tv With All Due Respect Bloomberg April 16, 2015 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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john: "with all due respect," the only flying vehicle we care about today is the millennium falcon. happy national eggs benedict day. hillary clinton and the way she courts. on monday, she is headed to new hampshire. rachel maddow is demanding more specificity of hillary on policy. bill de blasio still will not endorse her. bernie sanders is all over her.
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martin o'malley is her most formidable challenger. gov. o'malley: history celebrates profiles in courage. not profiles in convenience. the dignity of every person tells us the right to marry is not a state right, it is a human right. john: she is trying to perform a balancing act with the left and the center. how is that going for her so far? mark: i do not think it is going well. my supposition is that she is so terrified of losing iowa. she is forgetting the fact that there is a general election to come. she is terrified of the left and it is showing on a range of issues.
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wall street will not hold her accountable to it. it has only just begun. john: the left will never be fully satisfied. she will never be elizabeth warren. i think she -- not enough policy out there for her to damage herself. she is not putting anything out on paper that will damage her in the general election. mark: she seems to have moved a little bit to the left on same-sex marriage. from the way she is talking, from the way her campaign is responding, she is terrified of the left. their demands will never end. if she continues to cater, that is the energy of the party. you see republicans doing it all the time. it will hurt her chances of winning the general.
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john: i think her theory is that this will not be an election about persuading the center, which is what her husband had to do. this will be an election about mobilizing the coalition of the ascendant. she will need to make some gestures for the left and she is more liberal on economics than her husband. mark: i agree with that. the mood music, respond to the left. i do not think that is a good long-term strategy. john: let's move on. obama's relationship with the economy is like your relationship with "the unbreakable kimmy schmidt." give it time and you will warm up to it. according to our new bloomberg politics poll, 49%. with the actual economy, what do
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you think the discrete tipping points would be? mark: gdp has to get closer to 5%. people have to feel household income is going up and it actually has to go up. she will continue to have to be a little bit goldilocks. not a full bear hug. john: if we see president obama's approval rating get over 50, this is up as high as it as been for a while -- if this gets up over 50, that will give an opening for her. that will be a reflection of the underlying data you are talking about. mark: republicans have not cried uncle on the economy.
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they are continuing to pick at it. as long as household incomes are stagnant, it will be hard for hillary clinton to say anything but we can do better. president obama will be fine if she thinks it will help her win. i am here in new hampshire where republican presidential hopefuls will be this weekend. one guy who has already been here, chris christie. he did a bunch of stuff, including going to a restaurant. in this case, chris christie happened to run into matt lauer at the restaurant. gov. christie: you would've thought when he announced in december that he would be. it seems to me that train has slowed down pretty significantly.
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mark: there is another potential heavyweight coming to new hampshire this weekend. john kasich is making a bid -- he is much closer to running for president, much further along than people realize. it was reported today that he is forming a committee, but he has had deliberations and planning. he is somebody who is planning to run. that makes a huge difference. these are two guys, both heavyweights. who has a better chance today to end as the top-tier candidate? chris christie or john kasich? john: a little news that came across the wire. jeb bush said on thursday that he will make up his mind in relatively short order whether to seek the republican nomination for president.
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to your question, you know my view about chris christie. he is going to have some real trouble. john kasich, not too many people in the country know him. he has a better chance of being a top-tier than christie. mark: i think both of these guys have more potential than almost anybody else in the field. while they both will raise money, they both get attention. christie had a good two days up here. john kasich is much closer to running than people realize. when he gets in the race, it will have a huge impact regardless of the fact that people do not know him. this is a guy who will change the dynamics of the race. a lot of establishment types will look to john kasich if they don't like jeb bush. john: christie is too damaged.
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the new jersey economy is too bad. they will look at kasich. moving along. the poll covers more than politics. we asked what people thought about america's national pastime. baseball or football? it looks like it is lights out for the grand old game. two-thirds say football is now the national pastime. we previously asked the question, would you want your child to play football? half said no. how can we possibly reconcile the seemingly contradictory answers? mark: football is like war. not just because it is violent and rough, but people are happy to let other people's kids be
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involved. to keep their kids safe. john: gladiator. we do not mind watching people get killed in the pit, as long as it is not our kids getting killed in the pit. same reason why people watch nascar. that is the key answer. i am not surprised about this. football is the national pastime. it is the biggest thing in the country, the highest rated thing that comes on television. mark: do you know what the state sport of maryland is? jousting. [laughter] john: i'm headed to maryland shortly. up next, they say hillary is inevitable, but our guest says
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john: our guest tonight is a current democrat, former republican. lincoln chafee, thank you for coming on the show. this is not the first tv interview you have done today. he did an interview earlier on cnn. gov. chafee: i feel strongly about where we are going as a country. her actions as secretary of state. >> what did she do wrong? john: one of those phrases "that's why i am running." are you running for president? gov. chafee: that is why i am running my exploratory phase.
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the law allows you some flexibility. john: an awful lot of lawyers who would say, that puts you outside the scope of vague. gov. chafee: the law allows people to put a team together and that is way it was designed. to put together an organization, do some fundraising. john: you acknowledge the whole thing is a little bit ridiculous. you are with me on that. you said recently hillary clinton was a little too close to wall street. i'm curious about what that means. policy, socially, corruption? gov. chafee: when you are raising the amounts of money she is raising and the clinton
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foundation, a little too much coziness. i would think she would want to distance herself a little bit as she contemplates this run. enormous amounts of money. john: you are not suggesting she is corrupted by this money? gov. chafee: i would not say that. it compromises your judgment sometimes. we both served in the senate during the iraq war vote. one of the biggest mistakes in american history. to get back into another quagmire in the middle east. the cost for the brave soldiers, the treasury, the cost in our credibility. i do not think anybody who made that mistake should be hired to fix and correct some of the damage done.
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mark: governor, welcome to the fray. i want to ask you who you think the best president of the united states has been since ronald reagan and why? gov. chafee: i am proud of the job hw bush did. he went into kuwait, put together a real coalition, and did not get into the quagmire his son got us into. bill clinton was beloved around the world and brought us surpluses. the two of them worked together to get us to surpluses. hw had to address the deficit and it cost him the reelect against clinton. clinton put in his deficit reduction package and that might have cost him the house and senate.
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they both made brave decisions. mark: we did a poll question i wanted to ask you. do you consider yourself more of a netanyahu man or an obama man when it comes to u.s.-israeli relations? gov. chafee: i am an obama man. i am in favor of a palestinian state living side by side. john: you went to boarding school in andover with jeb bush. did you smoke pot when you were at andover? gov. chafee: we were in the 1970's, that is what you did. john: i was going to ask you whether you preferred bongs or
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joints, but we will not go there. after you graduate from brown, and then you went horseshoeing. gov. chafee: i admired the tradespeople. i want to continue to do this, but i do not want to be a laborer. there is a school for horseshoeing. i spent seven years shoeing horses. i had a good business. john: does a classics degree prepare you for shoeing? gov. chafee: it is a great degree. mark: you are a member of a family who settled the state.
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i want to ask you, in terms of your own self and sense of yourself, what is the least patrician thing about you? lincoln: when i went to alberta to set up my business, nobody knew who i was. all they cared about, can you get the shoes on the horse and do a good job? that is all they cared about. i had a great business. i have some dirt under my fingernails. i still keep in touch with some of the people from the racetrack. mark: in terms of your life today, what would you say is the most patrician thing about you? gov. chafee: you cannot run for office as a republican in a very democratic rhode island without appealing to the people.
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i was reelected as the mayor in my city three times. i am very proud of that. mark: do you own any pants that are limegreen or red? john: if you could do a close-up on the tie. you have a wife and three children. two of them are girls. if you take the female contingent, how would those people feel if you were to run for president and deny them the chance to vote for the first female democratic nominee? gov. chafee: everybody wants to
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have a female president at some time, but you have to have the right one. elections are all about choices. she will get a lot of support because she is a woman. she has to defend her lack of accomplishments. what has this woman accomplished in her long career? not a lot comes to mind. health care debacle, the iraq war vote. as secretary of state, the world is way in worse shape. john: will you have to earn the vote of your wife and daughters? gov. chafee: i think they are my biggest supporters. john: think about anything you have done, would it disqualify you in the minds of american voters?
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gov. chafee: you can count on somebody finding that in this day and age. john: what would it be? gov. chafee: i have been in 12 elections. they scrutinized my record. john: you are relatively confident you will get through. i usually do at least three things before breakfast that would disqualify me. former governor, senator, and horse track aficionado. hillary clinton and the red carpet crowd. rudy giuliani, the cast of snl. ♪
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is the talk of the town. we sent our red carpet reporter to mingle with the celebs. >> did you come up with the slogan for hillary's campaign? >> yeah. why not? why not get on board? why not get on board the hillary train? >> i think she would win if she used that. >> what are your thoughts on her logo? >> looks good. >> she has certainly paid her dues. she has the right to be president if anybody does. >> i don't understand it.
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>> in a way, it is kind of like, i'm with stupid. seriously? i got this. >> she deserves the job if she wants it. >> is it pointing to the left or the right? >> who cares what the logo is? is that what is going to make our president? the president is about making the country better. >> the guys have any suggestions about who should be her running mate? >> oprah winfrey. >> we will get free stuff all the time. >> pauly shore, that would be fun. >> any ideas for what her slogan should be? >> still killing it.
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john: we are all about participatory democracy. we made a game and taught it to some children. here is a peek for the commercial for 2016 the game. >> i am going to ask to fork over another $2700. >> the convention. call now. delegates sold separately. john: mark will be live streaming coverage from nashua
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pimm: hello, i'm pimm fox and here's what i'm "taking stock" of this thursday, april 16 2015. the decline in oil prices is showing up in corporate earnings. today, schlumberger announced an additional 11,000 job cuts. american express reported a 6% increase in first-quarter profits while the chief executive cut expenses. and mattel shares are gaining in late trading. the world's largest toy maker posted a smaller life than projected. and goldman sachs posted the highest it had in years as all of it businesses were poised to
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