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tv   Bloomberg West  Bloomberg  September 15, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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mark: i'm mark crumpton. let's begin with the check of first word news. after being sidelined with pneumonia, hillary clinton to the campaign trail today. she told a rally in greensboro, north carolina that the time off gave her moment to reflect. donald trump today unveiled his economic plan, one that promises to lower taxes, cut regulation, and create jobs. he told the economic club of new york the only thing hillary clinton can offer is, quote, "a welfare check." >> not one single idea she has got will create one net american job, or one new dollar of american wealth.
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mark: mr. trump also said he would look to cut regulation, which he says has stifled american growth. he also says he wants to cut the corporate tax rate, currently at 35%, to 15%. a new york city police officer has been taken to bellevue hospital after authorities say he and a fellow officer were attacked near penn station by a man with a meat cleaver. the suspect was shot by authorities. both officers are expected to survive. global news, 24 hours a day, powered by over 2600 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. i'm mark crumpton. this is bloomberg. "bloomberg west" is next. ♪ emily: i'm emily chang, and this is "bloomberg west."
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apple is on its way to its first weekly gain of 10% or more in nearly three years. we will break down what is driving the rally. plus, oracle earnings coming below estimates. we will diagnose what it means for the company's transition to the cloud. and rooftop solar -- we will ask a ceo what they need to do to thrive. first, to the lead. apple is headed for its first weekly gain of 10% or more in three years. shares continue to rise on thursday trading on speculation that the iphone 7 is off to a faster start than usual. all the major u.s. as well as carriers say preorders have been higher in volume than previous releases. it raised its price targets, citing surprisingly strong demand. the gains bring apple's rally this week to 20%, far outpacing the s&p 500.
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and well that is good news for some, it is an to many who ditched the stock this summer. hundreds of institutional investors have sold out of their apple divisions since june. in the meantime, competition may be easing. samsung is essentially recalling phones after the u.s. consumer product safety commission found they can catch fire. samsung is racing to replace them, saying replace the devices will be available at most retailers can snow later than september 21. let's bring in our expert roundtable. so, i'll start with you -- let's talk about the way shares are moving. you have a rally, wall street feeling happy despite the fact that there wasn't anything breakthrough with these new phones or the apple watch. at the same time you have institutional investors that jumped out months ago.
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what is your take? >> it's a rather confusing stew of vague data points. the most interesting things are, one, that samsung clearly handed apple a gift by having this massive, embarrassing recall just as the new iphone models were launching. you have to assume that some of them would have opted for the samsung phones but will now instead go for an iphone 7, given that their batteries will not explode. that's helpful. the cell phone carriers, i feel like it's a bit of a mixed bag. ok, may the orders are going to be higher than the admittedly disappointing iphone 6s line, but i don't know that it tells us very much about the predictions of of future iphone 7s. emily: meantime we have new details on the samsung recall, not good for samsung, and a bigger gift for apple then we
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might expect, although we still don't know. 92 reports of batteries overheating, 26 reports of burns 25 reports of property damage. that doesn't sound good. talk to us about what we are learning. >> right. the samsung recall and its issue with the 7 is unprecedented. we saw some issues with a lithium-ion industry, and some other products, years ago. but for a smartphone that you put in your pocket or hold in your hand, this is unprecedented. in terms of how they are handling the recall, i think these phones being available for a placement on the 21st is going to be intimidating to customers. these people will be walking in to at&t, t-mobile, sprint stores, right at the beginning of his iphone launch people when
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they are seeing people come in to grab an iphone. what will stop someone from saying, i need to replace this phone, give me some credit and i will buy an iphone 7? i think apple should see that as a plus for them, and samsung should see it as a big negative. emily: the video of these burnt, melted, shattered phones is positively frightening. on top of this, samsung is saying they won't even have replacements and stores for up to another week after the iphone, which is going on sale tomorrow. >> yeah, i agree. they really flubbed this at samsung. it's not great for them. it's interesting to see that iphone and samsung, particularly in developed markets, really trade-off market share when the iphone is riding high, as it was after the iphone 6 line was introduced. then the reverse held true in the last nine months. you have to think that the iphone 7 line will pick up some
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market share from samsung because of the hangover from this battery issue and from the recall. and again, that is coming at the perfect time for apple, coming off this nine-month, six to nine months of unprecedented decline in iphone sales. emily: at the same time, the iphone 7 hits the shelves tomorrow, we will see lines out the door. we are also getting new data that says 55% of u.s. shoppers are choosing the iphone 7 plus, the bigger phone with the dual camera processing, which is interesting, mark, because our guest last week said he didn't think there were more than 5% or 10% of users using the iphone 6s plus, the bigger model. do you think that because the bigger phone is the one that does have the better camera technology, and some other bells and whistles, that this could
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fundamentally change the mix among users? >> i think the dual camera being exclusive to the plus is a component of it. but the big thing to look at is the maturing market of these bigger phones. people have seen their friends and family and other people using the bigger phones for two years, instead of being introduced to the bigger version in 2014-2015. people are learning about the benefits of the bigger screen. i think it's that market maturing, in addition to the camera system. emily: at the same time, you've got lower-cost competitors in china gaining steam. not good news for samsung or apple, but certainly piling on for samsung, which were so many years was the only one that had that big phone. >> yeah. they don't have that exclusive advantage anymore. i agree that i think that making that iphone 7 plus having that dual camera feature, that will help the average sale price of the iphone, and that is hugely
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important, particularly as the iphone will sell more and more phones every year, and the only way to tweak revenue is to push up the average price per phone. if the next shifts more -- emily: we will continue to track apple through the end of the week. turning now to another stock, oracle shares lower in extended trading after posting first-quarter revenue coming in below analyst estimates. adjusted earnings per share rose 4% from a year ago. that missed estimates. we want to bring in cory johnson. cory, the party line has been late to the cloud party. are they proving they won't be able to catch up as fast as some would have hoped? cory: i would say that they may be late to the party and now they have a bigger party. what oracle is doing in terms of
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revenue is what they define as cloud, it's fantastic. they are showing terrific growth. the numbers are getting to be really big. if you look at all their cloud businesses, they both, really so -- just their software business to $798 million in the quarter in a 13 week period. not only is that really strong growth in a year-over-year basis, look at the percentage growth in terms of year-over-year growth. yes, it grew at 77% year-over-year, or 79%, that's -- the pace of growth is increasing. imagine a business that's growing 77% year-over-year, and faster every quarter. there is a flywheel effect happening, where customers are
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rapidly turning to the cloud, and they are turning to oracle. emily: salesforce took a dig at larry ellison -- cory: throwing shade. emily: we know oracle is in the process of trying to buy netsweep, for nine some billion dollars. the biggest institutional investor thinks it's not a good idea. you also have mark benioff saying earlier this week, this is a move of desperation. take a listen. >> oracle is making a desperation move to boost their cloud revenue, and he basically said i want that, and now he will boost cloud revenue to make is $10 billion. he still may not be able to make it. emily: anything from oracle on that? cory: for mark benioff to criticize the company for doing acquisitions, this is $9 million for quips? salesforce has done a ton, it has spent billions of dollars in acquisition, because surely it
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helps the business and grow topline. he's doing it tongue-in-cheek to criticize oracle, who's very much in the same business. and netsuite's business has grown fantastically in areas salesforce could master. he spent to billion dollars trying to build something like netsuite and couldn't. emily: you have some analysts out there who says they think oracle will end up paying more for this deal. cory: in an era where we see crummy corporate governance, or elon musk buys his cousins company, where we see groupon and zynga and facebook, where the founders control 10 times the votes of all the others, we see larry ellison saying, i'm not even going to vote for my shares because i am involved in both companies, and i have an outside part of the board.
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yes, there's concern, but compared to what's going on out there, the problem is, for him, he's in charge of the minority shareholder, the majority of the outside shareholders, and a look at the price they want because they have so much power, even though it is a small stake. emily: all right. the cloud is always fun to watch. cory johnson, our editor at large, you are sticking with me. coming up, its rooftop solar heating up or fizzling out? we will speak to an industry leader about how she is navigating the uncertainty. this is bloomberg. ♪
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emily: tesla has won a bid to supply power to southern california. it's part of a wider effort by
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local authorities to prevent blackouts after the biggest natural gas leak in u.s. history led to electricity shortages earlier this year. the power pack batteries will be ready by year end; the deal comes as elon musk pushes into the clean energy market with a proposed takeover of solar city. rooftop solar has been one of the fastest growth sectors of the u.s. economy, seeing double-digit insulation rates over the last several years. the data from new energy finance suggest that it could drop to just 3% growth in 2017, with some industry watchers saying the space is poised for a people. after all, the price of electricity has dropped in solar panels are cheaper, prompting many potential customers to buy their own systems rather than enter into long lease agreements. here to give us her perspective on what's next, inroof solar ceo. still with me, cory johnson. great to have you.
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you guys do loans and leases. according to "the wall street journal," the numbers are 20% cash and loans, 80% leases. >> that's right. i think the big story is that consumers want this. the value proposition is strong. they continue to adopt it. i want to correct one of the opening comments to say that if you look at the q2 numbers, the growth rate is 30% year-over-year, and we are still penetrated only 1% of the market. that's a $400 billion annual electricity market, so that growth rate kansas state. emily: the question is how do they want it? do they want to pay for an out right, take out a loan, or enter into the leasing agreement, which is the majority? >> i believe for the long-term, the leasing will stay the most popular. it overwhelmingly is. + it's about 60% of the market and there are two reasons why i believe that will be the case. the first is because we
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incentivized this through the tax code, when you are a business owner, you can realize more tax benefits from that, and it adds an additional level of complexity for to homeowners who don't want to wait. for that reason, people will choose leasing because there is more value over time. the second trend people are missing is that we in a couple years will not just be selling solar. we will be controlling the entire energy management of the home. there will be storage, electric vehicles. that will be a complex relationship, managed by a service provider who will be helping the home decide when to consume, export. cory: one of the things you guys are beaten up over by competitors, after solar city cut their forecast, you guys came in just a little but are in the same market. what is the difference? i'm not asking you to critique your competitors, but what is
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the fundamental difference where you are seeing a minor slowdown and they are seeing a major one? >> if you look at market overall, 30%, can sustain -- when you have these industries that are so transformational, there's a lot of capital that comes into those markets. for a while the market can be rewarding. you may make decisions that aren't long-term sustainable. when the market gets tougher, you may want to slow things down, focus on profitability, on sustainability. that's what my company has always done. that has been our differentiation from the beginning. we focus on unit economics, customer value. that's why i think we are separating ourselves from the pack. if you look at our forecast for
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the back half of the year, we lowered guidance a tiny bit, but in our direct business we are still delivering 60% year-over-year. emily: when it comes to profitability, it is something you have in improving over the last couple quarters. but since we are here, elon musk is shaking things up. what do you think of tesla buying solar city? how is that changing the industry for you? >> i think it's a good move. i think it's a good move for sunrun. awareness is the issue. it's a product that brings clean energy, and it is a product they want, but they don't know about it yet. to have a strong brand and someone else spend money on it, to articulate values to regulators, i think that's valuable for us. i think that will also push the information in terms -- the innovation in terms of how do we become a better piece of the home? how to we electrify transportation? emily: and you guys have a package where you are offering the panels with the battery. is that the power wall battery? are you doing this with tesla or with other companies? >> this is extremely exciting. one, the challenge -- in the
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past people have said, what happens when the metering ends? what happens when the sun isn't shining? storage is getting so cheap that we are able, right now in hawaii, to install pvplus storage. we store it up in the battery and the home is consuming the power, and it is cheaper than the utilities with zero upfront expense. cory: but its regulated. you can't to do it in california, you can't be completely off the grid. >> we wouldn't do it in california because it wouldn't be a strong value proposition. but this morning we installed solar on the painted ladies. we also install the battery backup. cory: let me ask you, you mentioned regulators. new today, the senate science committee sent a letter to your company and others, looking at the evaluation you put on these things and the tax breaks you get as a result. how do you determine the value -- with solar panels coming down, how do you determine the long time value?
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what is the process for that and how does it change? >> sure. we determine the value like any other asset class. we look at the cash flow is that it will generate, and we put a discount rate on them. cory: the cash flow to the consumer or to you? >> to the company. we look at that, at the cost to install, and you do a blend. the good news is that this tax credit program has been incredibly successful. it has created tons of jobs, tons of clean energy. we ourselves have saved $100 million already. the government looks into that, and i think that's a good thing for them to do. and we're confident that we value them correctly. emily: when it comes to home batteries, are you working with tesla? tesla and others? >> we are working with tesla and other companies.
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there is a ton of innovation happening. we expect the costs will come down 50%, which will open up increasing markets and fundamentally de-risk the company from a regulatory -- emily: paint a picture for me in 10 years. things are changing so fast in the external environment, and there are a lot of things you can't necessarily control, like state policy and electricity dropping and utilities going out there and saying people who aren't getting solar are paying for it. how do you see the difference? >> i think if you go to boardrooms across the u.s., 99% of people are in strategic agreement that the world is moving toward solar and distributed, and that is new. a few years ago people would have been fighting it. now they are believers. and getting back to the earlier question about market penetration, i was with the president of southern california recently, and we were on the panel together. he said that we fully expect
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over the next decade we will have one million solar homes in southern california edison. that's a 6x growth. i think you will see a dramatic shift toward solar. one of the things that we should be optimistic about from a societal standpoint is that we need to move to clean energy. this is a way we can get it to ramp quickly. we can build it in a day. we don't have to take all this time to permit, so we can actually change the landscape and change it quickly. emily: all right. the ceo of sunrun, great to have you. cory johnson. we will be right back. ♪
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emily: still ahead on "bloomberg west", facebook, apple, google, a few big tech companies can provide egg freezing as a benefit. we will dig into the growing industry. and if you like bloomberg news, check us out on the radio. you can use the app, and siriusxm.
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this is bloomberg. ♪
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>> mitsubishi corp. has confirmed it wants to make japan's third-largest convenience store a unit. the offer inart january. that would be $1.4 billion proposal to take a stake from .3% to 50% the u.s. has joined the global .ecall of samsung's batteries the regulator had already urged users to turn off their phones but had not announced recalls. 70 phones are known to have caught fire in the states. the recall of 2.5 million faulty
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handsets is expected to cost a billion dollars. there have been complaints from the cargo owners and fleet servicing companies. lawyers say the situation at the dockside is chaotic and uncertain. global news 24 hours a day powered by over 2600 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. this is bloomberg. let's get the latest from the market. easier to sayt the ones that are open than the ones that are closed. from the philippines, we are seeing markets in asia take the positive lead from wall street.
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philippines, it is down by 1.4% after rising more than 2% during thursday's session. that was the longest streak of outflows since 2009. philippines and singapore looking quite good, as is jakarta. australia, upside from those energy producers. in japan, we have seen it come back from lunch break up 4/10 of 1%. bank looking quite good. they have had a pretty terrible week so far, but more upside coming back. 1%.zealand up by 9/10 of at the asian session.
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.own 6/10 of 1% the japanese yen is little bit stronger. a much brighter and to the trading week for this friday in asia. >> this is bloomberg west. let's turn to a fast-growing segment of health technology, fertility tech. according to market research company, the global fertility market is expected to exceed. $21 billion by 2021 company leading the charge is progeny, and and and solution that offers exclusive pricing to offer things like egg freezing as a benefit. joining us here is the progeny ceo, and an investor who sits on the company's board. we'll talk more about that later, but i want to start with progeny.
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this egg freezing benefit got so much attention when apple and facebook sorted covering it. and it seems that so many more women are doing this. i'm curious, how many more copies are doing this, and how many more women? >> thanks. that's right. what's interesting is that it is not only tech companies in the valley. we are seeing companies of all shapes and sizes, of all industries and geographies, seeing benefits. is incredibly rewarding to us as female executives to be able to think about what we can do for the next generation and fertility preservation. these companies leading the charge and providing benefits is incredibly rewarding to us. emily: you have an incredible network of women in silicon valley. what are you hearing from women? are people doing this and why? >> it's one of the main trends that we are hearing from women. last night, for example, we had 35 women, #angels, a lot of
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women investors and executives. they told me anecdotally that at the end of most of their conversations, they talk about freezing their eggs. if you think about that, that has been the industry for a long time. what happens to women with birth control pills, moving into the mainstream in the 1970's, think about that for egg freezing in the 21st century. it's amazing, liberating freedom for women, to be able to choose when they want to have children. emily: gina, do you see this as something that every woman doesn't the future? and at what age? is every woman doing this at 21, or is it something some women are doing later in life? >> i think it's professional women. what we would say is that all women -- we would love for all women to get pregnant the old-fashioned way if it's available. if it isn't, they will hopefully have frozen their eggs, and we do. we think, as women see this, as
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more and more women see this from their employers, seeing how common it is, and topics of dinner conversations, it's exciting. emily: beth, one of the interesting things about fertility technology is that it hasn't changed much. it has been slow to evolve, for whatever reason. when it comes to egg freezing, as i understand it, there is no way to understand the quality of the eggs you are freezing. i wonder, does it create a false sense of security, if they know they have 50 in the bank, but there is no way to sure if they will be able to turn it viable? >> it's a really important topic. we just came out of a board meeting, and one of the topics was new technology that we are working on that will be able to predict the health and viability of the egg before it's frozen. emily: how far out is that technology? >> 12-18 months. it's all through an automated
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algorithm. embryos are living things; we have seen through time last imaging that embryos expand and contract, and through looking at that image, you can create a predictive algorithm that helps clinicians understand which embryo is most viable to turn into a single cell life birth. we're starting to see early markers. it's incredibly rewarding, that you can predict the health of the eggs through an algorithm. emily: obviously a lot of women are taking advantage of this benefit. there has also been criticism. gina, i remember when we talked about this two years ago, you were shocked that some people were upset about this. an article in "the guardian" saying, "by telling female staff to hold off on having babies, these companies are demanding that they put the company before
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anything else." how has your response to that criticism evolved? >> that reporter probably didn't talk to the employer. they probably didn't talk to the source. when we see the widespread adoption of employers adding the benefit, it is often driven by the employee. the employers get to check two the extraordinary boxes when they partner with progeny; we help women improve and increase success rates while decreasing cost. there is a savings; when we talk about embryo viability. the second thing is recruitment and retention of employees. when employers talk to employees, this is top of mind, particularly to young, professional women. when we hear from employers, it is many times at the request of the employee population. it is less top-down and more bottom-up. >> the other thing i would add is that this is more than about women.
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the lgbt community requires fertility benefits, and having more frozen eggs, having more opportunity to serve that community, is really important employees, employers, and us. we believe that is one of the things that is driving the interest. emily: there have been things going on to demystify the process, like egg freezing parties. some people i know have been invited. what happens at these parties? >> we were probably the founder of the egg freezing party. there was criticism there, as well. the idea of the egg freezing -- it's an event, it's a gathering, typically two hours long. the first half-hour is networking, and we invite three doctors from different practices, reproductive endocrinologists, to introduce
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themselves. they speak about their individual approach, the protocol, the clinic. then we open it up for q&a. one of the things we have learned now that we have been doing these educational seminars for the last two years -- in the beginning we allowed for 20 minutes of q&a, and we could never get to all the questions, so we opened it up to 30 minutes, and 40 minutes. invariably we still don't have enough time to answer all the questions. that is the interest you are seeing from the patient community, the demand for more knowledge, the thirst for knowledge. i think these parties are a way to answer that. emily: beth, as someone who believes in the benefits of this but also advises so many early-stage companies and investment companies, and the reality is fertility benefits -- fertility treatments are extremely expensive for employees and companies. do you think more companies need
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to be offering these benefits? >> i believe more companies should look at the broad spectrum of benefits for fertility. one of the most interesting statistics i have seen recently is that 89% of employers offer insurance coverage for oral contraceptives, but 29% of employers offer fertility or infertility benefits. i would say that we want to see that equalized. emily: all right. we'll continue this conversation after a quick break. the will bring it back to investing, how to increase investment in female focused health companies. and do not forget to tune in this weekend. we will bring you all of our best interviews from the week, including our exclusive with mark benioff. this is bloomberg. ♪
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emily: now we continue on advancements of health tech. more female modulators and investors are focusing on on that medical needs -- their own. women are the health care industry's biggest customers due to their need for reproductive care. meantime, 2016 was a record for female entrepreneurs. so what will that influence of cash mean for women's health? still with me, progeny ceo and general partner, long-time investor in health care technology. i heard a term today called bikini medicine. that's what they referred to, this umbrella of treatments. what do you think of that term? >> i don't love the term. i think we are better off if we can just call it women's health.
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if you look at what is happening, there is an explosion of technology advancing to help women. one recent stat i saw -- if you go onto the app store and put in fertility app, hundreds of options come up. if you want a period tracker, menstruation tracker, hundreds. there is a flood of interest in bringing technology to the day-to-day needs and interests of women and people trying to reproduce. emily: when it comes to the hard-core fertility tech, why haven't there been more advancements sooner? is it because of a lack of funding, interest, because men are the investors? why is it? isn't because the risks are so high when you experiment? >> when we started progeny and started to work with gina, one
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of the things we saw was that the women's health industry, whether it's ob/gyn or fertility practices, were back in the 20th century, 19th-century. no technology. everything is done on paper. the first time i went to an ivf clinic, they had incubators that were essentially old school incubators we saw and hospitals, with sticky notes on the front. they tracks where people's embryos were. i was aghast. that was one of the motivations we had to bring technology to an industry that has had no tech. the industry itself, when you look at what progeny has been able to do with over 300 providers -- >> 362. >> -- that clinics are embracing the opportunity to bring technology and.
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everything they do outside their clinic has high-tech. tremendous opportunity, whether it is machine learning, new imaging software, now we can take pictures of an embryo developing every five minutes and be able to predict which one will become a blastocyst. emily: do you see, gina, the technology advancing so much more quickly in the next 10 years, or will it still continue to be a slow process? >> so, there's no doubt that the female's reproductive health is a complex issue. i do think the technology, the adoption, the advancements in technology are happening faster than probably the first three decades, and in the last couple years some technological advancements, particularly on the clinical lab side, have been hopeful to the industry. we talked about cost in the first segment.
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what you will see is similar to other industries. technology creates efficiencies, and efficiencies should bring down the cost so more employers can provide the benefit, so that consumers that don't work for one of the employees that provide a progeny benefit can afford egg freezing or ivf. that is what i'm most excited about, how it disrupts and builds efficiency in the practice so that the clinicians can provide more access to more patients. emily: you and i have talked about this before -- how much of it is because the venture capital has been so male-dominated? it has been more difficult in some ways. for women to get funding how much of it is that? and what are the most exciting segments outside fertility tech but within women's health? >> yeah. we have been male-dominated. we have talked about this. we are making progress, and one of the exciting things is the
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event last night, with 35 women investors, entrepreneurs. there's a tremendous amount of interest coming into the state. one of the things entrepreneurs do is they find a big problem and they use their knowledge to solve the problem. i do think that it is helping a lot on the women's health side to see women coming to invest or back entrepreneurs like gina. gina is a prime example of an ivf mom. she went through and a lot of time, money, and energy -- she solved the problem. >> that you think about that efficiency -- i am a mom of twins, who were premature. it was from a very reputable hospital in new york city, with hundreds of thousands of dollars. so imagine that there is technology that exists today that did not exist, or existed but the efficacy is not where it is today, that would have
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allowed for single births. now more and more employers know there's an additional $1 billion spent annually in avoidable health care costs associated with multiples. at progeny, we can move the industry. you would essentially eliminate that cost. we're seeing technology adoption; we're seeing a move toward a transfer and reduction in costs. not so much for me and the generation before me, where multiples are common. we got the industry -- emily: what are the most exciting areas for you right now? where are you investing, investigating? >> yeah. let's focus on women's health. one of the companies we talked about before is kinsa. they're trying to provide women with tools to be able to manage their family's health and illnesses. we like companies like wildflower, which has great
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technology mobile apps for pregnancy and beyond. there's a great company out there, maven, which is telemedicine. they are really interesting. telemedicine for women. i just heard of a company called naia, witches reinventing the breast pump. that really needed it. emily: that is an old piece of hardware. >> and you know my passion. the other thing i focus on is in the therapeutics/oncology space. when of the most exciting things recently was the ovarian cancer drug. hey, if we can help women suffering from a very cancer, breast cancer, that's a big deal. emily: we will have you back to talk about the evolving cure for cancer. you're charting us toward it.
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thank you so much for joining us, fascinating conversation. >> thank you so much. emily: now to a story we are watching. pandora introducing a new, paid version of its streaming radio service. it costs $5 a month for ad free listening and lets users play songs, skip songs, and listen off-line. the update comes after they signed a handful of licensing deals for its upcoming on-demand service. they would be a $10 per month offering to compete with apple music. we will hear about it when we sit down with tim westergren tomorrow. up next, virtual reality is all the rage of the tokyo game show. we will give you a sneak peek of the technology dominating this year's expo, next. this is bloomberg. ♪
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emily: the annual tokyo game show has opened its doors, with
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virtual reality expected to dominate for a second year running. our asian tech reporter reports from the exhibition. >> vr is what's hot at this year's tokyo game show. right now, a taiwanese company is proving that vr does not have to be a solitary experience. the company makes vr for theme parks. you can generate it in your home with an oculus rift, but with a little bit of gear, you can take it to a whole new level. i don't think that will fit in my living room. behind the store we have a brand-new company, a new engine. it's a start up act by softbank. what's special about it is that this headset tracks the motion of your pupils. this helps reduce motion sickness, increases quality of the experience, and allows you
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to interact with the virtual world by looking at things. within the next month, sony will release its playstation vr, one of the biggest events of the industry. at $400, this is the most affordable headset on the market. and with 20 million playstation 4s already sold and backup from major publishers, sony is guaranteed to be the player that will take it mainstream. 2016 is said to be the year for virtual reality, but this is an industry that has already hit the ground running, with backers like sony, htc, and facebook, we will see headlines and months to come. emily: and that does it for this edition of "bloomberg west." tomorrow, do not miss tim westergren. that's all now for san francisco. this is bloomberg. ♪
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♪ >> samsung reeling from another smartphone body blow. the u.s. is joining the recall of the overheating note 7. >> a look ahead to the bank of japan meeting next week amid reports policymakers are split on strategy. anjin sailing into stormy waters. >> and taking the fight to ferrari martin.


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