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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  February 26, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." >> we begin talking about egypt.
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january marks three years since the revolution and since the military deposed mohamed morsi. the entire cabinet resigned. there was a new prime minister appointed on tuesday. it is widely believed that the current defense minister will run in the upcoming presidential elections. joining me now is david kirkpatrick, the cairo bureau chief of the new york times. he wrote in investigative report on the benghazi attacks. i am pleased to have david kirkpatrick back at this table. welcome. >> it is good to be here. >> wherever it is now, you are watching it on old. there is change in the region. >> i am probably the luckiest journalist in america. i was in the right place at the right time.
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i was in tunisia on the eve of their revolution. then i was in the via four months. it has been breathtaking. >> where's egypt today? >> it is very hard to know. mentioned, the field marshal is likely to become the next president. he hosted the first democratically elected president. he was embraced as a hero by a lot of the public. they are growing impatient with si government. he was promising stability. right now, i think that promise looks very remote. of the factors that contributed to the original uprising are economic stagnation, a lack of opportunity, an overwhelming youthful population.
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something like 70% of the public is under 40. are under 25. the new generation is showing an intolerance for the kind of police abuse that their parents were accustomed to. there is a demand among a certain segment of the population for a greater degree of accountability. that was there in 2011 and that fueled the original uprising. none of that has changed. we have a new military government and on top of those factors, there are a couple other reasons why stability looks like a dim hope. one of those reasons is that the economy is worse than it was. ouster of that this president morsi has set off a militant insurgency. a new terrorist movement. >> and people are coming in from
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outside of egypt to participate. >> exactly. are coming-- jihadis in from outside. they have been saying for years that you cannot trust democracy. they will never let you win. only the force of arms can establish true islamic rule. what you know? an islamic president is elected and removed from power by the military. it is tailor-made for terrorist recruiting. that insurgency is going to feed more instability. there is another factor, which is the muslim brotherhood. the muslim brotherhood was the opposition, the islamist opposition under mubarak. it is a conservative organization, a pragmatic organization. they were allowed a place in the parliament and they were a safety belt. i figure not run candidates. >> they had about 85 members in the department -- in the parliament.
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they had a minority. they were kept in check anyone nominally illegal. valve.came a safety they were a way to direct islamist energies into a nonviolent channel. that is not the case anymore. now they are outlawed and they have been gunned down in the streets in large numbers, or than 1000. tens of thousands of them have been jailed. channels on nonviolent has been eliminated. >> and i assume it has been radicalizing the moderates among them. thehe actual members, dues-paying members who attend invested in the brotherhood ideology, i do not think they are likely to take up arms. that is a relatively small number of people who voted for president morsi. when you're talking about
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radicalizing, you are talking about younger people who might have been attracted to the muslim brotherhood, but did not become fully involved. now they may be attracted to these newer, more militant groups. there is a new group carrying the fight militant insurgency egypt right now. up and they were formed in the sinai initially with the aim of making trouble for israel. since the takeover, a have done on an about-face. squarely in themselves at attacking the new government in cairo. they are attacking the police and the security forces. we have begun to see hints that it not been confirmed that they might get into the business of attacking towards. there was an explosion near a bus near the border. they claimed credit for, but we do not know if they really didn't. that would be ominous.
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right now they are executing a series of attacks on security forces. they appear to be getting better and better at it. most ominously, they use a shoulder fired antiaircraft weapon to take down military helicopters. that happens in the sinai. it was the first time a weapon like that was used in egypt. >> where are they getting the weapons? >> that is a good question. we all assume that it was one of many such weapons that was let loose in libya after the fall of the iraqi government. it is likely to have come from iraq or syria. is more reason for concern about what you said a minute ago. g hotties are coming in -- jihadis are coming in to ship weapons. >> tell me about marshall.
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why is he likely to be the next president of egypt? >> he was celebrated by a certain portion of the population for ousting morsi. >> what is it that morsi did that was so bad for them? >> that is an interesting subject. there has been a lot of misinformation in the egyptian mediaand in the foreign about allegations that he was trying to establish a kind of islamic state with moral restrictions. things that we associate with iran. there is no real evidence of that. there are people who were afraid of the muslim brotherhood. they thought that they might try to legislate morality. but really he did not do anything noticeably islamic.
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at the same time, his government was not very competent. he did not deliver. if a representative of his government wrecking table with us, they would say that was because the whole state was conspiring against us and there is some truth in that. he was never fully in control of the government stop he was perched on top of it. the police did not show up for work. they were against him and his government. his interior minister 22. the coup.ined there was a tangible hostility in the state-run media under president morsi. dynamice that a truly man of the ages politician could have somehow taken control and works the bureaucracy to his will, but morsi was not that man.
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fore is responsible in part -- >> there is some drama. some soldiers were killed in the sinai and it provoked a kind of desire for change within the military. shakeup, president morsi named sisi at his defense manager -- minister. isi handed over power to morsi. they were convinced that he was ammitted to being professional minister and staying out of politics. he seemed like he wanted to stay out of it. somehow that change. he stuck a knife in the back of the man who gave him -- >> what changed? >> he said that the military
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needed to step in because egypt was writing toward civil war or civil strife. it may be, and i'm guessing, that he was really hoping that morsi could eventually control the state and get the police back on the beat. he could control the police. that, heailed to do did not pause to ask whether because of his own failings or the recalcitrance of the date. -- the state. >> use the most popular figure in egypt? is the most popular figure in egypt today. the state and private media is anime in his greatness as loudly and often as they can. >> he is not mubarak, he is something different. -- better than
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naser. there was a celebration of general sisi in tahrir square. they were talking about egypt leapfrogging into the earth world. -- is he market leader a modern leader? does he understand how markets work and what the economy needs to flourish? >> these are good questions. i do not have the questions. there have been no sign of that. he has shown no interest in the kind of economic reforms that western economists think that egypt desperately needs. an institutionm that has never been market friendly. they owed a big chunk of the economy. they have never been crazy about the idea of market reforms. >> there are two other developments.
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went to see putin. the question has always been, united states gets military aid to mubarak and hopefully the end result of that would be a friendly relationship with washington. >> the egyptian government says that they would like to continue to have warm relations with the united states. i think their expectation is that when the dust settles, that relationship will continue. at the same time, something has changed. , theis that the government current government egypt, is shocked that washington was willing to recognize the president of egypt from the muslim brotherhood. they do not draw a distinction between recognizing a president who was elected and supporting the president and artisan wine. it will take a long time before that has been forgot in cairo.
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>> when will we have an election? >> i think april, may. for the presidency, and a parliamentary election after that. that will be much trickier. the forecast is for sisi to walk into the presidency. but how do you have a credible parliamentary election now? people have the expectation that their votes will count and there will be competition. at the same time, it excludes the influence. how that plays out is a trickier thing. to bureau good time chief of cairo. >> it is never dull in cairo. >> i want to get to libya and benghazi well i have you here. we talked about tunisia. it represents with the arab spring -- it represents all the hopes and aspirations of the arab spring. >> i would say that it is the
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tunisians ring. there is no other come -- country where the promise was fulfilled. libya is in a state of chaos. they do not have a very credible government. it is not over. they recently had an election for a new assembly that will draft a constitution. the best thing you can say that therelibya is is no sign of any institutional group were strong man that will emerge. and benghazi. tell me in summary what you have discovered and how you went about writing the report that you wrote were the new york times. frustrating from my point of view to see the debate over the death of the ambassador unfolds in the u.s. full ofit was so misinformation from the very
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beginning, misinformation from the obama administration, misinformation from republican critics. it was a blank slate that everyone could throw their own theories on to. the newspaper decided that i would go and spend month in libya trying to talk to as many people like that who had direct knowledge of the events leading up to that. >> including some people who were protesting that night. >> i do not think anyone was protesting that night. unless you mean that they were showing up guns and preparing to attack. the thing about the attack that led to the death of the ambassador is that it was not like a car bomb surreptitiously placed under a car. this event happened in broad daylight and drew a crowd. there were a lot of witnesses. we heard from a number of witnesses that one figure in particular was directing the
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attack. i sat down with him and interviewed him in the first couple of weeks after the attack. i interviewed him again last summer. i talked to the people who he said would provide alibis for him. i talked people who knew him and went to jail with him. i talked to as many people as they could around the home... seen. -- around the whole militia scene. the debate of developed in the spontaneousth a protest that got out of hand? >> as was seen in tunisia? >> right. or was it an al qaeda plot to mark what those things were wrong. the film did play a significant role. >> it brought people to the streets? >> becomes a catalyst. at the same time, the people who lost the attacks, they hated
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america before the movie. the movie was a trigger. they were there and they had weapons and they had a desire to do harm to america's interest before and after the movie. >> were they prepare to do something like this? were they ready and willing and able to move on circumstances that allow the major? >> they were not alone. you have to contribute scene. everybody in benghazi has a gun. most young people feel and affiliation, most young men feel some affiliation to some militia. there are a lot of people with a lot of weapons running around. the you add to that confidence that the americans had, that this was a place where they were loved and they were heroes, -- >> you are talking about benghazi.
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>> then there are elements of chance. when the attackers burst through the gates they found tins of fuel. they were just sitting there. the mission had acquired a new general. useid not take too much to the fuel they found to begin setting vehicles and buildings on fire full top -- building on fire. within a relatively short amount of time, you can see what happened. >> it goes back to what happened that night. there are other issues that you raise about security. you were security issues at the state department. the military has clearly that they could not have gotten there in time. >> there with a fairly well-equipped group of cia operatives just across town. the cia had a station there with 30 people. included some fairly
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well-equipped and well-trained special forces who made their way frequently to the scene of the attack. they were not able to save the ambassador. had heot impossible that come out and show his face, things might have followed a different course. i am not saying that is the case. people who were there at the time, how do we know? >> they thought they were just going to burn down the building. lot of myth-making involved in libya. some of the people i found to be thevely covering up for ringleader of the attack were also people who the americans turned to try to help them. they were militia leaders who they trusted to come to their defense. some of the people speak very fondly of ambassador stephens. they think of him as a hero. there's a deep ambivalence about
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.he united states in benghazi in the crucial hours, that ambivalence proved to be very volatile. they said to the americans, we love you and we appreciate your help. in the final moments, they were unwilling to take up arms against their fellow libyans and their neighbors to try to protect the americans. >> great to see you david, thank you. >> always a pleasure. >> when do you go back? >> thursday. >> david kirkpatrick reporting from cairo for in your times and all over the middle east and . when we come back, russell wilson, the cornerback for the yandle seahawks reflects on his super bowl -- seattle seahawks reflects on his super bowl.
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>> are legal. -- throw the ball. >> russell wilson this year. he is the super bowl-winning quarterback release the yandle seahawks -- seattle seahawks. he won the vincent party trophy.
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it was a rapid rise for a young man who was picked two years ago. he was behind franchise quarterbacks. now he's the first of that class with the super bowl ring. i am pleased to have him here for the first time. >> it is an honor to be here. >> i was asked that super bowl and i saw what you did. lombardi -- since he lombardi trophy, what is that like for you? >> it is a tremendous honor. i like to be the franchise quarterback release atul seahawks. all the things we have done. the fact that these seattle seahawks had never won a super bowl in the franchise history. to be the first one to do it, our team had a great year. my dad always used to tell me was, why not you? why can't you be the super bowl-winning quarterback.
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i thought, why not. that was our mindset and we went for it. >> you played baseball and football in college. the tactics -- the texas rangers had bought the rights you at one point. >> i always imagine playing to sports. i thought i would be one of those guys. playing a quarterback is talk. it is an important role. lot to do and a lot to prepare for. that is where my focus is. the gm of the texas rangers called me. --i forgot you were on rest west coast time. >> they wanted to bring me into the organization. if you ever want to play baseball again, you have that option. you can talk to our players and modified them -- motivate them
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to be where you are. it is a great organization obviously. i am excited about it. i am going there this weekend. >> would you think about next season? i always say there's no time to sleep. it is one of the things versus the game is over, i am always looking about in thing. i am thinking about the next opportunity, the next moment. it is the same thing i always do. i think that keeps me on edge. there's always somebody working for your job. you understand that about professional boards and life. i want to compete at the highest level for a long time. i want to play 20 years if i can. >> with the seattle have to do to repeat their when? >> they need to have a championship off-season. we have a great football team
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right now. the challenging part is to keep those guys. rgmow that our owner and and their head coach will do a tremendous job of keeping the guys that we have any and that we can keep i naturally. they will at some guys and get some guys that are young and and then we will have a championship off-season and the championship season. you take the snap, what is in your mind? >> i always have a checklist in my head falls off when i break the huddle, i tried to be calm. at the linebackers. i anticipate what they are going to do. i studied so much and prepared so well. >> you anticipate what the defense is going to do? >> i watch his feet and his hands. >> what does that tell me? >> it tells me what might happen.
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i am visualizing in my head. when i go to the game, i have this checklist in my head. >> the crowd at your stadium, is that a real benefit or you? >> it is one of a kind. no one can compare. the energy in that stadium is electric. the ground shakes. it is one of those things where everybody has to put it on their bucket list. i tell my family they have to come to the game just to watch. it is a tremendous experience. >> you take the ball and you look at your guy. what is the second look? >> that is my alert level. then i go from 1-2-3. it depends who we have in the game. everybody is different. i go through my checklist and it
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is not there, that is when i am scrambling. i tried to be smart. that is something i learned at a young age in terms of playing and my dad taught me another coaches as well that you need to out the way. -- salvage the play. that is what i do. correct should we measure right career or by how many verbal -- super bowls someone has one? what they think it is everything. you think about peyton manning and how he went to the denver broncos. that is what you want in a quarterback. that is what you want in terms of your franchise, a person who can change the community and the city and change the organization as well. done an unbelievable job. he is up there for sure. >> when we talked on cbs, and i am sure you had those eight, we
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talked about the game and i think that's you, heidi reached out to patent -- i think i said to you, had you reached out to peyton manning? >> it is a tremendous honor. he has done so many things and i respect him so much. i look up to him and the way he approaches the game. how he honors the game and respect the game in every facet. i think that is what i look for too. let's see you represent the quarterback of the future? you are different than that. do you think you represent the future? is russell wilson the quarterback we will see in the future? >> hopefully i represent the future. that is the goal. i can run and i can scramble around and all that. that is the exciting part.
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i have watched some old school films. when revisiting rookies impose you, -- when we went to the symposium, they have some clips and a jersey. i like to watch them play. >> was that because of size? watch a lot of guys. the guys that i watch, tom brady , drew brees. i tried to observe. if i was doing a case study on , the guys whoacks are the hall of fame quarterback, what did they do to change the game? how did they approach the game from every level? you think about peyton manning and his mind and how he manipulates the defense and
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changes plays. that is how i want to be one day and continue to grow. tom brady does the same thing. he has won so many super bowl. everyone told him he couldn't and he was the 199 had in terms of the draft, he overcame so many things. that is the person you fear when the game is on the line and there is a minute left. you do not want him to have the football. you think about through and how accurate he is, how precisely is. and his poise and leadership. down and seven, that have to be a past way? past play.obably a there thandifferent you are on first down? >> you have to be. it depends on how the game is going.
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it depends on where you are in the game. it depends on where you are in terms of the field. are you backed up? are you in the red zone? all of those things play big factors. -- we'reur mentality very aggressive. he tried to play aggressive. we have a mentality that we will attack the defense. we try to play to our strengths. we want to run the football with our running backs. >> you mentioned that tom brady was not a first round rock --ice, neither with you neither were you. >> i was chosen. i was going to make the team. when paul allen includes carol , i said, you made the best decision of your life.
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i will help us when. to win multiple super bowl, you have to win the first one. you have the formula, you know what it takes. we can always do more. that is the exciting part. that is the part that makes me want to come to work every day. i want to play to the best of my ability. if you can have that mentality to always keep that switch on, you can change the game. >> you were in a three-way competition to be the starting quarterback. had ay coach carol one-on-one with you and basically said, you are my quarterback. it me that conversation. >> i am competing against some players were with us now. we are competing and everything. it has been a great battle. i have a lot of respect for both of those guys.
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coach pete carroll had told one of the guys to come get me. changinghe locker room everything. it is he for one of our games. >> you were doing well? >> yes, it was the preseason. the equipment i comes to get me and says coach carol wants to see you. andart going to his office he says, wrong way. he is outside. i am going outside and it is about that time to make a decision. i go outside and he is shooting hoops. he is the second oldest coach in the national football league. he looked like he is 40. he is chewing his gum and shooting threes. i start talking him and he says ross, catch. he said, i bet you cannot beat me. so i started looking around with them. anyway, he starts talking to me
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and said that i have done an unbelievable job with preparation. it is separation and preparation. you have done an unbelievable job. you have done a great job. that ito let you know want you to be the starting quarterback. i want each of your franchise quarterback. we believe in you. we believe in what you have done. my face lit off that list and i thought about my dad. why not me? i knew he was sitting there watching over lake washington. it was a special moment. imagine you probably said you made the right choice. you will not be sorry. >> it was something like that. >> let me go back and we can talk about the super bowl.
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growing up in richmond virginia, your dad died when he was 55. what did he give you that made you the man you are today? >> great advice. he was a great leader. >> he had been a player. >> he had at work ethic. >> he went to dartmouth college. think about an african-american going to dartmouth college and graduating at the top of his class, and he played football and baseball. and the annuity uba for law school. he graduated president of his class. he had an opportunity to play with the chargers, said he worked out for six weeks and went to play with the chargers. .e ended up getting cut that was the year they won the super bowl. he had that super bowl ring before me. i looked up to him all the time. my mom and dad were the type of people who motivated me.
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that is right learned a lot. assume your mother made a real contribution too. was he trying to train you? did he think that you would have an athletic career, or you would do whatever you wanted to do? >> he thought i could do whatever i wanted to do. but he thought that i have the talent and i should play. >> what did he see? hand eye coordination? did you hit a baseball so far? was swinging a 34 and at a young age just for fun. and i can launch a football. i can thoroughly long ways. he doing it at 5:30 a.m. just for the discipline. i am 10 years old. then i am 17 years old. wake up, it is
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time to go. i'm pretending to be asleep. and then finally i got into the habit of getting up before he got up. i was ready to go and he was hitting the ground. i used to eat out to him. have routes at a young age. that discipline was instilled in me. but he did not push me over my limit. he pushed me to the edge. there's a difference between going to the edge and falling off the edge. parents, it was live to the fullest in terms of your approach and how you want to go about your business, but also be smart about it. it was always business for me. i loved sports. when i was in eighth grade, that is when i release are changing academically -- started changing academically.
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tommy, get in the teacher's shorts. what that meant was get to know the teacher so well and study as much as you can to repair yourself to the great one day. what i want to do, my dream right now, is to be the owner of a football team. i would love to do that. i would like to help run a franchise and bring players. >> you have to plan ahead to do that. you have to be organized and understand your are best. there is a purpose to what i do. footballt is playing or graduating in three years from n.c. state and then transferring to wisconsin for graphical, or whether it was to play football and based all -- baseball. i
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that is real for me. i'm trying to learn as much as i can stop >> let's go back to when you made a choice to go to nz a. -- n.c. state. you were perceived by duke as well. you wanted to a football and a all. duke said no? maybe choose? directv i said no. several schools said no. it is not far from richmond. but university of north carolina was hesitant. it came down to those two schools. the reason why i chose antistate was because i really liked duke a lot. it would be great experience for me. always a great wall. -- obviously a greek school. and papers and you graduate people go, wow. you graduated from duke university.
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that was big in my life at the time. it delays. -- it still is. to go to ncc, i wanted to go to a place that pushed me. i knew i would do everything i could to be the best i could possibly be. my goal was to graduate in three years. >> and you did. >> i promise like that. it was a blessing that i did. i was in grad school for a year for business. >> then you would you try baseball? >> i went for a year, spring training. it was a great experience. i wanted to play football too. things change. the coach told me that they had moved on. it was one of the things for god was looking out for me. god was going to put me at the right place at the right time.
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>> do you have a strong sense of faith? >> to be a kid from richmond virginia, 511 inches, 210 pounds , playing football and baseball, it is a tremendous blessing. baseball is where i was supposed to be playing. i a prototypical second base man. >> you were derek jeter? >> i wish. it was one of those things where i was the prototypical second baseman. i was uncommon. there was no way this guy could to playi had this urge the game of football. i said, i have to see if i can do it. give me an opportunity. for me, i believe that god spoke to me. i want you to do something that everybody tells you can.
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>> and that was to be a quarterback? >> i went to pursue my dreams and do what i really wanted to do. there's nothing that leading your team down the field to a victory. that is special. [laughter] >> do you watch a lot of films of joe montana? >> i watched joe manzano back in the day. i am not a 49ers fan anymore, but i used it. best used to be. there are a large quarterback that i admire. their great quarterbacks for sure. >> they work well under pressure. you go out and you go to wisconsin and you have a good year. and you decide that you really want to football as a career.
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you get drafted. how crucial was pete carroll and john snyder two what you became what this team became? -- but they brought in a million dollars. >> it is understated in terms of the boldness of coach carol and john snyder. they picked a guy -- they went against the grain and take a guy who was supposed to be too small. i had all the intangibles. i could make all the throws. nervous to take me. they did not know. they went against the grain a little bit and chose me. caroll givet coach
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me a chance, i was going to do everything to prepare myself. i wanted to play at a high level and prepare our football team. i wanted to bring the underdogs with me. that is what any great leader has to do. that is whether you are a quarterback, a point card, derek jeter with the new york yankees. can bringleader followers with them. they stand for something. that is what i tried to do. >> if you want to be a leader, you have to make sure that people are prepared all you. they have to see the flaws in you. that as a rookie and we will see about the rest of the two years. they saw that. i have heard pete carroll talk about this. i did the only big interview before the super bowl. there was an owner who had
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obviously done it right. he hired people who he thought were the right people to run the team and he let them run the team. and big decisions, he wanted to sell. they all talked about the fact that would've made the decision about you was then called the x factor. >> what is that? is that something you were born with? you learnedthing because your father instilled in you. ? did you see it was necessary, and he made sure that you had it? >> it is a gift from god. i think god give me a special ift to change a culture will can affect many people's lives. i can positively influence and help them believe in what they are doing. parentsso think that my
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continue to instill that in me at a young age. with my discipline, my approach, my thought process. all those things that they talked about all of those questions. all those things to really keep my mind on it. at the end of the day, any great thisr also have this itch, motivator mentality. that is what i try to have. you have to have that. you have to be a self motivator if you want to be great at anything in life. >> with your dad used to asking questions to see how you answer them? best used acne questions to get it ready. one of the things my dad told me , i was 14 years old. my grandfather was the president of norfolk state. i used ask questions. sometimes i would fall asleep halfway through. he noticed me and he said, there
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is a king in every crowd. what does that mean? this one really spent with me. he said that there is a king in every crowd. he goes, there is a king in every crowd. god is always watching. he is always there for you. my dad passing away, i believe that he is hitting at metlife adm watching over me. win or lose, he is right there with me. you never know. your approach to business and your approach to taking care of the game of football. taking care of your locker room, making sure everyone is on the same page. all those things are very important. all the kids watching it. you never know what his are looking up to you. for me, i run my path and my academy particular crosby country. that's all across the country.
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going to raleigh, north carolina. we're going to wisconsin. we are going to university of wisconsin. we're going to seattle twice. we're going to vancouver which is in canada. we are going to los angeles, to l.a.. we are really unique. it is a one-day event. we had 1500 kids last year. on that most of them are inner-city kids. did not have a mom or a dad. how can i have fact, if i have , if i cant each camp just one of those kids, just change one of those kids lives, they can change the whole culture. they can change the united states. you never know that you can become president. i remember when i ran the camp and we had so many different cool things.
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we had great nfl players come in. we had college players. we have former nfl players. nike sponsored us. we had a big corporate sponsor. microsoft was a big answer. tabletse us the surface of the kids could think about their future and play with games. just a different things there. sidebrings the technology to the whole event. prevalent inant -- today's age. one thing i'll never forget left ear, we were in madison wisconsin. we had just gotten back from lunch. if yum cake, he's 15 years old, he comes up to me in the past me on the shoulder. he passed me on the shoulder and we had lost 200 kids from the d 200 city of -- busse kids from the inner city of drive, and845 minute
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this one contact me on the shoulder. he does, can i talk you for a second? he starts talking to me and he says, i just want to let you know that you have changed my life. i've only been visited for a few days. i have only been with them for several hours. he says, you changed my life. i parents be made. my dad is always out. my mom is doing drugs. they tell me that i will never go to school, i will never go to college. i am just a kid. he is an african-american kid. he is telling me all these things and i'm getting emotional. i'm getting emotional sitting here talking to you. , if i can tell you one thing, i want to say thank you. thank you for giving me this opportunity. thank you for everything you have done. thank you for all the positive things you told me.
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i believe i can be like you one day. why not? why not you? if it is an amazing array. -- >> is an amazing story. believeres people to what they can accomplish and give them inspiration that they can overcome a whole range of obstacles. it also suggests how lucky you were to have a father like you had. way.ld ecb way -- see the just listen to you, i know everything you have done. >> my mom and my dad have been so supportive. >> a pleasure to have you here. i it is an honor to be here. i love watching you. >> russell wilson, the winning quarterback for the seattle seahawks. thank you for joining us. see you next time. ♪
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>> welcome to a special edition of "taking stock" from washington, d c on this wednesday, february 20 6, 2014. i was a participant at the bloomberg defense summit taking place at the ronald reagan building. >> welcome to a special edition we spoke with senator mark warner.


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