tv With All Due Respect Bloomberg August 3, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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mark: i am mark halperin. john: i am john heilemann. john: and with all due respect to donald trump's campaign that everything in his campaign is hunky-dory, there is someone you might want to call. >> reince priebus is unhappy now. >> incredibly upset with trump. >> quote apoplectic. >> apoplectic. >> quote apoplectic. >> apoplectic. >> apoplectic. >> well, you know, a couple of things bother me. ♪ john: happy apocalypse now, plectic, sports
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fans. three months left to unfold before november 8. this day in politics began began with frenzied reports of angst over the possibility that donald trump has shifted from the chaos candidate to the kamikaze candidate, with his campaign apparently spiraling out of control. republican national committee chairman reince priebus was in particular furious over his "washington post" interview yesterday, in which donald trump pointedly declined to endorse paul ryan and john mccain. even some of donald trump's closest allies admitted today a dramatic change of course was imperative. newt: donald trump is still behaving as though it was the primaries and there were 17 candidates. he has not made the transition to being the potential president of the united states, which is a much tougher league. people are going to watch you
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every single day, and take everything they can out of context, and he is not performing at the level you need to. i am, frankly, reminded of joe montana, when you went through a stretch in his career when he kept throwing interceptions, and for half a season he was not joe montana anymore, then he figured out what he was doing and changed. john: newt gingrich told the "washington post" that donald trump cannot win the presidential election operating the way he is now. she, meaning hillary clinton, cannot be bad enough if he is determined to make this many mistakes. compounding the panic are various media reports suggesting disarray and rebellion within donald trump's team. is that true, paul manafort? all, thest of candidate is in control of his campaign. that is number one. and i am in control. the turmoil, this is another clinton narrative. the campaign is in very good shape. you know, we are organized and
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moving forward. the clinton machine may not like it, but we are prepared for the fight. john: there have been reports from some media outlets that some of donald trump's allies would like to stage an intervention with the help of his family. bloomberg politics has learned that two of his children left this morning for a hunting trip in the yukon. on the bright side, none of the republicans he singled out yesterday have lashed out at him. in a way that would escalate the republican threat level. and his running mate, mike pence, did a soothing interview this afternoon, embracing donald trump and endorsing paul ryan. bloombergpolitics has also learned that donald trump has plans to make a major economic policy address in detroit on monday. mark, so after all the self-inflicted damage culminating with the "washington post" interview yesterday, is donald trump closer to getting his campaign back on track? mark: given what happened 24 hours ago, today could have been a lot worse. trump has something new to talk
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about with the united states sending money to iran. donald trump was more focused at his events this afternoon. you did not see john mccain, who is a history of popping off, or ayotte, come kelly back at him in a newsmaking way. make no mistake. while it could be worse, below the scenes, there is panic in the republican party. because they know they cannot abandon him yet, but they know also he is headed currently in a direction they do not want to follow. that in thethe case worst case scenario, today, any number of people, including speaker ryan, could have renounced him today and withdrawn their endorsement. 100% right, could have been a worse day. i feel like the republican party is on tender hooks and there are a lot of conversations taking place in every corner of the party about what are we going to do. because no one believes a good
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day means anything more for donald trump. we still have some hours before we go to bed tonight. donald trump could go off the rails again later tonight or tomorrow. he has pushed the party right to the edge, it seems to me, and we will talk about this later, to the edge of widespread defections and people abandoning him in droves. they are right at the edge. it did not happen today. it is good for donald trump. but right now, it is a very tenuous situation for him. mark: we have seen this before when people say in the next few days we will fix this. no, this needs to be fixed now. the fact that his two sons are away and not reachable is a real problem. they are amongst the only people on planet earth who can persuade him to do something calibrated or different. john: i believe they are the only people on earth. mark: his son-in-law and daughter, also. john: i don't think any of these strategists -- i don't think paul manafort has any ability to change donald trump's behavior. mark: there is some of that potential. mike pence tried to diffuse tensions today.
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on fox news today, listen to the vice presidential nominee thread the needle between his loyalty to donald trump and showing his anxious party that the ship can be righted. gov. pence: the enthusiasm across the country for donald trump's message and his vision is overwhelming. donald trump is not there yet. these are two men building a good relationship. i am confident that after donald trump is elected president and paul ryan is elected speaker of the house, these two men will do great things. to restore this country at home and abroad. i strongly support paul ryan and strongly endorse his election. he is a longtime friend and he is a strong conservative leader. i believe we need paul ryan in leadership in the congress of the united states. i talked to donald trump this morning about my support for paul ryan and my longtime friendship, he strongly encouraged me to endorse paul ryan. in next tuesday's primary. mark: yesterday, mike pence met in arizona with john mccain, the
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same day that donald trump suggested to the "washington post" that john mccain has not been good enough to veterans. john, what is your sense of this? john: if you are in a plane going through turbulence, it's like rattling around, grabbing the stick, the pilot trying to stabilize the plane. he is making the best of a horrible situation for him, doing it quite well given the extremes in which he is operating. but people looking at this will think it is weird that there is this division on so many issues. increasingly, where mike pence is in a different place and donald trump. mark: welcome to trump world, where things can be weird. below the radar, you talk about the conversations below the radar. that is problematic. mike pence is calming down donors, people in the media. donors. more than anyone else. john: more than anyone else. mark: he is doing it by largely being true to himself.
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and he can say donald trump sent endorseand urged him to support for paul ryan, but it is clear mike pence is trying to keep the peace within the party and get donald trump back to winning news cycles. think about the hilarity. if the running mate were newt gingrich, the kerosene they would be pouring on it. whereas mike pence is out there, not in the spotlight necessarily, but calming people down and giving the ticket a chance to try to regain footing. likebolton to your point, i said, he is making the best of a bad situation. as we both know, if donald trump wants to drive this bus off a cliff, mike pence will not be able to keep that bus from going off the cliff. in the end, it all comes back to donald trump. god bless mike pence. i would not want to be him. not at all. last night, after we went off
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the air, the "new york times" reported that meg whitman, a prominent republican donor, joining the ranks of republicans who plan to vote for hillary clinton in november. and not her own party's nominee. that is still a small club of republicans, but there is growing speculation that more defections are in the offing. latehile, relatively donald trump endorser scott walker says he will not appear with his party's standardbearer friday when donald trump rolls into green bay. mark, clearly, there will be more republicans backing clinton in the coming weeks, we know that is true. at what point does there get to be a critical mass that has an actual impact on the race? mark: at the state level. yes, the national people like meg whitman will get attention. there may even be more members of congress. but it is people at the state level that can impact the race. respected state officials, the clinton campaign will be sure to aggressively highlight them.
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they have a huge operation to promote news in battleground states. i think we are nowhere near tipping point, but we may get to one if donald trump has a bad first debate. i don't think there will be huge tipping point before then. john: those things all matter. i tell you what. i would bet a lot of money that between now and november we will see an event orchestrated by the clinton campaign that is going to have a dozen or more diehard republicans, military people, former military people, a bunch general level, lieutenants, who will stand on stage and not just endorse her and say they will vote for her, but say this man should not have his finger on the nuclear button. that will matter. mark: here is the dirty secret about why paul ryan has done what he has done. and most republicans have stayed with donald trump. 70% of the base, maybe higher, in a gerrymandered district, they want donald trump. you abandon donald trump, there is no formula for winning a general election if 70% of the base is angry at you. john: and nothing like that will affect the military people.
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mark: welcome back. time to follow the money. the "wall street journal" as we said reported today that the obama administration secretly sent $400 million to iran in january, the same day four prisoners were freed. senior officials say there is no link between that money and the prisoner exchange. they said the timing was early coincidental and the cash was part of a financial settlement with iran after a failed arms deal almost four years ago. donald trump, rnc, john mccain,
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donald trump was unrelenting, leading to his speech in daytona beach on the criticism today. john, can they use this as an effective issue? john: they can make it an effective issue about the iran deal. it divides the country. a lot of people think it is a bad deal. on the matter of substance, $400 million, we knew that we were going to send them a bunch of money, right? and this was part of that big chunk of money. do not like the deal? criticize the deal. will this $400 million matter to anybody? on election day, i don't think so. mark: fires up the base. i don't know that this will cut across undecided voters or independents or anything, but i think with the base this is a great talking point. john: it gives them away into criticizing the iran deal in general. right? i mean, just because it is a hot point for the base. it gives them a hook on that argument.
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mark: i said the deal was four years ago, it was four decades ago. a very old issue. clearly, the iranians wanted to tie up the issues. all at once. i will say, foreign policy in general, critiquing obama-clinton foreign-policy is something donald trump and mike pence will have to do better. if they're going to have foreign-policy as a talking point. trump has scrambled some of these issues. john: good point. the other money story that team trump is trying to capitalize on are the new fundraising dollars, showing he raised $80 million in the month of july, most of it from low-dollar donors, ending the month with a trove of $37 million cash on hand, closing much of his fundraising gap with hillary clinton, who raised $90 million last month and has $58 million on hand. so, mark, do these numbers suggest to you that we should be in terms of what the trump campaign can contribute?
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mark: donald trump can now get people, as did bernie sanders and barack obama, into the rhythm of giving over and over, and it solves partially the fear that republicans are being badly outspent. on the other hand, they still have not figured out how they will spend the money they are bringing in. john: i will give you credit. it seems like they aren't able to capitalize. if they can't keep up with the clinton campaign in terms of money, all of their other problems will be compounded. this at least suggests the possibility they can do it. we know clinton will raise a ton of money between now and november. mark: what donald trump knows, and i give him credit for this, low dollar donors volunteer, keep giving. they are involved. john: they don't max out. mark: they are also activists. they turn out to vote. they get their friends to turn out. john: it is the obama legacy. mark: they had a very successful month. let's see how they keep it up. john: you have to have infrastructure to deploy them and get them to do stuff, but they don't have that yet.
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john: we are joined now by two women who have been following both presidential candidates around this country for a long time. katy tur joins us down the street from trump tower. kasie hunt comes to us live from a clinton event. katy, you have been on the republican party in this disarray, apocalypse, craziness mode all day. all day today. katy: all year. john: ok, all year.
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fair enough. mark and i were saying that compared to how it could have gone, the day has not gone that badly for the trump campaign. what is your sense of the threat level right now over there at trump tower and the gop more broadly? katy: well, he did going to have a campaign rally in jacksonville, florida today, and he did not trash paul ryan, so a positive note for the campaign. i can tell you that behind the scenes, they are trying to tamp down on this idea that there is campaign infighting. they are saying donald trump has always been the outsider, the antiestablishment candidate. why would he support john mccain if john mccain is not supporting him? why would that come as a surprise? so, this idea that there is infighting in the campaign, they're trying to put the brakes on that. and i can tell you that, at least from the sources i have been talking to, the infighting idea is not as large as it has
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been during past controversies, say when there were more corey lewandowski folks on the campaign. that are are aides people close to donald trump telling him that it is time, enough with the controversy. it is time to move on and focus on his message and start acting a little more presidential so he can win this race. right now, if he continues with these controversies, it's going to be harder and harder. again, guys, in the middle of new york city. a fire engine, i apologize. back to you. mark: kasie, we know part of the messaging from president obama and the clinton campaign is donald trump is not normal. how did they view the endorsement of meg whitman to get people to see hillary clinton in a different light? kasie: i would call it the normalization of voting for hillary, right? they are trying to make it so neighbors, longtime republicans in places like ohio feel like voting for hillary clinton is a perfectly normal thing to do,
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even if they have been members of the republican party for many , many years. that is why you are seeing split messaging. in any other year, we would of her democrats. mitch mcconnell is just as bad as donald trump. you not seeing a traditional approach. they are trying to put donald trump on an island by himself, very different with fiscal in mind. john: you said you were colorado naughty in the naughty pie, which lowers my level. >> i put that in there for you, john. john: what is the message you're about donald trump ties, outsourcing, and all the rest? kasie: they make american-made neckties, which hillary clinton's campaign would like you to remember, that donald trump's neckties are not made in america.
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and this is all aimed at one group. pollsters call them noncollege whites. yes, we are in colorado, a much more diverse state, a swing state in the past, but right now the clinton campaign is not on the air here. the dedicated ad buy. they are not on the air in virginia. they are on the air in pennsylvania. and that should tell you a lot about what this is focused on. she is talking about things made in america. tomorrow, she will be in los angeles talking about the apprenticeship programs. it seems like it is down in the weeds. it's about people who don't have college degrees. if they feel like they can make inroads with those people, they feel they can ensure they will win the election. the one number, we honestly talked a lot about the top line poll number, show her with a post-convention bounce. the important number is that she was up two points on the economy. he had been up on her 11 points in that category. they feel like if they can nail this part of it down, then they will be up to coast in a way they would not have been able to otherwise.
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mark: katy, there's no one contradicting him in public, and yet he is allowing mike pence to go out, encouraged to go out and say he supports paul ryan. why does mike pence get a special place to do stuff like that? katy: our sources say donald trump called mike pence, saying this morning if you want to endorse paul ryan, go ahead. i know you have been longtime friends colleagues. that is fine. why he is allowing governor pence to do it, i am not entirely sure. maybe because it puts him into a pretty hairy situation, given his ties to washington and it allows him to have his cake and eat it, too. he can be the tough guy on the campaign, and governor pence can be the good cop, trying to get the republican establishment more in line, more trusting of donald trump's campaign at the moment. so far, this party is having the biggest problem with donald
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trump right now. we are told that not endorsing paul ryan and not endorsing john mccain is basically the last straw. there has been controversy after controversy. the kahn attacks, not giving the veteran his purple heart back, himself,inning it on fighting with the baby at the rally, even though that was a joke, they see these things as unnecessary. i was talking to an influential operative, who said that donald trump has a psychological problem. that a psychologist would diagnose him with a personality disorder. that right now, the conversations behind the scenes are not when we are going to ord, but at what point do we have to pull the cord. and what does that look like? does that mean the rnc is directing funding away from from donald trump's campaign, staff away from the campaign into senate races? and how much support do they lend to donald trump? there is a feeling that if they completely cut him loose and he
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tanks in the polls, they are basically going to be giving up the votes for the majority in both the house and the senate, and that is something they don't want. john: kasie, donald trump is trying to make hay with this iran ransom story. does the clinton campaign think there is any danger to them politically? kasie: look, i think they are very much aware of it. this is something they are treading carefully around. clearly, she is tied into this, but they feel like it is another example of a story overshadowed by what is going on with the donald trump campaign. i mean, they have been pretty lucky over the course of the last couple of days. she had that misstep in her fox news sunday interview, where she talked about james comey saying she was truthful and all of her statements about her e-mails. that was something that got buried underneath everything going on with the kahn family. and i think there are some similarities here with that. we will see. she has done a couple of local
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interviews. we will see us to respond. of course we have not had a , chance to put it to her directly today. kasie, always a pleasure to have you both on the show. thank you for being here. come back soon. when we come back, anxious republicans. we will talk to two former party chairmen, right after this. ♪
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what we are facing is a choice between hillary -- >> so are you saying, vote for the lesser of two evils? >> you know, for sure, hillary will be a better president than donald trump? >> no, but it is a risk i am willing to take. if we get off into splitting our party, we cannot put it back together. humpty dumpty will not get put back together again. mark: that was some of our conversations with party leaders from the republican side, including mike duncan, that aired on our documentation series. mr. duncan was chair of the party from 2007 two 2009 and he joins us now from the washington bureau, but before we get to him, another former rnc chairman , former montana governor mark racicot. thank you for joining us. joining us by phone from big sky country. i want to start off by asking you, you hope that republican convention would not make him the nominee, but now that he is the nominee, what do you think the republican's posture should be toward him?
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marc: well, the party is an association of people that changes constantly, so when you refer to the party, it is really a kind of anomaly because there is no identifiable group you are referring to. we are moving in and out virtually on a daily basis. my great focus, when i took a look at the race, trying to think for myself, naturally i want to be a team member. i want to support the team loyalty, but there are some transcendent principles that also come along with fighting for the highest office in the land. and the most powerful person in the world occupying that office has to meet those principal tests and program tests, frankly. his program, or his policy proposals just simply do not match up with the platform of the republican party or conservative principles. and secondly, and most importantly, there is no exhibition of any kind of characteristics that go into decision-making on a presidential level, that suggest to you, that even though you
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might disagree that there is a sound basis in fact and good sense and honest judgment, and i find none of those things present and available with mr. trump. and as a consequence, my hope was that they would do something different at the convention. today, but i can see for myself is that i cannot and will not support mr. trump for president. john: that means, mr. chairman, you plan to vote for hillary clinton? mike: no, it does not. to be honest with you, to bare my soul, i do not know what i'm going to do. but i do know i will not be casting a ballot for the present existing republican nominee. john: what is your message to republicans that are wrestling with the same dilemma right now? should they be free of their conscience? means supporting
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trump or going all the way and supporting hillary clinton? mike: they have to embrace and act accordingly, and not castro of vote accordingly. -- cast your ballot accordingly winst/on churchill just talked about feeding an alligator, hoping you were the last one the alligator ate. i am not accusing people of being appeasers, but i am saying there is a transcendent set of values throughout our history that we subscribe to above party, and that is what i believe that i am focused on, and i would urge my fellow republicans to focus on this as well. racicot, thank c you so much for joining us by phone. joining us by camera from our washington bureau, mr. duncan, former chairman of the party. what has the events of the last week done, if anything, to impact your view of donald trump
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as your party's nominee? mike: we are not after the start we wanted. we had a bump out of the convention. and we squandered. time, in that period of 96, 97 days and it is time for us to be on offense but we are playing defense. we are letting the other team move the ball down the field and we have had the opportunity to take the ball back but we have had self-inflicted wounds to take the ball back. so, i am disappointed where we are. frankly, i am pleased the olympics are coming up. frankly, i think you will see an opportunity for refueling, more fundraising going on, and i think you'll see more consolidation of the republican party. the next three weeks will give us the opportunity we need to get to that sprint that occurs after labor day. john: mr. chairman, do you think it is acceptable for your party's nominee to attack the gold star family? no, i think they
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should be off-limits. my mother was a gold star mother. i understand that. that is something i understand in my family. i resent politicians using families and slain military leaders as pawns in their game. i do not think we need to be talking about that. i think it was a huge mistake for donald trump to talk about the family. john: how do you feel about your republican party leader refusing to endorse the highest ranking republican in the land? mike: i think there are always disagreements. i think it will come together. i was pleased to see mr. pence come out with his endorsement. i think at the end of the day donald trump will support the nominee, the speaker, and i think they will work together. it is just part of that pushing and shoving that is not often on stage. it is usually behind the scenes. mark: you sound pretty optimistic, given the last week. i am wondering what you would say to republicans that many of whom are in a panic over the way donald trump has performed.
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mike: don't let the dog days of august get you down. we are only down about 4.5 points after they have technically superior convention and they were able to get a big bump out of that. there is a lot that can happen. in the next 97 days. we have a candidate that understands what is going on in america and what is going on, and that is people want change. donald trump represents a change. john: mr. chairman, you are talking about politics and whether he can win in whatever political damage, but a lot of people in your party think that what has been exposed is a fundamental character flaw and making him unfit to be president of the united states. do you not share any of those views? mike: i believe we have the most inexperienced presidential candidate in my lifetime and in history and he is making mistakes that an experienced candidate would not make. i think that is what you are seeing going on right now. when i look at the two candidates and i weighed the philosophy and morals of hillary clinton, i am going to go with donald trump, because i know who
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donald trump is going to appoint to the supreme court. which is really important to me. chairman, you do not have any concerns about his temperament and character? mike: obviously, i have concerns. i am concerned about who he will appoint to be around him to make those decisions in the cabinets, who will be advising him on a daily basis. i think all of this is very important to the temperament and tone of the administration. mark: mr. chairman, thank you. mike duncan, former chairman of the party. also thanks to chairman rac icot, joined us earlier in the segment. when we come back, we are talking about hillary clinton's top economic advisers. you can also listen to us on the radio in the capital on 99.1 fm. be right back. ♪
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presidents clinton and obama. gene, thanks for coming on the show. we are going to talk about the campaign momentarily, and the outsourcing push the campaign is putting out, but i want to ask about president obama yesterday. who made a really full throated argument why tpp is still in america's interest. what is your view about that? are you now in a disagreement with the president on this issue? gene: you know, it is always hard when you are the child and mom and dad disagree. i think that president clinton, i mean, president obama, everything he does, he is directed toward helping workers . and that is what he believes, but on this issue, i think that hillary clinton is in the right place, which is that we have to put our full focus as a party, progressives, on uniting behind clear job-creating measures like infrastructure, investing and manufacturers, like ensuring that we do not have a tax code that encourages outsourcing and inversions.
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, she sees real challenges with this, and i think she wants to put tpp in the rearview mirror and refocus. listen, these are two great people that i'm honored to have worked with. they disagree. i think that trade is always very, very difficult, but as we say, i am with her. mark: gene, does secretary clinton think globalization is good for american workers? gene: i think she thinks one of the great challenges of our time is to ensure that globalization and technology are shaped by our policies in a way that strengthens the middle class as opposed to hollow out the middle class. and i think that she feels we have not, she feels that president obama came into office wanting to deal with the issues but had to focus so much on saving the country from a possible great depression. i think she has the ability to come in now with a focus that has a single focus which is, yes, globalization, technology,
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automation, these are realities. but that they do not have to have the kind of impact that create inequality, hurt american middle-class wages. and that is why she is going to have a comprehensive plan on infrastructure, manufacturing, -yearople that have four colleges and apprentices. that is why she love a comprehensive strategy. i think if you talk to her, you would say she thinks the single focus we have to have is to make sure these forces, these powerful forces, are shaped in a way that they strengthen the great american middle-class as ing it out.hallow and have any weaker wage growth and inequality. unfortunately, that is what we have seen over the last 15, 16 years. john: you had a pretty important role in shaping president clinton's economic goals. and his theory of the case. explain bill could
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clinton's theory on the economy, putting people first would be the first words out of my mouth, a phrase i know you are familiar with. do that for hillary clinton, do not spend more than 30 seconds. but tell me what is her case on , the global economy? gene: the theory of the case is that we need to focus all of our tax, trade, manufacturing and skill policies on the bottom line of whether they are creating good, high wage jobs in the united states. we cannot assume just because something might be good for the profit bottom line of a country or an individual that it is necessarily what is best for middle-class workers and people striving to be in the middle class. and that is the lens she is going to put all of her policies through. what are the things that are not just good for gdp or the productivity of one company, what are the things that are good for creating a strong among middle-class jobs, strengthening the middle class and providing greater security in a changing economy? and that includes things like health care, pensions, paid family leave, things that are
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critical whether a family feels they are raising children with dignity. mark: gene, does she think the united states should have more manufacturing jobs, or move toward a service economy? gene: she believes that we should and can have more manufacturing jobs. she has a "make it in america" plan. it has benefits to the economy. but what we have to do is pass a modern manufacturing plant that realizes the strength is not just in the big manufacturing factories, but in the supply chain. what we saw in saving the automobile company, not just saving the big companies when all of these small businesses, the suppliers, creating a web of strength. it makes people want to stay in the united states, not leave it , makes more people want to, and locate to the united states .
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gives the benefit, the connections to suppliers in the university. one area you will hear a lot from her, making the tax code more patriotic. they are talking about moving jobs overseas, moving profits overseas. you will see her want to shape the tax code to reward people that are investing in manufacturing and the coal communities or the types of things that are creating good, middle-class paying jobs in the united states. that will not be a five point, that will be her single focus by which she looks at all of her economic policies. john: gene sperling, speaking with extraordinary brevity and unusual concision here on "with all due respect." we love having you on. thank you so much. coming up, we will communicate with two communication experts, after this. ♪
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mark: welcome back. join now by two people, matt bennett, senior vp for wesley clark's campaign. and with us from dallas, former press secretary mindy tucker. mindy, you first. what have you learned about donald trump in the last week that you did not know before if anything? mindy: or do you mean how much worse has gotten, maybe? i do not think anyone has learned anything different. i think we have seen a lot more of the same. we might have learned a few things of the convention that made is little more interested, or saw a different side of him, but he came straight out of the convention saying the same kinds of things and it is disappointing. mark: you are in never trump land.
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you are not going to vote for donald trump. ndy: that is true. mark: donald trump, is he doing anything now despite all of the horrible stuff, is or anything that is making you think, maybe this guy is formidable? matt: not in the last couple of days, obviously. the past week, if we had gotten into a room with a bunch of democrats and drawn on the whiteboard what they wanted him to do, this would pretty much be it. that said, anyone that thinks this race is over is crazy. there is no question that he carries broad appeal and that things can change and there will be big surprises. and nobody should take anything for granted. john: matt, you are in a group called third way. if i ran a group and i was that they convention in philadelphia, i would've taken cyanide at the end of the week. the least third way condition i have seen. hillary clinton pulled way to the left on a ton of issues. are you not worried about where she now is on policies? matt: you know, i am not, exactly. a couple things. one, the party has changed
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dramatically on national security. as you guys pointed out, flags, usa, generals, toughness, internationalism is pretty new to my party, and i think we are very encouraged by that. the party is totally unified on social issues, so there is no concern there. and on the economy, and you spoke to gene about this, she has gone a little further left than we were hoping, but democrats, they campaign as protectionist. bill clinton did. barack obama did. you govern slightly differently. when she gets in there, she would be the first democratic candidate to take office without controlling both houses of congress since grover cleveland. john: you think she is lying about tpp? matt: let me be fair, i do not think she is lying. but i think she is being completely honest. it is very difficult to be a protectionist. as president. mark: mindy, if you were sitting in paul ryan's office right now and you had got the word on what
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donald trump did yesterday in the "washington post" and you understood all of the political dilemmas that ryan is facing with his members and the base, what would you advise him to do? mindy: he is in a tough spot. you know, that contingent in congress and in any legislature that is that trump, angry, i am not taking it anymore, no one hears me group is very hard to deal with. i think the primary objective right now for all of republicans, especially the never trumpers, needs to be the down the ballot races. nobody wants to make a decision on these candidates. you don't like trump. you will not vote for hillary. take everything you got, put it down ballot. if i was paul ryan, i would be campaigning for anyone i could be campaigning for. i would be working to make sure that when hillary likely gets there, we have a front mounted to deal with what she is going to do. john: your view is that he should maintain his endorsement
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of donald trump all the way to the end, no matter what? mindy: i do not understand why he endorsed him in the first place. i think he was worried if hillary won, who would come back and blame him? i think at this point, he does not need to do the whole back-and-forth, the children fighting over the ball at the playground. i think he needs to focus on his job, do what he has to do, not focus on the sort of noise each day of the trump campaign, get into these races and do what he needs to do to make sure the republican congress is there no matter what happens. john: matt, you have a question for mindy? matt: sure. incumbentthink it is on the rank-and-file in congress if you see a guy who is manifestly unfit to be commander-in-chief, isn't it their job to say so? the first duty of a federal elected official is to protect the country. how can you say you are protecting the country if he is totally unfit to be president? mindy: i agree. i think that is why there are some new republicans that say,
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"not a chance. i am not voting for him." i think the important thing to look at is why trump is where he is. i have been in dallas with my family this week, and i have a full understanding of the people that are angry, feel they have not been listened to come up , not done their job and donald trump is the only person that even halfway spoke to them. i think we need to understand that if we need to move forward and elect people in this country. it is fine to say he is not fit to be commander-in-chief, not qualified to be president and we all agree with that, but i think we need to understand if we are going to stay in politics and get other people elected. mark: some looking at what president obama said, to make it impossible for them to switch, to keep them all married up with donald trump. how do you see that? matt: you know, that is an interesting theory. i do not think he is doing it quite that dramatically. he had just come out of a meeting with a foreign leader. every foreign leader he has spoken to the last few months they have said, "oh my god, what
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is going on with donald trump?" and he has been confronted with the same thing we have, just this unbelievable set of mistakes that donald trump has made. i think he was speaking his mind. i think you are saying the same thing i was saying, he is unfit to be commander-in-chief and that is incumbent for republicans to say it. try to keep them out of the oval office. mark: matt bennett, great to see you. mindy tucker fletcher, great to see you off the beaches, back to see you back in america. so you understand what is actually going on in america. i think that is good for all of us. john: your california bias is showing through. mark: thank you to your both. we will be back. ♪
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john: so, we have this new big fox news poll. the first big one after the convention. hillary clinton up 49%-39%. she is killing it with the obama coalition. you have 12% of republicans that support hillary clinton. what do you think about that? mark: she is winning big even though people do not trust her still. john: you can read more of this on this great reporting on the unrest in the republican party right now on our website coming up on bloomberg west, emily chang speaks to some venture capitalists. until tomorrow, for mark and me, we say to you -- mark: sayonara. ♪
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