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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  November 9, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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rishaad: announcer: from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." haveie: i am pleased to bonnie raitt back at this table. 20 years in 1995. but how are you? bonnie: i am great. anding ready to step -- start the second leg of our tour and we are doing our summer outdoor tour starting friday night. in 1977 even a little bit more. a. schu used the word and you have talked about gratitude.
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it is also the passion for music. bonnie: that is what being home and the breaks between the tour about a week, you start going i miss that, it is not just the fan adulation, mostly just the playing and the songs and the feeling with the audience, there is nothing like it. it is what keeps us on the road. charlie cole and keeps you young, keeps you everything. -- you you can beat it. can't beat it. ♪
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charlie: how did you find the blues? >> it was a little girl when i heard fat stem now and check very. for me, soulful, funking music is something i always loved. even elvis was funky. motown, to like the otis redding, aretha franklin. i love that rmb stuff. i think most of the world loves american rhythm and blues and jazz. that just got that beat and that side to side thing that puts the role in rock. charlie: i know what you mean. you once said that your sound, your guitar sounds like bacon smells. >> i was trying to think of something on the spot that is
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undeniably -- charlie: good. on a: on the edge of guilty. there is nothing like the wii it feels to have that sound come out of your amplifier or your guitar. the slide guitar is so expressive, and never stops giving. thelie cole: bb said best. you are on the road, too. is the funthe road part. when you find a great song, i do not write my own stuff that much but when i find a song that suits me and fits me and i got a good arrangement in my head and i work with my great band, it is the finding and coming up with the record. the promotion is not my favorite part. it is important to let the word
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be out. but the touring part is the part where the payoff is, that is the fun part. when you that happens are playing is indescribable. it is like an -- and anointed exultation. you forget all of the worries and all of the aches and pains and you get out there and i watched it happen with my dad and i feel the same way. charlie cole and your dad used to watch my show. bonnie: we would watch it together. from two different cities, are you watching charlie? he would say of course. charlie cole and i can't make charlie: i can't make you love me. you have to sing that. bonnie: a lot of people have covered it including a dell -- adele and prince. youlie: they send it to
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first. bonnie: he loved the way i did it and the way i sang. that is the song i think that people will remember me for the most. charlie: i do too. these, need you tonight. inxs song.t i'm not sleeping there's something about you that makes me sweat i can't think at a my lifeg to live ♪
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charlie: we turn to syria. the u.s. defense secretary ash carter also pledging their support. , turning theaqqa
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city into its strategic headquarters. the news comes as the battle for most of -- mosul continues. c schmidt joins me. tell me what this means coming now. punch,osul is the first this is the second. it is coming from a different direction. the idea is to put pressure on the islamic state from both sides. its headquarters in iraq and in syria. this phase is the beginning of an encirclement by these kurdish and arab fighters on the ground, these militias are back i u.s. special forces to in circle -- encircle raqqa. t trainingh up additional arab fires who will goey are to the
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city and fight -- who will go to the city and fight block to block. that what has been hard. the has relied on the: russian of -- relied on the coalition but it is the kurdish fighters that have taken a string of towns along the syrian-turkish border. they need to expand that force which numbers around 30,000 but only one third of those are arab fighters and they want to send arab fighters into arab city -- the air of city of ra -- arab raqqa. the trainy additional forces to go into the city. will -- they will train additional forces to go into the city. it is unclear whether this will
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actually happen but -- by the time of the inauguration next january. this is we are still talking about weeks of operations. experts i talked to yesterday when this news broke were skeptical the president would actually see the city fall. you never know. charlie: he could argue that they began the initiative, they began the attack while [indiscernible] let's assume both efforts are and theul in mosul region. what is the implications for isis and the terrorism that they represent? eric: on one level it is important, taking away and denying the islamic state its caliphate. its religious state. this is how they distinguish in cells from other terrorist groups including al qaeda. they have been able to establish
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a state and it governs and clicks taxes and administers the citizens within its reach. if you take that away it is still a very potent terrorist organization but it is more like its predecessor, al qaeda. it will still pose a danger to people in the region. it still has networks into europe and most of all, the concern for americans is that media a cansocial reach in and basically touch people here in the u.s. and hopefully inspire them to carry out attacks. charlie: media a can reach in and basically touch people here in the u.s. who is f the: russian? eric: you have iraqi forces and 5000 american troops on the ground, playing a very prominent role in iraq advising and assisting on the ground and leading the airstrikes against the islamic state in iraq.
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on the other side in syria, you have this coalition of militia, it is not a state you are dealing with as they have in iraq. it is a: russian of various coalition. a so special forces. the u.s. plans an important role to plan and carry out the attacks. and carrying out the majority of the airstrikes but the predominant forces on the ground are iraqis in iraq and syrians, syrian kurds and syrian arabs in syria. charlie: thank you so much. we will be right back. stay with us.
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private wifi for your business. strong and secure. good for a door. and a network. comcast business. built for security. built for business. charlie: we turn to an exclusive interview with governor chris christie. last friday a jury convicted two of his former aides in the so-called bridge gate trial. bridget kelly who served as his deputy chief of staff and bill baroni, were found guilty. -- putaldstein pleaded guilty and became the prosecution's star witness. the three were accused in a 13 of conspiring to close access lanes leading up to the george washington bridge in a schema clinical retaliation. the lane closures resulted in five days of gridlock in fort
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lee, new jersey. looming over the trial was the extent of governor christie's knowledge of the plot. evidence resented by the defense and prosecution suggested he was told about the lane closings. the federal prosecutor has said he only sought indictments against people he believed a jury would convict beyond a reasonable doubt. governor christie was questioned under oath for 12 hours. once considered the gop's leading candidate for president, the scandal had been deaf -- detrimental to his repetition and political career. whitevernor who leads the house transition team was passed over for the vice presidential nomination despite his early endorsement of their colic and presidential nominee after christie's own campaign for the nomination failed. he says he has been waiting for three years to tell his side of clear his name. i spoke with him on sunday at his home in new jersey and here is that conversation. the jury confirmed what i
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knew three years ago. i had twice ours hours to make decisions back then. i thought there were three people responsible. david wild stain, bill baroni, and bridget kelly. here we are, three investigations later, federal grand jury investigation, by a led -- democratic led investigation. charlie: what does it say about you and your staff that these people who worked for you did this? chris: they did not work for me. for billll responsible baroni but not for wild steen. -- wildstein. on folks close to me, my staff. i have had 25 people serve in my senior staff over seven years and i had one person who did not get it. one out of 25.
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i do not think it says anything about me, i think it says everything about that person. people4 other person -- who served with great honor and integrity and ineffectiveness and i am proud of all of them. some of them are still with me and some have gone on to other things in the private and public sector, one to the nine state senate. i'm very proud of these people. i am deeply disappointed as i said with that one port -- person who decided to commit a crime. charlie: why do you think? chris: i wish i knew. it was one of the most abjectly stupid things i have ever seen. think about it, you know me. i'm pretty good at this political game. and theyy 25 points decide they are going to create town that is in a a democratic town. she showed some evidence of being scared. during her testimony. she testified you had thrown a bottle of water at her.
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someone likene that doing something and not telling you, because she would be damn worried about the fact that if you discovered it, how you would react. chris: first thing is, she was not scared of me and that incident with the water bottle, complete fabrication. never happen. there were a number of staff people during the briefing she referenced and cabinet members who would tell you it never happened. himself u.s. attorney on the steps of the courthouse after the trial said both defendants had completely fabricated their testimony. take the u.s. attorney's word for it. forinvestigated this case 15 months before bringing charges and bringing charges only against bridget kelly and bill running with the cooperation of david wild stain. let me say something else. -- wildstein. someone would
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think this made any sense is a complete mystery and always has been. i kno what the jury has determined. her story was untrue. and that she was responsible for what happened along with bill baroni and david wildstein. charlie: here is what the new york times said. mr. christie remained the onstage fill in him a impossible for even casual trial observers to discern from witness after witness the evidence of viciousness and grogginess of the governor and his administration would -- whatever the verdict is, the picture of mr. christie and his administration that has been exposed is devastating. overwhelmed to hear that they have never written a positive editorial about me and seven years. let's consider the source. let's consider the facts and not the hyperbole. this is from the prosecution. in their closing argument, seven
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different people came into this courtroom and directly theradicted characterizations of the governor and the facts as put forward by bridget kelly. the prosecution said in their closing who are you going to believe, bridget kelly or seven of people who came in here and directly contradicted her? the jury found she was responsible as was mr. baroni. charlie: you do not know motivation. chris: i do not. i have never spoken to them. i can only tell you what they said in the trial. charlie: it is not just her. david said he told you about it at the 9/11 memorial. chris: that is not what he said, by the way. said was that bill baroni told me. what?- they told me said to me is that
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there was traffic at the george washington bridge and his -- the mayor was not getting his phone calls returned. any ofno recollection of them saying anything like that. let's be clear. -- you: even if they had are saying you had no recollection. saying chris: if they would have told me that we are creating traffic at the george washington bridge in order to punish the mayor for not endorsing you, i would have her member that. they never said that. charlie: bridget kelly said she understood it to be a traffic study. chris: that is what she understood it to be. in the course of my administration that have been over 1000 traffic studies done, not one of them has ever been brought to me to ask me to prove it.
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-- approve it. this is the only one over one -- over a thousand traffic studies done. it's great -- it strains credulity. the jury did not believe it. they asked them to approve a traffic study. it is ridiculous on its face. it is clear and i want everyone out there to understand this, even after all this sensationalism and the headlines and the ink spilled on this, no person has ever testified, even the convicted felons have not testified. act of said this was a political retribution and he said ok. no one has ever said that but if you read the stuff in the papers you would think that is what happened. charlie: do they have to find that there was intent for political retribution to convict and the judge said no. chris: i understand that. none of them said, do you think for a second with all the things that were said in that trial that if they had told me that this was an act of political
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retribution that they would not have said it? of course. , iy thing they ever told me do not remember any of them telling me this that there was a traffic study. that is why it is important for me to tell you about the fact that there is over 1000 -- charlie: when did you know this was happening? the first week of october i saw a story in the wall street journal talking about the traffic problem in september and the fact that the port authority the first week of october, 2013. i went to my chief of staff in my chief counsel. i handed them a story and said find out what is going on with this, would you please? my chief counsel can back to me a day or two later in said i spoke to build ronnie and this is the traffic study, it was in the normal course of business and the people in new york are raising a big stink over it but do not worry.
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charlie: you said this was abnormal and you wanted to know why. chris: what i realized was i was in the newspaper. i am in the middle of a reelection campaign. when i first one out 30 days away from election day, your sensitized to everything. charlie: you want to have a strong election because you are thinking of running for president. chris: first of all, i want to be elected governor. charlie: if you have the margin it would make the chance to run for president better. unbelievable that you would want the endorsement of the mayor of fort lee. charlie: you want everyone of them to endorse you. ands: if you had come to me asked me who the mayor of fort lee was, i would not have been able to tell you. you let hisn did name? >> when this all happened.
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this is the way politics are played everywhere. if those constituencies are happy with you you would be asking them to vote for you. charlie: they were referring to people who are punished for not supporting you. chris: where's the evidence of that that there was a culture of that? people take one senior staffer and witnessed since and they make it out to be a culture. you know why, because they could not prove i had anything to do with it. the fallback position is that if you can prove someone did it you see the create a culture. they are not saying you conceived it. they are saying they told you and you did not do anything about it. chris: they said they told me there was a traffic study being done, all three of them. why would i think there was anything wrong with that?
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that a traffic study was being done. charlie: you would know that closing these lanes would create a problem. chris: look at the testimony. charlie: if they said that, would you have remembered that? chris: no. a tremendous amount of traffic in fort lee? charlie: they were bragging about it. that is the characterization of it. from admitted liars and felons. that i laughed about it, left about what? -- laughed about what? charlie: because a guy who refused to endorse it was having problems with his constituency. chris: that is ridiculous on their -- i'd space. i am telling you i could have ofed less whether the mayor fort lee endorsed me. i did not know who he was. i did not know -- charlie: you're saying you did
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not need an endorsement anyway. chris: i was up by 25 points. also horrible, you know what happened on election day, the democratic -- i won fort lee handily. they had this traffic problem two months earlier. i won fort lee without the mayor's endorsement. so, on, this is part of the hysteria. even the fact that you just read do not bear out. do not back up. so for me, what i say is i understand the history and the interest of the media especially media in this area to make a big deal over this but the bottom ofe is this area in january 1214, i held three people responsible or this fiasco. charlie: when you fired them, what did they say? they all had orders.
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you should have said to them, look me in the eye and tell me what you did this because you have damaged me. chris: let's get to that. on december 13 of 2013, i called my senior staff together. i said to them with bridget kelly in the room as a member of the senior staff, i said, if anyone knows anything more about this traffic situation, you need to tell me now. right now. i'm going out to do a press conference in an hour and i will be asked about this and i want -- do not want to see anything that is untrue or incomplete so tell me. they all sat silently. i said my chief of staff and counsel, bridget kelly said nothing to me in that room and said nothing to my chief of staff. that she knew nothing about this. soon thereafter, she began to [indiscernible] e-mails. charlie: you know people were
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texting each other saying he is lying. corrected what she said. she said what i was saying about a member of the senior staff, no one knowing about political retribution was wrong because she believed bridget kelly knew. she testified against bridget kelly. i was asked in that press conference, can you assure is that no member of your senior staff was involved in an active political retribution and i said absolutely. i have asked each and every one of them. they told me they were not. bridget kelly continues to say she was not through the time she was convicted by a jury on friday. charlie: who has come forward to tell what happened in that meeting? >> she was my policy chief at the time. she testified in the trial vividly about that meeting. it was the most angry she had ever seen me and she worked all the way back to the u.s. attorney's office.
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charlie: did you understand what this could do to you in terms of your ambition? chris: no. do not know with the testimony was going to be. the u.s. attorney said the testimony was a fabrication. they lied on the stand. charlie: that is one of the reasons the u.s. prosecutor is seeking a higher, stronger penalty for those two rather than david wild state who came forward and admitted his guilt area and knowing he would probably go to prison. chris: people do that all the time. i did that job for seven years. they get a deal and they risk being indicted for perjury. it happens every day. here's the thing. the judge will make that a valuation of mr. wild stain -- mr. wildstein. not seekwhy did they
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an end -- an indictment? chris: i did not do anything wrong. charlie: he did not say that. i did notid was indict because i indicted people who i believe the jury would convict beyond a reasonable doubt. i do not hear indictments against people. attorneys are not allowed to give opinions. it was a 15 month investigation and believe me, if there was any therece in this trial, was not one person who came forward and testified that i had any involvement with political retribution. regarding this incident. not one. charlie: because this happened
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in your office you believed people look at this trial and say it is bad for chris christie. what happened in this trial is bad because people that had worked with him one way or the were engaged in something that put people's lives at risk some say. januaryhat is why on 514i apologized for having trusted people who were undeserving of my trust. and i fired them. that is all i could do. and was not a prosecutor anymore. and then we cooperated with every investigation, turned over every document, gave over my personal telephone and testified under oath at the u.s. attorney's office for hours. i did not hide his thing and you know why? because i have nothing to hide. those who have a partisan can -- agenda will continue to attack me but the reason i am happy to sit with you today is i have
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known for three years i did nothing wrong and now this trial has happened, and the people i held responsible three years ago have been held responsible by the united states attorney and a federal jury. it is over now. charlie: if they lied to you about this or not tell you, is it possible they did at the things we do not know about? charlie having been u.s. attorney and the power of federal grand jury subpoena authority might if they could charge them, they would have. charlie: do you figure will be reversed on appeal because of this question about and 10 political retribution intent? chris: i don't know. that was vigorously argued by both sides. we will see the third circuit. charlie: you think they did it for political retribution. chris: they said -- set on the witness stand. i do not know.
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jeff: this is from goldberg who became the editor of the atlantic. -- his neediness made him entertaining but caused him to betray his own principles. chris: jeff and i are friends, we are fellow bruce springsteen fans and that is not about bridge gate. johnis about me endorsing -- donald trump who he is genetically opposed to. good friends as you know and i'm sure you have gone through this in your life can have full legal arguments and those do not extend to the character of the people. i do not think just character -- his character is flawed. once he comes down he will not think my character is flawed. people look at this trial and they view it even though you were not on trial --
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chris: they would have thought i did -- i was. imagine with vista to my family. charlie: what did it do? chris: my wife and my children, having to read this every day, liars sitting on the witness stand, three of them lying about their husband and their father. it has been an awful time for us. because they would say, defend yourself and i would say, listen, you can't interfere with a trial. i was not called as a witness, i had no ability to defend myself and that is why i am here with you. i am not going to stay silent any longer. charlie: this is the washington post. chris christie suffered a serious blow. whichstained by scandal shows a darker side to his tough guy image, it taint his legacy,
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his jumbotron will -- approval is at 21%. even donald trump suggested that during the campaign. that is what you are suffering from, that is what the impression is and you acknowledged that. chris: of course. if you sit there and you're being punched every day and you cannot punch back, why would you be surprised that bruises get raised? charlie: if you could have punched back they would not be saying these things but do you believe that bridge gate has damaged or political career? chris: of course. the we just talked about. the fact is is if the media and others attacked you relentlessly for three years and you cannot defend yourself because you are the middle of cooperating in the judicial process and cannot stain that process, if there is only one line of information that people will believe out of
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the information they are being given. anything like that from the washington post is a snapshot in time. i can to you how many times i have been told my political career is over. here i am. i will tell you this, what matters to me most is my reputation and that is what i am fighting for. that is why i am here telling you the truth of not only what i know but the truth of what happened in the trial. if you read the reports you would not know what happened there. is also anere understanding that without bridge gate you would have been the nominee for vice president, selected by donald trump. at the time, that you were his guy. chris: no. chris: he never said that. the -- nevere you
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got the nomination because of bridge gate? what effect did it have? he did not say-- you are not going to be vice president because of bridge gate. i was being considered. he chosey do you think pants? -- what they said at the memorial meeting when they said that you laughed. chris: listen to the words they said. even if you take david wild wildstein, we have three people who are liars and not the seven people
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who came without any problems who directly contradicted these people, if you want to make the story, make the story. do let the facts get in the way. the facts are that not even the people convicted of these crimes has ever said in any form that they told me that this was some active political retribution. let's get that straight. charlie: you said that in your statement. chris: it was never said and do you know why? even those people cannot bring themselves to say it because they know it is not true. when yours that governor of new jersey or any big state, the idea that anyone will bring to a traffic study for your approval is absurd for you it is ridiculous. add to it bridget kelly who claims now to have been scared of me, she worked for me for four years and accepted a
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she wasn from someone supposedly scared of and was afraid to talk to. yet by the same token, she said she casually walked into my office without an appointment, without a piece of paper, or without a briefing and asked me to prove something. anyone who has worked for me will tell you you do not come in without an appointment, a piece of paper, and ask the governor to approve something. that is at the way it works. do not take my word for it. the u.s. attorney has said that she lied on the witness stand. chris: i assume that this was the defense attorney for bridget kelly. the mother ofas four children and she was thrown under the bus. her.: i feel awful for i know her children. i took them to hockey games. i know her kids were he will. it is the saddest part of the story. these children will have to go
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without their mother for some time. a terrible thing and i feel awfully about it. but let's be clear, whatever was said in the closing arguments, i would have been happy to appear at trial. it is an invitation-only party trick -- party. none of them invited me. charlie: none called you is a witness. chris: if i had i would have come. had beenyou said you waiting for three years to make your case and this would have been in front of everybody. under oath to make your case. chris: i have made my case under oath privately. at the u.s. attorney's office. under oath. for hours. i would have been happy to go to court and testify. and then the -- there would not have been seven people that said she was [inaudible]
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charlie: back to that question, the impact on your life and career. do you intend to run for office again? chris: we will see. right now i do not. i am 54 years old. i am term limited as governor so my term he'll -- here will and on january 18 of 2018. decision i will make in the future. i will not preclude it. arguee cole and those who like chris christie and bill bradley did not run when they should have and lost the chance to be president. of what has happened since then. chris: i love the armchair quarterbacks who decide when others should run for the most important job in the world. charlie: you have never had that thought. donald trump won the nomination and you did not. beis: i was not ready to
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president in 2011. i was not ready. the only thing worse than not being president for me would be being president when i am not ready. the dog whot to be catches a garbage truck and cannot figure out what to do once you get there. in 2016 and was ready. people in my other party. and it came down to one person who has the chance to be elected on tuesday. charlie: do you want to be attorney general? chris: i do not necessarily want to be anything. charlie: do you think comey should have come forward? chris: he was my boss. life was no one in public is more and -- public integrity. i believe what jim thought. i believe what jim thought was that if people knew that they had these additional e-mails --
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charlie: even though he did not know what was in them. chris: they would have accused him of covering it up. he would have been accused of covering it up especially given his earlier decision not to recommend execution to mrs. clinton. i think that for the integrity , this comey and the fbi is the atmosphere you are talking about. is ase with bridge gate perfect example. before anyone knew whether i did anything wrong, i was guilty. and mrs. clinton is a victim of the same culture and mr. trump has been a victim of the same culture. certain instances that people talk about with him, this is a bad thing for our country. i think jim comey reacted to that same atmosphere and said i do not want to be accused of covering something up so i will let it out. charlie: they were put forward
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by people associating with you and this is why this is damming of the culture. chris: then you are indicting all the other people who worked for me, who were incredibly good people. ofrlie: of any collection people these are bad apples? chris: i cannot imagine that you have not hired someone who in retrospect you look back and said the stakes are different when i hired someone. everyone of us has made mistakes. here is my mistake. i trusted people who were unworthy of my trust. and when a governor trust someone it has much broader impact. i will always regret that. charlie: do you understand how you did it and why? chris: you make a lot of hires and all of a sudden you do not get to know people as well as you might want to. that is part of the job. you cannot possibly get to know everyone that well. in the end, these two people i
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hired let me down. and let the people of new jersey down. here is what did not happen. , theovernor of new jersey guy you are looking at has [inaudible] the governor did not know anything about it. >> they went back to her office and started deleting e-mails, is that the conduct of someone who is telling the truth? with me, i turned over my phone, i turned over my e-mail account, business and personal, i sat for hours for testimony. do you think for a minute that there was any evidence that i had engaged in any type of wrongful conduct that i would have been charged? of course i would have been and
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i was not. i did nothing wrong. it is maddening to sit here as a good person who has tried very hard, try the best when nothing person -- perfect tried their best to be suggested -- to be subjected to that. i will not be punching bag. charlie: what do you think fishman believes about you in terms of bridge gate? chris: i have no way of knowing. traveled in the same circles. is it possible he thinks some things are true but he does not have the evidence to prove it? chris: paul is a fair and reasonable man who i think makes the judgments that he can make based on the information he has. i have no idea what he thinks and i would never put words in i'm not going to do the same thing that i use to get angry about when i was u.s.
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attorney to the guy who has my job now. i love that office and i love what they do, i'd love that job and i have great respect for it. charlie: do you think that you are so damaged about -- by the talk about this that it will impede your chances of having a job in washington if donald trump is elected? chris: i do not. i think the truth matters. we have talked about the truth today. have quoted the u.s. attorney and i have quoted what has gone on and what went on in the trial , what happened in the courtroom. what actually happened. what was actually said. i am proud that seven people went in there and contradicted bridget kelly and told the truth about what it was like to work for me. i'm proud of the fact i have people the four tree now some of them for 14 years. if this was some type of atmosphere of fear and intimidation, people do not stay with you that long.
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charlie: if they would walk into a and see you, who would -- what would you say to them? chris: why? charlie: why did you do it? chris: i do not know. charlie: you believe he was the conceive or of the whole thing. chris: i think he said he was. i do not know if i believe that. that is why i would ask why. i'm not sure i believe that, it makes no sense. it makes no sense. 566 mayors in new jersey, fort it ist is not new york, not trenton, it is not camden, it is not patterson. it is a small democratic town in
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the most populous county. who in their right mind would think that causing traffic in the most populous county in the state 60 days before an election would be something that a guy on the ballot would want have -- to have done for them? it is ridiculous. you, to ae said to roni, we have a constituency of one, who was the one? you were the one guy they wanted to please. they had one constituent. chris: they failed if that is what they intended to do. they failed miserably. she said that constituency of one theory is with david wildstein's boss. wildstein it a
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special, a fiction. it was a fiction in david's mind. i do not know what motivated david. i do not know him hardly at all. and the fact that he says he had a constituency of one, even the government in the trial admitted that david is a serial liar. their own witness. the he criticized the roni -- baroni. how could you possibly believe david wildsteni? this is the governoment's witness. i don't know if he is capable of telling the truth. charlie: you said i have been waiting three years to do this, i have a chance to tell my story. i could not do it because of the trial. to take are you going thiscrusade to make sure
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need that you feel to clear your name, you do feel that. chris: i have done that. everyone will watch this. i will not make this my life, this is not important enough. charlie: there one time you have had to set the record straight. chris: that is why i came to you. now i'll go back to my job. i get to be the oven or of the state were i was born and raised for another 15 months, i have a lot of work to do. -- outgo in the same way the same way i came in, loud. loud and tough and making changes. charlie: this really damaged you. chris: of course it did. i have been at 75% in the state as a republican. in a democratic state that barack obama had won by 700,000 votes. got a smaller
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percentage of the vote in 2012 than i got in 2015. -wildly popular in the state are you die not want to be unpopular. -- it is about the relentless pounding that i have taken and not been able to answer. this is caused by people who work for you. chris: yeah, it stinks. i'm not happy about this. that is why i fired them. chris: are you sad for them? sure. i do not want to see anyone go to jail. you have to be held responsible for what you do. i do not want to see anyone go to jail. charlie: you are a prosecutor. chris: who deserved it. i never reveled in it. when i hired a new assistant u.s. attorney before i swore
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them and i asked him to do one thing. seal of the department of justice and i said read that seal for me. what does it say? they said, department of justice. it does not say department of prosecution. it says department of justice. not to prosecute. our job is to make sure justice happens. charlie: you believe justice was done. chris: i believe in the jury system. charlie: why can't you say i believe justice is done? more important answer. let's talk about what happened. from allr citizens walks of life got in a box and spent seven weeks of their lives everyday listening to evidence and then they voted unanimously for guilt for these two people. i believe in that system.
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i believe in it, it is not flawless but i believe in it. you for yourk time. governor chris christie in new jersey. thank you for joining us. ♪
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what did you feel that there was a glass ceiling? kenneth: there were people that told me, i do not think i can be ceo and a black person. i said i cared a great deal about them and their families. david: somebody bought a work of art. was that to get points? >> i never leave home without it. and when i leave home, it is always with me. people would not recognize me as my -- if


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