tv Bloomberg West Bloomberg February 4, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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chinese reserves are ready at a low and they are set for a record drop. it is expected to announce sunday that they fell by 120 billion dollars last month. that would exceed the record decline set in september. nomura is turning down investors cash. the use of its negative interest rate policy. suspending its money market
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bloodbath with linkedin shares down nearly 30%. look at why investors are rushing for the exits. more changes afoot at sumner redstone's empire. what is next for cbs and viacom as the companies embark on a new era. the zika virus continues its spread, rising in the u.s. and spain. could genetic engineering be the answer? first, to our lead. linkedin shares plunging in after-hours trading as much as 30% on weaker than expected guidance for 2016. revenue in the current period will be $820 million, falling short of estimates by $47 million. revenue in the fourth quarter climbed 34%. the company reported net loss of $47 million, down 6000% year-over-year. he with me to break it down is our bloomberg intelligence analyst in san francisco. david kirkpatrick and new york. and our editor at large, cory johnson in new york as well. great to be here. all of us here. in one place together.
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emily: linkedin gets compared to facebook. the business models are completely different. but when it comes to user growth, linkedin is not showing much. >> still, their projection shows they are going to have 47 million less in revenue and they lost 7 billion and market cap. i think frankly this is still one of the great companies of the digital age. that has a position unmatched by anybody in high network, professional people globally. it is the only network for business people everywhere. i think it has got stable management, fantastic opportunities for more profit. i think it is overdone. emily: the talent recruiters that defines good job candidates is unrivaled. cory: i would agree. it is a company that is doing well but it is it a question of canada chief of valuation? that -- can it achieve a valuation? user growth pickup in the last quarter. up to 414 million which is a nice, big number. that is a lot bigger both in twitter's entire audience and growing a lot in terms of adding those users. but i think that it is a pace to that growth. it is really interesting to hear them talk about global economic slowdown. in markets outside the u.s., they talk about having a real head in terms of business slowing down. i think it is interesting because we are starting to fear that from tech companies, not just from oil and gas companies. tech companies, like google and linkedin, see slowing growth internationally.
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emily: this is the only u.s. social network that has found a way to break into china, albeit slowly but surely through a joint venture. we have been listening to jeff weiner on the call. take a listen to what jeff had to say. jeff: as we look towards 2016, you can expect to see linkedin content more deeply integrated into the core experiment as well as deeper integration across our premium products. we also see a great opportunity this year to leverage our go to market strategy to continue to deliver content into the enterprise. emily: in san francisco, would you agree that there is a mismatch here between the strength of the business and a perception of the strength of the business? >> it's funny you commented on
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facebook earlier. if you look at the new guidance, 2016 expectations are facebook is growing much faster. linkedin trades higher than facebook. this is a growth expectation stock. a couple of reasons is the phaseout in the solutions businesses. there are online sales that is happening. in the core talent solutions. they are focusing on a narrower product. so execution is going to be key. what this is doing right now is shattering the confidence in their ability to match those high growth expectations. david: you think about twitter's valuation not long ago was a lot higher than what linkedin is now. emily: not anymore. david: now it's about half. this is a great company. you look at the long, which is the way i look at the world there i no other truly global social network other than facebook besides linkedin. that is a very big deal. emily: where is a user growth going to come from? david: as the global economy is going to be greater. africa, latin america, asia. that is where their opportunity -- cory: they changed their products quite a bit over the course of this year. they talked about that in the conference call, changing their mobile app. there was a suggestion of reporting on a new category going forward. so, they are changing the fanbelt while the engine runs.
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emily: they have been changing the mobile app. mobile traffic has been a 50%. the was concern that some of these changes would lead to short-term hiccups. is it an app i'm going to every single day? cory: they talked about it in the conference call. they wanted to make it an app that sales people go to every day. they want to create tools to use this app every single day. integrating with calendars. go to meeting, the names of the people and their linked in bios will come up. that is their goal is daily use.
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emily: maybe salespeople are going to it every day. is that enough? >> if they are expecting that core focus on mobile, they have that diversified mobile app strategy that will roll out this year in terms of what the adoption rate is and how that improves engagement. like i said, execution -- the near term is to keep focus. long-term, the fundamentals from how big the market is and what linkedin's positioning is, still continues to be strong. it is the ability to gauge how quickly of they can grow in the near-term as quickly as they expect them to. david: to puncture my own pollyanna approach, in some ways they really do have a problem. it's an app you use in frequently. they have tried hard with a media strategy. dan roth has done a great job putting media in there. emily: the content strategy that's driving advertising, right? david: the reality is it is still a service you use very intimately, and that is a weakness. on the other hand, my own little company, all of our best employees we have gotten from advertising on linkedin. it is the de facto best place to get employees if you are small business.
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emily: david kirkpatrick techonomy ceo with me for the hour. cory johnson. time to say goodbye to you. thanks so much for joining us. shares fluctuated with the other major averages. julie hyman has the details on the session. julie: it was a lackluster session in terms of decisiveness on the part of market dispense. we had major averages fluctuate in a very narrow range. the nasdaq did manage to eke out a gain by the end of the day. the nasdaq 100 of the largest caps of stocks on the nasdaq did not manage to eke out that same gain. there were a number of different reports for investors to
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consider from jobless claims rise into productivity falling by the most in almost two years. that affected trading as well. but if you looked at big cap tech, there was a split over the day. within the nasdaq 100, the stocks that were both contributing and weighing on the average the most were google and facebook on the downside and amazon and cisco on the upside. yahoo shares rebounded after citigroup upgraded though shares to a buy. basically for the reason that the company told us about a couple days ago -- that it was potentially putting itself up for sale or at least considering a very strategic option. finally, nxp semiconductors, though shares also a standout after the company forecast quarterly revenue to rise as much as 55% after takeover of -- semi conductor is complete. back to you.
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emily: julie hyman. now to someone with a true earnings hangover. nick woodman, the founder of go pro has lost his billionaire status. it has fallen to $770 million. in september, 2014, go-pro shares have tanked off slowing sales. he was the highest-paid executive in the u.s. back in 2014, raking in over $287 million that year. coming up, sumner redstone's thirty-year reign at cbs and viacom is over. we will take a look for what this means for the future of both companies. we will take you inside the stadium for a look at how super bowl 50 promises to pull off the techiest sporting event in history. ♪
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emily: shares of charter communications down after posting sales that came in in line with analyst estimates. net loss widened in the fourth quarter thanks to the added expenses of buying time warner and bright house. charter awaiting regulatory clearance and faces rising competition from online streaming services. it is a changing of the guard at viacom. the ceo was just named executive chairman of the entertainment company after sumner redstone resigned from the position. this marks an end to redstone's reign over the media company he has control for almost 30 years. and comes a day after redstone resigned as chairman of ceo. it was met with some resistance. he lacks the support of shari redstone. for more, i want to bring in bloomberg news' chris palmeri in l.a., tracking sumner redstone. also with us is the executive vice president of screen media ventures. david, i will start with you. what do you make of his departure and what will his legacy be?
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david: it was time for him to go. he is certainly old and he was getting long in the tooth. his legacy -- he built this conglomerate which was an amazing machine during the basic cable heyday in putting together cbs and paramount. he's a media baron, a builder in the truest sense of the word in the media landscape. but as everyone's knows, cbs, viacom have not done very well over the last couple years. cbs is number one in viewers. les moonves got promoted. the cable properties have not fared so well. they needed a change.
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emily: that question is, what changes at cbs and viacom as a result? david: i do not think much. that is what shari redstone to not support daumann, because she wanted somebody new. he is the same old same old. it will be very interesting how long will he last? i don't know. that is what her point of view was she did not want to be herself and she did not want to be him. >> one of the things that strikes me about viacom, a national comparison is time warner and hbo. hbo is not just a great content company, but it is an amazing technology company. they put enormous resources into their digital product, hbo go, especially,. they have engineers working on that, and proving that all the time. i do not think viacom have anything comparable. that is the kind of thing we need to see from them.
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emily: how is this been rippling throughout hollywood? chris: it is definitely the talk of the town. this is almost the best show that viacom's produced in a while. [laughter] chris: people are really going to miss. this is one of the reasons why sumner made the decision to step down as chairman because he was becoming too much of a distraction for management -- and investors were saying, who is really in charge here? now he's let everyone know it is not him. emily: les moonves clearly is. we did have les moonves on bloomberg a couple months ago. take a listen to what he had to
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say. les: we are primarily a broadcasting company, and they are a basic cable company. the value in having us to together no longer make sense. so, i think both companies are better off going there separate paths. emily: are they really better off? >> what is the value of being separate? i'm trying to figure that out myself. the basic cable cubbies have not fared well on their own. cbs has done very well with new programming that they have not had a new hit. their shows are getting long in the tooth. they need to do some changing. i'm trying to figure out what do they benefit by separating? i don't know if it is better to stay together or not, but what is the benefit of separating? emily: how much of this is disruption in -- when it comes to netflix and better original content -- new distribution platforms? >> everything is changing dramatically. the problem is with tv now, none of the basic cable stations like spike, comedy central vod viewing. has got to change the way they do things. so does cbs. nobody really knows the answer. everyone is competing with netflix. you brought up the best point -- hbo was in the game way before netflix.
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if hbo is the true leader of all this pack, and everybody else is falling what they have done. cbs has tried to go into an s-vod site. they have their core viewers were going to watch cbs, without commercials but that have they expanded their base? i don't think so. >> the universe of competitors has grown so much for it all these networks you never thought of, and they are putting out products that people are accessed with. emily: we'll have to leave it there. thank you for joining us. chris palmeri with us from l.a. david kilpatrick is sticking with me. coming up, the rampant spread of the zika virus hits a new milestone. we explain why researchers are focusing on genetics rather than insecticides to fight the disease. ♪
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emily: a story we are watching. spain has confirmed europe's first case of zika virus in a pregnant woman. a milestone in the disease's rapid spread around the world. in the u.s., new york is reporting 11 positive cases among residents. and florida reporting nine cases earlier this week. all of these cases have been spread by people traveling from other countries. but nowhere is the virus more rampant than in latin america. remember there is no vaccine or cure for zika and decades of efforts to eradicate mosquito borne diseases with insecticides have failed to researchers are turning to altering the dna of mosquitoes and such a way that would suppress the disease or what about the species entirely. our bloomberg view columnist faye -- has just written about this and joins us from boston to explain. david kilpatrick is with me as well. explain how this would work. how a genetically engineered mosquito could wipe out an entire population of another
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kind of mosquito? faye: well, it's not clear whether you could actually wipe out a whole population, but there are a lot of really interesting new technologies that are coming online. there something that goes way beyond ordinary genetic engineering, called gene drive. and that is something where there has been a lot of progress in the last few months.
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david: isn't it true we have just made a lot of progress recently and what we can do with genetic engineering and that we're faced with some amazing new opportunities in general, which this is a good example of? faye: i think so. one of the big breakthroughs has been something that's referred to sometimes as crisper, gene editing, a more precise way of changing the dna of plants or animals. and people have been combining that with this gene drive technology and the lab they have been able to take an artificial genome and spread it through a whole population of fruit flies and also made progress in mosquitoes. a lot of that research has been aimed at trying to make mosquitoes resistant to malaria.
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emily: so, what are the biggest obstacles here? is it legal, ethical issues, is a logistics? faye: it's all of the above, but i think one of the biggest obstacles that the scientists are going to face is going to be gaining the public trust, because they have had enough problems with doing genetic engineering in domestic plants and animals. here they are talking about changing the genetics of a wild animal, part of the ecosystem, which is something profoundly new. and it's an animal that we do not like buy, but we do not know all of the long-term consequences. i think we are already seeing some conspiracy theories floating around about some of the earlier field trials and more traditional genetic engineering to try to combat the zika mosquitoes. david: is that with a worried about the react against, if we start altering ecosystems, it could cause other problems we cannot predict? you do not know what other, what animals might attend on those mosquitoes for food. and just an unanticipated consequence of doing something like this. in the case of the zika carrying mosquitoes, scientists say they actually do not belong in the americas. they are an invasive species, they hitchhiked with humans.
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emily: so, quickly, there are conspiracy theories that the british biotech firm is leading the charge on this, contributed to the spread of the virus. quickly, what do you think of that? they are worried about keeping the public trust. this conspiracy theory shows how fragile that trust can be. the british company is actually not doing gene drive. they are experimenting just with altering the genes of a few mosquitoes and hoping a mate and pass the gene on to cull the population. it shows how paranoid people can be about any genetic modification.
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typically, companies go to nj during the final parts of business. -- stage of business. foxconn has definitely set the pattern. emily: thank you so much for the update. we'll continue to follow the story. ♪ emily: turning to cyber security, symantec, coming in with a beat on quarterly sales. private equities from silver lake is putting in $500 million. ken howard the -- appointed to the board. ceo george kurtz is here to tell us all about the biggest issues we should be paying attention to. what is the nation of the nation state actors? has escalated more than a year ago?
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mr. kurtz: we have really looked at the g a political landscape and see how this impacts -- geopolitical landscape and have seen how this impacts it. china is trying to figure out how to take care of the population by learning the tricks and trades of the companies in the u.s. david: what strikes me as the range of threats that you are highlighting in your new report. the number of new things that can go wrong here seem to be increasing by the day. these are countries where there are real specialists emerging in doing real bad things. how scared should the average company be? mr. kurtz: we are reaching the point where boards of directors have to have a plan for cyber security. we have 13 industries that are being targeted and a five-year plan from china to build a profile of what industries will be targeted and what technologies and areas available focused on for a cyber attacker perspective.
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emily: i was recently speaking to the ceo of a cyber security firm about the reality of how companies understand what threats there are. take a listen. >> basic hygiene. people always want to worry about ninjas coming through the skylights. but many customers have the front door open and the windows unlocked. this encryption isn't present. you don't need to worry about russia, you need to worry about a 12-year-old script kid who has access to google. many customers are realizing, most of their attacks do not come from agencies, but smith -- but people who are not that
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sophisticated who are exploiting holes that have been left open because the tools are broken. mr. kurtz: this has to be broken down to people, processing, and technology. this is not just a technology problem. add intelligence to the overall equation. when we put this report together, and we work with a lot of multinational customers, they are dealing with these threats. they are dealing with more than just the 13-year-old script kids. these are nationstates, cybercrime, sophisticated actors. adding intelligence to the people process and technology mantra is critical to why we put the report out.
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david: this is interesting. but as the security industry like a boom in the street? should viewers be crazily buying security? [laughter] emily: those stocks are actually down further than the average. the nasdaq cyber security index is down 13% today -- down 13% year-to-date. mr. kurtz: well, you have to look at these companies, who have technologies which from a network perspective don't always solve the problem. there are companies like us, up and comers who are dealing with the most advanced threats as opposed to network play. the market is a fantastic place to be, and like anything else, it ebbs and flows depending on how the overall market reacts. emily: thank you so much for stopping by. ♪
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emily: on this day in tech. 12 years ago today, march 2 -- mark zuckerberg launched facebook. with a little more than an online directory, helping harvard classmates connect, he dropped the "the" and went global. facebook and i 1.5 billion people worldwide. it has made mark zuckerberg the second youngest billionaire in the world. speaking of facebook, in honor of the anniversary, the kind company -- the company crunched the numbers and found that every person in the world is connected to every other person by an average of 3.57 people. that is at least among the 1.5 9 billion people active. -- 1.59 billion people active on the site. david, you wrote "the facebook effect."
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david: i continue to be in all of the company-- be awed by this company. zuckerberg himself did not know how big it would be. he thought he was doing something for his classmates. he has been amazingly opportunistic, seeing opportunities, and his whole idea is to connect whole planet. emily: the followed him for long time when you wrote your book. he made the decision not to sell to yahoo!, several decisions along the way where he demonstrated conviction that this could be something much bigger than what it was. david: you and i were talking about sean parker, who gave him the idea about how big it could be, more than any other person.
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emily: he cofounded napster. david: he is per trade as a druggie, and out of control person. emily: justin timberlake. david: but he was interested in scale in a way that zuckerberg and often. "you know what is really cool? a billion dollars." he had that sense of scale. emily: thank you for being here. coming up, i'm not so rosy path to start ups as venture capital focuses on profitability. ♪
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emily: venture capitalist fred wilson has strong words for tech companies. he's had enough for waiting for better market conditions for companies to go public. "don't be chicken." he says the ceo of uber is one thing out-- is wimping out and needs to give investors their money back. venture capitalists are putting pressure on entrepreneurs to show profitability overgrowth. bloomnet is just one of the latest victims of corporate restructuring could i'm joined by ellen hewitt -- restructuring. i'm joined by alan hewitt. maybe the company is being too good to its customers? >> they had kind of crazy pet, when our flowers for $35-- pitch, one hour flowers for $35. they were growing quickly.
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but at one point, they saw that they had three months of money left and were burning $600,000 per month and had to lay off 40% of the staff. they were not making ends meet. they were trying to get enough customers without making the economics pencil out. emily: is this a story or hearing again and again? ellen: yes, these startups where
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people have to transport real goods from door-to-door. they hope to make the delivery fees small, but have to do low profit margins could for a while, -- margins. for a while that was ok, but now investors are starting to ask before they pick up the checkbook. "how are you going to get a profitability?" how are you going to support business? emily: these startups are struggling, trying to change their business models. uber is at six to 2.5 billion dollars, the valuation is unprecedented-- uber is at 62.5 billion dollars, the valuation is unprecedented, and they are being asked to go public now. david: this reminds me of cosmo, a company in the first level, where you can get a one dollar
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candy bar delivered to your house for free. this is a back to the future moment. these apps were getting funded until a couple of months ago. i was sitting with princeton students who came to new york and were doing a tour and invited me to talk. we're going through a list of the top startups, and they were so appalled, saying that is a bunch of services for upper-middle-class people who already have everything they need. we have seen too much of that. these are not kind of-- not the kind of growth businesses we need. at least uber could be a massive transformative force could all these delivery companies -- force. all of these delivery companies, amazon will compete with everyone of them. i wouldn't want to compete with
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amazon. emily: are investors changing their tune? ellen: yes, all of these people they are talking to, they are all saying the same thing. these economics weren't sexy to or three years ago when these companies started up. that's not the case anymore. we have seen people talk again and again, the negative growth margins are not acceptable. this does not carry the same believability. investors want to see you making money, selling something for more than it costs to produce it and deliver it, which has always been the case. emily: ellen hewitt, thank you so much. david kirkpatrick, sticking with me. up next, we look at the tech role in superbowl 50. who is winning and losing as silicon valley is put in the spotlight? ♪
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emily: silicon valley isn't exactly synonymous with sports. what some of the biggest names, google, apple, cannot to play.-- but some of the biggest names, google, apple, came out to play. table bring in innovative applications to make sunday's game this techiest in superbowl history. emily: it is an american tradition worth millions in brand equity alone. as the world turns into superbowl 50, a new player is getting more attention than ever, technology. this starts with an all-star team of tech mvps. >> apple was an early partner. then came intel, and on and on and on.
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emily: keith bruce is ahead of the host committee and is credited with rallying tech's biggest names to win the bid for super bowl in silicon valley. keith: this is the time to join them and be on the world stage. that's why we said we want to be a part of it. emily: the pride has cost the bay area nearly $1.3 billion to build a high-tech stadium complete with its own app. >> it literally delivers food and beverage to all the people in the building within six minutes. emily: fans can enjoy custom entertainment in real-time. >> we have a wi-fi box under everyone hundred seats in this building.
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there are 700 wi-fi boxes coming out of the concrete. the nfl mandate is only 10 gigs, and we have 40. emily: there are 7000 football fields of fiber optics. another super bowl first, a tech-centric half-time show in the dark. >> you should probably expect that the lights go down and some interesting things come out. emily: rumor has it that the stadium is working with the latest crowd connection software for in illuminating performance. >> you need a certain standard of technology to deliver that interactivity, and that is what levi's is stadium offers. it has an unbelievable capability that most idioms don't have.
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emily: joining me to dig even deeper into how the bay area is handling super bowl insanity, eric newcomer in san francisco, where a million visitors are expected in addition to the 70,000 lucky enough to get tickets. the huge influx has put on demand businesses like uber, lyft, and airbnb to the test on their home turf. it's not going so well. what happening? -- what's happening? eric: uber and lyft have just cut prices, and there is frustration from the drivers. the anger from the drivers is clouding the positive message around the super bowl. emily: uber dropped prices, and lyft, and airbnb hosts aren't happy with how much they are making. eric: there's a bit of a price war going on. uber moved first and lyft has to stay competitive on price. it is a race to the bottom, and on airbnb's side, there's so many hosts.
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people go to offer their apartments for the super bowl, and the prices, they want to hire one to make more money, but for people staying here, it is good. david: do you think people will take away a fundamental he different point of view about silicon valley as a result, or is this a little bit of talk about companies that are trying to keep their image fairly prominent in the media? eric: i think that people, we take a lot of it for granted in san francisco. uber, lyft, these products will be super helpful for those of us try to get around silicon valley. visitors being introduced to the products, that will be a good look for the company.
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there's an idea that visitors who see them at their best, that is good. on the other hand, there are these angry drivers, certainly not a good look for the company. people will see that and think about whether they should be taking an uber. emily: i'm sure you've seen the tweet about uber not going public, "just do it." what do you think? eric: uber's ceo compared themselves to an eighth grader. bowling which he is using around the ipo-- the language he is using around the ipo is tough talking but the ceo of uber says this is not something they are thinking about anytime soon. they could get a bunch of money from private investors and face less scrutiny. why go public?
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fred can say that, i don't think he is a major uber investor at all. it's easy to say that. people keep throwing money at them on the private markets, so i think travis is happy to shrug your shoulders and say, "why go public?" emily: i always appreciate fred wilson giving us something fun to talk about. thank you for being here. eric: i love being here. emily: it's so great to have you as always. and now, time to find out who is having the best day ever. the winner? martin shkreli, the former during pharmaceutical ceo faced lawmakers at a hearing under price increases and surprised no one by pleading the fifth. he didn't hold back on twitter, exerting his right to free speech. "it is hard to accept that these imbeciles represent the people in our government."
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