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tv   Bloomberg West  Bloomberg  June 7, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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clinton for president. the california democrat made her choice public today as her state holds in primary and as the associated press reports mrs. clinton has secured the delegates needed to clinch the nomination. meanwhile, donald trump has lost his first republican endorsement. illinois senator mark kirk says he is retracting his support because of trump's comments about a judge posner can ri can heritage. meanwhile, house speaker paul ryan says trump's comments are racist and indefensible. >> saying a person who cannot do their job because of their race is sort of the textbook definition of a racist comment. i think that should be absolutely disavowed. it is absolutely unacceptable, but do i believe hillary clinton is the answer? no, i do not. released a statement today saying his remarks about the judge have been "misconstrued." europe, russia, and the u.s.
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have lifted sanctions linked to iran's nuclear program. the european commission says it is working constructively with turkey on visa-free travel after turkey's foreign minister said if the eu does not make good on its promise to let turks visit europe without visas, turkey will not help the block with refugees. "bloomberg west" is next. ♪ emily: this is "bloomberg west." coming up, the stanford university president stepped down this summer, but his legacy lives on. i will speak with one of the tech community's most influential pioneers. plus, with 150 million active users and counting, turning attention to avenue.
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and a one-on-one with the motor city matriarch. we catch up with general motor'' ceo for an exclusive interview how she is attracting top tech talent from silicon valley. first, to our lead. john hennessy will step down as president of stanford university this august. he has reigned over the university for 15 years after raising more money than any university in a decade and attracting more applications than any of its ivy league peers. earlier today, i caught up with him and asked about his legacy at stanford. i started by asking how computer science has become the most popular major for women during his tenure and how important that is to keep up. take a listen. the things weof had to do was break the stereotype that computer scientists were all nerds who only cared about programming or computer games. technologynformation reach more and more parts of our
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society, it became clear to women that there was an opportunity to make important contributions, and there is a breakthrough phenomenon that occurs. once you get to a certain critical mass, people feel more comfortable because they see more people that look like them in the classroom. we managed to make that breakthrough and really turned the corner in terms of the number of women majoring in all technical disciplines. you has been a technologist by background for so many years. why do you think computer science in particular has become such a male-dominated field, especially at the university level? hennessy: i think it's origins go back a long time, back to probably the computer gaming era that played a big role in that, and the dominance of males was considerably larger than it is today. engineering has always tended to have more of a male presence, but once you begin to think about engineering as solving critical problems around the world, you can get young people
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excited about the work they can do by mastering the subjects. part oftanford has been the founding stories of google, cisco, and yahoo!. you're on the boards of those. do you think you have found the right balance between fostering entrepreneurship and education? critics might say stanford may make it too easy to start companies and too easy to drop out. everybody has this image that lots of students have dropped out to start their company. that droppedmost out to start companies came from the school on the east coast, not stand. most of our students have finished their degree before they start their company, and that has worked very well. we think education still plays a big role because companies have a core technology or discovery point and the university is often the place where that
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discovery or initial insight is captured. students need to think about not just what they are going to do after graduation, but about the long-term nature of their career. did you respond to the contention that stanford may be too cozy with startups and some of the ethical issues that raised around professors investing in startups? certainlythere are issues involved in ensuring people and not in a conflict situation between their academic role and whatever role they have in the valley or in a company. those to ensure that roles are distinct and separated, and that in geticular, students do not stuck between two different roles. for example, a faculty member that is involved in a company cannot employ a student they are advising in that we avoid these kinds of conflict that would be really difficult, in particular, for our students.
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emily: speaking of a certain school on the east coast, harvard, when offered an opportunity to take equity in a startup founded by harvard students said they did not want to take any equity, but stanford does take equity in companies that come out of the incubator. why do you think that is the right model? hennessy: we think we want to be on the same side of -- as our alumni entrepreneurs by then, and we want to be helping support them and ensure that they are successful. in the companies that we believe have great opportunity is a way to do that. that aligns the interest of the entrepreneur and the university. i recently spoke with peter thiel, who, as you know, is not fond of the idea of going to college for everyone. he specifically compared college, to be, to the medieval catholic church 500 years ago --
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to me. how do you respond? hennessy: i safely point out that peter has not one, not two, but three stanford degrees and him that most of the people who worked at paypal with while he was a stanford student. his education worked out quite well for him and i think it will work quite well for future students as well. stanford is obviously now getting into online education. what do you see as the future, the sort of ideal ratio of online education to in person and a traditional university education? hennessy: i think they probably will play roles that are duels .f one another online education is the right way to reach people in the active workforce. executive education, for example, via engineering-related or business-school-related, that will be the way to reach people who are out there working but who want continuing educational
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opportunities. i think for most of our students , and on-campus presence is critical. they see a living, learning environment that is important for their development intellectually, and as a person. i think we will see the two balance one another out over time and play corresponding roles. iso think the large lecture probably an artifact of the past, and that is a place where we can use the so-called slip classroom methods, where you use a combination of video and live sessions, but in maller groups, as a much more effective pedagogical tool than a large lecture hall. some have questioned the future value of a stanford degree. it is so expensive, even though you have managed to bring the price down. for how many more hundreds of years do you think stanford university will exist and a stanford degree will be the most
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sought after degree in the world? to build well, we try the university for perpetual existence. we try to do that by using the endowment and controlling how we spend it. i think ensuring that education remains affordable will be key to that and the fact that financial aid has gone up faster than tuition revenue has been key to achieving that. that said, i think it is safe to say that all universities need to find ways to improve efficiency. we have not really found ways to that do notuctivity decrease the quality of the educational experience, and that is a role that technology could really help us play. we are quite hopeful. we need to do more experiments and assess how well students are learning with technology-based methods, but i think that is what i believe should be the future, really trying to figure that problem out. emily: stanford university president john hennessy there.
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you can catch more of that interview on, including his response to a former stanford student recently convicted of sexual assault and sentenced to a controversial six months in prison. lending club abruptly ended its annual shareholder meeting tuesday. the peer-to-peer lender said it was postponing the meeting just as it was kicking off. the company says it needs time to prepare for recent relevance, including the surprise resignation of its ceo, who resigned last month in the wake of a botched loan sale and disclosure lapses. earlier today, lending club also said it was raising interest rates and tightening loan criteria for borrowers. coming up, snapchat makes changes to its interface. how it could affect the nearly $20 billion app. cost ofill dig into the genetic testing and one company bucking the trend of cheaper
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kits by betting more consumers will pay more money for theirs. ♪
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emily: airbnb has found a friendly home in lisbon. as the short-term lending -- rental company faces restrictions in europe, it is flourishing in lisbon. lisbon currently requires hosts to register units as short-term rentals but allows for the property to be rented for an unlimited amount of nights per year. still more welcoming than barcelona, which stopped giving out short-term lending permits and 2013 and berlin, which all but banned practice in may for
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landlords who want to rent out their entire property to tourists. snapchat is going after more ad revenue. the messaging service attracts more than 150 million visits a day, but only about one million >> on its media partners channel. in latest update, it has moved what it calls its discovery channel's and made them more prominent. they're scattered among live event stories, which often draws tens of millions of viewers. why will it work? why does it matter? sarah joins us now. why will this work? sarah: think of it as little mobile magazines or buzzfeed, "people" magazine, "cosmopolitan." they were pretty prominent, but they were just the logos of those organizations, so people did not really know why they should clicked on them. snapchat is trying to make it look more appealing by teasing a
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story the way the cover of a magazine would. this is important because discover is, like, the most traditional of advertising outlets snapchat has for its users, for its advertisers who are yet to be convinced that this should be a regular by for .hem by making discover more prominent, increasing user traffic, it helps them did return investment to advertisers who so far are not getting that much data, are not getting that much follow-through on their advertisements. emily: on one hand, you could ask if it is not popular, why move it to the center of the act? sarah: that's true, but i think their thinking is maybe it's not popular because they are not marketing it right, so maybe if they show people what is inside these channels, they could start to create a habit that users do not currently have and really,
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in the social media world, people just want more stuff to clicked on, and if they find it interesting and clicked on it, happy,apchat is advertisers are happy, everyone spends more time on that chat. emily: let's talk about twitter because they had another executive reshuffle. the head of product is out again . what happened? like, a cursed position for twitter. we have seen so many heads of product -- this might be the sixth in six years -- maybe more than that. this position -- they are going to have to do a search now. a product guy, the ceo of twitter. he needs to have somebody in that position who is going to be, you know, good at spearheading initiatives that build twitter's user base that also can work well with dorsey's vision for what he sees as the
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future of the product, so it is kind of a difficult place to be in. also, the product is at the center of all of these investor theories about twitter and its growth potential. you are basically the punching bag. can't out analyst today saying a sale is unavoidable. do you agree? it is getting cheaper and cheaper and potential buyers are looking at it. they might just wait and see if the stock keeps falling. there have been other analysts who say they think the current estimate out is too high. other people -- i think there was an analyst from wedbush this week who said that the value proposition on twitter is incomprehensible. there is a lot of negative attention on twitter from wall street, but it seems to be getting worse, not better, after dorsey's discharge. keep watching.
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thank you so much for stopping by. now to another story we are following -- salesforce creating a $50 million venture fund. it will invest in startups using cloud computing platform lightning in an effort to come up with new applications that will help the companies this is productivity software become more useful to customers. salesforce also unveiled new plans for an incubator for new startups. coming up, apple's developer conference is a week away. what does one former apple evangelist want to see from tim cook? we will hear from him next.
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emily: the u.k. house of commons
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billassed a controversial giving spy agencies explicit authority for mass surveillance and computer hacking. the bill was modified to address concerns of apple, google, and facebook, to name a few. companies will not be required to build backdoors to their encryption and will only be required to remove such code if it is technically feasible and not especially expensive. mobile carriers will also be responsible for restoring data on behalf of spy agencies. bill falls into the hands of the house of lords for a final vote before becoming law. one stock we have been watching this week is amazon. shares hit a new record of $728 on thursday off the back of a handful of bullish analyst. speaking of amazon the company has to self publishing platform continues to change the industry for authors. analyst chief apple .poke with us earlier
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kawasaki: it has made publishing a democracy, a meritocracy, if you will. it used to be that an author had sosuck up to a half dozen or large publishers, praying that some editor would get their proposal and like it, but with self publishing, you take that out of the equation and now anybody can publish. this does not mean that your book is good, but at least it can get to market. emily: when you look at what is happening with amazon and compare that to what is happening at apple, as a former apple evangelist for so many years, who do you think is more innovative now? kawasaki: these are two completely different beast, right? amazon is fundamentally a retailer, although you have web services, obviously. apple is fundamentally a device manufacturer. i think it is very hard to .ompare the two
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it is really apples and oranges, no pun intended. you previously said you're not a huge fan of the apple watch. how much potential do you think it has now that it has been out there in the wild for a while? kawasaki: the internet of things is the inevitable. someday we will be looking back and laughing about how we were skeptical about it, but in particular with the watch, we are only seeing version one of that watch. i think a lot more is to come. battery life has to be extended. that was, for me, one of the major hangups. on a given day, i have to keep a phone charged, a tablet charged, a laptop charged, a car charged. i just could not handle keeping one more thing charged, the watch. would you likee to see from apple when it comes to hardware innovation? kawasaki: i would love apple to revise the macbook pro.
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i want a 13-inch macbook pro. i wanted to be thinner than the current macbook pro. i wanted to be quad core chips. i wanted to have a two terabyte a retina display, and i would like to have the ability to put a sim card into that 4g lte pro so i can have without having to tether from my phone. car? what about an apple how optimistic are you about the potential there when you already have tesla in the market and luxury carmakers making their own premium electric cars. how much of a chance does apple have in cars? collis sake: you should never count apple out. person to very brave short apple. you are right in describing that there is tesla. every current large manufacturers working on an electric or self driven or autonomous car, but you just never know.
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i think that it is to be determined. i hope it is true. i hope that if apple makes an electric car, that it uses standard chargers. they do not make you buy a $1000 connector to put in the standard charger. i hope it does not require special electricity, but i cannot wait. i cannot wait. in the latest edition of , kerryh revolving door trainor is leaving his post. he helped build a niche outlet for filmmakers into a destination for high and internet tv series. the company tripled its monthly millione to over 280 and count 710,000 paid subscribers. ownas begun funding its
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original programming. next, our exclusive interview .ith gm ceo mary barra be sure to tune in tomorrow. we will catch up with hewlett-packard enterprise's ceo from the hp discover conference. tune in 2:00 p.m. eastern, 11:00 a.m. pacific. ♪
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?c+sv mark: let's begin with a check of your first word news. the chinese president told the annual strategic and economic dialogue that his country and the u.s. should develop
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bilateral relations on the basis of mutual respect. secretary of state john kerry was also at the event and spoke to reporters. during the meeting, she told ke rry he is looking forward to meeting president obama at the g 20 summit in china. president obama welcomed india's prime minister to the white house. the leaders discussed climate change, security, and commerce. this is the prime minister's fourth visit to the u.s. since taking office four years ago and his seventh meeting with president obama. the prime minister will address a joint meeting of the u.s. congress on wednesday. russian president vladimir putin says his country is expanding cooperation with israel in the fight against terrorism. president putin made his remarks in moscow today following a meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. british prime minister david cameron says brexit campaigners are lying to voters.
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.ut he says he is not worried the remains i'd is gaining ground. he says the brexit campaign resorted to untruths to con people into voting in the dark. it's just after 6:30 p.m. 8:30ay here in new york, wednesday morning in sydney. paul allen has a look at the markets. good morning. paul: good morning. continues to rally. the s&p 500 is at 10-month highs, but it is not early translating into gains on this side of the world. the new zealand index has been open for about 30 minutes and is currently looking pretty flat. nikkei futures also looking pretty flat and we are expecting declines on the nsx. the dollar is up compared to where it was yesterday after the reserve bank have the country's cash rate as expected, but the market does expect a cut come
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august. we are waiting on japan gdp for the first quarter. it is likely to be revised up to 1.9% from 1.7%. we got some very good numbers -- numbers from the ministry of finance. exports are expected to be up 1.5 percent, but that is a bit of a slip from april when we had a 4.1% rise. also, that reading is in yuan, which has been falling against .he u.s. dollar that is just some of what we are watching today. ♪ ."ily: this is "bloomberg west as automakers try to integrate
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the latest technology into their cars, they are looking for top talent. this is pitting detroit against silicon valley. general motors' ceo says gm gives employees the chance to change the world. >> how can you compete with tech companies, with silicon valley startups, as you try to attract the best and brightest of computer engineers into gm? making people understand where general motors is headed, our vision, that we are moving quickly with doing an isiance or buying, and that having people take notice, but it is also having -- you know, we have a workforce across the globe and across many -- many places in the united states, and it's helping people understand we are a tech company. we integrate 30,000 parts into a vehicle that is dynamic. it is expected to last for decades, and, you know, a lot of , 10 to 15 design
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years from a robust life perspective. that is exciting. and for people, it is either their most important or second most important purchase in their lives, and we get to be part of that. when people really understand where the company is headed, how we want to work together, how you really can be heard, even though you are one of 200 thousand, your voice matters. our employees are telling us that they believe us, that we care what they think, what they want, how they want to contribute to this company, and it resonates. we want to continue to tell our story, but we have many people that choose to come here from silicon valley, from the best universities, from other companies, and we will continue to tell our story, and i think we will attract great talent. they want to know they are working on technology that is going to add great value and change the world. when you look at the technology we are putting out, we are seeing that. david weston also caught
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anwith the gm president for exclusive interview, and he spoke to why this is such an exciting time for a change in the car industry. >> general motors is making fairly big investments in technology. explain to me what the theory is of investing in this technology for general motors. wefundamentally, we believe will see more change in our business in the next five years then we have seen in the last 50. what i mean by that as we can already see customer preferences are changing, particularly in urban environments where customers want the convenience of availability of getting from a two b in a car, but oftentimes, they say they do not want the hassles that come with ownership and the cost the comes with ownership, particularly in an urban environment. we see transportation as a service emerging. believe thatlly
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change is not something that is going to happen, but something that is already happening. we want to participate in that change, and, frankly, we want to do more than that. we want to be right at the forefront of that change. to do that, we have to have a presence in certain types of business we are not in today. we need to add technical capability we do not have internally today, so we are looking to build a complete set of capability we need to really lead in transportation service in the long-term. making the big push you are making on autonomous vehicles if there was not right sharing -- ridesharing ? >> we have the view that each is interesting in its own right. >> that moved into autonomous the together with sharing -- is
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that a defense of or offense of move? >> we see it very much as a net opportunity for us. today, we still make a significant majority of our profits outside of urban centers. we make a lot of money selling pickup trucks. we make a lot of money selling .uvs the parts of our business that generate most of our profits today we think will be some of the last places we see this type of disruption. we think where the opportunity is in the early stages, we will certainly be much more in the urban environment. for general motors, therefore, it is much more of a net opportunity. to a substantial number of people who were sharing cars rather than owning cars, that would reduce the total demand to buy cars, would it not? >> we think it will increase most likely the total number of miles traveled. if you think about the business and scale of the business in terms of vehicle miles traveled, we think the business grows. if you think about it narrowly in terms of how many units of
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volume might be sold, might go down, might stay flat, maybe it goes up -- do not know. that is why we think it is important to put ourselves in a position where where focused on number of miles traveled and not participation. our exclusive interview with gm's president. tohas a range of autos have serve the global customer. a major focus for gm's head of global product development is streamlining the manufacturing of those cars. david also caught up with him for yet another exclusive conversation about keeping cost in check while taking a spin in the new chevy cruz. >> one of the things that has changed about general motors is the platform engineering. how many other vehicles around on aorld will be built platform similar to this? >> that's a great question. sold all cruz will be over the world. when we secret comes
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look at things like crossovers, suv's, and we were never able to do it before. we do it for more than one cycle of the car and we do it in every market of the world, so we really have brought our global .cale to bear this is one of our biggest global markets, i think. a big driver of cost savings? >> it is, but it is a cost really shared by the supplier and general motors because we want our suppliers to be wildly in terms of what they make from a money and quality standpoint. >> how do you maintain all those efficiencies and still have the variation market to market, consumer to consumer? >> great question. through a really interesting time in the 2000s
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were people talked about global .ngineering the problem is you have different homeowners, and the variation is almost guaranteed because you do not have central control. we have consolidated that over the last couple of years into one measurement, but generally speaking, these global architectures have tremendous scalability. emily: you can go to for more of our exclusive interviews with folks at general motors. next, one of the hottest areas of biotech research is also one of the most heavily scrutinized by the fda. we will focus on the future of genetic testing with one startup founder next.
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emily: elon musk is heading to washington on wednesday. the spacex chief will visit the pentagon for a private meeting ash defense secretary carter. according to a pentagon spokesman, the meeting will focus on innovation. spacex was just certified for military space launches last year and the senate is debating how to handle an air force request for more russian-made rocket engines. speaking of spacex, the company is out with an update on its afterle rocket ambition successfully landing its first stage boosters four times now. spacex will reuse one of those
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rockets for the first time in either september or october. the testimony another key milestone in efforts to bring of space launches. gene sequencing is one of the best examples in recent years of a technology where the cost has fallen dramatically in a very short span of time thanks to scientific investment. consider the $3 billion it cost to map the human genome for the first time in 2003. by 2007, one company was offering full sequencing for individuals for $350,000. by 2011, steve jobs paid $100,000 for it to find the root cause of his cancer. today, companies can do it for $1000, and that is believed to be the magic number that will drive mainstream market adoption. in a field where the cost is falling so quickly, one startup extends a fairly expensive test. $2500 up front with an additional subscription fee. what consumers get for the money, the company says, is
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security. the company cofounder joins me to explain. thank you for joining us. what makes your test better than the competitors at the cost? for having me today. our big differentiator is understanding. i think that a large amount of information that the consumer is receiving is not geared toward a lens of consumer understanding, it is geared toward scientists and researchers and medicine. how do you create that understanding? white: we created use cases around usability. weking at data and the ways can navigate data and understand it, so the science that is very complex, we give a user an interface that is broken up into 14 categories like human health, and body views that allow the user to use that data to understand genomics. can you give me an
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example of a patient, how someone would benefit from a one-time test, plus a $150 a month subscription? the standard for genetics right now is looking at small sets of data. there would be a test. it is a small set of data that just for, say, the breast cancer gene. what we are doing is taking the 6.4 billionce, that bits of information, and digitizing is so the consumer system, stored in their in this platform, and then we do confrontational reanalysis as new things are discovered. it gives you the opportunity computationally for pennies to do a lot more then you can do with a small set of data, that if the changes, you have to go back in and do another test. emily: how many patients do you have? we are doingtly, pre-ordering, and we launch in mid-june. we expect to have a large number of consumers -- emily: how many preorders do you
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have? white: we are extremely excited about the number of people that we have and we look forward to having more come as we go forward. we're not disclosing that right now. emily: part of the issue around genetic testing is regulation and the need for doctors to still approve these kinds of test. how fast our doctors moving? how fast is the fda moving for you to scale this? white: i think this is one of the most amazing times in technology, in this particular technology. i think that this point in our history, we are going to look back out and say that this was a moment. thatics is moving so fast regulators are kind of trying to figure it out, and i think we on the consumer and technology side of trying to figure it out, too, so we are all working together, and we believe compliance is the trick. you have to stay compliant with the government to figure out the best strategies to deliver this
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technology to consumers. emily: when do you think it would be profitable providing test like this? is it a long, long time? white: value is when you look at things like pharmacogenetics, the ability to see how your body metabolize a certain drugs, that ability is right now. adverse drug reactions relate to about 105 million deaths every year, so getting that information to the consumer valuable.ry, very when you ask what it is worth, it is worth everything. emily: let's say 10 years from now, is this something everyone will be doing? how do you expect this science to evolve at a mainstream level? yes, i think the interesting part is the long sale. you get the information, and
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that information is valuable to not only you but to your family and your family's family. as you take the information and put it together with your family, you can discover new things. science is constantly discovering new information, and that information becomes very valuable to you and your future health as you go forward. emily: fascinating stuff. thank you so much for joining us today on "bloomberg west." you will have to catch us up when you get in all those preorders. headlines we are keeping an eye reports, theng to former lending club ceos talking to private equity firms about financing a takeover of his former employer. lending club, as i mentioned earlier, abruptly ended its annual shareholder meeting saying it needs time to prepare for recent developments including the surprise resignation in the wake of a botched loan sale and lapses in disclosure. coming up, who is having the best they ever? when billionaire investor is weighing in. i doubt who snagged today's
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title -- find out who snagged today's title. ♪
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emily: it is now time to find out who is having the best they ever, and today, it's none other than tesla. that is if you ask billionaire ron baron, who predicted the electric car company will become a $700 billion guerrilla. his comments sent tesla shares of the most it's february. we should mention he is one of investors.gest these days, it may seem like hp enterprises constantly transforming. since it's break away from the computers and printers business, servicelso spun off its business. ceo meg whitman suggested more deals in the pipeline, potential partnerships with the likes of amazon and google. we caught up with the hp enterprise executive vice president about how these recent moves are shaping the future of
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the company. >> as we announced last week, this is also an exciting part of our strategy, which is basically to spin and merge our enterprise services business to create a. that is play company focused on helping customers through the journeys. this is going to create a very sizable scale organization that really is at the core of what customers need in terms of helping them did -- digitize their businesses, help them implement hybrid i.t., and also .elp migrate applications we also focus on helping customers move through that transformation without technologies, and i expect tremendous synergies and partnerships. why will this not reverse?
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>> well, i mean, listen, the fact is that there will be more consumption, not less. the big explosion, more power in the way you compute the data, but it will require a different type of computer. our strategy is very simple -- to provide the right computer for the right world and the right economics. we have an incredible set of engineering capabilities. we continue to refine our construction and continue to be competitive, but to be able to weition that is something are very confident in, and ultimately, that innovation of storage will give us the ability to compete and be successful. now that hpe is so noble, can it be an acquisition target? is that something you would ever entertain? >> our strategy is to invest organically first. we know every dollar we invest
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organically has a huge return. processa very great here with hewlett-packard enterprise ventures where we continue to scan the silicon valley innovation, and we continue to make target investments some of the great innovations we see, but ultimately, our strategy is to continue to look for we cannities where enhance our portfolio, but again, it is part of our strategy, but our focus really iforganic innovation and something comes limits our portfolio, we will look at it. emily: so what is the next stage of your restructuring plan? >> we continue to look at customer needs. one of the things we do well is really spend a lot of time with our customers, listening to them, understanding what their biggest problems are, and putting those solutions together means, but one part
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of that is continuing to make sure that our execution is very efficient in everything we do. from that perspective, focusing on innovation, continuing to engagen the way we customers and continuing to be efficient in everything we do. that was my sitdown with the hpe executive vice president and general manager. tomorrow, we will pick up on the hp enterprise when meg whitman will focus on the future of her slimmer company after the surprise's off just last month. that surprise spin off just last month. that is all for today from pier 3 in san francisco. ♪
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♪ >> rising acceptance that janet , sendingll hold off the s&p 500 to its highest since july. oil soars above $50, and the dollar hits of four-week low. on the. and china agree yuan, but far over steel and aluminum. global implements influencing the fed more than ever. hillary clinton is expected to officially secure the democratic nomination in a couple of hours. welcome to "first


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