tv With All Due Respect Bloomberg November 11, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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>> i'm marning halperin. -- i'm mark halperin. john: i'm john. with all due respect to chris christie, don't worry, man, you can still bring donald trump his mcdonald's. ♪ john: the democratic party contemplates its future and the world loses a musical genius. but first the outsider president elect contemplates an insider cabinet. donald trump was hold up inside of his skyscraper. inside, in addition to sitting down for an interview with "60 minutes," donald trump started
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the process of organizing the government he hopes and plans to assemble. in a stunning announcement, the soon to be 45th president of the united states told the world his number two, mike pence, will take over his transitional endeavor, demoting chris christie to the position of vice chair of the team he's been leading for months. dozens of names have been floated. sarah palin for secretary of the interior is one. others -- some are the swamp dwellers and east coast elites trump spent his entire campaign disparaging. mark: we broke it up into the three types. there are some like chris christie and mike flynn who took a gamble backing donald trump early in the race and may want to be part of the administration.
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then there are people like kellyanne conway and jared kushner. these are devoted operatives and may be recruited to work in the new administration, or as advisors. we're told that paul ryan and mitch mcconnell told donald trump yesterday when he was in washington that they would like to see reince priebus as chief of staff. our third bucket is d.c. insiders. people like former bush national security advisor hadley, as possible secretary of defense, along with bob corker of tennessee and john bolton. who has the inside track? john: one thing we know about donald trump is that loyalty really matters to him. looks like loyalty isn't ironclad, chris christie got a
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little demotion but i think chris christie will get paid back in some way. mark: i disagree, i think he will get no job. john: on what basis? mark: that jared kushner does not want him in the government. john: explain to the world why he would be opposed. not a lot of people know this story. mark: when chris christie was the u.s. attorney, he indicted and convicted jared kushner's father. and made sure his sentence didn't get reduced. chris christie got shut out of being vice president because of this and i think he may be shutout of any job in the administration because of this. john: he will still go to mcdonald's with him, though, right? mark: rudy giuliani, secretary f state? john: attorney general appeared mark: i don't think he will be attorney general. john: rudy giuliani is probably senate confirmable.
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thrst no way, whatever democrats end up doing in terms of filibusters -- mark: i think he wants to be secretary of state. john: this is one of the things donald has to contemplate, who is confirmable? mark: he picked bannon as chief of staff, but he is so controversial. imaging would be so bad. john: one thing past administrations have done in order to avoid -- mark: one thing past administration said done in order to avoid controversy is to announce groups of people. announce bannon if you want him as chief of staff, with a bunch of others. i think you will see jared kushner not taking government jobs because of nepotism but he will be a highly influential figure. in the trurp administration. even outside the government. john: let us be clear, stephen bannon has a -- had a huge role in getting donald trump elected.
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behind the scene, arnt player. but it would be -- if donald trump with them in the most careful -- powerful job in america next to president, it would create a firestorm given the nature of breitbart, it would be the most inflammatory things donald trump could o. mark: i gave steve münchen will be treasury secretary. i think you should see bannon as chief of staff and prix bus as deputy chief of staff. i will say again, they are looking for a whole bunch of people. people like christie who people think are up for jobs, i don't think will get jobs they want. john: it tells us a lot about whether the kind of noises donald trump have been -- has been making, all of that, it will tell us a lot on his choice of chief of staff. if he gos bannon rather than prix bus. prix bus -- priebus would be the
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reassure, establishment friendly choice, just across the board. board. for a republican president with all republican controlling washington, a relatively inclusive -- mark: i think we will see a democrat get a big cabinet job. trump may change his mind but right now anyone who crossed him in the campaign -- john: they are out. do you think any of these -- i know the bell rang, i want to ask this. do you think hadley, bolton, any of them will end up? mark: i don't think corker will. john: a lot of these guys are neocons. they're not in line with trump. mark: one name we didn't talk about was senator sessions. i believe he could be attorney general. john: that is plausible. donald trump isn't president yet but he is the focal point of the palpable tension that can be felt across the nation. since the election, anti-trump protests both seem to be on the ise.
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demonstrations last night led to more than 150 arrests in los angeles and law enforcement in oregon used pepper tray and rubber bullets after what the police called "anarchists" began vandalizing property. much of the political world is reflecting on donald trump's conciliatory demeanor after his visit to washington, d c. he said he's unwilling to give up one habit of his, a late-night twitter lashing. he tweeted that -- he decided that thousands of protesting americans needed one of his counterpunches. he tweeted "just had a very successful political election, and now people are protesting. very unfair." facing criticism his social media outburst might promote more unrest, he tried to walk things back when he put out another tweet.
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this morning when just after 6:00 a.m., another tweet, "love the fact that protesters have great passion for our country, we will all come together and be proud." i can't believe he wrote those words, doesn't sound like him. meanwhile, horrific and shapeful incidents of racism, hate speech and even hate crimes have been reported across the country in recent days. so essential media posts have depicted celebratory confederate flag wave, white supremacist graffiti and other deeply disturbing incidents. >> parents of children in one middle school in michigan are upset after a group of children were heard chanting "build the wall." >> he was calleded the n-word and the teacher was not around in the room. people were in tears. >> dear muslims, immigrants, women, and all people of color, we love you boldly and proudly, e will endure. by thursday morning the sign looked like this.
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>> this picture taken by a woman who saw something hanging from a balcony. >> people are investigating the graffiti as possible hate crime. john: beyond that, they're been multiple reports of americans being physically assaulted by what appeared to be donald trump supporters. the president-elect has not said anything about these occurrences. what obligation does donald trump -- he's president-elect, ot the president yet -- what -- normally abide by the truism we have only one president at a time. but what obligation does he have to speak out about these incredibly troubling occurrences? mark: this is a moment of truth because these things are happening. i won't say they're his fault but they're a direct result of his candidacy and election he bears some measure of responsibility, i won't say they're all his fault. it would be good for his presidency, good for him as a person, good for the country if he condemned these things in no uncertain terms and i just wish
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he would because he's going to get off to a slow start or a fast start, everyone in the country wants him to succeed. he should speak out. i don't know why he wouldn't. john: if he wants to be a successful president and wants to do what he says he wants to do, he must speak out. the reality is, it's not his fault people ares aist in america but he ran a campaign that was in many cases, some cases, directly racist. in other cases that exacerbated racist sympathies and racist feelings people have he ran an ugly campaign. an ugly, nasty, divisive campaign, he won, it's true. but now if he wants to live up to what he has said, which is that he wants to try to bring the country together, he's got to step forward and take some responsibility for having -- having made the situation worse and renounced those -- these acts, renounced thing he is said in the past and appeal to people's better angels. mark: you may be asking for more than he's going to do all he needs to do is say they break
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his heart and they're not american. they're not the best of america. they break his heart. john: i don't know what he will, is capable of saying but i think if he were to take some measure of responsibility on himself and say, i know that in some cases in this campaign i crossed the line and i incited some -- >> i'd like him to do that. john: i'm just saying -- mark: think how powerful it would be if all he said was, these things break my heart. these are not in the best spirit of america. we need to come together. one tweet. john: needs to go further than that if he wants to be a successful president. we'll talk about the drama that's unfolding within the democratic party after these words from our sponsors. ♪
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mark: democrats remain dazed and confused about what happened in this election but already there is a power struggle brewing about who will lead the charge against the trump presidency and who will lead the party through the mid terms. there has been an almost total lack of explanation from team clinton about what they think went wrong on tuesday night. the outgoing senate minority leader harry reid made no mention of his parties failings, but attacked donald trump, calling him "a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with big triand hate. as to future democratic leadership, howard dean is going to run for the position of party chair he wants to return to the 50 states grass roots strategy he championed when he had the job before.
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martin o'malley and tom perez say they are also thinking about applying for the job. most of the momentum in this race early on teams to be building on minnesota congressman keith ellison, he has not officially jumped in but has the support of chuck schumer and bernie sanders. who is going to lead democratic opposition and what weapons do they have in their arsenal? john: it is a fascinating time for the democratic party, it is in such disarray. as you said yesterday, given the fact that the democrats don't control the house or senate, the head of the d.n.c. is a super important job because it could be the main voice of opposition. i think keith ellison right now, because of where the strength is in the party, may not be the right choice, but i think right now with bernie sanders backing him, i think he is the front runner. howard dean has done this job before, but i have to say
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ascendant forces, where these forces are, what they think about why hillary clinton lost, about how bernie sanders and the left were treated in the nomination, they have the whip hand in terms of taking control and in winning this election for the d.n.c. chair. mark: who knows what dnc members are thinking. they've not been canvassed yet. the parties are going to have to decide in the lame-duck session and then in the new congress, are they going to ilibuster? what will be their strategy? if this were the republican party and the democratic resident, -- democratic president, ted cruz will be talking about filibustering verything. the reality is donald trump could propose legislation that democrats like on some ssues. john: infrastructure. mark: even tax reform here is going to see how organized democrats are.
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without the mega phone of the white house or a majority in either chamber, how will they get on the same page about what to say about donald trump while they welcome for leaders for two years from now and four years from now? they have a tough senate match in two years. john: i will say somhat many of the left will find heretical, if you look over donald trump's career, there is a reason why conservatives didn't like him, he had a lot of liberal positions. democrats could possibly take advantage of that. if they play it the right way. mark: we're going to switch back to republicans. the congressman from oklahoma, tom cole, joins us to talk about donald trump's relationship with the co-equal branch on capitol hill. ♪
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john: tom cole is a republican congressman from oklahoma. how are you doing? how do you think donald trump is oing so far? tom: i think we're off to a good start. i think he behaved in a very presidential manner from election evening to his public appearances with the president and the speaker yesterday. we are pretty giddy, if you are epublican. we woke up tuesday morning thinking it would be four years of a firewall and woke up wednesday morning thinking we were going to be the tip of the spear. mark: you have majority control of both chambers and the white house, should donald trump consult nancy pelosi and chuck schumer or just you all? om: obviously there are some -- he should work across the aisle where he can. obviously there are some areas where we're not going to agree.
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we will disagree about tax policy and obamacare, but on something like infrastructure, if we can find common ground we should. mark: on tax policy, you don't think he should take into account what nancy pelosi and chuck schumer want? tom: if you can find common ground you seek it and go forward. democrats, like republican, are concerned that our tax codes encourage businesses to locate offshore. we think we've got money stranded offshore we'd like to see come home and be invested here. i can see areas where we can find common ground and we should do it. but we should also never we were given this mandate for reason and not be shy about using it on things like the repeal of obama care where our base feels strongly and where republican members have never been supportive. mark: we've had some discussion of who might fill important posts of the administration. chief of staff is one of these. reince priebus is a name.
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kind of endorsed by mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. we're also hearing the possibility of stephen bannon. what message would it send if mr. trump put stephen bannon in hat job? tom: i'm going to work with anybody the president-elect chooses to be chief of staff. it's none of my business to dictate who his personnel are. obviously i know reince priebus well and i think you send a -- he's done a spectacular job, but there are a lot of different people who can fill that role. that is ultimately the president-elect's decision. i think the republican members of congress will be happy to work with him. john: what message do you think would send if you put stephen annon in that job? tom: it is not for me to interpret that. i think the most important thing is they have a strong relationship with the president elect.
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that is his decision. we are going to work with whoever he chooses, and i will leave that decision to the guy who won the presidency. mark: most of my discussions with people in the health care industry is that they don't love the affordable care act but they spent a lot of time adjusting to it. if it gets repeeled twombing spend a lot of retraining, readjusting, extraordinary cost. what can your party do as you repeal it to trying get the health care sector not disrupted again? tom: there are quite a few things that the house had laid out on its agenda. the president-elect talked about this in his campaign, things like selling insurance across state lines, health savings ccounts, liability reform. i think this has to be done thoughtfully and will probably have to be done through reconciliation. it's not going to get a lot of democratic votes. we are going to have to move carefully, but i think it is an important commitment that
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republicans have made, that they have made consistently over several years that at the end of the day it is essential we epeal of obamacare and replace it with something that in our view works better for the american people. mark: you think there is a orkable consensus on this? on what replacement would look like? tom: i think there is. quite frankly, even folks who might quibble with this or that, are going to fall in lynde behind what the white house requests. we are fortunate to have paul ryan as speaker, he probably nows more about these policy issues than anybody else in congress. he is not just a political tactician, he is a policy guy. if this figure of the house comes to me and says this is the way to go, it is easy for me to respect his opinion. mark: people talk about infrastructure and tax reform. what else would you like to see handled early on in big bills? tom: i would like to see is move
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ahead, and i'm not sure we would, on entitlement reform. i don't think that was adequately addressed in the campaign. or like to see us make sure the sequester does not happen to the american military, i think that is critical. i am pleased the president-elect has taken that same position. i would like to see, long-term, that we actually do border security. i think that is something that is more popular on both sides of the aisle than is commonly recognized. i don't care if you are a liberal democrat or conservative republican, you believe the borders ought to be secured. o you move pieces of -- the debate is do you do omething comprehensive or do pieces individually. i think we could do it individually and get support. john: you think paul ryan will be speaker in february? tom: i'm absolutely
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confident. nothing heals wounds like victory. i've been on any number of conference calls in the last 48 hours, there's not a whiff of opposition to our top four leaders. people know we owe this republican majority to the president-elect and speaker ryan. nobody raised more money, nobody worked harder , he gave us an agenda to run on. i think our members are genuinely pleased with his leadership and i don't sense any significant challenge for him at all. mark: in the time between now and the president-elect takes office, there are a lot of people concerned about whether he is ready to be commander in chief. what can he do to calm people who have that concern? tom: again, not up to me to make those points or suggestions but he made a -- you made a couple of good ones yourself. i think when you become president, you reach out to other people. i think the president-legend did that. again when he visited the white house. i appreciate president obama being as gracious as he was.
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i appreciate president-elect trump handling the way he did. i would go back to some of those communities that aren't historically republican, african-american communities, i would go to a mask, there's some things like that that i think would be, really important in a symbolic sense to try and reach out and be inclusive and reassure people. but again, i think the opening moves by the president-elect have been very, very good. so i would hope he builds on what he's done over the last 48 or 7 hours. mark: congressman cole, thanks for coming on. we'll discuss more about the future the republican party after these words from our sponsors. ♪
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anager corey lewandowski has eresigned amidst controversy and he may take a jump in the new trump administration. with us now, pete wiener, from the ethics and public policy center. he has been thinking over the last few years about the future of the republican party and doing more now in the wake of the trump victory. you have written quite a bit over the last few months about donald trump. is there anything you have seen since he got elected that makes you more hopeful and you were when he was a candidate? pete: i think he is handled the last 48 to 72 hours pretty well, but this is the easy stuff. this is the kind of thing you expect. i think he is been gracious enough, i think president obama has been gracious. we'll have to see the appointment he makes.
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in the white house and his cabinet. the test will begin on january 20 and accelerate after that. i don't think we have enough to go on. what we seen so far, which is very early, very preliminary, he's been fine. john: when there were people who were never trump during the campaign who then changed their minds when he became the nominee, your view of them was what? the conservatives that ended up endorsing him shortly after the nomination. your view of them was what? pete: it depends on the individuals and how passionate they were in their reasoning. they made a mistake. i thought donald truffer was a malignant and malicious force on the political landscape. there are people who were never trump and really spoken vivid language like bobby jindal and
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rick perry did and then came behind him, i was not impressed that. i think they put the party above their convictions and i think they were potentially opportunistic. that said, a lot of my friends were donald trump supporters, not enthusiastically, but they were. i understood think calculation they made, i disagreed with that. john: what is one to do it one was a consistent never trumper through election day, and now you are confronted with someone -- and this is you. you are confronted with someone you said incredibly negative things about, his character, his temperament, his intellect, suddenly he is president of the united states. what is a man like you to do in these circumstances? pete: a couple of things. there is such a thing as democratic legitimacy, and you have to recognize that. we only get one president and he is it. i think someone like myself, i
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have to give him the benefit of the doubt and allow him to prove me wrong and see how he does. i have to be intellectually honest here if he does things i aagree with or advance the interest of the country or advance justice, i need to say that. on the other hand, people who were defenders of trump have an obligation to be intellectually honest here too. if he does things that require that he be challenged and criticized, they should do that. my posture here is to wait and see. i may be wrong, i've been wrong before. i felt like i saw enough during the campaign to convince me that he was not a man who was qualified, temperamentally or intellectually to be president. but now he's going to be and we'll test the propositions and see who was right and who was wrong. >> you have respect for paul ryan and your friends? pete: yeah. john: and you have respect for mike pence and you're friends with him? pete: not friends with him but i know him.
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john: does that give you any comfort that they're big players in this? pete: it does. i hope that as he fills his administration there'll be people of high quality and i hope he defers to paul ryan on the agenda if he does that. i'd be very, very comforted. i will say this, the entire argument throughout the campaign was that these people who would surround trump, including paul and mike pence is that they could contain him, they could control him and the line that was used again and again and again as it related to trump is he would become more presidential and he never did. there were moments, weeks he was ok but then he would revert to type. there was nobody in the campaign that could ever really control him and control his worst impulses an they kept coming. as the campaign went o, he got worse, not better. if that continues in the presidency, then we're in for a real trouble. we don't know. maybe he will grow in the job but my reading of history is people with -- that are narcissistic and have disordered
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personalities when they get virtually unlimited power, they don't get better they get worse. he may be the exception, i hope he is, for the sake of the republic. mark. do you have a sense, pete, things that are true about trump, the question of whether he was an actual conservative. some of the thing he is put forward as policies were decidedly unconservative. do you imagine that what we're going to see now is an attempt to run a conservative administration? or to you imagine that a lot of the past donald trump positions from even before he ran which were liberal in a lot of respects are going to bubble to the surface and we're going to be confronting a really ideologically undoctrinaire kind of president here? >> that's a great question. the truth is, i don't imagine anything at this point. i don't know. i think more than any president we've had in our lifetime, maybe in american history, redon't know what to expect. one, he was policy ignorant, all over the map on so many issues
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and he has no philosophical roots. there's no realy to to understand how he's going to govern or are the principles that are going to govern him. he governs by impulse and by gut. feel one way one week and another way another week. he could govern as a conservative he could turn left. could be an odd mix. could be, depending on who his chief of staff is, who he talks to before he goes to sleep at night. i don't know. that's one of the fascinating things. that will unfold. i don't think there's any way, even people who know trump and i suspect even donald trump doesn't now how he's going to govern at this point. john: you think about leadership and the examples leaders set for young people what should parents tell, who don't like donald trump and feel the way you do about his character, should they avoid speaking badly about him? should they give him the
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democratic great in front of kids? pete: that's a good question. i've had conversations with people about that. it's a hard one. i don't think you can erase the past. it depends on the age of the child. i don't think you can erase the past. i think what you need to say is that he made mistakes but he's now the president and we owe certain things to the president because we owe certain things to the country but above all we owe things to the truth and to justice and to what is right. we're just going to have to monitor and see what happens. i will say that the way he acted during this campaign, his treatment of women, and of gold star families and people with disabilities and all of the rest, was just very difficult. people pay attention, kids pay attention and the kind of thing that you teach people in terms of how they ought to conduct themselves in life, when off presidential candidate and then a president-elect win that kind of thing can be validated. when that happens it's not good for the culture. it's not an easy situation. it can be overcome if he
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conducts himself with a certain degree of dignity. and respects other people. then maybe this will be, over time if not forgotten, then in the midsts of -- then in the mists of time. if he doesn't, if he continues to act as president as he did as a candidate a lot of damage is going to be done to the country including our civic and political culture and that matters in a free country. >> last question real quick he talked about this earlier. there seems to be evidence of a lot of trump-related hate speech, hate crimes, ugly ince dens taking place in the name of donnell trump around the country right now. mark and i talked about what we think donald trump should do about that what do you think he should do and how important a test is this for him as president-elect right now? pete: i agree with you guys. he needs to speak to it. needs to speak directly to it. these are people who are presumably supporters of him and while he's not responsible for their actions, they are acting
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in some respects, if not in his name, because of his victory. i think he has beyond all that, just as a utilitarian, as a prudential matter , he has a power and effect over them that others would not because they look up to him. i think he needs to speak to it. i think he needs to talk about how we ought to conduct ourselves. he's in a different position now. i don't know if he knows that yet. i hope he does. i hope if he doesn't yet that he will. i think he has to say that this is not appropriate and he's got to begin to speak about how we view each other. including people who have views that are different than ours. this has been as angry and contentious and rank rouse an election as i have seen in my life and a lot of healing has to occur. one of the reasons, the main reason it's been that anger rks that contentious and rank rouse is because of donald trump. so he's got some work to do to undo it. on the other hand, the people who are critics of trump have their obligations too. and the people that are rioting
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and that kind of stuff, i mean that is really bad and he has every right to speak to them as well. there are ways you conduct yourselfs in a free country and one of them is to respect the results and to come together. lincoln was able to do it after the civil war and that was a heck of a lot worse than this is now. talk about with malice toward none, charity toward all. talked about, we're friends, not enemies. if lynn can can do it, we can. ankn: thoughtful as always th you for womanning -- coming on. coming up, more on the election. ♪
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john: in a brief interview today, donald trump said he was open to keeping some provisions of obamacare, including previous -- pre-existing conditions coverage and continuing coverage for kids. those are important signals, we'll be talking about those a lot more as we go forward. joining us now to dissect the week's election outcome is ann gearing, national political reporter from "the washington post," who joins us from washington, d.c. you have been focused a lot on democrat theans disarray in the party at this moment. suddenly, fingers being pointed all kinds of different directions. obviously at the clinton campaign but even at president obama. talk about the blame game going on in the party right now. ann: there is some blood in the water right now. there was a chaotic scene at a dnc meeting yesterday with at least one staffer blaming donna brazile and her cohorts, cronies
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i think the guy said, for bombing the election and focusing on the wrong things. the clinton campaign had a handholding call yesterday with some of their surrogates and again today with donors, where they largely blamed external forces. they felt they were swamped in a change election and the force of the economic unrest and anger over that had a brexit effect. they did not talk about folks in -- faults in the candidate or their strategy, the choices of what states to concentrate on, or other kind of, you know, mechanics. and that is having -- that is not sitting well with some democrats, who feel like even in the midst of a change election
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and all of the various forces that were legitimately arrayed against hillary clinton at the start, the campaign made some missteps and are not owning it. mark: you and others will write stories fleshing all this out. do you think it will boil over and become a public dispute or a couple of stories will be written and then the party will move on? anne: i don't know, but my gut says the latter. there is some anger and frustration among democrats and they are venting right now, but the imperative to mobilize against donald trump and have a united front against him, to push things that democrats care about even as soon as a during this transition, is already starting to win out. certainly on a couple of these calls as i've heard them recounted, there has been a real move to say we have to stay united and focus on the things hat are our priorities are
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-- that are our priorities legislatively, and the message we wan to have in opposition to the trump white house and focus on the mid-term election. john: there's been some finger pointing, as i said before, specifically at robby mook and others in the campaign about ignoring white, working class voters, especially in the context of president clinton having raised the alarm about this throughout. but so far, not hearing a lot of finger pointing within the clinton orbit, people inside her campaign blaming each other. where do you think that story goes forward? anne: that has been a hallmark of this campaign, there is not been much infighting. there has not been any big, ublic fight. nobody prominently got fired in an 18-month campaign, that is remarkable. i don't really expect to see it now. mook commanded extraordinary
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loyalty within the campaign. he was seen for all his youth as being a very mature leader, and i don't expect to see him suffer hugely politically as a result of this. but i do hear a fair amount of grumbling from people outside the campaign that the campaign, what's left of the campaign, isn't fully taking ownership of some things they should have done differently. mark: i rarely asked reporters media questions but i am very interested in this. it does affect the next few months. how does "the washington post" reorient itself, they thought they were going to be covering a clinton administration. now they're covering a trump administration. anne: it is a work in progress. all the decisions will not be mine but it is a different landscape. there were a whole bunch of people who assumed they would be covering a clinton white house
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at the white house and a whole bunch of other people who assumed they would be covering republicans in opposition and so the -- just like the -- many other maps are being switched around, ours is as well. i don't know what i will do. i think it will probably have a politics and foreign policy combo beat which takes me back to my foreign policy days but i don't know. t.b.d. john: looking forward to read wharg you're write, anne, you are great. we'll check in with the professors in a moment. if you're watching in washington, d.c., listen to us s well at 99.1 fm on bloomberg radio. ♪
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mark: the professor of religion and african-american studies at princeton. one of our people -- favorite people to talk to when we are in a crisis. don't take that the wrong way. thank you for joining us. i'd love to just hear about your day. i saw you on "morning joe." what have you heard today from people you interacted with about president-elect trump? guest: it has been a day of trauma and trying to figure out where we are going to go next. a day of dealing in some ways with the unleashing of ugliness. we've heard it is circulating on twitter now that all of the black freshmen at the university of pennsylvania have been added o a groupme group entitled "nigger lynching." people are trying to figure out how they are going to respond. it's still as tense as it was on
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election day. john: we have talked about how -- everybody agrees with us that donald trump needs to address this in a construct i way if he has any hope of healing the country and being a successful president. what if he doesn't? in the past as a candidate we called on him to denounce anti-semites, anti-semitic tweet he never did. never distanced themselves from the ugly parts of his constituency. what if he just says, i'm not going to do anything about this, it's not my problem? eddie: i think he gives license to the hate. gives license to people to act on that hate. and he's going to create the conditions for chaos. i would like, you know, some people like to represent this moment as akin to redemption. right after the collapse of radical reconstruction and the south kind of regains control over its region, right. and they like to liken this to a second redemption. but this isn't 1876.
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and people who believe that they can come into our couldn'ts -- communities and bully and threaten our children are in for a surprise. o unless president-elect trump actually reaches from being -- to being a statesman, we might find ourselves on the police pis of serious chaos. and bloodshed. john: i'm going to ask, i'm hoping jared kushner and the white house press secretary, josh earnest, are listening. what would you think of the idea of president obama and donald trump putting out a joint statement condemning this? eddie: that could help. but you know, president obama has been, for the last eight year the interpreter in chief to white america with regards to black lives matter. he has responded to baltimore, milwaukee, charlotte, and in some ways by him coming to the
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side of donald trump in this way, he would work in some ways, mark, as a kind of black male nurse. the kind of stereotypical rendering of black folk as kind of in some ways comforting the nation. donald trump needs to do this on his own. he needs to address what he released over the course of his campaign. and you know, the kind of aspirational claims many people are making that perhaps he will turn a corner, that he will be presidential, that he will govern all america, the only evidence we have before us right now is that he was the candidate who declaring a ban on muslim, he was the candidate who called undocumented workers rape itselfs and criminals. he was the guy who in some ways sanctioned violence at his rallies. he was the guy who in some ways let the jeannie out of -- the fwmbings enie out of the bottle and sanctioned this ugliness we're seeing now.
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