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tv   Bloomberg West  Bloomberg  October 9, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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scarlet: "what'd you miss?", we will get to mark with the news. mark: president obama in oregon meeting with families of victims from last week's shooting, eight students and a professor were afterwardsr -- and the gunman took his own life. not everybody is happy about the presidents visit, gun supporters are against the visit. artillery and air strikes are not enough against isis in syria, now isis is in control of
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the, this advance the most significant in months. this is after a wave of russian rocket targeted militants. wasa train wreck preventable, this accident that resulted from a broken rail that should have been detected but was missed the train was carrying 3 million gallons of oil when it derailed in a snowstorm in february. 27 of the 109 cars derailed and eaked crude.e -- l and a magazine says that whofers brief people represent the vice president earlier this week, along the topics, the primary calendar and deadlines. the dmc has held similar meetings with other 2016 presidential candidates. that is your first word news. scarlet: we will get a quick
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recap on how u.s. market closed. day for the major indexes, the s&p 500 best week of the year and for the dow, the best week since february. news surprise that energy stocks had their best gain of the year, commodity stocks also did very well. alix: i want to talk about one of the biggest movers of the day , looking at my terminal 2 look at this lead and silver. the white line that you see is , that warned the scene, yellow is a zinc had it that move ever. and that is because glencore cut back production, 3.8% global production. it is not just zinc, lead and the silver are a byproduct
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when you mine it. when you cut back in oil rig, you end up influencing natural gas. the same thing. scarlet: this is something that no one expected, when all of these concerns came up about glencore, this is rippled through the rest of the market. alix: this is going to put zinc into a deficit this year and next year, said glencore will lose out on earning potential, because they are giving up money, leaving it on the table, because it is going to be a much tighter market. joe: look at my terminal, a very closely related theme, the total of oil and gas rigs in the u.s.. total combined is now lower than it was during the financial crisis, it does show that oil rigs are still high, but combined they are lower. it shows that there is a lower supply coming online, same thing
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you are saying about glencore, producers getting out of the game, the same thing with florida oranges, more balanced coming into play. leaving it,re is they're going to get production back once prices recover, the same thing with the rigs, you will go back in the second of christ is better. -- the price is better. scarlet: looking at inflation expectation, this is the top -- and on the bottom, crude. oil is supposed to be transitory. you can see that the clear correlation, oil price shows up in the long-term expectations, when oil was sinking, it drove those lower, even though it is supposed to be transitory. when we come back, with that this mean for central banks? are just is dumb, you
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looking out more oil and not getting any more information. alix: world leaders and policymakers were meeting in peru for the world bank annual meeting and our colleague has been there covering the event and includes a number of guests. francine, you had the chance to sit down with the u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon today. >> i did. we ended two days of coverage who wanted toon talk about climate change, one of his main concerns. he had some pressing issues, how he should deal with issues rising between the u.s. and russia. leadersoon: when world issue far-reaching agendas, that goals are people hundred
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and we must also preserve -- our peopleason is to help make ae them safer, sustainable path, that is the main division. not all the people, government officials, various communities -- societies, particularly , butshould go by the rules it is a great disappointment to all of us wouldn't have a vision, we should be implementing civil society and i accountability,
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making products. >> we talk about china, interest-rate hikes, the uncertainty of global growth, how much of that impacts that? are you worried about world growth? to themoon: according world economy and prospects, the subdued,nomy remains lower than the level of 2008 global financial crisis. we expect global economic growth will remain around 2.8% by the end of this year and there will be moderate increases by the end of next year, maybe 3.1%. true of lingering
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aggregate demand to advance the economy and very rates, there is political instability in many parts of the world, that really causes the slowing down of our economies. with all of this, there is the government agenda, socioeconomic environments. desk put these singable sustainable agendas into practice, i am sure that the world economy will gradually increase. >> kickoff about political instability, how should we deal with syria? ban ki-moon: it requires global
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solidarity and strong emphasis on human rights. i am deeply concerned that there humanevel of respect for dignity that many people, tens of thousands of people being killed by conflict, but what is important is that the leaders show a strong business on human rights, they should think about their own people. and human --ghts comes first. the united nations has taken human rights up front as the number one priority, look at the horrifying images we are looking parts of then
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world with refugees, they are fleeing the wars and persecution. therefore, you are protecting human right, that is our top priority. >> in the last few days, the situation in syria has gotten more complicated, so what do you think about tension with the ?.s. and russia the russian aerial attacks, strikes have been continuing, we are concerned that military activities should under they conducted humanitarian law and human rights laws, this is what has leadershiprussian
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and it is my sincere hope that to cite is important terrorists,- fight it is important to protect the human lives, particularly not in fact the civilian -- impact the civilian population. inwhat you think is putin's game, to distract from ukraine? ban ki-moon: i do not know what is in their minds, but i have made it clear, when you have this military -- you must protect human lives. asked him about
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iranian sanctions and if they should be listed all at once or phased out, he did not commit on that coming he said that he needed to make sure that iran can rise with the agreement every step of the way. alix: thank you for all of your hard work. isrlet: breaking news, dell offering to buy emc, this is according to people familiar with the matter, that would include the value of a tracking stock. that would equate to about eight .ollars a share this could be completed as early as monday and it would include about $40 billion in financing, we knew that there was a big deal in place and but $40 billion in the number. , but emc stock is higher it is trading under three dollars a share, salon below of that $33 offer price. this is an activist investors
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story, the emc owns about 80% of vmware. they wanted to do a spinoff of instead, maybe this is another option, the deal could be announced by monday. scarlet: we'll have more of this later, in the meantime, what is coming up. ♪
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[laughter] scarlet: increased expectations or a downturn in the u.s.
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according to the survey, the probability that the u.s. will in turn recession cash will enter recession has increased 15%. what do you make of that, are we that fragile that a recession is likely? >> know, those people predicting 10% were wrong. increased in their projections and they are still around. i do not see a recession this year or next year. joe: why are you not more worried about china and market volatility? >> the u.s. economy is only a little bit impacted by exports, imports are majorly impacted and commodities that are produced in the u.s. are impacted, but lower exports only impact is a little bit. that's us a little bit. the key thing to look at is home
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sales and they are fine. let's talk about housing, we have a chart. waying starts half, a long come a long way up. >> you will see the multi a lotes come up quicker, that has really been driving it. single family is really low. we still have a long way to go for single-family and when we talk about demographics, the demographic are slowly shifting from rentals to home ownership, especially in in the next decade. alix: can you really look at this economy right now and say that we have not slowed in the last three months? but for thelowed, reasons everybody understands, lower exports, because
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there is a slowdown in the global economy. that impacts sports, but the u.s. economy, i will not say that we are immune, but it only has a small drag on the u.s. job we had some weak reports, but we have heard from economists that maybe this is ok that we are still adding jobs at a rate that is more than sufficient to tighten the labor market, you agree with this theory, we could drop and that would still be fine, given demographics and the cycle? 200 oruld rather see over 200, i expect the job growth to slow, there is no way had lastob growth we year given the current demographics. anything above 90,000 on a
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sustained basis would lower the unemployment rate, so 150, i would like to see 200, 150 should do it. alix: i know that you do not believe we will have a recession , but we do have one every 7-8 years. do we presume that the next recession will be shallow? >> i hope so. i do not think that you can presume that, it depends on the cause of the recession. the most likely cause next time is tightening too much and we , thatd into a recession has been the typical cause. the last two recessions were caused by bubbles bursting, so hopefully that will not be the case in the next one. joe: ok, you will stay with us to talk about demographics. ♪
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joe: i am joe weisenthal, "what'd you miss?" we are talking about demographics and hosting. you just a were talking about demographics and home ownership, what do you see happening in the economy? wereve years ago we talking and i was arguing that we would see a lot of multifamily housing starts and wasers, one you saw foreclosure to renting and the other was demographics, a large a new heving into prepared. that is nearing the end of the growth spurt, so in the next
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year or so, that will peak and we will start looking at a pickup in homeownership and rentals softening. covert --is the cohort that is more inclined to rent and when you people start actually buying? >> historically, people rent in the 20's. others over 85. less so in the 30's. move intose people their 30's, they buy homes. behavior could shift, student loans could slow that down, but it should happen and it will move from renting to owning. is ill beshift, could bullish -- could it still be bullish as people choose to live in cities? >> it could be. this is one of those data
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issues, if you follow multifamily, sometimes they mix condos for sale with rentals, so you have to be careful. we couldn't see a lot more condo see some -- we could more condo complexes. joe: from your perspective in california, what do you see around you? you chronicled the housing bust out west more closely than anyone, so does what you see look strong? >> the one thing i have seen is a little bit of pickup in inventory in higher-priced areas, but not a ridiculous amount. -- stills ill stronger stronger than i expected. joe: we have charts talking about housing markets in portland, what interests you about this market? >> i was talking to an economist
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we were talking about this issue if he put together a presentation showing basically what i previously said, but just for portland, where the the --ion is moving into age group and he is the one who came up with that title of that post, getting close to peak rental. and portland, it does look like in the next 5-10 years we will make that shift. it is happening everywhere. graphs, oneher two for 2015, and one for 2025 and that shows that we are probably moving past peak rentals. joe: thank you, be right back. ♪
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scarlet: i am scarlet fu. "what'd you miss?" j.p. morgan will kick things off tuesday. after the market close, kind of unusual. alix: i am taking a look at netflix. that will be a huge company to watch. look at the bloomberg terminal for the number they need to pay attention to. this is international subscriber growth. that is a straight line up. domestic subscriptions could add by 17%. we have leveled off a little bit. this is where they are putting the money. this is where the growth could be. joe: another thing you don't want to miss next week, we will get more economic data. retail sales wednesday. the control group, analysts are estimating growth of 0.3%. the hero of the u.s. economy and arguably the world economy is
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the u.s. consumer. all about domestic demand. everyone will want to see if that held up through september. we will be watching. alix: that is it for "what'd you miss?" thanks for watching. scarlet:
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mark: i am mark halperin. joe: i am john heilemann. we will put you down as a maybe. happy national multi-cheese day, sports fans. ain't sanders crying. the next speaker of the house, paul ryan? >> if he decides to do it, he would be an amazing speaker. he has got to decide on his own. >> there is a good chance. >> i will not run against paul ryan


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