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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  December 18, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. ♪ yvonne: here is the trailer for "joy." to rememberu something. a lot of times, people get nice things and i started thinking differently. we got here from hard work and humility. don't ever think of the world
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only you anything because it doesn't. the world doesn't go you a thing we you anything. i was valedictorian in high school. you're like a gas leak. you're silently killing us all. you could've married anybody come a doctor, lawyer, dentist. i don't even know what to call this guy. >> are you seriously talking about this right now? >> ordinary makes the extraordinary every day. >> i have real ambitions. >> is very serious. >> joy has never run a business in her life. >> i gave her the confidence to do more than an unemployed housewife. >> i do want to end up like my family. >> i have to do things myself once and for all. >> here we go.
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all sorts of things in the world -- money, crime, the trail. >> you should pay more. >> i can't and i won't. he relies the only thing you are going to have is what you make. >> you are in a room and there's a gun on the table. the only other person in the room is an adversary. only one of you can prevail. do you pick up the gun, joy? >> i picked up the gun. ♪ >> listen to me. never speak on our behalf about my business again. ♪
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20 me now is david o russell as well as robert de niro, bradley cooper. glad to have all of them here. you say this dome is inspired and brave women. i assume joy is one of those real-life people. : she is responsible for at least 50% of the detail in the picture. charlie: inspired by brave woman. david: daring woman. charlie: is it the first kind of film we have seen that suggests a strong woman and a group of strongmen behind her? david: it was a film unlike anything i had ever seen. for a woman has to become fierce and create something and the men who could be strong enough to be behind a strong woman and love her and she becomes kind of, to
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me, like the godmother. forgiving, patients, but tough. you cannot be successful unless your tough -- you are tough. for me, i haven't seen that. there is not a romance at the center of it. [laughter] charlie: but it's also about family. david: very much about family. family is very important and i feel very of which to work with robert. he inspires everyone on the set. we all learn from him. it's the truth. and bradley is also a co-collaborator filmmaker and he is new to our team. charlie: you like the ensemble. bradley and i have worked together and jennifer, there's a
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comfort, a trust we have with other artists when we take chances with each other. charlie: do you see this often? robert: you see it a lot. on.list goes on and eight seems that the better directors -- it seems that the finer directors have an understanding. also i think in the theater the same thing. in movies, that seems to be a good thing. charlie: what is it that works? what is the common denominator among those directors? robert: they feel more comfortable working with the people they have worked with before because they know how they think, how they behave, they know their patterns. they probably know they can see
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them in another part. if i was in david's situation, i would be excited by saying i have so and so and i want to see them do this and i know they can do it. and that, he is great at. we have had a terrific relationship. charlie: you are new to this. how was it for you to come into this? bradley: a huge privilege. it is always a great thing to be welcomed into a family. especially such a creative and protective family. it's beautiful, it's a huge privilege. especially because it's great to have a seat at such a great table. universe created a that is unique, surprising. it's funny and heartbreaking. sensitive -- sensitive
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enough to capture all of these contradictions and put them together and make him -- his films work in a seamless way. it's something you wouldn't see very often and just a handful of people are able to make it happen. charlie: what is the story? wedley: it's really a story have never seen before, a female empowerment movie about not hiding your dreams, casting them away. if they are there, take them. it's about overcoming obstacles. it's about doing what needs to be done in order to fulfill your potential. charlie: discovery for her. david: i've watched jennifer grow up since silverlight explained book. she didn't know what it was like to be famous. i have had to watch her joy with
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an anonymous amount of attention and remain true to herself and find her power and dignity. i watched her by her own house and unpack her boxes. i've seen her conduct herself and protect yourself while still being true to herself. that takes a certain power. to me in a way, the movie is about jennifer as well. charlie: the narrative is our narrative as well, discovering yourself, self invention. david: it's about the charity and power. what is success? people think it looks like a cake but -- charlie: it's a struggle. david: a struggle that never ends and it's filled with heartbreak. i have to make sure there's enough for me to come to my collaborators and say this is worthy of your time, of you. jennifer says i will do it if you do it. i say we do it if we can do this with ambition.
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you are a child playing in the snow making creations in your room, that's a particular innocent joy. when you get married, that's a euphoric joy and robert is there with the euphoria of the wedding. there is the history of the famous disastrous wedding toast. he gives a doozy. but, he's right. you can say what a bad guy but he's right about the marriage. [laughter] is he going to bring home the bacon? i don't know. but then what happens when you get divorced and you have two kids, him living in the basement, which is based on truth. charlie: there's a divide between them. david: the odd couple in the basement and they hate each other. and what is joy at that moment? how do you find inspiration? how do you find a mature joy and
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it was in the end when she found power. we met the real father who had sued her. she forgave him. she had a big heart and that is to me what is inspiring. charlie: where does bradley fit in? bradley: probably described the picture as being like the odyssey. she begins in roberts world. she rebuilt the bus routes of eastern long island. it could be wisconsin. in a metal garage. his pioneering is ending when the movie begins. his business is contracting. this man becomes our dream for a moment, teachers her to think she speaks spanish. that is exciting to me as a filmmaker. to tell the story out of time. then you see the romance that preceded the divorce. by the time she gets to him, it's the emeralds city.
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mgm of 1950. they took a chance on her. that was not easy to have happen. charlie: she comes in and the first impression, you take her on. you give her a shot. what did you see and her? bradley: i think he was very practical. charlie: he understood that. bradley: it was kind of a home run. he just took the time to actually watch her properly demonstrated for him. we also talked about the fact this is a guy who had a chance. very dealer gave him a chance. he's a little disheveled. he has a sports background. he's probably very familiar with the idea of somebody giving someone an opportunity. peoplee all experienced,
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take a chance with me in with you. found a like-minded person halfway through the movie, thank god, like we all have. he cracked open the door for her and she barreled through it and never looked back. charlie: at this stage, do you prepare a lot? [laughter] yeah.y: robert: he directs in a way that it is all distilled through him. i always say david, to me, rights with the camera -- writes with the camera. , the dynamic is so complex, it has to be distilled through him and he directs it in he wants but in the direction it should go so we follow him.
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if you asked the guy i played what he thought, he would say tot on me maybe but you have make a choice and move through. charlie: if the real father watched this film, he would say that. robert: well i don't know. maybe he would be happy. joy was happy. that is why david is so great and we rely on him to steer us in the direction we need to go. he became a man since i met him. his boyish this is gone. like a man myd is father worked, and then putting bread on the table. he's not pulling around. it's not a joke. this guy comes on, he's meticulous. everybody to be
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meticulous. he is never too big to be the artist he is. there was one day when robert de nir, who is also the leader of a growing business, a very smart businessmen. years,ack 30 or more believing in real estate and unexpected neighborhoods and building exciting restaurants or hotels or evolving his family, which is a balancing act. that's where the two meet of -- that is worthy to me. you have to watch people relate and control the relationships. i just want to tell one story about your meticulousness. there was a day when he comes in and jennifer is having nightmares. the child is saying to her in her nightmare, saying what happened to you? where are you? you have been buried. it can happen in the world of adult concerns. wake up.
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in that scene, he's about to give her cough syrup to go to sleep. i said doesn't he feel like that guy who would have this in his button-down shirt? he is meticulous. the real guy dresses up in a polo. he said i think a chain is right. are amazing prop master, then he -- are missing prop master -- comes. prop master around the corner, i hear a voice saying i want the chain, please get the chain. i felt everyone on the set go "ah" and total respect because he was right. he wanted the time to get the little chain. wyoming make movies about specific people -- i only make
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movies about specific people. charlie: why do you think you are that way? come on, robert. you know it's true. robert: sometimes i'm very particular and other times i don't waste time on things i prepare and i do it for better or worse and it might turn out totally different than the way i anticipated or expected. and i just don't want to be afraid to move forward. you just have to say i'm going to go do it whether it's a white or wrong, it's a choice i made and that's it. that to me is important to me because it has a spontaneity like the stuff david does and a liveness that is essential to a
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movie working and living and breathing the way he does it. so, i'm sort of answering the question. bradley: the first time i worked with bob, it was the best. theeason he is the best is marriage of the cerebral and instinctual. the redoing forget a scene where i come into the office and he walks over and sits at the dust. -- desk. the prop guy put the glasses on the desk. right before action he says wait a second, he unfolded them, put them on and put them down is what wouldha have happened. i thought those little things. that's what you have to always
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remember. stuff all kind of over the place when you're working with him. those little things because you have to do certain things. it's very important to know how to do that. that little task you better know because it's something you have been doing for a long time every day. you have to make sure. what also happens is when you are doing the scene over and over again, you get to do it very easily the way you should but you really should know that before. those kind of small things. sometimes you don't want to do it but you have to try to have all of that stuff down. because the person would. those are the details people
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notice and they might not even know why it doesn't register. the thing that bothers me about the set is the doors and the floors are hollow. it doesn't feel real. we did shoot a little on location. ♪
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charlie: this is when you returned with your daughter and her mother. >> hi.
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what are you doing here? >> don't want him anymore. >> what? >> issa damaged. he has no place else to go. -- he is damaged. he has been living in my house for two years. >> tony is living in the basement. >> that's not the proper way to be divorced. >> i don't know where i am going to put you. don't go in there. >> you can have them that commentary -- him back, terry. >> went to the metropolitan museum of art. i will tell you what i liked. the ancient roman statues, the armor.east o -- medieval >> a dusty, boring coffin. >> to a crazy person? >> what else is so great? >> you are like a ghastly.
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-- a gas leak. >> tell me what you did with share in. >> you creature from the black lagoon. [laughter] charlie: it's great. david: i love the music of language. i wrote the script many times beforehand and robert asked to memorize the dialogue days in advance. i love the music of language. this woman is -- the people who where we are from makes us who we are. the people we love, where we are from, that's who we are and staying true to that has made me a better filmmaker. you must be rooted in who you loved, who you struggled with. she is rooted in this house with these people and those people become the people in a fear he tell who challenge you but
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enable you to become who you are meant to be. you have to rise to meet it. without him, the whole endeavor doesn't happen. charlie: take a look at isabella rose illini. this is where joy that tony -- met tony. invented the dog collar. i want to get a patent and i don't think i ever will. i was valedictorian in high school. bostonnto a college in but i stayed here because my parents are getting divorced. it.'s a nice way of putting >> we should sing the town
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musical together. ♪ [laughter] was there much direction and not seen? yes, always. he is always there with you, always. we would be discussing it in a way that releases you from so self-inflicted impressions you could have in your head because you have the director right there with you. we tend to be very in our heads. it's a privilege to have a
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director who knows exactly what her character is thinking and is so sensitive, he knows what you are thinking about the character right there. you think things are so charged. he is one of the most sensitive people i've ever met. david: this man was known for playing really intense guys like in "carlos." guy, i very beautiful think this is the most vulnerable we've seen him. if you just look at him -- what was it like for you in the scene with jennifer? was beautiful. i've never tapped into that emotional territory before and it was beautiful. i remembered when the snow was going to come down. i didn't know the snow was going to come down. we were supposed to shoot another song and david said we
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should make this one something stupid. and she didn't know the song but i knew the song. there's a line david had already written when we were coming on stage when she asked to meet "but what if i don't know the words?" will" and that applied to the real situation so she was even more vulnerable and open. it was beautiful. we were dancing and singing for a number of takes. it was emotional for all of us, even the crew. i remember when we finished that seen in the hallway. jennifer was very sick that day. she was very vulnerable. finishedr that when we , you were in the stairs.
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i thank you for letting me falling in love in that way in cinema. it is a thing that really changes you. as a storyteller, i said what is the psyche of a 10-year-old grover becomes a 45-year-old woman? a 45 or oldbecomes woman? i said you are where you come from. her mother is a timid person who took refuge in her bedroom who watches soap operas and takes inspiration from strong women on soap operas. we got some icons. to me, that was a great opportunity to make a statement that jennifer's character is sort of trapped in the soap her family is living and is defined by their world and cannot get out. me, it resonates on many
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levels. russian literature is like soap opera. the story of the family struggling is like a soap opera to begin with. charlie: what becomes the dynamic of the relationship? david: between she and everyone else? for the first half, she's speaking to all of these men in their spaces. garage, the office. the second part, they are speaking to her across her space. she has her own desk, she has become the authority. that was a very powerful story for me for gross and women to see but also men to see it could be strong enough to be part of that. the men wanted to help her. they did not intend to block her. if you start an endeavor at a , they didble everything they could to finance it.
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then they wake up and they were wrong. the patent was that of rome -- was set up wrong. charlie: i also telling the story of families? the value of a business and the corruption of the business? , ifd: to me what that means you are talking about ethics, it has always been a no holds world. the middleman has a lot of power. .hey are printing your book suddenly the person who packs very comments on how fierce you must be to succeed in business.
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it's not easy. i don't look down on it for anybody. being forgiving a loving for everything. that is what i find inspiring about joy as a human being. charlie: are you attracted to this idea of creating a business? david: i love people who create something. ofy have a universe supporting people's lives, and they are all working together. the movie set is like that. the movie set is a big family. a navy seals team is doing a big endeavor together. charlie: you see this more clearly after your divorce than when you are married?
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>> he starts to make amends after he gets divorced. as long as he stayed in the .afety net in the business he will see himself more clearly after the divorce. i have never been married so i've never gone through a divorce. it is.magine how hard the sense of failure. and dreamsany plans be shattered. this in the divorce seen. it was a very emotional scene. going through that sense of loss . it is like someone you love very much dying.
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all the dreams in the plans and expectations. he gains perspective on his own life. i have been through heartbreak but with a divorce, there was a commitment that you made. implications are larger. the feeling of failure must be even greater. i want to get isabella here. isabella rossellini: there is a gun on the table.
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do you pick up the gun joy? jennifer lawrence: that is a very strange question. rossellini: do you pick up the gun? jennifer lawrence: i put the gun. rossellini: good: i will remember that when i speak to my lawyer. your reactionwas to that scene? [laughter] charlie: what happens to joy who
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has at a failed marriage and she comes up with the idea of this mom? -- mop? what happens when she meets neil? is there something that she has that he finds? bradley cooper: the camera pans up and you see him looking at her and it feels like he's constantly observing ways to better his company. it is that moment watching her demonstrated. you see a bit of a lightbulb go off.
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and he realize he is already off and running. he is going to create the matrix that he can live in. i'm going to take you behind the curtain. he starts talking to her about other people. as he is orchestrating and conducting. bradley cooper he could've been handled better. lawrence: i don't want them to try it. it should have been me. who showed you the mop?
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who taught you how to use it? rally cooper: excuse me could you give us a second. charlie rose: how did you prepare for this? cooper: david tells you the time to show up. .e's got the tools from the minute we started talking about i was doing a play in new york.
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david: i had never worked with a latino actor. that was new. i go to bradley backstage at the elephant man. we look at numerous kinds of people. i like that he and jennifer are quietly powerful more than in previous movies where they are very loud. charlie rose: what you act now? you have done everything, one everything. what you do it? niro: i like to do it. it clarifies my life when i'm working. yorkld rather be in new ok.if were a way that's it clarifies. i have a focus.
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there's more stuff going on. in my life. this that. a certain part of it is just distractions. it gives me a clarity. charlie rose: it demands a plan and a structure. do you think you are better today than you were 10 years ago? robert de niro: i don't know. some things are better i suppose. that is a tricky question. in some ways i am. i am struggling with something right now. i'm not going to be happy until i have the direction i'm going in. i don't know. i am in limbo with this thing. it anding through
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getting a clarity of the direction that i have to go in with this particular project. director. and the russell: how did you find working with jennifer? robert de niro: it was great. when she came in and did that scene and she took over the scene, it was terrific. when she did it, she did so well. it is hard to do that and have the authority. i saw how terrific she was. this movie especially she had so much to do. sometimes she would get annoyed with him as he would jump in with a line. sometimes i would get annoyed to.
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let's do what we worked on. not the what he's giving is not good. it is good. what was the question? jennifer is great. she has a magic about her. bradley cooper:. from day one it was easy. had she shot the first hundred games before silver linings playbook? guess she had. she was so open and free and out of her head. day anded up the first everyone was amazed. instinctual.
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she reminds me of bob a lot. very similar actors. highly intelligent. .ees everything charlie rose: congratulations. joy opens on christmas day. we will be back in a moment. stay with us. ♪
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charlie rose: his name is bang bang and he is one of the world's most sought after tattoo artists. he put a tattoo on rihanna's hip. the gel is one of his living campuses. here's a look at some of his work. bang: it started with just a commitment to myself to be a tattoo artist. i started at 17 i loved it and i never want to do anything else. mere hasn't been a way for to really adequately explain how these experiences have molded my career and my life. , rihanna, katy perry, and others.
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those images are trendsetting. they are bridging tattoos and fashion. rose: his book is called bang bang, my life in ink. there's a lot to talk about. discovering something you know about but you don't know much about. the idea is, how did you get started? bang: i had gotten kicked out of high school couple of times. i went to school in connecticut. old in 12th grade working at red lobster. artve the ability to create and i had the desire to be tattooed so i connected the dots. i'm going to buy a tattoo kit. way to teachthe yourself at a tattoo. that is the road i went. i just fell in love with it.
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i haven't found anything i love nearly as much. charlie rose: how did you go from one content to yourself to wanting to tattoo someone else? anyone who wanted a permanent mistake, i would tend to them. rose: in 12 years has it changed much? bang bang: there is still a lot of stigma on tattooing. i'm not sure if people label it as fine art. in my opinion it is the most difficult medium in the world. it is a living canvas. more difficult than sculpting marble. unlike a painting, where you can step away and let the dry and layer and literally sculpt your image, with tattooing we can hurt you. we can harm you.
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you only get so many attempts of what we are trying to do. we have to move through it very quickly. painterng to take a months and months. we only have hours. is a collaborative process. often clients don't design tattoos for a living but i do. so they trust me to design a great 10 two. we work out the subject and why they want to be tattooed. i try to feel it out. do that: bang: people feel differently on the interior. it is difficult to show that on your exterior unless you have a
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tattoo. it is a way to affirm who you are. visually. it is a form of decoration, it is a form of fashion. charlie rose: what part of the body is hardest to tattoo? me, it is ifr somebody is not sitting still. nothing that i do is any more dangerous than anything else. we have a lot of experience with this. a professional tattoo artist knows what he is doing with skin. he knows the limits of scan and what you can accomplish and what you can't. some people just want on their finger. there are risks that go with that. high motion areas tends to not hold pigment as well as softer areas they get less motion.
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like the palm of your hands, the soles of your feet. it makes it tough to make art with needles. look at rihanna's tattoos. she has tattoos all over her neck, collar. she has some that more subtle. not an overwhelming image on somebody's face or near it. is thehat can go wrong clientele to artist relationship. we meet with every clients before we tattoo them. we do consultations. some people really want to art direct their artist into a bed tattoo. we don't let them do that. something that is not working, something that will not age well , will not age gracefully.
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our job is the artist is to make sure the visual is amazing. the job for the client is to maintain the meeting. if somebody has something meaningful that they are really trying to design that image, that is only stop it. regulated by the new york city health department. there is not a ton of regulation on it. i have tattooed in new york city over a decade now. i have seen the health department one time. it is not something they regulate the way they regulate restaurants and bodegas. i am looking forward to the day that i get to have some input and sit down with some of those people and try to regulated a bit more. i just think tattoo artists who taken seriously deserve a lot of respect.
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so the people doing tattoos and have stores and scarf shops, they don't belong doing topical surgery. there is not another industry that i could think of that is so medical that is not regulated. unique.g is kind of rihanna is amazing. an amazing friend. so much that people don't see that she doesn't even care that makes her an incredible friend. anytime i have called her and needed her she has been right there. she shows up on my birthday. she is the only person to give me a cake on my 30th birthday. 10 years ago, when i was tattooing on 6th avenue, in comes the singer. i am a little out of the loop. i knew who will smith was.
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but often i don't know who celebrities are. the consignment in my own little world of tattooing. i just met a group of beautiful women. she stepped forward. we just clicked and we got along. she wanted to get this little prayer on her and it was on a necklace. i took a close look. her best friend melissa also wanted it. we just got along really well. she wrote the forward to my book. i didn't travel to europe stone. my friend is a retired soccer player who wants a tattoo. is interested in london, it one of my favorite cities. i like to be there more. charlie: will you go to katy perry or rihanna?
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thank them: i went on tour in scandinavia with katy perry for a week. when they call i am there. adele is wonderful. she got the number five on the inside of one of her fingers. i thought that didn't catch it. five's know what the for. that is her most private tattoo. i did not want to pride. we tucked in there so that people wouldn't catch it. she got paradise and she got angelo, which is her son's name. the five was even more private. you are the first person asking about that. cool. is i grew up loving michael jordan.
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i got a call like everybody else. at 8:00 p.m. one night. his manager randy told me that lebron wants to get tattooed. can you come tomorrow? i had a couple of hours. i did a portion of his daughter on his back. i'm not sure if anybody had seen her yet. at the moment we weren't photographing it because he wanted it to be private. charlie: america's tattoo industry. $2.3 billion in annual revenue. 15,000 tattoo parlors. tattoo.mericans have a 19% of men.
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an interesting look at who's doing it. and your goal is to get better? my original goal was to be at the top of those lists. i wanted to be number one in that 15,000 list. internally. your expectation of what is being the best. we set those expectations for ourselves. we set them high. i have a team of tattoo artists and that is just the best in the world. i have no reserve in saying that my crew is the best shop in the world. charlie: pleasure to have you here. bang bang: i will see you for your tattoo. charlie: something classy. arose. rose. thank you for joining us.
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>> he got his start as a journalist with a front row seat to steve jobs early life. then he decided to try his luck in venture capital. went on to become one of the most heralded investors in silicon valley history. joining the boards of google and yahoo!. then he


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