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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  November 3, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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♪ announcer: from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." charlie: larry kudlow is here, cnbc contributor and informal advisor. he hosted cnbc's primetime show, "the kudlow report." i am pleased to welcome larry kudlow back at this table. welcome. great to see you doing so well. larry: thank you, sir. charlie: where do you see the campaign now? larry: i think it is pretty
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close. charlie: republicans seem to be coming home, so to speak? larry: two weeks ago it looks like hillary was going to run the table and then the fbi stuff came in and her husband. the whole investigation may be redone. i've never seen anything quite like this. at this point, my best guess -- and you need other pollsters to do this. at the national race looks ery, very close. the question is on the battleground states. i think hillary has an advantage but that may be ephemeral as this week goes on. trump is trying to broaden his wings. we will see. charlie: there is a notion, whether it has any impact at all, that there is more enthusiasm -- however you quantify this, or what the metric is, i don't know -- for the trump campaign.
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they seem to have caught a wind. larry: you've got mo. charlie: as george bush would say. larry: i think it is for two reasons. one is the fbi explosion. charlie: it doesn't seem to have necessarily changed minds. larry: i don't know that. charlie: i don't either. larry:i see some of the overnights from the campaign. it seems like republicans are coming home, independents are crossing over. charlie: trending to trump in the polls? larry: big numbers. charlie: these are polls you have seen from the trump campaign? larry: these are good pollsters doing private stuff who are friends of mine, so i take a look at it. he was narrowing before. he has gotten on message the last eight or nine or 10 days. drain the swamp of corruption. he is talking about getting rid of obamacare, which is
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very unpopular. he is talking about economic growth and tax cuts. he is talking about judges. he is laying out his case in a much better fashion, much more concisely. he is using a teleprompter. for discipline purposes. i'm from the old school, charlie. i still believe that issues matter and i believe politicians who can get a good message out are going to be in pretty good shape. on the other side, because of the fbi explosion, their campaign is blaming comey, who is not on the ballot, the campaign is blaming putin who s not on the ballot. my friend james carville is blaming the kgb. ho is not on the ballot. yesterday they hauled out the former miss venezuela. they are really scrambling around for this. i don't know what they are going to do in the next week. i just think mr. trump should stay on his message.
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growth, health care, you need an outsider. to shake up washington, d.c.. those are important points. charlie: do you believe in the essage or the candidate? larry: i like the message. i don't always agree with mr. trump. charlie: what don't you agree ith? larry: mr. trump has said things that i cannot abide by. i've said so outloud. i've said. charlie: which have offended you? the muslim ban? the stuff about the women? larry: i thought the women stuff was not good.
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the billy bush tape business was a long time ago but not good and i said so at the same ime. i agree with him on many issues. not so much on trade. we have to enforce trade deals. i am a free trader. thank you for remembering. in my opinion, he goes too far. we do need better deals and better enforcement of deals. charlie: he is very much against nafta. larry: i think there are glitches in nafta. i think glitches can be fixed. do i support tpp? charlie: you do. larry: i will if the fine print has changed. i'll tell you what i mean by that. there are too many international boards of
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decision-makers that i don't like. i think trump has a point that when we make these deals, we have to make the american economy work for us first and foremost. charlie: republicans and democrats have made these deals. larry: that's true. charlie: free trade has been a cornerstone of the republican philosophy. larry: it used to be a cornerstone of the democrat philosophy. when al gore and bill clinton -- charlie: barack obama is for tpp. larry: tpp is flawed but can e fixed. reagan, my former boss, started it with the canadian trade deal. i supported it then. there are issues. some people are hurt. charlie: he just sees it as a political message? larry: i think he worries about american workers. that is what i think he does. it is a very good thing. i agree with him on that.
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on the other hand, i don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater on trade. that is a bit of an issue. i don't think trade deficits destroy our economy because we have a deficit, but if i buy from you whatever it is you are selling, a t-shirt or sneakers, that creates a deficit. you have my money. what are you going to do with that money? you are going to recycle that money, probably back into the u.s. economy. capital inflows are a very big part of trade. i don't think the trump campaign has really understood that. charlie: the classical understanding of the relationship between china and the united states is that china took our debt and use that and then we use the money to buy their products. larry: ok, we bought their products -- that has been around for 20 years-plus.
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not just a recent development. charlie: i know but that has been the classic notion. larry: right. they took the money and in large measure took our government bonds. and they are investing in the united states. i don't happen to be a big fan of china right now. i want to make that very clear. charlie: what is your problem with china? larry:i think they break agreements. i think they are hostile. i think they frankly often steal our property rights. i think they lie, cheat, and steal in a lot of areas. i think they are hacking us. i think they have military ambitions. i am not their biggest fan, i just don't want to end trade. charlie: with the second largest economic power in the world. larry:in a sense, their gdp. not per capita, by the way. they will have the largest gdp. on a per capita basis, it is
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way lower. pop ie: because of their ulation. larry: we have technological advantages over china, military advantages over china. i don't want to end trade with china, but we may wish to renegotiate trade deals with china. charlie: how well do you know donald trump? larry: i am not intimate with trump, i am known in 20 something years. charlie: have you had serious and long conversations with him? larry:i have had great interviews with him on tv, radio. recently this year we spent some time incharlie: and you advised him on economics? his office. the reason i asked the question, do you have a proximity that allows you to make a judgment about him? larry: yes, and i intend to ote for him. charlie: beyond the message, what is it about him that appeals to you as a potential commander in chief and president of the united
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states? larry: i think he has great potential to be a strong leader. i don't think we have seen that in recent years. do i know the future? i do not. i think it is a good time to be an outsider. i think he has good points and he makes them in ways that i wouldn't make them but i'm not him. i think he makes good points about fresh new breezes in washington. about breaking some eggs in washington. about overturning the establishment in washington d.c.. i think those are strong points. i think that was nucleus of his campaign and i hope he finishes on that point as he has been. i want new blood, charlie. i want to see new blood. remember, reagan was new blood. he brought young guys like me into the government. we had no experience in washington dc and a lot was changed.
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these things atrophy over time. i understand that. i think trump has the capability to bring change and be a strong leader in america's interest. ♪
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charlie: jfk and the reagan evolution, the idea that you talk about in this book -- i assume some of the arguments
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he is making about how he wants to cut corporate income tax, how his economic tax proposals are different from hillary clinton. what does he believe about entitlements? and what does he believe about the national government supporting science, supporting space exploration, supporting all the things that have enabled america to be the country it is? larry: you are talking about a guy who is an entrepreneur. he understands change in the also understands growth. with kennedy and reagan, growth solves a lot of problems. it may not solve every problem, but if you are looking for resources, we need growth. charlie: that is the essential question about the american
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economy. larry: we need to grow at 4% or 5%. when's the last time we did? the 1980's and 1990's, then the 60's. jfk was the first supply-side tax cutter. lower marginal rates. you and i have talked about those for many years. he wanted full employment and growth and he got it. now, the model went awry in the 1970's. we started raising taxes, destroying the dollar. reagan came back, partially sold by jack kemp the late jack kemp why don't we just go back to the late jfk reductions that worked? we had the cap are off bill. reagan became a believer in the incentive model. if you keep more of what you work, --
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charlie: reagan realized he was making a fair about money in hollywood and paying a tax rate of 70% plus. larry: 91%. charlie: therefore, there is no incentive to work. larry: when he left and went in with general electric, they had ways and means to avoid all those high taxes, and that was one of the problems. it is very interesting. it was his republican treasury secretary that convinced kennedy that we should not only lower the tax rates which were outrageous, but we need o get rid of the loopholes that the well to do could take to avoid paying taxes. new business startups could ot avoid them.
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if you simplify the rates -- my point in this book is a simple point. charlie: isn't that a democratic argument as ell? larry: not recently. charlie: simpson bowles. the fundamental foundation of what they were arguing. larry: i will go back to the 980's. charlie: but eliminate the loopholes. larry: i will go back earlier, 1986 was the quintessential reform bill. reagan, bill bradley, did gephardt, many others. a bipartisan bill. lower the rates, get rid of the loopholes. he emulated kennedy and it worked. charlie: obviously he didn't get rid of a lot of loopholes because donald trump takes great pride that he used the loopholes. arry: working on this thing,
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i was in one of the budget meetings and i said, we took about 10,000 pages out. we did take a lot of loopholes out. unfortunately, they gradually make their way in. charlie: lobbying in washington who camped out at the house ways and means committee. larry: we have a pretty good reform are now in the ways and means, kevin brady. there is a movement to get back to this. charlie: paul ryan didn't support simpson bowles. larry: he had issues with simpson bowles. ryan is a kemp reagan guy. it was jfk who was the first -- most people know that reagan was a big tax cutter. what you didn't know was that jfk started it. there is a whole story of how that developed. charlie: what is the story?
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larry: you are going to like the book when you read it. it is an easy read. he had republicans in his senior cabinet. max o'mara, ceo of the ford motor company. that is the point we have kind of lost. we don't do that anymore. charlie: no republicans from cademia. larry: two businessmen and one from academia. there's no reason why we couldn't do that again. second point, kennedy took a isk. he said, if i don't get 5% growth, i am not going to be reelected in 1964. he started out with
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distinguished liberal academic economic advisers. paul samuelson, walter heller. they said, in 1961, let's spend more. let's do infrastructure. it didn't work. kennedy is coming to the end of 61 and he is being riticized. some people are thinking there is going to be another recession. there were three recessions in the eisenhower years. he took a risk and then he gave his famous speech at the new york economics club in 1962 where he lay the whole story out. lower rates, better growth, full employment, high revenues. charlie: what do you think of secular stagnation? larry: i think it is a total fraud. larry summers is a friend of mine and i have a lot of respect for larry summers. charlie: basically arguing there is a sort of built-in -- larry: the american economy has grown since world war ii by 3.5% per year. for the entire 20th century, including the depression, the american economy grew at 3.5%
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per year. don't tell me there is this categorical imperative that we have to grow -- it needs reform but fair enough. charlie: reform the fed or what? larry: i would reform the fed. a strong dollar, that is what i asked for in monetary policy. we haven't in 20 years. it has been up, down, up, down. charlie: how is it today? larry: today, it is good. charlie: in the obama administration. larry: yes. charlie: there is not much left to go in terms of where you can stimulate economic growth.
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from monetary policy. you have to go to fiscal policy which is where you are. that is where the differences come. your argument is that you have to reduce taxes. larry: reduce tax rates, rollback regulations. unleash the energy industry. charlie: meaning anything you do with respect to energy with respect to addressing global warming is bad? larry: we can do could the fuels that we can do clean fossil fuels. charlie: fuel efficiency standards. larry: it depends where it goes. we have had this technological revolution and energy, fracking. predominately, is natural gas which is clean. that is where we should go. charlie: it has made us energy independent.
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larry: it has an unfortunately, mrs. clinton wants to do away with it. she says by the time we do federal, state, and local regulations, there won't be any fracking. think she is on the wrong track there. i would also go after health care. i think the obamacare system, which will play out as single-payer government run if mrs. clinton wins, is wrong. the premiums a going up, services going down, the young people don't want the mandate, the numbers don't work. there is a financial death spiral going on. it will require massive bailouts. this whole thing needs to be put in the context of more choice, fewer regulations, lower taxes. i am not breaking news here. all and saying is, reagan used kennedy. i want to make one more point. it is a point in the book. what we need here to accomplish these goals -- we are going to need bipartisanship.
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i believe that. i'm not afraid to make a deal. reagan made deals, kennedy made deals. charlie: could she make deals? larry: we don't know. perhaps. she is in a tough spot right now but that is a different subject. the great examples here -- john f. kennedy and ronald eagan were civil people. they did not insult, they did not call you names. when they made arguments, they tried to persuade and they reached across the aisle to et the job done. in fact, kennedy had to fight democrats and republicans, reagan had to fight democrats. charlie: tip o'neill and all of them. larry: o'neill was opposed to the reagan tax cuts. reagan, through persuasion and civility and respect, got about 75 democratic votes in
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1981 to pass his bill against the wishes of speaker o'neill. by the time you get to 1986, it was nearly unanimous. i am calling for civility in the national discussion. charlie: where you think you should go to make that call? larry: everywhere. i talk about this everywhere. charlie: i have the greatest believer in this. larry: if i disagree with you, i am not going to call you names. i am going to try to persuade you based on facts and history. charlie: based on facts and history, who has mounted the strongest onslaught against civility in this campaign? based on facts and history. larry: they have both done a terrible job, charlie. i know you want me to say trump. charlie: no, i want you to say what you believe. larry:what i believe is they have
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been bashing each other. charlie: equally guilty in your own judgment? larry: mr. trump has said things i cannot abide by. mrs. clinton has said things that combatant abided by. i don't want to have to pick and choose here. the discourse of this national election has been awful. i think it is really a trend and i don't know how to stop it but i don't like this trend. i don't think it benefits this country at all. i think we need new leaders ho understand -- i did a report for years, every night on cnbc. i had my friends from the democratic party but we conducted discussions. i didn't insult them, they didn't insult me. i didn't yell at them. we tried to use facts and arguments with respect. but we are not seeing it on a national level. charlie: there is a story today about the freedom caucus. john boehner would have been able to make a deal without
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restraints put on him by his own caucus. larry: remember -- john boehner is a friend of mine. very good politician. remember also -- charlie: paul ryan will have he same challenge. larry: in 2011, he had obama were very close to a deal. the president changed the revenue numbers at the last minute. charlie: that is exactly what john boehner said. the president differs. larry: a handshake should be a handshake. that is a bit missing from american politics today. what is the solution? people of good will who want to help the country just be civil and respectful and understand that you are not
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going to get 100% of what you want. this was reagan's argument years and years ago. he used to say, half a loaf now, half a loaf later. if you and i agree 70% of the time and we disagree 20% or 30% of the time, we are friends and not enemies. that is what our historical research -- i think they are too remarkable politicians and they did a lot of good for this country. charlie: thank you for coming. larry kudlow -- "jfk and the reagan revolution, secret history of american prosperity." he believes we can get back to growth rates of 4% to 5%. everybody would love that. larry: i am an optimist. charlie: back in a moment. ♪
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charlie: the netflix original series "the crown" talks about two famous places, buckingham palace and 10 downing street. it will begin with president -- princess elizabeth's wedding and carry into the present day. with a budget of over $100 million, it is netflix's most expensive show to date. here is the trailer for "the crown."
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>> it would help if we could decide here and now on your name. >> my name? >> yes elizabeth, your regular name. the name that you will take as queen. >> this complicates matters unnecessarily. my name is elizabeth. >> then long-live queen elizabeth. >> don't you get sick of it all? and lonely? >> i do. that is why it is so important to have the right person by your side. >> you understand these are titles. they are not the job. she is the job. loving her, protecting her -- she is the essence of your uty. >> we have a new sovereign, young, and a woman. >> no sir, if you don't mind,
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the crown takes precedence. >> you don't think i would preferred to grow up out of the spotlight? away from the scrutiny and visibility? >> there is winston churchill and all that -- but you are the queen of england. >> this new elizabethan age comes at a time when mankind stands at the edge of catastrophe. >> are you my wife or my queen? >> i am both and a strong man will be able to kneel to both. >> i don't think you can make an exception for me? >> no. >> what kind of marriage is this? what kind of family? >> i need to speak to my sister. now! >> i am aware that i'm surrounded by people that feel they can do the job better. strong people with powerful
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characters. but for better or worse, the crown has landed on my head. >> i have seen 3 great monarchies brought down through their failure to separate personal indulgences from duty. you must not allow yourself to make similar mistakes. the crown must win. must always win. charlie: [laughter] well done. joining us as the creator and director, stephen daldry, claire foy, matt smith, and john lithgow. i'm pleased to have all of them at this table. this looks fun, and interesting. how did it come about? >> the genesis is a long one.
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charlie: we know the history this is drawn from. stephen: in my own life i wrote about religion between tony blair and gordon brown. -- the relationship between tony blair and gordon brown. the producers enjoyed it and said, could you do want about the queen? i tried writing the queen and it was deathly dull. it was awful. then i added tony blair to it. something in the alchemy of prime minister and queen, of elected and as it were, constitutional head of state, that is something that worked for me. or i can find my way into. and that then became the audience. or it became "the queen" the movie. and then the play. i was so captivated between writing scenes between churchill and the young queen. charlie: every prime minister talks to the queen. stephen: it is a confessional. we we saw that on broadway. thank you very much.
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[laughter] charlie: you got to have the best director you can find. [laughter] >> that is debatable. >> bottom of the pile. charlie: here, me! >> begging, on his knees. [laughter] >> we have known each other because the community in london is smaller than the community here. we all know one another. stephen and i were working for years to find something. it has grown out of that. charlie: the challenge is casting. >> yes. it was always going to be a task. we were pretty thorough. i think we went through just about most of claire's contemporaries. [laughter] if i'm being honest about it. >> there were meetings where i looked at the people we were going through and be like, she is interesting, she is interesting -- don't know her. [laughter]
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i think we had been through about four or five levels of casting before i sat and listened to claire and said, she is wonderful. charlie: what made her wonderful? [laughter] charlie: ok. give me one. as it voice? >> pardon, to complement you in the room, we didn't know. there were all these other people that had been in this and that movie. just her suitability for the role just shone. i think it is about being both effortlessly beautiful and also both modest, and yet have a lot going on behind the eyes. charlie: she can do "no" very well.
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[laughter] and you have to have prince philip, don't you? > we do. charlie: it began because of a presence? > chemistry. the minute the two of them were together. claire: it was electric. [laughter] >> what are you doing, debasing this? it was an actor's chemistry. charlie: before after they read? or after they read? >> the minute they were in the room. i made the producer's life difficult. matt is a fierce negotiator or his agent. [laughter] i said to the producers, it's this fellow or nobody.
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there is nobody. charlie: and then you have to go across the pond to find winston churchill. >> it was the casting director's idea. we did it on " the queen," we chose james cromwell. it was a really unexpected choice for prince philip. i think it brings such a fresh perspective. the minute john started reading, he had his face in the text. there were about 100 other eople in the room. it was just fantastic. charlie: what was your access nto churchill? john: well, i thought i knew a great deal about church hill. i had played f.d.r. once with bob hoskins as a historical reading. but when it came time to play the part, i plunged deep into research, read about him, and find out how little i had
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known. mainly about the whole sweep of his life. i was so fascinated by his young childhood years, his teen years, his 20's and 30's, and they completely informed him as an old man. i play the part between the ages 73 and 80 years old. but i found him in his childhood. and of course the enormous -- did an enormous amount of processing around for audio and video and listening to that extraordinary voice. >> what did you do before you saw it? john: i have a great co-conspirator, a great dialect coach who helped me. but i will say he spent just as much time with the english actors. [laughter] claire: he had a massive job to do in that department. >> it was an entirely different language. if you are a dialect evolutionist, you can chart
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the difference in vowel pronunciation. it is breathtaking between the queen is a young woman and prince harry now, how far the english language has come. you realize going back to shakespeare's time, the reason so many of those words did not rhyme for us is because they were being pronounced differently. a upper-class person in shakespeare's time spoke like this-- >> as for churchill, he had all of these extraordinary idiosyncrasies. a very very nasal voice, liked jammed cotton up my nose. the problem is, for an american, every englishman imitates winston churchill. so you feel like you have a lot of competition. but at a certain point, you all of that aside.
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charlie: you are trying to capture something. what is it? stephen: we are trying to capture historical circumstances in a genetic situation. we do a huge amount of research. we talk about making sure we know what exactly happened for authenticity. charlie: so that the dialogue is not unreasonable. >> well-- [laughter] charlie: you never said any of this. >> it is an impersonation show. again, going back to voice, had we done the dialect they spoke in the period, we may get the rules to it, but you are not speaking in the extreme dialect. claire: there isn't that much. i never got a hold of anything
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which was her privately at that age in that period of time. it doesn't really exist in that period of time. charlie: what did you look at in those early years, assuming the queenship? do you see the qualities that she has has today present there? and what you know about her early life? claire: it is tricky, isn't it? you are sort of desperate in a way. i don't know. i think she says herself that she has grown into the role, and that she never had a apprenticeship. she never had anyone to guide her apart from churchill. she was in at the deep end. [laughter] well, i mean, yeah. [laughter] they were doing it together.
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trying to find their feet. that is why the story is so interesting. two people trying to navigate with each other in a wider world. she has always been quite resilient. i think she has learned to do the job very well at the time. her as a person, i have bsolutely no idea. charlie: you did not call her up. why don't you stop by for a chat? i'm going to be playing you. maybe you can give me a few pointers. >> she knew that at some point her father would die and that there were no male heirs. he had died so much quicker. although the first of all pisodes are a story of his progressive illness, he still died at age 56.
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this couple could have reasonably expected another 10 or 20. to have a normal life. they were in malta. there was the entire mediterranean fleet. they were enjoying the life of an ambitious young naval officer, who was fast rising through the ranks. and she was at the supermarket shopping with the other wives. charlie: different from many ritish monarchs. >> i don't think it will ever be repeated. >> i doubt it. charlie: she is at the highest level of popularity? >> she is. >> people keep saying that she is unelected. of course that is true. if there was a strong groundswell of objection and protest, one would feel it. if there were an election
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tomorrow, she would win with a north korean landslide. [laughter] >> that has always been the case. the film "the queen" explored deeply the lowest ebbs of her popularity. the 1990's were a terrible time for the royal family. and the history since diana's death, she has reached the age where she is so -- it is so stable now, her popularity. it came to a point where people thought it would be undignified to be too critical. it would be healthy for that to the a renewed critical look at the monarchy. charlie: probably after she dies. >> without a doubt. charlie: how did churchill feel about her? did he feel paternal, mainly a sense of responsibility
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because he was the prime minister? or he was going to be the prime minister or he was a part of political world? >> he felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility. as in many areas, he thought he was the only one who could o the job. charlie: he knew best. >> he was the only victorian left in the upper strata of politics. this was postwar britain. britain had technically won, but the country was absolutely devastated. the monarchy was on the bubble. for george the sixth to die so suddenly, to churchill it was important that the monarchy be saved. >> he saw it as an opportunity for him. charlie: he himself is superannuated, he becomes prime minister way too old at age 75. his primary job is to make sure that the transition goes well.
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even though he did not have a close relationship with elizabeth before his audiences with her, which is why the scenes are so charged and wonderful, he was enormously protective, kind of avuncular. he regards himself as her mentor. in the course of our 10 episodes, that job becomes irrelevant. because she becomes a strong monarch. charlie: i remember the quote clementine and his wife said "it must be a blessing in disguise." and churchill said "it is a hell of a disguised." [laughter] this is key with the relationship between elizabeth and prince philip. ow do you define it? other than you have somebody who, he is the subject. that is the obvious. >> it is quite tempestuous. i think so.
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but it is also charged with a quite profound sense of love and loyalty and respect. i think they are actually soulmates. you look at them now. i think the trauma of her father's death and her ascension to the crown would put pressure on any young couple. that is what makes it so interesting is the conflict, particularly for philip, being emasculated in his role. in the home and in the relationship. i don't know, his love for her, his desire to be man of the house. charlie: very much a father to charles. claire: well, yeah. [laughter] >> he tried. >> the three of us are just representing this huge cast of fantastic actors.
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one of the fine performances is jared harris as george the sixth. there is an extraordinary sense in philip, when he senses that george the sixth may die, this may completely rob him of his own identity as a young man. charlie: that his wife may become queen. >> right. this performance is really something. charlie: you are talking about? >> at the moment, matt. [laughter] charlie: tell me -- what was it that you saw in him, other than the dilemma. >> there is this wonderful sense of rebellion about ave. -- about him. there is a wonderful range in him physically that i love. he is terribly witty, funny, intelligent. and he is a sort of alien. charlie: terribly intelligent? >> i think so.
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>> a lot of people have grown up thinking here is this guy that follows in the footsteps so often. they know nothing about him. that he makes headlines by putting his foot in it. he says something inappropriate. that makes all the headlines. it was really when i read a wonderful book about him as a young man, every page that you read, you have to go and lie down to process the enormity of what his family went trhough. what he went through. he lost his grandfather, his mother's mental problems and struggles, his sisters. anyway, it was his own childhood was so difficult and full of challenges. and yet he came out of this is a rather complex individual, and into our most conservative and traditional family.
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and here is somebody that nobody knows anything about. one of the privileges of writing and reading this journal is for me to find out and put flesh on these bones. harlie: was there a moment when you got it, being queen? she tried on the crown obviously. but did it take several years to become comfortable with her authority at such a young age? claire: i definitely don't think we got to that point in the series. i don't think. >> is a click moment? i think there are several oments in the show where she nds her feet and then this tandem with churchill's resignation. he feels like he can resign, firstly because he was so unwell. it was scandalous with all of his strokes. his job is done. but also his public life was done, as a mentor and guardian of the queen.
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charlie: this is a clip of queen elizabeth meeting and being lecture by winston churchill. here it is. >> do sit down prime minister. i ordered tea. or something stronger perhaps. >> oh dear. did no one explain? a sovereign never offers a prime minister refreshments, nor her chair. the precedent set by your great grandmother was to keep us standing like privvy counselors. to waste time is a grievous sin. if there is one thing i learned in public service, there is no problem so complex nor crisis so great that it can't be satisfactorily resolved in 20 minutes. so, shall we make a start? charlie: well done sir.
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john: that's the first time i have ever seen that. [laughter] charlie: so, who is that guy? wow, that was something. , that's the first audience as queen with winston churchill. charlie: this is? >> 1953. >> this is a scene from the audience. you can see a wellspring. charlie: for those that did not see it, it is the prime minister coming before the queen. you see a series of prime ministers including tony blair. >> obviously the relationship between the queen and churchill by the end of the season is quite different. charlie: does it feel kind of leveled? >> possibly. [laughter]
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>> she is wonderful when she finally chastises me. boy is she good at that. >> then he realizes his job is done. charlie: i wish i could call a clip showing that. stephen, after you got your characters and script, what is the big challenge for you? stephen: there are different storylines and different strands. the issue with the show in terms of staging is that they tend to live in opulent houses. when they go out in public, it tends that a lot of people are watching them. they have the best clothes and they have big cars. needless to say the show require a certain amount of financial support. it is a big show. when you go out on set, you feel a sense of scale to it. it was always going to be a requirement to have narrative. but we are blessed.
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as john was saying, we are blessed with the most extraordinary ensemble of ctors. it has been a total joy to work with such a great group of people. claire: nina gold. charlie: she is skilled. >> and there are at least 10 characters that have an enormous weight on them. i mean, moral dilemmas, just the intensity of the high-stakes. in very different stories. charlie: boy, you've got everything we need here. if you can't make this interesting peter-- [laughter] peter: i could throw that back at you. charlie: thank you all. it was a pleasure. it really is. congratulations to each of you. all: thank you. charlie: the election is right around the corner. >> very nice to talk about something you are so proud of,
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and why. charlie: thank you for joining us. we will see you next time. ♪ mark: i am mark crumpton, you
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are watching "bloomberg technology." president obama campaign for hillary clinton today at a get out the vote rally in miami. he urged her supporters to take the opportunity to vote before election day. president obama: all the progress we made goes out the window if we do not win this election. work our hearts out this week. like our future depends on it, because it actually depends on it. trailalso on the campaign in florida, donald trump hit back. c.


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