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tv   Bloomberg West  Bloomberg  June 9, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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>> welcome to a special addition of "bloomberg west -- edition of "bloomberg west." at the neck big things summit, and we're are bringing together intf andtial investors entrepreneurs. it has been eventful few hours so far today. up. tornado is even picking
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is you will hear- --beautiful here. a lot of cross disciplinary sharing of ideals coming out today. >> we will be speeding up drones. >> the kitchen thing is interesting. has been a lot of cooking, and he is using social media to grow his business and share his message of food. we will talk about how he does that while a cook up in the kitchen. of technology and talking about the beats.s of was a very heated
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debate about any quality. with the headgth of social capital partnership. conway stood up to challenge him and challenge some of the things he said. i do want to get to the news of the day. paypal to lead the messaging app. >> he seemed like the heir apparent. paypal has never done better than it has been doing lately. it is growing much faster than the rest of the ebay, even though they are investing so much into it. it is shocking to see him leave that company. but the guy is well respected in silicon valley. a testament to mark
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zuckerberg in his ability to recruit some of the best talent. heartfelta quite post in leaving. it is interesting, he will not be leaving whatsapp, that is completely separate. have 200 million monthly users, 12 billion messages shared every day. the numbers are enviable for any startup. >> i was on with trish regan when the news broke, and she was talking about carl icahn's take that the company should be split. with the faster growth of paypal, they might have had evaluation, but also much greater reward for the people that worked there. carl icahn made the point that
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by being part of ebay, it does not get the best and the brightest because that big lottery ticket the stock asions is not lucrative. is going to a company that has the kind of growth we have seen out of facebook. >> i wonder if this is a big loss for paypal. should paypal be a separate company? a lot of the paypal mafia believe it should be. >> one of the things that david ,aid in his facebook post there's also a link on linkedin, he says that the team was so deep that paypal that not only was it a ton of people working there but the manager team was so strong that he thought this was a good time to leave. >> we will be watching to see what he does at facebook,
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personally recruited by mark zuckerberg. we want to talk about that any quality story -- any inequality story. a lot of people have been talking about what is the solution? that is what i started off asking about. he is an interesting thoughts about more systemic solutions to the problem, trying to fix the political system. bigger picture kind of solutions. ron conway stood up and told him he was wrong. take a listen. i live in the city of san francisco, you live in palo alto. you said the city of san -- [indiscernible] that is false.
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the city of san francisco is tenant approved. dare youuled -- how --put out a mandate for 30,000 new housing usnits. >> all i was talking about is that you can create very simple economic measures to fund all of that and more. that is all. >> then you said -- you recommended one percent of the equity. >> test a choice. if you want to be in the city went back you ridiculed -- >> ron. ron.
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listen to this. if you wanted to be in the city, there are all of these people in the city right now that are really frustrated. all you see it with the riots. all i'm saying is -- >> [indiscernible] there is a saying is ton of people that feel like they are getting push out of subsidized housing, that feel like -- >> having a mandate in every city -- [indiscernible] think you have to see the follow-through. all i'm saying you can find economic framework to solve these problems. you could provide another kind of tax that says this is a subsidized housing tax, and we want a piece of your equity. and the company can choose to not be there. but if that comes home, imagine more units that could build. imagine how much free education they could get.
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this is about making what they are doing an order of magnitude more impactful. that is all i was saying. you ridiculed -- them for not being generous. you don't know what you're talking about. >> they could have taxed them $10 million and they would have paid. investor ron conway said the mayor should resign. took significant offense to some of the things -- >> he was a major fundraiser for the mayor as well so he is all in. technologies role in changing the way that the is shaping up and
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changing cannot be underestimated. we see that happening throughout the city. >> it is certainly a debate that is very important. very much far from over. we were talking about it wallowing that interchange -- following that interchange, and somebody said perhaps the solution has been piecemeal, but what he is saying is systemic and harder to accomplish. >> someone else came up to me and said ron conway is ron conflict. >> coming up, we will be bringing back into the kitchen -- tech into the kitchen. ♪
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>> welcome back to "bloomberg west." at the next big
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thing. talking about technology, we're talking about the fusion of technology and cooking. social media and cooking. cory johnson went to the kitchen. i am here with the chef at two great restaurants. coconut is of note because it has been nominated for the james beard award up to us new restaurant -- of the best new restaurant. >> social media is so important. they want to know what is going on our everyday life, so as we are building this restaurant, we have 3000 twitter followers and thousands and thousands on instagram. they can watch us work on the dish and watch it from here
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to the menu. drawsthe food what really social media? my daughter is part of it, but the food is the most important thing. shrimp,batter this folks likeial media to know how you take something that everybody understands and presented in a new way. this is new technology. >> what is in the batter? , it burns offdka in the cooking. and our customers really want to
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see how we take this and how does it work at home? people get freaked out about technology. who work in the kitchen love to buy new stuff. >> if you look at the volume we have added, we are able to lighten this up. beeone on social media might tweeting this in real time, and have a chance to learn with us. >> your instagram followers are also huge. hot olive oil, try not to burn yourself if possible. this turns into -- >> i always dress like this when i cook. wethat goes in the oil and
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are able to cook this today and have the recipe up on the website. we will pair a wine with this. we will show the technique with what we are doing, and then they are talking about what would we drink with this? chatting withia the others out there -- >> to you find other people coming in the restaurant who have now come because they saw it on twitter? they have been following along, they saved up for an anniversary?
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you establish a relationship with them. >> i seldom do any personal things. but my daughter's birthday party, it blew up, it was something we might not normally do. >> are fish is about done. we will finish a deep -- abnnd eat this. i think it is very interesting that social media helped you to get the attention that last year. put the recipe is on social media. raiser forn barn social good. >> we are going to eat back to you -- eat. back to you. >> that is so not fair. to maxup, we are talking levchin.
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he will tell us about his next big thing. ♪
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>> welcome back to "bloomberg west." a firm launched by max levchin has announced $35 million in funding today. it actually and how will they use this money? stealth for the
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past couple of years. >> the long-term plan is to rent a vintage knives -- paying forze purchase at the online point of sale, and splitting them into several installments. if you do not trust your credit card, if you kind of know but can calculate that it is too high, he can make it simple for you. payments,it it into and make it transparent and honest. >> you already have partnerships with retailers. do i have to fill out applications? >> you fill in just a couple of recent information that basic pieces of information. in less than a second we can tell you we will take the risk and we will stand behind the transaction.
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complicated approval, no access to this store and filling out a credit card application. >> you have to get the payment to the place, but the other challenge is understanding the credit risk. the latter is far more a important. >> we are fundamentally changing the way risk pricing and risk underwriting happens. we're looking at new kinds of data. whatink of ourselves as they should be if they were invented in the left couple of years -- last couple of years. a fair number of the team come from the old risk underwriting team at paypal, although most of us are the young acolytes of the finance sector. >> this is actually a result of
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youold paypal risk team, were brainstorming and came upon this. >> we asked ourselves if we don't really deep and did not put a veneer over the old rails and went to the core of the banking structure -- >> in the way that payments go through the banking structure. >> we were looking at the why has notd, someone taken this on and the answer was thery did not have to. >> give recipes of data that you use -- give us a piece of data that you use. >> we look at what he knew buying, where are you buying, and what the cost is. and based on that information, what the risk is.
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>> give me an item that would define risk in your profile. >> a mattress is a classic thing that someone who graduated college has to buy. f a debtst enough io in the cash flow that they have to decide whether or not to put on the credit card or to suck it up and sleep on the floor. decided to basically work full-time on this. you are looking for someone --e, but you'd decided >> i'm a glutton for punishment. two things happened. they were still be intellectual
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outlet of my many different curiosity projects. a company,ning there's something thrilling about coming into a company with ' and kpi key performance indicators. it is all about the team. we have an amazing group of people that i worked with at paypal and a bunch of really brilliant young people that are by the center of this attempt to bring back trust, honesty and transparency in banking and finance. we are our own customers. >> do not go anywhere. takell get max levchin's on wearables. plus, it has been dubbed the world toughest drone.
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♪ . .
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>> you are watching a special edition of "bloomberg west is quote where we cover innovation, technology, and the future of is this. we are live from cobol a point in sausalito for bloomberg's next big thing summit and we are talking right now about health in healthnnovation and fitness tracking devices will sub joining me is our editor at large, cory johnson. >> i am well trackable. if mr. dysoning if beat you? he joins us now along with max
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levchin. can you explain what you are wearing on your west -- on your wrist? >> i'm focused on health to avoid health care. this is the nike band. >> i'm not wearing my heart rate monitor today. band will be discontinued, but the business lives on. misfit wearables which max is involved with. you can wear it while you are swimming which is why i like it. whichy, this is the basis says low memory. >> is that your memory? >> i'm doing so much stuff. it is owned by intel. >> how does it help you? >> it helps me be a better investor. i'm already a fitness nut. how much difference do they
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make? the top then doesn't need it, the bottom and won't use them. if you are an insurance company, can you improve health so that it's a large enough population that it matters? an avid cyclist. i know you have experimented. >> i think my lack of wearables today is a message, but i did not plan it this morning. had toct the middle, you go from active tracking to passive tracking. i don't have to remember to put a para meter into my bike because it's built into the crank. so i have a perfect record of how hard i peddled with a microsecond resolution. start pricingcan it correctly and start sending people in before we have a heart attack all stop that is after our bath mats start out telling us what our wait is doing in the
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mirror in the bathroom starts plump -- whatt is is pumping in our eyes. >> is it the biggest pot of money with the dumbest price and burials? >> it's the biggest with the interest of eating healthy. the challenges of you ask an insurance company what is your estimated average lifetime as your customer, they do not want to tell you because that is their actuarial secret.. can keep these people for a long time, you benefit from them being healthy because you don't need to provide health care. >> is having your life measured and tracked a good thing question are >> i think so, so long as you have control of your data. the trade-off is correction and prevention. mind someone,'t let alone my computer, know what my weight is doing if it's going to keep me healthy. the things that people share
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and don't share, that's one of the most interesting things will stop i will share my data with some people. i will share with fewer people because that is more intimate. >> going back to is a good to be tracked -- we track our cars, we track our equipment, why not track our bodies? if you look at sustainability the-term, we are looking at environment, it matters a lot more. some people care about price, the other people care about am i going to get fired. you have less sympathy for that, maybe your premiums should rise if you cost society a lot more. the stuff you do voluntarily, not are you likely to get some disease. -- isle just rolled out there one company that can make
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it more mainstream or will it come from outside? >> the most exciting stuff is going to come from startups. we are able to take more crazy risks. we have no brand to lose. happens innationally small chunks. the company's step into the market legitimize it. the stamp on the market by saying we will be behind these efforts. you aboutimistic are an apple iwatch? >> i think it will be beautiful. lex i don't really care. and i that it happens think it's going to be a startup we've never heard of on one hand, but what we need is long-term money. our long-term interests at heart, our employers and even we don't think long-term.
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one interesting phenomenon we are exploring is if you owner your groceries online -- if you order your groceries online, you buy more healthier food. that old saying don't go shopping when you are hungry is really true. how do you spread this? it's not just what you do. >> that concept, the fundamental driver is not going to be an individual, for me, i've always found my best times in my life when i'm training the hardest is when it is measured, but i don't know if i'm peculiar or if it's just me. you are talking about it effort marketplace. >> you are talking about a different business model let things long-term on how to keep things healthy. >> do you have to make that happen? >> i'm making it happen and i have a startup that's not for
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profit. excitingre the most things you are invested in right now? >> 23 and me is one. >> there have been huge issues with the fda. is it going to get beyond the red tape? >> yes. i have no problem with regulation. people andkeep out snake oil. on the basis of your genome that says you should do x and y. withd not provide the fta all the data they wanted and we are in the process of doing that. that will be sorted out and over time, there's the broad environmental stuff like that food you can buy. have a relatively prolific portfolio and am a huge fan of misfit will stop thank you for remodeling. side, the software
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there's a product out of new york which is a really cool way of making the data around dna and other things more accessible. it is going to be revolutionary. the biggest problem in the health world at this point is not lack of information, it is lack of accessibility and control. just getting into the company. called another company human api which is a different ,pproach to higher-level eta human records, i'm an investor in that and i'm very proud of that decision. i was at one point an investor companies, of diets
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but they have not panned out. lex it feels like in terms of timing that we are very close to this becoming more mainstream. i would not say it is mainstream now, but it seems like we are close to greater accessibility. >> when you have the baby, you use low to get your baby. >> i don't mean to to my own corn, but the most important investment is low which helped you have a baby naturally. >> then you monitor what your baby is eating and how you change the diapers. >> that is changing behavior. it is fascinating. >> thank you both so much for joining us. we will be speaking with you a bit later in the show. coming up, we will talk about the private space race. plus, companies like amazon are looking to use drones for
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delivery. we are going to play a game of drones coming up. ♪
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>> welcome back to a special west" atf "bloomberg the next big thing summit. you know elon musk and spacex, richard branson and virgin collected, but there are a lot of layers in the commercial space trade. whack with us now is esther dyson, the chairman of the esther -- adventurer holding. she's an investor in x core aerospace and is even a trained cosmonaut will stop she spent several months training in russia. and richardon musk branson don't have cosmonaut on their resume. you have an edge on them. >> you know exactly what it's going to be like. >> how does that help you as a space investor? >> it makes it more real.
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a lot of people think of space is being exotic and intangible. my dad was actually a physicist and still lives and astronomer. granted asook it for a kid and i take it for granted as far as what you actually learn and cosmonaut training. it's very basic. it is space plumbing. how do you fix the air exchanger? what happense -- to your body? how do you keep the oxygen level appropriate? >> have you been to space? >> no. i have been weightless seven or eight times and i will probably go up sometime most likely next year. as an investor and board member, i get to do the last flight before we go commercial. >> tell us what x core is. >> it was started in a guy named jeff grayson from intel. spacevery concrete stop
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is actually building a spacecraft that works. competing in the suborbital spaceflight area with virgin galactic. both of us want to be first and at the same time, both of us want to make sure this thing is perfect before it goes. we are both of us trying to create a real market. virgin is more on the luxury side and we are more on the extreme sport side. >> space funding has been cut and public funding has been cut. why is it it orton to explore space? >> why was it important to discover america? don't inc. russia should own the world and i don't think u.s. and i thinkhe world everyone should own the
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universe. in terms of getting to mars and learning how to create an atmosphere -- we've kind of messed up the one on earth and maybe we can experiment with synthetic biology. it's not just rockets, it's biology, space mining, making pharmaceuticals because in zero gravity, crystals grow much better because they don't have any gravity spoiling a lot of things. huge amount space means to us besides a bunch of guys going up and rockets. >> and you, like elon musk, would like to die on mars. >> yes, but not soon. >> why mars? >> it's the best place for us to live. mars is a real planet. we could probably generate an atmosphere. it is similar to earth but there is less remedy, so when you get old, you don't get hunched over. it's a great place to retire. >> i have heard about experiments that can only be done at zero gravity like cancer
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saving treatments. work beingut the done in space that can help solve problems here. >> i don't want to oversell it then everything needs to begin somewhere. much more.w crystals he in zero gravity. grow crystal in gravity, it collapses. growut ravi, it can just more elegantly. we are not sure what it does to biology but it's clearly going to do something interesting. rare metals inof asteroids and then there's the stuff we don't know about yet. just like when you explore the sea or explored america, you discovered things you'd didn't know yet. >> we will be watching for your first flight into space will stop thank you for joining us today. up with thecatch
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technology and design of drones. how durable are these unmanned flying machines? the cofounder of game of drones, a group dedicated to creating an indestructible drone is here. ♪
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"bloombergback to west" live from sausalito california and bloomberg's next big thing summit. amazon and google are investing in drones, but there are a lot of companies out there working on drones themselves. believe it or not, drone enthusiasts have been doing this for a long time. our editor at large, cory johnson is with us as is the cofounder of game of drones. i'mcame out for the show, assuming. what is game of drones? >> we are a group of inventors
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and engineers and we have been flying drones for about four years now. we have discovered biggest problem with them is their very fragile. they are made to basically fly as a components platform. one of the first things we do is we found that when we crashed, we had very expensive fixes. we solve that problem by making the only fully rugged airframe worthy of any sport. >> so this is indestructible? ?t can resist fire >> and baseball bats. easily. >> should i move? i will just stand here. >> ready? that broke. and this is not going to break? that is one of the leading frames on the market today.
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>> nice swing, johnson. >> nothing. let's go to town on it. >> what is it made of? >> it's a proprietary ballistics material. as you can see, it survived. of hot proprietary blend sticks we developed ourselves all stop >> what i didn't realize is there are drone fight clubs. people fight each other's drones . >> it evolved from the robot wars you might have seen on tv. all of us do that. as soon as we learned we could fly, we abounded ground-based robots that have gladiatorial combat in the air. >> do people actually get hurt in these things? i imagine the drones collide. >> we are very big on safety.
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droneare going to have a off here. >> i would be happy to fly. >> you are operating which one? which one is yours? >> the black one is mine. here we go. >> this seems like it great idea. >> we like it. where do the drone battles happen? >> all over the bay area. we have a warehouse in san francisco. >> is this a localized thing? is it happening all over the country? >> it will be soon. we are developing a sports league and we had a huge turnout for maker fair. we discovered they are very popular. >> has the fda ruled -- >> all we do is flip them over. >> a little less lucky than "game of thrones." >> the one that can't get acting here loses.
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little different than the drone that will be delivering my amazon package. >> absolutely. but we can make those drones crashproof and i know they are going to need us. theo the faa rules prohibit growth of this business in any way? >> not the growth of the business, but the use of the product at the end. you cannot fly within two miles of the airport all stop hobbyists can only fly as far as 400 feet and it's good to be insured for property damage. you will not have drone damage anymore thanks to us. >> speaking of which -- >> it's time for the bwest byte. ready for theing game of drones battle we're going to have here this evening over beverages because you have to serve beverages before the drone fight. one drone got stuck in the trees last night and the guys underneath was throwing a stick at it for about 20 minutes until i said isn't this what the
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drones are for, to get the drones out of the trees. so they sent a drone up. >> is my package going to get stuck in the trees question were >> it depends on the pilot. autonomy is the next big thing with drones, so basically you could program them for admission and they will go complete it with very little human interaction. they will fly at an altitude where they don't have to worry about trees and structures and have avoidance detection on board so they can avoid a certain obstacles. >> that they actually have to get down to the ground. >> traditionally, the delivery man comes to your front door. with drones, there will be a platform in your backyard or roof area where they will start to deliver. >> a landing pad. how far away is this? year,hin a year or next you will see a massive revolution with the technology of drones. >> thank you so much for jooinig
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us and thank you for joining us for this special edition of "bloomberg west." ♪ . . >> welcome to money clip.
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we tie together the best interviews. i am adam johnson. this is the rundown. uber is setting a record for start up valuation. billion. is brazil ready to host the world cup? the business side of soccer is part of our series. what are hillary clinton's hard choices? like whether to answer a question about running for president in 2016? out west, there is a divided silicon valley. how theo


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