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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  July 14, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." >> the guard of honor -- the
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most respected tribute to the god.hey all call the is here andferguson was retired as manager of manchester united earlier this year. he won the 13 titles over his 26 year career. the washington post has said or vinceto john madden lombardi winning 13 super bowls -- that didn't really happen but you get the point. his extraordinary success has seen his influence expand -- extend weight past the soccer. a school devoted a case study to him last year. tony blair recalls calling him about a vice for his cabinet. here is a look at the retirement speech. man that has been part of the tapestry of the club as 15 cups, one
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european super cup, two champions league titles, 13ercontinental cup, and from your league titles -- premier league titles. end. doesn't mean the them ratherhing than suffer with them. theou think about last-minute goals, the comebacks, even the defeats are all part of this club. thank you for that. also, the bad times here, club
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stood behind me. all the staff stood by me, the players stood by me. you should stand by your new manager. >> that is the new manager you chose. you left them in the very place -- tough place to be because he is following you. some would say you don't want to follow the guy that follows. you want to follow the guy that follows alex ferguson. manchester united. >> it goes back to the disaster.
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it was justified because any young teen going -- it could've been a great team all the players are 21 years of age. that was only the start of the story. thatnk the real story was the created in that it is bigger and bigger. trip in his grown and grown. >> what accent do i detect? [laughter] you have a first cousin from there as well. it wouldn't be your nature, what
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it? player in any human being, the resulting better than hearing well done. those of the two best words ever invented and sports. you don't need to use superlatives. >> well done. >> there is always one that gets carried away. i minimize it to "well done." satisfied, any level -- "well done" is a fantastic two words. >> when you arrived, you were a player and a manager. when you arrived there in 1990 -- 1986. >> my main philosophy was with young players and developing young players, it was not a
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system we should expect go back to the 58 mark. i work real hard to develop a youth system to give a stream of players continually year after year. >> think about this. just recently, today, when we have to make sure -- you call it football and we call it soccer, for the sake of different references -- we read every season of somebody going from one team to another. some team buying some player because they think that will take them. >> the way the game was changed, it comes from television. even middle league teams are spending 25 million players.
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we also have this great youth system. >> the best dynasties always have some passion. create a system that produces new players and allows them to grow into their own. time. >> with young players, you can create teams for 3, 4, 5, or six years. you create great loyalty. what was the year -- the manager giving first chance. i was appreciated the opportunity given. young players, 16 years of age. it has never been lost. players with ability, giving them the opportunity to play. >> did all the money sometimes cause you to say, it is not worth it for me?
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to create the unity of the team, to have somebody or make as much money, or is as caught up in all the stardom. >> i never worried about teams who spend what they want to spend. it never bothered me. it never bothered me. at the moment we have a lot of middle eastern owners, we have american owners of course, russian owners. it never bothered me one bit. all i was concerned about was that we at united maintained our level of expectation, be competitive, be at the top part of the league. we might not win it every year, but we'd always be up there competing for it every year. the only consideration i had was to make sure that we are there. you do things different ways. i've spoken about young players, and yes, that's really important that part, but from time to time we have spent big money and brought in the player who could make a difference. charlie rose: who is the best player that you ever saw? alex ferguson: och, i'm a pele fan from way back when i was a kid, and then there was always
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this thing later about pele and maradonna. i was young and impressionable as a kid but it was always pele for me. today, i think that you have got to look at messi and ronaldo. they are unbelievable. the best today. they are fantastic -- absolutely. charlie rose: the best have what it takes is that correct? alex ferguson: the best have the courage and i say this all the time. the courage to take the ball all the time, the courage to make sure that they are not going to be intimidated by their opponents, and the courage to express themselves at all times and i think that all the great players have got that. charlie rose: are they born with it? alex ferguson: possibly, yes. you can develop them through coaching, but i don't think that you can ever develop the courage. i think that makes a big difference -- you either have courage or you have not. charlie rose: in some ways it's like a game of basketball, you always want the best players to have the ball in the last 15 seconds. alex ferguson: when we assessed teams, we looked at who was their player who wanted the ball all the time, who is the one who wants to take the free-kicks all the time, who wants to dominate, and he's the one that you concentrate upon. charlie rose: this is what the economist magazine said about
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you -- mr ferguson could reasonably be described as britain's steve jobs, given his unorthodox talent obsessed, and sometimes bruising approach to making something beautiful. we'll talk about all those things, but did you think that you were making something beautiful? alex ferguson: i think that the encouragement that i got from the club during the early days when they stood by me when the times were really difficult, really helped me a lot. charlie rose: people wanted you fired didn't they? alex ferguson: yes, that's correct. one or two banners were up saying 'time up' and things like that, but i think it would be true to say that at that period i did lose a little bit of confidence. however, i didn't lose my determination. i knew that the things which i was doing at youth level were correct. so the board, martin edwards and bobby charlton in particular, stood by me because they knew what was happening. so by doing that, i then knew that i was doing something special with these young players
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-- beckham, giggs, scholes, butt, the nevilles. they all came into the first team round about the same time. so when people assess united today, they maybe don't understand that those boys were the spirit of the club. they created the fantastic spirit of manchester united as it is today. charlie rose: looking at the harvard business review. you went up there and they developed a key study. what was the question? generally these things have a question. alex ferguson: the main central point of the discussion was love and hate. do the players love me or, do they hate me, or was there a balance? of course there was also many different opinions about that, but the central thing to it all was respect. that was always looked for -- respect. charlie rose: so you could have
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the love or the hate, but you looked for the respect every time? alex ferguson: yes, that was it. charlie rose: suppose that they said love or fear? alex ferguson: yes, i think that fear does come into it in some respect in the sense of when i lost my temper i didn't hide behind a bush on it in respect to the times that i did lose my temper. but you know the quality that i had when i lost my temper, i never, ever brought it back again. the next day was another day for me. charlie rose: you never held grudges? alex ferguson: no, never -- i never held a grudge and that's really, really important. and then they understand what you are and who you are. and they could get support from that. charlie rose: you are a fan of doris kearns goodwin and her book 'team of rivals' which was about lincoln choosing his rivals for his cabinet because he respected their talent plus he wanted them where he could see them. alex ferguson: yes, he wanted to see who they were and how they would fit into his cabinet, pretty clever really.
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and of course i think that lincoln at that time was facing the most difficult period for a president in terms of the south and the north. he was also very good at not making quick decisions. he thought it all through and allowed his cabinet to have their say and then he would decide thereafter. it's a great book, a fabulous book. charlie rose: did you see the movie 'lincoln'? alex ferguson: yes. charlie rose: did you like it? alex ferguson: i didn't think that it was a great movie but i thought that the central piece about the period that it had to deal with was fantastic. the acting in that movie was unbelievable. charlie rose: by understanding that he had to do everything that he could -- push, pull, in order to get emancipation because that was the goal and he understood the consequences, so let's go all out for emancipation. alex ferguson: there was the situation at antium when he was able to announce emancipation, and winning that particular
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battle allowed to give that proclamation. it was such an important time. charlie rose: you are a kind of student of the civil war? alex ferguson: yes, i love it. i think that it is a great history, it's a young history. the funny thing about it is that i bought a couple of books when i was in chicago having a week's holiday. i went to a bookstore, and this is about 14-15 years ago now, and i picked these two books up. then later in i was in london doing a thing about young apprentices, and gordon brown came over and asked me what i was reading at the time, and i told him that i had started to read a couple of books about the civil war. he said to me; "i'll send you some tapes." so he sent me a dozen tapes by a professor gary gallagher, and i was playing them in my car every morning going into work. i got really fascinated by it. it is a fantastic history.
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charlie rose: so you go to harvard business school and they want to do this case study about all this and the question of love versus hate, and you come up with this thing called the 'ferguson formula'. a formula for leadership, a formula for what? management? alex ferguson: i think that leadership comes along, there's no question about that, how you have control of a bunch of millionaires, you know. but there it is, it is quite extraordinary. you have to control that part. i think that there are certain things that i would like to put across, and it was always to make the players better human beings, to develop their character, so that when they leave me they could. never about teaching them history or mathematics, it's about inspiring them to be the best that they could possibly be. charlie rose: you are teaching
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them life? alex ferguson: yes, i think that is really important. you also develop their character. you know that if you develop the right character, they won't let you down. once they go out on that football field, they are playing for all the things that you have ever taught them. of the winning mentality, of the determination. how to handle defeat which is always just as important. it helps you develop a group of people that are you. you can see yourself in them, and i think that i have always tried to do that. charlie rose: so every team member that plays for you, you look at him and see yourself? alex ferguson: not always, but i do like to try and see myself in them. everybody is different and express themselves in different ways. there are different kinds of talents of course and there are many who i would never have had the talent that they have when i was a player. but i still had that determination to be successful and try my best. charlie rose: we met a few days
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ago and you were talking about the idea that often the best players don't make good coaches or good managers because they don't understand someone who doesn't have the same level of skill. alex ferguson: yes, it's a fact that. i remember that i was talking to bobby charlton about that, and he'd been the manager at preston north end, and he couldn't understand why the players could not understand him. so he gave up on it and he was honest enough to say to himself that it wasn't for him. it's a fact of life, i think that if you look at my career and i always say this to anybody who wants to be a coach -- prepare to be a coach. at 24 years of age when i left engineering to become full time in football, i made sure that i was never going back to engineering. i was doing all the coaching schools so that i'd be able to stay in the game, and i gave myself a chance by doing that. i was only an average player, could score a goal or two, that sort of thing, but i wasn't a bobby charlton or a messi, or ronaldo.
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there are very, very few really great players who have become great coaches. i think that you can look at beckenbauer who won the world cup twice with germany, once as a player and once as coach. you could look at cruyff who was a great player and did great things at barcelona. other than that i can't think of any of the really great players who have gone on to become great coaches. charlie rose: would it have been for you impossible to manage anywhere else? you could not go somewhere no matter how much they offered you, no matter what the opportunity -- or, you might have for the right circumstances to prove to yourself that you could do it again? alex ferguson: there was one or two offers that did come along during my time at united, but i always came back to this point; why would you leave united? where is the bigger challenge? and the thing about challenges is, once you have won something, you can't live on that. not at manchester united -- you have got to win the next one. and that's the challenge.
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maintaining that consistency of winning which is a mentality that i have had. every time we won the league, we would celebrate the night -- the next day was another day for me. where are we going forward? so therefore when clubs came to me and offered me jobs, i thought to myself, "where is the bigger challenge?" creating history at united or trying to create somewhere else when i would have start again and build on the philosophies i had when i first came to united. charlie rose: let me talk about these principles which are in this article in what's called the ferguson formula. start with the foundation -- what's that? alex ferguson: well you start with what you believe in. i believe in building a football club rather than building a football team. i can understand coaches who
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concentrate on building a football team because it gives them a job. it's a results industry. you only have to look at paolo di canio last week -- 5-6 games into his first season at sunderland. they allow him to spend 19 million and then they sack him. to me, there is no evidence that that is going to bring success. so in building a football club i wasn't interested in losing my job because of the results of the first team. i knew that i had to do a job in terms of building the football club, so we worked really hard with the youth system and we made sure that we had a solid foundation that would hold the fort for years and years. so when you see a manchester united team, we got to a position where i could plan ahead. so i could see three years ahead where this team was going knowing that i had certain players coming through the youth system who would step up when the time was right. charlie rose: the second one was
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-- dare to rebuild your team which you have briefly touched upon. even though team may have another great season ahead of them, if in fact you know that to have a good team the next year, the next year, and the next year, you have to rebuild. even at the sacrifice say of winning? alex ferguson: well the horrible part of the job really is when you have players who have been with you for years the evidence is always on the football field. so when you see a player and you notice that the level has started to dip, there is no point on waiting another two years. you have to act because you will only hurt yourself. he'll not want to recognize that the day has come when he has had his time. to have to say that to a player and make the change is very, very difficult.
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you can only do that if you have a system where you can fill the gaps and rebuild the team. over the years i have probably built maybe five teams, through the consistency of being there as a manager, and the continuity of the youth system, and the players that you have are not joining last. even the ones that we buy are not going to last for two or three years. you want them to be lasting six, seven, eight years. so you have to buy at a good age, maybe 22/23 because they have had good experience playing elsewhere and they have got plenty of years left in them. so you can build a continuity of team. charlie rose: so the main point here is that you have got to be ruled by your head and not your heart? alex ferguson: oh! absolutely.
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it's a horrible part of the game when you have to tell a player, probably somebody who has helped you win so much that his time is up. you treat them like family, and because they are your family it becomes even more hurting in the sense that you have got to say "well son, i'm sorry, you won't be a regular here, but you will still have a career elsewhere.' it's happened more than a few times but it is not an easy thing to handle. charlie rose: then you say that you have got to set high standards and hold everyone to them. alex ferguson: absolutely. every training session there is high expectation. the concentration has to be right, and any deficiencies will always manifest themselves on a saturday, and that's what we look for at united. i would never envisage having a bad session in terms of the training. we wanted to make sure that the players were completely concentrated on what they were doing. charlie rose: the training sessions had purpose. you knew exactly what they would be doing in order to get ready for saturday.
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alex ferguson: exactly. charlie rose: the other one is -- never cede control -- ever. you have to be in control? alex ferguson: well the point i'll make is that you are dealing with very rich young men. i always said to the directors that the minute a player becomes more powerful than the manager of manchester united, it's not manchester united. you have lost control of the whole club. so i always made sure that i was in control. they always knew who the manager was. charlie rose: your word was law? alex ferguson: if you want to put it as blunt as that -- yes. but you don't necessarily need to use power in that situation. the control is nice but they know who the manager is, and they know that it is me who is going to make the decisions. they know that they can trust me which is really important. they know that i had the ability to adapt to change, and they have seen that many times over the years. i think these are important parts of being in control of footballers.
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charlie rose: what does this mean -- match the message to the moment? alex ferguson: the moment that we look for is that they are aware that every game is about winning. we try to get the message across that this is the moment that we have got to win. every week, my expectation of you is to win the match. charlie rose: but to come back, and be able to say to yourself that you're that close to defeat? alex ferguson: there has to be a moment when they realize that they have to show their character to overcome this. we've had some great moments.
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we've been behind at half-time and winning games late on. charlie rose: you liked that didn't you? alex ferguson: oh! yes. i loved that. i was a bit of a gambler that way because i always used to say to them at half-time, "be patient. the last fifteen minutes throw the kitchen sink at them. it's worth a gamble" you are going to lose the game anyway. there is nothing better than when you get to that last fifteen minutes and you actually win the game late on. the fans are going out of the gates i gave it a try and it worked. charlie rose: rely on the power of observation. alex ferguson: it's an important part that people don't recognize. i remember when it first dawned on me. i had a young coach at aberdeen. he said to me, "why am i here?" so i says "what are you talking about?" he said, "well, i do nothing. you shouldn't be doing all the training sessions, you should be in control of the training
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sessions and let me get on with it." i said "no, i'm not having that." he told me that he thought that i was wrong. we had an old trainer there at the time, teddy scott -- he was a great old man. he said to me, "boss -- he's right." so i thought about it. we gave it a try and it worked. it was amazing what you were actually watching. seeing the player's habits. seeing the little defects in their performance. you could see sometimes that a player was not quite right on the day and you would wonder what was wrong with him. it could be a million things. and that observation i've carried through with me all my career and i've used that really well. charlie rose: you have to make sure that you really are 'in the moment' because it is only when you are in the moment that you can see with great focus. you always have to say to yourself, "what is happening here? what is going on?" alex ferguson: that's the power of observation. you don't take your eyes of it. by doing that all the time you
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increase your ability to see things happening . charlie rose: and then there is -- never stop adapting -- you constantly have to change. alex ferguson: always. if you have a look at united today charlie, the training ground is absolutely fantastic. there is only one thing that they don't do at united, and that is they don't do operations. mris. ct scans, they can do dentistry, they can do the pediatrician work -- they can do all sorts of things. that's one of the things that i fully embraced, and one of the things that i talked to david gill about. i said, "one of the things that you want to do at this club david, is that when a player is here, he sees that we have the best facilities and that we are always adapting. sports science for instance. about ten years ago our doctor
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came to me and he says "you know, i think that we should really be thinking about sports science." i said, "well tell me about it." he told me that there was two or three clubs experimenting with it, and that we really needed to be ahead of the times. it wasn't hard to make sure that he was convincing me. he then built his team around young men who had great ideas -- ideas jumping out of their head. great energy, and it took united up a gear again. i always say that to adapt, you only adapt if it is going to give you at least 1% improvement, and progress, and it's always the sensible way to look at it. every year at united we adapted to different things all the time. it's quite amazing. ♪
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charlie rose: let me talk about some of the great players who have played under you. ryan giggs you have already mentioned. alex ferguson: he's wonderful. at thirteen years of age he was actually training with manchester city when i went to his house.
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charlie rose: you and i talked about this the other night. this happens in sports here in terms of basketball coaches recruiting these young kids, because they go there very early when they are 12-13 years old, and you said to me, "you've got to get to their mother." alex ferguson: so it got to a level where me and my assistant, who was archie knox at the time, and we were going up to his house every second night. it got to a level when ryan's mother said to me, "will you be back on thursday?" she was buying in tea for us and supper! the mother is always the strong character in the family home, without doubt. i was always saying to all my scouts "get the mother." charlie rose: mothers want the best for their sons, they want the best coach because they think that manager/coach will bring the best of their son's talents out. alex ferguson: there is always a danger with the family in that the father will try and live his live through the boy.
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in that the father will try and live his live through the boy. you get a lot of that, not always, but i have seen a lot of evidence of that and the mother doesn't do it that way. she is always of the idea that she wants the best for her boy. charlie rose: gary neville? alex ferguson: aw, fantastic character. gary wakes up every morning at six o'clock. reads every newspaper. he wants to know what's going on in the world and he's got a moan about everything. but he is such a successful person. he's now doing this television punditry and he's very good. he's also doing very well in business. i wanted to bring him onto my staff but he didn't want to do that. he's now with the english fa. he's wearing many, many hats now. he's a very, very determined character. charlie rose: then there was a fellow named david beckham? alex ferguson: david, yeah -- an amazing boy yeah? i mean what he's done for himself and what he's created for himself. he's an icon for young people, he's fantastic. he's a wonderful boy. charlie rose: how did he do that? alex ferguson: well, he always had a lovely smile. he's always presented himself well.
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as a young kid when i got him at twelve years of age, his great desire was to be the best footballer that he could be. he was a fantastic trainer. practiced all the time and at night time he would come back with the schoolboys and practice with them. he was in that collection along with giggs and scholes and nevilles. then of course his life changed when he married the girl from spice and his focus changed. he got drawn into that celebrity status, and for me, i'm a football man -- a genuine football man. charlie rose: so you had to go to david. tell me what you said to him when you believed that he was becoming more interested in the celebrity thing. alex ferguson: i think that he got in over his head. listen, always remember that in the coaching business you can't allow that.
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he lost his focus and so we sold him to real madrid and he did well. the thing that i could not believe was that he goes to la galaxy. i could not believe that, i would never have allowed him to do that. there should have been one goal and that was to go to the best, and real madrid were the best outside of united. but then he goes and re-invents himself. he goes back into the england international team, and after a couple of years he goes off and plays for ac milan and played in their european ties, and then last year, he plays for psg in the quarter final of the european cup. he's unbelievable. well done to him. you can't argue with the status that he has in life. charlie rose: but would he have been better if he had stayed at manchester united? alex ferguson: for me it would have pleased me more because he was a great, great player because as i say, i'm a football man. but how can i argue with his life. as i said, he's an icon for young people. he represents himself the proper way and i say well done to him.
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charlie rose: now was he one of those guys you said that you looked for who were bad losers? alex ferguson: oh! david hated losing. it made him grumpy. the bad losers are always grumpy. the dressing room is not a happy place when you lose. winning is the name of the game and they don't forget that. charlie rose: again, are you born with that or is that something that you acquire? is that in your dna? alex ferguson: i think that it must come from part of your family somewhere along the line. some people lay back and show their winning mentality in a different way, but some are very emotional about it and demonstrative about it, and david was very demonstrative as a young lad. but i think that it must come from somewhere in the genes. charlie rose: you've given advice to tony blair about strategic things and how to handle people?
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alex ferguson: yes i used to have some nice meetings with tony down at number 10. i always think that tony was at his best at question time. i loved him at question time. he destroyed those boys across from him. he was fantastic. i loved to see him doing that. we spoke about many things. the one thing that i said to him was about election time about canvassing was "why don't you take a physiotherapist with you?" charlie rose: the other thing that is interesting me about you is that the sense of mission. you know how to infuse the sense of mission. you know how so that everybody knows when they are playing that they are playing for themselves, they are playing for their team, they are playing for the person to their right or left and they are playing for something larger than themselves. alex ferguson: the team ethic. look around the dressing room. look at each team mate beside you and trust them. that's the essence of a team.
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that they can understand the qualities and the weaknesses of their team mates. if you look at a game of football, i always think that you maybe need eight to win the game. three can have an off day or a semi off day but they always work hard -- and the players recognize that so they will do that little bit extra to make sure that they get a win. and the next week it may change round of course. that's the essence of a team to understand and trust each other. and to trust me. charlie rose: in other words, trust your plan, trust your strategy, trust your team selection? alex ferguson: which is always difficult because i maybe have to leave five or six players out each week and i always bring them in individually to explain to them why they are not playing. it's not easy because they all want to play, but the next week
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they may be in. charlie rose: so what do you say to them? give me a speech. ivan mentor a long time. also, the confidence to make changes. >> now what about this. i think that it was in 1999 when you won all three major competitions, which was unheard of, and up until the last minute of the european cup final, it looked like to everyone that you were not going to win. your assistant manager at the
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time has said of that time that your belief never wavered. even though it looked like you were going to lose. you didn't think so. alex ferguson: no, it wasn't an accident. scoring the two goals in injury time was not an accident. that was the character of the team. too many times we had done it that season coming back from a goal down to win matches. you have to say a little bit of fate and a little bit of luck it happens. you don't know why it happens, or how it happens. we got that little break on the first goal and you could tell that bayern were finished at that time. the second goal was inevitable. charlie rose: when the glazer family took over was it in 1995, what did it change? alex ferguson: it changed nothing, charlie. not a thing. the misconception about the glazers buying the club it created a difference within the different factions of the support.
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the supporters forget the minute that they became a plc, somebody was going to buy it. somewhere along the line, someone was going to buy that club, and the glazers did that and during my time with them, i had nothing but support. very strong, single-minded people. always supporting the manager and the things that happened in the club. i have no hesitation in supporting the way they've gone about their job. very low-key, very seldom see them. they never gave me a phone call. they spoke to david gill perhaps once a week about things that were going on in the club, but never about the team. charlie rose: when you think about the career. the wins, the losses. what do you remember.
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do you remember the losses or the wins? alex ferguson: that's a good one, charlie. i could tell you about the bad losses we had. losing 6-1 to city and 5-1 to city. those are games you never forget. i remember when we lost the 5-1 game and i came home and put my head under the pillow. i was going nowhere. cathy came in and said, "what's wrong with you." i said, "we lost 5-1" and she said, "no, you couldn't have lost 5-1." it was a bad one. charlie rose: your wife is wonderful, and you told me a story the other night about putting the statue up about you. they had it under a hood and she comes to you and you said to her, "i wonder who will be here for the presentation", and she said, "prince william." alex ferguson: i said, "no, no chance." he was president of the fa, and
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he could have done it. i was standing there and david gill announces my wife would be doing the unveiling. i couldn't believe it. i said to her, "how did you manage to do that?" she never, ever went to games. she'd been to a few cup finals and she wouldn't come to regular games, because she found it uncomfortable. she wasn't a football animal. charlie rose: so she was getting ready to unveil the statue, and she does it rather gently. and she almost decapitates you? alex ferguson: she's amazing. she was absolutely the correct person to do it. charlie rose: now what did she mean to you? alex ferguson: well, from my point of view, she brought the kids up. if you go back to my early days, at 32 years of age i went into football management and was also running two clubs in glasgow,
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meanwhile, cathy's got to look after the kids, get them dressed, ready for school, doing the homework with them, putting them to bed, and i was out all the time. that role which she played was absolutely fantastic and she always used to say to me, "yes when they get to 16, they'll be daddy's boys." i said to her, "how do you make that out," and she said, "you wait and see," and she was absolutely right. they are always right, even when they are wrong, they are always right. it's always about the support she gave me. she was always ready to tell me the truth. when she'd say to me, "you're wrong", she would tell me, and she was very good at that. charlie rose: two things that interest me about you are, what happened about you and wayne rooney? alex ferguson: well, i don't think anything really happened.
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he came in the day after we won the league and it's common knowledge that he asked to be away. it's this expectation thing, again. i am not his pro, i manage the team, and from what i see on the pitch. at that moment, he wasn't doing particularly well, but now we see him today. he's got his energy back. he's got his purpose back, and he's doing great. so maybe that was a good turning point for the boy. charlie rose: well didn't you think of him as a son in some way? alex ferguson: well, he came to us as a young boy, and of course, all the young boys , we do our best to support them and make them better. anyway, there were some great moments with him. charlie rose: how did it all end? alex ferguson: i think if wayne walked in here, today, he would shake my hand. charlie rose: when was the last time you shook his hand? alex ferguson: the day we won the league, or was it the day that we were presented the trophy? you've also got to have a look at the media.
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wayne's unfortunate in the sense that he is england's big white hope internationally. so therefore, the media always centre around wayne rooney. he has people advising him and i think that's where all that's coming from. i never fell out with him over anything. sometimes i would discipline him. sometimes they all need discipline, but not to the extent that you would think that there was some sort of fall out. charlie rose: how would you discipline him? alex ferguson: well, if they step out of line, you normally fine them. charlie rose: you would not leave him out of the line up? alex ferguson: no, i would never do that because that would hurt us. he is now back to his form and if some way i have helped him to bring that back and make him aware that he's a great player, it's for the team.
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i think it's been good for him because he's had to bring it together. the club did very well refusing to sell him to chelsea. he realized his only job was with manchester united. he's brought back his focus. he's brought back his work ethic, and his purpose, and he's playing well again. charlie rose: what do you think of roman abramovich at chelsea? alex ferguson: it's a strange one, chelsea. you know they change their managers so many times. they have won the european cup and the league three times in abramovich's time and they've won the fa cup three times as well, but they still keep changing the coach. it seems to work for them, in terms of keep winning, but if you look at the long-term situation, they have been our main competitors in the last few years. charlie rose: suppose he came to you, maybe he has?
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alex ferguson: there was a time when he first came and approached me and i said, "no, no chance." i couldn't do that. manchester united is my team. charlie rose: so anybody who speculates that you could be back in football in any way, is simply wrong? alex ferguson: there was a job came up and the odds were 80/1 on ferguson. they were great odds, but you'd be wasting your money. you'd be throwing your money down the drain. charlie rose: there is no way ferguson will be back in football? alex ferguson: i made my decision, charlie. the timing was perfect. i went out at the top. i went out a winner. now, i look forward to the challenges of my new life, doing the things i've waited to do for 35 years.
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i want to go to the kentucky derby. i want to go to the masters. i want to go to the melbourne cup, but don't tell cathy that. there's a lot of things i want to do. i want to go to the vineyards in tuscany and france. i've done france a couple of times, but i'd love to go to tuscany. charlie rose: so now you are having a very good time? alex ferguson: yes, i'm enjoying it. charlie rose: what else is on your bucket list? alex ferguson: yes, i've seen the movie. i mentioned the kentucky derby and the masters and the melbourne cup. there's a lot of things that are coming up, now, in terms of doing leadership speeches and
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these are challenges which i see as once i've made up my mind to leave united i was never going to think that i made a wrong decision. i'm just looking forward. i'm not interested in managing. i'm not interested in getting myself worked up about united's results. they're in good hands. david moyes will do a good job and the club will be right behind him. that's the great thing about the club. they'll stand behind him. charlie rose: here's my scenario -- roman abramovich has a lot of money. he's got more monoey than god. you love horses. he says to you, "look, come and manage chelsea, and i will give you the greatest stable of horses that you've ever seen." alex ferguson: it is a temptation.
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everyone dreams of it. i had a good horse. come back next year, a very good horse. everyone dreams that in the beginning. i am looking forward to my new career. i am a chairman of a committee. an ambassador. united was a great association. you see child prostitution in thailand.
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you need support, funding. i have enjoyed doing that with them. it is a different type of challenge. >> you are a big label person. >> i have been tempted to get into the scottish nationalism party. >> why do you not like scottish nationalism? i do not understand that. sean connery is all for it. >> sean is very much. >> what is wrong with you? [laughter] >> i was brought up in a socialist background. my father and mother were socialist. >> there you are. socialist. why change? >> i think united is ok.
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>> they are ahead in terms of the polls. might have a job for you. >> no. that is a different life for me. >> let me close with this. you've written your own biography ten years ago. you have this case study at harvard. what is the best moment ever for you in football? >> the best moment has to be barcelona. the trophy i never won. winning that the way we did, you can never forget it. to have 27 years in manchester united is a feat. the consistency i created there, and going out on top.
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i cannot ask for more. that is something i wanted to achieve. charlie rose: thank you for coming. sir alex ferguson. thank you for joining us. see you next time. ♪
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>> this is "taking stock" for monday, july 14, 2014. i am pimm fox. the word is devour. how the restaurant chain is looking to eat its competition. this hour we are going to talk about the business of burgers and chocolate. a kim kardashian game is devouring everyone's dollars. one estimate is that it will reach $200 million in sales this year.


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