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tv   Bloomberg West  Bloomberg  October 15, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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>> hamdi reports a big loss. loss. reports a big emily: i am emily chang and this is bloomberg west. back following a report questioning its technology at its legitimacy. another successful round of funding for quick, the company trying to knock off microsoft office. and we will take a closer look at the details in squares ipo filing -- in square's ipo
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filing. to our lead, the blood testing startup has been a silicon valley darling that has made elizabeth holmes the youngest female billionaire. the wall street journal reported her company tests are unreliable. she released a statement -- -- there are knows heranos released a statement -- -- ing me now dr., i want to start with you because you know about blood drawing and blood testing more than anybody in the country. this report alleges not only is the technology that -- technology unreliable, they may not be a use it on a large
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scale. was your reaction to this? -- what is your reaction to this? >> no one knows. heranos has never made their data public. they have not gone through a pure review process. senior doctors and biotech scientists have been paying attention for a long time sounded toor claims good to be true. i have been asking for years for their data. they don't play by the rules of science or medicine. they are not transparent. emily: what do you make of the technology they claim to have whereby you draw a fingerprint amount of blood and can run a number of different tests on it? is that possible and is that possible on a broad scale? fingerprint -- a blood,pricked amount of
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does that mean -- it stretches credibility. you have beene, talking to partners. this is a company that has approval from the fda for at least one of its tests. they have partnerships with walgreens and others. what have they been saying? caroline: we have a mixed responses -- we have mixed responses. walgreens, who is a major partner for theranos, they said they would defer to theranos for comments on the accuracy of their test. capital blue cross, who is an insurer, said so far they have not had any complaints from patients or doctors. cleveland clinic has declined to comment for the meantime.
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emily: i did speak with elizabeth holmes last week at the vanity fair summit. i said, look, if your technology is so amazing why isn't this everywhere, why aren't my doctors ordering this for me? >> for us it is making sure we build a found -- build a solid foundation. too many companies have grown too fast. if the space you can afford to grow too fast as the stakes are too high. we think about it person by person, city by city, building on the framework and building upon it so we can ensure the tech -- ensure the integrity of the service. reach out to elizabeth and theranos today. she didn't respond but she did tweet out. this is a company that has partnerships with leading hospitals, has a nine billion
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valuation.9 billion there must be something there, right? guest: who knows? nobody has seen their instrument, of which there is one in palo alto. nobody has seen their technology, nobody has seen their data. say itwhy do you stretches the credibility? why the you think their claims can't possibly be credible? guest: the minimum amount of blood you need to do the most simple tests, for example a finger stick glucose, is five microliters. that is a very small amount of blood to do one test. to think you are going to be able to do will then -- to do many tests on the amount of blood you get from a finger stick, the numbers don't work out. theranos says they have to anute their sample to get
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adequate volume. as an article in the wall street journal points out, once you start diluting specimens, you start introducing errors. don't if the numbers just work out, why is walgreens partnering with them? why are all of these former secretaries of state on board with this company? caroline: we have to wonder what theranos has shown their partners. they haven't published a lot of public data at this point. that's not for all of their provided tests. they had to show us something for that particular test. i think it will become stronger for theranos to reveal more about how their technology works. i'm curious, you said you
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have never seen the technology. have you spoken with doctors who have reviewed the technology? guest: within the industry the consensus is this is too good to beach rew, and it is not for real. 'swould say fair and knows credibility, based on the feedback i have gotten, from thought leaders in biotech, is it is just a matter of time until people realize that eranot what they represent. this approvalout from the fda for at least one test? guest: that is a good point. the one test they got approved was a test for herpes simplex antibodies. semi quantitative test, which means a yes hot -- a yes/no test.
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a test for herpes simplex is a test that is almost never ordered. it is surprising to me why they would even take this test through. the fact they got approved for a semi quantitative test you can do on a drop of blood is basically a technology that has been around since 1916. last question, this is a company that elizabeth holmes the badanos, they claim press around them is being seated. is there any truth to that? caroline: we don't know whether or not that is a true statement. she is setting herself up as a david to the goliath -- she is saying we are going to end this industry. offers isheir nose really a large discounts to what is available on the market. they are even cheaper than medicare prices.
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certainly they have been setting themselves up as the challenger to the traditional companies, and that is very much on the industry side. emily: thank you for joining us. dr., good to hear your perspective. as we told jeff the top of the show, advanced micro devices -- the chipmaker says it lost $.17 per share, coming in short of analyst estimates. as part of the earnings release, amd will take a restructuring charge me also announcing a joint venture with a chinese chipmaker, saying it is expected to reduce capital cost. amd is hoping to drive a record surge of activity in the industry. it semi conductor makers has
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announced -- in acquisitions. semi conductors looking for a buyer. analog devices and massive integrated products are in talks. and sandisk is exploring a sale. a former facebook cto and google maps developer brent taylor joins us with his latest. tesla rose -- tesla rolls out software to keep cars on the road.
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emily: venture capital investments ballooned in a third quarter not seen since bubble. funding in the first few months of 2015 surpassed the year. so far that is not stopping investors. the enterprise startup investor from -- ounced funding they are aimed at taking down microsoft office. joining me now to discuss, bret taylor and john lilly, partner arereylock, john you joining the board creative john, let's talk about funding first. you still have a lot of your series a in the bank. he said he don't even really need this money. are you hedging -- why now are you hedging against the potential belt tightening in the future? john: you don't have to raise
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money in favorable market conditions. the biggest thing is confidence in our growth. right now we are in this interesting time where the concept of the old productivity actually a word processor and becomes left that becomes less relevant. when was the last time you open a word processor to write a memo? the workplace has moved beyond these old tools and we feel like this is an opportunity we really want to invest in and grow more assertively that represents this new way of working and move to more and more companies. get yourwant to thoughts on the overall funding environment. do you feel like your belt is going to tighten soon? towne bank we have google and have googleohn: we and amazon. not every investment makes sense. i would like to think our money is not exactly crazy.
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i think there are iconic companies that will come out of this. emily: you told us to think about it as a word plus excel. you have competitors with deep pockets. what makes you think that you can survive in an environment where we are seeing some of these enterprise startups struggle? brett: i will and your first question first. we talked to i.t. departments, they are actually seeking out new tools. think they are seeing their workplaces becoming more mobile, more social, and the tools they are using haven't kept up with these new ways of working. you don't need to go back to e-mail to talk about what you are writing. the types of documents people are making on the same documents
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people were making before. a checklist to track a launch and there are these really dynamic interactive product aregement tools that people building inside this new form of document. that is the biggest thing, technology destruction. you are taking a completely new approach that is relevant to the tools people are using today. john: i think you are changing the way people do productivity work, whether it is on the run or on the go. that feels like it is something people are going to pay for for a long time. evernotempanies like and dropbox have been getting pummeled lately. there are concerns there is not a strong business model there. i want to hear from you because -- there was a lot of confusion surrounding the company. if we are confused, clarify it
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for us. how well is dropbox doing? when you say they are getting pummeled, you can't see it in the numbers. i think i box is doing just fine. i don't know however notes numbers are doing. how evernotete -- 's numbers are doing. emily: look at of learnings are you taking from some of these other enterprise soft where -- what kind of learnings are you taken from these other enterprise software companies? consumer companies going after individuals and enterprise copies that sell directly into i.t. departments, we are trying to represent a product that is consumer friendly. and people love to use it. you see the evolution of companies like dropbox, who sort of started in one place and
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gradually transitioning into another. we wanted to learn from their lessons. we wanted to sell directly into larger companies. emily: my job is to separate reel from imaginary unicorns. given that these are private companies, how are we supposed to gauge? : i supposed to know for sure that what you are saying is true? how am i -- how are we supposed to gauge -- how am i supposed to know for sure how what you are saying is true? would tell you is dropbox is doing fine. it all comes down eventually. we will see. emily: we are seeing with a square. we will talk about that more after the break. john lilly of greylock and bret p.ylor of qui
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tesla has begun rolling out a software update for some of its sedans that puts the car in charge. update includes features like automatic lane changing, ownersrking, some model -- some owners of model s car will have their software automatically updated over the next several days. tesla is being cautious about the rollout and says their customer should still keep hands on the wheel at all times. costs sizable stake in square and what it means for shareholders of the company. we will discuss next.
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emily: the daily fantasy football world hasn't had a great month. there was an news that a draft king's employee one $350,000 .rom a rival site now allegations of predatory tactics using the intentional use of insider information. the fbi contacted prominent fantasy football players, and the investigation is focusing on draft king. controversy, the two company saw their biggest weekend ever, amounting to $45 million in entry fees. pull -- toame -- to mobile payment company square. an initiald with size of $275 million. jack dorsey, pulling double duty, will have to drug will -- have to juggle the roadshow. what we didn't know was his huge stake in square.
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dorsey is the largest shareholder by a wide margin. the investment firm's second largest with 7.3%. -- with 17.3%. joining us now is sarah frier's. taylor, also john lilly of greylock. founders find it difficult to raise money and build confidence without giving up a lot of their company. jack dorsey was able to do it. is he in a unique position because he had success with twitter? sera: absolutely. when you come in and have the confidence of having done something before, you can do a lot of things that venture capital finds it hard to do the first time. get on get companies to board to work with you. he really didn't have to give up as much of his stake. we have seen when his company
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went. emily: mark zuckerberg was the master of this. he had founded a major company before. what sort of learnings have you try torom him as you bring in investors like john, but also maintaining your control? of things have changed for entrepreneurs. if you look at google and the pressure to bring on an outside the evolution to facebook where mark that only have a lot of equity that control the board in a unique as -- unique way, it has become more on under friendly. i'm not sure john would agree. for repeat entrepreneurs, the conversations have changed. the default have changed. the assumptions about what the terms will be have shifted. partnk mark played a big of it. most of because it is such a visible company.
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people look at that as the model of what they want to do. the terms i were offered were very different than this time around. i definitely experience it firsthand. emily: you as an investor have to protect yourself. how do you balance all of that? found that some investors were guaranteed a 20% return in the square ipo. the ratchet just seems unusual. john: i think this is a good development. i think founders acting like owners to the ipo and beyond is excellent. my partner was north of 20% of his ipo. he alloyed -- he always acts like an owner. you want somebody who really feels personal ownership.
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emily: i have reid hoffman on my list. -- a listvise environment, how do you advise us of coming on spinners about how they build their companies and how they relate to investors? -- the focusalue on valuation and percentage is a mistake. you should really be seeking out a partner. i am a product centric person, an engineer at heart. who looking for someone will help navigate hiring a business leader or how to speak to customers. you should know your flaws and seek out investors that will complement your skill set. if you think about holistic outcome of the company, the most likely outcome is your company will become a business. if you don't care whether it is 15% or 20%. emily bank -- emily bank thank you both so much for joining us and sarah frier's liberty news. that does it for us.
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tomorrow we will have sequoia capital's chairman. there excited to speak with him. -- very excited to speak with him. ♪
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>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." al: good evening, i am al hunt of bloomberg view. charlie rose is on assignment. we begin tonight with the first presidential democratic debate. stageandidates took the at the wynn hotel in las vegas last night but all eyes were on the two front runners. hillary clinton and bernie sanders traded jabs on wall street reform. sec. clinton: my plan would have the potential of sending the executives to jail. no one went to jail after $100 billion in


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