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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  August 18, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." this week with the ball outbreak. a second doctor in sierra leone has succumbed to the disease and
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the official death toll is over 1000. yhe manufacturers of z-mapp sa they have exhausted supplies of that experimental treatment. where does the crisis go from here? lori is an author and has won a pulitzer prize for her coverage of the evil outbreak of 2005. i am pleased to have her here. you are writing a piece that will go online soon. world, you do, not get it. what don't we get? enormity,t get the the potential of this spreading to huge nations like nigeria and south africa, and that there is no magic bullet. not going to come riding in as the great, technological america with the magic treatment, the magic cure, the magic vaccine. we might have something to years from now, but not right now.
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we are building up a kind of response that is so anemic, so much less than what is needed -- take, for example, liberia. they used to have a whopping 200 physicians for 4 million people. because of ebola deaths and fear, they are down to 50 doctors to take care of 4 million people. how can anyone imagine that you backgroundll of the diseases and illnesses, the routine car accident, the woman in labor, and handle this arable epidemic with 50 doctors? >> what are the implications of that? >> the first thing i would say is the take-home message that i got from my experience in the ebola epidemic in 1995 in what now the called zaire, democratic republic of congo. the tough measures that we might
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walksof as uncomfortable over the lines of civil liberties are really what makes the difference. you have it force people into quarantine. you have to take the loved one out of that home, away from the screaming family members, and put them in acorns in unit -- in a foreign team -- in a quarantine unit for the safety of everyone around. you cannot allow funerals. you have to force people to relinquish the dead. if you violate any of this in any cases, you lose control. you lose the ability to fight this virus. are dealing with that we have never seen before in the history of what we know of ebola since 1976, when it first appeared, also in zaire,
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is that it is urbanized. you used to be able to wall off a community or rural area, put the soldiers on the highways in the outside of town and prevent people from leaving the area and concentrate internally on the measures i was describing. now it is monrovia. it is the three giant cities of these three countries. >> you have got to have anybody who is infected with the ebola virus to be taken somewhere where they will not able to infect anybody else and they will sit there and -- -- and die. >> 30% will survive. >> there is no known treatment. >> their own immune systems will combat the virus successfully. the death rate right now is running between 65%-70%. >> explained to me how it is that if you fly next to somebody
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, they will not necessarily get the ebola virus. on the other, -- on the other hand, if you are a doctor and you touch a deadline -- a dead body, you might get the ebola virus. >> you have got to consider the conditions. this is not medical care in new york city. you are inside of a space suit which can reach 121 degrees inside the suit because you are in the tropics, you are near the equator, and those suits are like wearing saran wrap. how long can anybody keep there mind sharp in the kind of heat? pretty soon, you start getting sloppy. if there are not enough other doctors there to relieve you so that your ships run a reasonably short amount of time, you will make mistakes. what is a mistake? you are trying to inject a needle into someone and you poke yourself. what is a mistake? >> the transference of fluids. >> absolutely.
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what is a mistake? you remove your gear, take your gloves off, touch your mask and remove your mask -- you just infected yourself. we don't do that? what is going to happen? >> you mean if we all just sit back -- >> we just use everything now except for quarantine. what is going to happen in africa? >> it will continue to spread in these three countries. it will take a huge toll on countries that are already destabilized and have very weak governments. more and more people out of terror will start fleeing across borders by any means they can, taking the virus into neighboring countries. poorest -- are very porous. it is only a matter of time before one of the international responders, perhaps a journalist, ends up in lagos,
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johannesburg, rome, or london, and does not realize they are infected and transmits to other people. we already had this happen once with patrick sawyer, a library and financial attaché who flew to lagos and infected a whole coterie of people at a business meeting and his health providers. >> i hear two things. number one, the fear -- on the other hand, people trying to pin down and -- pin down panic. i had a conversation with the head of the world bank and he was saying that they worry about panic. >> we have been through this before. you and i were on the air so many times in the 1980's at the beginning of the aids epidemic. what were we looking at? on one hand, you had larry kramer correctly saying, hello,
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everybody. wake up. you are not paying attention and we are dying here. on the other hand, you had crazy people burning down homes, denying jobs, and abusing individuals who they thought had hiv. you had to walk that line. where is the panic point? where is the feeding the fuel bigotry and inappropriate response where, instead of people reacting against the micro, they are reacting against the human that has the micro? you cannot keep complacent. you cannot keep saying, calm down. pretty soon, you are giving the message there is nothing to worry about. with any have an issue experimental serum there is? >> there is so little, it is really a non sequitur. there are three, by the way. not just one. them haves and all of
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nominal message of reduction and they do not have standardization. they have never done commercial production. every step of the way is got to be, you have got to make sure you are making what you think you are making. >> so if you have all the money in the world, you could not accelerate the production to get as much as you need right now? >> i do not think so. >> you could not take over whatever on a swivel -- pharmaceutical company there is to make this drug? >> that is not what the ceo's of this -- of these companies say. they all say, it is tough. we cannot suddenly make a huge amount. again, they are using technologies and biological approaches that are new. keep in mind, you do not want contaminants. here is the potential foreign-policy nightmare. almost all of these drugs are coming from the united states or canada, except the
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glaxosmithkline english vexing possibility. what if we turn out to mass distribute something that turns out to do something like eventually make people blind or lose their hearing or things of that nature. what is the blowback? we have not done any safety trials for any of it. these.ns have received >> have we been not trying to do something about ebola since you last thought it? >> yep. >> yep, that is the problem? have not tried. since 1995, with a few subsequent, much smaller outbreaks in africa, researchers at the national institute of health and a few other research institutions and pharmaceutical companies have tried to come up with cures to vaccines. nothing has progressed to the
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point of clinical trials. part of the reason is that profit incentive is very low for something that may have a use point very rarely. nobody could anticipate this particular outbreak. >> there is a piece in the new republic. seen your work against ebola. that is what we were talking about the beginning of this conversation. good to see you. thank you. >> ben brantley is here, the chief theater critics of "the new york times." he wrote the headline, "there was method in their madness." oflooks at the performances "hamlet" in the modern era. >> i played hamlet very young and we went to play it at the castle.
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remember when that date was confirmed, i thought i had died and gone to heaven. >> when you shoot it, you do the in apart of the soliloquy month -- >> it has such a natural progression. the best way to do it. who knows? atthe most important word is the end of the line. "to be or not to be, that is the question." it is not life or death, it is the question. soliloquy, i did that one time to i was wearing my horn-rimmed spectacles. them andn wearing forgotten them. be ined to be or not to
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court-rimmed glasses it -- glasses. >> and he was chuckling. >> you regret most in your life not playing it. why? that my lifetime, i think living life was a vocation. i said, i will do it next year. >> but he did tell you to do hamlet. >> marlon brando said, just drop out. drop out. just walk away. just take off. but i studied hamlet to play that part. he said, i never got a chance to play it. >> you do not play hamlet, hamlet plays you.
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it has to be feelings of life. the questions he raises, the experience he is going through is a map through life. >> i am pleased to have been brantley back at the table. >> thank you very much. >> it is such an obvious idea for a theater critic or anybody interested in great theater. why this piece and how did you shape it? >> it was an assignment that was thrown out to the culture critics in general. imagine if you could curate your of exhibit or parade elements anyway you like. it could be fantasy -- the series is called "imagine this." imagine if you could use any combination of elements whatsoever. i have seen probably 20, 25
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hamlets over the course of my career. hamlet was the first shakespearean figure i was aware of and got a hold of my imagination. the way sports figures sit down and say, what if it were babe ?uth we tend to think in those terms too. i put it in my fantasy olympics of great hamlets. >> great versus great. you went back to 1922. >> that was the year john barrymore took it to london. the british were a little less enthusiastic because he spoke the speech more conversationally than they were accustomed to. they were used it high-flown flights of rhetoric. everyone who saw it -- and this , just aboutrrymore 40, had not begun the downward
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-- said italcohol was truly riveting. that, there had been thatiful, poetic hamlets had been castrated. they were essentially just their poetry. >> what is it about hamlet? >> first of all, it is irresistible when you are growing up. even though hamlet is probably close to 30 himself, he still seems like the ultimate adolescent avatar for our fantasies. he is the guy who rebels against the establishment and upsets an entire kingdom. he is not unlike holden caulfield. hamletget older, you see as the ultimate coming-of-age story. we all have that moment in our lives when the phone rings or
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you get the letter or the telegraph or the e-mail saying, dad died. the family business has gone bankrupt. your mother has left us. it is that moment when you think life will never be the same and everything that was in place to protect you is not there anymore. you have to reckon with the adult world as an adult yourself. that, without all the safety nets you had before, it is a scary place. and you start to think about mortality for the first time in like. >> what you just said is something the director of the public theater said to me. he said that all hamlet takes on who we are and speaks to us at any time. >> i think that is true. i think part of growing up is a acknowledging is mortality. hamlet reaches that moment when
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his father dies and he learns how horribly his father has died . he thinks, how do we deal with it and how do i take -- how do i make something that is very wrong right? >> you look at the great actors, olivier, richard burton, barrymore, it is a most a coming-of-age for a good actor. you have to do this. iswhat has been fascinating that i have been in this job or going to the theater so that i can see actors progress through the generations of -- you know, it is romeo, hamlet, nick met. everyone is doing king lear. >> we have some clips to show you throughout this conversation. , who both played and directed hamlet.
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soi do not understand excellent a king that was to this. satire so loving to my mother that the winds of heaven is at her face. and what hang on him it said on. yet, within a month, the unthinkable. frailty, thy name is woman. he is still widely regarded as the most musical of hamlets. hamlet a couple of years later with a more virile, gutsier, swashbuckling hamlet. >> a bit freudian? >> oh yes.
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the name of the man he consulted in lengths -- >> i know the name of the man. let's listen to what he said. have played it, it will devour you and upset you for the rest of your life. it has me. i think today about it. i will never play him again, of course. i wish i could. >> he was in his mid-70's when thinking, if i just had one more go of it. asdid do it several times far as the wide world is concerned in the film. >> and then there was richard burton. >> he was directed by john gui lgood. the first time, he was probably influenced by just defaulting to the music, which is always a danger in doing shakespeare, where you ride the poetry and forget the person the poetry is coming from.
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as a sort ofne permanent dresser herself. people wore their street clothes. when burton was at his height, he just married elizabeth taylor. there were people lined up around the block, clamoring like groupies at a rock concert. i wish i had seen him in person. people say it just had -- he changed the loose cannon interpretation. the visceral charge of it was incredible. >> here is richard burton. so, mye goes to him and revenge.
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the villain kills my father. son, dothat, i, his sole send this villain to heaven. he took my father grossly. our circumstances are heavy with him. my revenge to take the purging of his soul. when he is drunk, asleep, or in swearing about some act. as damnedul may be
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and black as hell. >> even though there is such obvious anger and charismatic anger, you can also see his own softness. and itationalizing really wrangles him. conflictwas also this within richard burton. he had been a great actor and he chose a different style. >> as john barrymore did. >> exactly. >> hamlet was the peak and after that, it was down. he was a glamorous hamlet. i grew up time, thinking of hamlet as a glamorous figure. >> here is another insert from kenneth brenna -- branagh. it has been more about
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shakespeare than anyone over the life of his career. >> henry the fifth is still so much fun. >> take a look at this. >> i knew him. jest, mostnfinite awesome fancy. he has borne me on his back 1000 times. and now what imagination it is. lips that i have kissed i know not how often. your son was your fleshest of merriment. one now to mock your own
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grinning, quite chock full. chamberyou to my ladies . to this favor she must come. tell me one thing. >> what is that? alexanderey'll think did this fashion on the earth? >> i want to talk about mark one more time. there is a story that you touch on -- because he plays enormously deranged. of an audiencent that is legitimately people. >> they toured with hamlet and went to the institution and broadmoor. he played hamlet in his soiled pajamas. i saw it two years later in a
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different context. still, truly crazy. one of the inmates ran up and said, you are really loony. take it from me. i am crazy. i know. >> i know because i am loony. >> exactly. no higher praise could be offered. >> it seems like acting but it is not. you are there. >> he is a great actor and can do so much in so many different tongues. when i saw him, he was still playing with the idea of a guy, once he decides he's going to be crazy, that he may, in fact, be crazy. >> you were attracted to the .deas >> oh yes. when i was a kid, my granddaddy taught shakespeare. i looked through his books and there were always the plates in
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his books, the etchings. just as we saw branagh claim with that iconography in the movie. >> when you look at all these, is there one, for you, that is for you, because it is an individual judgment? >> there have been a lot i have enjoyed. a lot of reductions i have enjoyed. probably single most revelatory hamlet for me was -- i saw him first do it in london and later at the brooklyn academy. he is the short, squat, not remotely glamorous. what he gave you was total transparency. sawas the only time when i it where the contradictions in
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hamlet made sense. he made sent -- he made sure he followed every step of the journey. a guy who has known life only as a student who was suddenly confronted with reality. i still think about it. broke my heart. >> you said that you could feel it for weeks. >> you do not stop. i would love to see it again. lear, so wehim as have moved on, obviously. but that was the most thoroughly thought out hamlet i have ever saw. is becomingink lear the new hitler? >> he has certainly been reformed a lot -- the new hamlet? >> he has certainly been reformed a lot. yearsated from the macbeth to the king lear years.
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>> franklin was about the right age. >> i think john lithgow was probably the right age. it is probably imagined. being close to 80 and still being able to memorize all that ,nd create that sense of rage he is sort of hamlet's heir. here is someone who looks at the world with clear eyes for the first time and says, i did not sign up for this. in new york, the play that is fabulous is by stephen alli atley gerkins. it is called "sweet riverside and crazy." lyingthe best play about and how it is an essential part of our lives. it is terrific. it stars stephen mckinley henderson, a staple of all of
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his productions. it is beautiful. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. back in a moment. stay with us.
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novel firstr" is a published in 1993. it follows a boy as he learns the truth about the world he lives in. the book has sold over 11 million copies worldwide. in 1994, it won the newberry medal, the most is tedious prize for literature in the united states. it has also been on the top of the american library ned andtion's list of ban challenged books. it is now a movie. here is the trailer. >> from great suffering came a solution, community. serene, beautiful places where disorder became harmony. ♪ do you get to fly to the edge? >> oh yeah. >> what is best? >> i do not know.
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not a lot of flight testing. >> let's go. ♪ >> they are called books. >> hello? >> who are you? >> the giver. of the past. our world is different. there was more. much more. you will see them all in time. people chose to do away with emotions. just take them away. >> people have the freedom to choose. they choose wrong. >> what do you feel? >> you are not usually like this. >> i am surprised you are not more worried about him.
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>> you should know better than anyone. the way things look and the way things are are very different. there is no way for me to prepare you for the truth. the young and the old are killed. >> there are things you do not know. >> you are scared of me? >> go back to your family. this has become dangerous. >> i know that there is something more. comfortable? >> there has to be a way to show them. >> you can stop this. you can change things. >> i want you to fight him and then i want you to lose him. >> the director, philip noris. giver andes plays the
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is a producer on the film. and lois lowry. what a great group at one table. welcome, one and all. you first read this when it first came out? >> a couple of years after. 18 years ago. i was looking for a project. coversaw this wonderful when i was looking through a catalog of kids books because i wanted my kids to see this movie. i came across this cover with a real old guy on the cover and i said, this looks interesting. i started to read it and i loved it. it was a kids book. as an adult, i was just knocked out to find out my kids said, we studied that book in school. there is a lesson plan. i am getting more and more excited. i said this would be a cinch to get off the ground. and then i find it is on the
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list of banned books as well, which further excited me, which further excited. -- excited me. but it proved to be quite difficult to the controversy stopped us from getting this through for 18 years. the world that lois created is an amazing one and a lot of the story takes place injonas' mind -- in jonas' mind. the challenge was, how do we get this to financiers where they can see, -- where they can see what we have in mind. we went through at least a half a dozen writers and directors. >> and so it took you that many years. >> 18 years and i started to look more and more like the grizzled guy on the cover. >> what are you saying about memory?
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>> i have always been interesting in this -- interested in the subject of memory. name fromf this book my father, who was probably 90 at the time, was beginning to lose his and had forgotten my older sister, his first child, who had died young. i began to think him a what would it be like if we could obliterate memories that have made us sad, the bad things in our lives. would that be a good thing? begins to think like that and the story takes shape. to answer your question, what do i think about memory, i came to the conclusion that memories are the most vital part of us. >> memory does terrible things to them so that they would go to great lengths to erase memory. >> well, the people in this book have done that. it was a choice they have made with the best of intentions. screenplay,saw the
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what did you want? >> i read the book first and thought, what a seductive world. we do not have to wake up every morning to all of this destruction and hate. that is what first attracted me. utopia that turns out to be a dystopia. i thought that was very compelling, the idea that there was something here. , we, in exchange for memory can live in peace. >> it is all about the trade-off. >> does not sound like a healthy trade-off to me. >> very unhealthy, but a compelling one. and more compelling every day. >> and do you feel a connection to jonas, the character? >> i always feel a connection to characters i take on.
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wechsler is it a prerequisite for you? is it a prerequisite for you? >> if you cannot take them on the journey, you cannot feel it. a young man who has been brought discoverarts to something else inside him. heart, emotion, feeling, color, love. inevitably ask on that acts on that knowledge. >> it is extraordinary when they talk about what it is like. >> that is what happens to his character. >> and did you see jonas? >> i saw him as an innocent boy who was very happy and comfortable.
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the question i raised is that what is he did not feel like he was feeling at the beginning of the film? would he have lived a happy life in his community? to receive the memory of the history of the world. it is stunning, that journey. watching the trailer took me back to my headspace when i was first arriving and the nerves and the anxiety that i felt meeting the giver and working with jeff. this will movie, for me, was a jonas isllel into how feeling. >> tell me about the role of the giver. memoryety realizes that is valuable. but it must be contained. is a fellow who
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retains all of the histories of counseled thehe elders from time to time to give them advice. .hat is his role his time is coming to an end. he will find someone in the community and the elders have tracked all of the kids as they are growing up. one of the things that the kids do not have to do anymore is choose what they want to do. that is handled for them. there is a ceremony or that happens and he is chosen to be a the receiver, i am sorry. and i am the giver. i become the giver also. as a baby, you feel things. partly, i suppose, because i grew up on army post.
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there is a rigid, orderly community. one time, i lived in postwar tokyo and i lived in a compound with a wall around it. on the other side of the wall was the colorful, noisy, vibrant city of tokyo. i lived in a place where all the houses were the same and all the people were the same. there was no gate in that wall and i had a bicycle. at that age, i very often rode by myself into the streets. i have always been somebody who, like jonas, wants to see beyond. part of that background at these various army installations was the flight into that world. -- asting meryl streep >> casting jeff bridges. >> but he is the producer. >> that was the worry. boss or my playmate?
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but he came in every day as the giver. quake eckley where you wanted to be. >> you are -- you have jeff and you have merrill -- meryl. >> i had screen tested about a year before for another film. i heard about this kid from northern queensland. graduationut his performance. >> what was your graduation performance? >> me and my buddy took our genes in ournd put hands and pretended we were in a filipino jail. very dark and quite funny.
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we thought it was an opportunity to get really deep and have a funny layer to it. >> did you write it? it was written. >> it was notorious. was like the film in your garage. i do not know if it is going to come out. >> we often entertain each other so i had this idea that my said, let's-- i make the movie right now. we will get casey to shoot it. his youngest son plays jonas. we shot the whole book and narrated it. for the dvd, i am hoping to find it. >> did you see this? >> i have not seen it in 18 years, but we have it somewhere.
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>> just the two of you? me, as a important to producer, to get everyone on the same page. this is the story we are going to tell. we assembled as many of the cast members -- my brother actually narrated the book. we had a big table and we read the book to each other. later, we were casting "the giver," casting for jonas. aitially, the park was for 13-year-old. ages ined to up the order to maybe give access to a wider audience. that is when he came back in again and knocked it out of the park. >> how did he knock it out of the park?
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>> well, he literally knocked it out of the park because he was auditioning with catherine monahan and he knocked him through the wall. >> in the scenes we were auditioning for, a fight scene between my character and his. philip would say -- i would say, how are we going to do the fight scene? i am not going to fight 10 guys today. he is like, just improvise. i was thinking, really? improvise a fight scene? if some guy wants to fight me, i am going to have to fight him back. villa just watches it go. watches it go. i ended up fighting 10 guys that day. >> this film, is it the book in
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your head? >> well, it is now, of course. i have been watching this film developed over the past year. bookwhen i think about the , it is the same thing that i see. the kids in the book were younger. that is what i used to see. now, when i think of the kids, i think of them. coming-of-agey story as well? >> it is. as a matter of fact, i wonder how they will relate to the age difference now. a lot of jewish people give this as a bar mitzvah gift because turning 13 and they see it as a coming-of-age. a lot of crystal churches have it incorporated into their curriculum because they see it as a christian allegory. it covers a lot of bases. >> so who is banning the book? >> very conservative groups.
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i cannot give them names. >> what is their objection? >> it is hard for me to know because i sometimes take things out of context and dangle a passage that they do not like. there is a pivotal moment in the book which is also in the movie. spoilers, but it is -- >> you should talk about the scene that we cut out that you were very excited -- >> there is another controversial scene. >> did not make the cut. >> it was a scene that some parents objected to in the book. the boy takes care of old people. there is a lovely, tender scene in which he is bathing an elderly woman in a bathtub. >> in the bathtub with her.
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>> he is not in the bathtub with her. jokingly told jeff, i said, i am sorry they cut that out because that was to be my cameo role. imo to enough to play the old lady in the bathtub. he keeps repeating that as if it were me being serious. the boy with a new lady. -- nude lady. there was a reference to sexual feelings in a young boy, very oblique. another very difficult scene in which a newborn baby is killed. >> another reason it was on the banned books list is because it falls right into the themes of our film, trying to protect our children and protect us from things that are frightening and the darker sides of life. >> and the parents who want to so withbook are doing
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the most benevolent intentions. they want to protect their kids. the irony is that in the society portrayed in the world, there are no books that would have been because people had to havect their community and removed books. >> i love the library of the giver. >> 30,000 books. >> here is a scene between meryl and jeff. take a look. >> we are moving too fast. we both know what happened 10 years ago. >> the girl had a name. i know you feel wrong. >> the boy must hold in the pain. do not fail us again. >> she is chilling. >> tell me the same.
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-- the scene. to -- jonas'character, the giver, and another receiver give the memories -- to give the memories too. -- to. and it did failure not happen. should i reveal what happens to this girl or not? >> well, you went too fast. [laughter] i went too fast and gave her too much, too soon. as long as we're talking about -- is, i want to yell out will say it quietly, but rush, this is a young actor who is wonderful in the film, playing fiona.
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>> i date him not to turn it into a teenage romance movie and they did not, but there are three kisses. >> what else influenced you? mindinterested in your while writing this book. >> very hard to swing back to .here my mind was 21 years ago you mentioned the classic dystopian literature. a character and place him in a situation where he has to make a journey and he is going to have a hard time. by the end of it, he is going to be changed. i do that with the hope that the reader will enter the same journey and that the reader will also be changed by the end of it. i think that is true of this book and this movie. i cannot claim it to be true for all of my books, but i think this book does.
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copies has its own? >> over 10 million. it fluctuates. all.ank you it was a pleasure to have you here. great to see you. thank you. thank you so much. opens thisthe giver" friday, august 15. you will be hearing a lot about it. other reasons, because harvey is promoting it. but also because of what they have done here. that it has the possibility to appeal to a cross-section of audiences, not only with the acting and the directing and fascinating players, but also an interesting connection to a range of ideas. thank you for joining us. see you next time. ♪
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>> this is "taking stock" for monday, august 18, 2014. i am pimm fox. today's theme is performance. you will get the chief executive of oxford performance materials. 3-d printers making cranial implants. elvis presley, his name lives on in music and business. we will talk to the chief executive who runs graceland. it ind


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