tv Charlie Rose Bloomberg May 19, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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♪ in in announcer: from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." charlie: in anthony mackie is here. he takes on the role of martin luther king. brain can't -- bryan cranston is here. way." m is "all the the hollywood reporter calls the film of fast-moving portrait and rights -- anthony mackie plays king with authority and soul. here is the trailer for "all the i keepnthony mackey:
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having this dream. it is only a matter of time before they called me up into the light where there are knives lean. --where there are knives their knives gleam. that is what people need to hear. >> i urge you to enact president kennedy's civil rights will into law. >> it ain't going to be easy dr. king. >> we will have to hold his feet to the fire. >> wii in the senate plan to filibuster this bill. >> if you get in my way, i will credit you. >> this civil rights bill just killed your election chances. >> is that a threat? ♪ everyone wants power.
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they think it ought to be given out, free of charge like mardi gras will -- beads. do you think everyone will start dancing to your tune? >> all we are asking is to live as decent human beings. >> my people want results. it is time to act. no one is surrendering. we are making history here. you'll have to decide how you int history to remember you am pleased to have anthony mackie back at this table.
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you turned down an earlier chance to play martin luther king. mr. mackie: i did. a few times. i never saw him written the way i grew up knowing him. for martinvery year luther king's birthday would play the king miniseries on television. played dr. king and he was so magnetic. i thought he was dr. king. in the three-part miniseries from the late 1960's, early 1970's. my dad was prolific and specific about how he felt regarding dr. king and it influenced how i felt about him. he always said -- anyone could say that they lead men but only men -- only a man can lead men.
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dr. king was radical. he was not passive. he was not the type of leader that sat back and waited for the fight to come to him. charlie: he died fighting for the poor. mr. mackie: he did. i always call dr. king the unforgivable socialist. because nowadays, that word is buton to any politician back then, dr. king really believed in a community coming together to help each other. you make a community garden to feed the neighborhood. that is something that as a community we have gotten away from and now, it is my garden, mallard, my house in this community. charlie: what did you think you had to do to portray dr. king? mr. mackie: for me, -- you see the trailer and bryan cranston
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looks exactly like lbj and he portrays him spot on from the lbj that you see in people talk about. i felt was a man who was more known by his actions and his looks. for me, it was more about his essence. you can capture a man's esteem, his essence, the way people felt about him -- people will believe you are that man. i felt trying to look like him would be disrespectful to his legacy. i did not want to do the add-ons. atrlie: when you look back the research you did, it made you more admiring? mr. mackie: by far. in day and age that we live with social media, you are not allowed to be a human being. with dr. king, the more i learned up of his flaws, the
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more i admired him as a human and respected him as a man. charlie: flaws and all. mr. mackie: when you put them on a pedestal, they are in -- they are not as relatable. i realized how much i was like him. book.e: you read smiley's how did that influence your? -- how did that influence you? the nature it shows facilitatorwas a for the black community into the white community and the white community into the black community. the one thing this movie shows that you never really see is dr. ofg with his core group advisers, leaders, and friends.
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that frustration between stokely and ralph abernathy. and dr. king having to moderate that and then going into the world of lbj and having to moderate that. hoover was after him. and that he was a politician. he played on both sides. that is why he and lbj got along so well. it was ali frazier. is dr. kinge speaking to a group of protesters about the importance of civil rights. >> the government cannot legislate what people feel. folksw cannot make white love you. but the law can prevent them from lynching you. the law can prevent them from denying you a job and your child and education. the law can ensure that you have
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the right to vote. you not here today to tell find people who to vote for -- but come election day, let us be sure to send a fine senator from arizona and his tender heart back to the -- where he belongs. meante: i assume that very goldwater. bartrry goldwater. you call acting a serious negotiation. what is the negotiation? mr. mackie: you have two actors on as set and you do not know how the other actor will work. and when or if he is going to respect the craft. you have to find yourself in a neutral position. you don't want to get too big that you don't celebrate the joy of acting. you want to be humble enough to make sure your chasing the great
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feeling. like hitting the great shot on the golf course. you are still chasing that one feeling. charlie: you remember how sweet it is. mr. mackie: bryan cranston to work with? mr. mackie: he was phenomenal. it was a career affirming experience for me. i feel like this is the only way to some him up. trumbo atng press for the time. londonsupposed to go to and do press. i had to do a scene that was supposed to be between him and i over the phone. i learned he was not going to be there and i would have to do the scene with a pa. we do this scene and we come back for the second half of the day and no and behold bryan cranston walked in. he said -- i have a scene with anthony so i changed my flight
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so i could do off-camera with him. charlie: off-camera? mr. mackie: so he can sit off camera and do his lines and make my performance better. you don't have that experience with actors that have a tense of his career. of his have a 10th career. charlie: take a look at this. to go back to my people and tell them that this president is committed to civil rights. and that this ill even without voting rights will still be a with no further change. if i cannot do that, i will lose their faith. and in their despair, i do not know what will happen. >> is that a threat? riots anymoret than you do.
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but, in order to avoid that type of situation, i need to be able to deliver meaning -- meaningful reform. it is a really good movie. i am proud of it. charlie: will this give people an insight into the fact that there can be, if there is a will, for people who want to work together that represent different constituencies, king on the one hand representing importantly the african-american constituency in his role as the civil rights leader. and for johnson, leader of the country, but understanding that progress was as essential. mr. mackie: if you look at it -- dr. king and lbj were both great bipartisan listeners and leaders. the best message to come out of this movie is compromised. you cannot win everything if you
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do not give up anything. lbj, india four years and few months he was president, got so much accomplished because he had that bipartisan cancer. he could go on either side of the aisle and talk to whoever he needed to. charlie: take a moment to think of this. on the one hand, there is this all of the way about johnson and king and there is also captain .merica and civil war is this just two things that an actor can do in the full spectrum of a career? mr. mackie: i would like to hope so. an actor isgoal of to string together a bunch of jobs to make a career. when i first got into this business, there were actors that i admired and appreciated and i wanted their careers. i did not want their jobs but their careers. every time i see stanley tucci
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and don cheadle and bryan cranston -- those are the guys that i look at and i know every time i see them on a poster, it will be a good one. charlie: they put talent to work in different roles. you wille: you know see a performance and not someone just reciting lines. i want to be known for my resume. if you put your resume out there, you let it speak for yourself. i only strike to put myself in a position to have my resumes for itself. charlie: because of all of the controversy, at this time of the academy awards and those that did not get nominated -- and not because they did not think someone else should be nominated. that happened throughout the academy award nominations. has the impact and the focus on that had some change potential? mr. mackie: i think so.
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very interesting place right now as far as entertainment. we as a group of entertainers have not figured out how to utilize our assets. no one knows where the internet market is going. no one knows how to utilize that best yet. we are trying to figure out how to turn this cable thing with all of these great shows and writers and actors going to cable television -- how to change that back into film and at the same time utilize the internet. --re are is a plethora of there is a plethora of possibilities and a huge reward or the person who figures out where the internet plays into film. we should not limit ourselves to the moniker of being in the movie theater. have so many outlets. those outlets have garnered the recognition. charlie: you also represent the
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idea that you do not have to live in los angeles to be in the movie business. a. mackie: new orleans is perfectly good place. i love los angeles. i adored new york city. but there is a magic in new orleans that you cannot find anywhere else in the world. there is an appreciation of life. ofre is of fervent love neighbors and community that you cannot find anywhere else in the world. and, we are in the middle of testable season. charlie: are you playing johnny cochran in the film? early johnny cochran when he made a name for himself. there is a case where -- johnny cochran redefined civil justice. he brought the the ethical show to the courtroom. show to thel
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courtroom. you saw that prime display with the oj case. what he was able to do or what mr. cochran was able to do early in his career was outstanding. we want to show where he was at the beginning of his career and how it blossomed -- if you need a lawyer, the only lawyer you can get is johnny cochran. --rlie: the only lower lawyer you want to get. thank you for being with us. mr. mackie: thank you. charlie: back in a moment. stay with us. ♪
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♪ julie chen is here. she joined cbs news almost 20 years ago as a reporter and an anchor. she is currently hosted and iterator of the "the talk." has five female host. she is part of the writing team. won its first daytime emmy for outstanding writing. she is also the host for "big brother." that program will begin its 18th season on june 22. welcome. julie: i and the old person on "big brother." the bestthis has to be
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of lifetimes for you. everything you touch is successful. you have a son brilliantly named charlie. i have always been a late bloomer. i did not realize that until about a year ago. you go through all of the milestones. i got married late. when i was 34. when i got married, i said this is my first, only, and last marriage. charlie: and you used to say that you were not going to get married. time to bed not have married or be a mother. it was my dream to be a broadcaster since junior high. as you get older and your tastes get more sophisticated, i thought -- wow, every sunday night that is what i want my life to be like. and then things change. when you are young, you feel like you have your life figured out. charlie: what happened first?
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julie: i was surprised to get plucked away from local news here in new york city for the network. i would have been happy being a field reporter. in a big city coming you get sent to the big stories. that happened. at the network. i got plucked to do a reality show. it was at the beginning of this wave to do "big brother." charlie: did you have a sense that when i go to a a reality show i am taking a different path? myie: yes, i felt it in bones. when they asked me to do morning news at the network at cbs and every week for 13 weeks get on a plane to go to los angeles to do ofother" i asked the head cbs news at the time, andrew
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heyward, i had only been working for him for less than eight months -- i said, be real with me. if i take this assignment, and my permanently closing the door to ever being a 60 minutes correspondent? credit, without blinking, he said -- yes, probably. i went into it with my eyes open. i gave him my answer -- and i said, that answers that. i do not want to do it. and he said to me -- we could technically assigned you this youat "big rather" because work for the network. if you say no, it could be a sign of insubordination. i was 29 years old. evenught -- i have not been here for a year and i'm getting a file. charlie: that was 18 years ago. we talk about growing up in
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queens. julie: i loved it. i grew up seeing the best of both worlds. growing up in queens, i was a child of two immigrants who came here in the 1950's to get married and have a better life for their kids. every other, summer, i would go back to singapore where my mother's family was. i grew up eating it all. queens was real life. i grew up in a upper working neighborhood. my dad was a hard worker and my mom was a homemaker. id then every other summer would go to singapore and see a glamorous life that my cousins in the far east lived. it kind of opened my eyes to everything. mewing up in queens made real. kept me grounded. gave me a little bit of a gritty
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edge which sometimes it you need being a woman trying to get ahead in any business. we joke about it. oni need to get queens someone, including my husband, i will. grit is meaning -- the there. julie: you can stand up for yourself. theirto public school, were mental directors in my junior high school. you learn how to survive. charlie: tell me about your mother. julie: my brother -- my mother know. wisest person i she grew up very privileged in burma as the daughter of the most successful man in the country. when i was growing up, she theribed her father as donald trump of burma. i don't know if she would say that today. she fell in love. she came to america.
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charlie: with a man from singapore? born iny father was beijing. during the war, while mfather and his mom and hifive siblings were fleeing the communists because my dad's father was part of the chain kai-shek government. for athey were -- two-week timeframe when my father was 17 and my mother was 15, my dad's family was holed up in my mom's home in rangoon, burma. he is saying this beautiful 15-year-old empress. my mom was very la di da. for 10ote love letters years and he made sure to get her an application to the university of tennessee in knoxville. my dad was studying for his
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masters at the university of florida. and he's dead -- here is a and he said here is a program. 10 years of letter writing. she comes over. he brings her to tennessee. charlie: she wanted you to be on the air. planted the idea in my head. in the 1970's, my mom is cooking dinner and we are watching the local news and i see and asian face. tung. and my father, anytime there was someone asian on television -- you would hear -- hurry up, hurry up, there is an asian face on the television. the living room
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and there she was. she looked like me. mom.oes not sound like my she sounds like me. i do not have a chinese accent. i am an american. and my mother said -- if this woman can do this in this day and age in this country, my daughter camp. you went to california. -- i was dying to grow up. gaveit was my turn, my mom us a rule, to all three girls. she said, girls -- first of all, you will go to college. secondly, it will not be living under my roof. you need to go somewhere that is truly a way to learn how to become an independent woman. you will have a career. you will make a life for yourself. when i chose the other and cal,
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mom said i cal, my took it too far. and i said i really need to get out from under you, it dad, and i sisters. charlie: when you fell in love with your husband --what did they say? wanted to know if he was good enough for her daughter. what are your intentions? my father was on bended knee. my father was so happy. so impressed. to ane: settling down honorable man. julie: to a captain of industry. my mother was not so sure. charlie: she wanted to make sure that he measured up. to thebeen -- married
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ceo of the company, i can butine that you had talent obviously it is both a benefit -- julie: a blessing and a curse. we are coming up on 12 years of marriage this year. beginning, it was tough. it took me at least watch wrote years -- -- four years. i considered my coworkers and friends started treating me differently. and not in a good way. charlie: how did they treat you? specialhe gets treatment because she is married to the boss. i was still doing the same job and i was still the same person. i did not treat anyone else differently. it was like you became the teachers pet. no one likes the teachers pet.
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there were three people who did not treat me differently. they will always hold a special place in my heart. i remember one news producer -- that to toe with me would happen sometimes it when we did not agree on how to cover a news story. was so happy that this person had the guts to stand up to me for what he believed in when it came to what should be on the air. going tot like -- i am be her yes ma'am. we had a healthy argument about how to cover a story and i liked that. he did not care who i was married to. and i tried -- i never talked about my personal life. i remember one day, tony moran rante, he said to
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toone day -- he likes impress people. he said -- i was hanging out with les the other day. i -- and he made a face like -- i forgot. i liked that moment in time because it told me that i did not go around saying yes, i am the first lady of cbs, now. that is not me. it never has been. and it never will be. charlie: my mother raised me better than that. when -- when "the talk" came up -- was at something you thought
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would be perfect? it was a godsend because of a few things. i had just had a baby. turned 40. and i was tired. i had done the morning news for over a decade. and if you are a woman, hair and makeup means you get up very early. this: i was about to get stuff tattooed to my face to get annexed or 40 minutes of sleep. my face toattood get an extra 40 minutes of sleep. my husband did not think i would be interested. no one thought i would leave news. but it was a godsend. i was looking for better hours. i was looking to base myself out of los angeles instead of new
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york. i did not want to give up working. a lot of new moms give up their career. the right choice for a lot of women. but i have found that when the kids get older and the women want to get back into the workplace, not always -- there is not always an open door. charlie: i did not want to shut the door. ?harlie:what about you what is the driving ambition? charlie, the great kid is making his own way. are there a few things? "lie: let me mark 10 years on the talk." we have six right now. with the brother, there is a
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secret side of me that hopes it goes away on its own because i do not want to step down from it because i love it too much. dwindle and it gets canceled, i cannot say anything about that. aspectre is a tiger mom -- even though charlie is six, i often lay awake at night wondering what college he is suited for. and then i think to myself, i have to keep working until he applies to colleges because if i in the poll or presence community, if i am a nobody, how can i help him get into college. even though my sisters and i did not have any help. thinking you can be helpful. julie: making some phone calls. she used to be that lady that
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had that talk show. charlie: megyn kelly is doing a talk show. "megyn kelly presents." be said she would like to herself. others want to inherit the mantle of barbara walters. child, other was a than 60 minutes, watching her specials each year, it was like -- wow. qaddafisit down with and sharon stone. how do i get that job? so much i has changed have often thought that is something i do not want to give up. i have a talk show. people come on for a few minutes and promote their show. it is not the same as doing a barbara walters or a charlie rhodes -- charlie rose
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interview. if sharon osbourne ever once to talk, who better than me to talk. the way toat is think. who better than me. julie: she would probably rather sit with you or opera. -- or oprah. game is part of the being able to get them to sit down with you. you have experience and you know them socially. you have something going or you. experiences. skills. but charlie, you and i know that when it is caitlyn jenner, a big interview that everyone wants, they will always sit with the bigger name. the biggest name. i know what my capabilities are -- i know i can do it but i know
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i would not be on the list. it is not about qualifications. you look at my resume. you think -- not going to sit with her. is -- nicetion person but probably a lightweight. charlie: making the decisions you have made, you do not regret any of them. you are exactly, a place that is very comfortable for you. there is a completeness about your life. julie: there used to be a saying it cannot have i remember barbara said that to me when i got pregnant. cansaid julie, we women have it all but not all at the same time. and i remember maria shriver saying to me when i got pregnant -- she said let me give you two pieces of advice. when you take off for maternity
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leave, you take off for as long as you want. the minute you walk back into work, they do not care that you have a newborn at home. they just see you back at work and they will start piling on you. the time you really need to take maternity leave is when your kids become teenagers. somehow, i took off eight months which is a long time. and it felt like two weeks. managed to kind of juggle it all. doing onehink i am thing spectacularly but i think i am doing everything good enough. i am satisfied. charlie: occasionally, we ask people to write in. this was someone that asked me to write to it -- to ask you -- les?id you get a guy like
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prominent, independent political officeholder in america. the two-term governor of maine. he was elected as an independent to the united state senate in 2012. he serves on the budget and armed services committees. he caucuses with the democrats while endorsing republicans as well. senator king, thank you for being here with us. we have never seen a political year like this. for king: it has been good the country. everyone has gotten their views out. you have a candidate that represents every slice of the electorate. can we put it all back together again in november and in january. the danger is that we are heading into a timeframe where the government is not working well. ofon't mean the bureaucracy the system the framers designed. what worries me more than anything and i have seen this is
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when willingness to listen and be reasonable and compromise is in its self a capital offense in politics. if you are seem to be trying to find a solution through compromise, people in your district may well vote against you just because of that. not because of your edition -- your position on anything. al: a book just published on hillary clinton says she is a good deal more hawkish than barack obama. she supported the iraq invasion. she was a prime pusher for going into libya. she thinks we should have intervened more in syria. does that worry you? sen. king: i wouldn't say it either way. the real issue is, what is your temperament? that may be the most decision about how you make this decision. we do not know what the issue
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will be. it is hard to say that she is predisposed to using rce in every situion. i think it is probably true. came iny is that obama wanting to end wars and he has now been at war longer than any president in u.s. history and opening up new fronts as we speak. in part because of the nature of the world that we live in. al: you sit on the intelligence committee. what is your general feeling about the secretary using a private e-mail server while she and circulated some sensitive material that was subsequently classified? have not read the e-mails or been deeply involved but i understand that colin powell did the same. it is not unheard of. here is the irony. timeframe, the state
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department server was hacked and hers was not. hers may have been more secure. it is sort of a funny sideline on history. i don't think it was a good idea. i do not know why she did it or what the thinking was perhaps it was more convenient. but whether there was any compromise of national security information -- i don't think there was. that this story will dog her. they were slow to release the information. e-mails.w out disposed of e-mails without any third party looking. it was handled poorly in terms of lettuce just get it all out there. let everyone see it and move on. by dribbling it out it has made it a six-month story. donald trump has given several foreign-policy speeches in the last month or so. what is your impression? sen. king: i have to tell you a
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story. two months ago -- i am a member of a subcommittee of armed services called strategic forces. that is a euphemism for nuclear weapons. two months ago, several of us went out to andrews air force base and got on an airplane i did not know that it existed. it is known as the doomsday plane. the plane that would go up and provide command and control during a nuclear strike. it is pretty sobering to be on that plane and realize what its mission is and then in the and flew outok off came backountry and
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to washington. in the middle of it, there was an exercise of a mock nuclear strike. an air force officer played the present. here is the point. the thing that hit me almost this really was that in that situation, there is only one person making the decision. there are no checks and came bak to washington. in the middle of it, there was an exercise of a mock balances. there is no congress. there is no vice president. there is no consultation. one person has about 20 minutes to decide the fate of civilization. i had never thought about that. we think about our system of checks and balances. that was powerful. i have to tell you, that is a question that i have about donald trump. al: how do you assess his temperament in that situation? sen. king: i don't know the man. but he seems hot. impulsive. the tweeting. if you poke cam, outcomes a tweet in the middle of the night that is brutal. it is not measured. measured?ed someone
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onouple more specifics foreign-policy. he says we are bearing too heavy a burden. other nato countries it should pay more than we do and even suggested the possibility that in asia, our nuclear umbrella would disappear and korea and japan could get nuclear weapons. sen. king: if we did that, the asian part -- we are going to back off the nuclear umbrella. japan and south korea will get nuclear weapons. do we want that? with all of the dangers of misallocation of fissile material? that is not a thoughtful policy prescription. as far as nato, everyone knows the nato countries should pay more. the president has said that, they have agreed to it for many years. that is a legitimate point.
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but then, when you question the underlying premise of nato and? is nato really still relevant that is an invitation to aggression. keeping muslims out -- that statement. i haven't to be on cnn and the hour that he said that and wolf blitzer said -- what do you think? my immediate response was -- it is a gift to isis. al: you agree with general us?ray us -- petraei isis wants to drive a wedge between the peaceful muslim community and the west. to the extent that we alienate muslim communities here or are perceived to do so they say --
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yes, look at what they are doing in america. you cannot trust them. al: if this is as polarizing a campaign as it looks like it will become it is there a market for an independent candidate? going to be so generous? sen. king: third parties are hard to start. it either takes a very charismatic leader or a burning issue. in 1856, you had the issue of slavery and then you had abraham lincoln four years later. that is very difficult. but there will be places where there will be independence. one of the problems is that the favor of theged in two parties. it would cost roughly $50 million just to get on the ballot in all 50 states. whereas the parties are on
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immediately. might calm.time it depends on the circumstances. who the candidates are. -- if there was a third-party kennedy to the middle or to the left, a would probably elect donald trump. the republicans are worried about a third-party candidate to the right which would elect the democratic candidate. that is always the danger. once you get into three party races, anything can happen. -- what aregarland the prospects of him eating confirmed --being confirmed? clinton isif hillary elected, 95 percent. i think the republicans will make a judgment that they will take merrick garland over some and she would nominate later on. that is just my practical assessment.
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i think it is a real shame that we have not had a hearing and a vote. him, for about half hour, 45 minutes, we had a very good discussion. i kept having a feeling that i wished there was a camera over my shoulder so that people could meet him. he is a judges judge. i have no idea of his political party or background. it does not jump out at you. he is not an activist. he is the kind of guy you want on the supreme court. he will take the law and apply it. i think he would be a swing justice like sandra day o'connor. and that is a role that he would play effectively. also, he is a consensus builder. i agree with you. i do not think there is much likelihood at all than anything will happen between now and november. to see theou like supreme court overturned the citizens united case? --. king: the old saying
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aandeis characterized it as dear elect on the waters of the law. the reasoning was unsupportable. overturnedving it would be a lot easier than a constitutional amendment. when you get into a constitutional amendment, you get into the parameters of the first amendment. it would be very complex. i voted for tom udall's bill to a constitutional amendment to repeal it but as a practical matter, some kind of reconsideration by the court makes sense. it isise, we are just -- just getting worse and worse. a tsunami of money, particularly unaccountable money. no one knows where it is coming from. i really -- i don't want to
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sound alarmist but it worries me about the future of our democracy. al: let me get you to put on that armed services hat. are we turning the corner against isis? yes and no. on the ground in iraq and syria. their territory is contracting. will bethem out of iraq very difficult. the standard rule of thumb is it takes 10 people attacking to dislodge one soldier in a city. it will take a lot of people. and it will take a long time. and these guys have no qualms about using civilians as a shield. having said all of that, their control of territory is diminishing. that partially explained why we are seeing up -- an uptick in these bombings in baghdad,
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brussels, paris. they are trying to keep their recruiting up, believe it or not, killing people is a recruiting tool for these guys. al: to be successful in iraq, that government has to function. do you have any confidence that the iraqi government can function? is. king: my confidence diminishing. a real opportunity was missed with malachi. he, that situation more than any other paved the way for isis to come in particularly into iraq. -- maybe these guys will get us a better deal. al: what about intervening in a syria? sen. king: we have created a friendly atmosphere for them. we -- the iraqi government --
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i'm not including the kurds and the sunnis. that government right now, a body wants to do the right thing but the politics in baghdad are brutal and you have got the shia militia, you have iran in the background. if they do not get their act together as a government in baghdad that includes sunnis and kurds, it is a homeless -- hopeless fight. the only independent member in the congress. if you were king, who would you tap as president? sen. king: the guy that i have been most impressed with is tim kaine of virginia. he is prominently mentioned as a vice presidential candidate for hillary clinton. berry successful -- he was a mayor, a governor, he knows about being an executive.
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a very successful governor. state it is a contentious with conservatives and liberals. popular, working with both sides. i got to know him personally. he is a deep thigh, spiritually and intellectually. a terrific public speaker. al: angus king, thank you so much for being with us. and thank you for watching. ♪
8:00 pm
♪ nicole: there's lots to talk about tonight. we will start with egypt air flight 804. it was carrying 66 from paris to cairo when it vanished flying over the mediterranean sea overnight. unclear, details are egypt today said an active terrorism was more likely than any technical issue. before details were known, donald trump jumped out ahead of the facts, getting on social media about 6:30 a.m. eastern to w
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