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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  February 19, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." charlie: on sunday, the world watched in horror after isis released a video of the beheadings of 21 christians on the libyan coast. the egyptian military launched
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airstrikes targeting isis training sites and camps. the egyptian president said there is no choice other than a u.n.-backed coalition. he sent his foreign minister to new york to ensure the international community is up to its responsibilities. the security council expressed support for a resolution against libya. joining me now is the egyptian foreign minister, sameh shoukry. i am pleased to have him on this program. you are here at your president's request to do what? to get what kind of resolution? mr. shoukry: primarily to present a draft resolution to the council that is supported by the arab group in new york to provide the necessary facilities to the legitimate government in libya to counter the terrorist threat that is escalating on libyan soil. to reiterate the international community's commitment to support the people of the libyan
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legitimate government and the fighting of terror by the provisions of assistance military training, and capacity building, and to rise to the responsibility. the situation in libya was a result of the vacuum that was created after the initial military intervention by nato. the job wasn't complete. i think we should be more resolute to be able to impact this terrorist threat. charlie: obviously, isis is just one of many militant groups in power. how strong are they? mr. shoukry: in libya, they seem to be correlating around the isis branding issue. this is a danger that is now existent in the region. the inception of the
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international coalition to fight isis to which egypt was a participant in the meeting. we always referred to the importance of a more comprehensive approach to the threat of terrorism. it is not only isis in iraq, but it is also the terrorist organizations associated to this radical jihadi fundamentalist ideology. they might be called boko haram or shabab, or isil -- charlie: muslim brotherhood? mr. shoukry: muslim brotherhood as well. this was the origin of this ideology. definitely, they all are associated to this ideology. to defeat terrorism, we have to defeat the ideology. it is not only a military response, but also a political
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one and a cultural one, changing the religious dialogue. charlie: what would that include, a broad, united approach? mr. shoukry: certainly, i think, to be able to manage this threat, a broader approach is to address the threat wherever it exists, utilizing both military, political, economic, cultural, religious teachings, so that we can impact the various dimensions of the threat. because we are speaking about a growing association to various groups. in our case, in sinai, they have declared their allegiance to isis. the same is existent in libya with the organizations that have been operating there. they are more inclined to join the structure and become unified and exchange abilities and
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training and facilities and financing. this is increasing their impact on the region. if we are consistent, then we must first of all be able to deal with the threat from all of the perspectives. and also, provide for all the components of the coalition the necessary equipment and tools to do so. in the case of the libyan government, it has been under restriction by the security council, which is a common occurrence that a legitimate government coming into office in monitored elections should be somewhat handicapped to deal with the crisis and be able to manage the security of its own people. equating it with militias which continue to receive unlimited resources and equipment through sea channels, by those who support them without any formal restrictions. charlie: there is a general
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consensus, it seems to me, that it means not only airstrikes but also means troops. boots on the ground. where will they come from? mr. shoukry: i think before we consider external boots on the ground, we have to support and strengthen the boots that are currently on the ground. in the case of iraq, the iraqi government. in the case of libya, the libyan government. it is this sense of consistency in dealing with the two governments, who should bear the primary responsibility in dealing with this threat. we should increase their level of training and equipment that they use. and when they need further resources, then it could be evaluated, a decision could be taken of how to do that. it is important always to do that within the of international
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legitimacy. this is what brings us to the united nations. charlie: international legitimacy. a resolution that says what? mr. shoukry: to lift the restrictions on the libyan government so that they can procure the necessary equipment so that they can provide security for the libyan people and address the challenge of the terrorist organizations. also, a more stringent blockade to avoid this continuing flow of military equipment to the terrorist militias operating in libya. the militias should disband and those who are occupying tripoli should relinquish that occupation. charlie: if they don't? mr. shoukry: it is the responsibility of the international community to take further actions. this resolution, as the previous one under chapter seven of the charter of the united nations,
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gives a broad degree of measures that can be undertaken with the decisions of the security council. charlie: what is the likelihood of getting the resolution? mr. shoukry: i would think from my consultations, there is a good chance that we do get a positive vote on the resolution. that will go through the motions of consideration and further elaboration, but i hope the logic there is consistent and can stand the test. charlie: after that, then you have to do several things. you have to support the central government in libya as well as existing government in iraq. you have to provide funds. you have to provide training. all of that takes time. in the meanwhile, isis seems to be gaining, moving, and organizing, and creating some stability in those regions it occupies. mr. shoukry: that's certainly
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the case, but in the case of libya, there is already a degree of cohesion within a military force that represents the government. that force has been able to withstand the constant pressures from the terrorist organizations. definitely, we need to build its capacity. providing immediate needs so that it will not be run over by the terrorists is a first step. then we have to build their capacity and increase their ability in cooperation with the international community so they can meet this challenge. no country on its own will be able to defeat this threat. charlie: why? mr. shoukry: because of the nature. these people have gained the ability to attract support within certain segments of the population. under false grounds of religious
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teachings, they are able to mingle and disappear within local communities. charlie: you said "false grounds of religious teachings" which has become an issue. this really has to be looked at not only as extremism, but extremism that is given some reason from the most extreme teachings of islam. do you accept that, that they are finding motivation from -- mr. shoukry: they are twisting the teachings. in any human endeavor, you can observe it, especially religious texts. there has been a tendency for these organizations to rely on the very radical interpretations. charlie: getting that in several places, including mosques,
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including prison, where not only the two in france, but also in denmark, they were radicalized by experiences in prison with other muslims. mr. shoukry: certainly, if they rely on the most radical teachings and interpretations, and the falsehoods of motivating towards violence, that can be utilized -- that is the danger. this is why the true nature of religion, which is similar whether muslim, christian, or jewish, or other, is basically tolerance and values that we are all committed to. we need to expand the teachings of moderation, rather than leaving the arena free for those who tend to radicalize. charlie: is that primarily an effort that has to be made within islam? mr. shoukry: necessarily it has
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to be made within islam. i think president sisi was courageous when he made his statements to challenge the clergy to become more open to changing the religious narrative and being more insistent on highlighting the moderation, the nature of the religion and its true dimensions. charlie: he said, some new interpretations have distorted it, and are being used -- mr. shoukry: it is a false interpretation. we have to stress the fact that it is not a matter of different or varying opinions, but it is an intentional recourse to try to interpret in a certain way so that it can achieve radicalization. that is what has to be combated and defeated, because the very vast majority, if not 99.9% of
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muslims, are a peaceloving people who have no desire to be radicals or to commit these heinous crimes. charlie: but there are new recruits every day. as you say, it has become a brand. it is using social media. it is using intimidation. it is using terror. it is using every element, but they seem to be growing in disparate places around the world. what is the appeal? mr. shoukry: disenfranchisement is an issue. also a sense of injustice, perceived injustice, the turmoil that the region has seen.
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i did refer to the fact that we have to defeat it militarily but also look into the political, cultural, and economic factors. the long-standing political conflicts that have festered in the region, whether it is the palestinian-israeli conflict or the sectarian conflict, and the current efforts by regional states to expand their influence, and other issues related to basically the social fabric -- i don't like to put too much emphasis on the economic. people think this is a breeding ground, when there is poverty, for terrorism. definitely, it does help, but we also have to take into account that this is an ideological commitment, and we have to look at the foreign fighters. a lot of them come from areas which are quite advanced in terms of economic development. it is more a battle of ideas rather than the economics.
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charlie: including the united states. but to pass a resolution is going to take time. is there a sense, you find among leaders in the middle east, in the west, in the united states of urgency? you are going to a meeting with the president in washington after meeting the u.n. this afternoon. is there a heightened sense of emergency? we have to do something, and we have to do something now. mr. shoukry: i believe so. we in the region feel the urgency because of the very direct impact on our citizens. hundreds of egyptians have died in the sinai fighting. and the spread of these heinous activities in nigeria and other
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parts is highlighting the importance of meeting and eradicating this threat. also, we feel there is a growing sense of urgency in our european partners. italy is impacted by the vast illegal immigration and the potential of infiltration. the incidents in paris and denmark have highlighted that europe is very close to the potential of infiltration by this radical ideology. charlie: the organizing idea should come from the united nations? mr. shoukry: the united nations is a very appropriate platform. it has the representation of the international community, and if it can provide the legitimacy of international community to activities, it has proven to be always more effective.
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charlie: if in fact -- and when you look at the reality of it, when you look at libya, you lost 22 of your citizens who work coptic christians, why do you think they are doing it? what is the advantage, what is the positive consequence for isil to execute 22 egyptian coptic christians in libya? what is the advantage for them to burn alive a jordanian pilot? what do they get out of it? mr. shoukry: that's the fundamental nature of terror, to attract attention and to provide an image that is so destabilizing, and so dramatic that it forces those that are opposing it into a form of submission. charlie: it creates fear. mr. shoukry: and it is very regrettable that after these two
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incidents, i read somewhere that recruiting has increased. the attention towards their sights has escalated. there are unfortunately people in this world who, by whatever inconsistency in their logic are attracted to this sort of violent activity. charlie: do i hear you saying today that first we need to support troops in iraq and libya that are of those nationalities, but if that fails, it is incumbent on the rest of the world, especially in the region, and especially muslim countries, to put their own soldiers on the ground where isis is? mr. shoukry: this is a challenge that we face in the region, and we have a role to play, as does the international community in supporting us, and being
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shoulder to shoulder with us. we can look inwards and be isolated, but it is very apparent that this threat cannot be isolated. it has spread within our country and our region. it makes it imperative on us to face it and do what is necessary to defeat it. charlie: so the egyptian army, the largest army in the region is prepared to take the fight to isis if necessary? mr. shoukry: if necessary, and to the degree that it impacts the national security of egypt. we maintain that the doctrine of the egyptian army is basically to defend egyptian soil. charlie: any doubt that isil is opposed to the egyptian state and army? mr. shoukry: not at all. it is the efforts to infiltrate
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the western border have been increasing over the last months, as has been the violence. they are challenging, both in sinai and by the brotherhood within egypt, the stability and well-being of the egyptian people. that puts us on a definite course to protect the egyptian people. and if that threat was emanating from outside of our territory, we would necessarily defend our territory, but also support the arab countries that have, that are adjacent to our borders. charlie: clearly, you thought the muslim brotherhood was a threat. otherwise, marshall sisi would not have taken action. charlie: of course, it was felt by the egyptian people that the
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islamist political ideology that had come to power in the form of the government of president morsi was incapable of ruling, was exclusive, was determined -- charlie: but isn't that different, what the muslim brotherhood was and what isis or isil is? mr. shoukry: different in terms of -- charlie: tactics? and appeal beyond their borders? mr. shoukry: how they are achieving their objectives. it can be utilizing the ballot box and then trying to remove the ladder, but it is a matter of ideology, how they view the region and how it should develop. charlie: so you are essentially calling on the u.n. and calling on the impacted countries to
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rally against all terrorist organizations who have the same ideology. whether it is isis or al qaeda or al nusra -- mr. shoukry: whatever they call themselves. charlie: all of them, in your judgment, are coming from the same place and have the same mission. mr. shoukry: and utilize the same tactics. they perpetrate terrorism. they try to occupy larger areas of land. by their declaration, they are trying to create a caliphate and put the whole region back by hundreds of years. charlie: where is iran in all this? they also are sworn enemies of isis. but they also are viewed, and people have said at this table
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part of the conflict in the region is between iran and moderate sunni countries like egypt, jordan, united arab emirates. mr. shoukry: it is unfortunate and i think this is one of the aftermaths of the decades of intervention in iraq, which has highlighted the sectarian rifts in the region. we have to look a little bit to the past. these rifts were not as apparent, nor were they as impactful as they seem to be now. we have to really dig into and find out why that is the case, why is this fragmentation on sectarian lines that suddenly appeared and is being -- i don't want to say promoted, but is coming under greater focus. charlie: and described in some cases, let's say between saudi arabia and egypt on one hand and iran on the other, as a quest for supremacy or influence
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in the region. mr. shoukry: i think if we take out the sectarian element, we don't really put too much emphasis on it, i think the arrangements for regional security necessitate the preservation of a balance. that balance must remain within the unity of the arab world's ability to fend off expansionist policies from any other surrounding configuration. charlie: how would you characterize u.s.-egyptian relations today? mr. shoukry: challenging strong, mutually beneficial, but there are issues we need to resolve, and points of view that need to be more in line. the relationship is strategic,
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but at least egypt views it as an important portion of its international relationships. over the last three decades, egypt has taken advantage of this relationship, has benefited from this relationship. the united states has also had benefit from it. i think that the potential for its growth is still existent depending that there is a commitment on both sides to move forward. charlie: i assume this will be part of the discussion you will have in washington, in addition to the conference. the question also is, how egypt views its relationship with russia today. president sisi traveled to moscow. there is apparently a nuclear facility in egypt.
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does this suggest egypt and russia may be coming back together, and the u.s. should be -- mr. shoukry: of course, the egyptian-russian relationship has a long history. we are trying to regain a balanced approach in terms of a relationship, but that should not be at the expense -- charlie: it is not a zero-sum game. mr. shoukry: it is not. we value the relationship with the united states highly and desire to maintain that relationship at a high level. but that doesn't preclude that we take advantage of a historic relationship like that with russia, as well as china. the president went to china recently and will be receiving the chinese president. u.s.-chinese relations are an important factor. they should be an important factor to us as well. the capabilities are immense especially in terms of economic development. the megaprojects that are now
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being developed in egypt. it is a balanced approach that does not affect adversely our other relationships, but for egypt to take advantage and meet the very enormous challenges that it has to face in terms of regional security, economic development. i think we have to promote our relationships with various governments in a productive matter. charlie: and your relationship with qatar? mr. shoukry: somewhat difficult. charlie: [laughter] mr. shoukry: what can i say? charlie: you can characterize it for me. other than difficult. mr. shoukry: it is a point of -- well, egypt has always been accommodating. we continue to accommodate. charlie: are you saying "tolerant?" mr. shoukry: we are accommodating, tolerant, and
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always emphasizing solidarity within the arab world. charlie: do you think they are? mr. shoukry: i would hope so. from the statements they make, they always indicate that they are. i hope they can demonstrate that as well. charlie: how do you address those concerns, that whatever is happening in egypt at this moment may well be too authoritarian and less democratic? mr. shoukry: i don't really see how that could be the conclusion. egypt has gone through two popular revolutions of a nature that was not seen before, with millions of people taking to the streets. the developments that occurred have occurred primarily at the behest of the egyptian people, and the demonstration of their will and determination.
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certainly, that course has been to forge a new system of government. egypt is not the egypt of the 1990's or 2000's. charlie: not the egypt of the mubarak regime? mr. shoukry: it is not the egypt of the past. it is much more reliant, not totally reliant, on the will of its people and their aspirations. the popularity of the president is not an indicator of authoritarian tendencies, but if he is popular, we cannot restrict people from putting their faith in the government. they've demonstrated this time and again. the last time was when they raised $10 billion for the suez canal as a matter of support for the government. the freedom that exists -- there is a political mechanism in place. there are institutions of
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governance, elections, and rule of law, definitely. it would be very hard to try to tamper with people who have opposed two governments in the span of four years. charlie: you have to have respect for those people? mr. shoukry: you have to adhere to what they are aspiring for. they are aspiring for good governance,, and dignity. we have to address their aspirations from various directions. this is challenging in terms of what we have to face. terrorist activity in sinai, and in egypt, the economic challenges that we have to face, also that the past years have resulted in a degree of literacy, and all these factors have to be weighed in. and people's desire for stability, you have to contend
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with all of these issues in a balanced approach that does not destabilize society as it evolves. we cannot aspire to change things in a day and a night, but we have to work on a resolution in our society that can support this. the principles and the new constitution guarantees that we are on the right track. the matter of implementation is very important. we are addressing the factors that are creating pressures and finding the right point of convergence so that society does not tear apart, but continues cohesively. charlie: what will history say about the arab spring? mr. shoukry: it was a historic time of change, development, evolution, but i don't like to call it revolution. revolution rests on the survival
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of the fittest. this is a societal development which has given great resourcefulness to both the people and its leaders, to be able to forge a future based on principles that are agreed to at a societal level. charlie: so what you are saying, as i understand you, is that the principles that brought so much energy to tahrir square, those other principles still being sought, especially in egypt, even though we've had two governments? that it, as an idea, it is alive? mr. shoukry: it is definitely alive. the issue is to implement it. that issue is a gradual one, depending on the ability of society to evolve.
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we have a long history of lack of developments of the political institutions. we have to contend with that. currently, we are approaching parliamentary elections where the individual has much more weight in terms of his popularity and ability to seek public office then the party and the ideas associated to a political ideology. this is an issue that developing countries have surpassed. we need to still work on it to provide the necessary environment that is able to respond to what we aspire for and is consistent with common values in how the international community is looking at matters. charlie: in syria, should the region continue to be those countries that support moderate rebels in syria, continue to
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support them, or should they say, our priority now is isis and we have to engage them first because it is a menace to all of us? mr. shoukry: it is a very complicated situation in syria. i think we have to deal with it from that perspective. definitely, there has to be a resolution and an effort to impact the threat of terrorism that has risen in this political vacuum. that can only be done by the syrian people themselves. it is important that there is a recognition of the threats, but it is important that all parties come to the conclusion that they need a political dialogue and framework so that they can regain the unity of the government, thereby direct their attention more effectively. charlie: would you say that syria is a place where arab
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spring revolution was hijacked by radical islamist forces? mr. shoukry: it has been complicated, but not only by radical islamist forces. i think it was complicated by undue external attention pressures emanating from iraq, from the ideas of fragmentation, and this has maybe been the problem, and of course the cohesion of egypt, but what happened in terms of the arab spring was a totally egyptian development, could not be said in relations to syria. there were more elements in play than there were in egypt. it goes beyond the arab spring with syria. the challenges related to
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external influence in syria, those certainly took the spring on a direction that is not one of benevolent development. charlie: what is the status on the ground now? mr. shoukry: in syria? it still seems to be -- a stalemate -- unfortunately, it is impacting very dramatically and painfully the syrian population. half of the syrian population or more are currently displaced. but we are still hopefully working on some way to attract all the participants, legitimate participants to a political settlement. charlie: in which assad may play a role? mr. shoukry: we have to see how things develop. we just held an extensive conference with the opposition.
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we are going to have a further round. these are nationalist people who cannot be challenged as being terrorists. hopefully we can reach a point where all the participants recognize that it is in all of their best interests to find a solution that takes into account all of their collective interests. charlie: you have to identify them and then support them. mr. shoukry: of course, you have to do that. charlie: thank you for coming. you have been generous with your time and my questions. thank you. i hope we can do this again when you are next in the country. it has been very helpful for our understanding of how egypt, the role egypt plays in the crisis in the region. mr. shoukry: thank you. charlie: thank you for joining us. we will be right back. ♪
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charlie: james proud is here. he is founder and ceo of "hello." the company looks at why we sleep the way we do. they examine sleep patterns and provide reasons as to how we might get a better night's rest. brown was a member of peter
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thiel's inaugural fellowship in 2011. the millionaire investor gives $100,000 to aspiring entrepreneurs under the age of 20 who skip college. i'm pleased to have james proud at this table for the first time. welcome. when you were a teenager, you got very interested in writing code? james: it was actually nine years of age. charlie: so you weren't even a teenager. who introduced you -- you are self-taught, obviously. james: i started using a computer when i was five, soon after discovered the internet, and when i was nine, i discovered this thing called html which said you could make your own websites. i was like, i can make whatever i want myself? charlie: did you read a book? what did you do? james: there was a book in a store which said how to write html. i said, i can do this? i rushed home and started coding.
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it was when i turned 12 that i began to get paid to build websites. charlie: 12. where were you growing up? james: in the southland. i was 12 pretending to be 22 in online forums. i said i could build a better website. they were like, how much money? i said i would take a phone and mp3 player. i discovered later i could get paid. checks started arriving at home and my mom thought i was a drug dealer. drug dealers don't really get paid in checks. i continued coding in my bedroom. charlie: and when you got 18 time to go to college. james: supposedly. charlie: and then you found peter thiel. james: in high school, when i finished my exams, i took a year off and at the end of that year, i decided that if i went to university, the first thing i'd want to do when i left is what
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i'm doing now. so at 8:00 on the day i was supposed to enroll, i told my parents i wasn't going to go. they were like, ok, let's focus on your 10-year-old brother. he can still be saved. six months later, i saw peter's views on higher education. i said, i'm 19, i'm already not going to university, so no reason not to. charlie: so you have a scholarship and you are working on what you want to do. what do you create? what do you do with your time and skills? james: i spend about a year figuring it out. i worked with max levchin. when i saw the side project from the u.k. i had been working on i decided to start a new company. charlie: what is the idea of "hello" and sense? i guess we should talk about crowdsourcing too. james: our initial launch was a
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kickstarter campaign. what we think is, we invent the alarm. charlie: but kickstarter sent you about $2 million? james: $2.4 million. charlie: in denominations of what? james: it was $99 on average. charlie: $2.4 million in denominations of $20? no, $100. and, what do you owe to the people who send you the money? james: the product. charlie: they want to see you succeed, because they believe you have a good idea that will benefit you and humanity. so what is the product? james: it is a simple system to understand how you are sleeping, but also what is going on in your bedroom. and then reinvent the alarm as a
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smarter alarm, so you wake up feeling good. charlie: how does it work? james: it is a two-part system. this is on your bedside table. charlie: lots of sensors in there? james: things like light, sound, temperature, humidity. what things are conducive or not for a good night sleep? the second part is a sleep pill. you clip this on to your pillow and it is able to see how you sleep throughout the night. it looks at your motion, you're tossing and turning. the third part is ios and android applications to view everything. charlie: so all the information is fed into ios or android. do you analyze that? james: it is analyzed for you.
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we present it to you in an easy to understand way, but as time goes on, understand what affects your sleep. how could you improve and optimize what you are already doing? charlie: give me an example. james: a big example is light. whether it is tvs, phones, the sensors are able to detect and see those rings. -- things. charlie: and what about temperature? james: temperature is huge. just being able to be told that your bedroom is a few degrees too high. charlie: and the level of temperature affects your sleep? james: yes. it is better to have a cooler room than a hot one. charlie: tell me more. people can take this information, look at it, and i just so that they get a better night's sleep. james: yes. to optimize, but also see that things are going well. charlie: is it user friendly? james: very. when you look at the devices that are out at the moment technology itself evolved around
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sleep. it is very clinical or something you have to wear. we are like, technology needs to disappear. how do you make something that enables you to just fall asleep and not worry about this stuff? we wanted to build a very different type of device. we are not building computers for people to use. we are building computers around people. charlie: what did you do with the $2.4 million? james: we used it to build products. charlie: and you are going to ship them next week? so you have a company, a product, assembly line. you are all set to go. can you shop online only or anywhere else? james: at the moment, it is direct from our website. charlie: and it is what? james: $129. charlie: what do you need to get the feedback? james: you download the free application. very simple. charlie: do you use this?
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james: i've been using it for several months. charlie: how does it change your life? james: it has been interesting to see the past couple weeks how my sleep quality has begun to degrade slightly. i'm very sensitive to light exposure. to be reminded to get my room in the right conditions is huge. charlie: where do you take this? you want this to give you a viable company. james: for us, when you actually look at what we started with, we started with sleep. the reason we started with sleep is because we are not a sleep company. we are very interested in how to enable people to live better lives. when you take something like sleep, historically, it has been frowned upon. how do you sleep less? it is weakness.
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but you said recently, you've seen more in the past year on why we should be sleeping, the benefits of sleep. charlie: did you see me say that on television? james: i saw you on the morning show. we saw this and we saw that people began to realize, if i live to 90, i spend 32 years of my life asleep. maybe this is having a huge impact on me. charlie: and maybe we should pay attention and try the best we can to enhance. james: everything we do, creativity, socializing, is impacted by our sleep. for us, if our goal is to enable people to live better lives, what better place to start than the foundation of every person's day? charlie: what we are getting here is what you call sleep intelligence, the idea of making you smarter about sleep. you then have to change your behavior. you have to take the room to a cooler temperature or make sure to take the light down.
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you have to do a whole range of things. that is incumbent on you to take instruction from the sleep intelligence. james: the biggest part is just being aware. a lot of people are unaware. just being conscious about it and knowing how important it is is the biggest first step. the changes you can make to the bedroom and your environment they are very small, but the compound affect is huge. charlie: are you a rare exception in terms of the amount of money raised by kickstarter? james: we are near the top. charlie: is there some idea that kickstarter is going to play a larger role in terms of seed capital for entrepreneurs? james: it is an amazing enabler. hardware is costly. you go to chip vendors and say we want to work with you. they say, how many are you going to sell? to be able to go to kickstarter, this community of engaged
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individuals who are willing to part with their money, that is huge. they have enabled companies like hello and oculus. charlie: do you think it is disruptive with respect to venture capital? james: i think there's a place for both. kickstarter is a way to prove to venture capital that it is a viable business. charlie: do you think about -- i want to build the next google, or do you think about -- what is the big idea that i can be obsessed by? james: it is what can i be obsessed by. charlie: you are not thinking, how can i be rich? you are thinking, what is it that i would like to accomplish that will bring me some great pride of satisfaction? james: some of the best vehicles
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for change are private entities. we've got 30 amazing people and we are going to continue to grow. the more customers we have, the more people we serve, the more people we hire, it enables us to do greater things. for me, alongside building a great product is also, how do you build a great company? it is not just to build a company for the sake of building a company. charlie: google, that is a pretty good guide. apple as well. and college. college is about more than simply going to college and learning how to write code. it is also about a liberal education. it is about a whole range of things. peter and i have had this conversation as well. it is about being a more interesting person in terms of being exposed to culture, music, books, ideas, history. is that something you would like to have in addition to creating a very good company?
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james: i'm surrounded by a group of people and in an area where there's a lot of knowledge that you can pull from. while i didn't go to university and wasn't exposed in that setting, i'm continually trying to learn. not just about code, technology. charlie: my point in saying it that way was not that you can't do it without going to college. you can do it certainly. many people are self-taught. i know of no better example than bill gates, who reads like crazy and has an enormously curious mind. but university is the best way to do it in a concentrated way for most people. anyone who feels the desire will look at you with great admiration.
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it seems to me that you are going to do something that demands your attention, but at the same time, you have some sense that we are all connected to something larger than we are. james: when i decided not to go to university, my main criteria was, where am i going to learn the most? what am i going to do to learn the most? that is how i select and make choices. i believed at the time that not going and continuing the project i was working on and trying to find a way to get to california was that. charlie: what is the most exciting thing happening on the internet today? other than hello? obviously, it is the forward advancement of all kinds of apps, obviously. it is how mobile is dominating both entertainment and information and communicating. james: the cloud has been a huge advancement. you are beginning to see similar things in hardware now that enable companies that couldn't
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build things before. systems such as bitcoin are very fascinating in how they take on -- charlie: do you know mark andreessen? james: we met recently. charlie: can you tell me what it was about? james: [indiscernible] charlie: was his response good? james: he said his wife would like one and he wants one as well. charlie: that's what you have to do. develop enthusiasm for your product. thank you for coming. james proud is the ceo and founder of "hello." ♪
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cory: live from pier three in san francisco, welcome to "bloomberg west" where we cover technology, innovation, and the future of business. i'm cory johnson. we have the check of your bloomberg top headlines. the nasdaq extended its winning streak to seven days, the longest rally so far this year. one of the biggest reasons priceline rose 8% after reporting strong growth in bookings. walmart was one of the big losers on the dow. they said -- set a pay hike for all u.s. employees. it might help employees, but it hurts their profits.


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