up. up -- tie them up. they will probably be eaten by wolves or freeze to death.
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three, terminate the compromise. >> we cannot do that. >> tough decisions. >> a yes, sir. >> why did you make that decision? >> we ran through everything that happened up there and that was the best course of action. we would've rather gotten into an engagement with 200 taliban militia. and -- >> in the movie it is reversed. they woke up first and then the shepherds. the reality is the shepherds walked up first. the goalssituation, walked up. that changed the dynamic. they do not wait for the shepherds. they will go back down. there is no shepherds.
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everybody comes back looking for them. the position we were in to overlook the particular village sightlimited -- line of to wear with a see every single house. guy we were and the looking for was in the village. all of those little small variables started combining into one big thing. we rolled the dice. we let them loose. >> to see what would happen and not to know what would happen? and the worst thing happened. >> 30 minutes to an hour.hour. we relocated back to our initial position. i was not on watch. i put my hat down to get rest.
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30 minutes to an hour. about that time. >> you are trying to save your life and your friends' lives. everybody trying to do that. you know the odds. take me to that moment. >> is one of those situations where you know -- in the back of is the perfect situation for a navy seal. one we dream about getting into when will our outnumbered and outgunned. we get to put our skills to the test. >> employee everything you ever learned? >> absolutely. people say they are sorry. i train my whole life injuring -- and dream. you hear the stories and read about. regardless of the outcome,
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people often talk about the deaths -- the guys in the helicopter is a different story. not being able to visit her boots on the ground and fight is a tragedy. boots on the ground and fight is a tragedy. -- a proudn a way death. they had their boots on friday. on fighting. fighting with her brothers doing what they love. >> do you learned that in training? >> the years and years of training and all of the situations that we go through combat deployment and that cohesive bond we have. it gets tighter and tighter. >> is it hard to leave? >> absolutely.
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it's like abandoning one of your kids probably. i think about all of the time when i wake up and before i go to bed at night. an overall feeling in my gut. i am missing something. i am not there with my buddies. >> he helped you get into the character. a conversation that does not help you? him did not want to make walk me through every bit of what happened. he was definitely there and trained with us every day. the real deal. >> for sure. we knew this movie would be seen by marcus' community. the military at large and special ops, green berets and the marines. the air force.
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we knew these guys were going to watch this film and that is what we were thinking about and why we train so hard. not to try in any way be what they are. there was never an it -- a discussion. i am going to learn to imitate it and get it so we can mimic full stop -- mimic. >> everything they told us and how they told us. to be. is what i want that is what i trained for. every navy member still wants an opportunity like this. chasing the dragon? >> they will spend their entire a war when there is not going on, they spend their whole career chasing that opportunity to employ their skill set.
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those who are fortunate enough feeling you- it's a cannot suppress at all. mark and the other actors, when i was on set, i considered myself an asset to the guys -- and the other actors . they did not have their guys there to help them out. i was there for mark. if he needed to lean on me, he is professional and what he does. working withhere the other actors, i looked over and he would be looking at me and watch me and my man of residence. -- my mannerisms. he had to play a sale out there. sealst boils down to it, have a special skill sets. they are unique. when they put us together, we are individuals.
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-- this guyg that is a pro at what he does. the same thing with pete. he is a pro. i am not. >> your first movie? >> yes, sir. it was a learning curve. >> take a look. another scene about the decision that had to be made. 20 marines last week. 20. we let him go. 20 more will die next week and 40 more the week after. our job is to stop ahmad shah. why do these men have the right to dictate how we do our job? >> understand. i do not care. i care about you. i care about you. i care about you.
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>> a look at that sold. they are unarmed prisoners. >> this is not a vote. -- look at that soldier. >> this is what we are going to do. it is compromise. we are going to cut them loose. would we make this peak, we're going to call for extra and we are going home. >> roger that. >> that was the moment he made the decision. watching, the is moment when they will say what would you do differently now? f, there arehal people were going to say i would kill him. it is that easy for you? monday morning quarterback. upoman whole screen stood said i would've killed him. why did you kill him?
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a very well-dressed, reasonable woman screaming. remember? >> yeah. oh, man. >> situations we get in that are not in the manual. war is not black and white. you cannot write everything down. so we can study it. you will get a situation, if you do it long enough, it has never happened before. if it has -- and this is happened before. i knew it. i studied the report. a green berets squad at another marine squad and an army squad. >> they came to the same decision every time? >> every time. >> every time they said we have to let them go and they let him go. , somebodyport said got killed.
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>> and yes, sir. one of the teams -- a little girl walked on and they turned her loose. it was a long time ago. they turned her loose. she ran straight back. >> you did what he wanted to do in this movie? >> i believe so. the fact he is not hurt me. we are still friends. >> tell me what the things are -- themes are. >> it is not a pro-war movie. it is pro-soldier. it's a tribute to any single person was walked into a recruiting office and signed up to defend our great nation. i wanted to be a part of that. a very special story that needed to be told i wanted to be part of it. would be.dy
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what happened after this? after the attack? and you lost your comrades. >> i was pretty banged up. hurt pretty bad. i started crawling. i had been shot. frags everywhere. broken my back. i started to crawl through the mountains. rescued byy, i got an afghan village. a couple of villagers found me. i thought they were try to kill me. they helped me out. they brought me to the village. >> without them you probably would not have made it but mark -- made it? >> if the taliban had not found me i would've died anyway. if i had been in a gunfight that was if -- the problem they knew how many guys were in
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the initial fight, they were missing one. there were not going to stop looking for me. when i gotugh, picked up by the village and they brought me and -- in. they saved me and dr. me up. however, the taliban found out where i was. once and they encircled the village, all hell broke loose. towashington made a decision leave afghanistan. does that trouble you? -- iam not a politician or did not know that. >> they are evacuating in 2014. the debate if there will be anybody left. basically playing a tough row as to whether -- role as to whether they will allow 10,000 american soldiers to
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remain. here we are. this is a remarkable film. it is an extra minute restored. it is about the man who every day face the question of life and death. they are doing what they want to do. >> make the decision to do this. >> hats off to everybody who is out there. picked up a rifle. >> do you want to be in the game? when you get in and get hit in the mouth, that is when you decide if you want to that or you want to go back and do something else. >> you will know then. >> absolutely. >> i am the same way. a prime example. ofrew up reading the books military and combat and navy
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seals and watching movies on combat. you see them coming in and people blowing up. like the coolest and sexiest thing in the world. you would want to do that in my opinion. there are guys like me. there say once you get in and the first a good shot at or shot or watch one of your buddies it is difficult to israel. buddies.of your -- or one of your buddies. -- it is different. situation we were ournd doing a mission and job was to protect the army guys while they were building -- taking over a building, building a combat for themselves to occupy. was to as snipers
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protect the streets while they were in front. 4 and a kid was on the roof stop he was standing around right in the doorway. when he took a step to go in, he got a shot. andame in through his back came out behind his knee. the way he was screaming -- you can hear it through the whole building the way he was screaming. i had never heard anything. it was distinct sound. i remember walking down to every floor in the building because there were a lot of young kids in their, 18 and 19 year olds, this was our first trip. i remember telling them, you listen to that. listen to him scream. you will never forget it.
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it will make you move with a purpose. it will remind you this is real. you will die out here if you slip up one second and do not think there is somebody out there that want you dead. for a loteye opener of people out there especially the new ones. the fish, so to speak. >> and that is what you call them? >> yeah. i will never forget that scream. he is young, too. 18. old wanted to-year- be out there. >> and the reality is -- >> a sniper a.l.. that was a sniper shot. -- a sniper got help. there is nothing more demoralizing or scary than a sniper bullet. you are sitting at a table and
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one guy drops and dad. youth i hear or see anything. -- one guy drops dead. -- you do not hear or see anything. when they turn it around on us in using against us, it is -- it is pretty real. >> is there ever any hesitancy? >> yes. absolutely. i guess i should've touched on that. you see it in the movies. the guys are gung ho and going through training. the good thing about our training is it is so long. you have situations that you realize you can or cannot handle. people get out there and when the bullets are flying and people are dying and you see people trying to crawl on their helmet. i have heard somebody squirming for their mother.
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>> you do not believe it is fake now? >> it is very real. that is the ultimate form of fear. when you see somebody in the fetal position crying and screaming for their mother. that's the ultimate safety blanket. your mother's arms. and if they cannot get there. die or when it is over -- they are gone. never the same. you cannot put somebody like that that on the line. always there or a word you do not know? or maken shut you down you go so hard in the paint that they are going to wish they do not come at you. >> and energizer? >> yes, sir.
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if you talk to anybody who said i would not afraid -- but the it fear butterflies, the anticipation. it's like a fist fight. butterflies in your hands shake. that kind of a deal. it is time to go. >> it is an extraordinary story. the book is called "lone survivor," into the field. in my judgment, you have the right guy playing. back in a moment. stay with us. ♪
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>> ♪ jumping up and down on the
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floor, anymore ♪ not son was an okay guy, came back with a story to say ♪ ♪ la, la, la ♪ la, la, la ♪
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♪ >> do you have any cars available? >> a blue one and a red one. >> i will take the red one. ♪ >> i am pleased to have ben stiller back at the table. >> great to see you. >> walter mitty. here's what the dictionary says. a commonplace person who expects during daydreaming. >> that was the basis for the
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movie was the original short story -- it has become a term in the dictionary. it was james thurber who wrote the story in a 1939. that's the jumping off point for us. also for the original movie. >> a movie that has been in the making for a while. a 1947.riginal movie in ever since then, they were trying to sort of remake it. and for a lot of years. trying to do a nonmusical version of that movie. as an actora script about eight or nine years ago that i did not want to do. then steve conrad, who is an interesting screenwriter, he took a new approach with it. but you are derived -- directing -- >> you are directing also? >> yes. [laughter] them i see theto
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script and i like what steve has does, but however -- it was a big -- i was sent the script. there was no director with it. i loved it and the tone. i had read the earlier version. this was taking a whole new approach. it felt modern and real. kind of emotionally rounded. a movie i thought it would be a great film. as a director, i thought about it. then, we kept talking and talking about it. they got the idea i was interested in directly. >> tell me who walter mitty is for you in your field. >> he is a guy who lives alone. he works at "life" magazine. in the movie it is going out of business.
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he takes care of all of the photographs. he is the person for the photographers in the field. negatives.zes he does not really have much of a life outside of that. he lives at his head. he is daydreaming all the time. there's a woman at work that kristen wiig place that he really likes a he cannot figure how to connect with her. these negatives that he supposed to take care of to get sent by sean o'connell -- sean penn plays. integrity andive does not have a cell phone. photo access to walter, there should be the cover of the last issue. walter cannot find. he is forced to go out of the world and find the negative and take a chance he is never taken before. >> guess we take you with him.
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who?ole -- ketek cheryl. she is his muse. trying to connect with her. -- he takes cheryl. that he isf himself pressed it down and not dealt with. >> this directing thing as somebody -- is something you like. >> is my favorite thing in the world. but because of control? >> well, maybe. it's about creating a movie. you have more control i think overall than you do as an actor. as an actor, you do not want to have too much control. you do not want to be thinking that way. a different way of eating. direct and as more stepping back and analytical. differente is you are from a lot of people that wants
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to direct because they said what i am doing as an actor may not be too hot a few years from now. therefore, i will have this other thing. you seem to be more in love with the other thing. >> i've always been an love with the other thing. the acting was happening also. the beginning when i started out, i was directing and acting. for the first movie i direct it was 20 years ago. -- i directed was 20 years ago. wanted topeople have have me as a director and sometimes an actor. the acting took off. >> you once said director while acting is like being walter mitty. you are not -- you are here but you are not. >> you are living in your head. that is what filmmaking is. you can say that about acting. for thecreating a world
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beginning of the process when you are visualizing and trying to get this idea of how you see it in the world to make it a reality. you are costly thinking about it. when you are filming, that is all you are doing. for me, i am thinking about how to recut acing or playing the movie out. here asn scorsese was saying for him, the joy is to be in the editing room. that is where he gets to make the movie. >> when you can make it there, you earn your way there. it takes years. you want to get there with as many choices as possible. all of the time you spent shooting, for me, how those choices in the editing room takes angles so you can have that fun of putting it to gather. there are so many people involved.
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hundreds and hundreds of people. when you go to the editing room, it is you and the editor. you can find it together. >> i want to show where walter is engaged in daydreaming. this is clip number two. he witnesses a volcanic eruption. here it is. >> ♪ what is going on? where is everybody? what does that mean? >> erection.
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>> erection? uption!er >> go faster! faster! [laughter] >> tell me about that scene. >> a simple, little seen. at a point where walter is on his quest to find a sean. that is shone on top bb biplane. he has been trying to get a
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picture. -- and that is shone on top of the -- sean on top of the biplane. >> you grow up in a hollywood family. it is said that your father loved comedy. your mother was not necessarily in a love with her. she wanted to do other things. they became identified because a comedy. to become anted standup comedian. my mother is a good a serious actor. they were starving. village andest needed to make a living. they came up with an idea to start a comedy team. there were conflicting feelings about comedy and in the household. >> for you? >> growing up around it, i saw the work that was involved. ethic.d a strong work i was interested in movies. i wanted to be i direct. when i got older, i embraced
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comedy. find my own sensibility are things i felt was funny that generationally. director, had to give you insight into how to direct comedy? >> actors needed to be given the space to be who they are. comedy is such a subjective thing. you cannot really tell somebody how to be funny. you have to be in the audience when you are directing comedy. that is how i am reacting to something that is making me laugh. it is very simple. i get it. i enjoy it. >> we had will ferrell. just the sense of sitting there. the fun of that is. how they find each other so funny. >> you have to have fun when you are making those kind of movies. you have to make each other laugh.
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i look at movies that i have done as a director, i watch a scene and i were a member how that scene came to be. just like goofing around and in the office. der," where"zoolan are owen and i are trying to get to the computer. i remember being in my office and owen saying it will be funny if we hit the computer like apes. you cannot overthink it what you are doing. it, we out about probably would not have done it. >> that became a hit film after it was released was the it was later. >> it got discovered later. it was not a critical or commercial -- about 10 days out after 9/11. it was a strange time to release
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a movie. ultimately, i think movies that are their own thing, they have a life or they do not. people find them. usually --y movies when they first come out, they are not knocking down the door with a critical praise. back, you -- if you look could you predict the ones that did as well as they did? or is it impossible to know? >> no idea really. during the commercial -- no, no. every time you put a movie out, you hope people will see it. i do not know what the formula is ever. at the end of the day, you have to make the movie you really believe in and that you love. how it iso guarantee going to do. >> this for robert downey
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junior. "you cannot easy being ben. the anger and the pressure coming from knowing his like chaplin. nobody in hollywood wanted him to do. everybody associates him with clowning. when he actually has the ability to control tom and story and look to achieve something masterful, but that ability is always impeded by the shortcomings and shortsightedness of the people around him and that's a cancer that rips at his bowels." >> i want to cry. can i have a recording of you reading that? [laughter] beautiful. [laughter] you know -- >> analytical about you. he is that type of guy. >> he is a super passionate guy. an insane genius. he is a genius.
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>> hit the highest-paid actor in movies. >> and he is probably the world. he is one the most talented actors ever. he comes from a very dismal place. he is very verbal. i love working with him because he is really smart. he cares about the work. he has so much emotion and what he does. it is so human with him. quickly does he see a lot of shrinks? >> i do not know. after that, i am going to see one. incredibly -- yeah. >> after this is made, where do you go? >> for me, is about finding that next project as a director. i will act as something in between.
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it's always about trying the next movie as a director. like "tropicput in thunder" took seven or eight years. this film took three or four years. when you buy something you are passionate about -- >> and you are passionate? >> yeah. >> did you go up to gene hackman -- maybe it was -- you know where i am coming from? [laughter] -- he said, kid, it is a money job. >> i will let you say it. i want you to read all these quotes to me. [laughter] >> life in the actors studio. >> yeah, no.
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yes. i was playing his son. and i told him, i see one of his movies 25 times. >> why? ? >> when i was a kid, it was my favorite movie. shelley winters. she got an academy award. ernest borgnine. it is funny. the things that affect you when you are younger, the movies you see affect you to a point depending on where you are at. for him, it was a money job. it does not mean he was not great. >> what would be your money job? >> all -- oh, god. there have been a few i will not mention. i feel like he- may have called it a money job
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am a but he was good at it. you always try to do your best at something. sometimes you can look in retrospect and the factors going into it, i may have talked myself into it. >> clint eastwood and george clooney as well have said, one for you and one for me. a million dollars. notwill not quarrel if it's $1 billion. >> there are compromises. have the freedom to make the movies you want to make. the economics of the business determine that a lot of the time. it is trying to navigating through that. >> a movie directed by ben stiller. here it is. >> let's see. rs.ed in arctic wate
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i waited for my refrigerator. >> i am sorry. >> i will call you later. ice moves like a woman. i am walter mitty. >> cheryl. where have you been? >> testing the limits of human. >> i would like to climb your hair. >> perhaps i can call you. >> i like that. you think if i hit him with a paperclip he would move? >> hello? >> did he move? >> great story. >> the ground control. can you hear me?
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oh! wow. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> thank you for joining us. see you next time. ♪
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>> welcome to "lunch money" on bloomberg television, where we tie together the best stories, interviews, and video in business news. i am matt miller, in for adam johnson. let's look at the menu. in stocks, could it be the best year ever? it is the rally that shows no signs of abating. big machines hard at work. we will show you the biggest earth crunching equipment on the planet. a nation, the regulator gary gensler gives his final word on the new roles for wall street. in fashion, one hot hoodie, is it the greatest hoodie ever


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