tv Countdown Bloomberg March 19, 2014 1:00am-3:01am EDT
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you used wigs or hair extensions? >> most of the time it was hair extensions, but because it is so time-consuming. i did not have anything to break. it was the glue on hair extensions. i tried vitamins. i had tried everything on the market. i tried the super grow and this growth and that growth. >> the following is a paid med.tisement for scalp nothing worked. i did laser therapy where they stimulate the scalp with lasers. nothing. >> special television offer. it is funny because i had put in stay tuned and find out how you can try the amazing hair a prayer request -- forgive me regrowth system for only $29.95. try the complete hair regrowth -- at church. system for only $29.95. details just ahead. i did not put my name on it. >> does scalp med work? i said, i want god to restore my hair. >> i really can see the
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difference. i can see the hair coming in. >> i have hair on my head. i said that he gave me knowledge of this miracle product. now, here i am. >> look at you. >> within two months, i got my >> that was me. >> within two months, i got my hair back. i was miss nevada. >> you were? >> it is like a second chance on life. >> no hormones. no surgery. >> there is nothing better out there. it is your own hair growing now look at you. back. now a real beauty queen. it is your own hair growing >> a real beauty queen. back. not somebody walking around >> it is not going anywhere. pretending. i don't have a handful anymore. when they asked me if i would do >> you have hair without having to go through a surgical it, i was like, yes. procedure. i am hearing more. it is terrific. i can talk about it now. i can bring it up. it is my testimony. it is my personal testimony. i can stand up and sell anybody. >> the results were ridiculous. >> i love it. there is help and hope out >> i feel like i have a life. there. i did not realize that when i my joy is back. started talking about it just
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>> it was nothing short of a miracle for me. >> i'm a brand-new man. how many people suffer with that >> i have hair on my head. condition. >> it works. it is a relief. >> it has worked for me. >> i'm living proof. [laughter] >> it works. i got hair. >> yes, you do. it works. [applause] >> hello, everybody. so glad to see all of you here today. >> oh my god, i am crying. >> in eight months, you grew a if your hair is thinning or brand-new, complete, thick head of healthy hair. >> look at this. balding, the chances are you yes, it is long. >> it is so curly. it is long. [laughter] have already heard something >> we measured it. about scalp med. >> five inches. that's because scalpmed is the >> five inches in eight months. from nothing. extraordinary product that is rapidly becoming the most popular method for regrowing hair in the entire world. there is one simple reason. scalp med actually works. >> i feel like i have a life. after our first show, the response was huge. in less than a year, hundreds of thousands of people have already become scalp med users. over this past year, we asked my joy is back. people to send in their stories my peace is back. and their pictures. my confidence is back. they did, one after the other. >> you are exerting self-esteem. guess what? i am loving this self-esteem. we have invited a few of those you love yourself. >> i love myself. people here today to share their
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stories. they come from all over the >> she is just one amazing scalp med story. country to show their support this is jc on day one. you can see how his hair is nearly gone on top. for this wonderful product that has changed their lives so here he is after just eight dramatically. before we go any further, let's welcome back the man behind the miracle, shane alex. >> so great to be back. >> shane, what a year it has been. weeks using scalp med. >> i can't believe it. the hair is growing in thick, and the bald spot is nearly over a year ago, the only people that could use scalpmed were the people that came to my clinic. gone. now look four weeks later. after just 12 weeks, his hair is back. now it is being used all the look at how thick and healthy it world. >> it is extraordinary. is. you are dramatically changing incredible! josephine's hair was almost the lives of so many people. completely gone, but after just what do you have to tell us six weeks with scalp med, you today? >> what we did over the past can already see most of her hair year, we ask people to send us back. this is 14 weeks. now take a look at josephine their before and after pictures. after just 24 weeks. we got so many letters and pictures. that is a full, thick, healthy >> these are people who saw our head of hair. she was even able to color it first show or found out about you on the internet and ordered again. no wigs or weaves ever again for josephine. her hair is back. look at daniel. daniel was well on his way to losing his hair. he was seriously considering
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scalp med. spending $20,000 or more on hair transplants, until scalp med. this is daniel just six weeks on their own, they try the later. product and sent in before and you can already see the hair filling in. after pictures. the hair is back in just six >> yes. so many people took the time to weeks. come to our clinic. amazing! >> let's see these results. like many of us, marie had let's start off with sharon fraser. ignored her thinning hair for [applause] years, until it got to the stage thanks for being here. >> my hero. and was getting worse. [applause] luckily, she found scalp med in >> it is hard to imagine you with hair loss. time. here she is looking beautiful >> woah. now. look at this! marie's hair is back. >> that was on a good day. that was on a good day. as you can see, i had to fight to get enough hair to get a that is incredible. curling iron through there to do anything. >> it really is the shape of whether you are thinning or balding, in just a few short male pattern baldness. months, your hair will come you were doing the comb-over. >> i absolutely was. >> look at that. back. oh my goodness! your own hair, full, thick, how long was this? >> that was about six months. something like that. >> let's look at the before and healthy, and strong. after. six months later. you will look and feel young again. >> i believe in the product.
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[applause] we recommend it to all of my patients. we want to get you happy with the least amount of surgery. even though i am a surgeon, it sounds crazy that i'm going to talk you out of surgery. hair transplant surgery only takes hair from the back and >> i am a great-grandmother. moves it to the front. it does absolutely nothing to stop the progress of hair loss that a patient is going to get. scalp med does two things -- it 64 last week. if i can start at my age and prevents the hair that wanted to have these kinds of results, fall out from falling out, and then you ought to be able to it also takes the hair that had start at any age. fallen out of ready and gets it >> you had really visible to regrow. results really quickly. this is a great choice. >> this has been a total of it is a really great choice. about eight months now. >> i just want to say one thing i noticed the difference within -- it is ok to want your hair back. it is ok to want to feel great about how you look and have others see you as young and healthy and alive. six months. what are you waiting for? it was nothing short of a miracle for me. you can see for yourself how i'm hoping that more people will try it. well scalp med works. have faith in the product. it can work for you. man, scalp med works. it is ok. i'm here to say that i am a pick up the phone and get your lifelong believer thanks to this hair back. product. >> if your hair is thinning or >> why do you feel like crying gone, what are you going to do? prescription pills? when you see that picture? lasers? risky surgery? >> i always had a lot of hair. or transplants? if none of these things have worked as well as you expected, you are not alone. when you lose it, as a woman, millions of us have simply given up and decided to live bald.
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you lose part of your femininity. now i am crying for happiness. well, you don't have to. that is what i look like now. [applause] >> even though i'm the president, i am here as a there is something you can do that actually works -- scalp med. this simple solution is so customer. remarkable it is dramatically changing the lives and i am so impressed. lifestyles of men and women all it was totally empty here. around the world. >> i'm getting the kind of i had nothing. results i would get from having my hair would stop. now it blends all the way back. surgery, without having to have i am very excited. to have hair without having to surgery. >> this is my own hair. this is my own hair thicker. this is my own curls that has go through surgical procedures come back. is terrific. >> there is nothing better out i have been in the hair business there. for 16 years. it is your own hair growing i have tried everything. back. it is your own hair growing i've never seen anybody get back. results like this. >> it grows your own hair back. not at all. not on the top. the pictures and testimonials are amazing. the only time i've ever seen >> you can have a full head of something like this was a thick, luxurious hair faster transplant surgically. than you ever dreamed possible. look younger, more attractive, and feel more confident. imagine looking at the mirror and seeing your hair growing in >> every time i would start to instead of falling out. look, i would notice the little spot that would turn out to be getting bigger and bigger. no surgeries, no implants, no hairpieces, no bad smells, and it really started to bother me. the best part? my wife seeing me go through no sexual side effects. this struggle, me not being able
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to solve this problem, she knew no more sticky, drippy mess. with scalp med's new delivery system, just spray it on your it was bothering me. scalp. within a few months, you will start to see something amazing -- your hair will start growing back fuller and thicker than you she had to try to help me in ever dreamed possible. some way. scalp med is the only hair she advised me to see a doctor regrowth system that features about me trying to get a hair nutrisol, a formula so unique it transplant. the thing they told me totally is patented. blew me out of the water, because they told me of a if your hair is thinning or solution that they said i could falling out, there is finally get a treatment of a spray that i could put on my hair, and my something you can do about it. hair would grow back. the light bulb went off in my head, these guys could get me for $28,000, and they are trying to talk me out of it. they must really believe in this product. with scalp med, you can have a full head of beautiful, thick today, i have no bald spot here. hair, and it is your own hair. my hair is growing in. wigs and weaves can cost i look at my hair, and i say, within two months, i got my hair hundreds, even thousands of back. dollars. what a hassle! or you can pay $10,000, $20,000, $30,000 or more for a hair transplant and hope you like it. >> that is ridiculous. or you can call now and try to months of scalp med for only i can't even believe that was $29.95. get two months towards your new me. head of hair for less than $.50 with scalp med, it showed a day.
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regrowth. scalp med is guaranteed to in places where there wasn't a patch or wasn't an area of regrow your hair, or we will scalp. refund 100% of the purchase it showed more strength, more price. density. how can we make this guarantee? the hair has totally regrown. scalp med works. it is totally consistent, when you call, don't forget to especially on top. ask for scalp med's complete the results were amazing. care for thinning hair, which >> looking at you, young, gorgeous guy, full head of hair. includes our free shampoo, our i can't imagine you were ever maximum strength follicle suffering from baldness. detoxifier, which removes tell me your story. bacteria inside her follicles >> i had a friend of mine, his that inhibits healthy hair son was in the backseat of the growth, and our exclusive cortex car, and he reached over the enlarging spray, which thickens your hair the first time you use seat and touched my scalp and it. said, you know, your balding. >> how old was he? >> about eight years old. i thought to myself, maybe it is time to look into an alternative. this offer will never, ever be available in stores. call now and ask about priority delivery, or visit >> do you want to look at the pictures? [laughter] >> we are going to start to look at your amazing results. let's take a look at a before >> yeah. >> let's go back. picture. that was you before you began. this is you. i can't imagine that. who took that picture? that is november 15. >> i did. not even a year ago. >> that's great. day one. three months. wow. that's amazing. what a difference. in only three months. were you holding up the mirror eight weeks later?
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everyday? >> it was wonderful. >> i had results in three weeks. it really was. i had a beautician that was cutting my hair. i had results in three weeks. she said after two and half months, i really can see the difference. i can see this hair coming in. i called up scalp med, and said, at that point, i knew that i had make it a standard order. don't wait for me to say to send to continue to go forward to find out exactly how full we it. keep it coming. could get it. >> you need to show us that i will tell you, if i have to hair. use it for life, i would still >> no, it is all mine. >> is so thick. say, keep it coming. that's amazing. that looks great. >> see what happens after eight [applause] weeks. six months, check that out. [applause] >> that is what i like about it. am i allowed to touch it? it is a double-pronged attack on hair loss. >> yeah, anybody can touch it. it prevents the hair loss from >> wow, that is totally thick. there is no bald spot there at progressing. all. it helps you grow the hair you lost. >> that is all mine. it is better -- you [applause] double-teaming the hair. as time goes on, now that this product is in wide use run the country, you start seeing that >> you look good. >> it is for those people who want to be proactive about their lives. you want to take the aging process and accept it, fine. hundreds of people, but hundreds of thousands of people. when i see that people using it are growing, their results are growing, literally, i like that.
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maybe this product is not for that makes me feel good. you. for someone who wants to grab life by the horns and live it, guess what? you don't have to take it lying i'm doing my job. down. that is why i am telling people i think it is a wonderful product. their options. scalp med is a great option for it is a well-formulated product. safe product. people that are losing their it can treat men and women, hair and are constantly being young and old. told there is nothing to do for scalp med works. it. one year ago, maybe you heard it >> scalp med works. from me, but now there are a year ago, maybe you heard it hundreds of thousands of people from me, but now there are hundreds of thousands of people who can tell you that scalp med who can tell you it works. works. it is not just me. >> wouldn't you love to not be >> for the last nine years, this has been my companion. i have over 20 wigs. the person in your group who is losing your hair? if my daughters ever took the difference a healthy head of pictures of me, i would just hair makes in your appearance tear it up as soon as i saw and your confidence is them. priceless. no one was allowed to take how much longer are you going to pictures of me in the house a wig. wait? there is finally a solution. it works for both men and women. after using scalp med, i really you don't have to take my word for it. started noticing a difference as part of this launch, call now within two months. and find out how you can try two i could actually see the months of scalp med, and if you difference weekly. i was so encouraged after being are not thrilled with your new embarrassed to go out and embarrassed to be seen out, and i thank god everyday that i can head of hair, return the empty actually go outside and feel bottle. proud to be the person that i am as a woman, and a woman close to if you're ready to start growing 60.
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your hair back, here is how to order. >> if your hair is thinning or i am so grateful to scalp med. gone, what are you going to do? prescription pills? i cannot say enough about it. toupees? scalp med works. lasers? risky surgery? if none of these things have worked as well as you expected, you're not alone. millions of us have simply given up and decided to live bald. you don't have to. >> well, all of this. there is something you can do that actually works -- scalp med. this simple solution is so you could see right through. remarkable it is dramatically changing the lives and lifestyles of men and women all around the world. >> i'm getting the kind of results i would get from having especially when you're sitting down and somebody's walking around. surgery without having to have that is what makes you want to do something about it. i was a skeptic at first, and surgery. then i called in. >> this is my own hair. this is my own hair thicker. i said, what can i lose? these are my own curls that have i'm losing my hair anyways. come back. it took a period of maybe five months for me to say, this is >> there is nothing better out it. there. i'm happy. now that is why i am here it is your own hair growing because i want to let you know it works. back. it worked for me. [laughter] >> i mean, i don't know what it is your own hair growing happened. it just started coming out.
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back. i was using wigs. i had to try something. >> it grows your own hair back. i used this product. scalp med grew it back. it really does the job. i tell everybody, anybody i see, the pictures and testimonials try scalp med. are amazing. >> you can have a full head of thick hair faster than you have ever dreamed possible. look younger, more attractive, >> it is your own hair growing and feel more confident. back from its original roots. imagine looking at the mirror now it is right here, all of it and seeing your hair growing in is here. instead of falling out. no surgeries, no implants, no it feels good. hair pieces, no bad smell, and the best part? >> i found scalp med. no sexual side effects. no more sticky, drippy mess. with scalp med's new delivery system, spray it on your scalp, and within a few months, you'll now everything is just peachy start to see something amazing. keen, jellybean. your hair will start growing it is wonderful. my life is getting back back. together. fuller and thicker than you ever i know it sounds silly, but a dreamed possible. lot of it is because of my head. scalp med is the only hair regrowth system that features >> there is hope out there. nutrisol, a formula so unique it it is called scalp med. is patented. if your hair is thinning or i am using it, and i think it is falling out, there is finally terrific. >> ok, you've heard the science. something you can do about it. with scalp med, you can have a full head of beautiful thick you've heard from doctors. hair, and it is your own hair. you've seen the stories of so wigs and weaves can cost many people proving how hundreds of dollars. remarkable scalp med really is. what a hassle! there is only one thing left for you to do, of course. you can pay $10, $20 -- $30,000 or more for a hair transplant that is, try it yourself. and hope you like it. now is your chance to get your youthful head of hair back.
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the best gift you could ever or you can call now and try two give a loved one is a chance for them to get their hair back. months of scalp med for $29.95. this is that chance. that's right. here is how to order. scalp med is guaranteed to regrow your hair, or we will >> call now and try two months refund 100% of the purchase of scalp med for only $29.95. price. how can we make this guarantee? scalp med works. get two months towards your new head of hair for less than $.50 a day. scalp med is guaranteed to regrow your hair, or we will refund 100% of the purchase price. how can we make this guarantee? because scalp med works. don't forget to ask for scalp med's complete care for thinning hair, which includes our free shampoo, our maximum strength follicle detoxifier, which removes the bacteria and build up inside your follicles that inhibits healthy hair growth, don't forget to ask for scalp and our exclusive cortex enlarging spray, which thickens med's complete care for thinning hair. your hair the first time you use it includes our shampoo, our it. follicle detoxifier, which removes bacteria and build up inside your follicles that inhibits healthy hair growth, and our exclusive cortex enlarging spray, which thickens your hair the first time use it. this offer will never, ever be this offer will never, ever be available in stores. available in stores. call now and ask about priority call now and ask about priority delivery, or visit delivery, or for even faster service, visit >> welcome to our show. >> thank you.
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>> this was you? >> yes. >> take me back to this time. >> the preceding was a paid advertisement for scalp med. ♪ >> the following is for the >> during that time, that was it very insecure, hurting woman that was ashamed of who she was. could not date, i couldn't go swimming. i stopped my career. i was in hiding. you see why. i suffered with this for so many years. >> you knew.
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>> $90. >> we will let you in on a secret, one that cable and satellite companies do not want you to know about your and you can watch her favor broadcast tv shows for free. that is right. all you need is a clear tv hd antenna. we will give you free over their access to hundreds of broadcast tv shows. comedy,nning dramas, reality tv shows, kid shows. live sporting events. no contract and no installation costs and no monthly fees. just free hdtv that could look as good or better than cable or satellite. a mandate requires all broadcasters to transmit a digital tv signal. that andlet you bypass bring broadcast network shows directly to your tv. you could enjoy crystal-clear
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and free hdtv. sounds too good to be true? coming up, we will meet people from all of the country who switched to clear tv. they are watching from the very shows you are watching without paying a single dime in monthly fees. >> i was amazed by all the channels i got. >> i can get abc and nbc. >> cbs. >> i get all of these movies. >> i do watch sporting events. >> for free. >> for free. >> we'll visit the mall to see if shoppers can tell the difference. >> i am not sure. they look the same. >> i cannot tell the difference. it will be tough. >> it is hard to tell. we'll take you inside of the homes are real customers as they go from room to room installing clear tv by themselves in minutes without any extra installation fees or additional fees.
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if you are tired of spending hundreds of dollars a year for cable and satellite channels that you may never even watched and pay every month for broadcast tv stations that you could be watching for free, it is time you watch tv the way it was meant to be -- free. i bet some of you are watching standard definition tv because you do not have the money to pay additional fees for hd service. what i told you you could watch standard definition and high-definition and put $10,000 in your pocket with clear tv? basic cable and satellite services can cost you up to $80 a month. maybe even more. $80 a month is $960 a year. over 10 years, that adds up to almost $10,000. with clear tv you can watch hundreds of your favorite stations in a standard definition and high-definition while saving a lot of money.
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imagine take a portion of that $10,000 and hooking up clear tv to a brand-new big-screen high-definition television. if you want to enjoy the highest quality digital entertainment, the answer is clear. it is clear tv. >> i switched to clear tv because i was paying for channels i do not watch. i put it in the window. >> it gives me all of the over the air channels for free. >> you can watch all of the stars of the dancing shows. >> excellent programming for the children. >> i can get it for free. you may be wondering how you get free high definition television. recent changes in federal law mandates that all local and
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national broadcast networks transmit all of your shows via a signal. major broadcast networks like abc, nbc, cbs, and tbs and more are being added every year. these networks are producing some the top rated shows and broadcasting them in the digital standard definition and high-definition clarity. clarity fee is all-powerful antenna specifically designed to receive the government mandated broadcast. once you purchase clear tv, you will be able to watch local and national television for free. it is that easy. we wanted to find out the truth about the signal you're been paying for all of these years. we interviewed an engineer with over 15 years of experience.
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he asked us to disguise his identity for fear he could lose his job. we'll cut him joe the engineer. why don't most viewers know about free broadcast tv? >> who is telling them about it? the cable companies are not going to tell them because they are in business to make money. >> does pay-tv lower picture quality to sell extra services? >> yes. there's a lot of information. the tv stations, your telephone, your internet. it is coming down the sale wire. with digital antenna, you are getting a signal and nothing else. it is a cleaner signal. >> did free tv broadcast ever stop? >> no, broadcast is still doing great even if cable companies would like you to think it is not available. not where it was an analog
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system and had to put antennas on your roof. if you have a digital antenna today you can receive broadcast and the picture is every bit as good as what people are paying for today. >> where the big questions people often ask is will my picture be just as clear as it is now? the truth is it may be better. many companies use what is known as compression. it lowers the quality to make it easier to distribute the signal. unfortunately, compression techniques leave out portions negatively affecting the quality. here is what makes clear tv so exciting. unlike cable are satellite, broadcasting does not use compression. they transmit a clear digital signal.
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it is designed to receive and maintain the crystal-clear picture quality of the original broadcasts. that is why we are called clear tv. in fact, we sent mary, one of our correspondence, to the mall to see if first-time viewers could tell the difference. >> do you have or satellite? how much is your bill? >> $100. >> i pay $60. >> i am offering to pay your satellite bill for a year if you could tell me which one of these is showing satellite tv. >> you will pay my cable if i tell you? >> ok. they are all in hd. it is hard to tell. >> to me, they look the same. honestly, i would not be able to tell. >> i will say the satellite one is the right here. >> this one over here?
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this is the clear tv. >> you're kidding me. >> you cannot tell the difference. >> or do i still get the money? >> and this is free tv for life. that is clear tv. i have a gift for you. this one is clear tv. free tv for life. it will save you $12,000. >> thank you. >> you watch live news broadcast and award-winning dramas and quality children programming in a beautiful hd and all for free. why keep shelling out big bucks when you can watch clear tv and start saving today? here is how to order.
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amanda one of our specialist makes a surprise visit to a first-time clear customer. but you have been preselected for us to show you how easy it is to install. >> stay tuned to see how fast and easy it can be. >> are you tired of paying companies to watch your favorite broadcast network shows? why spend hundreds of dollars a year when you can watch broadcast television for free with clear tv digital antenna. just plug in clear tv and let your tv receive top-rated shows, sporting events, and more for free. that is right. thanks to a federal mandate, all broadcasters are required to transmit a signal through the airways. you can bypass cable and satellite to bring shows
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directly to your television so you can enjoy crystal-clear hdtv. it is amazing. network broadcast, imagine what you will receive at home. cable and satellite can cost you up to $80 a month. almost $10,000 over 10 years. why pay that much for channels you may not watch? with clear tv there is no contract or monthly fee or unexpected rate increases. just free hdtv that can look as good or better than cable. call or go online now to get your digital antenna for $19.99. >> i took out of my box and plugged in and i was watching in minutes. >> it is ideal for apartment and dorms.
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you can watch in as many rooms without additional fees. we will give it a second antenna for free, just pay separate shipping and processing. that is 2 antennas for $19.95. order now. >> i cannot believe i get it for free. >> how easy is it to install it? let's join amanda. here it is. that is a big tv. i have to ask you do you have cable or satellite? >> we have cable in two rooms. >> did you install it yourself? >> i had to wait all day for the cable guy. >> i will show you how to install clear tv your self. i would challenge you to do it yourself of the other. >> i'm not sure i have the skills. >> amanda put her fears to rest up everything you need to install comes right in the box. you choose a place to mount the
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antenna and attach the cable to the input and the tv and let your television scan and locate all of the free stations in your area. >> of by the looks of it, you will have about 35 channels. >> 35 free channels? that is awesome. >> one of the things you will love is the freedom. you can install it as many rooms as you want without incurring additional charges that are standard with cable and satellite. you can install in your living room or master bedroom or kitchen -- anywhere you have a tv. >> by the looks of it, you will have about 35 channels. >> 35 free channels? that is awesome. >> one of the things you will love is the freedom. you can install it as many rooms as you want without incurring additional charges that are standard with cable and satellite. you can install in your living room or master bedroom or kitchen -- anywhere you have a tv. if you decide you want your children to have it in their
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bedroom, you could be sure they do not have access to those not so family-friendly shows. you will love the portability of clear tv. the sleek compact design is perfect for your workshop. put it in your garage. you could take on the road in your rv. for your second homes, why pay for cable and satellite year-round? say by two monthly fees. take back control of your tv viewing. >> we are here at the mall to ask people to try our challenge to see if they can tell the difference between paid tv and free tv. >> i have cable. >> how much do you spend? >> about $60. what did you watch the most? >> sports and news. >> what i tell you can get it for free monthly charge. >> i would say sign me up. >> i will pay your cable for a year.
tell me which tv is broadcast. i want to see if you can tell the difference. >> ok. >> i have a lot of money on the line here. >> they all look the same. maybe -- i cannot tell. >> i will say that when is cable. >> this one is clear tv. this one is cable tv. the one over here is satellite. you cannot tell. >> i cannot tell. >> i have a gift for you. free tv for life. >> and the money? >> no, you do not get the money. i have this. free tv for life. clear tv. >> i will go home and hug it up.
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special tools. plug in your tv to receive your favorite shows for free. at a time when we are looking to save money, and how great it would feel to never have to pay another monthly cable our satellite bill ever again. >> how much money do you spend on satellite a month? >> between $40 and $50. >> almost $500 a year. >> yeah. >> that's almost $5,000 over 10 years. >> wow. no. that is crazy. >> behind me, i have three tvs. i am going to pay your cable bill for a year if you can tell me which one of these is satellite tv since you are so familiar. >> all right. i do not know. if i have to pick, this tv right here.
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>> you think this is satellite? this is clear tv. this one is satellite tv. this would here is cable. do not get upset. i am going to give you free tv for life -- clear tv. >> thank you so much. >> of by now, i am willing to bet you like that idea of never having to pay cable again or waiting around for the cable guy to hook up service. watch courtney as she installs clear tv for the first time. >> all right. ready, set, go. >> for courtney, setting it up
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is as easy as amount to the antenna. letting her television locate all of the free broadcast stations in the area. total time is under three minutes. >> it is amazing that i can get 44 free channels in a room that i had to pay the cable company extra just to put the box in. love it. >> in my opinion, clear tv is the best thing to happen to television since the creation of the color tv. you will gain in the freedom to watch broadcast network television in as many rooms as you would like for free. thanks to clear tv compact design, you can watch high definition television in places you never thought possible. call or go online and start watching your favorite shows absolutely free. there is no catch. just clear tv. order now.
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revealed its biggest growth in five years. hello, welcome to countdown. >> the time in london has just gone 6:00. bloomberg reporters are standing by across the world, ready to deliver the stories. jon ferro has a look at the bank of england restructuring plans. >> caroline hyde is just crossing into bloomberg. we are getting reports toyota has agreed to end the criminal probe. that story.has >> we will be focusing on the chairl reserve and the janet yellen. let's look at the bank of england. jonathan has the central bank on his plate. >> musical chairs.
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some new names as well. yesterday mark carney got to give more detail about the restructuring at the central bank. thingst looking at one like restructuring. according to him that is 1970's or 1980's and dangerously flawed. he wanted to be more than price stability. he wanted to be about financial stability as well. the relationship between the two is important. a lot of people will have crossover at the central bank. he talked about current policy. it doesn't take a genius to see the risks are there now. it's what he had to say on the housing market and taking action. >> we shouldn't be trigger-happy. we have the tools and are well .rmed to address the risks we have taken initial steps.
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we did stop all the things we were doing for monetary reasons to support the housing market, whether through capital or funding through lending. >> they are well armed. >> well armed, not trigger-happy. when you put this into context with today's budget, we have a chancellor set to announce the .ew bill a lot of people talking about carney and osborne on a collision course at some point. fed,lk to me about the john. yellen chairs her first meeting today. >> i think that's the big focus. she has got her opportunity to put her stamp on things with a press conference. when she testified in front of the senate and gave that annual speech.
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things will get interesting. nobody is really discussing it. she was the chair of the committee that looks at the last couple of years at the federal reserve. one thing we think will happen is the six and a half point threshold no one seems to care about him a that is set to get bit. -- seems to care about it, that is set to get ditched. that the fed, not just gdp, but for the future interest rate over the next couple years, because we get those dots, and for each official at the fed, they put a. where they think the fed will be. a dot where they think the fed will be. >> thank you very much. we will bring you george osborne speech as he
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unveils the budget. >> europe biggest clothing maker inditex releases its numbers. caroline hyde, give us the top line on the numbers. >> interestingly, we have got the first quarterly loss. we are seeing a slowdown in profit in the fourth quarter. that's the first time that has happened since 2010. a slowdown in profits. we are seeing the first fall in on at for inditex quarterly basis in five years. we are seeing a slowdown in sales, a slowdown in profit. we have the slowest profit in five years. we have a slowdown in sales as well. they are up five percent but in line with expectations. compare that with the 16% growth we saw in sales the previous year. merely, we are starting to see
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the situation eat into the owner ra, but it is fundamentally still strong. they are growing because they have increased their exposure to the market. they are going big in brazil. they are going big in china. these countries have seen a slowdown economically. we are seeing less spending by the consumers of brazil. russia they have big exposure. the weakness we have seen in foreign currencies have meant translating the bang for the buck, the amount you are getting in russia and brazil. when you translate that into euros, it is far less. even though it does seem to be having a negative repercussion on the numbers, any analysts are saying this is a company that has an individual business model.
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they can get the trends to the shops so much quicker than anyone else. >> they are not worried, despite the headwinds? >> it does not seem as much. already we have seen a significant drop in the share price. it is the fourth worst retailer in europe. people feel that will be factored in. analysts are saying sell. it seems to be weak currencies. has is a company that still a competitive arm. >> we are also watching toyota. the carmaker is said to have reached a deal over an investigation. stephen has details in hong kong. in fact, it's john.
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>> that is the talked about settlement. this goes down to recalls. is also of transparency crucial. an unexpected acceleration. settlement has not been final. makingve been accused of false disclosure. who was complaining? the manhattan office. also the fbi. have gm recalling 1.6 million chevrolet cobalts. it will happen today. the confirmation of $1.2 million is a big hit.
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♪ >> on to today's company news. toyota has reached a settlement to end the u.s. criminal robe on to excel -- probe into problems in its car. they recalled vehicles in 2009 and 2010 related to acceleration. toshiba plans to sign at least three partnerships to manufacture lighting fixtures next year. this would allow toshiba to sell asian made leds in europe. google is bringing its android software to smart watches. the company's project android
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wearablend to gadgets including watches. this will further the push into connected devices. welcome back. is six: 12 in london. the british chamber of commerce is calling on george osborne to use his budget speech to focus on youth unemployment, training, and enterprise. joining us is the director general. good morning. thank you for joining us today. >> good morning. >> what's top of your wish list? >> we came to the conclusion the chancellor was unlikely to make big tax cuts at this stage, probably waiting until autumn. constrained onas spending. we want to target a particular area we think is really employment -- important, which
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is youth unemployment. whichld do three things, we believe would create 180,000 jobs for three years. first, to encourage entrepreneurship by giving tax breaks to investors for company formed by under 25s. second, to bridge the gap for employers who employ under 25s who have been underemployed, -- unemployed, so to provide a grant. the other thing would be to provide a grant to encourage employers to take on apprenticeships. apprenticeships are very important to bridge the gap between education and work. in danger of creating a web of initiatives to tackle youth unemployment where maybe focusing attention on one's team -- one scheme where there might
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be a better way to go? >> what we are doing is building on to existing schemes. the apprenticeship scheme is already successful. ratio is 12-1. very popular amongst under 25. the government is already going to introduce a tax break. it's not here yet. we try to find a way to get around the bureaucracy and introduce an earlier. the tax break for investors in entrepreneurship builds on the initiative for grant entrepreneurs. focus, youthr main unemployment, training, and enterprise, but there will be other measures to boost business, and part of that will be george osborne's plan to lift exports to one trillion pounds by 2020. you know the stats. that equates to 10% growth
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annually for the next seven years. we are nowhere near that right now. how reasonable is that goal of the chancellor george osborne? >> certainly in addition to these measures i have just outlined, we also reminded the chancellor about the other major things he needs to do to create long-term sustainable growth, and one of those is supporting exports. just as the chambers of commerce are helping to rid the gap between employment and education, -- bridge the gap between appointment and education, they are also working to help exporters, particularly small and midsize businesses. we are doing our best, but it's a heroic task to reach those. at the moment all the indications are that in fact it's not working, that the last
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couple years exports have not boosted. they have been flatlining. the government needs to invest more in our view in supporting exports and not just finance but practical support for businesses, to help them enter new markets. step to taking a big move from domestic to exports. >> you think the government should target that help exporters, particularly around any type of export? this be about professional services or other types of services? what's your view? it's important to remember that while we have a small and efficient and leading-edge manufacturing sector which can grow, the vast majority of the economy, disproportionately compared to any other economy in the world, except perhaps hong kong, if services, and the u.k.
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is really and at services and service center exports across the board. financial services are important. creative, whole range education, and so on. focusing on supporting services is very important. it's quite possible to enter new markets with these services. we are very successful at trading outside the eu in services even though there is no special trade access. >> the bank of england under mark carney has unveiled some ready substantial reforms over the last 24 hours. on perks and on the structure of the bank of england. what more can the bank of england do when it comes to boosting the u.k. economy? >> one of the things that is crucial in relation to bank policy is interest rates.
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would be a big mistake to raise interest rates anytime soon. we need to keep low rates to provide better access to finance and lower cost of finance, but if we were to raise interest rates differentially by comparison to other countries, the currency would probably rise, and that would itself dampen the possibility of future export growth we have just in talking about. interest rates are crucial. it's the one thing that has kept the economy above water, and now we have seen growth return to without anybut particular inflation. we should stick to our guns and keep interest rates low for the time being, possibly indicating rising sometime in the future and gradual rises to a relatively low level even then. >> thank you for joining us. the director general of the british chamber of commerce joining us live from westminster. downloads,5 million
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>> welcome back to "countdown." >> time in london is 6:22. the music industry is dealing with some diverted trends. internet revenue is soaring as drop in cding and a sales. john dawson has a look behind the music from hong kong. >> music is on a bit of a downturn. actually let's go to japan to give you an overall view. 14%. cde revenue fell sales are down. piracy is a problem. we haven't quite caught up with subscriptions online, but the rest of the world has. internet subscription revenue up 51%. billionevenue 51
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dollars. the rest of the world is catching up. piracy still counts for a quarter of users. isi know your favorite band a certain simon cowell formed band. which musical group were some of the top sellers last year? >> i'm not going to say one direction is a band. that's not my band at all. then you have him and him -- eminem, and you have justin timberlake. "blurredn thicke's lines" was the best single.
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it sold 4 million copies. i can't quite figure out why that one has taken off. all those guys make a lot of money. >> anna did call you an old man and boring. >> i don't inc. i did. i did.n't think >> to be honest, i did download "blurred lines." that was my contribution. >> daft punk wasn't on your list. >> my last download was they on .ay -- beyoncé >> i don't think that's embarrassing. thank you. please return when you have more embarrassing stories about mark's music taste. we will leave john to rubin 8 -- to ruminate on the subject of music
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in hong kong. let's have a look at some of the top stories we are covering here this morning. >> the federal reserve is that to announce its rate decision later today as the first committee meeting led by janet yellen. most economists surveyed believe the fed will move away from tying interest rates to a drop in the unemployment rate. they also believe the fed will taper stimulus by a further $10 million. the total search area for the missing malaysia airlines flight has expanded to two and a quarter million not a cold miles. miles.ical malaysia has asked nations together information from a narrow corridor. the search zone has little radar coverage. an historic change to the u.k. currency in the budget. britain will have a new pound coin. it will have 12 sides.
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japan. the trade deficit. it will all be about the dollar and the federal reserve. $10 billion of tapering looks nailed on. the dollar coming up just a little bit higher. a neutral impact on the currency. they will have to be patient. >> welcome back. let's get back to events from ukraine. a day after vladimir putin crimea,d lance to annex as clashes in the region killed at least one ukrainian servicemen. timothy ash points us now.
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good morning. has putin outwitted the west? >> not really. he didn't win the first stage. sanctions have been disappointing. that's clear. let's see what the americans do and the europeans do later in the week. watch for friday. we have the european council meeting. the expectation is they will sign the agreement. it's not clear in terms of which aspects are going to be signed. there is an expectation building that ukraine could be offered something more substantial. eu >> ukraine has never been given a full european perspective.
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they have never been willing to commit. it would be a pretty big boon for ukraine, and it would greatly irritates the russians. russia's policy towards ukraine has always been about spelling european integration, so if the europeans give ukraine affirm integration perspective, many would say that is a bit of a for putin.ent >> we will look for more on the relationship between ukraine and the eu. two moree looking also sanctions as a result of who didn't annexation, the announcement of the annexation plan yesterday of crimea. will there be further sanctions? >> i guess the west has to do something. gauged. ms. there is a lot of talk about calibrating sanctions. misgaugauged -- the u.s.
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ged. whoe were 11 individuals were sanctioned. i think people were surprised. there seems to be a clear reluctance in the west to do anything that will upset markets. i think that is fairly clear. >> are you surprised at how quickly this is moving? class of i said throughout the ukrainian crisis, this is nothing if not unpredictable. no one called it. demonstrations on the streets of kiev. no one expected yanukovych to fall. no one expected putin to cross the lines. he said previously about nonintervention in ukraine, and then he went into crimea. >> to we take him at his word that he doesn't want to split up other parts of ukraine, something he announced yesterday during that speech? >> he said russia has no interest in ukraine.
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that's not to say if the situation changes that he wouldn't intervene. he has made clear that russia reserves the right to intervene to protect ethnic russians wherever they may be located. >> there are many other ethnic russians located in former soviet satellites in the region. what are his ultimate aspirations? >> i think if you go back to his more offenses foreign policy strategy, which has been the eurasian union, that has been the strategy. i don't really think he sake.ened for crimea's i don't think it is enough to grant this big trading block. russia plus crimea doesn't this may bede that. his base camp. going into crimea
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is a kind of base cap. he will take that for now. i think also he is pretty determined to make sure the administration does not succeed. everything they have done once are things probably a lot of people in russia want, which is rule of law to be governed by a who don't riptes them off. the polls show strong support for european integration, but they don't want just to join the eu. they want the values they think the european union stands for. >> some people think that reason the eu and us have not been quicker and they have been to raise sanctions against russia is because they are very mindful of economic ties, the international links that link the world these days. is that something of a comfort at this time that because of those financial economic links,
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escalation if it happens, happens slowly. >> we have had escalation. russian troops went into crimea. the important thing is we don't really know what russia's strategy to ukraine is now. the administration will not succeed unless it normalizes the relationship with russia and structdoesn't adopt at a of strategy. they will make life very difficult for this administration. russia doesn't adopt a destructive strategy. they will have to do something to make sure russia comes to the table and is constructive. i am not sure it will be. that help?-- does >> maybe that would have been a bigger blow than g7. what is a crime in -- happens if crimea nationalizes
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assets? back byraine fight refusing to pay debts liable to russia? is a really interim -- >> this is a really interesting area. there is a 3 billion bail bond that russians lent in december to the ukrainians and a fairly arduous conditionality with that. many argue that they could use the odious debt argument, that when a country invades another, it changes the relationship. it could argue -- it could be argued the money was lent to ukraine under difficult circumstances and they should just declare a debt moratorium with russia. the other thing, the russians may retaliate through gas ultimately, that
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hurts russia. in a way it could help the ukraine because it could forget -- force europeans to focus more on ukraine. >> 6:38 in london. .t is an iconic french product the french beret is fighting for its survival. could a return to fashion change its fortune? in the heart of the. nice mountain region is france's very last beret maker. the hat was invented here by local shepherds, and they have been making it since the mid-19th century. tradition andce irishman is trying to keep alive. from thecheap replicas czech republic, china, and
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india. >> you will see how it is made. that makes a difference. >> mark saunders joined a year ago after it was rescued by a military clothing maker. the company was nearly bankrupt. he is trying to turn it around, traveling as far as russia to sell the iconic hat. >> we have no limit. japan, they love berets in japan. we hope people on the east coast will look at it as an urban product. >> it takes two to three days to make a real beret. it starts with knitting wool into a flat circle. then it has to be felted using water from a local river before it is dyed, shape, and shaved to create the highest quality. the majority of the product is made by hand. the company says it hopes to produce 200,000 hats this year price between $20 and -- between 20 and 95 euros.
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it is targeting female customers. currently women represent just a quarter of the business. diversified 30 years ago. that's going to take us forward. i love to see what a brand like to the french beret. >> grabbing headlines at the session shows could be the boost the beret needs -- at the fashion shows could be the boost the beret needs. >> the joy about these packaging is we find things about the coanchor you never knew. you still wore one in the 1980's. >> it was acceptable then. what color was yours? >> purple. highlights itse struggles to shift to the cloud. details when we return.
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>> he tried to point to the stronger growth in offerings, but analysts weren't buying it. aftermarket it is down seven percent. it is down three and a half percent now. it will be interesting in part because for the last 10 quarters they have only had growth more than five percent of sales, and they haven't had above five percent in the last 10 quarters. that shows they have had growth, but it is remarkably flat. the actual growth is $9.31 billion. it is 50 million less than what the estimates were, but it was a myth. they are facing a three front war. they are fighting the likes of microsoft. on business applications customers are moving towards the cloud. the non-hardware they have -- thenn more quarters
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in hardware they have missed in more quarters than they have earned. >> what is larry ellison's plan going forward? >> jairus salesforce team to salesforcehire a team to compete. he wants a specialized sales force to go into the cloud. they say 30% increase. bookings are up 60%, but when you look at cloud services, the margins just aren't there. there isn't room for explosive profit growth. 15%stock is still up year-over-year, but some disappointing numbers. we will see how it starts trading later today. offrance's highest court appeals rules on the x trader. he was convicted of losing $6 billion back in 2008. here is ryan.
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thisave been following case since the beginning. tell us little bit. >> this is it. they uphold the verdict, that's it. he's going to jail for three years. this has been remarkable. it's been going on for six years. yet the defense has been sticking to its guns. have a listen. >> our argument is society generale was following his position every day. inre is a fairytale, and some media it says, we discovered everything on january 18, 2000 eight, which makes the market laugh, because like most fairytales, it is completely unrealistic. >> two courts have already found that version of events very realistic. they have convicted him two years ago. they ordered him to pay back the 5 billion euros. they understand they are not going to get it back. he is really up against it,
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because this court rarely overthrows verdicts. >> tell us about something else he is doing. i'm not sure if this is tangential to the court case or whether this is highly linked to it. >> that's the question. 900 miles from rome where he met stillrancis, he is walking. he has been added for a while. he walks between 10 and 20 miles a day. he says he has been trying to draw attention to the message that the financial markets are andng this -- tyranous, people have gotten caught up with emerging markets. others say this is a pr campaign from him, not his first, but the police say it doesn't matter if thee is on the walk verdict is upheld. then that's it. when was a long time ago we interviewed him. >> it's not a kind thing to say, but he's kind of unremarkable.
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he's a chain-smoking, quiet man, and when you meet him, as i did when his trial began in 2010, you find it difficult to believe that this is the guy who had 50 billion euros of outstanding , and thensitions became this cold figure in france. three out of four of the french at one point actually said they thought he was a victim. now he has grown his hair. he is a man of god. it's all rather unlikely. italy -- >> no, they have their own financial scandals. >> this was the height of the financial crisis. early 2008 when the global markets were dealing with much bigger issues if that's even than one fairly sizable alleged rogue trade. >> at the time he was the biggest rogue trader, but he has
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been replaced. part of his -- he has been able to prove this in court, but he says they were doing it secretly. there was no 5 billion euro loss, so he shouldn't be fined. >> he said he was shocked when he saw this on television. >> there was so much going on in the market. they haven't been brought back just yet. >> the industry has -- the music industry has broken through another barrier. we will tell you more.
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." welcome back to "countdown >> we are always here. let's stick with the man who just made his way back from ruffles. wall street journal is ukraine. , ignoresims crimea fallout. interesting story. did you see it? >> i have heard about it. >> it is interesting. the steely resolve. if he actually going to annex crimea -- is he actually going to annex crimea? he went in there, made this
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hour-long speech. they played a russian and the withad a signing ceremony the head of the crimean parliament ovation, so i think they are going forward, but it's pretty clear. all of that is interesting because the pomp and circumstance you see in moscow belying the situation you see in crimea. you have all these servicemen held up on bases that have to leave because the crimean have declared their independence. last night we had gun battles for the first time. shots were fired. one man killed. the situation is very dangerous going forward. >> we will continue to watch that with the leaders meeting at the end of the week. we are happier, according to "the times." we are happier in the u.k., but we don't feel healthier. apparently, we are happier than compared to a year ago. there has been a one percentage point increase by the people who
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it's not enough just to survive in your job. you are now looking for more. >> i'm going to ask a question. a year ago, anna joined countdown. are we happier than a year ago? >> that's so unfair. you're pretty much average. >> i am happier. >> "the guardian" has a good story on music streaming. there are now more than 450 around the world that you can digitally stream music from, and we are spending more than $1 billion. i think this is good music for the music industry. they are seeing a rebirth of interest. people want to not do piracy. they want to find a legitimate way of paying for their music. >> i love it. i have rediscovered music.
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have got it on smartphones makes it so much more easy. i think this is a great move. it's amazing. it has gone from 8 million to 25 million subscribers. >> i still buy cds. still scratching the vinyl. >> how compatible are you with your other half? there are three questions, and these are the ones. if you have an equal answer to all three, you are very compatible. do you like were movies? you ever traveled around another country alone? think about it. wouldn't it be fun to chuck it all in and go live on a boat? let's put it this way. i am too out of three with my wife. >> we are only one percent
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