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tv   Bloomberg West  Bloomberg  July 17, 2015 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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emily: epic rally at google beating apple's intraday records. it was their best weekly rally ever. i am emily chang. coming up, ebay and paypal prepare to split. i spoke to the ceos of both companies. google's not so secret weapon youtube and i will be visited by maker studio founder danny.
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we have all of the details on a new super fast offering from elon musk. what a day for google. take a look at the jump on this chart. today, the search giant adding $65 billion to its cap. insane. the biggest one day gain and value ever for a company. today's gains pushed the company's volume past microsoft which is worth $377 billion. google added more than the entire value of hewlett packard. google is not the only stock having a great day today. xc gained -- etsy gained 33% apparently because it is getting
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a boost from google. there is wild stuff going on in the market. i know that google beat for a while, but were you expecting this kind of jump. investor sentiment has been neutral foro years. people have wanted a series of things. for the time in five years operating margins were up year. that is something of an inflection high single-digit, point. low double-digit, sure. scarlet: netflix, facebook amazon, what is going on? >> they were oversold. and then we had a series of orders that should really -- showed inflection point. we have had good fundamental news on stocks that were oversold at the beginning of the year. we have covered -- recovered reasonable valuation.
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emily: the ceo of ogle, how much has to do with her? >> part of it has to do with the communication style. she replaced two cfos in the past that were relatively indifferent to the street and they let that be clear. she came out and understood with the street is focused on. she knows it is important to people, so she wants to let them know part of her consideration. she seems to be very hands on when it comes to managing cost. this will be a big cost company a big expense company. that is ok. she will be more disciplined about it then prior cfos. emily: should amazon be taking cues from the austerity measures? >> probably not. keep in mind, both companies are spending aggressively on core competencies. they are going to keep doing this for the next 15 years. core competencies.
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they should not take the foot off the gas pedal. emily: let's go to some announced. -- something else. after 13 years of marriage, ebay and paypal will officially go their separate ways. ebay announcing 10 months ago that it split off paypal in order to focus the two companies on growing profits individually. paypal shares are expecting to be trading on the nasdaq on monday. i sat down with the man behind the split in an exclusive interview. >> i ran the ebay business before i was ceo, and has worked with it for me for the last three years. i sat down and said i can hope , you and coach you the same way meg helped me. with shulman coming in, i felt like i can come how dan and paypal get their sea legs as they become a public company.
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dan will be in charge. emily: do you see them remaining an independent company? how important is it that they remain independent? >> it is for the paypal does whatever it needs to to build a successful future. i think paypal will continue to be an independent company, but who knows how the markets will turn out? emily: you think they will continue to be independent? anytime i bring them up, people say that alibaba wants it, google wants it. they are all going to bid. >> the thing to keep in mind is that payment is a really hard business. emily: do you think that paypal's future is best served if it remains neutral so that it can partner with all of these different companies? >> as of now, yes. paypal is going to do what it needs to to position itself to build the greatest value over time. if markets change down the road,
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we will act rationally down the road. for now, paypal has singular focus on payments. it has unique set of assets. i think that bodes well for paypal's future. emily: how do you think facebook messenger is, and similar services could take a cut of digital payment? >> i think those services are similar to what skype and others want to do which is add value to their experience and close a loop. and paypal could enable peer-to-peer payments. emily: david going to facebook, how big a loss was that? >> i did not see it coming. it is painful to lose a great leader, and i love david, and i was the one who appointed him and coached him and was his biggest fan. but these companies and these businesses change fast and his departure opened up the
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opportunity to go out and find out who's the best leader for the next five years to maybe 10 years for paypal. and dan shulman is that leader. he brings a unique set of background and capabilities to paypal. he has mobile experience, he is technology experience, he understands payments. he is a seasons, global leader. i have no doubt, and i do not think any paypal employee has any doubts that he is the right leader for paypal over the next 3, 5, 10 years. emily: that was my interview with john donahoe. ceo of ebay until midnight tonight. i want to bring mark back into this. do you think the spinoff is good for both companies? mark: i do not think it necessarily providing a lot of greater disclosure for investors. this it was a transparent company to begin with. you have to assets going in different directions.
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ebay is ex-growth. they are going to be invested in differently. it is a very different investor base for both companies. it is a recognition by the ebay board and that these are fundamentally different businesses, and ebay no longer had growth ahead of it. emily: everybody is talking about paypal as an acquisition target, some people say ebay could be more of an acquisition target. will they both remain independent companies? >> paypal is trading at 25 times earnings. that we will see on monday and tuesday. that makes it harder for a lot of companies to legitimately make that deal work. but there is a much broader range of companies that could actually take a look at ebay and make a deal out of buying ebay. i think the will be more digital buyers by a financial perspective. emily: i did speak with the paypal ceo designee. he takes over at midnight. he talks about the potential he sees.
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take a listen. >> i think that paypal has the opportunity to make managing and moving money a right and not a privilege. that is a big opportunity for us on the consumer side. there, we just have to be more in the middle of how people manage and move their money. emily: he was the ceo of paypal back in the day. he thinks he could be a hundred billion dollar company. mark: you've do go five years out or something like that. the type of growth you are able to do, 20% on the top line, if they execute and a bunch of things make sure they get mobile , rights. if they have success in off-line payments, try to outdo square that is the path. the competitive landscape has gotten tougher for ebay. that has justified them to do the acquisitions have done. emily: when new look at the
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trays that are happening right now and vance of the split which , will guide where the price opens on monday, we are seeing paypal at $48 billion market cap. google, facebook, amazon netflix, all of these companies are waiting to go public longer than ever. are they making a mistake? mark: there's a believe that the public markets are too short-term oriented. netflix would not have the evaluation it has if been markets were short-term oriented. the public markets are willing to do long-term dcs. private companies that are trying to say out of the fray because they're worried about the volatility, i think they are making a big mistake. also, you reduce part of your strategic flexibility by staying private. you cannot do substantial m&a if you are a private company. i think public markets would embrace them, would love to see some of these uniforms come public. the market is there for them. emily: we will see if they start listening. thank you for stopping by. great day for you.
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do not forget, our inside paypal special coverage continues on monday. we will take a closer look at the very dramatic changes sweeping the payments landscape. up next, united airlines pays out. we asked the winner of a prize where he is planning to go with one million frequent-flier miles. and elon musk is going at -- unveils tesla's ludicrous speed. ♪
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emily: from the insane to ludicrous. that was the big announcement from elon musk. they will have an improved in sane called ludicrous. it will accelerate from zero to 60 in 2.8 seconds, and lower the price by $5,000. here is how he explained it. elon musk: with his announcement we are actually improving the low-end and the high-end. so now there is a model is available for $5,000 less, but there's also a model is available for $10,000 more. emily: will this price reduction actually moved tesla sales? joining me from washington dc, our very own editor at large, corey johnson.
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corey: tesla owners like the most expensive stuff. the cheaper version of the car barely sold. the $70,000 version of the car came with so you the frills that people love. it will lead to higher revenue for their average sale. what is also interesting is that if you look at tesla sales they have sequential growth in sales. it is very lumpy. put another way, the introduction of their all-wheel-drive lead to a big one-time boost in sales. what they can learn at tesla, is when they offers of a new, their customers will pay to get it. emily: 0 to 60 in 2.8 seconds scares me. will this moved tesla sales?
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>> what they have been saying for the last several years is that every year we will have some percentage in battery chemistry which improves the range. what is lost in all of this is the 300 mile reported ranges of 90 kilowatts battery. there is a 10% loss with the model x being bigger and heavier. the fact they will have an improved battery will help to offset some of that loss. we may be are more positive on the model x range that is comparable to an existing model s. a slow and steady battery chemistry improvement and i think that is the catalyst that we are most focused on. emily: the model x, the suv, tailored toward female customers is at all about the cheapest model that comes out in
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a few years? will that have an impact on sales? cory: i think that was a big part of this. are they getting the economies that will let them take a $70,000 car and make it nearly as good for half the price? lost in all this is the slippage if you will of the timeframe for the release in the model three. there is no real news about that. he suggested it would be ready in two years. what they are saying has changed. by the spring of next year, he said it will be second half of 2017. in may, in may, he says late 2017. and then, with no announcement from the company, he said it will not be in production until 2018. this car is slipping in terms of its production time, and the incremental changes in the battery chemistry and the new
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spark plug are not enough to get them to cut half the cost. that is why is being pushed out. emily: cory johnson, our editor at large. thank you for joining us. it is time to take off. if you were one of the two hackers who just won one million frequent flyer miles from american airlines. that is the max price that they could receive for finding weaknesses in the system. the airline has paid out smaller prizes, but this is the first time they had paid out the full reward. what can you do with one million frequent flyer miles? one winner says, he hasn't decided yet, but probably one
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big splurge trip with the wife sometime next year. he says around the world trips look exciting. reports say he could take five before he runs out of miles. up next, amazon's competitors benefited in big ways from amazon prime day. and google can thank youtube for user growth. ♪
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emily: it is time now for the daily bite, number who tells a whole lot. today's number is two. on amazon prime day competitors emerged as the real winners, experiencing nearly double of
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their amount of web traffic free . the data comes from performance marketing company of logic. big-box retailers jumped on the discount bandwagon by beefing up their own discounts and the strategy paid off. by 7:00 a.m., competitor traffic and already spiked to 2.5 times the average which translated into a boost in sales and an all-around win for online retailers. it has been a huge week for media disruptors. netflix surging on subscriber numbers and reports that hulu may be weighing in an ad free service to catch up. the company said in its earnings average daily youtube feelings soared 50% since last year, to 40 minutes. the company claims that golding en age bracket watches youtube more the cable television in the united states.
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the ceo of a digital first production company joins us now. what do you make of the google youtube numbers? is that what you are seeing? the surge of 50% in terms of viewing? >> that is not surprising at all. with mobile especially there is a lot more viewing happening on mobile which is increasing watch time. people are walking around watching videos now a lot more. and that is a natural progression. emily: where do you see that going? is this the end of cable television or the beginning of it? >> that is a good question. it is an exciting time where models are changing. but i do not think the
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television will go away. i think this is a golden age for television because i think the hour-long drama and some of the content we are seeing her tv whether it is on television or on net links with the creative torments are much richer with the storytelling and you also have the short form content on youtube. they are reaching large audiences. emily: you have been in this business for a long time. i want to talk about your company. you have been on an m&a tear. you bought a company valued at $100 million. what is the goal of zealot? >> we want to be the next great entertainment media company, with traditional media and online as well. emily: where do you want to take this? >> we are looking at all of these new and emerging platforms
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of youtube, google, facebook and how our audiences transitions and how we beat for their attention. emily: what do you say of your competitors? >> a lot of people are saying buzz feed, or those coming up as competitors, which i think there is definitely a lot of similarities. emily: what are the differences? in terms of your business model? >> we are pretty unique in the fact that we are building from an m&a foundation. those are becoming component parts of a holistic media company moving forward. whereas vice, a traditional media property that moved into digital. i think at zealot, we're looking at how do we take companies like a vice and help them make the transition from traditional to digital media. emily: always fascinating. thank you for joining us. we have some breaking news now out of yahoo!. they just announced an initial filing with the sec to spin off
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the company's remaining holdings in alibaba. yahoo! expects the spinoff to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2015. that does for this friday edition of bloomberg west. on monday, our special coverage of paypal's split from ebay will continue. i will be ast the nasdaq. i will see you from new york. ♪
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>> this is iowa. mark: i attended an event with one of them, governor scott walker a couple of blocks from here. jennifer jacobs from our partners at the des moines register's joining me for a classic two for this week. 1200 people in th


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