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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  August 5, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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♪ >> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." charlie: we begin this evening with a zika virus story. the government issued a warning for pregnant women to stay clear of a miami, florida neighborhood. the mosquitoes carrying the virus have infected at least 15 florida residents. meanwhile, federal funding for zika is in danger of running out this month. joining us from washington, till they want the most important thing for us to know and understand, right now, about where we are in the zika crisis. >> what we have right now is a clear cluster of cases in a
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rather restricted area north of miami. that is a result of the fact that we have travel-lated cases that were infected elsewhere, came to the continent, move back home, wherever, got bit by a mosquito, then transmitted it to someone. when that happens, you have to get mosquito control and do it aggressively. you also have to make sure you protect pregnant women and make sure that in that area, pregnant women protect themselves as best as they can. stay indoors with air-conditioning, make sure the screens on their doors and windows are intact. when they have to go out, put
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long close on that project most of their body, and then put insect repellent on. the people who are pregnant who are not in that area -- as you all know now, the cdc and the state of florida has put a restriction guidance to have pregnant women not go to that area right now. also, since this is transmitted sexually, you've got to be careful that if you are exposed, you have to go by the cdc guidelines for sexual transmission. we have a situation in florida, and i would not be surprised if we see additional cases in florida or other states along the gulf coast. again, the answer right now, in the absence of a vaccine, is mosquito control as well as protecting people from getting bit by mosquitoes. charlie: a bit of history for us and for the audience, it came too far, to miami, how? >> there were people who were infected outside the continental
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united states, either in south america, central america, the caribbean, particularly puerto rico. they come from the united states, or people who are in the united states and visited those places and then came back. in florida, there are 1600 travel related zika cases in the united states, and florida, there are almost 400. and since we had copious mosquitoes in florida and all across the southeastern part of the united states that are capable of transmitting zika, somehow, somewhere, a mosquito bit that person that was a travel related case, then it someone who had never left the continental united states and has no travel history, and who has not had any other contact with a zika-infected individual. what we are seeing right now in florida is a cluster of cases in
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a rather restricted area. clearly this happens by a bite of a mosquito who originally bit someone who got infected someplace else, and now we have a chain of transmission here in the united states, particularly in florida. some cases are individual, and some are linked. charlie: is the war against mosquitoes a winnable war? >> if you are thinking of eradicating mosquitoes, we will never win. we could suppress them enough to break any chain of transmission, to make it very inefficient to be transmission. when you have copious mosquitoes all over the place, you make it much more likely that you will hit one of those infected people who will then infect someone else. when you get the mosquito density very far down, you don't have to get rid of every last mosquito, but you've got to get
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the density down enough to get rid of and block that chain of transmission. charlie: why are more main infected than women in the miami case? >> you can never tell. i think the number 15 is so small that you can't do a statistical analysis on that. whenever you see situations outside of the florida situation, but with other diseases where you see more men infected than women, it's usually because in certain societies men get out more than women. that's in general. that in societies like america, where women are out working and doing things as much as men, i don't think that really holds. charlie: what happens if you are infected with the virus? >> if you are not a pregnant
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woman, it is generally very mild. 80% do not get any symptoms at all and are unaware they have been been infected. 20% get bitten and they are usually relatively mild, rashes, joint ache and pain. that usually lasts about a week. the virus generally disappears in seven days. there is a rare, rare case of a neurological syndrome that some people get in a very rare instance, associated with different viruses including zika. it is the pregnant woman's vulnerability that sets this apart as a very special kind of infection.
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charlie: and what happens to pregnant women that are infected? >> when pregnant women get infected during their pregnancy, there is a chance, particularly if they get infected during the first trimester, that they will have a baby that has a congenital abnormality, particularly microcephaly, which is the small size of the head due to the interference of the developmental process of the brain, which generally, when it develops, pushes up the skull in a nice, smooth form. but when the development of the brain is either hindered or destroyed, it does not develop fully and the head looks like it is much smaller. also, if you get infected later, even though the brain seemed to develop well, it can cave in. it is a tragic situation because it wreaks terrible destruction on the child. charlie: there is also the question of zika at the olympics.
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help us understand how severe that is, and the decision by a significant number of people not to go to rio. >> ok, when you say not to go to rio, just to reemphasize, if you are a pregnant woman, you should not go to rio, because brazil and rio is still an area where there is active transmission, and the cdc guidelines recommend you don't go. other people aside, non-pregnant women, let's say an athlete, if you look at the rate of infection now, in august, compared to what it was in january and february, it is now low compared to that. it is not absent, but it really is very low. the reason for that is twofold. many of the people living there have been infected already, so
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they are already in the end dampens the transmissibility probability. the other thing is that the mosquito density is significantly less now because august is their winter, while january is their summer. even though there is a possibility that you might get infected if you go to brazil, that likelihood is much, much lower than it is in january. that is the reason why we were saying in general, apart from pregnant women, that the risk of going down there and having a serious problem is very low because outside of pregnant women, zika is a relatively mild disease. charlie: and now vaccine trials are about to begin, or have recently began. what are the hopes for the vaccine? >> we began a stage one trial on august the second, and the phase one trial is continuing now. it will be 80 individuals. the question you asked, is it
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safe? mainly, do we have any immediate red flags come up? and doesn't reduce the kind of response that you would predict would be protected? and that looks good, we will know that by the end of 2016, and we will hopefully proceed in the early part of 2017 into a large trial, ranging from 2400 people to 5000 people, to ask the question, does it work? the goal, as the direct answer to your question, is to get a vaccine that will prevent infection, particularly of young women and girls of childbearing age, to protect them from when they become pregnant. charlie: do you assume these trials will be successful? >> you never assume that a vaccine trial is going to be successful, which is the reason why there are more than one candidates. a company started their trial a
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few days before us. we are going to start another trial in october and another later wrong. whenever we do vaccines, particularly for something as serious as this, you have to have multiple irons in the fire because you never have a guarantee that any single candidate is going to work, so you put a lot of been in play. charlie: and vaccines are the best hope? >> no doubt. the best ways that you can address this, get rid of the mosquitoes, which is difficult. as we know in brazil and what we are seeing in florida. or, get a successful and safe vaccine to protect the population, particularly vulnerable ones such as women who are pregnant. charlie: thank you so much. >> good to be with you, charlie. charlie: we will be right back. charlie: we continue with our
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look at the zika virus and its impact in florida with a conversation with the chief medical correspondent for cbs news, a practicing physician. this is from a conversation recorded on thursday afternoon. >> i think the number one thing that is going on right now is that every one of my colleagues at every level of government, especially in the health profession, are beside themselves over the lack of funding to help this zika outbreak. back in february, president obama requested 1.9 billion dollars in emergency funding at the request of the cdc, dr. todd freeman at the head of that. charlie: moving money around? >> they wanted new emergency money. what happened was, nothing. no new funding has been allocated. almost 600 million dollars has moved around. it was money that was supposed to go to ebola and other things.
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that has to be replenished. what has happened is a love of politics, and where we stand right now, which is a $1.1 billion compromise bill right now, the holdup is in the senate. democrats and republicans are pointing fingers at each other, because the republicans put on a writer that the funds cannot be used for planned parenthood support, and there was an issue about offsetting. democrats wanted it to be entirely about emergency funding. there is a compromise. the bottom line, congress is away on recess, no new funding. i just spoke with the head of the cdc, and he is beside himself. tom said to me, this is no way to run an epidemic. ♪
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charlie: we continue this evening with a look back at the ongoing presidential campaign. republican nominee donald trump has had a tough week. he drew widespread criticism after engaging in a feud with the khan family, the father of a muslim american soldier and his wife. on tuesday, trump also refused to endorse paul ryan and john mccain in their primary bids.
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in a fox news poll, hillary clinton currently has a 10 point advantage over donald trump. joining me is mark halperin, the cohost of "with all due respect." it is thursday afternoon, where is the trump campaign? mark: it is in a bad place. national and state polls are not just the reality of what a hard period he has had, but they have a corrosive effect on the morale of republicans. we have seen, everyone in our business, calls and e-mails from people in the republican establishment saying, i can't believe this is happening. the quality and quantity of those in the last 48 hours has been extraordinary. republicans are worried now that perhaps the plan of sticking to trump no matter what is not the
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right thing to do. not trying to force him from being the nominee, but abandoning him. trump has to ride the ship, or he will face a very precarious situation where republican donors, operatives, and establishment types focus solely on the house and senate. charlie: to ride the ship, he has to recognize there is a problem. does he recognize there is a problem? mark: my understanding is he does. people in the upper levels of the campaign believes that he gets it. he has made public comments with television stations that he gets it. he needs to focus on the economy. he is giving a speech on the economy on monday. and on hillary clinton. we all know he is not going to
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be a disciplined candidate in a way any other candidate will be at this level. charlie: will he be more disciplined? mark: i think so. i'm not sure it will be enough. charlie: are you sinking it will take more to get people to begin dis-endorsing him? mark: they will do it in a self-interested way. i think there will be few people on the ballot in november who, out of some sense of morality, say they can't be for donald trump. first of all, there are 10 states left in the primaries. even in a general election, 70%
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of the base of the republican party wants him to win. but that's a back of the envelope thing. think about the house districts that are gerrymandered. these are dominating republican districts. if you are a house candidate, 70% of your base voters are for trump. he is the republican nominee. there is no playbook which says, go into a general election with 70% of your base voters angry at you. it just does not compute. they could stay home, they could vote for someone else. charlie: if donald trump turns it around, in terms of not digging a deeper hole, and against a talk about change and the economy, does not get distracted by personal accusations, if he does that, what makes you think he can win this election? mark: still tough. it will be tough for any republican because of the electoral college. he does not need to improve and that many states.
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he had a good fundraising month. some of us thought he would have the potential to raise those small dollar donations. they can keep giving him money. if he runs good tv ads and focuses on those handful of states, if he makes the election less about donald trump, more about hillary clinton, he could be in the game. charlie: paul manafort says the people who defected they are mostly not surprised about. these were not people that they thought would go to the end for them. mark: i think that's fair. maybe there are a few exceptions where the they were surprised. trump is an antiestablishment candidate. he has views about foreign policy that are outside the mainstream of the establishment. i thinhe will make it to the first debate. if he has a good first debate, i think he can keep things together.
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charlie: and no matter how many people conclude that the president suggested that he is not fit to be president, that has not yet stuck. mark: an elite circles, it has. i don't think he would do particularly well at manhattan or malibu dinner parties, but in the republican party, as i said, there is a reason that paul ryan said, my nominee said something that was racist, but i am still for him. it is still in their interest to try to hold things together, because the minute that people like paul ryan abandon him, there would be chaos in the base of the republican party, and they run the risk of losing the house of representatives. charlie: thank you, mark. back in a moment. stay with us. ♪ charlie: javier munoz is here. last month, he replaced lin-manuel miranda as alexander hamilton in the award-winning musical "hamilton."
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he was previously the alternative in the role, dating back to january 20 15. he also serves as miranda's alternative and later replacement in the 2008 broadway musical "in the heights." i am thrilled to have you here. congratulations. javier: thank you so much. charlie: you and lin-manuel go back how long? javier: we met at 2005 for an audition for what was a development workshop for "in the heights." they were auditioning for a role that no longer exists in the show. i went in and saying a george michael song for him, "the dream team." the rest is history. we just became best friends.
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shortly after that is when we went a different route. we were at a theater complex in connecticut, and there was an idea to audition me. when i got cast for those two weeks to do that for lin is when we forged that friendship. it is unlike any working relationship i have anywhere. charlie: in the sense that it is intimate, inspiring, constructive, collaborative, everything? javier: yeah, and it is a friendship too. it takes great trust to do what we do in the room together. for two actors to put aside ego and everything else and just make the work the focus and build a character together is
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very unique. charlie: this is a simple question, but everybody thinks about it. what is his genius? javier: i think in my work with him, i find it to be it is what he is listening to. it is his perception of the context of whatever he is in, whether it is immersing himself in music, or tv, or a book, or a conversation. he hears. i mean he takes in information and perceives at a level i have never experienced in anyone else. it is getting to the heart of each thing. that, i think, is what he puts into his writing and work. charlie: but if you had to list and define all these skills, is there one that stands out more
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than others because it is so close to perfection? is it the music, the lyrics? javier: i think it is his humanity, i really do. and i think that is what allows him to get to the heart of every interaction and engagement he finds himself in, and it comes out in his writing, very much so. charlie: i would think writing, too. writing is how he defines everything else. javier: absolutely. charlie: alexander hamilton. how are you different than he is, other than the fact you are a different actor? javier: i think the distinction i bring to "hamilton" is rooted in the life i have lived. it is challenges, obstacles, mountains i have climbed that are unique to what my journey
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has been as an individual, as a human being on this planet. i put myself through college, various health challenges, and just coming to terms with a peace in my own skin as a human being. all those things i pour into alexander hamilton. the fight i have in my life is the same fight she has. charlie: but these are not ordinary health challenges. you have had to have within you a real strength. javier: that is rooted within my family. my team, my support are my brothers and parents. no matter what is going on, and in the past, no matter what has been going on throughout my life, the safest place i could be was home. charlie: because they gave you not only comfort, but also courage and strength and -- javier: yes.
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charlie: this is a terrible thing, to battle hiv. javier: it was a difficult thing. charlie: difficult defines challenge much better than any other word. javier: it was 2002 when i was diagnosed, and i would like to think that much of the stigma and weight of being diagnosed with hiv has been lifted, and there is far more work that we have to do, and on a global scale there is even more work to be done. in 2002, i needed a lot of love and support, and my family was there. charlie: not to give up, not to -- javier: absolutely. and to just be there through -- i think anyone prior to the current medications that are
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available, which are remarkable, those earlier cocktail combinations and what was available had such incredibly severe side effects. to live through that and survive through that took my family's support. there were days when it was difficult to look at myself in the mirror. there is mom's hand on my cheek, and that's all i need to know i am ok. charlie: and how proud is she ok? javier: they are incredibly proud. charlie: obviously they had seen you a number of times. did they see you the first night? javier: they saw my very first show at the public theater. i will never forget that experience. they saw that with my oldest brother. i remember coming out into the lobby to greet them, and the
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normal joy and tears and love. i cannot find my brother, and i asked my father, where is he? my father said he is outside. that's the least of it. he said he was outside. why isn't he here to greet me? just outside the doors, my brother, he got teary-eyed. he was so proud that he needed to leave the building and get air, and take a moment. we shared quite a special hug and moment. charlie: that is familiar love. hamilton. tell me who he is to you. javier: as a role, it is the greatest role i have ever played. it is so rich and there are so many layers to him, there is so
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much detail, as an actor it is a treasure trove. it seems endless, the amount of work i can bring to him and the discoveries i can have. as an historical character, i marvel at his courage as someone who immigrated to this country on his own and built the life that he did. charlie: wanting his shot. javier: yeah. it is beyond admirable. i think that is what feeds my passion to dig, keep digging into the character, to do him justice, and the founding of our country. charlie: does your preparation go beyond his book and lin, and the text. javier: absolutely yes. as much history as i can pour into it, but also as much
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humanity is the best word i can think of, constantly reading the newspaper, watching the news, talking to people, their reactions, hearing the words people use to describe their experience, and looking for more current events that are relevant to use. charlie: for the nuances. javier: absolutely. it is a vibrant time to be pouring so much of that into the conversations of the moments. charlie: none of us have loved theater and loved biography have seen anything like the phenomenon. to be there, the richard rodgers theater, a whole range of act tours and musicians, and an audience from across the world, a night in which they are celebrating and adding dimension
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to what they understood. about a huge, significant event in global history. javier: absolutely. it is so thrilling. i have never in my life, i stand backstage ready to go on and as soon as the lights change, everybody is cheering. they are thrilled to be there, thrilled to share the story. i've never experienced anything like that before. there is no need to feel nerves. you are just going to celebrate the story. charlie: it never gets old. javier: it is too rich. what lin and andy have created, what tommy has created through direction, even the set, there is constant discovery. charlie: and the dancing. we forget the dancing.
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it is remarkable. javier: the ensemble is remarkable. charlie: here is what you said. it is not just a history lesson. it is a lesson in empathy, and sharing experience, sharing my ethnicity, sharing my sexuality or my health issues, it has been a humbling reminder there is so much we can share about ourselves, and there is power in that moment of connection. i'm proud of the hope and encouragement i can offer audiences or fans by my experience. i'm proof it is not impossible. javier: i don't know there will ever be a time like this in my life or my career again. that is ok if there never is. the power of the gift i have been given, this character to play, the sum or to be open
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about who i am as an individual and human being, and as an artist, to bring that into the role, to have a diverse cast and stand with that diversity every night, to have all of that be conveyed by just showing up and doing our work, we hope that brings to an audience, to the person who may not have ever seen themselves represented on stage before, just needs to know whatever challenge or struggle they are facing, it can be all right. that is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. charlie: was seeing something you did well -- javier: yeah. it was. it is something that i never thought as a kid was something i could do.
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charlie: when did you find out? in the heights? javier: i was about 17 years old when i signed with my first agent. i was so naïve. i did not know what that meant. i thought it happen to every actor. i graduated and i was auditioning professionally. it is then that i knew whatever was in here as an artist was something i could make a career out of. it became a question of getting training and the determination, finding the strength to keep on the journey. charlie: is there film in the future? javier: i hope so. [laughter] charlie: i bet i know what role you would like to play. javier: we will see. certainly, yes.
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charlie: why did hamilton feel the need to write about his experience in his affair? javier: i think that is the question i would ask them. charlie: what were you thinking about? [laughter] javier: i would love to know the psychology. charlie: so confident in your ability to write yourself out of anything? javier: i think that is a part of it absolutely. he felt that was like any actor has the thing they do best. it would get him out of anything. charlie: i'll explain and they will understand. javier: that is how it played. when i receive the reactions, and it's not how i wanted it to go, that is a shock. because i wrote it. doesn't everyone get it? right. it is right there. i wrote it.
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charlie: i believe in you as long as i believe in myself. your capacity to understand if i simply write it down. javier: the confidence that it would be received and understood. charlie: the other thing i can't believe is with his son first of all, the duel, and then his own. javier: those coincidences. charlie: if anyone who knew the lesson of firing into the air. javier: i think that is probably the thing that stays the freshest in the performance. every night. i haven't wrapped my brain around that choice. because of what happens to philip. every night it really is a fresh discovery as to why i'm going to raise the gun and not shoot. it is quite a fascinating
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universe of choices. just as an individual looking at history it's another psychological mystery i wish i could ask. what were you thinking in that moment? charlie: and to be the chief of staff of george washington. javier: it's remarkable what he accomplished. charlie: and all he wanted was his shot. javier: and that is what drove him. it is remarkable. charlie: thank you. great to have you here. javier: thank you. charlie: i can't wait to see you in the performance. i look over to it. javier: thank you. charlie: back in a moment, stay with us. ♪
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charlie: war dogs is a new film from todd phillips, two young men enter the world of international arms trading. here is the trailer for the film. >> hello? >> hey. >> did i wake you? >> no. i met the hotel. >> i know why you are doing this. it's the line that kills me.
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you can tell me anything david. >> i have to call you back. >> is everything ok? >> yes. >> go, go. i'm an international arms dealer. six months ago i was a massage therapist in miami beach. here i was with my best friend from junior high. >> i'm against this war. >> this is not about being pro-war. it's about being pro-money. >> how do to twentysomething men land a pentagon contract? >> i thought you meant payload. >> 100 million rounds of ammo. we can fill a whole order. >> you are on a terrorist watch list?
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>> relax, bro. >> we are on the verge of making $300 million. >> is it legal? >> it's not illegal. >> and a certain situation i have to ask myself what what a bad man do? >> is this safe? >> 50-50. >> 50% we live, 50% we die. >> yes. that is why we drive through the
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night. much safer. charlie: where did this story come on? todd: it was a rolling stone article called arms and the dudes. i read the article and it was one of those moments where you go this feels like a movie. charlie: why did you write it for him? todd: this is an electric actor. when you see him on screen there is something about jonah. he has this electricity. jonah: embarrassing. please feel free. charlie: this is how a movie get started. todd: in 2008 we came to him to be in the hangover and he didn't want to do it. i respect that.
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charlie: did it make any money? todd: it did all right. he is somebody, one of these guys that when you see him he vibrates off the screen. i don't know what it is. wall street, he almost single-handedly changes the tone to be this comedic movie. he brings something that meant a lot to us. charlie: moneyball. todd: his best performance. one of my favorite movies of all time. jonah: it is incredibly flattering. i feel like i'm watching tv right now. i'm watching you guys. i do appreciate it. charlie: we wrote it for jonah. he wasn't sure he wanted to do it.
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charlie: you weren't sure? jonah: i will tell you. when it first got presented it was as willful wall street was about to come out, my concern was i had just played a kind of scum bag character that have this slimy kind of guy. i was worried they may be too similar in some way. what happened was todd and his co-writers had done so much work on the script and he was so tenacious, it became so infectious, every draft got better and better. he said just read the last draft. you have to read it. i read it and he had done so much great work. i had been wanting to work with him. he wanted this so bad. that is what you look or.
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someone who is that passionate. charlie: who is at ephram? tell me who he is. jonah: i think he is a very reptilian figure. he doesn't have a moral compass. he is so tenacious he's the kind of person you meet and you may not want to be best friends with but you walk away going that guy is going to be successful whether i agree with how he become successful, that is what he will end up being. charlie: how does he pull it off? jonah: manipulation, intelligence. charlie: the ability to persuade and appear what he is not.
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todd: the ultimate confidence which jonah portrayed very well in this film. charlie: you have to have confidence. todd: and swagger. charlie: and a little bit of insanity. if you knew what you were getting into you wouldn't get into it. jonah: and a little fake tanner. charlie: missing is your costar. miles teller. todd: miles was a young actor i worked with, project x. he was in it for a short bit. we were talking about working together. this was in his early writings stages. he was in whiplash. he killed it. we put them in the room together. he felt like the right guy. he wanted to be here but he is on a plane.
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we filmed all over. jordan, morocco, romania, las vegas. we went on a six country movie, bopping all over the place. charlie: because of the locations? todd: it's a tough movie for a lot of reasons but the locations when you travel with a crew, it's a traveling circus. you hit the ground running. you don't have prep time. it was a bear of a film. charlie: he did not want to meet with you? jonah: no. i played a handful of real people at this point. whenever the person doesn't want me to play them and wants no involvement it turns out good. if they want me to play them it turns out not very good. i took it as a good sign.
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moneyball and willful wall street. charlie: the character that was based on their lives? jonah: they had some objection. charlie: why? todd: they don't want to be part of it. jonah: i think it had to do with me. they say who is playing the other guy, leonardo dicaprio? who is playing me, jonah hill? i'm not going to be involved. in this case he wanted to make his own version of the film of his life, trying him as scarface or the godfather as opposed to a more honest look. charlie: when you talk about the relationship between leo, you learn from him and all of that. jonah: the different actors you work with have different perspectives on spending time with the real person. i would always choose to do so
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but it is not mrs. harry. miles was involved. we got to hang out with him. i like hearing what he had to say. charlie: didn't they later split up? todd: they do split up. it's about that collapse of their partnership. today they are installed in a lawsuit against each other. he serves four years for what happens in the movie. david is pursuing his lawsuit against him. you take the seat of a character and what you know about a character, then a guy like jonah, they have their own thing. jonah: there is just something
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missing. like when you feel you are almost there but there's a component missing. you start looking for the smaller stuff. i started thinking about people you don't know very well but that leave an impression. i always from member someone with an interesting laugh. it became a balance of interesting memorable idiosyncratic laughing that isn't too annoying. and editing how much to use that laugh. charlie: what about bradley cooper? todd: bradley plays an amalgamation of two characters. this legendary arms dealer they know of in their foray into arms. they know about him. he is the guy. they get a chance to meet him and end up partnering with him. his character ends up screwing over bradley's character. bradley represents that -- [laughter] charlie: how do you get bradley cooper? todd: we are producing partners. it is called joint effort.
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this was going to be made under our banner. he's a producer anyway. i said it wouldn't kill you to show up for five days. it didn't take that much convincing. he loves jonah. he was excited. charlie: you need your own little production company on the warner bros. lot. jonah: i want to be a director. i'm going to direct my first film this year. i can only work on one thing at a time. i'm not good at splitting my focus onto a lot of projects. these guys are amazing. i did want to work with todd that whole time. you know, he's one of the last directors that can make a movie like this at a studio in this scale.
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if you're not making a superhero movie or an indie movie, you are kind of out of the game basically. todd has the voice and success to make a real true story that is a drama and a comedy at a studio that looks like a big film. charlie: what is interesting, this is more drama than comedy. todd: for me it was progression. evolution. the trickiest part of the movie is the town which is what a director does. the town in this movie, there is comedy but there is a lot of drama. charlie: it seems he has the ability -- jonah: stop fishing charlie. [laughter]
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charlie: he has the ability to go either way. drama or comedy. bradley has that. jonah: bradley is amazing. todd: that is the reason why i wanted to get jonah. just having him define the town in a simple way and a clear way. charlie: when are you directing a film? jonah: we start mid february. i start prepping when we finish this film. charlie: can you tell us anything about it? jonah: it is called mid-90's. it's a coming-of-age film involving a skateboarding world. he is my producer, incredible. a 24 is releasing it. it's an emotional coming-of-age film. charlie: will you be in it? jonah: i will not. charlie: thank you for coming. jonah: great to see you again.
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todd: thanks charlie. charlie: thank you for joining us, see you next time. ♪
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11:00 pm
mark: i'm mark crumpton, you're watching "bloomberg west." fox news cites two republican sources who says donald trump is expected to endorse house speaker paul ryan in wisconsin tonight. however, a person familiar with the matter tells bloomberg ryan has no knowledge of any pending endorsement from trump. ryan who faces a primary re-election contest tuesday told a milwaukee radio station that trump could cross a line that would prevent the speaker from backing him, but "where that line is, i don't know." hillary clinton addressed a convention of black and hispanic journalists. she said she wants to invest more in infrastructure, generate more jobs for young people and help black entrepreneurs start si


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