tv Charlie Rose Bloomberg September 9, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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press. abc's sunday morning news program is the longest running show on television. it has recently flipped on the ratings. todd was previously chief white house correspondent for nbc news. he opens with an interview with president obama at the white house. i am pleased to have chuck todd back on this program. welcome. first of all, congratulations. who better to start with than the president of the united states? >> i did get the gift that we all want on sunday mornings. if you are a public affairs program, of all the officials you want, this is the one who has the most answers. the president of the united states. it is all downhill from here. >> no, it is not. tell me how you approached this interview with the president.
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>> i viewed it as, you put yourself in his shoes. you say, why is he doing this? they don't do things as favors as much as some people might want to think. certainly when i made the pitch to get this interview, it was my hunch, knowing the political situation he was in, this was the first sunday after labor day, there is a traditional time that presidents in political trouble like this one is, is looking for an opportunity to answer some of the critical questions that have been thrown his way. he also has a crisis that is front and center right now. i sort of thought to myself, what is it? there are a lot of things you want to get out there. what is the top of the agenda? write out the start of the interview, realizing when he talked about isis, realizing that he said, i am going to explain my strategy this coming wednesday, all of a sudden -- trust me, i had six or seven topics i wanted to get to.
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as soon as you hear that, you realize this is a different situation. he is now escalating it to another level. half my interview became about isis. an election year is coming. it was a necessary topic. immigration, he made some decision not to make news there. ebola was something i thought the public has a lot more concern about than washington politicians do. i did find myself editing down the other topics i wanted to get to, when you realize that isis is the be-all end-all. >> how did you find him? >> a lot more engaged than i think the conventional wisdom had been developing. there is this idea that he seems like, is he taking the isis -- the chattering class, has he been taking isis seriously enough? is he tired, is he ready to deal with this, is he frustrated that
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this is being foisted upon him? i didn't see that at all. he looked different to me than the person i saw a week earlier. that did seem to be a little bit of a distracted -- not disengaged, more distracted and frustrated president. i don't want to assume anything, but i got to imagine that candidate obama never thought in six years of presidency he was going to have to get the country back on a war footing. to me, it wouldn't be surprising if he would come across as frustrated that this is the choice he is facing. >> what do you expect him to say on wednesday? >> i think it is going to get into more detail. it sounds like what he is hoping -- he is trying to make the
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maximum attempt at getting rid of isis with the minimal amount of u.s. military assets. what does that mean? he is hoping that the al qaeda strategy of the last five years, sort of what bush started in 2005-06 and continued into the obama administration with targeted strikes taking out leaders one at a time, whether it is in ungoverned parts of pakistan, that situation, he is hoping the same strategy can apply. it sounds like he is hoping to couple that with a jim baker-bush 41 approach, putting together a coalition of middle eastern allies. saudi arabia, jordan, turkey, so that they become the boots on the ground. so that it isn't just them supporting the united states, but almost a reversal. the u.s. handles counterterrorism and air cover. we are the air force for these
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folks. the boots on the ground that are necessary to stop isis are muslim boots, saudi boots come a turkish boots, jordanian boots. whether he can pull that off, i don't know. it certainly seems like that is his goal. >> he has wanted first of all to have some kind of government in iraq, in baghdad, and is waiting for that to happen to a degree before he made any kind of commitments. everybody says, including general dempsey, that you need boots on the ground to do this. perhaps even in syria. >> he admitted that. he said, i am ruling out boots on the ground. i said to him, what you just said, your own people say you have to have boots on the ground. that is when he said, he didn't disagree that it can't be american boots. >> now he is dependent on the
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boots of the free syrian army, which would have been a lot better off if he had done more for them two years ago. as he have an answer for that? >> he doesn't have a good answer for that, other than he believes they went about this the right way. there has never been -- when he plays the "what if" on this, he won't play the what if and his folks argue that had they done more at that time, they still believe that half of this weaponry would have ended up in the hands of isis anyway. that is their box. >> the other question is, do they believe the free syrian army boots on the ground are sufficient to deal with isis? and what will the syrian army do while this is going on? >> that was one of my questions.
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we talked about isis, dealing with them in iraq and he said the boots on the ground have to be iraqi and in syria, they have to be syrian. he seemed to be more optimistic now than he has been before. but there is no evidence that the free syrian army is any stronger today. they seem weaker today than they were before. that is when he talked about the other sunni states. you tell me, charlie. you and i can observe this. we will see if it is saudi boots, turkish boots, jordanian boots. we have not seen that before. this would be a new thing. one thing he did say, he thought the isis threat was so great to the moderate sunni states that maybe this would finally change their calculus. i used a snarky e-mail question that i got from a viewer. it said to me, all this military aid we give to saudi arabia, are
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they ever going to use it themselves? he sort of chuckled at that version of a question that i asked him. meaning that was clearly his hope. >> his hope that at long last they will use these weapons that we have been giving them. >> to not just protect themselves but also to maybe be a part of the protective force in the middle east. >> at the same time, you have all those countries, the emirates, the saudi's, the jordanians, worrying about what this does in terms of ignobling iran and shia forces in syria? you get the sunnis on board, and what does that do to the sunni versus shia conflict? >> i asked him the question,
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have you set aside your goal of getting rid of assad. he blamed assad for the rise of isis but he seemed to disagree with that premise. he doesn't want to be helping assad. that is not his goal. now it doesn't seem to be a primary objective. i think this is the part of this policy that i think will get debated in congress. ok, if you get rid of isis, what do you do with syria? if you succeed in getting rid of isis, then what? i think that is why the president has been slow to agree to this. everybody has been pushing him in this direction. he couldn't answer the "and then what?" i don't think he will address that on wednesday. >> it is a sense that whatever you think the white house may be
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like, circumstances can change in a moment. >> i tell you, i think one of the things that is going to be part of the debate about the obama foreign policy legacy -- on one hand, it does feel as if a lot of this was out of his control. but his response to the arab spring, all of the american foreign-policy community, their response to the arab spring, was it a misread? was the decision to push out mubarak -- is egypt really different today? is general sisi --and what did you get for it? i have one former senator saying to me, he thinks the syria issue almost begins with the moment in cairo, when the president came out on the side of the protesters and pushed out mubarak and made the decision to get involved and get rid of qaddafi in libya.
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it raised the hopes of the protesters and the opposition in syria. it almost encouraged them, those protests, to grow. when he backed off, there was the vacuum. that i think is going to be a debate about the president's decisions during the arab spring. what did that due to syria and how much of an impact in that have in the creation of isis? >> you get a sense with this president that somehow, he cares more about the domestic issues than he does about foreign policy issues.
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>> one of the biggest misconceptions of him by some people, frankly by the hillary clinton campaign and by john mccain, was that he wasn't fully knowledgeable about foreign policy. that was a mistake they made. the barack obama that i covered the first term, i always found to be more of what you would assume, more engaged in foreign policy than domestic. he really thought he would make his mark internationally. that was the great potential of his presidency. think of the cairo speech. that was the speech he cared about probably more than any other speech that he gave in his first term. what i sense that he doesn't like is the issues he has to deal with right now. he was hoping that he was going to reposition america's role in the middle east. he had these grand visions of being the president that would make progress in middle east peace.
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that he was the guy that was going to create an engagement in asia in a way that hasn't happened before. which, by the way, is happening. the u.s. engagement with southeast asia is as great as it has ever been. nobody notices. but he has made that pivot. he can't focus on it. >> what do you think the agenda is for the rest of the obama term? >> i think number one, managing the middle east. he has got to deal with that. legacy-wise, immigration is the only gettable potential thing he can do. you tell me what happens in november. if no change in power in november, democratic senate and republican house, i think you
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get immigration reform sooner than later. full republican control, you won't. at that point, the only tangible agenda item domestically that he has a shot at getting his tax reform. -- is tax reform. it may not be the tax reform that he wants but it is going to be a version of it. that is if the republicans think they need to do something before 2016. i am of the mindset that we don't operate the way we did in the 1980's and 1990's. i think that if republicans win the house and senate, i think everything becomes 2016. the biggest thing working against president obama to get things done is if hillary clinton does become an active candidate. the minute that happens, she is the leader of the democratic party. that day. >> how would you measure the dynamics of the relationship now? >> i think they are very similar people. neither one of them are natural
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politicians. neither one of them likes the theatrics as president obama said to me. i think hillary clinton struggles with that. that is what is going to be fascinating to me, watching her as a candidate without obama in comparison. i think we are all going to see how she is more like obama in personality, in how she conducts politics and campaigns, then she is her husband. >> do you think her chances have increased or slightly decreased since the last year?
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>> put it this way, if she were running to be the second woman president, i think she would not be considered a front-runner. i think one thing washington media gets wrong, there is a clinton fatigue problem but it is in the press corps. i think there is much less clinton fatigue in the democratic party and in the press corps, which is going to be a challenge for her. the press is going to cover her with more skepticism than the way democratic activists are going to embrace her. all that said, she is naturally not the populist liberal that i think the democratic party would like to have and she is naturally not -- i don't want to say isolationist, but she is not somebody who wants a reserve foreign policy. she is much more hawkish on foreign policy. position-wise, i would argue she is kind of out of step with where the democratic party is going to be in 2016. i think the enthusiasm to break that glass ceiling may allow her to overcome. >> part of the reason she lost to obama was she did not have that historical narrative, which was as powerful as his was.
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>> this time, hers seems that powerful. >> is she different other than in terms of natural skills as a politician from him? do they see the world any different? >> i do think there is -- i don't want to say -- i think they are both very pragmatic individuals. sometimes president obama doesn't get enough credit for his instinctive pragmatism. he sometimes negotiates from the pragmatism. i think hillary clinton is less naive about the intentions of washington. she is less optimistic about the intentions of washington so she is willing to do the more brutal nuts and bolts part of running the town, governing some of the uglier parts of what you have to do in politics. i think that is where there is a difference. again, personality-wise, they are both -- neither one of them are naturals and they both have
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had to learn to like the gladhanding part of politics. bill clinton couldn't be more opposite. he loves it. that is what makes her candidacy so interesting. is she running for the clinton third term, the obama third term? she has clinton's last name, obama's personality. there is a lot of interesting ways you can paint the hillary clinton -- >> what is her vision in terms of what she wants to do? everybody talks about things like income inequality and protecting the middle class. how does that translate in terms of what you would do in the white house? >> what is her big idea other than her first name? that might be enough. you are right about this past
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future. i read a stat, only the age difference between carter and reagan -- normally, our president, we pick one, the next one that we pick is a little bit younger than the one that left. the few times that didn't happen, not counting vice president's taking over, was when reagan succeeded carter. this would be a similar surprising gap. that is where you think maybe there is vulnerability. is she going to look too much like the past? i think she has to change more than the people around her are telling her. i think people around her have said this, if not for obama, you would have been the nominee in 2008. there is no obama, therefore you don't have to change. i disagree. >> it has been a pleasure to
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talk to you about our shared passion for politics. congratulations again. >> long live the longform interview. >> chuck todd, the new host of "meet the press." back in a moment. stay with us. ♪ >> mike and bob bryan are the most successful duo in men's doubles tennis. they won their fifth u.s. open title yesterday. here is a look at match point. >> 6-3, 6-4. [cheers and applause] >> i felt pretty good. a body serve and the guy popped it up. >> goodbye. >> it makes you look good. >> you two, here it is. do you get to keep this?
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is this yours? >> that is the tournament's. they send you a replica of the exact size. this is what it looks like. >> i guess the other great to double team, mcenroe-former. >> and then the woody's, obviously. >> you have how many? >> we have 16 now. >> nobody will ever double this record. >> that is what people always think. federer probably thought he was safe at 17. here comes nadal. >> what is the magic of what you guys have done?
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>> i think hard work. >> and athletic talent. >> i think being twins helps. the communication, the bond we have on court, is unlike any other team out there. just playing the hours we have together, filling the middle for each other. when bob moves over, i fill it instinctively just from the repetitions. most teams have a bad stretch and they are breaking up. we have stayed together on tour for 16 years. >> 36 years basically. we played our first tournament out of the womb. basically. >> who is right-handed and who is left? >> he is the righty. i have heard stats that nine out of 10 identical twins are the lefty-righty combo. the way you are positioned in the womb.
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>> we can use the wind to our advantage. the woody's were right and left-handed. >> give me the sense of the great moments that have made the evolution to where you are now. >> the first time we won kalamazoo was -- we were given a wild card at 17 years old. i think we were 105 pounds. we had to show everyone our credentials he cause they thought we were ball kids. the pros were kicking us off the practice courts. being out there for the first time was amazing. then we went to stanford, turned pro after two years, played in limbo a little bit playing singles and doubles and decided to shift our focus to doubles and tried to be great. we won our first grand slam in 2003. the davis cup in 2007. >> do you always play the same
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side? >> ready much. we like to poach with our forehand volleys. we switch it up once in a while when teams are beating us and they have caught on to our strategy. we try to throw a little wrinkle and surprise them. it has worked a few grand slam finals. our bread and butter is forehand in the middle. >> what do you think of weekend players like me about the attractiveness of doubles? >> it is a great game. a lot of reflexes. i was hit five times in the chest. >> he got a pretty bad bruise on his rear end. he wound up from 10 feet away and crushed mike. >> the communication, it is a precise game. i think you get better at doubles later on. some of these guys in the top 10 are 40 years old. you have to get the intricacies of poaching, going up the line, there is so much.
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it is like chess. singles is kind of like checkers. [laughter] >> they say that you guys -- >> that is our goal. we are having fun. we got a great gig. we are traveling the world together, going to places where the sun is always shining, making a pretty good living doing it. >> you are. >> we are competitive. we hate to lose. it is fun to work hard and hold the trophy up. >> you live in different cities? >> we used to live together and then bob got married, moved away. we had a divorce. >> we had to split down the middle. he thought he had more mixed doubles titles. it was a mini-divorce but we are always on the road together. >> if you are at your best and you are playing singles -- >> i do all the gym work, the stretching.
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i am healthier. i am going like this and you are coming. we do play singles a lot. he is a health nut. he has gone gluten-free for 10 years. he travels with a bag of vitamins and supplements. >> what is the strategy of doubles? >> the strategy of doubles for our game, our level, we like to get all over the net. that is when we are playing our best. a lot of these guys now are staying on the base and ripping groundstrokes from the baseline. in the final yesterday, we played guys that didn't come to
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the net on their serve one time. that is the evolution where it is going. we like our chances at net. >> we are a traditional doubles team. if they can get it through us, -- >> they deserve a point. >> we like to get over the middle, make a lot of coaches. >> the serving is different to zoo. you want to serve a higher percentage. we feel like when we are serving in the high 70's, that is where we wanted me. >> you mean winning your serves? >> first serve percentage. we like high 70's and we like a lot of body serves. in doubles, you want to curve it into the body. make the guy try to get out of the way of it. that is a harder return. you will see us use a lot of body serves. >> rob labor once said to me that the strokes didn't go but getting to the ball did. >> you have to have good wheels in this game. you have to contact on the same spot every time. federer, he gets there and he has his eye on the ball every time.
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once you lose that step, you are starting to drop down the ranks. if you lose your wheels, that is your base. >> that is the big injury in the singles game he cause the lateral movement. the hips go first. that is where we feel the most sore. you feel it in the hips. a lot of players have that surgery. >> what is the surgery? >> hip replacement and re-servicing. >> agassi had it done right when he retired. knock on wood. >> when you didn't win, this is the last grand slam of the season. were you worried? >> there is definitely a sense of urgency.
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we won three last year. almost completed the calendar year grand slam. >> you don't think you can win four in one year? >> we always say that is impossible. the margins are so small. one of us gets sick, we are out. >> we were on a dream run and we won 26 matches in a row. everything was going right. we were winning matches. i think it goes with a little bit of luck. the margins are so small. one break of serve in doubles, the set could be over. this year, we start off -- >> australia? >> we usually start strong. wimbledon, the final we almost won. we got our 100th title which was really special to do here with our friends and family in new york. >> let's go back to tiger and jack mclouth. what is the goal here? is there a magical number?
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>> we always looked at that 100 as a mountain, so far away. the woody's had the titles record at 61. we were always laughing at a that like no way. and then, boom, we got 62 i think in 2010. some guys were like, you are going to make it to 100. here we are knocking down 100. who knows how long we will keep going. you have to enjoy every one. you never know when it is going to be your last. there is 15 teams that can win the grand slam title in doubles. in singles, there is probably only four. >> what do you think happens? >> nadal not being there opens up the door for more players. >> what is interesting is the number of former champions that are now coaching. michael chang. >> sometimes in the open it was chang versus federer.
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they played grand slam finals against each other. it is wild. >> what is wrong with american tennis? >> it is just a period of time where we are waiting for these 16 and 17-year-olds that are really good players. we have a good crop coming up. the last 10 years, the federer-nadal-djokovic, they have been taking all the slams. isner is having a great career, but by american standards we are spoiled with agassi. >> guys that are tall playing the game? >> being tall is a great advantage. you see it with raonic. it definitely helps to have some size in this game. >> kind of like michael chang. he is short but you have to be lightning fast.
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>> you have to be a wizard with the ball if you are under 5'10". >> if you are doing it over, would you do anything different in terms of how you developed and played the game? >> i wouldn't change a thing. our parents owned a tennis club. we grew up living at the club all day long. they had us fall in love with the game first. they took us to watch agassi and we fell in love with these idols. then it took care of itself. we still love the game today. the way that they went about it was a great way. we didn't have tv in our house. >> the coach from stanford said he came in with no tv. >> kind of a smart play by my parents.
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so much time in the day if you are not watching tv. >> you guys always went to practice too. >> we pushed each other. you never want your brother to be stronger than you. you are always out there on the practice court trying to catch up. >> do you think you are even now? >> what makes us a great doubles team is two players that complement each other. >> what is it about your game you would like to improve? >> we are always working hard to improve. i am always trying to get a better serve. he is trying to get a better return. >> you can work this out. >> i tell him but he doesn't like to take coaching from me. >> it is crazy. we were back here in -- number one in the world, but we are so much better now than we were in 2004. >> the technology, the nutrition, the training techniques, guys are getting stronger. we have to figure out ways to
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>> "the skeleton twins" is a new movie by craig johnson. it stars kristen wiig and bill hader. they spent seven years together on snl and now they are back in action in a turn towards drama. here is the trailer for "the skeleton twins." >> why is it sad? that is why i am reading it. >> i am not saying anything. >> look how much i have left. >> i was thinking you could come stay with me. >> is it ok if i tell him? >> we are trying to get pregnant. >> you say we are, because it is not sexist that way. >> i can't wait to be the creepy gay uncle.
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>> i won an oscar. >> oh. >> surprise, back from the dead. >> when do the boys show up? >> it is dyke night, sweetie. >> what? >> we were supposed to be there for each other. >> you are acting like you are the healthy one and i am the special needs kid. >> i am depressed about my life. >> because you are not a famous actor? nobody is a famous actor. >> george clooney is a famous actor. >> maggie! >> wouldn't it be easier? >> what i'm i going to do? >> wow.
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you need to take the edge off. >> what are you doing? ♪ >> you put on something pretty, we are going out. dad told us to stick together no matter what. >> we should have a dudes day. >> i think your version of dudes day and my version are different. >> i have a very serious question for you. will you go to prom with me?
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>> joining me now is director craig johnson and the film's stars, kristen wiig and bill hader. i am pleased to have you here. where did this idea come from? >> i have a sister, and we are pretty close. so things get pretty rough. the way we deal with it is with a macabre, twisted sense of humor. i like that. i like the idea of two people having a rough time in their life and the only way they can deal with it is being funny. >> that is why you chose comedians? >> yes. why not? i was fans of both of theirs from snl and even seeing these characters as more broadly drawn, you could tell there was something very, very real going on inside each one of them. i remember seeing penelope, kristen's character on that show and thinking, that is a sad human. [laughter]
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>> so you do a real human version of these broadly drawn characters. it is a testament to their performances on saturday night everythingly, that seemed underplayed. >> you have said about her -- tell me about the relationship between the two of you coming out of saturday night live. >> hi, bill. we haven't seen each other since the movie. >> court order now. >> a falling out. [laughter] >> the lawyers are watching our every move. [laughter] we are fine. giant falling out. everything is great. kristen left a year before me.
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we started the same year. we had the same managers, the same agents. we worked with each other a lot. >> we share a dog. [laughter] >> we share a dog. where is it? i thought you had him. it has been great. in 2010, we met craig, and it is a movie so you spend two years trying to get the money for it. and then, craig said, what about kristen to play your sister? kristen was very sweet. when that happens, i have been in that position where you don't want to pressure the other person. so i am staying out of it. kristen called me and said, i would love to do this movie if you will have me. of course. and then, we had the money. [laughter] kristen is on! cha-ching!
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>> as performers, she is your sister. >> yeah. we have been through so much together. >> being on snl, you are so bonded with your cast mates that you have a special relationship with the people that you start with. jason, andy and bill, we all started together. you kind of feel like that is your class. you have your first experiences together. you go through the third year together, ups and downs, everything. >> you get excited for them and feel for them. in my house, the only picture, no offense to anybody else, the only picture i have framed is
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your last show. the four of us sitting on the stage together. the only picture is me, jason, andy and kristen sitting there smiling. kind of like, we did it. we lasted. >> take a look at this. [video clip] >> mr. stewart, i found a man looking around the bushes. he says he is the new gardener? [laughter] >> hi. >> who are you? >> i am brad, the male gardener. the landscaping company sent me to trim back your rosemary topiaries. is it ok if i use your upstairs bathroom, the one across from rosa's room? >> how do you know where rosa's room is? [dramatic music] [laughter]
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>> why? why? why did we do that? >> i could never get through that sketch. >> and there is fred armisen doing the "wait a minute, what are you --" >> he said it different every time. >> when the camera is on him, he is talking, we are going, what is he doing? >> what sort of relationship between the two of them in the movie? >> they are deeply estranged. they have been separated for 10 years due to a bunch of events in their past. that is largely what the movie is about. they move back in with each other to try to finish that relationship and fall back in love with each other.
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a couple people have said it reminds them of a love story. i like that. it is sort of a nonromantic love story between a brother and sister. >> there is also a tradition of people going to the movies and finding some success. >> it is interesting for me. this was the first real big role i had in the film. it was cool. i shot this while i was still on saturday night live. it was interesting to have that be your first thing. usually it is a big comedy or something. it was neat to do something different. >> bill and i get asked all the time about how it was to work with each other. the movie had a lot of comedic scenes but it also had some very heavy scenes. it was really nice to have bill be the guy that i was doing them with. we are very close and we feel safe with each other. some of that comes from snl, because you really put yourself out there every week, trying a
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new character or something that may or may not work. we have this thing where we feel safe with each other. especially with the dramatic stuff, it really helped to take risks and be more open. >> there is a scene in the film where i have to give this monologue. whenever the camera was on me, kristen was off-camera. a lot of times when actors do that, they kind of don't go 100%. every take, kristen would give 100% and she would cry. >> i was having a terrible day. [laughter] >> a single tear. she gave 100%. she cried and it helped me. it helped my performance.
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>> is this a transition at all for you guys? from what you did at saturday night live to what you are doing? >> to me, it is -- my wife said, you never see me as happy coming home from a job before. i had been doing so much sketch comedy. i love doing sketch comedy but it is a sketch. there we go. this was more detailed and more fine tuned. having the time to kind of -- you didn't think after we did it, no one laughed so that didn't work. [laughter] >> by becoming an actor, have you said goodbye to sketch comedy? >> snl is kind of always there. but at the same time, we are not on the show anymore. so it is nice to know that we
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have that home and if we really -- if we think of a character, i guess we could try it out. [laughter] >> i remember you saying that some hosts of saturday night live were better than others. >> some were good. i liked the hosts that would come in and kind of say, where do you want me? be a part of the ensemble. sometimes, hosts are used to being the head. they have always been at the head of the table and it is hard for them to relinquish that. tom hanks directed huge movies. he would show up and be like, what do you want me to do? >> steve martin. >> saturday night live requires you to be there on monday morning, doesn't it? i was talking to tom about it. we were on the same plane. he was saying, i can't wait to do this.
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jumping in there on monday. he took it seriously. >> he would. he would hang out with the writers. he knew to get into that -- i always say, the funniest i have been in my life was in high school in the lunchroom with my friends. there was no pressure. it was just you and your friends messing around. i always feel like at snl on tuesday night, you are trying to get that feeling again. he is smart enough to know, we have to be relaxed. something happens in there. he was really smart. >> same thing for you? >> absolutely. i don't know what you are asking me, but -- [laughter] i zoned out five minutes ago. no, i am agreeing. >> when did you know you wanted
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to be a comedian? >> i don't know if i ever did. i knew i wanted to act and i started with improv. i had never really done anything before that. >> and a sketch comedian is different from standup. >> i fell in love with improv. i started doing sketch comedy, started writing and it sort of happened. >> was this an easy movie to make? because you have these two, you have an interesting story. >> is it easy? an indie film is never really easy. you don't have enough time or money. but there is something a little
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magical. you hear about that a lot. it kind of was. there is a scene in the movie, the first day i was working with you two together. it was halloween night in a bar. they danced together and it was a moment where everything came together. it looked beautiful, the costume design was gorgeous, they played this beautiful song that ended up being in the movie. these two just connected in this way that made me say, this movie might work. i feel at ease. from that point on, it was a lovely experience. >> this is maggie and milo. milo is trying to convince maggie to take some nitrous oxide. think about this as you watch this. that nitrous oxide scene, embarrassingly, is pretty much how kristen and i are around each other all the time. [laughter] so, goodbye, look at the tape. >> enjoy. you will never want to hang out with us. [laughter]
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[video tape] >> give that to me! give it. spit in there. >> that thing is broken. >> milo, stop! >> you know what, you need to take to get the edge off. >> yeah right. no. >> everybody is doing it. if you don't do it, no one is going to talk to you. emily is doing it. casey is doing it. shannon is doing it. eric. >> eric s too? >> eric s and eric t are both doing it. >> i am not doing it. ♪ [laughter]
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>> live from pier 3 in san francisco, welcome to "bloomberg west," where we focus on innovation, technology, and the future of business. i'm emily chang. over the next hour, we will have an in depth look at everything apple unveiled today. we will try to answer questions. but first, the ceo showed the long-awaited apple smart watch. >> apple is the most personal device we have ever created. s
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