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tv   With All Due Respect  Bloomberg  August 28, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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lizzie: i am lizzie o'leary. john: and with all due respect to carly victorino, whose car killed a deer. we thought it was demon sheep who had you all freaked out. ♪ -- carly fiorina. lizzie o'leary is guest hosting sports fans. lindsey graham lectures and trump economics, 101. but first, team clinton gets cost -- gets caught passing
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notes. the political world has been fixated on hillary clinton's e-mails, but two stories have changed the subject and not in a good way. the washington post printed a story yesterday about the close aide of hillary and today it was reported that bill clinton tried to get the state department to approve paid speeches into unseemly locales --north korea adnd the congo. ed henry asked hillary a three-part question about bill and her e-mail. here is how she responded. hillary clinton: let me answer whatever questions, because i think that is what you are entitled to. the first question you asked about the process that was set up in my years as secretary of state was for any request that my husband received to be sent to the state department to be vetted. he did neither of those
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speeches. john: my question is this, which of these two problems that she has, the e-mail server and these other problems with her husband, foundation, speech giving and a moneymaking -- which is the bigger political problem for her? lizzie: ime money person, i covered politics. but through an economic lens, the money is always the thing that draws people. it is consultative. voters have a hard time following the tangles between the foundation, the donors, president quentin, ex-president clinton -- president clinton. $650,000. john: for a speech in the congo. that sounds like a lot of money to a lot of people. lizzie: it is. john: to go and speak in a not so pleasant place. i have always thought that the foundation, the speech and moneymaking, and the tangle with
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the state department is a bigger political problem. i slightly revised my view on that. lizzie: tell me why. john: talking about the federal bureau of investigation investigating you, that raises the potential criminal charges against someone in this involvement. i think that the fbi's involvement raises the stakes on the e-mail. but this story coming back has a lot of people nervous because it is something that a lot of people around her thought it was behind them. and bill clinton attached to it. he is a huge asset to her, but sometimes can be a problem. lizzie: up until now, we have only heard a little bit about what donald trump's economic platform may look like, but each day we are getting a better look if mr. trump ever reaches the oval office. here are some of the proposals he's discussed in the past week, his stance on economics the wall in mexico. mr. trump: i would said to the
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head of ford, sorry, you either pay a tax with every car and every part that comes across the southern border, you're going to pay eight 35% tax. -- pay a 35% tax. i would take carried interest out, and let people who are making hundreds of millions of dollars a year case of tax. right now they are paying a very little tax. -- millions of dollars a year to pay some tax. we have companies that are leaving this country to go out and get money. let that money come in and tax it at a lower rate. i know the greatest negotiators in the world. if i put carl in charge of deals, it's over. walk away, let them. they even know that they don't have a chance, okay? lizzie: as a matter of text, -- omicsr of politics, trumpon
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sounds appealing but does this , make sense? john: i love hearing the words president trump come out of your mouth. the second thing, there was someone who wrote this great article today going through what we know about the economic proposal of trump, building up military, very expensive, he will not cut entitlements. the interesting doesn't count for very much. he knows trump is going to be the biggest budget buster in the world if he is president. i defer to you, because you are an expert on matters of budget and finance. lizzie: from an economic standpoint, there is not a coherent line. this is the left of barack obama on carried interest, saying that i will tax hedge funds and wall street at a normal income level, but i think i'm lower than the corporate interest rate. then corporate taxes, which is to the right. a lot of this stuff doesn't have a particular rule line. it has a very protectionist and as far as free-trade, which does
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make sense with the 35% import tariff. john: is there buddy in the conventional world business and economics that you cover that thinks slapping a 25% tariff on chinese goods, mexican goods, other goods, thinks that make economic sense? lizzie: in a word? no. john: no sense. would it be calamitous? would it be horrible? lizzie: he would start a trade war. john: we don't want to start any wars. it has been a wild week for wall street stocks first in freefall because of concerns on china's economy, they have bounced back. but it was basically flat today. at the same time, as president obama noted in his speech in england, the gdp -- in his speech in new orleans, the gdp has been revised to a blistering 3.7%, that is up from 2.3%, so lizzie i turn to you. i am a simple man. i keep money in a mattress. i look at the stock market going crazy, up and down, i look at
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gdp growth going strong. how do we reconcile the picture of what is happening in the financial market with apparently what is happening in the real economy? lizzie: the gdp looks backward. the stock market looks forward and that's on companies. -- and bets on companies. the reading is somewhere in the middle. the economy is not the stock market. the stock market is not the economy. john: it is interesting because your analysis suggests that it is forward-looking, that would suggest it would be good for republicans who want to change the democratic party. on the other hand, the markets seem divorced from the real economy, and the real economy matters more to voters. lizzie: any certainly haven't seen, when you talk about the people who of benefited from the overall market trends, that is not your average voter. there is still a bit of a disconnect.
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john: if you were hillary clinton with the democratic nominee, next fall would you , rather have a down market and up real economy or the real , economy trending downward, but the stock market booming? lizzie: for the people she is trying to reach, you want a real economy that has a tangible feel. anxiety is what motivates them to vote. john: she has to make the argument in the entity that she was the an extension in some modification of barack obama's policies, so if gdp is growing, if the on implement rate is going down, that is a better argument for continuity based on what is going on any stock market. lizzie: i like you deferring to me. john: it makes it a lot easier for me. next, a republican presidential candidate who says he wants to "beat donald trump's brains out." that is lindsey graham, and he will be with us when we come back.
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john: with us from new hampshire, the south carolina senator and moonlighting standup comedian, lindsey graham. good to have you. sen. graham: i was in the poconos last weekend. i will be here all week. john: we have been talking about the situation with the market this week, obviously up and down and people blaming china and their economy. some of your rivals, senator rubio, senator walker said we should cancel the chinese state dinner. senator rubio says we should downgraded to a working dinner. and trump said that barack obama should give him a big mac. what you think about those "proposals" as they relate to china? lindsey graham: i don't care if we have a state dinner, i think we should communicate to the
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chinese that we want a good relationship, that manipulating currencies is bad for the relationship. cyberattacks, intellectual property theft is going to jeopardize this relationship. we will be hurt but you will be , hurt more. change your behavior and enjoy your wine. lizzie: can you give me something concrete that you would change in u.s. policy toward china, because a lot of those things you talk about are already in the policy. sen. graham: we haven't done anything on currency many galatian. -- on currency manipulation. lizzie: would you want to start a trade war? sen. graham: no, start a level playing field. i think that they intentionally manipulate the value of the yuan and at the expense of american manufacturers to compete in the world marketplace. i got 67 votes for a currency
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manipulation ill with chuck schumer. -- bill with chuck schumer. john: i will ask you about donald trump, the unavoidable question. there is a poll that came out about south carolina, had donald trump leading the way in your home state. 3%, had you done it 4%. he mocked you, as he opened the does on twitter. you called him a complete idiot on cnn and said he would be his brains out became to south carolina. i enjoy when you say this kind of things. someo you think that -- may think that firing back at him is stooping to his level, playing on his turf. do you think it helps your cause and do you think it helps the tone of the debate to fire back in that way? sen. graham: number one, you can't take yourself too seriously. at the end of the day, i think the problem with mr. trump is his policies do not work.
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he is not going to destroy isil by taking oil from the syrians and iraqis, you will turn everybody against us. it would be a nightmare. it would be a blessing for isil. donald trump's policies would help isil more than anything i can think of. that would be his undoing. lizzie: donald trump has been gaining traction in part because americans like what he says economically. i'm curious, we have these figures that are positive, what is your assessment of where the real economy is right now for most people? sen. graham: number one, i don't know what he says about the economy. i have no idea what is economic land of event -- economic plan, other than it is great and it's going to be big. all i can say is that the next president ought to deal with long-term spending, which -- the economy is stagnant because policies in place make it hard to create jobs, but the next
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president needs to dust off something like adjusting the age retirement for medicare and social security, address the mass retirement of the baby boomers that wipe us out by 2040, where all the money goes to interest on debt. get us in a room with democrats and republicans and deal with the liabilities of this country. that is what i want to do, bring us together. not insult everybody. john: let me ask you another political question, there is a story talking about your home state. beasley, current governor haley, mark stanford, others are not endorsed you -- their stories that they do not want to endorse lindsey graham because he's not going to be the nominee, but they want to give them space right now, but they will not be with him.
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do you think that is a true assessment of the situation? wired this people not with you, and there is need -- and is there any chance they will be by the end of the primary? sen. graham: at the end of the day, how i perform in south carolina will be determined by how well i do outside of it. i have been in the state for years. people have been incredibly kind to me. -- either in the state for 20 years. people are incredibly kind to me there, i have a great owner base, i won a primary, and it is all about immigration. so at the end of the day, what will get me through south carolina is to perform well in new hampshire and iowa, and i don't do well there it would be a campaign that needs to be reassessed. i feel good about south carolina, there are smiling faces, i don't know how mr. trump fits into that model, time will tell. sen. graham: senator, i have to ask you. i haven't -- i am an economics reporter. i see you as someone who has a strong voice on national security, but you are destroying
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a phone, slinging insults, how for you is this worth it? sen. graham: it is fun. he gave out my cell phone number on national television. so i had fun with it. at the end of the day, we will get serious. this is the silly season. you have scott walker talking about destroying isil today. i like scott, but there is no plan there. if you don't have ground troops in a regional army, there is nobody left in syria to help. if you do not understand that we need ground forces in syria, you are not serious about isil. you were not ready to be commander in chief. john: mark and i got an exclusive tour of donald trump's campaign headquarters. more on that after our sponsors.
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john: earlier this week we got the first exclusive look of trump's campaign office.
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this is what we found. ♪ mark: hi, how are you? have you worked on a presidential campaign before? >> no, a governor campaign, but nothing like this. mark: what do you do all day? >> i coordinate things. i make sure everyone has what they need. i help with the secretary stuff, basically make sure everything is running. mark: where did you meet mr. trump? >> i met him when i started working here. mark: what was that like? >> a little nerve-racking, but he is incredibly nice. rk: this is where corey works. corey is on the phone. we are not listening to his call. this is where trump's campaign manager works.
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don't forget the most important part -- the do your job sign. mark: corey, this is where you work? you have worked on how many campaigns? >> 40. mark: how you ever had one that looks like fifth avenue? >> i have a balcony, it doesn't get better than this. mark: 5th avenue, near central park. is this where you stay? >> 100%. we will take over the floor and have room to grow. additional space if we want it. the problem is prepared -- the problem is we pay fair market value. it's not cheap. mark: but you have a good backer for the campaign. john: this is not a shoestring operation. >> i say this to everybody, we run a campaign like a business.
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we make sure that when we spend money, we get a return on investment, we do not waste my. john: not every candidate has his own helicopter or airplane. it is a little different. >> the pizza is here. let's get in there. every campaign has pizza. >> this is where all the mail is. it gets sorted. these are the things that people have sent in in the last 3-45 days. -- 30-45 days. mark: wow. >> that has come in so far. mark: how many people do you get in a day? >> 3-4 of these a day. plus fedex packages. mark: does everybody get a response? >> everybody gets one. mark: you are the four hardest hardest working people in america.
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what is on the pizza? looks pretty good. i would love that. >> i am doing scheduling and answering phone calls, doing the mail. mark: have you ever worked for a campaign before? >> i worked for city council. mark: what inspired you to work for mr. trump? >> i think mr. trump had a different view of politics, i'm a political science major. i know a lot about politics so i think it is refreshing, his take on american politics and how this actually goes. i want to make a difference. i actually believe in mr. trump. mark: if your office is on 5th avenue, you might think, not a normal campaign. but this looks like a campaign this could be anywhere. >> that is what i like.
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i don't need all the jazz that comes with it. [indiscernible] mark: i'm not saying that you should lose your job, but that woman is so on message. every thing she said. every sentence ended with make america great again. i asked, what are you having for lunch? she said pizza, make america great again. people just send this stuff? >> a guy in pennsylvania said, i'm going to send you a flag. mark: are these is suitable for wearing? they look big. >> they do. if you are a 44 or 48. mark: have you ever worked on a campaign? normally something people spend their lives working up to as a trip director. how did you get this job? >> i showed up and said i will
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do anything. mark: you are wearing a tie, is that office policy? >> yeah, i think everybody wears a tie. mark: in vermont, they would be probably wearing tie-dye shirts and ripped jeans. >> the sanders campaign? mark: exactly. mark: did you come here because you knew somebody? >> i love donald trump. i said i want to work for that guy. i e-mailed and showed up. mark: i don't know you can see in here, this is padlocked. this used to be the space for the apprentice. this is where the props were. >> this is where they filmed "the apprentice.' mark: this is the floor where the film it? is everything still there? you are working one floor below where the magic happens. right here. mark: let's take a look at the table.
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this is the famous board table. covered a backup for posterity. you could have your campaign announcements in here. we have office supplies, packets, iphone covers, buttons, make america great again. celebrity president, your donald, you're hired. and this proves this is headquarters for the campaign, the one piece of food we saw, a monster. john: we will be right back. ♪
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john: apparently sarah palin did not much like the questions we asked donald trump about the bible. they can go pound sand until they ask the same of their liberal pals." when our fantasy that the bible
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is their favorite book, we will do that. i am thanking lizzie o'leary for being here with me. lizzie: thanks john. and until monday, sayonara.
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narrator: the contemporary art world is vibrant and booming as never before. it's a 21st century phenomenon, a global industry in its own right. "brilliant ideas" looks at the artists at the heart of this, artists with a unique power to astonish, challenge, and surprise. in this program, new york painter, francesco clemente. ♪


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