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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  April 18, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." charlie: ginni rometty is here. she is chairman and ceo of ibm. fortune magazine has named her the most powerful woman in business. for over a century, ibm is among the most powerful companies in the world. its technology is down to 90% of the world's banks. 2014 was a transformational year for the company. they continue to shed businesses such as low and servers. they have focused on the cloud mobile computing, and artificial intelligence. they announced a new business
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service that will offer cloud-based access to watson supercomputers. i am pleased to have the ceo of ibm at this table for the first time. welcome. ginni: thank you. charlie: tell me where ibm is today. where you want to take it. ginni: i have a great company. it is 104 years old. we said we are transforming. i say to everyone, you don't get to be 104 years old by doing the same thing. you talk about the tech industry a lot but it is an industry that violently represents itself over and over, and you have to keep changing with it. i am reinventing ibm like my predecessors. we are a solutions company. when you mention some of those technologies, it is not just about the technologies. they are at the heart of the solutions. it is what we do for clients
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that makes the most important difference here. we do some of the most mission-critical important work in the world. really things that, i say, trains don't run. planes don't fly. but you have to do it in new ways. solutions underpinned by the current technology trends. charlie: you have had declining revenue for a number of quarters. your goal is to find new revenue. ginni: from an outside view, you would say they are declining. a lot of that is by design by us. one of the things i was taught and i learned is, don't ever protect your past. that is how you succeed in the future. last year, we divested $7 billion of businesses. they were also negative profits. if you keep moving to higher value, not just in the shareholders mine.
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that's what we do for people. bring them the next thing. if you keep move there, you will have to move out of some businesses and into new businesses. that decline is by design. $7 billion is a big number. charlie: it is more difficult for you than other ceos of ibm because you are moving so fast. you have to transform on multiple layers. ginni: i believe it is a challenge for everyone. there is an interesting thing about this moment in time. technology always has some new shifts. when ibm was doing main systems, the pc came along. then it was the internet. we again took the internet, made it real for enterprises, and are on the next set of trends. there are three trends at once.
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for why the world feels different, there is a real reason. you have the advent of all the data, which will talk about. cloud, which i put as buying things as a service. and mobility. underscoring the security and importance of it. three things going on at once. they will reorder our industry. they will reorder yours, too. whether you are a manufacturer a retailer, it will make a change in how you operate. that is what makes a difference at this moment in time. currency, macroeconomics, other geopolitical things. charlie: let's talk about mobile systems. he made a deal with apple and
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twitter. how are you combining with these two huge names? ginni: this is a huge point that history will reflect on. i am a big believer in these partnerships. they are wonderful at what they do for consumer ability. these of use. the market of the enterprise which we know so well. if you say, what does that mean? we are the gold standard for the enterprise. they are legal standard for the consumer. when we come together, it is good to know what you can do and what you should not do as a business. we can reimagine work in the enterprise if we worked together. take their simple consume ability and our ability to know industries. workflow.
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integration. a perfect example, flight attendant. if you have ever been on a flight that is late, and you are thinking, i have a connection. what do you do? you run to the counter and get your phone. somebody is helping and typing away. we said, what about in the air? one screen, no training. we built it. we made it simple. that is a perfect example of reimagining work. in the workplace, with mobile devices, 70% it is e-mail. they are really not imagining how work is done. security is an underlying issue. charlie: this is an idea that steve jobs expressed. you often have to look at things with fresh eyes. you can't see them as an
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extension of what you do. has that been one of the challenges for you? ginni: yes and no. this is not the first set of trends. this part about don't protect the past. we have invented some of those trends. some you don't always invent. you swim into them as hard as you can. that is what this industry is like. i think adjacencies are good. taking these technologies, it is taking us into different places. things around the internet of things. what we are doing for health care. back to your question on apple twitter. it is about taking those ideas massive data in the case of twitter. as he said, we could improve every business decision. we are taking those consumer
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technologies into the enterprise. i believe we will be the go to platform for the enterprise. charlie: you can access them through apple devices. when you talk about those kinds of partnerships, is that part of the way you see apple's headlong rush into the future? we took all your senior vice president's two silicon valley and introduce them to react saying, we want to know what is going on out here. ginni: we have one of the first research labs in silicon valley, ibm. what i really wanted to do, i have a firm belief that these partnership ecosystems are going to be what lots of businesses do. to provide with their businesses need, it is through
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partnerships. went out there for that reason. formed that foundation. a lot of startups who by the way, part of what we do is help them. this watson, one of the main things for watson is we build a platform. this form of artificial intelligence, natural language come build your own business. 4000 companies in line to build on watson. charlie: those who write about you say, one of the challenges is to prove a large institution can be entrepreneurial. ginni: i agree speed is important. i believe now, the last results, the new businesses all around data and cloud and mobility, they represent 27% of ibm.
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people go, really? they have grown at 16%. that is a big number. 27% is a big number. that is our job. continue that. i should say something interesting. it is not to say the other businesses are not good businesses. we do the things that are the heart beat of the world. we do banks. one of our most recent announcements, how to do mobility. how to encrypt everything you do for security. you invent that part as well. i don't think there is a topic more important than security. every one of my clients i talked to, i say, whatever you do, it is not enough. it is important for individuals, businesses. countries and the like. charlie: let's talk about the cloud. were you late coming to the
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cloud? ginni: we were in private cloud years ago. i have had many of my friends go, what is the cloud? just think of the cloud as anything as a service. you don't have your own electrical generation plant. you know how to plug in to electricity. that is what you get in a simple way. in the cloud. what we did first, i always look through the eyes of the company. we said, the first thing people will do is do it on their own premise.
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all my divisions, i want you to share. i will give you a private cloud. you are the only users. you will also agree. because of the this standard, it is less expensive. the next thing was the public cloud. typically that started in the consumer world. i have all my music on a cloud. don't know where the cloud is. where is that cloud, right? we started out, saying, people will do things like fast applications. the front application of a mobile bank. they will put those out on public clouds. we started to build that. it was moving too fast. we acquired a company. simple words, what that means is, it recognizes the importance of security. you must know where your data is. we deal with health care banking. you cannot know where it is at. auditability. people do things there, just like the old days of the internet.
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you browsed, and some but he said, i want to buy something. you have to connect to all the systems that built things. priced them. warehousing. that's the world called hybrid. we connect the two together. many other parts of software and services do these things. services, 60%. software. the rest is hardware. charlie: that has been the big push, into services. ginni: we have acquired over 130 companies and software. people don't realize that. in areas of solutions. back to, it is not just analytics. analytics that help thanks do customer retention. -- thinks -- banks do customer retention. health care. if you go back in time, we have participated in some of the most glorious moments of history, whether it is the first system that did since this. -- census.
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lending the man on the moon. our moonshot will be the impact we have on health care. i'm positive about it. that to me, while we do other things, that will be one of the most import. charlie: is that called watson health? ginni: we just announce something called watson health. can i back up? simply put, the first generation of computers counted things. the second generation, you program them. what watson represents, we use the word cognitive three to it is a system that learns. you do not program it. artificial intelligence is a part of a part of it. not all artificial intelligence is learning. we started natural language learning. we started with one of the toughest problems, health care.
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oncology. this is some of the work you may have read about. we did work with sloan-kettering. diagnosis and treatment. m.d. anderson. cleveland clinic, how to teach doctors. watson has been true to rigor. take one cancer, breast cancer. 2 million new cases a year. he would guess, given all the progress, but mortality is up. incidents are up 20%. the number of therapies for breast cancer approach 800 or more. watson can look at all your medical records.
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comes up with what are the probable diagnosis. why. that has just started to roll out in southeast asia, 2 million patients. ♪
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charlie: talking about big data, you said it would be the natural resource of the 21st century. ginni: every company will say it has enough. so much information, no
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knowledge. this idea now, the amount of information created around us. pictures. images. every day, to make an analogy, 500 million worth of hd movies worth of data get created. until you do something with it it is no good. you watch what happened with electricity, steam, fossil fuels. data. but just like other resources, the benefits go to people who refine it and do something with it. many companies have natural resources it are poor. the same analogy. it will be the phenomena of our time. this will be about looking forward. that will make all the difference in the world. prediction. watson is sitting out here on the spectrum. it is iconic, to represent that future. this is about helping predict which kids will struggle in school.
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charlie: it is not just a collection of the data and assessment, we now have better means to collect it. it is impacting medicine in ways we would never know. there are ways to measure your human body, more precisely, then we have ever been before. therefore, with the collection of data, you can take this information and look at a compilation of a thousand other cases. ginni: evidence-based medicine. what you just described is a perfect example of the announcement we made. which included apple, johnson and johnson. partnership. an open platform, back to the idea of partnerships and ecosystems. for every human, 10% of the information in your lifetime
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collected about you will be the formal medical records you know of today. another 20% will be the genomics. there is another 70%, which people call exogenous data. what you are eating. your heart rate. 300 million books worth of data per person. with that, you have a whole mother world that can be health and wellness for the individual. charlie: the capacity to not be overwhelmed by it. ginni: privacy, security, but not be overwhelmed. charlie: you said watson is just an early glimpse. they will have deeper reasoning. they are going to see and touch and feel. we see no fundamental limits to that capability. ginni: that is one of my
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colleagues, but i agree. john kelly said that. we are working on giving watson eyes. one of the first things he is working on is melanoma. how to read melanomas that are cancerous. there are many false negatives and positives. that is a good example. usually that leads to the next question, does that replace everyone? this is all about augmenting the decisions you and i make. it will be a long time if ever you will see that. i have had that discussion with walter isaacson. this is about augmenting. we will augment so much of the decision-making to make better decisions. time. how will a transform law and journalism? ginni: we are working with a client in the way of law. think of watson as an advisor or, discover. you think of the same word in legal, discovery.
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the ability to find connections between information is something watson does well. which is why we are working with pharmaceutical companies to find and explore new compounds they had not thought about. think about that. you cut the pipeline down for innovation. the time way down. you get it out faster. this idea for legal is a wonderful area to say, how could i do, even at a minimum, discovery of information? we are working with clients to do that. ginni: is there a timeline, in terms of your plans, to be fully engaged where you want ibm to be fully engaged? ginni: not a timeline.
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i feel we are engaged in the major areas we need to be putting down our roots in. place our bets. it is about speed and scale. you said big data. you can tell, i hope from what i am saying, our goal is not just to have the technology but transform industries. mobility, to reimagine work. when we talk of the cloud, to make it into price strength and speed up what people can do. these are big businesses. data analytics is $17 billion. we scale them. more industries, people, places. charlie: you have been buying back your stock and paying dividends. what is the reason behind that?
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ginni: this has been, it is not an either/or question. i know there was a lot of discussion about that. you go for the past decade, we have invested $133 billion into our business. clearly a balance. a balanced tilted towards reinvesting. my own allocation, it is about first, what do i need to reinvent. and then, mi still capable to do as the other things? the our shareholders look for that balance. i feel very good about how we do that and make the decisions to do that. when we need it, we buy it. it is always to move to higher value. not interested in revenue that does not produce value. we are not about profitless revenue. when people look at us, it is a big company. $21 billion of the tax profit. that tells us this is high-value
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what you do. charlie: warren buffett is your largest stockholder. he increased his holding. ginni: he is a big shareholder that is right. charlie: what does he expect and what is your counsel from him? ginni: all of our big shareholders, they expect us to be stewards of their capital. keep moving the company to higher value. be sure we invest in the right places for the long term. it is that simple. return to them, stay high value for the long term. you that is what my job is. ok that capital in the right way to get that done. don't protect your past is what i say. never define yourself as a product. we are a solution.
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if you get wed to one thing, that will be what you said sorry i'm not sure earlier. a barrier. charlie: you try just be to your researchers. people finding and creating technology. ibm wants to be a company on the cutting edge of technology. ginni: i am proud of the team. we have the largest commercial research organization in the world. that is the ibm company. nobel laureates. not just focused on technology for its own sake. and the application. that is what you have seen us open labs. africa, australia. we are the first one to put a commercial research lab on the continent of africa. the problems in society are so big, you cannot bring the problem to the lab. you have to put the lab in the middle of the area. how to do massive health care. i in some places, you have one
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caregiver for 10,000 people. we are working on tough issues. that is why we put the research lab in the middle of it. charlie: let's talk about you. northwestern. your father, your mother, when you are very young had the responsibility of raising you. and your three siblings. she is your hero. she did what makes a hero. she realized she had to take care of her family and she did all that was required. tell me about her. ginni: i have not been shy about that. people always ask about heroes. people who are your idols, who you learned from. i'm a big believer of learning all the time. i will learn something from our
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conversation today, from you. i always think what else can i learn? the one that thinks out is my mom. these are defining moments. she raise my brother and sisters and myself. she found herself with nothing. she did not have a college degree. her job was in the home. she had not worked outside. will we never saw my mom blink or cry. she did everything she had to do. charlie: did you become a kind of parent to your siblings? ginni: i was the oldest. i certainly helped my mom. she would go to night school. what my mom taught us, it was about us watching her and what she did. she got an education, a great job. she was determined. what i was learned from my mom was, never let anything or someone defined to you are.
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the you are in complete control of that. charlie: you are making a commencement speech. no one defined yourself. ginni: she is living proof of that. and charlie: why engineering and computer science? ginni: i always loved math. i was the on the one who would stay after school for extra help for things like calculus. let me tell you why i suggest engineering as a degree. not just because i believe science for the future. i say, what it taught me to do to problem solve. this is the essence of engineering. you do that, you will be prepared for wherever you go. i went into engineering, but i did not stay there. it doesn't matter how complex or
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difficult a problem is, you can find your way through it. those are the basic skills of leadership. that is why it i am a proponent for kids, particularly women, to go into engineering. it does not dictate you have a stereotype type of job. it is a great foundation for marketing, sales, biology, anything you might want to do. charlie: you went to work for ibm in 1981. ginni: i went to work for general motors and then ibm. it was an early point of the tiffany -- epiphany for me. i said, what i am passionate about is the application of technology. not just one industry. the application of it. i went somewhere where i could take that and apply it to different industries versus find myself in one. that is what took me to ibm. charlie: someone said, she had the unique ability to make you comfortable in the change while
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still being uncomfortable. ginni: that is a great complement. i really believe, but i learned it from watching lots of people. there was a quote, the leader's job is to paint reality but give hope. in there, you will find the ability to lead. if you paint reality, they understand where they start. the hope is where they go. you give them the confidence to go there. that is another trait. charlie: another thing i read about you, you did a kind of assessment to create a sense of openness.
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so they knew where they were and what the possibilities were. they were aware of it. where did that come from? ginni: the driving idea is, when the facts are on the table reasonable people will come up with interesting ideas. when you let the barriers down they will come up with great ideas. and it comes from a sense, we are a big company. when you are a big company, you have to be clear about what you are and what you have to change. honest with yourself. if you are, you can move it. charlie: thank you. ♪
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charlie: suzy and jack welch are here. jack welch is the former chair of the general electric company. in 2010, he founded a company. his wife, suzy welsh -- they have co-authored the book, “the real-life mba: your no-bs guide to winning the game, building a team, and growing your career." sign me up. i am pleased to have them here. here is what i love about the book. the stated purpose is how to galvanize performance. unleash growth. build while teams. create a fulfilling career.
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and, perhaps more important, have fun. suzy: we were minding our own business. since then, we build a life we enjoy. traveling around the world and talking to business people. all kinds of different countries. jeff was working in private equity. we had no intention of writing another book. writing a book is hard. life was moving along. the thought came into our heads, as we were in this wonderful life, there was no book that was an mba in a book. charlie: are these things business schools should teach you but should not? jack: we are giving you the best you can get from a business school. it is an expensive proposition.
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you lose your salary promotions. charlie: i got the best of what they are going to do? jack: it is a good supplement. what we don't have here, we don't have consultants and investment bankers standing outside the door. our people are growing and wanting to grow more. they are midcareer. our students. they want to grow in their company. they want tools that will help them get there.
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charlie: how many online? jack: 100%. charlie: has the idea of online education gotten to the point where everybody agrees it is the thing we hoped it would be? suzy: not yet. but it is so much better. when we started creating the institute, there was a little stink on it. it has gotten better. it used to be, like online dating, nobody admitted it. now everybody admits they met online. since technology has helped a little common education -- -- help a lot with online education -- charlie: your values and personal values must be compatible. suzy: imagine if they are not permit imagine you value speed fast pace. imagine if you value risk-taking and work at an old bureaucracy. you have to have compatibility otherwise you will be in a straight jacket.
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charlie: the idea of the culture at ge was crucial. a jack: it was my thing. get everybody's brain in the game. 60 thousand people had stock options. they became owners. charlie: the other thing you did, in performance cultures actions have to have consequences. jack: if you do it well, you get praise. charlie: psychic income. jack: and you get cash in the wallet. charlie: you said you have to find coachable developments, where you can coach somebody. make talent better. there are others with flaws that will not get better. jack: if you're a manager, and they are developing people every time you make a personal appointment, it is worth 100 speeches. you can talk all you want about
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values. and the you put a jack asked in the job -- jackass in the job. charlie: versus putting the right person in the job. jack: people lose sight of that. it is really about talent. you are the last person to know what the scoop is at the organization. charlie: were you? jack: i tried it not to be. charlie: you are a gossip, in the best sense. you knew what was going on and people wanted to tell you? focus communication. it travels faster and is understood better.
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suzy: people put spin on things. the worst crime in communication, leaders managers, even a small team, you think you can say it once and it is heard. you say it and five different people here at five different ways. you have to say it again and again. invite people to try out on you what they've heard. push back. say, are you hearing me right? charlie: what is a generosity gene? jack: a characteristic you will find in most leaders. charlie: generous with? jack: praise, spirit. they love to give raises and bonuses. they never steal an idea. when you see people like that.
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who have met and done well. they have that spirit. you think about the person holding back, taking ideas, they don't go that far. some of them sneak through. in general, they do not. charlie: continuous learning is critical. suzy: especially today. the world is changing quickly. industries are forming and informing. the internet of things. if you don't keep up, you a luddite. you have to be learning. otherwise, you lose your head and also your values. your organization. charlie: we talk about finance and marketing. some people, when they think about finance, they get scared.
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it is magic. jack: letters. the acronyms. charlie: you have to be familiar with finance. jack: you need a working understanding. we think variance analysis is a tool that get you there. charlie: building a team. creating a place that the best one to come. suzy: you have to have a wow team. sometimes a great team happens spontaneously. it is rare. you have to work on the right team. today, it is hard to get people onto a team because you have other wonderful things going their way. sometimes the entrepreneurial world, the chance to be owners pull away some of your best people.
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we want to give you thoughts about getting these great people together and building the chemistry. jack: we talked to over a million people around the world. every audience gave us the same feedback. where do you stand in your company? do you know where you stand? 10% of the crowd -- where their career is going. it is frightening. how can you build a great team if people say -- we have kids that go to work. they live and die on the handshake of their boss. charlie: you thought you would be at ge until you had the top job. jack: i quit once. came close to quitting three times. always evaluating the situation.
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charlie: why did you come close to quitting? jack: the first time, i was in my first year. i got a raise. i went back to my bullpen, and i was pleased with my raise until i found out a got the same one. i thought i was better. that is socialistic behavior spreading it equally. i resigned. my boss's boss came up to me. said, stay. here is what i will do for you. charlie: do you think most people go in and say, i want to know where i stand? or are they scared they will be misunderstood or it will be held against them? jack: we have a way of doing it. i want to talk to about how i can do better.
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you are my boss, ok? tell me, if i can. i really want to shine here. i know i might not be doing all you want. one of the things an employee has to do is make the boss smarter. you have to broaden their horizons. they have to feel that they have found something out. something new. it is critical. charlie: another way is to say how can i help you do your job better? jack: that is what i'm saying in another way. charlie: most people don't know how to go about that. if in fact you feel like you are not being paid enough, what do you do? jack: pay is not what you go in on.
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if you talk about performance. but you don't go in with, i got this. we want you to be authentic. we want you to have the self-confidence to be willing to pick up stakes and move on. if it is not the right place for you. don't be afraid. charlie: somewhere else may be better for you. jack: most of the time, it is. i can't tell you how many people have left ge. they said, thank god this happened to me. i have a whole . i am happier -- i have a whole new life. i'm happier. charlie: they found a place that is a better receptacle for their skills. jack: they brought them a knowledge of what happened there. charlie: you talked about the magic of the relationship.
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which i sought early on. you have never heard the story. suzy: i was there. charlie: he keeps going back to the back of the plane. i thought, there must be something wrong with me. [laughter] charlie: he finally realized, he had gone back for another phone call. he says on monday, there will be a piece in the wall street journal about you. how have you built from that? jack: we went through a fire. a firestorm. what a juicy story. the ceo of ge and the editor of the harvard business review. suzy: we just gave it to them.
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we laid it out. charlie: you knew you had to ride it out. suzy: most relationships don't start in an explosion. ours and did -- ours did. it was quite a way to begin. charlie: hold on. jack: i was asked about that today. brian williams is a great guy. i have known him for many years. i was part of his growth. charlie: ge owned nbc at the time. jack: when tom brokaw was in the seat and brian williams was at msnbc, we talked for days about is there a place for brian in late-night? some form of late-night?
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brian, he is funny. clever. he is good. this is a tragedy. i feel terrible. i really like the guy. i think the world of him. suzy: there is a second act for brian williams. jack: he has too much talent. charlie: ge. you have said, you would have done the same thing today because of the new regulations affecting the financial sector that came out of dodd-frank. before dodd-frank, would you have disbanded? jack: no. we had 27 years of enormous growth, great people and businesses. jeff built it more than i did.
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40% last year. this was a great -- and guess what, he chose the right time. these assets in steve schwarzman's hands. there are other great leasing businesses. they are going to get good prices for these deals and be able to buy back stock. create the same eps by buying back stock. have a concentrated -- they will be back doing other things. ge is the only company left in the dow jones. when i got the job for my predecessor, i inherited utah international. i sold it in 24 months.
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that was ge and mining. we were doing it as an inflation hedge. 21%. charlie: looking at ge today, it was the house that jack built. they are going back now, for some of the reasons we said, to the core business. jack: going back to what jack built. the number engine business. onethe number one power systems business. the number one health care business. the number one railroad business. the first acquisition we made in 2000 in the oil and gas business , which he has done a great job of building up. they're right back. where are we going back to? all those businesses we made number one. charlie: if you were to come in out of business school, what do you think you would like to do.
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suzy: i would love to have worked in a kind of industry. i often talk to jack, what if he had hired me out of business school. i would have liked to have sold jet engines. i like to sell. i like big industrial products. i was scared because i had been a journalist. i didn't have the street credit to go into business, so i went to consulting. it was a great run and i learned a couple of things. if i knew now -- charlie: rather than writing about it, you wanted to do it. suzy: i would have loved to have done it. charlie: you have been identified with the idea of quarterly performance. some people say there is too much emphasis on quarterly performance. jack: quarterly earnings, i was not there for the average tenure of the ceo. 20 years. that is 80 quarters.
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if you are squeezing the business, you could not squeeze for 20 years and still grow the company. charlie: what makes you angry about this? and you are. yes, you are. jack: get out of here. suzy: he is excited. charlie: it is ok with you. there is nothing in your mind that is not good about the heavy focus on the part of wall street on quarter performance. jack: let me tell you what your job is as ceo. it is to manage short and long. anybody can squeeze the place for two quarters, but not for 20 years. any jerk can say, that is next quarter. i can't talk about that. i am dreaming. come back in five years and we will talk about where i'm going. charlie: on the other hand there are people who say, they
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are simply squeezing for the quarterly profits. there are people who say, if you don't worry about that and do more planning for the future you will have to contribute more to the long-term growth of the company. jack: of course you will, but you have to do both. suzy: at the same time. jack: that is why you got the job. the why you are management. that is it. charlie: what is the toughest call you made at ge? jack: i see my biggest mistake was when i bought that and it didn't work. charlie: other people had trouble buying investment companies. jack: it is not the easiest game in the world. we got out of that. charlie: it was a mistake because -- jack: too much hubris. at the time.
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charlie: you look more lovely than ever. you chose well, young man. jack: love you, charlie. ♪
8:58 pm
8:59 pm
9:00 pm
♪ emily: by now, you know his story. the kid who started the social network in his harvard dorm room, grew it to 1.4 billion users, and became one of the wealthiest men in the world. but mark zuckerberg may not be done changing the world just yet. since taking facebook public his bets have only gotten bigger. spending billions expanding his empire into photos, messaging, even virtual reality. may be his most audicious bet yet. featuring an epic battle with google, drones, lasers, and stratospheric hot air balloons to bring the internet to the


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