tv With All Due Respect Bloomberg December 1, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EST
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due respect mark zuckerberg, if you are looking for someone to give away billions to, we have always liked you. ♪ this looks like a battery gummy bear. john: cap the national high day. in our curriculum tonight's psychology with donald trump, forensics with ted cruz annexed to credit with chris christie. but first a book report by jeb bush. in the aftermath of the paris attacks, in the blink of an eye
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the 2016 presidential race has been transformed into a national security election. just watch this new broadcast begin airing will tomorrow. it endeavors mightily to make the former florida governor look like the most commander in chief candidate in the field. >> i opened my hand to release the grenade and it exploded. >> this is no reality show. this is serious business. andhis is a better kids grandkids. this commander and chief requires training wheels. >> we need jeb bush. john: also today john mccormack was there with camera in hand as he jumped hillary clinton for her reluctance to say she would send troops to fight isis. >> they do not believe it is a
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national security threat. i do. he would work to create a coalition in the air and on the ground is well. sector defense is increasing special operators in syria. that is boots on the ground. i'm not quite sure what she thinks. she is trying to avoid all this political stuff. is this all about parent source was something else that is driving this? mark: they have been carrying months. this might be where donald trump is most full. and on domestic policies there are no real big differences.
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russia, and a more are different for each. john: as we have moved later into the obama administration of the greatest older abilities of his record or on foreign policies. the world is on fire all over the middle east. there is no question that this is the galvanizing event. we could still be talking about immigration. we been talking about a lot of other things. there are such a deep schisms in the party over for policy that if you paper over them by saying obama obama, we will not have a real debate. is a national security leader in the mind of his followers because he is tough and lane spoken. these other guys are trying to addition and when the fight to say i'm the one who is ready to be commander-in-chief and a traditional sense. that is the most important contest going on in the party. there is another man who is now dominating. it is now being fought out on
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foreign policy terrain. in a car rate between campaign events, our colleagues got some time to talk to ted cruz who went to the farthest he is gone so far in attacking rubio. >> with libya, president obama and hillary clinton led the effort to topple gadhafi. they led the nato bombings against qaddafi. you asked about senator rubio. he emphatically supported hillary clinton and toppling qadhafi a in libya. i think that made no sense. in syria, obama and hillary clinton and senator rubio are repeating the same as stakes they made in libya. mark: we will talk more about that conversation later. attacking both from the left and the right in the politics and policy of this. has he threaded the needle between nonintervention and
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neoconservative? clip that we displayed is reflective of what his comments are more broadly. if you read those comments that can be rand paul. i get that he is trying to thread the needle of trying to be strong but right now i was struck by this interview and by previous things he said. about how far into the restraint corner, noninterventionist corner he is putting himself. similar to aery george bush said before 9/11 when he was a candidate in 2000 and a more humble foreign policy. intellectually interesting which is that intervention overseas has made us weaker. i think that marco rubio is a much more classical neoconservative, america's strength of riot. i do not know that ted cruz can win this argument if the debate is in the united states senate. if it is with the republican electorate i think --
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> i think the ted cruz voters like a donald trump and they like this muscular projection. i think there is this argument about how do you project strength. i agree with you that intellectually make a argument that a majority of strength is better served by restraint. i do not know that will appeal to the kind of voters that he is appealing to. radio, fox news i wanted voices in the corner that say you need some restraint in terms of civil liberties and in terms of american use of force abroad. this is not over and cruise is competent -- ted cruz confident he is in the right position. finally, chris christie's recent campaign resurgence has been that he has been casting himself as the national security candidate for months. he cut this ominous ad in new hampshire in july. president obama
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to theay the store iranians. he would not let him buy a car for you. know they are lying to the american people about how the deal is going to work. i would have walked away from the table. that is what ronald reagan did when he walked away from mikael gorbachev. i'm the only one this race that has some part of the responsibility. adn: that is an old there's relevant news that is driving the story forward. at cheer he won the backing of a on morning joe to summarize the endorsement. the chris christie endorsement came from looking all the candidates and looking viable ones at picking one that we thought have the best chance of stopping trump,
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hillary and isis. there are no republicans running for president right now with relevant military experience. lindsey graham may be because the exception to that. election may become a national security election. is he well-positioned to thrive in the environment? mark: he is well-positioned. serving on national committee at armed services committee in congress. jeb bush has this new ad out. marco rubio talks about foreign policy. may justtie has this language on this toughness and some of it will be experienced as a u.s. attorney. he did not dominate the field for the union leader endorsement is what he is looking for. a guy who understands the threat and will wristband -- respond aggressively but has governing experience. john: in the world of the line
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to the one eyed man is king. he can at least make a plausible claim. in the end of a christie is going to succeed it is the mental strength. the brawlers, we are talking about that on the show for a while now and i do think that all these republicans are going to have the same problem when they go up against hillary clinton. she has to deal with the donald trump foreign policy, but in terms of her resume and traditional altercations and knowledge of the world she is headed shoulders above all of them. mark: in the end i think national security will sustain them for a while. but eventually they're going to have to talk about something else read it will be fascinating a this last debate in couple of weeks how much they ask about national security. know, i have been a chris christie skeptic for a long time. be the fact he is as much detailed work on domestic policy allows him when he needs to to
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media circlesical the conventional wisdom now is that bernie sanders is so far out of the race that the only relevant news he has generated this week was when he got his hernia operation on wednesday. hillary clinton is in a different story. she put on a spending proposal for her campaign. new e-mails were released by the state department, including some hilarious revelations like that time she cannot figure out what channels you can watch homeland.
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the e-mails were never far from her mind. she was endorsed by 13 of the 14 female senators in washington. one notable absence, elizabeth warren. she sat down with charlie rose for an interview. the full interview airs tonight on pbs. but wait there is more. she released a new radio ad on african-american radio stations highlighting her mother's biography. appearedfternoon she in montgomery, alabama to honor the 60th anniversary of the day rosa parks refused to give up her seat on a bus. prominentence of african-american leader she talked about prison reforms and race relations. >> thousands of people were jammed in the streets, and inside the church when doc or
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martin luther king jr. spec -- dr. martin luther king jr. steps to the pulpit. to go back and read what he said that night, he spoke about her integrity, about citizenship, about fairness under the law. and then he started talking about love. love, he said, is one of the pinnacle part of the christian faith. [applause] side called another the justice. [applause] i love this. especially as a recovering lawyer. [laughter] justice is really love in calculation. rings, ande the bell the thing out a of news events, which piece of news candy matters the most her chances of being president? john: not only because it is the
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but if she is the nominee for her success or failure world wires or fall with the coalition. can she get out african-american andrs and hispanic voters get large percentages of them akin to what president obama did? if she is able to do that she will even next president of the united states. and it matters a lot mark:. and the infrastructure plan. big spendinging plans. she has not enunciated in spending cuts. the day of reckoning is coming for her to talk about how she will raise taxes high enough or cut spending enough to not swell the deficit and to say to the american people like her husband and i have a plan to cut the deficit substantially and be done substantially.
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john: i wonder whether she is ever going to make that deficit lytting, that fiscal responsible clinton vision. thing, peoplehis forget that before barack obama came on the scene they had a incredible holdover african-american voters in this country. they embarrass themselves in some way. to thisto get back place where she can get large rivers of black voters to come out and get 95% of the white. if she does that she can be president. donald trumps see latest laught ? ♪
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>> while they do is they show these little snippets. they do whatever they can. --m not going to [boos] at a that was the donald rally in georgia last night. today his campaign manager came to our studio to talk about how trump is preparing for the iowa caucus. why the candidate thinks no one has a sense of humor anymore? >> he said many times that he does not think the mainstream media will play the full script of what he has said. you see that in iowa and he was talking about dr. carson and he
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is seen that with some of the super pac ads that have come out with a cake specific snippets. take his words and totality, look at what i have said and then decide on your own if that is accurate or not. john: that does not answer the question. one of the jokes that he has referred to? jokes about ben carson and this alleges stabbing metric lace. he showed that on the stage in iowa and the media took that out of context. they only showed a portion. he wasnd seemed like genuinely challenging the biography. that is not a joke. that was saying that person would make those things up. >> this was written in the biography. he was joking about that. he demonstrated what that would look like and we needed to that of context. and i want to be very clear
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about this. mr. trump has been clear on the 9/11, and in new jersey. it was a washington post story that was really 14 years ago which has never been refuted by the author to say maybe he did not get it right. reads a new york post rory by a well-established author saying that there was celebrations taking place in the mainstream media does not want to work that. the market people know that there are people in this country who were happy that 9/11 took place. john: the story from the washington post said that there was an alleges a liberation of some number of people that were being investigated and the story did not say that there were thousands, and the story did not say there was proven reports. it was being investigated. >> the reporter should not have written the stories he cannot validate what was taken place. he described it as a tailgate party. what he wrotenot great what he wrote was that there were investigations of
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allegations of such a thing. many writers write about things they have not witnessed. >> they wrote the same story that people were celebrating. john: he has no first-hand understanding of this whatsoever. the third about it on the radio. where is the accountability for mr. trump? >> he's referencing what he saw on the radio and on the tv. why isn't the mainstream media being held accountable? >> it is being held perfectly accountable. he was asked this question yesterday morning. who's to thousand one. there were three broadcast that works there were multiple cable networks. this was the center of the universe in terms of media. there was no internet that had existed. how can it be that thousands of weree, which is his claim, celebrating in new jersey and yet there is no video of it that surfaced anywhere? where is the video? just explain that to me how that
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could be true. >> is not incumbent on me to disprove something he said. john: i am asking why the video is not here? >> i do not close just controlled television stations. after trump said he saw and which means it was available at the time. we have heard radio interviews. reportedoutlets have that the result is taking place. so where's the accountabilities from these will authors who said i do not have first-hand accounts? john: we will move off this topic. i understand your posture but we will not get anywhere on the topic. it seems like in recent interviews he has put back in play the question of whether or not he may run as an independent. >> he says he was to be treated party, andrly by the
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the gop establishment and making sure that if the super pac and run byampaign that are other candidates are going to attack me that they should step in or i will have to respond in kind. that is the right thing to be able to do. last weekhat we saw -- the former chairman challenges our ability to be on the ballot. the hearing took 67 seconds to decide that he absolutely meets the criteria for it when we saw this week was the current chairman of the republican party question his ability to actually be part of the selection process. that is not fairness in the process. what we are seeing is that the gop establishment in the mainstream elite want to make sure that trump is not the nominee. they are using every resource possible to keep him off the island or key people from voting for him. that is not fairness. john: you have just described incidents that you consider unfair. is thatdard
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if you treat me fairly i will not run as an independent. you say he has not been treated fairly? us. think it leads it to what you said was i want to be treated fairly. treated with the same respect. no other candidate was eligibilityn his which took 67 seconds to solve. it was an issue of them trying to keep trump off the ballot even though they know it was a ruse. john: you say that these are good examples of things you guys consider to be back seven fairness on the part of the party? >> it is the responsibility of the republican party and the executive committee to step in and say all candidates should be treated fairly and everyone should have a fair shake rate everyone should have the same shot. a single candidate singled out, we will step into those local parties and say we will withhold your money. incidentshese kind of
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continue, these are the kinds of things he talk about, if these continue, and the national party does nothing about it, that would be enough to allow him to justify going back on his pledge only running as a republican and an independent run? >>. but the pledge. he signed the pledge and will run of as the republican. john kasich said i do not know if i can support donald trump if he is the nominee. he signed the exact same pledge. where is the accountability or you go to a state and they do not want to provide access to the ballot lost? john: i am not trying to challenge the right to do what you want to do. i went to be clear abouthe signl run of as the republican. john kasich said i do not know if i can what he is saying. these are examples of things that he considers unfair and therefore if they continued he might run as an independent? >> here's what we said. he is the clear front runner in this race for the public and nomination and is running as a republican.
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if the party was to use their resources as we have seen they tried to do in the stephen fincher keep him off the ballot there are recourses which has the opportunity to pursue right now he is running as a republican and will continue to run as a republican. he has been a front runner for the last five months. pay: up next, i ask is can manager whether they plan to hold an upcoming debate appearance ransom for $5 million to charity. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself,
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and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. john: and now the scintillating conclusion with our conversation with donald trump's campaign
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manager. here is how he responded when i aboutow serious was trump hiv donationds before he appears in the debate -- a charity donation before he appears in the debate. usee saw this on cnbc, the this to generate more revenue in a single night than they have in the history of their network. john: is he threatening not to participate? >> his participation allows the networks to make more money. the money and give it to the veterans. john: previously his justin that it would be a good idea. in this case he is saying that he does not give to the veterans that he might not participate in the debate? >> it is the right thing to do. john: he is not threatening not to participate? >> i think the network should do
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this. that is a fair thing to do. john: if cnn does not give $5 million to a veterans group in accord with his wishes, are you saying he will not been participate in the debate? that is not what i am saying. >> this is not a condition for his participation? >> when we see the criteria who is going to be on the stage then we take our decision. what thepense of criteria is, who is on the stage and what the polling numbers look like a criteria that debate. these three long questions, four-minute long openings? they had not sure that yet. john: i want to talk about the black ministers meeting yesterday. most able view this as having been a blender on the campaign's part to say that there were endorsements coming out of that meeting. >> they could have been phrased appropriately where a private meeting was taking place and a number of those ministers they
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still those conversations and comfort level with no support his campaign. that's what took place. john: you got out a little over your skis on that. there was a missed vacation between the leadership of the coalition and the campaign. and what we saw was an amazing meeting yesterday lace. john: a number of pastors came out saying they challenge mr. his incendiary language. is anything going to change? is he going to apologize, changes tone at all? do you take any of that to heart? >> i think he is who he is. he will not change. what we had was a very clear and honest dialogue about the problems of the communities are facing. the that can be helpful. john: there are ways in which he -- they feel he did not
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handle himself in ways that were not appropriate. >> there are hundreds of people who made endorsements following that meeting. they're always going to be other people who have other ideas and what to talk about other issues. that is how this works. john: he said he received many endorsements after that. how many as many? >> and access of all dozens of endorsements. multiple dozens means more than 24 or 36? >> we do not have that number. we will work with the coalition to announce all that. and we want to go back and pray. they want to think about what they decide do is we will let you know we will endorse mr. trump. the dialogue has to begin which nobody else has started. john: you are saying that the group has to decide whether they want to endorse him as a
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totality. every individual is a group. the union can endorse anybody i was, does not mean that anybody individual cannot endorse someone else. every individual who is in that meeting has the opportunity to make up their own mind. but the coalition itself has been very supportive. john: it point we can then expect whatever group decides collectively your campaign to roll out thousands of endorsements from the individuals in the group who have all endorse mr. trump? thehen he believes coalition is ready they will release the names of those have endorsed his campaign. -- howaslinda re-think soon do we think that might be? >> that be up to mr. scott. mr. trump has been the front-runner in almost every poll in iowa for many months. tell me about what you are doing. iowa is a different kind of state.
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as a caucus date graded very different from a primary state. it is different from what you have to do to get people to show in february.night you have a ground game in iowa. talk about what you guys are doing to convert is pulling strength into actual votes. >> first and foremost we went got the man who ran the campaign for rick santorum. he was the last actor for iowa. his dedication to iowa is very serious. we built an immense steam. every time we are in iowa, we will be back there to get verbal to follow events he had the opportunity to collect data of everyone who is coming because they registered to come to the event. they go out and they train individuals were coming to these events on what it means to participate in the caucus. we find a location where they have to register to participate and then our numbers are so massive because he has yet
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opportunity to talk to so many people. we can find delegates and almost time we can expand on that so that in february our team will be in place for the next 60 plus days to make sure we will be successful. john: what percentage of mr. trump's vote will be people have never caucused before? >> for size 50%. there is a whole bunch of people who have either been disenfranchised or those who vote in every single election. those are not the ones voting for mr. trump. they want to make america great again. they are reengaged in the process. these are not just people who are 55 plus, these are brand-new voters who were not apparent -- prepare to vote or did not have eligibility. the demographics of the individuals are supporting trump, you see those people who are truly the blue-collar workers who are working very hard every day to make their lives that are.
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that is who is community resonates with. john: a couple of things i want to ask your view on after listening to that interview. first of all, this question of him running as an independent. he seemed to be saying that he has already then treated unfairly and is experiencing unfairness. signals he read what is trying to send to the gop establishment and to the electorate on the question? trump's chances of winning the nomination does not have dominate the establishment over. he will fight tooth and nail to stop them. for him to politics basically continue to waive that option out there, to try to people from -- the settlement would be a bigger nightmare republican rather than independent.
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actually were to transpire, if you can nominee of the party and much of the establishment decided we cannot does support this guy, do you think he will run as an independent? mark: i think you becomes the republican nominee and the establishment run someone else as an independent. john: do you think that is a plausible scenario? will there be somebody to challenge them? mark: there are some parts of the establishment that will just not be comfortable with him because they're not comfortable with him as president. it is one of the most fascinating things going on right now in american politics which is can they stop him, how do they stop him, and then what do they do about it? john: we have a good story on this in the new york times right now. all afraid to try to do nothing to stop him then figure out in a quiet way what can be done and who will do it. it is not a two-man operation, but those two guys do
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a lot of this. sports metaphors and politics are often overused but i will use one. they have a big lead and it is pretty close to the start of the fourth quarter. if they blow the lead there going to look foolish because they have a big lead and they are in command right now. it will be very hard for them to blow this leave unless they make the stakes. and they do not make mistakes that hurt them. they make mistakes -- john: he basically admitted that they screwed that up. videoon the line 11 stuff, it is a mistake because no one believes this account in the press and politics. but it does not hurt them. but as i said they are sitting on a lead in their writing it out. john: take us return in the sense that it continues to drive this establishment that is uncomfortable withdrawal. it.eightens it and enhances it may draw donors into the fray. mark: the 9/11 thing for a lot of trump supporters is that he is fighting with the new york
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times. john: but again, your inflaming opposition and i think they be bringing them up. it does not matter what he is going to do. mark: you will not win them over at this point. there's not a member of the establishment who would like him as the nominee unless ted cruz rises up, and then maybe they will. john: do you think there will be multiple dozens of black pastors who endorse him? mark: i do not rule it out. john: but you're not ready to endorse it as of yet? mark: i will wait for the announcement. john: i will be fascinated to see if that turns out to be true. thank you for coming in here and putting up with me for a long time. of next we have a prizefight. ted cruz versus marco rubio. part of our clues of interview. -- exclusive interview.
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he bought for 10 seconds and then he said this. friend, a very talented communicator. my primary voters are fed up with what i call campaign conservatives. the people who talk a good game on the trail but have not walked the walk. that'll kobe decision for the primary voters to make. mark: why have these guys going after each other now? who the audience they are trying to reach with these attacks? >> a few weeks ago the gloves came off between ted cruz and .arco rubio
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they are both competing in a major way for conservative voters, the voters that brought them to the senate. the tea party wave in 2010 which helped arco rubio -- teark: most of the time the party is often oversimplified. we think of it as economic conservatives who advocate smaller government. this is not a fight about smaller government this is a fight about national security and immigration. why are they fighting with each other about this? are fighting about immigration because ted cruz wants to make it an issue. he voted against the gang of eight immigration reform bill that had it passed to citizenship and 2013. marco rubio is one of the co-authors of that. that is the later contrast that he wants to highlight and he was to talk about national security
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of for policy because he is involved in a super hawk stands. he has been very well-liked by the sort of neoconservative, hawkish republican constituency. that andor is using the fact that he voted against curtailing metadata and surveillance programs under the patriot act. wants to highlight that any cues cruise of being weak on national security. mark: let me stick with this immigration issue. when he is asked to he would do about the 11 million undocumented immigrants has avoided that question. does not fall under the category of amnesty. talk about how he is handling this question and what he said to you when you ask them about them. >> that is a very important point, and it is fascinating how
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he is handling this because the message he is trying to drive home is that he will be in border security present. he will be doing everything he can to stop illegal immigration and that will be his one, number two, number three priorities. the question of what to do people who are here illegal is not an easy answer. donald trump has criticized because it is extremely expensive, and extremely impractical. he wants to say he does not want to discuss or have a conversation about what to do with people who are here until the border is secure. so i asked him what counts as a secure border? what will it take for you to decide that the border is secure? immigration comedown to zero will have to be perfect on operational control? the problem there is he is boxed in. he cannot support legalization because that would turn off the conservative voters he needs. he cannot call for mass deportation without facing a backlash from people who think it is expensive or inhumane.
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he would not answer the question either. marco rubio has also said would it take to secure the border. there wasn't a on that. who would you say is more eager to keep the site going? does one side what to stop and focus on their own campaign or attacking surrealist? morewas in a ted cruz is comfortable on the attack than marco rubio. i think being on the attack just sits in a little bit more. mark: thank you. your interview is on bloomberg right now. the fight is something and it will continue. up next, remembering the record of ronald reagan's administration.
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john: the way of ronald reagan republicanszed by today you would almost forget of the embarrassment of aids. it was not always taken seriously. . new short film uses humor best the purveyors huma worthy humor of the press secretary of the time. uses audioas funny recordings of the press briefings that are never been heard before. >> it is known as gameplay. [laughter] thing. pretty serious
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one in every three people that gets this die. i don't have it. >> no personal experience here. >> i checked thoroughly this morning and he said no. [laughter] >> the centers for disease control has led -- >> can i ask a question? >> an estimated 300,000 people have been exposed to aids. will the president take steps to protect armed forces and food from those services
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who run the risk of spreading aids? >is the president concerned abot this subject? it isn't always a joke. is he going to do anything? >> i have not heard him express anything. i have not asked him about it. >> would you ask him? >> have you been checked? >> and didn't hear the answer. john: it was a shameful time during the reagan. when aids first or cold.
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luckily subsequent thisistrations built on end we are in a much better place. it was reflective of the press course of prevailing attitude of the time. it is phenomenal that that was just a generation ago when attitudes were just ignorant. john: we will be going to an of people who done an incredible job to spread antiviral drugs around the world. it has brought us to a place where the possibility of the end of aids is within sight. that is a huge bipartisan and philanthropic triumph that people bought in those days but would never be possible. as what we have to say about that. we will be right back.
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hour. five people were wounded. officials in a tight bond was laced on a highway overpass. president obama is urging turkish president to easy tensions with russia. the diplomatic divide is threatening plans to expand the coalition fighting isis. more u.s. command is being deployed to fight islamic state. ashton carter made that announcement but did not say the skies or scope of the force. president obama issued a challenge to the world at the un's climate conference today in paris and mr. obama said any deal to limit greenhouse gases should be legally binding. his efforts to enlist the private sector in the fight against climate change is also paying off. 73 firms made pledges today, making the company o number two 154. and chicago has fired
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