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tv   Titans at the Table  Bloomberg  July 25, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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that we have seen in the last acceleration,e new leads, new athletes, new tactics, here we go again, now it is vincent luis in the front. trevor: luis wasn't broken, so this could be vincent luis's first-ever win of a race or javier gomez's 12? as this is all about, you can never guess and you could kind brownlee brothers hadn't been in the battle, we would have had two incredible warriors. trevor: but this is epic enough and we know about javier gomez, and you have to really perform, he will give you nothing, but he is sticking to vincent luis and he is making luis win this race. can he do it, though? gomezs is in control, and
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is just letting that little gap happen here but i know he does not want to let it get any rod -- any larger here. there is about a one trip around the four meter track here to go. is tryingvier gomez to utterly as luis gets the sprint on. and this could be his first ever wts win. >> luis is up on his toes and gomez is trying to come back, and we saw this a few years ago on this same section of courseware daniel unger was able to run away during this part of the course, and vincent luis is going to not be the bridesmaid today, it is going to be vincent luis with a 20 meter gap, and javier gomez, these spaniards
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who has won it 20 times, it is not ready his, vincent luis is finally claiming a victory in the wts race. the man inz is second, what an incredible battle they had, you can't even see third, it looks like it might be mario mola. molaour money down, mario has run himself into third, it may in fact be the fastest run of the day. mola will cross the line about connixnds behind, and will finish in a fourth. i know this was a good race for me, and just before the race, my coach says that he knows i really care and to just let me go. was a very good race
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and everybody in the group was working. in the run, i didn't really have a great day, so i just hung on and i wasn't feeling great and i knew this time i wasn't really fast and i up andut i couldn't keep then he just passed me in the end. but it is all right, second place for the series is good, but it is not my best, but i still managed to get a good result. tough i was in a position, but you've got to believe, i have been training for the last couple of weeks. i gave it everything i had today. very happy and i'm with that. yes, hopefully next time, we start running earlier to get in front. host: that jaw-dropping final 300 meters saw vincent luis pass javier gomez for the crown. mario mola made a remarkable
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third-place recovery. connix was the fourth across the line and there was another strong french finish for seventh. taking silver ensures that javier gomez's stays on top of columbia threadneedle rankings. vincent luis goes from third-place the fourth. now it was time for the grand finale in hamburg. for the third season running, the city hosted the itu championships. two men and two women from each nation competed in a popular
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event among elite athletes, many of whom hope that it will be integrated into the program. >> i would love it if the triathlon had another medal in the olympics. i really think that the fans enjoy watching the relay. it is a very quick pace and it is good to see the men and women together and it is really exciting. vincent: we are fighting each other to be in the team and we will have to see what happens. very specific course, just one lap to swim, 300 meters, and then to collapse on the bike, so very flat but lots of changes in direction and tight turns for the writers to negotiate. it is fast and furious, the world team relay. and of course, the owner -- the order that they go out will be
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critical. a 180 degree turn on each lap. key,ntration is absolutely especially on these wet roads that we've got this afternoon. away they go. that looks like a pretty clean start. >> so they basically swim a straight down through the canal. they are going the opposite direction that you would have seen yesterday. they're are going the opposite direction of the crowd. they do a swim underneath the canal, do a right-hand turn, and come back in. down 120 meters up for a right-hand turn, then right towards the crowd, comeback under the bridge, 120 meters, up the stairs, onto the bike, two legs of 3.2 kilometers as you saw earlier -- said earlier on the bikes. this basically makes the equivalent of a one mile run. you can see that japan is right out in the front, but
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third-place, i would not be surprised to see hungary come out of the water in that lead bunch. hungary has some great swimmers. gwen jorgensen has -- jorgensen has pulled out of the race in just the less 30 minutes and i personally think it would great decision. you don't want one of your writers to crash in the cobblestones and i think it was a good idea not to risk her. they are under four minutes, so these are fast swims coming out. the russians -- the australians, wow, they had a very solid swim. so they will try to get into the shoes. holland is in a great position right now. they are both very strong on the bike. backhouse might
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try to do this without shoes on. trevor: the key has her shoes on. >> a couple of last-minute changes, canada has dropped sweet and and the united states dropped jorgensen and added casper. trevor: it is basically two and two that would make eight with the likes of south africa and italy. there less than a mile from the end of the bike relay. that is holland at the front for great britain. they have the lead of about 10 seconds or so, and here comes backhouse, and there goes hewitt. >> a little bit of a gap, not a has done a lot for australia. no surprise for andrea hewitt. trevor: oh no, holland goes down. >> and that is with only four
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people coming in. i think it is just two women on the carpet, it didn't look intentional by any stretch of the imagination. up on the toes, she looks like she is going to be bringing this thing in as the first woman. she already has the lead. trevor: from being that down and potentially out, she is now out from one leg down from the likes of backhouse. she is gaining on the kiwi. had the back and vicky greatd heads in and britain will be the first in the water in this second leg. >> germany gone. austro you ready. -- australia ready. she was digging deep there.
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these guys watch the dive. this is monumental. trevor: there you go. >> the crowd just loves it. these guys go for maximum distance. no weight on the style here. i think you going to catch him. right now, benson is not the same quality swimmer there. le has boiled it down to about five meters -- aaron r oyle has boiled it down to about five meters. >> it will be benson out of the water. well.rmany coming out as there is our group of three. trevor: see the crowds. hamburg,he rain of still excellent support for this mixed team relay. how far behind is the full team?
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that is the question. they got to keep these teams together. i within about 10 seconds, yes, 10 seconds back is italy. they were sixth going into the water, so now they've got to go into the wet suits, you don't want to be wet while pedaling. nieschlag, benson and yle are leading in this part of the contest. don't get the same kind of issues that happened to vicky holland as they come off the bikes here. --re's only three and a three of them is that a for in the advances. >> the puddles are getting smaller. trevor: that was much more orderly. >> those boys, though, they love
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to push it until the last centimeter. i personally don't understand why they don't it off six inches sooner. germany to the left and australia to the right. wow, benson down. that's got to hurt you read -- hurt. rebecca robisch will go into the water for the lead and emmett jackson follows. runor: and robisch has to through benson. >> yes, and there is a very , developing a french athlete. the french don't send their out unless they are ready. i like that. you don't want to go 18 feet down, you want to be able to keep going. nieschlage hero justus
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gave a lead for germany, but australia and france created a four away it -- lead for the podium. trevor: now it is france and great britain, that is your are justour, and we three quarters of an hour into this. this is just a terrific name. you can see it is raining and it is pretty cold, pretty cool, people are in coats here in the middle of july. a lot of german flags on display as you can see. you've got a magnificent view. so close to the athletes. this third stage is so often what is sorted out. you can certainly lose it. you are that far out of range. -- allfour's athlete
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four athletes up to execute it, there would certainly be a problem. trevor: it looks that we are going to get a breakaway of four here, i think. and don't forget, it is cold, and you got wet hands and sometimes it is hard. >> this is the perfect situation, four teams of the will have this lead, and it is four world-class teams, france, australia, how could you think of rain when you are racing at that level? look at that, no helmet, no ,elmet, no helmet, no helmet that is a penalty right there. you actually have to have your helmet done up before you take your bike, unless i am totally mistaken, she is going to get a 10 second penalty.
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so there is a group of four. position at a great and about 25 seconds back from the chase athletes. and confirm that germany will have a 10 second penalty for that helmet issue, so your money is safe. >> no, it was your money that i was betting on. trevor: i should've known better. obisch is clean, stanford is ok. >> all four women are clean. run.ey are often on the germany has a penalty. him tell them,rd germany has a penalty. trevor: not what you want to seemed toagain, non have the same problems with benson there with the helmet coming off. >> not a big surprise. trevor: i think, because of
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lease running the fourth leg for france, the only chance for great britain, who doesn't have a time penalty, or australia, they've got to get a lead. i know what you are going to say, but swim on your own, bike on your on, but i am not surprised to see it, and i'm not saying it is going to work because it is only one mile. how much of a gap can she create? >> look at that gap, wow. it will be probably 12 seconds, 13 seconds, to australia, and maybe 50 seconds back behind the lead. tovor: robisch is about touch, but that penalty is good to be very, very costly for germany. great britain is away. they will be first in the water as we pass the earmarked here. robischon did the job, there, just trying to narrow the second. trevor: ryan bailey from australia has the job here.
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that is the gap. buckingham and those two pursuers. >> he is a warrior, that kid. and here comes visit luis behind him. watch, he will narrow the gap with these guys. he is just such a brilliant swimmer. just done some very basic accounting in my head, i reckon that that gap is it about nine seconds from the point where they touched. so the pressure is being applied to buckingham. outhey are good health four on the bikes here, i reckon. >> here they are. trevor: they are a country mile cleared. this is just how important it is to have no weakness in your game.
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wow, australia is struggling. really can't get his bike out of the transition. smart, and he is going to work together with vincent luis, because he could become a little bit stubborn and not take the lead, and that is baileng to give dail -- the chance, and maybe visit luis will come after him. kudos to bailie, he wants out of there, he wants the gold medal, he will not take bronze. trevor: i wonder if that german penalty will hurt the crowd. this point, you've just got to go. transition is now critical. tos is going to come down
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between just a few seconds. nobody has a spread and in my estimation, visit luis has, but he used it all yesterday. trevor: buckingham had a good transition. and he bailie is going, is out. trevor: good effort from buckingham. >> visit luis is doing what we all had anticipated, showing that he is the class sprinter of the group. turning that he is he is185, 186, and running away with his second victory of the weekend, and with friends winning the team title of the european championship of the week, they started off with winner, and justus c --
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was at fourth, and visit louise is going to win the title for the weekend. and i can see buckingham is coming behind, and there is team france, there is buckingham, there is buckingham. to makehe is not going it, buckingham is going to make second. second,alia is buckingham will be third, and the fourth to come across a line here on is going to be germany, so that penalty was costly. it will cost the difference between a bronze medal. it was very good for me, it was very good for the team, and is a great team win for france.
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ryan: it was great, i got to have a win, so i was happy. was a hard race, it was a really hard race. host: yet another win by vincent winning france's first championship. great britain had to settle for bronze while australia got silver. and russia and hungary followed with the usa in seventh and eighth. another action-packed stop at hamburg comes to an end after the city witnesses three dramatic route races. next up on the itu world calendar,series world we stop off in beautiful stockholm, sweden. thank you so much, and goodbye. ♪
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announcer: the itu world triathlon series is brought to you by columbia threadneedle investments. the proceeding was a paid program. the opinions and views expressed ofnot reflect the opinions
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bloomberg lp, its affiliates, or its employees.
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announcer: "brilliant ideas," powered by hyundai motors. narrator: the contemporary art world is vibrant and booming as never before. phenomenon, a global industry in its own right. "brilliant ideas" looks at the artists at the heart of this, artists with a unique power to astonish, challenge, and shock, push boundaries, ask new questions, and see the world afresh. in this program, luke jerram. ♪


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