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tv   With All Due Respect  Bloomberg  October 1, 2015 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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john: i'm john heilemann. mark: i'm mark halperin. "with all due respect" to the house of representatives, anybody seen kevin mccarthy? ♪ mark: on the show tonight, jeb, marco, and putin. but first, lots of lots of hillary and a touch of bernie. there is plenty of news crossing the computer screens in brookland -- brookland today, starting with a surprising announcement that an old socialist from vermont is giving hillary clinton a run for her money when it comes to money, as in fundraising. bernie sanders announced that he raised $26 million over the last three months, most of that from very small donations.
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hillary clinton's campaign announced she raised a touch more, $28 million, mostly from big donors. does this parity in fundraising represent some sort of a fundamental change in the race? john: there are a lot of ways bernie sanders is not like barack obama. but in this respect, and -- in the first quarter of 2007 when barack obama beat hillary clinton in money raised, it was a political earthquake. this is not quite that earthquake, but it's a big deal. how he raised it and -- mark: when barack obama was going against clinton, he had both small donations and a lot of wall street-- sanders is basically doing this with small donations. as everybody in politics nose, small donations means you can go back to those people, raising more and more. john: they are not maxed out. mark: the one thing i have learned about the clintons since covering them in the early deal, andis is a big it means if sanders continues to have success, he will raise a lot. john: sanders' people know the cost to run in iowa and new
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hampshire. they now have enough to compete. there's only so much airtime and so much you can spend. they need to meet that bare minimum. they have done it by their third quarter way ahead of schedule. that makes it very dangerous to her in the first two contests. mark: i will say it again, meet me a camera 2 -- there is only so many hillary clinton donors that she can go back to. [laughter] most of them have maxed out under the law. sanders -- vast majority of his contributors, he can go back to them again and again. john: and again. mark: over the next few months. and that is a huge danger for her. sanders, and on the republican side, ben carson, are the kind of grassroots candidates everyone wants to be. john: absolutely right. issue number two in hillaryland is kevin mccarthy. after suggesting that the purpose of the benghazi committee was to drag down hillary clinton politically, it has not taken long for some of
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the majority leader's republican colleagues to slap him on the wrist. >> that is an absolute inappropriate statement. it was not how it started. we want to get to the truth of it. >> should this disqualify him for being speaker of the house? >> it does not necessarily disqualify him, but it's a terrible statement. i don't think it is a care -- fair characterization. >> he should apologize. >> yeah, i think you should apologize and withdraw it. it's an absolute inaccurate statement as to what we are doing and have done on the work on benghazi. john: that's congressman jason chaffetz. doing more than a slap on the wrist. already, hillary clinton is trying to make hay out of mccarthy-ghazi. she released a video featuring hasie mook, in which he an opportunity to hit benghazi and the other usual suspects. >> hi everybody, i am campaign manager for hillary for america. i wanted to give you a quick update on our strategy in the state of the race. there are 15 republican candidates. five other democratic candidates. two billionaire brothers who
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have committed to spending over $800 million in the race, and countless other super pacs. not to mention congressional republicans, who are running a taxpayer-funded opposition research program against hillary clinton. the selection is going to be -- this election is going to be tough, but it is going to get tougher. the other side will never give up with their attacks. that's what i want to focus on what matters most -- and that is you. john: mark, brooklyn is doing everything they can do to take advantage of this opportunity. how well are the republicans doing at cleaning up the mess mccarthy made? mark: you cannot unring this bell. mccarthy's statement will live on and on in the minds of the media, in the minds of democrats, and in the mouths of bill and hillary clinton. some republicans are slapping mccarthy down, others are engaging in doublespeak. as best we can tell, he is not speaking about it on camera. this is a cataclysmic event in the history. any honest republican will tell you that one slip, leaving aside what we've talked about already about the incompetence of
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mccarthy -- brooklyn will always celebrate that moment. john: trey gowdy gave a long interview talking about his plans for this committee's hearing. you hear it and you thought, all the lawyerly talk, all the precision, the care. the political calculation. if it had not come out in the context of this, it would have been impressive. he would have been impressed by it. as it was, it looked like the guy was trying to mop and shovel at the same time. none of it matters because it's nothing like the bold bright lights of what mccarthy said. mark: it's possible that if hillary is like to president, mccarthy's statement could be as big as john kerry's "i voted for it before i voted against it.' it is that big of a deal, because people don't think he said it in some off way -- people think he is telling the truth. mark: now we will move on to e-mail. a new batch of clinton e-mails that have been released by the state department. they are pretty good. mostly for the slapstick style
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comedy losing out of every e-mail pore. there's a time hillary clinton called the white house operator, and the operator didn't believe who she was. writing that some israeli officials sound cocky, and she asked her top aide to explain what fubar means. there was an e-mail from 2011 where clinton's chief of staff warned that she didn't want to "telegraph" that her practice was to use a nongovernment server because the chief of staff was worried that hackers may get onto it. clinton also received some suspicious spam, like the rest of us do, although there is no evidence that she clicked on any of them, and therefore got hacked. john, what does this new batch of e-mails tell us now that they have been made public? and is hillary clinton's political situation worse because of them? john: context is all. and in this context, the timing of these e-mails coming out and the context of kevin mccarthy's statement overshadowed them. no one's paying attention, no one cares. i don't think there is anything, but the magnitude of the scandal is what it is.
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there's nothing that will move the ball forward in these e-mails, even if we are paying attention. but the truth is, no one is paying attention. mark: if the mccarthy thing is surmounted over sometime, i don't know how it would be, but if that happens, the main thing is that it once again it shows how cavalier they were about using a private server. obviously, they should have known that it was susceptible to being hacked. it's clear that they knew. they need to keep it on the downlow so that people would not hacked it -- hack. it once again it shows the irresponsibility of secretary clinton. john: we now know there are double the number of classified e-mails that passed through that server. that's an incremental development, but an important one. if you marry it up with the cavalier this you are talking about, that is where you get in trouble. mark: the other piece of the clinton strategy, besides trying to take advantage of what mccarthy said, hoping that all these stories sound like white noise. going from 200 classified e-mails to 500, all of that is true. i will say, though, there is one
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other element, which is not subsumed by this. three letters -- fbi. it's still the case that if the fbi investigation yields some sort of indictment or indictments, mccarthy's thing won't matter here. john: i was sure you would say some other three letters, but i'm not sure which. coming up, jeb bush lays the smack on marco rubio, and what it means for your weekend, after this. ♪
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♪ john: hey hey ho ho, a new conventional wisdom has arrived on the scene. marco rubio may be a more likely republican nominee than jeb bush. jeb and marco have a mr. miyagi-karate kid thing going on. except i don't remember the part pat tried to where
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up mr. miyagi. which is kind of what happened this morning on morning joe when i asked jeb his old mentee's ability to lead. john: let me ask you about marco rubio. there's a quote attributed to you yesterday. you compared him to president obama, saying he didn't have the leadership skills to fix things. are you saying that senator rubio does not have the leadership skills to fix things? governor bush: there were two thoughts in that sentence that i had, but i think i have the skills to fix things. marco was a member of the house of representatives when i was governor, and he followed my lead. i'm proud of that. john: but you don't think he has the leadership skills to fix things? governor bush: no. barack obama did not end up having them. and he won an election based on the belief that people had that he could, and he didn't even try. john: mark, on the basis of that, how do you think jeb is dealing with the marco rubio threat? mark: that's a line of argument he will have to take. based on senator rubio's age and
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experience, and jeb's age and experience, that is potentially effective. but his heart is not totally in it yet. john: his basic argument is that i was the big dog, i was the master, and he was the puppy, and he was a very good obedient puppy, he followed him right behind me, i like throwing a bone to him every once in a while. it was a good relationship. mark: jeb bush has 99 problems, and marco rubio is one of them. it's a big one, because if the third quarter money comes out, if there are more endorsements, if the walker people start to disperse -- all of that goes to rubio, and rubio now ahead of bush in most polling, jeb has a problem. john: the interesting thing about this is that jeb thinks he has a marco rubio problem. i think he does, he's right, but he's managed to not do this until now. it turns out that the conventional wisdom is a wisdom that they share. it's not just the conventional wisdom saying marco is a real threat. within jeb world, it's evident that they believe it's true. mark: i ask people all the time, who can be nominated?
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bush used to be almost on every list. now there are some lists bush is not on. rubio is on every list. john: exactly. mark: here's some karma at the last republican debate. center rubio predicted that the russians would fly aircraft over syria, claiming to fight isis while backing up assad. all the while arguing that the united states is an unreliable partner. guess what? all that is happening. russia's forces assert that they have hit a dozen isis targets. john, how will what is going on in syria affect american politics? john: one of the things about foreign policy is when there is a bogeyman attachment to it, it becomes a much more salient issue to a lot of voters. last year we saw beheadings. that crystallized the isis debate. now we have putin. if putin was not doing what he was doing in syria, it would not be a salient issue. but a lot of americans fear, hate, despise putin. this is a move into the center of the foreign policy debate. mark: even though hillary clinton made different arguments
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about how to proceed in syria, this could end up being a huge foreign policy crisis going into the presidential year. she will have to deal with defending president obama to some extent, or really turning on him. it's going to be a tough choice for her. john: who lost syria, and what would you do if you are sitting across from vladimir putin? those are going to be recurring questions. every candidate will have to have an answer to that. mark: i think also, if the crisis -- not just the refugee crisis, but also what is going on in the ground, it's going to be a chance and a challenge for president obama as this term ends. can he get something bipartisan? can he sit with kevin mccarthy and mitch mcconnell and figure out a unified american plan to deal with this? that would be tough, particularly on partisanship. john: i like the underlying assumption that kevin mccarthy will come out of hiding at some point. mark: he is out and about. john: out and aboot. we will be right back with the man behind the new movie about malala after this. ♪
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♪ recently, my good friend davis guggenheim visited the studio. you may know davis for "an inconvenient truth." -- he won an austere an oscar for "waiting for superman." now, malala. davis and i sat around to talk about it. and we started by watching a scene from the movie. >> it is a miracle that you are here with us today. you had to overcome an attempt on your life, grievous injuries inflicted. let me say the words the taliban never wanted her to hear -- happy 16th birthday, malala. [applause]
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malala: it is an honor for me to be speaking again after a long time. thank you to every person who has prayed for my fast recovery and a new life. the taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead. they shot my face, too. they thought that the bullet would silence her. but nothing changed except this -- weakness, fear, and hopelessness died. strength, power, and courage was born. john: this is a famous moment about a woman who has now become a global icon. on some levels, totally obvious why you would want to make a movie about her. but just talk about what, beyond the obvious, made this project
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attractive to you? these producers from asked,od called me and do you want to make this documentary, i had only known a little bit. she was a girl shot on her school bus. i did some reading. i read about her early story in pakistan. i realized there was more to it than that. there is a puzzle, this mystery of a father and daughter. how they rise out of this small town. and what was the nature of the relationship that produced this girl? because i have two daughters. i want to know, how did that happen? all my movies, i try to go really personal -- what is the nature of that relationship? because i didn't want to make a political movie. john: how did you get that level of access?
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how did that come to happen? how much time did you have to spend persuading her that she should allow you into her life to that degree? davis: the first day that i started this, i took a plane to birmingham, england, took a taxi cab to her house. just me, and rang the doorbell. and here i am, half jewish, half -- s cap alien episcopalian, trying to start this movie. you have to establish this rapport, this sense of trust. the better you get that trust, the better your movie is. the beautiful thing is that they welcomed me and and were very open. it became this wonderful journey, this conversation between this man, his daughter, and me. it's one of the great experiences of my life to get to know this family. john: the basics of this story are the story of an extraordinary person.
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what is most compelling are the ways you illustrate her ordinary-ness. , inby some ways illustrating bad, it -- that, it makes her extraordinary. what was the imperative, the core of what you wanted to get at? davis: when i make my movies, i actually think of an audience that i'm making the movie for. when i made "an inconvenient truth," i thought about my who weren ohio republicans. i didn't want to make that movie for my liberal friends in la, i wanted to convince my republican cousins that climate change was real. in this case, i had a personal audience, which was my daughters. i wanted my two daughters to really understand this girl and feel like they could be as courageous and empowered as this girl. if i turned malala into an icon, that's a dangerous thing. then you think, well i can never
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be her. i can never dunk the ball like michael jordan, and most of us can't. but i think my daughters could be malala, because she just was an ordinary girl. when you meet her, she's just an ordinary girl. she was an ordinary girl that made an extraordinary choice, which was to risk her life to fight for what she believes. john: also very much the product of an extraordinary and also very ordinary family. i want to play this clip that illustrates the element of her family relationship. malala: this is my youngest brother. he is a really good point. -- boy. he has a lot of energy. this is the littlest one. look at that impression. he's an ok boy. >> she's the naughtiest girl. >> it's not fair.
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>>, -- come on, then. [laughter] john: what is totally compelling about that is it's just like any family you have seen. you see things about her that people don't necessarily associate with malala, that sassiness, her brother calling her naughty. all those things are kind of striking because they play against type in some sense. what surprises you about her as a person? davis: she smacks her little brother when she annoys him, when he annoys her. she's competitive. she's wickedly funny. i mean, she's funny. and also, just a sense of joy of being a family. you would think they are a family from 7000 miles away, a religion that i don't quite understand, they are mysterious to me -- and you sit with them and their kitchen table was like my kitchen table. and that was so refreshing. john: the movie is called "he named me malala."
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"he" in that question is obviously her father. what role does he play? davis: my father made great documentaries, and he was my teacher. he always taught me as a filmmaker that the role of the filmmaker is to let the audience do have to work. a great filmmaker said that the role of the filmmaker is 2 + 2. the role of the audience is 4. and that's my oblique pretentious way of saying that i don't want to explain the nature of this relationship. but i think watching the movie, you get to really understand this very complex, very beautiful father-daughter relationship which moves me. i have two daughters. my daughters are a complete mystery to me. my son is not a mystery. my son i can read completely.
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we don't get along, but he is clear to me. my daughters are a mystery. i wanted to unpack this. there is something deep and profound about these two people. it produced this incredible girl, and i wanted to know why, but i'm not going to tell you why. you have to watch the movie to find out. john: but it's essential to who she is. mark: that's why i named the movie this. because i wanted people to say, what the main -- what do you mean he name me this? i wanted the audience to figure out why. john: sweet. davis: you say sweet like-- like,no, i mean sweet sincerely, with all my heart. davis: like a coldhearted journalist. john: maybe. is your relationship with her mother as essential? davis: everyone asks about her mother. she is much more traditional. and in some ways is not in the foreground as her father is.
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as aof it is tradition -- woman, being on camera is seen as immodest. but when you go into her house, you know who runs the joint. and her mother runs the joint. malala gets her mission and passion from her father, but she gets her moral strength -- she is really strong. you know malala gets it from her mother. john: great thanks to davis guggenheim. "he named me malala" opens tomorrow. you can watch the extended conversation on we will be right back. ♪
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♪ mark: tomorrow, and all brand-new episode will be live at john kasich's headquarters in new hampshire and and a live interview with the governor of ohio state -- john kasich. john: what you going to ask him? true-false of
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question, a little bit of music trivia, and i will ask him what the state bird of new hampshire is. if you are watching governor kasich, get ready. john: multiple choice is important. for mark and me on this thursday, until you see him ag
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emily: drama in the drama in the c-suite. jack dorsey is not a done deal. what does it mean? ♪ emily: i'm emily chang and this is "bloomberg west." heavyweight battle is brewing in the video streaming market as amazon takes a swing at apple and google. plus, at the same time, google and microsoft declare a truce in a five-year battle over smartphones. and a huge payday coming up for


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