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tv   Bloomberg West  Bloomberg  November 6, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EST

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>> live from pier three in san francisco, welcome to bloomberg "west." i am cory johnson. first, check out the bloomberg top headlines. mario draghi says he is ready to boost stimulus efforts. playing down reports of disagreement over plans for stimulus, saying he has the full support of his colleagues. his common sense the euro low work. -- lower. apple has started blocking malicious malware. this after a warning from palo
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alto networks. it is called why your lurker in may have infected thousands of work -- users who downloaded apps from a third-party app store. advertising revenues surging at in the third8% quarter. aol investing in technology that helps online publishers sell ads. we are focused on making mechanized changes to advertising and making it as easy as e-commerce. what you will see is strong growth that we have an advertising revenue will be coming to the bottom line. >> that was tim armstrong apparently wearing a hoodie. group, ownedrand and operated revenue were up just 1%. >> microsoft taking an even bigger effort to get office apps into competitor devices.
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microsoft said it is trying to get office in as many hands as possible. announcing up rates for apple ios. apple ios.r taking a look at one of the most pressing issues in the united states, talking about immigration. in silicon valley. even republicans racking up huge obama promising action soon by executive order if necessary. >> before the end of the year we will take whatever lawful actions i can take that i believe will improve the functioning of the immigration system that will allow us to search additional resources to the border where i think the vast majority of americans have the deepest concern, and at the same time i will be reaching out to mitch mcconnell, john boehner
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and other republicans as well as democratic leaders to find out how it is they want to proceed and if they want to get a bill done, whether it is during lame duck or the next year, i am eager to see what they have to offer. disagreeing with that approach. to do president choosing this unilaterally on immigration would be a big mistake. an issue that most of us want to address legislatively. it is like waving a red flag in front of a bull to say if you do not do what i want, i will do it on my own. is theimportance expansion of the h-1b visa program. ats is currently capped 55,000 per year. for more, we bring in todd shall
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see, the new executive director. this would help advance immigration reform and other issues. sheldon recently took over for joe green. what do you think of the approach. >> thank you for having me. exciting to be here. hoping to get a senate bill done. we think ultimately it is absolutely critical that there is a legislative solution. that is the permanent legislative solution that so many people need, including the tech community but we think there are things the president can do that are meaningful, although temporary. we are encouraged to will do this before the end of the year. >> you have your feet on the ground there. the bill has passed the senate that could come up in the house
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but the speaker will not allow a vote on it. david axelrod sent a tweet out to say the president should promise not to go on executive order if they can get a vote on the bill. does that have any chance in the current congress cap go >> i think the speaker has made it clear he will not put that on the floor. we think it is disappointing the house could not get a bill done. the muchcouraged by brought support around the country. three in four americans who support immigration reform. what we like to see is a legislative solution that now but there are steps the president can take through legal authority and it is our job to lay the foundation for the permanent legislative solution, whether that is in the next couple of months, over a year from now -- we want it soon. does not congress acted as $37 million often the economy, families being torn
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apart and entrepreneurs who have to go elsewhere. what is one thing you want the president to do before the year is out cap go >> if there is one thing i would have to say, we think he can do more by doing more than one thing. we think there are things he can do to help families being separated to some sort of expansion of the dock of program. we think there are things he can do to help companies by clearing the green log backlog. -- green card backlog. we want to see all of it. for a broad solution to the president as well, and we think it is the best way today that -- a that for legislation. always soundsve good. that is the problem in congress. there are republicans who would instantly like to help the
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skilled workers come here and help keep the unskilled workers and the people already. do you accept the approach of unpacking that angling for piecemeal reform when you can get it. i would say there are a lot of problems in d.c.. born on the conversations we have in washington. of these things together, it is a compromise in people want people to compromise. people care more about others. focused on is an incredibly broad coalition. that is how this become so popular. whether when the houston three
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or four pills or the senate did one big bill, that is fine. reason and will be successful is it is such a win on some different issues. why are they so important for technology companies? much ishing you hear so when people are out there and trying to create jobs, finding talent is so important. this is a program right now that is creating a lot of jobs, not just for the people coming here but native orton americans. we think that is absolutely critical. had an amazing competitive advantage. a system that welcomes people. that is a lot of what the program does. we think it can be expanded and the forms is critical.
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why is this more important to other industries? >> a couple of things. the very active entrepreneurs is so entrepreneurial. it hit that a cultural level. fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants by the children of immigrants. it helped creates jobs. historical level, american level and economic level. it hope -- it hits home to so many people. we were really excited when we have 300,000 different people taking support of immigration reform. i think it speaks to the energy you were talking about. u.s. acting president abdul hamid, thank you very much.
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>> thank you. google, facebook and yahoo! and other spending millions of dollars in lobbying for immigration reform, we will break down the numbers for who the big spenders are. you will hear just what the value is getting and return for millions of dollars spent in d.c.. and that is coming up next. ♪
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>> this is bloomberg "west." technology companies have spent millions lobbying and lobby spending continues to increase. .7 million. even yahoo! spending two point 3 million lobbying and deceit.
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we sat down with the president of the lobbying organization formed by google, yahoo! and other tech titans. we are sending away some of the best and brightest educated in the united dates, clearly it is a problem when you start seeing the canadian government and the others advertising trying to draw away startups to internet companies to bring jobs there because we cannot have a qualified workforce. that is clearly a problem. >> how do you propose we change it? looking at a comprehensive approach that deals with the border. visas to beed h1b increased and we need to educate the young people so we can have more stem graduates in the future.
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>> silicon valley heavyweights are spending more and more on lobbying, but how much influence can they buy with all of the wealth we have here? >> education is crucially important. it is important to see them taking a leadership role. other corporate leaders need to do that. a more they speak of, and help moves the ball forward. education is key and that is what they are doing. >> tech executives have all been invited to the white house many times. how much have they pushed president obama personally on the immigration issue? >> clearly an important issue for all of them and all the companies. also important for the entire country and future of american competitiveness and they think they should be commended for the leadership role they have taken and would be great to see other executives following suit. >> i know your organization is focused on h-1b b says what
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about the unskilled workers very much unfocused right now? that is an important component. more robust bill signed into president passed by the congress because you will not be able to fix any one piece. companies it the is very important to have h-1b full but for the immigration system and the economy we need to deal with those issues. internets the association position on piecemeal versus comprehensive if we can takeo these issues one by one, then maybe we can make progress. >> it is all difficult and there are lots of different ways you can go through the legislative process and get to the president's desk. he saw a comprehensive desk -- conference of bill press the
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president's desk. we would like to see something that is a little bit more robust. >> there are so many more tech companies founded by immigrants, .oogle, ebay, at&t who are the loudest voices for reform? i know you work with a lot of them personally. >> you named a few companies that would not be here if not for the immigration system. founded by an immigrant in the united states. we want to make sure the next generation is able to be here in the united states and not a broad. them.are a lot of moving the needle in the right direction. what are they asking for?
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what are they pleading for you to get? >> i think at the end of the day they want to see a comprehensive approach that deals with having more stem education because this is a problem we know we cannot solve through immigration. we want to make sure we are immigrating this. higher the border situation needs to be dealt with as well. there are a number of different components that need to be part of this immigration reform. >> emily chang with internet association ceo michael beckerman. more after this. sticking with the topic of immigration. it is technology that homeland therity is using to protect borders. technology of the border next. ♪
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>> welcome back to bloomberg "west."'at i am cory johnson. technology playing a bigger role
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in immigration. matt miller went to the border to check it out. >> military style drones. surveillance towers. night vision goggles. nearly 2000 miles along the u.s.-mexico border is an enormous task combining infrastructure, manpower and now technology. >> this is where the predator comes in handy. we also have these cameras that do the same thing. it is homeland security's virtual order protection system. groups being tracked in real-time across the open desert in southern arizona, remote and rugged terrain.
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>> this is the group of smugglers. a remote camera had tracked them. border patrol came out here. >> how long have you been in the desert. 120 foot steel town was outfitted with sensors. radar and -- cameras are mounted to detect and identify those crossing the border. the towers aligned with massive fences. fences arehe larger city's whereto the you have seconds to minutes to make the apprehension. technology and cameras in addition to the fences, it allows an agent to timely respond.
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>> data has been wirelessly routed to the control room. >> radar that can tell us of anything is crossing the border. camera feeds from the stations. tv remote control. that is mexico. , in the skies predator drone's fly 18,000 feet above the border. >> this fly strictly along the border. at the end of the day does the technology work, and is it worth the huge price? >> there is an adversarial relationship.
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10,000 more helicopters out here but that would be cost effective . >> that is hard to gauge because we don't know what we don't know. all we know are the ones we actually catch. >> amazing. president obama has promised bold action on immigration reform. what do the republican critics have to say? at texas congressman who has an important role in this issue next. ♪ >> 26 minutes after the hour and that means bloomberg television is on the markets. getting uconn up on where stocks are trading. increases across the board although not large ones as investors await tomorrow's jobs report. in terms of individual movers we restaurant chain
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reported third-quarter earnings that met analysts estimates. revenue surprised to the upside. genworth financial into a new 52-week low. reporting a record loss and a tougher path ahead. more coming up after the break. ♪
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>> you are watching bloomberg for we focus on innovation, technology and the future of business. cory johnson. republicans are not in favor of aggressive action on immigration reform. john boehner just set the president will burn himself with immigration reform. i sat down with lamar smith. the texas republican has been an outspoken critic of the president and voted increasing the number of h-1b b says. i think it is disappointing the president is threatening congress and the american people with executive orders.
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.hree quarters he should not go it alone. threats, thef president himself has said he does not have the authority to do that. several times he has told bertie met with i cannot issue the executive orders that is contrary to my oath of office. i hope you will go back and see what he said. >> are you going to keep these programs from going into an effect? >> if the president pushes ahead and gives amnesty to millions of people. we will try all lawsuit and
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maybe actions we can take otherwise. what he does is he will just poison that there'll and make it awfully hard to work with him on other issues, in particular immigration. if he wants to accomplish anything on immigration he was to work with congress and not just issue the immigration orders. come before a vote because he will not let it. that bill ife for it comes before you in front of the current congress in the session? early senate amnesty bill this congress cannot be sent to the house because it is unconstitutional. revenue increasing measures in the legislation. the reason the senate majority it never secures the border. five years it is not secure
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there will be a study made. we cannot have that kind of putting off the secure borders. meanwhile, giving amnesty which would encourage more people to -- countryhe border illegally. even under the administration, only 15% of the border is under full control. hundreds of thousands of people coming across the border every thisright now under administration. secure the border first and then we can talk about the other measures. >> does granting amnesty hurt the american work force? >> if the president grant this will himself absolutely hurt unemployed americans and underemployed americans. almost every study done what you have that many more people getting permits it will have two harmful impacts on american workers. it will depress wages and cost
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them jobs. that is irrefutable and i am surprised and disappointed the president will not put the american worker first. lex i ran across a quote. -- >> i ran across a quote. u.s. highchildren of schools overseas or people are served in the military that will good,tizenship that are moral citizens. you called it a nightmare for the american people. is that an accurate quote? is ae so-called dream act nightmare for a couple of reasons. the administration when we quizzed them said there is no way for them to double check to try to avoid the fraudulent documents everyone would use.
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under open invitation to massive fraud. open invitation for half of the people to say they came in with name were younger to get amnesty. everyone in the category is getting work permits. this kind of a piece of legislation should not be done alone or isolation and we should not be doing any kind of bill like this that will encourage more people to come into the country illegally. >> that was congressman lamar smith. the creators. lose of the next big thing in technology? we looked the best that next. ♪ -- we will discuss that next.
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>> this is bloomberg "west." 'i am cory johnson and four emily chang. hundreds of foreign-born immigrants come to the united states to get her degree and take it back to their country. wait for workants visa.
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the dikes guest that the real loser is the united states. and a of the immigrant professor at law school. -- our next guest says the real loser is the united states. >> a tragedy the u.s. is losing competitiveness. this is when we need to create jobs and boost the economy. you remember four years ago you going backng about to india because he could not get a visa. worth more is now than groupon is. talking over drinks whether they should buy groupon or not. one of the issues we have been talking about is the idea of a
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comprehensive immigration reform cannot seem to get through congress. the democrats did not want to get -- let go of the enticement that a lot of republicans may be willing to go along with. i'm a sentimental point of view, i am sure you support the idea of comprehensive reform. is it the right political solution? >> comprehensive means a lot of things. theirut a poison pill in that they cannot agree to. republicans would agree to that. we will not turn them out. we need to legalize them and let them pay taxes and go home. let them come up with some temporary legalization program. on fact of democrats voted
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voting rights act so they could get both and held skilled immigrants hostage is what created the problem. the democrats have started backing off and not demanding all or nothing. we finally can get immigration reform. >> you paint a picture for me at the typical h-1b visa holder? ?hat are they like >> it is a mixed bag. you have the anti-immigrants group protesting against it and they have valid points. it does get abused. it is also used to bring in the bright pupil of silicon valley. the engineers, scientists and doctors. the amazing people who start companies. a mixed bag, some abuse. we end up bringing in bright people from all over the world who are at the beginning and about to peak in their careers, who bring energy and knowledge
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with them and they cannot contribute to american success. it is really the type of people you see in silicon valley them every country you can think of that are here to build value into grow. this is a land of opportunity. it is good for america. >> we just spoke to lamar smith who said h-1b jesus cost jobs -- visas cost jobs that might otherwise go to americans. and listeningant to the stories of the few who are abusing the privilege. yes there is abuse, but he does not come to silicon valley. i do not think even knows what it is. if he did if he met the entrepreneurs and the startups he would realize that maybe i am wrong, maybe there is value in
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the skilled immigrants. he is ignorant. that is how simple it is. >> when it comes to the h-1b expand as anis abuse? maybe you can elaborate about what those are. >> the real problem is not the h-1b visa. the real problem is the number of green cards. we have about a million people stuck in limbo. they risk going to the back of the line. they could take 10-20 years to get a green card. in the meantime, the companies are fat and happy because i normally computer program last for two or three years and then had to give them salary increases or they leave.
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getting more visas is good but we should focus on green cards first. should favor we silicon valley startups. the zumba service companies. .he shades of gray over here overall we need more skilled immigrants. there is a file -- a company that does just that, an outsourcing business. most of the work done in india, a lot in the u.s. and they get h-1b visas for the workers. talk about why that is a bad thing. are at of the people good companies and there is very little of use. cognizant is not the problem. the problem is these body shops.
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they play them low salaries and that is what the problem is. that is what the anti-immigrants group is. using an example to get the anti-immigrant agenda. >> obviously a leaky bucket such as immigration will help a lot. holes. rex every government program has holes. every government program has holes. companies have to pay taxes. we do not want to say -- we do not say we need to abolish taxes or do something stupid. every company has abuse but that does not mean we cut off americans lifeblood. immigrants have made the company -- country what it is from the beginning. people came your way but after wave and made the natives compete harder work harder. -- wave after wave.
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they try to close the doors. people are taking jobs away. what the new immigrants do is they make the natives work harder. they say you are not entitled to your job. anyone can have the job who is qualified and works hard. the best when. this is what america's -- america is the capital and freedom. this is why it is the greatest country in the world because of immigrants like us. >> you are right, a story as old as america itself. thank you for your time, we appreciate it. in new york with a preview coming up. >> we are going to have more on the ecb announcement today prepared to inject more stimulus for the euro zone economy. the market likes the news and the euro traded below $1.24 for the first time in over two years.
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danny blanchflower is a professor of economic and the blue for country -- over to be contributing editor. ftu in san francisco. the firstup, interactions with steve jobs as he takes on the challenging project of running the jobs biotic next. ♪
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>> welcome back to bloomberg west. i am cory johnson. he has written some of the most famous lines in american film history.
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cory johnson. -- we sent him to talk about the latest edition. here is a sneak heat. >> there have been so many books written about steve jobs. another movie starring ashton kutcher. why do you think there is more of a story to tell? >> i think you can do 10 more movies about steve jobs. i think if you lined up 10 10ters, you would get different movies, all of them worth going to see. >> did you ever meet steve jobs? >> i spoke to him on the phone three times. the first time he'd call me it was because i gave him interview. he called me to thank him for saying that. me,sked me if he could send they were coming out with a new laptop. the second time he called me it
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was to invite me to the bay area pixar.r the third time he called me was to ask me to help me write his commencement address at stanford. write that?ped him >> on the way i fixed a couple of typos. day. was there that my sister was graduating that day. next up is amazing. >> it was beautiful. want to suggest for a moment any of those thoughts were my thoughts. that is the brain of steve jobs. >> how hard it a character is that to write you tell how much pressure is that? >> the same pressure i feel when i am writing anything. maybe a little bit of sauce on
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top with pressure because he is a person so many people have so many strong feelings about. met with and spent a lot of time with the other characters in the movie. joanna hoffman is a fantastic character, the head of marketing. of apple and became famous or infamous, depending on how you look at it for firing steve jobs from apple. a wonderful man and great character. in this movie he has never really had conflict with all of them. a very compressed or claustrophobic environment. >> you want to wait for the movie where he is on tonight.
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>> one number that tells us a whole lot is peter cook joining rotundarom the russell and washington, d.c. with today's number. what have you got? isthe bwest byte today 85,000. that is the current h-1b visa cap in the country. >> a big issue here. a lot of people talking about the abuses as well. john boehner has poked a few minutes ago. any prospects of an immigration deal coming up? >> very interesting response
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from john boehner on camera. immigration issue front and center at the news conference but he gave a pretty strict -- warning. toe a listen to the warning the president. iti believe he continues to astana sound he will take the risk of burning himself. he will learn himself if he continues to go down this path. the american people made it clear in election day, they want to get things done, and they do not want the president acting on a unilateral basis. >> bottom line, and executive order on immigration, not only immigration in trouble but any cooperation exterior would be in trouble. >> there is a battle brewing and coming soon. thank you. you can always get the latest
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headlines anytime on your phone, tablets and bloomberg 80 oh. we will see you tomorrow with more bloomberg "west." ♪
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>> from bloomberg world headquarters in new york, i am mark crumpton and this is "bottom line." ♪ viewers in the united states and those of you joining from around the world, welcome. full coverage of the stocks and stories taking headlines today. julie hyman follows trading that appears to be looking for direction. peter cook is on capitolhi


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