tv With All Due Respect Bloomberg October 9, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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sign either. on a scale of one to godzilla, how much are democrats panicking? >> mary landrieu's campaigns are always soap operas. there is always worry in washington that she will micromanage. in this case, she replaced someone, she is bringing in new people. democrats never thought they would win this. it is all about the runoff. however badly she does, unless bill cassidy gets the 50, they are going to run off and then things change. can they help the african-american turnout? can they flood with outside money? she has won reelection. think she can do it again. right now she's not surging. she's going to get the runoff. >> the race the democrats are most pessimistic about -- there is one great variable we discussed on some occasions that has republicans nervous, the possibility that lsu ends up in the ncc championship on the date that the runoff would take lice,
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the first saturday in december. >> -- place the first saturday in december. >> that means a lot of republican voters go to the game , and suddenly they lose literally thousands of votes. >> that could hurt the republicans for sure. >> another senate race yesterday, democrats are pumping $1 million into the south dakota senate race because they think they can win the jumbled up seat there. political sharpies across the border trying to figure out if this is the same hail mary pass by the democrats or a big waste and time -- of time and money. former senator larry pressler, who is now independent and yesterday say he would be a "friend" to president obama if he was elected. rick has been traveling around,
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doing a poor man's johnny cash impression and producing these pretty entertaining music videos. >> ♪ i'm running because i care man i'm going everywhere jefferson, ellington ♪ ♪ >> the republicans are saying this is ridiculous. the democrats are desperate to find a place to win. the problem for republicans is you are going to get a lot of outside money. the problem is the news coverage in the state is dominated i this scandal -- by this scandal. as we said yesterday what happens in this cohen brothers of a scenario? >> one thing about that guy, he is no watching phoenix in terms of the johnny cash imitation. republicans are going to go
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really negative against pressler because that's where the whole dynamic is. pressler has risen up. the left says go do that. we will spend some money on while in. you can get up to 35%, 36%, you could win this race. it is still a longshot shot. it is still a hail mary. >> pressler has no staff. if people go negative on pressler -- you have two guys being pummeled. eventually while and could sneak up the middle. it is still a longshot but a reasonable investment of $1 million for a committee that has a lot of money. >> if you're driving around los angeles today, buckle up for a long ride trade president obama is in town. he just landed her at this time it is for a dinner at the home of one of paltrow -- gwyneth paltrow. we all know that shakespeare was in love with gwinnie. >> a lot of people in that room
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tonight. they sound a little bit like leon panetta. some are disappointed in the president. one of their big issues -- some of them are disappointed in the terms of leadership. some of them who are very strongly supporters of israel. this is still a crowd that is writing checks, but i guarantee you there are people in that room tonight you are not as enthusiastic as they were. >> not just from the left or right, but it's also the personal thing. a lot of these people who went a long way in 2008, david geffen, others in hollywood turned against the clintons in a dramatic move, backed president obama, then felt like they did not get the gratitude from him they expected to get. these are fragile egos from people who want to be invited to the white house. >> hollywood people who want to be stroked? >> yes. even some agents we know our upset about that.
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jeffrey katzenberg comes to them and says, considered the alternative. they will still write the check for the president. >> it is pretty clear there is a real chance that ebola will be the dominant story all the way through. public officials and candidates including barack obama and rick perry are going to have to adjust their plans and messages. let's say ebola stays in the news, and no other news. which party does it favor? >> any politician who exhibits cool and calm and command, there is some degree of benefit to them. to my mind, this is the kind of thing where it is a test for the president and test for republicans. it is a test for everyone to stay calm and cool and not exploit this politically. >> will we see a lot of ads saying the democrats are mishandling this, or know? >> this is such a tricky thing. >> we will see if another story
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breaks through. right now, it is very hard for candidates to break through because most of the candidates are not running on any issues. the media is a big part of these races. >> hard to imagine what they say they would do different. >> we are 28 months out from the caucuses. we may already know who has won the george will primary. the famously bowtied pundit. christie' against hillary clinton might be the variable that explains why most residential elections -- likability. is this a sign of impending doom for chris christie? >> i do think this is part of a chris christie boom within the gang of 500 republican division or use raising a lot of money for the rga. he has had successful campaign appearances out there staying mostly away from the national
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media for now. this shows people are thinking in a jeb bush-free world. christie is back to being the default choice for elite republicans. >> there's no doubt he has weathered the storm. >> a little bit great pending a grand jury investigation. >> john mccain has been on the "meet the press" about five dozen times. he has been on this show, "with all due respect." coming up his inaugural appearance, the arizona senate man joins us next. ♪
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congratulations on your new show, but could i say i've never known of a greater oxymoron than you two guys having a show entitled "with all due respect." that is the greatest contradiction i have ever seen in my life. >> thanks for calling that out. >> we will parse that with an investigative unit at some point. i want to ask you about some news today and facts on the ground in syria and iraq, and turkey. turkey is a nato ally. "the new york times" said the turkey was dragging its feet and said quote, this is not how a nato ally acts while hell is unfolding a stone's throw from their border. are you disappointed in turkey? >> i'm of course very
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disappointed in turkey to a large degree, but i also would point out when we are taking halfhearted measures and they are -- this administration -- is only striking and it's only against isis and not against assad. "the new york times" talks about how assad is taking advantage of the attacks on isis to kill free syrian army people. it is disgraceful and immoral on our parts saying we are not going to go after assad. the turks fear assad and his ins -- and his influence just as much as they fear isis. i am disappointed in turkey. this is unbelievable. we would take 5000 syrians, train them, and then send them back to be barrel bombed by assad?
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i agree with the turks that if you're really going to change this momentum, you have to have a buffer zone and no-fly zone. that has been rejected by this president. >> your friend joe biden the other day got in a little trouble when he said not only turkey, but the uae and saudi arabia were a big part of the problem in terms of syria. i'm curious on the uae and saudi arabia, whether you think he's basically right or do you think he's doing more blame-shifting their? >> i think it's obvious there are wealthy people in those countries you just named including cutter that have been providing support for isis, al qaeda -- that they have been providing that help. cutter is probably the most
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duplicitous in many respects. it should not have said it. i happen to have great affection for joe biden. he's got to understand the impact of a statement like that. and the impact that it has not only on the relationship with our allies, but on him. and joe as nice a guy as he is you expect more than that from the vice president of the united states. >> you are out and about, as are many of your colleagues campaigning for republican candidates. one advantage the democrats seem to have is bill clinton, who is out there pretty much in fine form. described as someone who has run for president yourself what makes bill clinton such a great politician? what skills does he have? >> communication, affability --
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i've never seen any person in politics outside of ronald reagan that has the ability to communicate with a crowd. it's almost when he comes before a crowd whether it be a small or large number of people, you can sort of sense them and he starts feeding off of them and bounces back and forth. i've never seen anybody who could do it except for ronald reagan, as well as bill clinton does. there is a likability factor there that is pretty significant. i congratulate him on his skills. i hope he doesn't use them to too great an effect. >> hillary clinton is also out on the campaign trail. right now she's in philadelphia doing a public fundraiser for the governor there. many people see this as the run-up to her running for president in 2016. do you think she will be a highly formidable opponent to
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whoever the republican nominee as a being? >> i think so. i don't think she has the same skills as her husband does. nobody else does, but she has honed her appearances and her rhetoric down pretty well. this latest statement of leon panetta's about the attack on benghazi and that he had told the president it was an attack by terrorists the night it happened -- the secretary of state is the one who told the families when the caskets came back that she was going to make sure they get the people who made the hateful video. the statements and comments by leon panetta raises the benghazi issue to a significant degree. >> that issue i think for a lot of americans is now kind of ancient history and people feel as though they moved on. do you think that will dog her
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in the general election if she is the nominee? >> i agree with you that it was kind of yesterday's news until -- what leon panetta sort of gave us was a smoking gun. i was on "face the nation" right after susan rice gave her routine and i said, people don't come to spontaneous demonstrations with rpg's and mortars, and what leon panetta just said was that they told the president that night. two weeks later, he and hillary clinton were saying it was a spontaneous demonstrations arced by a hateful video. -- sparked by a hateful video. >> i am going to do a hard turn and move you to a lighter topic. around here you are known as the stephen right of the political world. occasionally over the years you have retold a joke or two out on the stump. amongst your best punchlines are, one crying, sleep two
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hours, wake up. three, its's just the o'reilly twins getting drunk again. >> there's one more. i say, my mother is 100 to years old -- 102 years old and i got a call for my mother the other day and now we are down to paid staff. >> if you could hold on to one of them, which would be the one you would still tell? >> sleep two hours, wake up and cry. >> you stole it from bob dole. >> let me mention one that i stole from you mode udall. udall, goldwater and meal from arizona. arizona may be the only state in america where mothers don't tell their children that someday they can grow up and be president of the united states. >> that's awesome.
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>> i like the o'reilly twins won so much, i stole it from you. i tell it all the time. >> you are a big baseball fan. your arizona team was not in the playoffs this year. the washington nationals -- under pier pressure you adopted, no longer in the playoffs. orioles-royals series coming up. cardinals-giants series coming up. who do you like in that series? >> the cardinals showed a lot of class. the orioles are quite good trade i'm still in mourning over the dodgers being eliminated. they are the ones that one would they won last year, jumped in our swimming pool in our sta dium. i'm heartbroken the richest team in baseball is now eliminated. >> that sarcasm is not the most attractive thing ever seen. who are you going to be rooting for, the cards?
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>> and the orioles. this baltimore team has really shown a lot of class i love matt williams but there's a lot of questions going on about a couple of decisions that were made. >> you have been on "meet the press" 69 times. tell me the year by which you think you will pass "meet the press" in terms of appearances on "with all due respect"? >> when i run for reelection in 2022 a think maybe about that time -- it will probably be at that number by 2022 when i'm running for election or maybe even running for president. >> at that point you might be one of the substitute hosts of this program. not impossible. >> knowing you two guys, we are going to need a replacement soon. >> senator john mccain of
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>> anita dunn has been [indiscernible] for some presidential candidates. we asked ron to talk about the prohibitive favorite. anita, and talking about hillary clinton. she is starting to show a little leg. you know her strengths and weaknesses as well as anyone. what are you looking to see as hillary clinton looks to hit the stump? >> i'm going to be interested in watching hillary clinton, who is now a grandmother, being able to relate to a new generation of women who are also grandmothers. the baby boomers have aged. it really is a special kind of communication. i think you both know this, we have chatted about it before
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that she was one of the best candidates i have ever seen somewhere around ohio 2008. she was very authentic, very genuine and really good. i'm going to be curious to see if that hillary clinton is showing up to campaign in these midterms. >> if you were one of her political advisers and you said to her, i want to get to the elections having accomplished as much as i could, what would you say the metrics were she needs to hit between now and election day? >> she's not a traditional candidate facing that kind of situation. she doesn't need to build relationships in these states. >> or name id. >> or collect political checks. she and former president clinton have been collecting political checks for over two decades now. this is not your typical let's go and do midterms, let's go and raise some money for this person
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let's try to meet somebody in this state. i think her metrics are different from any other potential candidate. >> what are they? >> the first one is going to be performance. at the end of the day, that is where a lot of the scrutiny is going to be. how did she perform on the stump? issue connecting with people? -- is she connecting with people? she did a book tour earlier this year and was criticized for not having a presidential campaign message, which i thought was ludicrous. now as she starts with this midterm campaign, she does need to talk about the future. it's a very different kind of message from what she was doing earlier this year. i think that will be one of the big metrics, is she starting to really hone in on a message that is going to connect for 2015. >> i mentioned earlier that you work for bill bradley. he took on a prohibitive favorite in the 2000 race. if you were advising another democrat looking to take on hillary clinton, what would you say is the angle you would go at
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her? >> the first thing i would say is this would be a much tougher primary race than the one we were looking at in 1999 when former senator bradley challenged in-sitting vice president al gore. that seems unlikely. the reality is that hillary clinton since 2008 has really deepened her hold on the democratic electorate. what we were looking at in 1999 was a very different situation. clearly there is a progressive economic wing of the democratic party that is a really strong interesting message. that is where people will look to see if she is vulnerable. the other place will be national security right now. the two big areas from 2008. >> anita dunn, super democratic strategist. thanks for joining us.
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>> hello, i am pimm fox. this is what i'm "taking stock" of. the u.s. stock market rally was wiped out today. the dow jones industrial average falling more than 330 points. oil prices dropped into a bear market and energy investor boom says the middle east has been smart to protect its oil. >> they are all living off of it, and that's what it is. the whole crowd -- the good ones, the bad ones and the moderates if there is such a thing. >> bye bye,
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