tv Bloomberg West Bloomberg July 14, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> the u.s. and iran making history, but will the deal lead to increased cyber spying? ♪ emily: i'm emily chang. this is "bloomberg west." we will look at how nasa got incredible images of the dwarf planet and talk to some experts in space exploration. plus, micron is i'd to the tune of $23 billion. should micron hold out for a better offer? amazon is reportedly facing a
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new backlash from authors and independent booksellers. all of that, ahead on "bloomberg west." world powers reached a landmark deal with iran. after years of negotiation their nuclear activities will be scaled back and cannot tilde nuclear weapon. in exchange sanctions that would have crippled the economy in iran would have been lifted requiring them to get rid of 98% of their enriched uranium. keeping them under international supervision. capping the enrichment at 3.67% crucially allowing online monitoring by the international atomic energy agency. here to break it down for us is the senior manager who specializes in identifying the nature of these security breaches. we have also got jordan robertson with us from washington d.c.. with me in the studio you see a
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professor of nuclear and -- nuclear engineering. thank you all for joining us. professor, i will start with you. iran used to reduce uranium at 93% enrichment. that was brought down to 20%. how landmark is this deal? how much of a breakthrough is it? >> this deal is adequate to make sure the build weapons, in my opinion. emily: what does it mean? what can that power? edward: that is ordinary reactor fuel in most countries of the world. almost every other country has that as the normal enrichment for nuclear power. emily: yet you think the most important words in the deal are what? edward: take the enormous document and look at article 15. it says that iran will allow the iaea to monitor online enrichment measurement and use
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electronic seals. those are the most important words. we can look at every one of these in the system and look at the enrichment going around in their separation cascade. emily: jordan, i wonder from you, there will be huge pressure to survey a their activities. will we see more of those kinds of files? jordan: it is interesting, certainly there will be less incentive on the u.s. part to pursue destructive cyberattacks. because there is this deal in place. you cannot imagine a situation in which the white house would go to fort meade and tell them to stop spying on iran to make sure that the deal proceeds as planned. in fact you could imagine it being the opposite, that there could be increased cyber spying. in terms of surveillance and intelligence gathering, you cannot imagine a situation in which that stops or slows.
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emily: what is your take, liam? stocks that was designed to sabotage these facilities. are we going to see more malicious malware or other kinds of surveillance? liam: it was specifically designed for sabotage. we don't know exactly who would still have motivation to sabotage the centrifuges, but there could still be a possibility out there. it is more likely that we will see espionage at this time to see particularly if what is being promised is being performed. we do expect to see additional espionage. since stocks that was really -- stuck snap -- stucksnet was released we have seen more, so we expected to continue. emily: what is your take, professor? edward: stucksnet, in my way of looking at it, was largely a
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failure. it was like telling all the cabdrivers in new york to drive it 90 miles per hour and then come to a complete stop across town. it was quickly found out about, did not destroy that many centrifuges, and it morphed into something that did or damage here. emily: on that note jordan, you said that this was like the gold standard for hackers. how does a program like that get developed? how does that happen if it gets done again today? jordan: in its day it was really the model for one of the most advanced cyber attacks we have seen. the scale was over anything we'd seen publicly, but it did have that fatal flaw that we discussed, it got out that is the only reason we know about it. it goes to show that programs like that when dealing with this type of activity, there are a lot of imperfections and unknowns that need to be worked out and the big? around stuxnet was that we don't
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know where else the u.s. and israel have used similar programs. have those governments use them against north korea? have they use them in other parts of the world? while i would not expect to see a stuxnet hard to -- part two, if anything that amount of watching would just increase. emily: liam, what is your take on what else we could see and how it might compare to the way that cyberattacks at the time were planned and executed? liam: right. well, the resources that we used to create stuxnet have not disappeared they are more than likely being put into new programs now. what we have most recently seen around the negotiations, the g-8 summit, particularly the five plus one, most recently we have
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seen attacks where hotel negotiators -- hotels around the negotiation venues were being hacked so that attackers could spy on the people staying in those hotels. that is the sort of level of espionage we are looking at right now, that's what we know about and there is probably a lot more going on that we are not aware of and probably a lot more will be going on in the future. clearly international negotiations are highly prized espionage targets. emily: what have you been watching now that the deal is done? edward: i will be watching what the engineers and scientists have access to and what they are doing and seeing if they will be able to verify the terms of this treaty. emily: professor thank you so much for joining us. jordan robertson, liam thank you so much to all of you. in today's dealmakers, unit group plans to offer $23 billion
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for micron technology, according to a spokesperson familiar with the matter. they were up 12% on the news, marking the biggest gain in 18 months if the deal goes through being the largest chinese takeover of the u.s. company. at $21 per share it is considered cheap. tim would be paying just four times the earnings. he would also get time by buying revenue that could compete with the likes of samsung. what is most interesting about news is that the group is actually founded by one of china's top schools, which counts the county -- country's president amongst its alumni. this is one of the most interesting aspects of the move made by the beijing-based company, including a 51% stake in hewlett-packard just a couple of months ago. coming up, one videogame maker may have kate upton to thank for
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generated 11 as opposed to 19 in north america. on that note, the unicorn of the day is machine zone, the maker of game of war, famous for its kate upton commercial. offers have given it a $6 billion valuation. today we are seeing pluto like never before. here is an image of the planet captured by the new horizon. the spacecraft soared past pluto early this morning, having traveled over three he and miles since launching in 2006, reaching speeds of up to 30,000 miles per hour. it will take nearly a year and a half to retrieve all the data, but today's pictures are already telling is a lot about the edges of our solar system. joining us now with more on the significance of this probe, we have a doctor with us, a former nasa researcher who helped to collect satellite images from
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space. we also have a curator in astrophysics with us from new york at the american museum of natural history. thank you so much to both of you. chris, i will start with you. given your nasa background this took nine years to happen. why? tell us about the technology that made this happen. chris: it is very cold out there. the spacecraft needed heaters to survive, needed to travel a very long distance to make the trip. that's how long it takes to travel to pluto. emily: michael, how historic was this to pull off? michael: a beautiful mission, tremendous perseverance on the part of nasa. and all of the hundreds of people involved in it, putting this great technology together. we have really wanted to take a look at what is going on out there at the own -- outer part
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of the solar system. we never had a clue, but now suddenly we are getting these magnificent images back. i am sure there will be thousands more in the coming 26 hours. emily: how do they design spacecraft that can withstand these conditions? chris: it is a tough engineering problem. space is very cold. the earth keeps us warm, we are about and temperature, but in deep space you are at zero degrees kelvin. very cold. the spacecraft going to pluto carries a radioisotope thermal generator that generates power and heat to keep it alive. you are so far from the sun that you cannot use solar power to generate energy. emily: michael, we are already learning so many new things about pluto and deeps race but one of the most -- what is one of the most significant things that you would say we have learned today? michael: well, we can see that
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there is geology and a lot going on that lannett. and that there is whether going on same time. it is not the same kind of ic, watery clouds, but there are clearly clouds of methane, nitrogen, ammonia -- substances that we don't think of is responsible for the weather. craters. a lot of them on the surface of pluto. we can see them clearly. there are also geological features that could either be valleys or canyons. maybe there is some surface stuff going on. it is clear that as we get closer in and the resolution gets better, even from the fabulous show that we have been there will be a lot more clues to try to unravel the history of pluto. we now know for the first time that it is the biggest object out there. it was a tossup between it and
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its twin. it is the biggest one out there. emily: we did not know how big it was until today. now we know exactly how big pluto is. chris, what else can we learn here? can we not learn some stuff about how earth evolved? chris: that is absolutely true. pluto was discovered in the mid-20th century and its orbital period is 248 years. since we discovered it it has not orbited the earth yet -- orbited the sun yet. navigating there was very hard, big and close or small and far away? this will tell us a lot about the formation of the solar system how the planets formed what else is out there. emily: michael, there is also a huge solar icecap -- polar ice cap. i know that life there is highly remote, what is the possibility
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of that? michael: well, i prefer to never say never until we actually land there and drill deep underneath the surface, i don't think we will know absolutely for sure. i think it is unlikely. the fact that there is both geology, polar caps -- that these polar caps melt -- or rather sublime the stuff goes into the atmosphere, clouds some of those processes we don't understand well. huge frozen liquid nitrogen, methane, ammonia, they are all extraordinarily interesting. the only sad thing about new horizons is that it cannot hang around. we just didn't have the energy to spend on thrusters to slow it down and put it into orbit. that would have been awesome. but we are going to collect more data, soon it will be sent back.
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in the space of just the day we will learn more than we have in the 85 years since it was discovered. emily: what kind of other missions does this make possible? public private, or public and private? michael: -- chris: in short this mission was hard to fund. i know that they tried tirelessly for decades to get this funded. now that they are gone, they have been proven right. this place is fascinating more complex than ever imagined and there is a lot of stuff worth exploring. i hope to see a lot of private and public missions going out to explore more deeps race. emily: i am fascinated by this story. chris michael, thank you both. now, a look at a stock that we are watching amid a spike in twitter shares. going up on a big report of a $31 billion buyout offer.
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within 10 minutes more than $481 million worth of twitter shares traded above $37.25 before the hoax was exposed. twitter still closing higher for the day. one site was made to look like bloomberg's news page with this fabricated story. we later learned that the site was -- bloomberg. market site was created on july 10 in panama. market manipulation is being looked into. coming up watson, the jeopardy winning supercomputer is learning arabic. why is ibm bringing watson to the middle east? ♪
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emily: it is time now for the daily bite. one number that tells a lot. today's number is 1.8 billion. the number of times that users have used the world's -- viewed the world's newest star, a spotted hen. ♪ to put that into context, that 10 views for every single man woman, and child in brazil. here is a recap of her rise to stardom. her co-creators put their first cartoon on youtube in 2006, the video generated half of a million hits, 600 million dollars in revenue last year. that's not all. creators had plans to go global starting in the u.s.. they are developing a tv show. not bad for the little blue hen. you know that -- you know the ibm watson supercomputer who crushed the competition in
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"jeopardy"? >> watson? >> what is for got you -- for got you -- focaccia. >> that's it. emily: they will be expanding in the u.s. and ibm announced its greatest expansion effort a deal with an abu dhabi investment firm who wants to bring watson to the middle east and teach it arabic. stephen gold joins us now from new york. stephen why is this expansion significant in particular? what are you trying to accomplish? >> it is a funny opportunity to bring the power of watson and cognitive upper -- cognitive opportunity into the region. cognitive computing is about a new way to compute, a system that understands factual language that has an insatiable
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appetite for information reading and understanding the data most importantly a system that learns. in the middle east we will be opening this up to partners, developers, organizations to truly innovate these ideas. emily: there is so much curiosity around watson is a business. can you talk about how the project fits into the broader business strategy of watson? how much has it generated in revenue? stephen: great question. our strategy has really been to proliferate the use of this new style of computing. we started about 18 months ago with the formation of the business unit at which time we had one service in one geography. today we are present and 26 industries and 36 countries. today's announcement really builds on a strategy that goes back to december, when we announced a partnership with softbank. we are really building out a vision of how innovation takes
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form and how ibm as part of its strategy will bring more value to the marketplace. emily: will developers pay to use watson in an app? what is the business model? how does ibm make money off of it? stephen: very innovative. it is a revenue share approach. the way that we when is the way that they went. it cost them nothing. it's only when they deploy and successfully commercialize the technology that we share in the vision of the technology that rings them the ibm brand the capabilities, our marketing cousin is introduced to new geographies and territories. emily: we have heard the biggest names in technology talk about their fear of ai and artificial intelligence. how do you respond to those kinds of fears? stephen: watson is about enhancing experiencing, scaling
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personal expertise. it is about making you and i better in our everyday lives and chosen vocation. it is not about a science fiction from the movies. it is about how we impart greater value and outcomes in our everyday existence. emily: lastly, where have you found watson to be the most successful so far? what industries? stephen: very quickly, health care, but we have also landed into financial services, education, retail travel manufacturing. we are in 26 different industries today and it has become a pervasive part of our lives. emily: fascinating stuff. thank you so much for giving us an update on what watson has been up to. that does it for this edition of "uber bwest." amazon turns 20 years old tomorrow.
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mark: and i'm mark halperin. "with all due respect" to the skeptics -- i told you so. josh: welcome to america's favorite game show, "let's make a deal." first off, congress. what are the odds that congress stops the president deal with iran? josh: they are pretty low because of how the process was put in place. there was a big deal that gave congress a chance to review it
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