tv With All Due Respect Bloomberg October 14, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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leaders being unveiled this hour. mitt romney is first among his likely caucus goers. the big story, ben carson at 11%. he is a doctor, he has only been to iowa once previously. >> this is really a wide-open race. there is a key party contingent in iowa, and they are always looking for a candidate, ben carson is that guy. >> if your rick santorum for ben carson who is not ever run for office before, to be at 11% as it begin. people are going to look at that. chris christie and jeb bush. they are the establishment favorites. kristi is almost certainly
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running, and i am hearing more and more that bush is leaning toward runnings. . wire those numbers so low -- why are those numbers so low? >> it is really well known, but not in sync with the iowa party. chris christie is underwater in terms of his favorable and unfavorable. >> it is a huge jump ball. romney is kicking up a lot of space. a lot of excitement about him in iowa as of late. with ben carson and second, he will get a lot of attention. a lot of people do not put him on their poles, and evil will start to include him -- polls, and people will start to include him.
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>> when we asked voters who shares their values more hillary clinton or elizabeth warren, elizabeth more than doubles her score. >> political police, we invented this question for this poll. failing to be sophisticated and pick the front runner. she is still way behind, but the fact that a quarter of iowa democrats say that their beliefs are closer to her says that if there is a populist candidate in here, it would give hillary clinton some trouble. >> or foreign policy is not a problem with iowa democrats, but her closeness to wall street is. >> major development in the kentucky senate race tonight. the senatorial campaign committee is pulling its television advertisement in support of grimes after
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facing days of derision after saying -- after not saying whether or not she voted for president barack obama. >> you said you voted for the president. >> i have been a longtime supporter. >> do you believe use ofyou violated the sanctity of the ballot box by telling us a you voted for? >> joking it out there. not a great laughing day. this race is not as competitive as georgia certainly kansas another place hope to save a seat or get a seat. is this the end of the grimes campaign? >> as my favorite pulp fiction
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character says, dead is dead. she invokes for constitutional rights to secret ballot. another bad performance by her. i think it is all over. >> this is where the committee start to make choices with three weeks to go. look to see if republican start to spend money in minnesota, a state that is getting closer with natural tightening. let's see what happens in places like north carolina, places like arkansas. what the hall the money starts to be spent as we get down the home stretch. president obama's focus today on his public event was isis. he held a photo op with military leaders from almost two dozen countries as well as his own national security team to figure out a way ahead against isis. here's what the president said at that meeting at andrews air
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force base. >> as with any military effort there will be days of progress, and there are going to be times of setback. our coalition is united behind this long-term effort. >> on the one hand he is talking about the coalition being united, and he is also talking about moments of setback. was this a meeting of the coalition, or just the president still have to cajole to get the group working together? >> there is a lot of controlling left to do. -- cajolling left to do. this had everything to do with the fact we were waiting for a new government in iraq. now we have that and now we have some trouble. >> people in the intelligence committees, and people of the pentagon have always been skeptical that they have the ability to step up in time.
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the airstrikes are not enough to do it, and if the iraqi forces cannot get up it is a big problem for this mission. >> it could be very ugly over the next few weeks as a political issue and a military issue. rick perry probably mostly answer to the question of what do they call a big mac in europe? he is talking foreign policy. >> the victims of jihad today have far more in common with you and with me than they ever will have with their tormentors. and when they look up, and they see an raf, for a danish, or american bomber they feel
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precisely as you and i would feel. the site must seem like the answer to a prayer. >> is that it was bad news for rick perry, but he looked pretty good. is that a new rick perry we're seeing? >> you see that guy, serious and somber, not goofy a, a law like george bush during the height the fight against terrorism. i think that rick hperry is trying to get people to think and do about him. it is uphill all the time. that rick perry is a veteran, he is serious on national security and he is darn serious about trying to run for president in a more serious and deliver away unless -- deliberate way than last time. >> to americans, you british
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sound so darned smart and refine a matter what you're saying. and it is not just because of your many cultural exports, from james bond, to julie and druze to simon cowell, to one direction that might be a mixed bag there. >> i would never have thought of him as a one direction fan. as the world waits for jeb bush to decide about 2016, there a few special moments today. papa jeff helping out his son. they made several stops. what significance to 2016 does his bid for elective statewide office in texas have? >> he is a star. everyone you talk to a texas, even the most liberal acknowledges that he is a rising
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bring up the far rear. >> it shows us how wide open this race is between never seen anything like it. it is totally wide-open if it does not run -- mitt romney does not run. jeb bush down to 4%, that strikes me as such a gap between the establishment and rank-and-file. >> you know ben carson a little bit. the big surprise of this poll is him there in second place. talk about what you think are his strengths and potential weaknesses. >> he operated on my son, so i know him very well. he is every bit as good as his reputation. one of the greatest neurosurgeons in the history of the world. his appeal is that he is a genuine outsider. people hate washington. there is a certain niche andin
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republican circles ford african conservative. this guy is so much smarter than they are, and more authentic. he has a charming, low-key manner about him. politics may not be brain surgery, but he has never been in politics before. >> 28% of the self identified tea party voters in iowa with ben carson. the gives him a base to work with. he is not well now as well. -- well known as well. >> he has only been there a few times. does he have a following in iowa like the polls suggests? >> he does. they were like his straightforward style telling it the way it is. his up from the bootstraps story is very compelling. republicans here really like to be able to say andd be
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perceived of being welcoming of everyone. >> and the democrats, the horse race numbers not that surprising. hillary clinton with a big lead and everyone else behind that. we also ask the question about who's views do you more identify with? there are the race is tighter. clearly,clinton double elizabeth warren but still a tighter race. if some democratic populace comes forward do iowa democrats want someone else in the race who may be is closer to elizabeth one on the left than hillary clinton in the center? >> she has such a huge lead, that is the biggest thing out of this pulled. there is always some wiggle room. you look back at 2008, and during that cycle at this point time everyone was assuming
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hillary was going to be the nominee, and then you had barack obama. >> chris christie's favorable unfavorable numbers are very much like bill clinton. >> i think they're hoping that the clinton presidency would be more like her husband than obama's. there is much disillusioned with some of the things that have happened in the obama administration right now and they're looking for a fresh and different path. >> hillary clinton should take some solace in that number that people think of her and expect her to be like her husband rather than barack obama. republicans would paint her as a continuation of obama. do you think to she will be
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able to hold onto that going forward? >> she will have to not go back to 1998, but go forward to 2018. it is a good credential to start with but it will not be sufficient. >> there is another thing that jumps out which is a fair number of iowa democrats seem to feel as though she has ties to wall street that are not an asset to her, a liability. talk about that and how serious a problem it might be. >> it was interesting because her in interventionist policies are supported, but the plurality bothers them. mark mentioned earlier, it is not likely to be elizabeth warren, but someone is going to find that soft spot. >> thank you for joining us. up next, we have ourselves a coke and a smile. ♪
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>> our guest tonight is tim phillips. he has helped republican campaigns for congress governor, and -- congress, and governor. the coat others - koch brothers is one of the sponsors of this program, but we are not affiliated with them. you run one of the biggest political organizations in america as part of the extended coatf ---d koch brothers organizations. >> we have over 500 staff in priority organizations around
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the country. well over $100 million in this calendar year. we do issue groups across the board, but we expressly advocate the defeat of these democratic senate leaders. >> why don't we hear more directly from them about their values, what they care about who they are, given that they are players in our political system? >> they have been pretty open about that. charles has done op -eds. >> you do not see them interacting with people in a way that makes them somewhat mysterious. >> i will not answer for them. but there views are widely known by anyone who looks. certainly through their business endeavors, philanthropic endeavors, and their political endeavors, their views are well known. >> you guys have become an issue
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in a lot of campaigns. harry reid and others have attacked the coke empire -- koch empire. what challenges does that create being the most demonized outside force in the elections. >> it requires discipline. we have to be on message and not go off trying to defend individuals and personalities. for us, it requires a lot of discipline to make sure we do not go chase every barking dog and stay focused on what our messages. i think that was the biggest thing. we will let voters decide whether they think it is a real issue or they think the utter failure of the other side's economic policies is the real issue. >> do think that is legitimate, or do you think it is fair game? >> it is certainly there
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right to try it, and something we have to do tactically. they probably have nowhere else to go. there are times you just have to go, the issue of environment is very bad. >> minimum-wage? >> minimum-wage is not something that is happening. >> every public opinion poll shows that everyone wants an increase in minimum wage. >> but they are thinking about his economic agenda and whether it has worked for them. it has not. that is clear. that is why they are focusing on the coke others, and that is the best they can do. it is the failure of this administration's economic policies. >> in terms of winning back the senate, and the white house if
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you and your allies do not win republican control, what will have been the reason? >> the other side runs a very good turnout operation, and they are good at class warfare. they are good at stoking resentment and envy, and we have struggled on our side. i think they will have stoked that. but i think the biggest success this year for republicans was that they could only put about five or six seats in play by labor day. the math favors is a bit more this year. the republican primary voters picked better candidates this time. i believe that. >> if we had another movement for campaign finance reform in the next cycle and people
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proposed greater disclosure for donors, would we be in favor of that? >> absolutely not. the irs, the most despised roan dilatory agency in america today, it would give people the pause. this administration systematically tried to use the irs to silence opponents, and that has chilling effects. >> we had a poll last night looking at how i will republicans looks at the presidential field. would might be a good president -- kimike be a good president? >> i have a great respect for his track record.
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he actually voted free market across the board, even resisting his own party leadership on a consistent basis. it is a long way until 2016. i like a lot of these guys. scott walker is a great governor. rand paul is interesting on a comic issues. >> you plan to be a bigger player in 2016, or about the same? >> it is a long-term effort. we will continue to grow if we do our job. we have to do our job. >> thank you. we will be right back.
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