tv Studio 1.0 Bloomberg October 2, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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>> reinvent the self driving car, is considered the godfather of artificial intelligence. he cofounded google x, broadband balloons to connect to the internet through the stratosphere. now, sebastian thrun is onto his biggest challenge yet, democratizing education, by sharing knowledge with people that can't afford it. ,"ining me on "studio 1.0
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inventor, investor, founder, sebastian thrun. i am that we can start our interview wearing google glass because you have been a big part of it. how often do you wear these? >> mostly out and about. surprisingthe most thing you have done wearing google glass? >> and ambition to make a device that you can wear all day. this is something that excites me much more when i'm out and about. >> there is a stigma against wearing google glass. there is a word for it called glass hole. >> they used to be a time when you took a phone call, they would ask you out.
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it was such an alien technology. >> will we be wearing something like this in the future? >> i think something like this will be in the future. this is so immediate. you take pictures from your own perspective, it is the closest having surgeryof and implanting it in the human brain. >> we will be testing it out with surgeons and medical personnel. eventually, it is hard to predict. if you succeed, i think that many many people will be wearing it in many situations. >> how successful has it been? >> i think it needs another iteration or two bank. -- two. brains ready for this kind of technology or will they ever be ready? >> more and more people are working in this context at almost the same time.
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there are advantages and disadvantages. the immediacy of being able to take a picture with a wink is quite amazing. you aboutto talk to how you became a guy who was wearing google glass who helped invent google glass. you were born in germany. tell me about your parents, how you grew up? >> i had a very happy family. my brother, my sister, i was youngest. i wasn't really planned. the result was that i ended up spending a lot of time in my own. i played alone a lot and i made my own rules. for example, when i was in the seventh grade, i made myself a challenge to never ever do homework again. i would copy from my fellow students and i made it all the way through high school diplomas. was was a challenge and i
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skeptical towards any sort of fixed set of rules. >> when did you learn how to code? >> when i was 14 or 13, i saved all of my money to buy a programmable calculator. i would sit there all afternoon. doeven though you did not your homework, you racked up right a few degrees for a guy who is trying to disrupt education. you have a degree, a master's degree, and a phd. >> i felt empowered to make my own decisions. >> you are considered a godfather of artificial intelligence. how did you gravitate towards that? >> i studied philosophy for a while, i studied medicine for a wild.
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to me, artificial intelligence was the best place to be. >> what did you experiment with? at 1.i got a rubik's cube and i wanted to solve it. i worked a lot on machine learning. later in my life, i started kidsng to give tours to into museums. qwest google has been interested in artificial intelligence for a long time. all of theseink companies? >> it is the thing to do. just imagine that you could take a white-collar worker a thousand times more effective. it is making machines really smart. taking what we do as the best
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and augmenting it. >> will machines replace people? >> i think they are in some anyways. >> is this a good thing? >> we continue to live longer, safer, better. >> if machines can do everything for us, what can we do? >> we have to find more sophisticated jobs are we have to work less. we have to engage and have a joint life. that is very human. >> do you want to live in a world where machines do everything including think better than us? >> i already live in a world where machines think better than me.
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google today. at the point when it comes to computer software, i am completely out of date. i would not be able to survive an interview. >> if google would not hire you, who are they hiring? >> they have a fantastic number of applicants. they can pick and choose the very best. >> is this part of what inspired udacity? >> i want to learn by doing. awant to learn how to build self driving car so i built one. >> peter teal is encouraging people not to go to school at all. >> i am not advising anyone to skip college. this is a lifelong project that we do. we have companies like google and look and many others sending instructors to us.
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>> all of the classes are online. >> everything is online. >> how much do they cost? >> they are free. about thee 0 buckscate, you pay 15 a month. hire me?pple, google >> at&t has already earmarked. this is from leading tech companies in silicon valley. >> how did they feel about online education in general? >> since they started working fewer peopleties, are angry at me. changing the cost structure does ruffle feathers. forhat is your vision higher education 20 years from
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now, will a degree from stanford and harvard be something coveted? >> i think it will still cap are the great credentials. hopefully, if you make it, which i hope, udacity. atwhy leave a great job google to focus on one of the hardest problems in the world? >> to me, the mission of the being able to educate is the biggest thing i can imagine. how did we fundamentally change, empowering people is tricky. has a full education. >> how do you think you can change education? >> i think if education is democratize, there will be fewer wars. >> if you succeed, are you saying that we would not be in
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iraq or there would not be conflict in ukraine? >> at the core, they want stability. they want safety. off if you cannot participate. >> something else that you think is broken is transportation. tell me about the self driving car. >> i lost a neighbor and the neighbor was driving with a friend. mistake. a i never felt this kind of notion of having 18-year-olds drive crazy cars or lose about a million, 1,000,002 people on this planet. it and wejust accept have the technology to do it. how did you invent the car?
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>> first of all, i didn't invent the car, i had a fantastic team of people. it started out with a fantastic challenge the u.s. government defined. if theyays said that ever could build a car that could drive itself from los angeles to las vegas. about a handful of students and you build a car that would drive the hell. >> and you did. this has to be slightly faster than anybody else. >> i was in a self driving car about four years ago. how far has it come since then? >> the drives better than me. if you were to drive with me, then you would beg me for the car to take over because it keeps the lane much better, it breaks more gently.
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>> would you drive in a self driving car with your family across the country? >> definitely. up manyen my family times. of course, i am behind the wheel as a safety mechanism. >> and you had any problems? >> of course. in the early days, we had no experience in the rain. the first thing we had this water splashing up, it looked like phantom cars up enough left and right and all of a sudden it goes into braking mode. about 100,000rive miles. >> there is a classic dilemma that philosophers debate called the trolley problem. if the car is on track and is it about to hit five people, should it be programmed to veer off the road and killed the driver or stay the course? , we program it to
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go for the smaller thing. >> what does that mean? >> if there are two things to hit, it would hit the smaller thing. the car would not know that there are five people in the other car. moving objects are to be avoided. we have situations where i was leading the team and the car had to face the couch and it was hard for it to drive around. have revamped the right behavior. >> what if it is not a couch, if it is a human being. doesn't know the difference between things and people? >> it knows about pedestrians, cars. >> now, there is a different iteration that you and i drove in which is a car that is even have the steering wheel. how is that car doing? >> this is the most audacious step forward and this was traded after sergey brin took over google x.
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this provides transportation services, like a taxing. it is making enormous progress. to what extent was that car a pivot from your car? >> it was a pivot. it was muss wear interested in highway driving. but it turns out there are many car companies on the same topic. if you consult the driving, you consult so much transportation. even withssibly ownership, i think it is a great vision. >> will we see self driving cars on the road? >> i think we'll hit, within 15 years you can see cities full of self driving cars where transportation is really on
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demand. >> i want to talk about when larry page met you because he actually came. >> he came. he inspires me. >> how did they get you to come to google? >> i was at the point where i really wanted to explore what it means to work in silicon valley. i started a team that basically built a street technology. >> at what point did larry and sergei said, hey, we also want to do self driving cars. >> larry said, it is time to do something courageous. he had to convince me. he said, are the safer? it is not that hard. i said, i haven't really tried it because i know it is hard. larry said, well, give it a try.
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,> you helped found google x the moonshot factory. out of that come about? >> i drank the kool-aid. it turns out that the leadership , they are kind of the same personality. they said, absolutely yes. they came up with this project. we got our very first prototype. >> it was a backpack. strapped cellphones to my glasses and my nose would get crushed. it took a whole bunch of iterations to make it something you can actually wear a normal life. click some of the other projects , the effort to connect the
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ared through balloons that in the atmosphere. >> you have to be a believer to even attempt it. they could actually launch balloons. of this, they are exposed to wind. >> what is the potential? >> the internet is up in the air and they have the balloons over a set of very low cost that provide unprecedented bandwidth and coverage to places they would never get coverage today like the center of africa. level playinge a field. >> facebook is trying to connect the world in different ways. who wins, google or facebook? >> i would never comment on that. >> what about the medical contact? >> contact lenses, they are big hold an array for
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receiving energy, putting the sensor on. it is very feasible. this can measure your glucose level. what about trying to -- >> this did not come from google x. there are no people around that lived for 200 years and we don't understand why. there is very the research done. i think it is a perfectly fine proposition to say, let's give it a try. aogle succeeds in finding remedy for old age dying. fantastic fort is the world. >> what kind of things do you explore? >> a lot of genetic information that is interesting. we know, for example that ourselves have some kind of counter built-in. we also know that we produce new
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cells. a lot of potential to think about what is the information that manifests housing. >> you think we will see this in our lives? >> yes, i believe we will. >> what is the brainstorming session like? >> every time i feel dumb. you have to have thick skin. sounds fun but how does it make sense as a business? note businesses might return capital for many years. was the of all, this first capital event by licensing to medical device companies. that you couldne solve the problem transportation. you could be free of that. that is as valuable as google. the amount of money invested
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into this, especially small. if it succeeds, it could be as big as google. i'm surprised that others are not taking the same bets. >> how deep does larry's support for google x go? >> this is in the founder's dna. >> silicon valley is accused of being too arrogant. do you think there's is too much arrogance? >> there is arrogance. it is our strength and our weakness. without it, there could not be innovation. >> what do you want to see? husband and father more than anything else. >> you must be the cooling -- the coolest dad. >> i care about doing something i've never done before. >> sebastian thrun, thank you for joining us on this edition of "studio 1.0."
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>> this is taking stock for thursday, october 2, i'm pimm fox. the only place quiet in new york city is actually above it. my next guest considers it kind of their office space. skyhigh aerial photography. the images they capture are just mind blowing. they are used in films, commercials, other video and cinematic content. joining us is on-air pilot and chief operating officer tim
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