tv With All Due Respect Bloomberg July 7, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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mark: i am halperin. i'm heidi. with all due respect to the simpson there is someone else , you might want to consider to voice of those characters. mark: mm. donuts. ♪ mark it's funny because it is : true. but first hillary clinton. she has done her first national television interview and held a short press availability in iowa city. in both those events, clinton assertively hit the topic that is dominating residential politics for several days.
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immigration. hillary clinton: i do not care how many people running for president on the republican side try to demean immigrants insult immigrants, cast aspersions on immigrants, it is not only the ones who are the most vitriolic. none in them any longer support a path to citizenship. all of them would basically consign immigrants to second-class status. i feel very bad and very disappointed with him and with the republican party for not responding immediately and saying enough, stop it. but they are in the same general area on the operation. they do not want to provide a path to citizenship. they are hostile toward immigrants.
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mark: there is hillary clinton making a reference to donald trump and using his comments to strengthen her position. is this going to be effective for hillary clinton, talking about an issue her campaign thinks is good for them politically? heidi: effective, maybe. the more important issue is whether she is going to be able to tie him to all the republicans. whatever this guy says, that is what they all think and that is what she will be doing. on immigration, and on any other issue. the question of effectiveness, i do not know how much. what matters is the republican primary. donald trump is capable of stepping in the mud on his own and he is doing a good job for the party. mark: jeb bush supports a path
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to citizenship, he just currently doesn't think it is viable. hillary clinton continues to worry about jeb bush a lot, more than anybody else. in part because she thinks he is going to be the nominee. and when she tries to do that, when she overstates the linkage between trump and bush i am not sure it will be effective but certainly for rallying her party, for having something to talk about that she feels can start to build her election. i think it is pretty effective. because republicans still don't know what to do it trump. and one thing the clintons do well, when they sense an issue they can drive a wedge, they use it. heidi: anything inflammatory he says. let's go down the list. immigration. he came out in his speech saying i am a rich white guy. that is the stereotypical image of republicans that they do not want having promoted. marco rubio spoke in chicago announcing he is running for president.
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he touched on jobs taxes internet regulation, and that big millenial target, college. and back, in the past few hours, republican candidates have been aiming right at backing -- key demographic. millenial. you know who you are and so does jeb. >> bud light right now. top ciders. heidi: who is making the strongest play for millenials? mark: i got to give jeb bush credit. i think rand paul is being the strongest because he has that routine down on privacy and cell phones. i got to give jeb bush credit. at a minimum forever, he is done
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a lot of these little casual videos and while they may not be totally smooth and pinpointing to millenials, at least he is trying. the rubio speech was interesting but i still think that he has not been as effective and -- an internet brand. it will be fascinating to see how much he has raised when the numbers come out. heidi: i agree with you. i think that that biggest mistake pollsters make is assuming they are the same. jeb bush has been out front on social media. he was very aggressive on facebook in leveraging some of these other social media tools. and that randy is the libertarian. rubio have to improve upon social media. he has been made aware of that. he is getting more onto the platforms like buying and twitter. they are in the running right now. mark: walker will be interesting to see what they do on social media. he has not been a big social media guy. which aspects of his record,
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which aspect of his vision will play for millenials? that remains to be seen. fundraising numbers, we have laid it out here with a bar graph. there is data from six contenders. of those, hillary clinton is up on top in both campaign donations and money raised by outside groups like super pac's. she is followed by ted cruz, his super pac have raised $37 million. his campaign about 14 million dollars. marco rubio, an outside group that has raised a 501(c) four that has raised $15 million. for rubio. but we have not seen what his campaign has reported. bernie sanders campaign, about $15 million and ben carson, $10 million. and carly fiorina, $5 million.
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between her campaign and super pac, about $5 million. no numbers yet from jeb bush or rand paul. scott walker is not even announced candidate yet. we will talk a lot about fundraising numbers going forward. of these six who have released data, which one seems like they are doing well? heidi: there are some surprises in here like how did ted cruz raise this much money, when in the beginning the presumption was that would be his achilles heel? but i feel strongly that our campaign finance system is such a hot mess that you cannot put too much stock into these numbers right now. there is going to be all kinds of what the numbers look like now is different when -- fro next year. i think you can't put too much stock into it when you have all this a dark money coming in. and then there is the sugar daddy primary. they are going to be candidates in a free market system who should have flopped in a free market system, but if they have a sugar daddy they will be continuing.
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mark: the two things that impressed me was ted cruz super pac money. i wonder if the people gave will keep giving, whether they will give more base #-- performance. and i've got to say, $45 million is impressive. if you think about hillary clinton and how she got into this race. obviously it is run before but i think that is impressive. bernie sanders, $15 million, also impressive. coming up, more excerpts from heidi: very impressive that the self-described socialist out raised carly fiorina. mark: coming up, more excerpts from the hillary clinton first national television interview. some comments from her on bernie sanders and more. but first when we come back, chris coons of delaware weighs in on the latest iran nuclear talks and so much more after this word from our sponsors. ♪
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thank you for coming to join us. the iran nuclear negotiations continue. they have delayed until later in the week. they extended a little bit. not unexpected. you have said you walk away from a bad deal. you only want a good deal. based on the issues that are being discussed now in terms of instructions, sanctions, what are things that you think the tip it into some that would be a bad deal you? senator coons: a bad deal is we didn't have any confidence that we would be able to get access to sites in iraq, military or otherwise where we had a reasonable suspicion there is ongoing nuclear enrichment our development. a bad deal with the one where we did not have clarity about a pathway towards accountability for iran's past or prior military dimensions of their illicit nuclear weapons program where the iaea did not have a commitment to interview scientists and inspect sites
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where we believe there was previous nuclear weapons derailment work. -- development work. a bad deal would be one where we had no further clarity about the limits on centrifuge research and development and what the breakout timeline would look like after year 10. there's a variety of issues like this that have not been resolved yet and have to be resolved in our favor. mark: if on those important issues, and you have laid it out well. secretary kerry and president obama say on all those issues it is a good deal. will that be good enough for you or is it possible you will reach a different judgment? senator coons: i will reach my own judgment. as will members of congress. that is why i thought it was important that we unanimously voted out the corker-carden bill that gives congress a real role. of course, i will listen to the administration and their experts as they come and revis and testify in front of the committee. but i will reach my own judgment as to whether this is in america's best interest.
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at the end of the day, the most important point is whether we have effectively blocked off all the different pathways that iran might have toward a nuclear weapons capability. if this agreement does that, if it blocks iran's path toward acquiring a nuclear weapon, i will support it. if it fails and i will not. heidi: you are on the senate foreign relations committee. you talk to your colleagues all the time. what do you think it will take once a deal is reached to get republican support from folks like senator corker? senator coons: he has presided over a significant number of briefings. he is very well studied on this issue and i think it will have to be a very strong and solid deal to win his support. i don't speak for him, but in his comments and questions at different briefings he has , raised a series of concerns. there are reflected in the comments i just made. he has a number of concerns about the framework and the approach so i suspect he will have to be a very strong deal to win his support.
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mark: you have for republican colleagues running for president. one democratic. simple question about him is there any doubt in your mind he is today qualified to be commander-in-chief? senator coons: i think that is a decision that lies with the voters and electorate. the voters are the ones who are to be answering a question whether or not a candidate is qualified. mark: you could say that's almost anything i ask you. i'm asking for your judgment. you are one of the american people. senator coons: what you're asking me is if one of my colleagues is qualified. i think a number of the candidates you reference could the an outstanding commander-in-chief but i am hoping for someone with more seasoning, more experience who served both in the executive ranch and legislative ranch. i do think the sort of experience that i think we will see in the likely democratic
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nominee whether that ends of the joe biden or hillary clinton would span both the congressional and executive branches. that is the sort of experience we shall for in our next commander-in-chief. mark: i'm sorry to interrupt and i appreciate that response, and i know you are very loyal to your fellow delawarean. is bernie sanders qualified to be commander-in-chief? senator coons: i am not -- i think he has it or have fake record of advocating for veterans and fighting for america's middle class and advocating for social and economic justice. i am not confident he has all the qualifications that the american public will look for its next commander-in-chief but i think that is a judgment that belongs to the electorate. heidi: staying on the issue of bernie sanders but switching the topic to entitlements, a few weeks ago senator mccaskill said he is too liberal on entitlements. you yourself have been involved in many of these commissions to try and reform the system. is he too liberal?
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senator coons: we are not making progress on fixing america's significant deficit if we cannot come up with a common sense centrist solution to revenue and spending. senator sanders'position on entitlement is only sustainable if we increase revenue to the american government. i don't think that broad run of the american populace will elect somebody who will have to raise their taxes the graphic italy but perhaps he is the best qualified person -- significantly, but perhaps he is the best qualified resin to make that argument. that we ought to be dreaming bigger and thinking more broadly about how we could provide support for our veterans, our seniors and the disabled. i have heard him give the speech. he can be very compelling. i do not think it will be successful in the upcoming election. mark: senator chris coons
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mark: moments ago cnn showed the interview with hillary clinton. her first as a presidential candidate. she sat down with rihanna keeler in iowa city. here is hillary clinton answer your question why bernie sanders is drawing such big crowds. hillary clinton: i always thought this would be a competitive race. one of the things i learned last time is it is organize organize, organize. you get people committed in the followthrough and then you bring more people. i feel very good about where my campaign is. everybody has to run his or her own campaign. i will be telling the american
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people what i propose and how i think it will work and then what will let the voters make up their minds. mark: i think all of that is perfectly good. she doesn't want to engage right now. i think it is a challenge for her to engage. but she is not answering the question, which i think is always a problem for any property politician but -- politician but particularly for her. heidi: she's not answering the question because bernie sanders is a much bigger problem than they had anticipated and the reason is he is more like a pat buchanan. he is more like a protest candidate. it is not like one issue but it is a broader feeling in the progressive wing of the democratic party that they want something different. you read the polls. the party is moving further to the left and bernie sanders has promised that and she has not. -- harnessed that and she hasn't. she knows that and she has got to try and cap back into that base of her party. it is the grassroots of the democratic party. mark: the reality is, if she could draw the big crowds she would be doing it. hillary clinton answering the question why many americans say
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in polls they do not enter honest and trustworthy. hillary clinton: i was elected twice in new york against the same kind of onslaught. i was confirmed and served as secretary of state. i think it is understandable that when questions are raised people may be are thinking about them, and wondering about them. but i have every confidence that during the course of this campaign, people will know who will fight for them, who will be there when they need them, and that is the kind of person i am. this has been a theme that has been used against me and my husband for many years. at the end of the day, i think voters sorted out. i have great confidence. i trust the american voter. 100%. mark: that was a clinton answer. he was always saying, this is enemies using it against us. it is a tough question to answer but i found that to be particularly unevasive.
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heidi: there i say, this is potentially also an aspect of her media strategy when you do not make yourself accessible to the media and you're such a hot ticket, they focus on things they can write about like e-mails, the clinton foundation, and those things look bad especially when you're not talking to the press about them. you're not being open and there is a existing narrative about you being secretive. mark: what do you think of her tone and demeanor? heidi: generally speaking, we have seen a different tone to hillary clinton. she is getting different advice than she did the last time around to be more accessible, to have more warmth and not be as defensive and abrasive with the media. mark: i thought the substance of these answers -- they are difficult questions to answer
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why don't people trust you -- i don't think the substance were particularly good, but i think her demeanor was for her, pretty good. she did not seem defensive. she seemed to be engaging the interviewer stylistically and she does have some tics. her laugh, etc. that she is not doing here. stylistically, pretty good. here is another clip. the answer on the use of private e-mail server and why she deleted thousands of e-mails from her time as secretary of state. hillary clinton: let's take a deep red. everything i did was permitted by law and regulation. i had one device. when i mailed anybody in the government, it would go into the government system. i did not have to turn over anything. i chose to turn over 55,000
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pages because i wanted to go above and beyond what was expected of me. this is being blown up with no basis in law or in fact. that is fine. i get it. this is being in effect used to -- and by the republicans in the congress ok. , but i want people to understand what the truth is and the truth is everything i did was permitted and i went above and beyond what anybody could have expected in making sure that if the state department did not capture something, i made a real effort to get it to them. mark: that's not a good answer. because some of what she says is maybe technically true, but it is a desk evades evades a lot of the question including whether she did turn anything over. when she said she did not have to turn stuff over, i do not get the basis of the answer. sounds like she is trying to brag about what she did rather
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than defend it or explain it. heidi: the problem from the beginning is that instead of one big dump of e-mails, it has been a trickle. and several evolutions of the story and we find they released all the e-mails, they did not. there is more information coming. that did not include all of them. it feeds that narrative and keeps the story alive as long as there is nothing else out there that is dominating the narrative. it will be about the e-mails and about the clinton foundation stories. mark: everything here is about process. it is about the process of politics and scandal rather than substance and i think the best thing hillary clinton has going for her is that reporters keep asking her about process. those things for a lot of voters are just, down.
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mark: all is right with the republic. harry scheer is getting his job back. as mr. burns room -- might say that is great news. but as you recall, a guy named ted cruz, could he have done a job better the -- then the in common? we asked. >> release the hounds. >> upward, not forward. and whirling towards freedom. >> forward, not awkward. upwards, not downwards. and always swirling, swirling for freedom. mark: i call it a try. -- a time. remember, we are on twice a day at 5:00 and 8:00 eastern.
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