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tv   With All Due Respect  Bloomberg  May 4, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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mark: i'm mark colburn. -- halperin. john: with all due respect to all of that bad blood, what a difference a single day makes. mr. trump: he cannot do it. he's a joker. >> very nasty. >> breaking tonight, senator ted cruz just ended his campaign for president. >> just so you understand, ted cruz, i don't know if you like me or does not like me, but he's one hell of a competitor. he is a tough, smart guy. ♪
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john: that joke was ok. holy trump bay, sports fans. we will have more of the donald dr. jekyll and mr. hyde act. ,that is in a few minutes. john kasich and ted cruz say see you later. 11 months after donald trump entered on an escalator. after a dozen debates that made him whole, 10 months after leading in his first national pull. 16 rivals tried to stop him. $75 million in ads can block them. the seemingly endless late-night retreats. after indiana at last, the , billionaire is presumptive. not bad. at this hour, we are waiting for john kasich to speak in columbus, ohio. mark, we are going to look at what has happened in the last 24 hours. let us start with this --
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is this real life, or is it fantasy? how did donald trump do this? mark: i have been asking republicans over the last several days of trump could be stopped and i have not heard a single explanation from anybody given the weakness of the field, given how trump match the mood of the party, given the performance the donald trump and his team did i haven't heard , anyone give me a scenario that downs plausible how trump could be stopped. look, once youan take the field as set, and then you take the nature of those individuals, and how they would choose to compete, unstoppable, and inevitable -- i don't think anything is inevitable in politics, ever read and it -- ever. it takes away something from trump's particular genius that got him to where he is today against all odds to say it was somehow inevitable. mark: if mitt romney had run, would he beat him? john: i don't know.
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to give trump credit, you don't have to like his policies to acknowledge the fact he sees the moment, he understood the ways in which the republican party had changed for it he read the electorate acutely and built a message that resonated with millions of republicans that resonated in a way that no one else did. maybe he could have been stopped , but you have to take your hat off to him in that sense. mark: if you made a list of all the things you want in a presidential candidate, successful candidate trump was , first or second in every candidate -- in every category. as i said in the beginning, i will say it again, this was not be best field that either party put forward it was the most , overrated. there was not one person in this field who performed under their skill level. they all performed close to their skill level. none of them were a match for donald trump. john: i will challenge you on one thing come i'm not sure if you will disagree. that you wantrea
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from donald trump -- policy and expertise. he was not first, second, third or fourth. mark: name any idea put forward by any other candidate. none of them presented ideas that caught on with the public. john: that is 100% true, and that is because you said correctly, to the weakness of the field. i think what trump understood was his audience wanted not -- they wanted in this cycle, was not new policy, but somebody who understood their sense of grievance about how screwed up e republican party is. columbusn kasich is in -- we are standing by. he is expected to end it tonight. ted cruz announced last night he was dropping out of the race. rance primus gave his digital blessing. .e tweeted this
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we all need to unite and focus on defeating at hillary clinton. there are a lot of leading republicans that have still not weighed in on where they stand on donald trump, but there has been a fair amount of reaction spanning a broad spectrum of demotions and attitudes. on one end you have scott walker, who told reporters in wisconsin today that donald trump is for him, a better choice than hillary clinton. there are a lot of hedgers -- senators susan collins of maine told a liberal radio station quote donald trump is the opportunity to unite the party, but if you going to build that wall, he is going to have to mend a lot offenses -- of fences. kelly, the campaign medications director told the report that she plans to support donald trump.
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we have this tweet, reporters keep asking if indiana changes anything, the answer is simple -- no. john, a lot of people still left to react, but what does this say about trump's chances of uniting 'the republican party as the nominee presumptive? john: one note, i think those two are clowns in terms of how they are handling this. this utter wishy-washy talk. if you vote for somebody, you are endorsing them. i don't care what people say, that is an endorsement. it is notable that there has not been -- the size rants previous rence preibus, i think donald trump has a lot of work to do. he said today there were some parts of the party he does not want, but he has an uphill
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struggle. mark: bill kristol said late in the day that he was not going to vote or trump or clinton. you will see some of that. most people i talk to elected , officials will be enough on board to not create a problem for him. some will skip the convention, but he is going to have problems with others. i think some of that can be solved by win and if -- when and if he starts raising money, and makes a strong by the presidential pick. i think that could go a long way in uniting the party. he has have a battle plan. -- ifit is clear if the he does not see this, he should the , vice presidential pick must be aimed at trying to solve this problem, it's not about voting blocks. mitt romney, john mccain, george w. bush, all of the living previous republican nominees are all against him,
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and bob dole, that is not a unified party. mark: he will get some of this. john: coming up, the surprising loss for hillary clinton. we will talk more about that after these words from our sponsors. ♪
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♪ mark: before last night hillary clinton was on a winning streak. she won in new york. the media has for some time been touting with the campaign calls and insurmountable delegate lead, just like donald trump. clinton seemed to have trump like momentum and seemed the
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-- and she was leaving all of the public polls in the hoosier state primary. what explains donald trump winning big, but hillary clinton losing in indiana? john: the fact that the clinton campaign decided not to advertise in indiana and i think they made the decision -- which i think they may regret, it could make the next month harder. bernie sanders was on the ground , they decided they would not spend money on air at all. it is hard to win a contest if you're not on the air. mark: it was private polling for the most part. for the most part, it looked like they could win it easily. we don't know how much money they have left, because the cash on hand figures are not kept up to date. but why not advertise? the clintons went there because they always think they can win. the campaign decided not to spend the money. it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it does create the second front for the rest of the month. john: i agree.
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there is some sign in the exit polls that it seems bernie sanders can win with -- he has done better with women voters. and the ones where hillary clinton has -- they basically split the women. that doesn't exactly explain it. i agree, she will be be democratic nominee, almost certainly. she made her life harder by being parsimonious with her funds there. we talked about donald trump's efforts to bring the gop together, but one looming roadblock on the road to unity effortclinton campaign's to identify anti-donald republicans from a variety of groups. like republican women, grassroots advocates and turn herem into #i am with defectors. which republicans are likely to be targets and how big of a role the republicans for hillary will play in the general
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election? mark: my suspicion is the national security ones are going to be a big deal. you are going to see a lot of retired military diplomat who say they are not with donald trump. that is why i think the donald trump folks would like to fix the money with national security credentials for the ticket. that would be, if you pardon the pun that is the trump card. , i think you will see some retired elected officials, maybe some women, who will be symbolically very important. john: one of the things i think is overstated is the extent to which, and hillary -- it is overstated to the degree in which donald trump is the dove, and hillary is the hawk. trump routinely misstates his position on the iraq war, which he claimed he was never for, but there's plenty of evidence that he claims he was for it. mark: some evidence. john: there is plenty, i think. in any case there's no doubt , hillary clinton has credibility with military people. the military is a huge thing for clinton because she has a lot of
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credibility with those folks. mark: endorsements don't mean all that much, but one of the biggest challenges they face is winning news cycle. having the argument and discussion on any given day be about what she wants it to be about, rather than what trump wants it to be about. no one can take away from the fact that he dominates the news when he wants to. john: when high-level military people come out and say trump is not to be commander-in-chief, that could matter. mark: as we get closer to the general election matchup between a former secretary of state and a former celebrity tv star, opinions range, even within hillary clinton's circle about how hard it is going to be to beat donald trump in november. some think donald trump's populist message and unpredictable campaign could pose a threat. others are predicting a clinton landslide. today, clinton seems to layout the latter argument. hillary clinton he said climate :change is a chinese hoax and i , think it is real. we have to put the world together.
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you can go down a long list, some of which he has tried to bob and weave. i think he is a loose cannon. and loose cannons tend to misfire. >> if he's a loose cannon, he certainly willing to say things in her race against opponents and we have seen this already, a lot of candidates were not prepared for on the gop side, are you ready for that? hillary clinton i've and in the :the for 25 years. i think nearly everything that can be thrown at somebody and politics and public life has come my way. anderson: you feel like you can run against them? ms. clinton: i'm not running against him. i'm running my own campaign. mark: later, trump said he was eager to start focusing on the general election and clinton. donald trump: there has been a flip. i thought i would be going longer and she would be going shorter. she can't put it away. it is like a football team they cannot get the ball over the line, i put it away. she cannot. i thought i would be out there
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, and she would be campaigning against me. i didn't realize. so i will be campaigning against her. mark: john, going forward what , are the biggest variables that will determine whether trump can win or whether some democrats believe, this will be a blowout? john: can donald trump fix one or two of the following problems -- his historically horrible ratings with female voters in -- and with hispanic voters? he has to fix at least one of them. if he can't fix either he's , done. mark: the bigger umbrella is the fight to define donald trump. is he, as the clinton people believe, and will argue, a horrible person? a man with a dark heart that does not represent the best of the united states? or is he a business man who is politically incorrect but the right person to make change in washington? i think that fight for definition will speak to, not just those groups but his , ability to support the electorate he has won. john: i think the argument for
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the clinton side starts with what hillary clinton was saying, loose cannon, not temporary -- temperamentally suited for the oval office. the second thing, some of the comments he has made in the past , it does give a lot of groups the sense that he does have a dark heart. he will have to do a lot of work to convince them otherwise. mark: is always a choice. people say it's a referendum on one candidate or another, but of the might me a lot gore and bush election in 2000. gore folks said bush will never be seen as qualified. we will knock him out, and convince people he is not up for the job. they did not make the progress they wanted. i think the clinton people believe they can render donald trump unelectable. she has to prove to people that she is likable enough. a lot of this is going to be, i think about, can donald trump get over the bar of being acceptable.
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the debates will obviously be widely watched and hugely important. john: one of the big questions, will he pay a price? he did not pay a price for some of the controversial things he said. will he pay the price in the bigger america general election? coming up, a look back and forward at the dramatic 2016 race. right after this very quick break. ♪
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♪ mark: welcome back. #i am withest was her, before it was trending. the chief strategist for the hillary clinton campaign, thank you for coming. >> thank you for having me. mark: take donald trump's name off of his candidacy. if he was able to significantly
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improve his standing with women voters and hispanics what kind ,of achievement with that be in the annals of politics? guest: if i had wings, i could fly. i don't. i think it is an enormous uphill climb for him because he is extremely well-known. the definition around him right now is of his own making. this did not get put on him by any politician or opponent are he has created himself. that is the hardest thing to undo, when you have solidified your image on your own efforts. mark: it is hard, but it -- is winossible that he could with women and hispanics? out: i don't relate completely, but when you look at how this has built up over time, and how solidified it has in -- been. the thingsok back at
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he has been saying, the ratings have been steady. the other thing about, that will pose a challenge for him, he has never shown a propensity to be apple to work on his own effort, he spends most of his time with very little substance. most of his time attacking everyone else. it is hard to repair your image after that. let me talk about how this race will look to america, change versus more of the same. she is running for the third term of the obama administration. he wants to blow up everything. massive numbers of people in the country are frustrated at elitist, how do you change that frame? there are two things, first of all, the numbers on the wrong track were higher in 2012 when barack obama was reelected. these things are choices. i don't think it is a simple as
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change versus more of the same. people feel like they are not where they want to be, and they want to know who can get stuff done will make a difference in their lives. i away say presidential elections are about the future, not the past. they are about their lives, not your life as a candidate. if you look at who is talking most about the range of things that affect their lives from creating jobs, getting education, bringing down college debt, hillary clinton is the candidate who happens to be winning more votes than anybody else. john: among available voters in america, would you say that those voters are more or less pissed off than they were years ago? joel: by available voters you mean -- john: the up for grabs voters you will be competing for? joel: i think they are probably a little less pissed off. i think they are frustrated with different things. i think the repercussions of the citizens united case, and what
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that has meant in terms of spending and money on these races is troublesome. which is also, i think an advantage for us. hillary clinton was the first candidate in this election cycle to call for overturning it and appointing judges that would reverse the. -- reverse it, and a constitutional amendment if it didn't happen. i think that has people concerns. economically, i think people are still not where they want to be. i think they feel like they have figured out ways to make it work in their own lives. they are back a little bit, closer to what they want to be, but they know they are not at the level of security they were before the economic crash. they want somebody looking out for their interests, making a difference in their lives. probably help create a better future for them and their kids. mark: every national poll for months and months, do you expect that to change at any point in the next month before the convention mark -- convention? joel: i don't.
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you look at the reality of the situation, what is happening on the republican side, even last night. you are talking about and array of tweets and commentary from establishment republicans about their dissatisfaction here. including the chief consultant for john mccain's race and mitt romney's race. you have people like mitt romney, people who have run before, lindsey graham, their party is going to make this very difficult to change the numbers on that side of the equation for them. i think we have more swing voters. i think more states will be in play for us. i think a lot of the swing voters you were talking about are not just moderates ideologically, they are modulated in their temperament. they don't like the hyper politics in a hyper politician -- anti-politician in this race is a donald trump character, not hillary clinton. she is a nose to the grind stone, get the work done make a , difference for you. john: in 2012, the obama campaign would say we would rather have our hand then
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their hand. what does donald trump had in his hand that you envy? joel: there are a couple of things. he is an unconventional candidate. i will be honest, i think what he has is, the media has not treated him like a typical front runner. i am not singling anyone out, but you even had people like megyn kelly on fox for letting him wallpaper the airwaves or phone into sunday shows. things that were unprecedented. i think his personality has the media off guard. i think it is gametime and he will face the scrutiny and questions everyone else. mark: anything else you envy besides his ability to be unconventional? joel: not right now. i don't think so. mark: how about his support with male voters? no, there is a poll out today with cnn showing hillary clinton running even with male voters. i have mixed views with public
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polls. john: you don't have mixed views. i can't believe you come on this show and site a public poll for the general election. joel: i am trying to preempt you. mark: we're going to take a little break. still monitoring john kasich's withdrawal speech. stay with us. be right back. ♪
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♪ >> i am a unifier. we will be a unified party. ♪
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>> he is a con artist. >> a phony. >> donald trump is the know nothing candidate. >> donald is a bully >> deep insecurity and weakness. >> the bullying, the greek, the misogyny, the third-grade theatrics. >> he is a race baiting, xena phobic, religious or did. >> a narcissist at a level i don't this country has ever seen. >> i move people together. john: we are on age-old vendor -- on a joel bender. that web video was something your campaign put out today. hasjust now, john kasich announced he is suspending his campaign. he is out of the race. i want to come back to what we were talking about which was donald trump. your old friend bit randy campaigns said publicly he would be nervously -- about running
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against donald trump for two reasons, one is he is unpredictable as a performer, and the other is he scrambled the map. talk about those two things and how you think about those two levels of unpredictability facing the trump general election. joel: i agree on the first one and disagree on the second. i think the unconventionality, you asked me before, what you think -- what i think he has. i think he is unconventional, he has an ability to say outlandish things and not get his feet held to the fire for it for some reason. whether he can sustain that, remains to be seen. john: you don't worry about that getting into your candidate's head? joel: secretary clinton did some interviews today. one thing she said, 25 years, she has had more things said about her and asked her than any other candidate. i think she is pretty thick-skinned. she knows when to respond and when not to respond. i think that is key. what you don't want to do is let
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donald trump dictate the terms of the engagement. i think she will be really good at that. unscrambling the map, that's where i disagree. david and i are good friends, but i believe in looking at the map and going back to 2012 and 20 -- 2008, more states will be put into play for us that he republicans have to defend. notably, north carolina which we have only won recently. i think states like arizona and georgia will have to defend donald trump on their ticket. i don't see there is a state where they make us play defense and where we do not already compete aggressively. we will of else -- compete in the rust belt no matter who the candidate is. mark: when you have been a stronger general election candidate than donald trump and by how much? joel: the always can't look at primary as a blueprint for a general election. it's hard to make a case that you'd be a better candidate when you are losing in the primaries.
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if you cannot win in your own party, it makes it harder to win beyond that. the same is true on our side. hillary clinton amassed 3 million more votes than bernie sanders. 285 pledged delegates. you have to be able to show you can win in your own party to translate into general election. he certainly would not carry the baggage that donald trump might carry with five years of unfavorable ratings. but he would have a bigger climb up to define himself in the short amount of time. at this point, if he was the nominee, people still do not know who he is and he only has six months to go. mark: a 10% chance he loses this race? joel: i will not do a percentage game. mark: go ahead. joel: that we lose the race? mark: what words were used to describe your chances? joel: i think we have a structural advantage, and a big advantage of a candidate in hillary clinton -- she speaks to what people want in the next president. mark: two big advantages.
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john: we managed to get out doing two blocks and we fail to -- failed to talk about bernie sanders. you will have to come back and we will take it up with you. thank you for coming on the show. coming up, a ted cruz ally joins us here in that same seat that joel was sitting in. if you are watching us in washington dc, you can listen to us on bloomberg 99.1 fm. we will be right back. ♪
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♪ >> i have always said the lord has a purpose for me as he has for everyone. as i suspend my campaign today, i have renewed faith, deeper
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faith, that the lord will show me the way forward and to phil lfill the purpose of my life. john: that was john kasich speaking in columbus, ohio. he did not mention donald trump in that speech. during ted cruz's farewell last night, he promised to keep fighting. he did not mention the republican party. joining us to decode the speech is kelly ann conway. it is great to see you. explain this to me. ted cruz, conservative, outsider, antiestablishment, all of those things should matter. how could he have failed? bottom line, why could he not defeat donald trump? you are ted cruz and you have a with a kings men and horses against you it is tough. , i guess being in the senate for two and a half short years is too much of an insider for an
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electorate that truly wants an outsider. when they say outsider, they mean somebody that is not part of the system. it means that you have been briefed by lobbyist. you have cast votes that people do not like. peoplemazing to think of wanting an outsider, but wanting an outsider with no political experience whatsoever. .hat is a remarkable feat we are old enough to remember that last summer, ben carson was doing well with zero experience in washington. a well renowned neurosurgeon. i think donald trump was able to carry that narrative forward in places like with evangelicals and non-college-educated voters that is surprising. say you're part of a
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system that works against us. donald trump did a smart thing. he locked onto voters in a way that they felt where he was being attacked they were being , attacked. they really feel like they are part of a larger cause. mark: do you plan to support him? kellyanne: i do support him. i hope others will as well. i'm part of the never hillary camp. i'm really disappointed in some of my republican colleagues and friends who have said they will support hillary. i understand why others may not be willing yet to get on board with donald trump, but but i am a party girl. i have been a party girl when we have had other nominees that were tough to swallow. mark: what are the building blocks of trump's comeback with female voters. kellyanne: several things. first of all, so much has been written about the gender gap. issues toses on the animate women, in the bloomberg poll, everyone's polling shows the economy -- but what do women talk about when they say economy?
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they say everyday affordability and long-term financial security. they mean the cost of food and fuel. they mean paying tuition, mortgage, rent. they mean long-term financial security. i think donald trump should say about hillary clinton, you are going to improve the women? you have been in office for 30 years. you are the typical conventional politician that has improved her own status, wealth and power. it's done precious little to help women across the country. i also think donald trump should force a two-way conversation on abortion with hillary clinton. that would defang the issue. say to her, who is extreme? is it my party, the republican deservest says a woman compassion and support and not judgment or condemnation? or is it you, hillary clinton, anyone, abortion for exterminating the next generation of little girls. taxpayer-funded abortion. if he forces that conversation, i think you are dealing with
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wild, unpredictable, donald trump against fairly non-resilient statused hillary clinton. that is a match i think we should -- mark: issued a favorite question -- is she the favorite or is he? kellyanne: she is the favorite because the democratic blue wall. i think donald trump makes competitive some of the rust belt states. i think he put some those voters in place. look at what happened in pennsylvania, he had thousands independentsand switching to vote for him. that is not nothing. i think that coupled with mrs. clinton not being able to put bernie, including in the rust belt states. but even if they cleared the field for her she still does not , have the nomination. donald trump was 17 out of 17 in the beginning for a lot of people. john: we will have to leave it there for now. coming up next, the ghost of ted cruz's past and future.
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we have some reporters reporting for duty right after this. ♪
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♪ >> ben carson is lower energy then jeb bush. he took a knife and went after him and lost. he has a pathological temper or temperament. behold, nd as an example a child molester. , give me a minute. dr. ben carson endorsed me. i want to tell you that is an , incredible man. it is such an honor to have ben. he has become a friend.
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i am at 42 and you are at three. he is a low-energy individual. jeb is a loser. i wish him the best. jeb is a nice person. he was like the little boy. remember he flew in a helicopter and was excited to be there. is he going to vote for obama? i thought he was. people in new jersey want to throw him out of office. ♪ chris, thank you very much. i appreciate it. chris christie who endorsed me, incredible guy. i'm watching marco sweating like a dog on my right. they call him a robot. it is rubio. i want to congratulate marco rubio on having run a really tough campaign. he is tough, he's smart, and he's got a great future. lying ted. >> he is a nasty guy. nobody likes him. trump: he cannot win by
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himself. he is a joker. >> a very nasty guy . >> just so you understand ted , cruz is one hell of a competitor. he is a tough, smart guy. now that he's out, everybody loves me. when they are out, they are nice they ran a brilliant campaign. , john: so very true. that was donald trump before and after. here in bclassic, news kelly mcdonald and casey hunt. thank you for joining us. ted cruz is going to go back to be a senator, what will that be like? >> tough. i am adjusted to see what mitch mcconnell has to say to him on his first day back at i'm not sure how the room will react but i'm guessing it will not be , around of applause. mark: as a presidential candidate, what did he do that surprise you? -- that surprised you?
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>> i think you bought -- brought a a fierceness. a good judgment, preserving his future. i don't know how he will try to mend fences when he goes back. at times he talks about the fact he does not have bad relationships with people, he just does not know them that well. now they all know him. i think you will have a tough argument after running against the washington cartel. i'm not sure it will be a different experience for him. he was pretty much a loner in the senate, operating with basically only mike lee of utah as a close friend. not sure his experience will change. john: answer me this. last night cruz's speech aimed towards the future. he talked about reagan, talked about a movement, clearly thinking about 2020. is ted cruz the kind of guy who can last another cycle and be the next in line with 2020 comes around? or is he rick santorum all over
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again? intriguingn cliffhanger in ted cruz's speech. he hinted and it -- at it another way candidates have not done. he talked about the ronald reagan speech in 1976, four years before he won. he is drawing these analogs. i think ted cruz is thinking about he has built his ground operation. he is only 45. he has 30 years to figure out how to be president. i think there's a good chance people expect him to try again. john: the million things that donald trump broke was coming he broke the notion of the republican party. santorum was next in line. not only did santorum not to the nomination, but another man. will beruz the guy that looks to buy the republican party if donald trump fails as the logical inheritor, oral
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people move on -- or will people move on. >> i think he is this voice for freedom, the constitution, and so forth. if you need the party to rely on, he doesn't have the groundwork for that. does he have a passion among a certain grassroots activist voter? yes, he does. will he have the organization. i think there is a strong case to make for that. will times be different then? will there be a pendulum back to a more traditional next man of scenario in four years? it is hard to imagine, but i think he was to remain a national voice. john: is there a way given the things he said about donald trump that he could end up supporting donald trump? >> i think his main problem here was the trust issue at the end of the day. if you are playing back-to-back clips of what ted cruz had to say about donald trump versus him saying nice things, it poses a real credibility problem if he wants to move forward. the answer to your question is also the answer to what happened to this conservative movement?
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all the people that are opposing donald trump, and saying he is not an economy -- and economic conservative or national security conservative. does that movement stay together, does ted cruz become the leader? does it become clear after whatever we see in november that the movement will be the future of the party? i'm not sure any of those questions are answered at this point or it will be. mark: except for one tweet, there has not been a lot of people prominent in the party today saying time to circle around, time to close ranks. do you expect that to happen in the coming days? or is a not going to happen until some other event? sahil: there will be some people that do come around. we saw that senator richard burr from north carolina. he said he will support trump. then you have the susan collins brand, the most moderate republican senator in the chamber who said yes, if trump can stop saying insulting things maybe i can support him.
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you will have the yeses and the maybes and the never trump people who will not be able to get behind him. i don't how big a number that is. the poll say between 20% and 23% in various states of republicans say they will not support donald trump. the president obama had the same numbers in 2008 among democrats in the unified. a lot can happen between now and it depends on how donald trump november. will conduct himself. will he give republicans a reason to say yes, i can support him. he will not have the sort of problems and incendiary candidate we worry about. then yes, i think we will see a shift. i think that is on donald trump to convince people. that donaldir stuff trump did to win the nomination that will be less effective or not effective as a general election candidate? kelly he has to prove a : threshold of people seeing him on a world stage, and seeing him as more presidential. he has repeatedly given as the excuse that there is such a big
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field, i've got to be bold and over-the-top to deal with that. i think there is a different question -- can you draw in voters that are beyond republican party voters question mark that is a big group. -- voters question m? i expect him to go to places where people might be surprised to see him campaigning to say he is a different kind of candidate. he loves to lean on the fact that month by month he's only been a politician for fill in the blank months. he was seeking that difference about himself going forward. the blistering stuff will come against hillary clinton. i think he is excited to turn the corner and have a whole new list of branding nicknames he will begin to unfurl for us. the "stop trump" movement which was not what it was. some people say i don't begrudge people that want to work for romney. other people say you work for
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romney, you are on the enemies list. is it going to be a continuing feud within the republican party that divides people individually into two camps? >> i think there will be people within the republican party that keep score. but i think there is too much at this point that is unsettled. while i'm hearing democrats today talking like jeb bush supporters were talking earlier, which was when we get to the general election and the voters have a chance to say their piece , they will reject this and realize it is crazy. look what happened to jeb bush. i think we will be having potentially very different conversation in the general election. i think if trump is able to consolidate the race and a way that seems inconceivable to people, all will be forgiven. it almost always is in politics. kelly there is the survivor : question for elected and
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staffers. i am hearing if they endorse him, more than one person said, this will -- will this hurt my career? the window is not yet closed. if people feel they can be part of him. will ask, you are younger, you have seen a lot of campaigns come together. trump is way behind on a lot of fronts. no fundraising, targeting, media. what is the hardest one to catch up in? what will be giving him the biggest fits trying to get on level with hillary clinton? kelly: when you consider how on every policy level and programming level the clinton team is ready, on every level of who they would put into a donald trump transition to have all , those jobs already filled on paper they are way behind. mark: thank you all and we will be right back. ♪
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♪ john: you are all intelligent people and you know there are great stories all the time on byluding a fascinating piece andre tartar on the accuracy of polling in this cycle, it's not totally great. coming up, emily chang will speak to the ceos of tivo. until tomorrow, we say to you sayonara. , ♪
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rishaad: this is "trending business." we are the live in shanghai. this is what we're watching. u.s. regulators with a larger recall of to cut airbags. up 70 million vehicles. the number could easily soar to over 100 million. and reducing thedi


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