tv The Pulse Bloomberg April 15, 2014 4:00am-6:01am EDT
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crux ukraine defends its economy. it is hikes threats. girl power. italy nominates three women to chair some of its biggest companies. on titan aerospace classead the internet. goes on sale for one day only in the u.s.. sale for one on day only in the u.s. francine lacqua is off today. whenever he for you? the hollywood heavyweight behind
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parts of the caribbean and top gun tells us why his money is still on sequels. cutting edge kitchens. we're going to check out the slick surface that is designed to save you space. check that out. let's get this a more serious matters now. as tensions simmer in eastern ukraine, the effect is being felt on the ukrainian economy. editor david tweed is in berlin. it was a reaction to that, first of all. >> three percentage points is not a small increase. the rather large one. if you look at the markets you can see what a slight reaction. the currencies are dong -- are down. not really much to talk about. investors are saying that they want to see a resolution to this
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whole situation in ukraine to four they're going to start moving back into that particular droves.nt in very thinly traded, too, i might add, god. >> i am sure. let's talk about the sanctions story. as a story on the ground develops further, the u.s. looks like it will be pushing forward. the europeans a little more cautious at this stage. just walk me through the options were looking at in terms of sanctions. who's going to lead and what impact they will have. >> first of all, we're going to see what happens to the talks in geneva on thursday. the russian foreign minister will say that russian is willie -- russia is willing to turn up to geneva for these talks. much -- hasetty pretty much said the same thing. they want to see what the results of these talks are, and then they will decide whether
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they want to ramp up sanctions. the u.s. is there willing to do it. there's a lot of defense within the european union, which is normal. actually could increase economic sanctions as soon as next week. really, everyone is looking to see what happens first in geneva on thursday. >> david, we will leave it there. thank you very much, indeed. david tweed, our europe editor joining us from berlin. we will continue to monitor that situation carefully. the thai government has announced a corporate shakeup. the prime minister has nominated three women to chair some of the biggest companies. our italian bureau chief joins .s from milan walk us through the surprises here. there were plenty of runners and riders here. he be making political statements and some of these
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nominations? >> yes. mr. renzi, once he was installed as prime minister, he made it very clear that he wanted to both inange to italy, the public sector and in the corporate arena as well. about half of his cabinet is made up of women. i think there's an element of surprise if you take a look at the makeup of the nominations that were announced yesterday. you have a very high profile person like march or gallia -- the other twoa. are less well-known. what you have to do is take this .nto consideration of mr. renzi his change plus continuity style. the chairman role at all these companies is a nonexecutive, non-daily operational role.
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in that sense, yes it is important, however, i think there might be some disappointment from women's advocacy groups going forward. >> let's talk about where the power has really changed. those are the nonexecutive positions. walk me through where the surprises are in the executive positions. well, as in most cases in italy, when this situation comes up, when you have to nominate , the two mostars senior positions at the company, their are always leaks in the press. speculation in the media about who might be getting these positions. in all honesty, the three names that came up that were nominated , none of their names were mentioned as leading
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candidates. clearly, renzi is very good at consulting with his inner circle , trying to go out of the mainstream to find what he says creative and competent leaders to run the public and corporate sectors. >> dan, very briefly. he is a political statement is going to make. he's artie mentioned you want to put more women in key roles. you talked about the cabinets meeting his corner there. he is now doing the same in the corporate story. to what extent is this about political objectives and how much of this is about putting good people in the right job? well, if you take a look at what he has done in the last 12 months, that is, he has essentially taken over the democratic arty. his party in the last year. and he has put women in prominent roles in the party administration. he campaigned quietly when he was seeking his predecessors
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job. clearly on the gender issue. at the same time, he realizes that he needs to also rely on some experience, particularly as huge, state owned a strategic companies like eni and enel, italy's biggest utility. >> dan, we'll leave it there. thank you very much, indeed. we will stay in italy. we been speaking to the head of the country's debt agency. she has admitted that some investors are still a little wary of buying italian bonds. >> the investors that we have seen our japanese investors. new way, whatome still quite limited. be aajor indicator could stronger recovery in the economy.
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they're looking very carefully regarding the performance of the economy. italian ahead of the agency speaking to us in an exclusive interview. plans,s ambitious highes fabulous cars and tech classes now include drones. it is buying titan aerospace, and maker of high-altitude, solar powered satellites. today also marks the first time madethe glasses have been available for bigger pool of consumers. let's talk about all of this. campbell joins us for the latest move. is google doing this? are they just following facebook? >> when you make so much money that you don't want to show how much money you're making because regulators might ask some inconvenient questions about your advertising business, you
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can do things like buy a cool drone company just because. .hese are marginal businesses bees do not have immediate consequences for google. but google does buy cool stuff now and then. there is a practical application couldwhich is that google one day use these to provide internet access to remote areas. i don't think anyone really thinks that something we're going to see tomorrow. facebook has invested in a firm that does something similar. this is about staying ahead of the technological curve, making sure that google does not get this innovator's dilemma of missing the next big thing. clearly, drones, robots, everything to do that is hot. they want to make sure they are absolutely at the forefront of that technology. >> i like going out and buying a few new gadgets as well. this is taking it to a whole different degree. talk a little bit about -- the tech world is alive with deals at the moment. it is genuinely amazing. i haven't seen anything like this since the year 2000 and the
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tmg story. if you look at what is happening on a more practical level, we have this seabury deal that is coming up. this is a little more grounded, let's put it that way. >> there are enormous -- a -- an enormous number of deals going on right now. the most since 2007 at even longer than that heard there are a few things driving that. on the one hand we have these very acquisitive companies, mostly american. , that, facebook, apple are buying up interesting technology all the time, really constantly. then, of course there are the big telecommunications deals. the zebra deal is kind of a conjuncture of both. this is a company, zebra, that does inventory management, that kind of thing. they help animus on manager inventory. they bought a unit from motorola that helps track stuff, track things that are moving through warehouses or storage. there are, if you aren't a big data, very interesting
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opportunities for optimizing the flow of goods like that in the logistics base, and ups for example. it is been very innovative. lots of other companies want to do things like that. matt, fascinating stuff. thank you very much. matt is going to be back a little bit later as well. we will be talking about google's bold ambitions when it comes to glasses. we will also be joined by the ceo of song drop. glasses on her radar screen this morning? ariannahaving 10 -- huffington will be speaking with charlie rose about her new book, pride. jobs, welook at our are shrinking down to something that is not going to be ultimately fulfilling. >> you can catch a full interview with charlie rose coming up at 8:00 p.m. and 10:00
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pm eastern. 10:00 pm u.k. time. diageo is the worlds's biggest distiller with brands including guinness, johnnie walker and smirnov. companytalk about the in a little more detail later in our. nestle has reported its lowest sales growth since 2009. currency factors are also a significant story as well. all hitting the bottom line at the world's largest food company. we will carry on a conversation when we come back. russia, a significant market for the country, around two percent. should mission tests should recent tensions from the ukraine affected?
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let's start with you. nestle does not have a huge exposure to russia. around two percent? >> if that. ne is a big player that has exposure to russia. is goingys that russia great guns, strong growth. chocolate is selling particularly well there. a city uncertainty and instability is feeding through to sales. it is not a significant part of their sales heard what a significant is the emerging markets in general. that may be where we see more growth in russia. 4.2%ll, they are only up since 2009. they say the second half will be the strongest.
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the swiss franc is stronger versus the rest of the currencies. maybe those deflationary pressures will build into central and eastern europe. >> a lot of stocks will have to leave the country in a few years. do we need to think about russia -- when you look at what is happening in the consumer goods sector, we look at what is happening with nestle and then own -- danone, >> nestle is not such an important part of the market. currently, they have invested a growth, particularly in confectionery and coffee. one has 11% exposure. much more concerned
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about developments in russia at the moment. we have seen very good numbers in russia. it seems consumption has picked up heard it used to be a fast movingrket for consumer goods, particularly for food and beverage companies. nestle benefits from a base effect. >> this is quite surprising, many of the statements coming out from nestle saying you're still going strong in russia. why? are we getting a delayed effect is really not going to be affecting economic growth in there for consumption is largely central and eastern europe? >> we will see what they say tomorrow in russia. nestle has invested a lot, and particular product innovation and coffee give them a very good boost. barry meyer, copies only 50% of
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their business in russia. confectionery is 40%. given that eastern russia is different, they feel the same impact as in europe. thirdly, you go back to a three years, then you see quite a lot of subdued growth in russia. now a new product and they benefit from base effect area there's really no impact from the upheaval we see currently in the ukraine. >> you say they have invested a lot of money until now. to think there will be more investment into russia? >> yes, it is clearly a goal of nestle. they see that they are gaining traction and market share particularly in coffee. i expect the growth will continue. also, the investment in these regions, absolutely. be theudent that will
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theme across the board? what about other companies, those based in germany in particular leaning on a government not wanting any more sanctions because of their exposure to russia? will the beholding back the moment? >> when i go back to the history of nestle, there've been hit with a lot of problems in latin america, also. they were always able to gradually benefit from the growth. to slow expect nestle down its investment. with the new momentum that we seek and the pipeline the currency has in particular with coffee and confectionery, it should lead to good growth throughout the year in russia. >> just a quick question on the m&a front, what would you be
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buying if you are running nestle right now? would you be going down to the bono strasse? would you be maybe picking up nutella i would you be shopping in the united states? >> 80 very good with kids cap. -- they do very good with kids kat. and confectionery, nestle has a lot of headwinds. in the premium chocolate arena, that could be an issue. the two companies you mentioned,
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if we survive this one, at least we'll have some breathing room. say that it affects the markets. markets editor manus cranny, any read at their? >> there is little bit of red. you are right. there are analyst out there in the city of london that are raving about lunar eclipses and how it affects the markets. the last time we saw these added movements in the planets with big issues in markets, china is a big issue. we will be seeing the amount of credit slowdown the most in 19 years. we are going to wait for the u.k.. we'll get some inflation data out here and some confidence from germany. that is certainly something to keep an eye on. all industry groups are a little bit lower. basic materials down over 1.5%. that is how it is playing out. wait for yellen to speak later today. back to you. >> when we come back, we'll be
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u.k. inflation data is breaking. it is following and we have the lowest level of inflation since 2009. the number is one .6%. that is in line with where we expected the number to come through at. we have held this story of declining inflation across europe. we see it in the euro. we are below the bank of two percent.
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his pop back a little bit. -- it has popped back a little bit. let's talk about some of the other headlines that you need to know about this morning. new credit fell 19% from a year ago. that is the slowest pace since 2001. there's is a deeper slowdown in china as the government tries to rein in a credit binge. president obama is warning food and -- putin about ukraine. afterpoke on the phone the ukraine turn deadliest day. ukraine a central bank is trying to hike rates to support its currency. electedian government heads of the state-controlled companies. choseime minister
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internal candidates for those jobs. three females were nominated to key jobs at those three companies. three key companies. let's stay in milan. this is all about high-tech kitchens this time around. -- luxury letter table that opens to reveal a sink and the cooker. it is a super useful surface if you're short on space. it does not come cheap. ♪ i am the sales manager. this is not normal. -- we are call
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putting a lot of effort. this is something functional. you can add a lot of things together. you have an oven. you have washing machine. you have all of these things from the kitchen. this is where the mother in italian culture is cooking for children. this is where you grow with your family. the kitchen is becoming a kind of luxury. the range of prices between 40000 and 60,000 euros. >> that is a lot of money for a little bit of benefit. if you are really short on space, that is what you pay for. let's move from stainless steel to iron ore. i ore production has been a record. it is still below where the
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community expected it to be. there was a new ceo a little while ago. we often think about rio and copper. iron ore is the core business. 90% of earnings is from iron ore. it is a big challenge for sam walsh in that they are rapidly expanding production. the market is coming off. he asked him manage that dynamic very closely. they're going to have a record year. the iron ore prices crucial to the earnings outlook. is in the middle of a big turnaround at this business. is in his 60's. he has been at the company for 23 years. he wants to stay on it. questions about whether they want him there for the long term. that is what they need now. that was a follow-up
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question. six months ago, copper was selling. is the markets they can be cost cutting cycle? >> rio announced that they cut $2.3 billion of costs last year. yes, we are going to see some intel. >> the outlook westmark --? >> it is bearish. we are $30 above that. they are waiting chinese demand. this is driven by production in australia. >> nice to see you. thank very much for coming in. >> hollywood heavyweights jesse way ony brock hammer is
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sequels. he is working on a new films in the beverly hills cop series and top gun. jon erlichman caught up with them in l.a.. they discussed the new films in the work in his new book. >> we pool of time and energy into making things look interesting and unusual. we try to put something a little special, a little different in what we do. that is really important to us. >> in terms of where the movie business is going, you had a long run with disney and now you have a new first look deal with paramount. you have talked about where disney is focused on its movies and you are focused on yours, disney is doing a lot of superhero movies. they're not the only studio doing that now. is there going to be super to euro fatigue? latest captainhe america. i thought it was great. everybody was cheering and laughing. it is a great experience.
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this is what movies are all about. you want to see big movies. we make really interesting movies, people will theys leave the house. >> first film he highlighted as part of this disney deal with paramount is a sequel to beverly hills cop. what can you tell us about it? >> we are in the process of getting the script finished. paramount is excited about it. eddie is excited about it. but ratner is excited about it. hopefully we will start in the fall. we want to take any back to detroit. we will have some fun with him. he is very excited about doing it. >> the other film everybody is talking about is the next top gun. you been working on it. this was a long process for you and tom cruise. recentlysome headlines
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, setting the stage for tom cruise versus the drones. >> technology has changed since we made the first one. we will take advantage of what the world is like today. the drones are taking over in a lot of our wars. is the pilot obsolete? aren't those jet jockeys, are they gone? i don't think so. you still have to make quick decisions and pilots make the decisions. we will highlight both worlds. >> what is the timing on that one? when might we see that in theaters? >> we have been working on it for over 30 years. i wish i could tell you how long it will take us to get there. it is fun working with tom. tony scott passed away. that is very sad for us. financing partner is the allison family.
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megan is getting a lot of attention. what can you tell us about david ellison? >> he is a pilot. that helps us a lot. david has great taste. the movies that he has made have been very successful. he understands the business. he understands it better than anybody. for a guy so young to understand the deals and what actors work and what writers work and what directors work, he has really done his homework. top gun, take two. we will bring you the second part of that interview with jerry brock i'm her -- jerrybruckheimer. we will show you the artificial intelligence that can predict crime. although stories are coming up right here on "the pulse." ♪
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now they are going in from war than double that. they are paying a fair cream human. they are offering where the shares were before the offer to united spirits. that tells you how much diaz you want to take control of this company. they have a 20% stake. that gives us a effective control. they are bidding for another 26%, giving them half to give certainty of control. they are not trying to take it completely off the stock market. you can invest in it if you are a public investor during they do want to gain control over this company is going in terms of direction. that is why they are offering $1.9 billion to get their hands on it. very using cash and that and they want to overall get into the brands that united spirits offers. >> why india? >> the guest whiskey market in the road -- world. it wants to use the distribution
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network that united spirits already has. they want to leverage the brand s. johnnyso want to grow walker and guinness and smirnoff in a country that is offering a booming middle class. offers a taste the now call. steely, they'll have to sell one unit. they have already agreed to that. the u.k. regulators are worried about it becoming too controlling of whiskey and whiskey prices. the focus remains very much on emerging markets. interesting to note the amount of m&a going on in europe. it covers about 40% around the world year to date.
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it is up 240% in india. it seems to be in a developing country. india is the largest whiskey market in the world? >> it is indeed. >> i did not know that. let's stay in the drake space. the second biggest brewer in the spot is off. one bright nigeria. they overtook south africa as africa's largest economy. is this, if you were advising at the moment, would you be saying more in nigeria? we should spend more money there. this is a africa's biggest market. fewhis is one of the
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markets that is very big in the world. it is still growing. the population is growing at five percent. disposable income is growing at six or seven or eight percent. i would say the same thing for can you. they cannot make something that they are african it? cannot make it work for them? why are non-african companies have in a better footprint? >> it is not easy to operate in some of these countries. it does take time to build a presence. they were not as fast as others. they are catching up on the continent. they do have a good partnership. they are very present in other markets. i am sure they are covering that right now. >> business travel to the rest of africa?
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does it not work that way question mark --? >> they have strong brands with good recognition. the markets are very branded driven. are also seeing is some of these companies bring the top brands. toy also bring local brands sort of fight in the lower segment of the market. they have two cards to play in the market. you go in and buy these local brands, is that where the fight is now in africa? to buy up these? in asia that has been the story for the less the -- last few years. you don't really have big local brands as of now. they're very small. in kenya, there is a small
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producer. it is indigenous and a very small brewery. effective brand. she is making it out of nothing. i can see this happening more. companies see these emitting independent, to be honest. if we have access to the equity capital market, i can see these playing a role in africa. not at any price? this is of the few untapped markets left in the world for the brewing industry. there has got to be a big fight and prices will go up. >> companies are trading on the private arc it.
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numbers are unheard of in developed markets. is the reason. if i were an entrepreneur in africa, i would develop the brand for a few years more and get access to the market to the equity market. i would develop the business and then when i am on the 15% market share, that is the time to cash in. >> can we develop pan african brands? are we going to see pan african brands being developed? will companies in nigeria be better at it than companies in nigeria? >> brands will travel well. not necessarily because they are african. western africa is very different from eastern africa.
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in all seriousness, if you walk into the room with the ceo of sab, what with the advice be? this is in your own backyard and you need to get a bigger footprint. there is a scarcity of brands out there. how do you play it? what is the right strategy? who is going to do well? to buyright strategy is on the ground operation. that is faster. now, it will be operated in a different practice. don't want tod buy a local operator. market,ant to be on the buying is probably the best problem. markets, you don't have
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>> we have been taking it into an italian firm. they have been designing luxury cars. for the last five years, they have been a little tough. when the auto market fell apart, they looked elsewhere. in 1963, it sold for $52 million last year. it made it the most expensive car in the world. it is one of dozens of for aris inigned right here northwestern italy. >> our relationship with for ari -- for ari. i have worked on 100 of them. >> the legacy almost did not
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continue. they struck real trouble five years ago. but shed hundreds of workers and restructured its debt and was forced to look elsewhere for revenue. only this year, will return to profit. >> it seems to be promising. for aan expression durable and elegant design. it is a promise for the future. >> the luxury apartment tower has the same curves that seem most at home on a for ari. spot them here on a trophy for a cycling event. ,ere, on its latest creation the camby otto penn. it is an instrument you can control.
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you can sketch or write. it never goes out. of an hybrid is made alloy that leaves a mark on paper, much like the graphite tip of a pencil. it can't be erased. we put a lot of passion in the things we do. >> we must never stop to explore new areas. with qualityclose and . we need to go back to the roots even more. make a reallyo bad joke right now. for those of you listening to a second hourhave of the pulse.
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>> we're going to monitor the story with russia and the ukraine. were men were -- women nominated to the biggest companies in italy. google looks at aerospace. google glass goes on sale for one day only and only in the united states. good morning to our viewers in europe. a warm welcome to those of you waking up in the united states.
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i am guy johnson. francine is off. bloomberge from headquarters right here in london. we're going to be talking about jerry brock hammers -- pininfarina -- jerry bruckheimer 's new films. the technology claims it can solve crimes of four they happen. tune in to find out. let's get back to our top story, the situation you're -- in ukraine. ukraine is will face sanctions. bring us up to speed. >> just a word on the ukrainians. for are being targeted protests.inst the
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russian officials will be looked at as well. it might be published until after the talks in geneva on thursday. let us go through these four people. is the former first deputy prime minister of ukraine. he was the acting prime minister for one month. the second was a tax inspector. there was an issue and a war at on february 24. is a government member and an mp. his house is all over the internet. you would not believe the opulence of this house. it makes? which is placed look tepid. one is the former
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energy minister. thate seen reports saying when he ran out of ukraine in february, there was a dazzling hall of jewels and pearls packed into briefcases including $4.8 million of $100 bills. the amount of money that looks like was run out of the ukraine economy is extraordinary. the eu is going after them now. >> interest that they are going after these guys. the americans are more aggressive at targeting some high-profile russians. >> they have talked about being more aggressive. we have not seen any new action from the americans or from the eu since the escalation of tension in east ukraine. they are looking to see what
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happens with these talks on thursday in geneva. that the russian foreign minister will attend as long as we don't see any action taken against those pro-russian separatist in east ukraine. they are all sitting down at the same table in geneva on thursday. that is if the russians turn up. >> david, please continue to monitor the situation for us. the italian government has announced a corporate shakeup. the prime minister has nominated over theen to take three biggest companies in the country. this is a pretty big step. some of these are more symbolic than real, some of these jobs. >> that is right.
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it is a huge shakeup. he kept his promise. he said he would add more women. now he is doing this in the corporate world. this is much more rare in italy. there has been more persistent patient and women in politics, but not so much in companies. these are more symbolic posts. there are still men in co posts. they make a real decisions and that is where the analysts are concentrating their attention today. it is a first step. these are important women. she is the most famous businesswoman in italy. she has been involved in politics to a certain degree. she is a well-known figure and she is not going to be a silent figure. this is a big shakeup in that sense. are the chairwoman
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roles. what about some of the ceo roles ? these are big shakeups happening here. >> this is interesting. he is a man of change and said he would change italy of the way things are done. he has also been a cautious and away. decision-making, he put in to men. they are very experienced and know the companies. they have been there for very many years. rose to the ranks. he knows everything about the company. he is been the head of exploration and production. he has lived in congo and nigeria. they are very happy that some of this kind of experience, he -- he is finally head of the company. the head of the energy company
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an ipo in 2010. it did extremely well. this is another internal mammy, but change because this is a new political appointment. so far, he is in a pretty decent job. >> that is really fascinating. thank you very much. let us stay in italy. inclusive interview. some investors are wary about buying italy. arehe investors that we seeing now are japanese. of --e seen some new wave this could be stronger to
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recover the economy. they're looking very carefully and guiding the economy. >> that was the head of the italian a debt agency speaking to us and an exclusive energy -- interview. google's ambitious plans now include drones. it is buying and aerospace company that makes high-altitude drones. google glass goes on sale today for one day only and only in the united states. what on earth is able doing? >> this is a strange deal, even for google. they do try to get ahead of cutting-edge technology. i don't think anybody expects them to have drowned services ever revenue line anytime soon. this is about using these high-altitude drones, they're almost satellites in the upper region of the atmosphere, to offer internet access to remote
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areas. the question is how much demand is therefore it? internet access in the world is pretty good. it is only going to get better. the number of applications is limited. at thedoes want to be cutting edge and they have the money to do so. a toys for the boys feel to it. >> when you are larry page or eric schmidt, they are billionaires of the top of google, you can afford to do things like this. silicon valley has a history of a tinkering spirit. they buy things that don't have practical thing. we have to wait and see if it translates into actual products. selloff, thee tech
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other story is blooming. let's talk about these things. >> this is another technology deal of the financial times. buya technology is going to the unit from motorola solutions that does inventory management and keeping track of lots of little items. this is not a terribly glamorous part of the tech sector. it is important to a range of ebony's like big retailers. companies like big retailers. it is not hard to see a future where basically everything is going to be connected to some kind of network. that has business applications. >> thank you very much. matt campbell. arianne huffington spoke to charlie rose about finding a
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work like balance and redefining success. >> if we define ourselves in we aref our jobs, shrinking down to something that is not going to be a positive feeling. >> that interview will play out a little bit later on. in will be able to see it the united states. dig oh is the world's biggest maker of spirits. india is the biggest whiskey market in the world. nestle has reported its sales. they have the lowest sales growth since 2009.
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>> we'll come back. foreignlk about exchange markets. let's talk about what is happening in london. it's show you the pound. first of all, we have had an inflation rate and we are moving below the deflation target. we are at 1.6%. well.ontinues to fall as as you can see, it dipped but bounced back. why did bounce back? house price inflation excel to 9.1% in february. that is the highest rate since 2010. that is the biggest increase since july 2007. is that going to be a problem? we will wait and watch.
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it is bouncing back. let's move on. nestle reported its first sales quote. it did see continued growth in russia. given the threat of sanctions, should they be worried? caroline hyde joins us. let's talk about nestle first of all. russia is not the problem? >> russia is growing strongly even though easter is a quarter later. russia strong despite the instability. the concern is ukraine and europe during these are small areas of sales and general for nestle. are a growthets area for nestle going forward. aidan half percent growth for
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the first quarter in terms of -- 8.5% growth for the first quarter. slowing a little bit, they're putting eggs in that emerging markets basket. >> we are talking about easter eggs. >> all manner of things. what is affecting nestle is the foreign currency with the swiss bank being strong. sense across the whole of europe. they can't markup prices as much as they would like to. russia is going very strong a. >> let's bring in the head of swiss equities. ,f you are sitting down there would you be worried about the situation in russia and its impact on central and eastern europe? >> maybe a little bit. in terms of russia, you can see
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that it has improved as a result of what is happening in crimea. that is going through consumer groups as well -- and super products as well. in thehere is a worry is rest of eastern europe. people are looking over their shoulders at developments in ukraine. you start to see a bit of a slowdown in eastern europe. also into germany, they are picking up an impact there as well. german sales are somewhat slow in the first quarter. russia is very good. eastern europe and in two parts of western europe is not so good because of ukraine. will western and eastern europe be a strategy for nestle? is the scenario of growth going forward anyway?
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if you look at the broader scale of things, nestle is saying today that 45% of their sales are in emerging markets. is probably a couple of points maximum of those. the bigger emerging markets are is five or six percent of gross sales and brazil. these are their big emerging markets. interestingly, emerging markets accelerated for them. great figure compared to the developed world. -- 8.5% is a great figure compared to the developed world. they were basically saying don't get too concerned. that indicates that they saw acceleration or reacceleration of emerging market growth as it went to the year. china was a bit of a slow start.
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they said that has to do with the chinese new year. they were very happy with what is going on in brazil and russia. aey did say that india was bit slow. i would not be surprised if it was slow down there ahead of the elections. that market will pick up as well. it all looks pretty good in emerging markets. >> or do you think they will be investing money? fromthey be getting money the lori l estate? maybe we buy new teleutella? where do you see them spending money going forward? is medicalr nutrition. their reported to be one of the last few people looking at that
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business. wheres the first step some of those proceeds will be going. control ofaken full that skincare venture. this is probably the immediate scenario. longer term, there are those who think that nestle will get rid of 22% stake in the cosmetics company. that leaves money to do buybacks or big acquisitions. confectionery, they have reported to be looking at something like for rare of. they are linked in the remand chocolate category. premium chocolate category. nestle has not been able to crack that market. they were saying very clearly stake is inosmetic
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for the long term and it is strategic. they will not be getting rid of it anytime soon. that is not correct. they want to keep hold of that stake. that is looking much longer-term between the tensely some sort of food products which improve how you look. they are doing research into that. they will see a stronger joint venture the road. for the time being, they will hold on to the remainder of that stake. >> figure very much indeed for your time. still to come, imagine a blimp with the capacity to power a city street. it is a reality. we will take a look at it. solving a crime before it happens, the technology that
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against the state. withrs are collaborating the armenian lobby. said the police and the judiciary are members of groups that have betrayed turkey. he is saying its image and economy are under attack. he is criticizing gangs within the state that are protecting the police. he is saying he will go after the gangs within these turkish states. --s is a theme that teams seems to be cropping up recently. i want to wrap up this section of the quick look at something we saw earlier. this is the lunar eclipse. this is the blood moon we saw earlier. these are shots that have come out of california. this is when the earth's shadow
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>> good morning. welcome back. you're watching "the pulse." you are and bloomberg headquarters in london. i am guy johnson. francine will be back tomorrow. are the top headlines. president obama has warned vladimir putin about consequences in ukraine. they talked about the phone -- on the phone. iso secretary-general talking about the situation right now. is warning russia not to back ukrainian separatists.
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the italian government is shaking up. ministern the prime nominates three women to head up three major companies. ofna has brought a measure 19% from a year ago. they are underscore and the risks of the deeper slowdown in china as the government tries to rein in a credit binge. how are the markets digesting all of this this morning? we have a blood moon to think about as well, for people interested in that kind of thing. manus cranny joins us with more. moon is more than a blood that is distracting. there are risks to keep piling higher. rasmussen warning russia. equities are coming in lower. inflation is the lowest it's been in for years in the last --
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in the united kingdom. confidence in germany dips. do that. we markets are low. the one stock that stood out for me is this cosmetics company. they are seeing a turnaround in sales. this is the first time in six years. thefirst time in six years bottom of this map is showing a growth. that tells a much bigger story about european equities. like this kind of story on the periphery. it could be the one that surprises the upside. u.s. equity features are flat. we are virtually unchanged there. janet yellen is speaking a little bit later on.
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it is what actually happens next. the u.s. and sanctions on europe. that is going to be the driving force. let's take a look at europe in the currency markets. is the euro coming in lower. we had a great conversation this morning with them this morning. the next cap to come will be the next thing to look at. >> thank you very much. -- to go until surveillance. tom keene is with us. the nato secretary-general is on his feet right now. destabilizing is eastern ukraine. you will focus on this. >> we will focus on it through the morning. there is a steady stream of the policy. what i am watching is the markets. some of them are stable.
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russian yields are further elevated. then get your attention. we will be watching that had buying -- headline by headline. it is tax day in the united states. a man thrilled to bring formerly of the management budget office. he was with the brookings institution. him to give perspectives on tax policy in the united states. feel aboutamericans tax day? is it a day of celebration? question.n important there is an ambivalence about it. americans as you know are hardwired to pay less tax. everyms like ever more year, we pay more tax. that is part of the dead weight. we take pride in our tax system. it causes us a lot of angst as well. it is the one year anniversary
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of the boston marathon. adam johnson has a terrific two-minute segment about a company trying to stop the next boston marathon. we will touch on that as well. >> thank you very much indeed. hollywood heavyweight jerry bruckheimer is betting big on more sequels from hollywood. he is working on his new film in the "beverly hills cop" franchise. jon erlichman caught up with them in los angeles. here's what he said about working on the next "pirates of the caribbean" film. >> we are working on it and it is moving forward. johnny is excited about it. disney is excited about it. hopefully it will get going in the fall. >> is there a fifth and the
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sixth? >> we make them one at a time. >> will keith richards be back? >> i hope so. we would love to have him back. we will see. >> you have had huge success in film and television. csi is on that list. people are talking about this as a golden age of television. financially, what does that mean? is there a pile of gold? has this been the most financially successful. period for you? csi has been very successful for us. good.rk is so that is why they call it the golden age. when you look at what the other networks are producing, there
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are so many outlets and ways to show your work. your work is brilliant. netflix, some of the series they have on our amazing stories it they are telling with great actors. our business is exploding. for an actor or producer, there are so many outlets to make little films. whether they are 32nd or 30 minute films or 42 minutes, sometimes they have these big epics that go on for three hours. it is fantastic for us. >> partnering with netflix on original shows is something you been thinking about western mark --? >> hopefully we will work with him. >> how long can csi stay on the air? >> it is in its 15th season. it is not the writing that is great, the actors are great and we have wonderful directors. we are about to do a spinoff of
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cyber.ut it is all about entertaining audiences. that is what we do. point, you seem interested in how technology is influencing society and ultimately bringing that back to the small or big screen. >> so may things have changed since i started making csi 15 years ago. phones know who had cell 15 years ago. things change. >> some people may not know that you get your start in advertising. you know how to sell a story in 30 seconds. hollywood aree in experimenting more with short form video. is that something that you are thinking about? >> we have not captured that yet. we are still doing longform. it is a great way for young talent to show their wares on youtube or other places. they make these little short movies that are three minutes or
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>> will come back. we are live on bloomberg tv. we are from our london headquarters. saleill blast will be on in the united states today. -- google glass will be on sale in the united states today. bought a drone maker. matt campbell is with us this morning. we have google numbers up tomorrow. we have google glass on sale today. and want to buy airplanes drones. walk us through what is happening. in the space between drones and satellites. that is not something i would ever have to think about before.
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powered drones are very high up in the atmosphere. they buzz around for long periods of time and they can in theory offer internet access to remote areas. -- there are not that many people that don't have internet access. you can travel all over and -- africa and get decent service. the applications are limited. to be aoes want cutting-edge technology and drones are hot right now. let me put this on. >> these are britney's. they would not let me have one. i am looking at your e-mail and a bunch of other things. what are you guys doing? have andu transfer you take it onto a pair of these? aggregationusic technology.
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we allow you to play from multiple places from a single player. ist we have done for glass called song lens. you can see the world through music. we created virtual locations all over the real world where as you walk around and when you close to one of those locations, we bring up a card. for example, if you're walking around north london and you get near abbey road, you will be shown a photograph of the cover of abbey road and you get the ability to play a documentary about the making of that record. >> music fans 1020 look cool. >> i am aware of that. >> do i look cool now? >> definitely not. that is the biggest problem with
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glass. the newer ones are better. the ones look more like traditional glasses. they are still going to have to make it a little bit nicer. they certainly have. this is the reason i am skeptical of google glass and the facebook purchase of oculus. funny eyewear does not have a great eyewear. 3-d television is a problem because you have to wear glasses. an adoption ofs this is the big question. we will see what happens with this one day sale of google glass in the united states. tomorrow, we will see the numbers. rather than shopping online, you can walk her in the store picking things up. i don't know if that is something. piece of kitnsive
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to be walking around with strapped to your face. >> it is like having a rolex strapped to your face. when it comes to these early adoption things, we purchase as a way to develop an application. to put thee willing cash back. if you imagine early laptops and computers were incredibly expensive. around withalking an r&d lab strapped to your face. this is r&d in the open. sam sun does this a little bit. samsung does this a little bit. >> you have to look at the opportunity of being platform first as well. whether or not this version of google glass is the thing that everybody starts to use as the standard wearable, it could be the next version that they come out with.
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if we have a footing in that to having in addition more access to newer features that come out earlier. >> they are missing with stuff. you were talking about drones and all the things they have bought like robotic companies. this takes us back to the year of bell labs and people experimented with stuff. they have a huge balance sheet. this has investors telling them what to do. they're telling you to go out and do m&a. >> google is into experimentation. not all these businesses will pay off. what haunts every big tech company is this notion of being left behind and not seeing the thing that came along and killed you. there are plenty of examples of that in the business world, particularly in the tech world. for google to be out there tinkering and playing around with these hobbies, what they
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are spending on drones is a rounding error in the ground -- rand scheme of what they are bringing in on an annual basis. if that makes them keep their edge, that is something investors are supporting. >> are they easy to work with? you're going to develop apps. >> it is take us for months to get through the approval process. that is not so much box ticking. there is a lot of back-and-forth in because it is new. you can say they have this lay store. we have to push them. the have to look at numbers and the need to know how the apple work. it is difficult because we are not based in the u.s.. is more of wall. >> google i get very friendly e-mails. >> i am going to give you these
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the bank of england is not going to be doing anything soon except for the fact that we talked to the office of national statistics. house prices are going up, 18% year on year. is that an mpc problem? the pound is faxing -- bouncing back. year since the boston marathon bombing. the city has transformed security with a new program called eyesight. the company behind it says it so effective they can detect crimes before they even happen. adam johnson reports. april 15, 2013. two bombshit by during the marathon. within weeks of the attack, the
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boston police call behavioral recognition systems and ask about a new time -- kind of technology. >> this is an advanced artificial intelligence. >> is a former secret service agent and the president of brs. it is called eyesight. it can analyze camera feeds in real-time and learn what is typical behavior and send an alert when spots something out of the ordinary. >> and we'll figure out things you would never have thought of looking for something. our system will find that an alert us. it is different than what we usually see. it has taught itself what to work for. >> we went to see how it works. how does it work? >> we have a camera set up in the hallway behind you. walk like you are a normal guy in the office. i hang out. >> the question is how to i set
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this off? >> steal the printer. walk -- working with cities. they're trying to anticipate attacks before they happen. >> you can see someone doing something that is a precursor of a crime. casing the joint. it looking at where you shouldn't be. >> it is like minority report. >> by noorda report is science fiction. we are looking at a pattern that might be associated with a crime. >> now there are privacy concerns. this is more big brother than crime preventer. >> we are not collecting any personal identifiable information. that is not the information that our customers are using. >> to video surveillance industry has expanded tremendously since 9/11.
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half $1 trillion a been spent on camera systems. they are here to stay. artificial intelligences could create another boston bombing. -- present another boston bombing. us for theeed join rest of the day. today forthe earnings yahoo!. we are going to look out for a the rest of the year. >> google is all about the glass. >> these $1500 spectacles are going on sale to the public for the very first time. we're going to see if anybody actually wants them or if they are going to be a very elegant flop. >> how many people are you expecting to be walking around silicon valley wearing these?
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let's talk ukraine. that is going to be a big story. we will talk about it in the surveillance a good deal. >> the nato secretary-general has just said that it is clear that the russians are deeply involved in east ukraine. oh they are not discussing military options, they are option -- discussing what nato can potentially do. just canceled the second bond sale in a row. >> thank you very much indeed. that is what we're watching for the rest of the day. go,re that -- we let you the former premier has been denied any wrongdoing. authorityn given reduced to one year.
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coco cola shifts from sugar to h2o. and you are really -- if you are really unhappy with your stockbroker, what to do? this is "bloomberg surveillance ." we are live from world headquarters in new york. tuesday, april 15. tax day. joining me are alex beale and adam johnson. -- joining me are alix steel and adam johnson. orderwill start with your overnight you take inflation fell to the lowest level in years. well below the bank of england two percent target. -- 8:30 a.m., empire manufacturing and we will also get cpi so we will see how our inflation is doing or not doing in the u.s. janet yellen will then deliver marks to the atlanta fed and b housing market index. and earnings before
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