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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  September 29, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." >> i have the great honor to introduce the man who had a lot to do with tgi and is very proud
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of on the 10th anniversary. please welcome william jefferson clinton. [applause] let's begin with this. october first or sometime , a little boyter or little girl is going to say grandpa, a lot of people seem to know you, what is it that you did? what will you tell him or her? >> i will explain what i did it with my life. i grew up and- went to school and talked for a while and went into public service and i will explain what it was. toill explain i got a chance try something entirely new and different. i was not term limited, so i got
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to do it a little longer thanks to my health being saved by a lot of people. and i will tell my grandson or granddaughter what i did and it was worthwhile. tgi?ere do you put >> it is way up there. i think it came along at the right time. kindmation technology and of the more global consciousness kind of partnerships. and desirable even necessary and it really made the difference. thatu said in a profile bill clinton has conducted of the most energetic post-presidency then at least theodore roosevelt. besides support his wife as she
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worked as secretary of state and a future presidential candidate, he made his most unconventional contribution to the clinton global initiative. that is why i ask about this. hasn't the idea of not just talking but to doing work out as oh, yeah. even when it does not work. [laughter] [applause] a guy who has uttered as many words as i have loved speech and political speech. >> really? >> i still think what you do is more important and what you say is credible and direct relation to what you do and what you are going to do. i think ideas matter greatly and only have impact if you put them
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into action. yeah, i love it. i try to run the other part of my foundation. we have done some other pretty big things. [indiscernible] drugs,e eligible for high quality drugs. an agreement with made for a healthier generation, the caloric candidate -- content of drinks. a pretty big deal. all of these kits struggling with their weight across the country. what is the biggest misconception of the clinton presidency? >> i am not going to get it right according to the surveys. i think most people under extremete the level of
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partisanship that took over in 1994. >> even greater than today? ,> i would not say greater nobody has accused them of murder in yet. the way the institutions of american life including the way politics was covered. basically rigged -- designed, soundssouth unfavored -- unfavored, to an extent not healthy to our country. >> has it gotten worse or better? >> the parties are probably more polarized. because the people had been polarized in effect by being balkanized. congressional
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reappointment and part goes way past that. physicallybe around and virtually, television viewing. people who agree with us and we anyot much care to spend time with people that we do not. i tell everybody america has made such great strides. we just do not want to be around anyone who disagrees with us. that is what all of these surveys -- and that is the worst thing we can do. with ad fill this room research that proves that the groups make a better decisions than acting alone. , who actuallyoups disagree and bring different perspectives and experiences and debate issues, but they debate with a purpose of coming to an
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agreement, make a better ofisions that small groups like-minded people no matter how smart they are. who have in mind they must never make the decision until they get everything they want and that is worse. is -- that is what is hurting us. it may be very good for people who are financing of the they do not, basically want anything to happen. believe the country needs a government to get the show on , all of this political polarization involves majoring in the minors at a time when there are huge challenges facing america at home and abroad, we
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should get together -- >> looking at the challenge from isis today, is the president doing it right or do you think we need more different weapons to challenge? i mean by that, diplomatic. >> i understand. , you have seen a blizzard of diplomatic efforts in the past few weeks. sunnirategy involving the tribal leaders and others in the western part of iraq. our country pushed for it and i am proud. in the fight against isis, had a chest to prevail. -- had a chance to prevail. we should not be directly involved in iraq.
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to have some people on the ground to do intelligence work and other things. chris and they are in harm -- >> way.are in harm's chris they are but they are not carrying the brunt. it has a chance to succeed. you always have a chance to win. i just saw general mcchrystal. iraq worked when i did not think it was. ribal because the t leaders, the sunni tribal leaders, were willing to take a stand against al qaeda. and you cannot beat somebody with nobody on the fight. you have to have somebody to back.
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it is their fight. if you try to make in your fight, it is light planning a game. alone cannot do it because you have to have somebody there. >> that is correct. >> as important as anybody. >> i think it has a chance to succeed. i also believe that in the airstrikes are important there are being conducted. you would at least have people know they have to pay without getting what they want which is to get you on the ground in large numbers so they can kill more of you and cost you a lot of money. and make people think the fight is against the united states against more moderate iraqis. enough?if it is not is isis a --
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if it requires american combat troops in the interest of national security, is that a decision the president has to make? >> i think it is highly unlikely that he will have to make that decision because he will have to discount against whatever good we could do, sending troops there. the problems would be interrupting and stunning the ofwth of what has a chance being the first truly inclusive iraq he government. -- iraqi government. dore are reasons he did not that that i think are quite a sound. no more ofld have its direct to the united states from isis then i know now since i am not in intelligence.
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>> you would argue that an islamic state is unacceptable? yes, would be a bad thing, if they took over. swath ofin a massive iraq. and basically cable of robbing billions of dollars from banks and still a good money and if it became a terrorist syndicate, it would be a bad thing. that we have a task now. it has been defined. it may be achievable. and i think that as soon as someone -- rapidly involving the media. gina mccarthy out there to talk policiesyet's -- epa's
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. bullets will be fired or bonds will be dropped and people will start asking what if this fails? what a terrible thing will have to be done? we have to get it a chance to succeed. if not, look at the facts on the ground. i think the president strategy has a chance to succeed and we should give it a chance to do so. and you have not to jump over the bridge when we get to it? on what the facts on the ground are in what the realistic appreciation of the people.o our assume you were advising a presidential candidate. [laughter] >> my advice is sometimes
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[indiscernible] sometimes right and sometimes wrong. >> what would you suggest seeking about america today is theme aboute, the what is essential for us to go forward as a nation? capacitycovery of our -- the society that opportunity and possibility of shared prosperity. .xpanding middle-class poor people having a reasonable chance of moving their way up. lookuch more vigorous toward the future. making investments like a modern
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electrical grid. network of wireless networks where the download speeds are comparable to south korea. by now, that burden of creating a national network is being borne by google. we are going to get as globally competitive. , peoplery learned sometimes profit most economically immediately from rapid access to rapid download. >> that connects them in a series of ways. >> she found this guy who was making fishing poles quadrupling his business and wanted to percent of the data 100% of the s werend 100% of the pole
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sold in norway and he was in a small town in uptown new york. areas andn energy biotechnology areas. i think america is very well positioned for the future. >> anything like the positioning and to grow the future in a broad-based. >> our elections a referendum on the past rather past of the obama administration or clinton administration? >> i think what happened in the past is relevant and so as far an indication of what might happen in the future. word might advisedly.
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, elections is about the future. politics, thein apparatus of covering that it elections are [indiscernible] the election for president is the grandest job interview on the planet. and when you show up for a job, the difference is, if we decided to retire and i wanted to interview for your job -- >> please don't. >> i am trying to make a point here. i have watched you for years. i have an idea of what the show is. if you were running for president -- >> yeah. >> you might have some ideas from watching me or george bush
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or george h w bush or barack obama. one of the burdens of running for president is it you are trying to do find a job for the people who will decide to hire you or not. most interesting job interview. you know there are certain things you have to do no matter whether you are republican or democrat. somebody stands up and says i want this job and this is what i will try to do with it. making thethe person hiring decision, you have to you and youress, family and the condition of your community and neighbors around america and how we are doing with the rest of the world. say, i wonder to if he or she can do this? it sounds good. and then --
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>> it is hard because they have never done anything like it. >> you have some indication. it matters. then, you know -- something else we learned in the last 20, 30 years with power goes information-technology and it is even more likely than it used to be there will be something you did not think about in the election. al gore and george w. bush had all of those debates and nobody asked if the one about what are you going do when the world trade center comes down? how would this person handle the incoming fire? >> thank you. >> thank you. ♪ me first of all thank you
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guys for coming here to talk about one of the most important issues of our time. let me begin with all of you. what do you hope to achieve in this summit and what is taking place here in new york? >> the biggest issue we have from a public policy issue, the politicians keep hearing that lets them 1% of americans care about climate change. it is way down in double digits on the list. down there,t is way the politicians will not act in a way to solve the problem. from my perspective, i think raising awareness is the most important inc. at this point. >> i agree with my utility colleague. you do not often hear from me. >> this is being taped. >> hopefully, limited audience. the most important thing for me is that people get comfortable
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understanding that the climate change actions what actually be not just good for the world and our families, but they are going to be good for the economy. you cannot have a sustainable economy without making that possible with a low energy, low carbon energy strategy. the worst think we can see every happening is nothing on climate change. the cost of that is immeasurable to all of us. climate measures that can do things that are good for the environment and it economy is at our fingertips and we have to grab it. >> charlie, i see a different point. here.fferent point i am encouraged by over 300,000 people on the streets of new york and around the world out there for climate. by what you see in the papers on pension funds, insurance companies, big corporation divesting from
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fossil fuels and investing into renewables and moving towards a low carbon economy. by 120 hascouraged of state in new york as tomorrow. we had 90 in copenhagen and 120 here. giant,see is this big public/private partnership under which you have all three ingredients necessary to start the movement toward a low carbon economy. >> what ought to be the agenda to do that? >> linking economics and environment. climate change and mitigating its impact is the most important -- and impressive economic opportunity of our time. i believe we are leaving behind 200 years of industrial revolution.
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the steam out of the engine is out. we did not leave the stone age because we ran out of stones but because we found something better. linking to be economy and environment is the future. [applause] >> will you added to that? timeat i would say it is for people to develop the strategies for moving forward. we have taught by the goals of that need to happen, the actions are in front of us. president obama put out an action plan and not a goal of plan. >> where is it the resistance? the resistance has been we have been projecting the climate will be a problem in the future and whipping trying to convince people it is a global solution necessary -- and we have been trying to convince people it is a global solution that is necessary. the world is changing.
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they can see what is happening. notre documenting and projecting. we can see the solutions are here. and in the united states, they are here today. ofy are making announcements what today been doing and is good for them. cities are saving money so they can hire teachers. these are the things you actually want to do. invacy the future as being front of them and they see it as the futured they see as being in front of them and they see it as being important. >> are you seeing more collaboration because of the parity between government and business? thinkbe frank, i certainly nothing is coming out of washington. >> with to take the bull by the horns?
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a the business need to make compact with the american people to do something. when you deal with the other no ceos i do, there is of that denies climate change. we deal with fact. i have never heard a ceo. every business is dealing with it. what you hear is more and more ceo's coming into major corporations that not only know to do something about the climate is it to the future of their business, but as parents and they are feeling and in face thert and you prospect right now and the united states that we can have the first business led a social movement. so maybe i am too optimistic. i am very optimistic about the role the business has to play.
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>> take a china. everybody understands the pollution problem they have. how are they responding? installed tending watts ofsolar last -- 10 gigawatts solar last year. they are responsible almost single-handedly for reducing the price of solar at about 80% since 2009 4 2010. if you look at what they are doing, their third five-year plan which goes into action as aboutuary 2016, it is all moving to a low carbon economy. is seeing thea opportunity to catch up with the west by at least 25 years. >> when you talk about china, the 800 pound gorilla in the
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room is china's coal plants. the average age of a coal plant in the united states is 40 years. almost virtually all of the coal plants will be retired in the united states and no one is building a new coal plant. for china, the average age is less than 10 years. there is one innovation we need and it is post-combustion capture. need to retrofit all of the coal plants in china because they are not going to turn them off. is the one, what technology we have to deploy at scale and at a low cost? and that is it. we are doing a project in the united states and other people are doing it. develop that technology and to share it with china and india and the other people who are building a new coal plants.
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thing toportant remember about china is they are not only interested in what the united states is doing and climate change and the president they areignal, but did worried about air quality in general. that is a big problem for them. , all of go after carbon the other pollutants that are causing them the problem began to get captured. if they think about this as a strategy for the people, not theirow they build economy and ways that will continue to be globally competitive, they have got to come off with a solution that grabs all of that. >> what he gives you most hope and what you worry about most? >> i get to go first. what do gives me hope, we were involved in the effort [indiscernible] when that failed so miserably, i
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thought it would go away for generation because it was seen as the next btu tax. what do gives me hope is that the united states as quickly as it had which is important. what makes me more concerned if the climate change science, it is clear though climate scientists know something is happening but they do not know how the earth will respond. what makes me more concerned is not known how much time we have. thing.t is the we are playing a game where we do know what is the end of the fourth quarter. >> if we reach the tipping point and have nothing to do about it. >> exactly.
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>> in my world, the dynamics are good for us. knows the direction it should take. we have quite astounding engagement whether from utilities and business section or whether from a the general public who is responding to these issues. i cannot actually be more positive. i think the solution is before us and we can make an argument. we can make this work. the thing that concerns me most immediately and the one in you will hear from the states and our communities is how do we get resilient because we know the claimant has already changed? how do we invest and that infrastructure we need to keep people safe and a changing climate? we have a lot of efforts that try to work with local communities but people are getting hurt now. -- see agriculture hasn't
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having billions of dollars in disaster. california projecting billions of dollars and losses for the drought. we need to not just talk about this globally but look at our on communities. that will take a concerted effort. is thatgives me hope this giant global coalition i talked about and in the beginning. businesses have been interesting into this area today. political leaders meeting at the united nations tomorrow. i believe we are at the beginning of a new dawn when we talk about climate change solutions and made the link between the economy and the environment. the support -- the report just came out and it talks about billions of different ways in which we could make a that a linkage create jobs which is what the world needs today. rapidly? scale
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how do we scale rapidly? reduce our only to personal footprint, carbon footprint, we need to bring down, pull out of the atmosphere carbon. that requires scale and velocity. >> thank you all very much. ♪
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>> juan manuel santos is here, he is the president of colombia. he has led controversial piece talks. opponents contend the government is being too soft on the rebels. santos is here for the u.n. meeting. a couple of things. you were here and i asked what the measure of success would be one year later and you said i hope i can come back next year and bring peace and change in the future of colombia for the better. that would be a great success.
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how do we stand? >> substantially since the last time we saw each other a year a go. we reached agreement on three of the five points on the agenda. first point is rule development and the second point is political participation. the third point, which is very important is [indiscernible] we have reached an agreement on those three points. two point left. 15 that has to do with social justice and the fifth point is ddr. disarmament, just a blaze -- destabilization. >> what is the toughest nut to crack? >> of the toughest is where to draw the line between peace and justice. you respect the rights of
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the victims of justice but at the same time [indiscernible] that is been the nut shell of the conference. >> have you gotten any guidance from what they did in south africa? >> i had the chance to speak to mandela several times. one of the person that helped mandela and the peace process, i know him cry -- quite well and usedught me how mandela these commissions -- >> truth reconciliation? >> to bring out to the fears and race -- and hatred. in colombia, we started repairing the victims even before.
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400,000 victims without of the conflict. the sooner you start killing the it is tohe easier reconcile. >> what have you done for them? >> first, recognize it down. second, give them a collective reparations. if it's a town, government schools. and money. scholarships for the kids and things like that. >> what is their mind set? reluctant negotiations? i would say they are afraid. moment, when you are going to parachute for the first time and you think what if it does not open? and are seeking guarantees
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it meant to give them confidence. of course, they always want to include certain points in discussions that is read a light and we -- red light. howre going to negotiate you can lay down your arms and participate in a democratic free country and pursue your political objectives but without arms. your arms isown always a sticking point for negotiations like this. no way it will succeed if they continue to have their arms. the whole point of the process and they know this is to give their arms up and maybe not in colombia government a bunch to a third-party. but with i want from colombia is to eliminate forever politics and arms.
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those two things do not go together. >> wasn't you come to new york to meet active the u.n. and lead to other heads of state and what is your mission and what do you want to tell them about colombia today? >> colombia today and in this world full of problems as you in the middlewars east and afghanistan, central ebola, ukraine, the outbreak, colombia is a country that is about to reach a peace after 50 years of war. we are the country of latin is growing the fastest. the third in the world, would just increasing poverty -- which is decreasing poverty and increasing employment and lowest inflation and a booming economy.
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and so we are a success story. , the reach peace international community helps us reach peace, the takeoff would be much faster. >> [indiscernible] >> how do you achieve that? what is the reason for the economic success? >> first of all, we set out to reforms and basic principles. the respect for the rules of the game to attract investment. identified certain sectors such as construction and
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infrastructure. you have a combination of different factors. today, i think -- we are proud to say the most solid economy and the whole history. know, economic cycles are as guaranteed as death or taxes. that is the challenge for us. if we reach peace, like every economist says, the growth rate in colombia which is 5.2% will go up 2 points forever. that is one of the difference. >> how do we stand in terms of this hemisphere doing something that would give it a kind of united economic power? there's a lot of talk about united states and canada. successfuled a very
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alliance with 4 countries. andco, peru, chile, colombia. though 4 top performers in the whole of latin america. moreve integrated much than the simple free trade. never attracted a lot of attention from other areas. ofwe have attracted a lot attention from other areas including as a united states who was to see how they can help. and that is something which is changing very much with how latin america reforms. even though we do not want to do because cedar -- consider as an exclusive club. on the contrary, we want to open up to wherever wants to play with us. >> what about drugs?
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promote, i am trying to and thank god people are listening and normally, many framework -- to have a new look on the war on drugs. colombia has been the country that suffered the most animated the highest sacrifice in the war on drugs. the problem continues. consumers in the u.s. continue and even though we have been winningely successful in or beating the patrol car tells -- drug cartels, the business continues. it has been the problem of mexico and our neighbors. problem here in the americas but increasingly in of the middle east. -- in the middle east.
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>> are you getting more support? >> we are giving more support. last week, there was a resolution of the united states and canada, they were present. more pragmatic and more effective approach because -- consumers and send them to jail does not work. >> are there other challenges as essential to the long-term growth? to prove our indicators. we still have too much poverty. .0% of our population we brought it down from 39% to 29%. extremet 10% in poverty. >> how do you define pari and extreme poverty?
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and he democracy would be better off -- >> can you get things done and four years? >> in yes. i think we can get things done in 4 years. >> what happened to you and former president uribe? >> nothing happened to me but something happened to have. i willing to sit with him like a you and have coffee and discuss whatever difference we have. he doesn't -- he hates the peace process. >> giving up too much. sayingt of all, you were that some people are giving too much. i will tell you something. today, i decided to make public the agreements. everybody can read what with agreed to. >> total transparency. >> people were saying i was
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doing -- negotiating the army and police under the control and i was going to exploit the landowners that were cultivating crops. none of that is true. anything onotiating our economic model or democratic principles. the decisions i make today and we meet to make those public will close the mouth of many of the critics of because they will then see web not given up the country. >> you were his defense secretary. he had something to do with you becoming president? >> yes. i continued with his policy -- a security policy. there's not been any president that has given more blows than i
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have. we started when i was the defense minister. there is a time when you have to make peace and he tried to make peace. he tried to do exactly what i am doing but failed. >> what is the difference? why did he -- why did you succeed? >> of the circumstances. circumstances. example, the international community backing to you. it is difficult to reach a peace agreement and he did not have that. -- i have that. the u.s. is backing us and cuba and venezuela. the whole international community and that is extremely important. decisions,ke certain we are the first country that is
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conflictng an armed under the umbrella of the treaty of rome. we are setting precedents for the world. what ever happens and colombia will be an example of other armed conflicts that will be resolved. it is very important to have it back. >> you argue the relationship between the united states and latin america is more important than the relationship of the you -- of the united states and afghanistan. >> the united states should look more south. changed -- has that changed? the cry of latin america. they said the americas only cry about domination. -- only care about domination.
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how would they reflected that interest? >> they would reflect that interest by mentioning that area in speeches. [laughter] >> that would be helpful, wouldn't it? there is an initiative called plan colombia. what is it? >> it was created by the 2 parties and president clinton in the year 2000 to help colombia the verge of being declared a failed a state. state.ared a failed started as an initiative to fight drugs. involved supporting colombia strengtheningnd our democracy. i say with no hesitation, that
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has been the most successful bipartisan foreign-policy initiative the united states has made in the recent past. if we reach a peace agreement, that is a cherry on the cake. the whole circle would be completed. opportunity to be educated beyond colombia. not a you cannot get an education and colombia. but harvard -- >> and yes. able tohat add being move beyond your own boundaries and absorb cultures and education a meeting different people who come from a different place? >> that helps a lot. it opens a new world. new ideas. much more open to respect of
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different views, different people. i also studied in europe. your mind much more. >> did you always plan to go into politics? >> no. at the beginning i thought i was going to do journalism. politics -- i do not know why it is always interested me. i became a fanatic of really biographies of great politicians and i started having a feel for it. here i now. >> when we come back a year from now, would you have completed the negotiations and signed off? >> and that is what i hope for. they have a dynamic. people start getting bored.
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>> lose your initiative and urgency. of the risky one decisions to talk and fight at the same time. anyve not accepted cease-fires first up people do not understand that. they asked, why are you talking peace? the sooner we finish the process, the more lives we have saved and the more suffering -- and the less suffering we will have. hopefully, next year, it will be over. >> see you next time and colombia. >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you for joining us. see you next time. ♪
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>> this is "taking stock" for monday, september 29, 2014. i am pimm fox. tens of thousands of protesters continue to fill the streets in hong kong. they are pressing for open elections in the region's chief executive. we discussed the motives beyond of the classes -- beyond of the clashes. plus, a clash on the field and the nfl on sports as a whole. how peyton and company are playing online. and you'll meet a former


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