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tv   Bloomberg Technology  Bloomberg  November 23, 2016 12:00am-1:01am EST

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>> it is 1:00 in hong kong. opec failed to agree on output levels for iran and iraq. they feel to resolve the question of resumption's -- exemptions. iraq wants to keep hoping to pay for its war with militants. donald trump abandoned his pledge to prosecute hillary clinton. during the campaign he said that if he was resident, she would be in jail. now, the president-elect has told "the new york times" he has no intention of pursuing her over her use of private emails.
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the chinese yuan has set a record against the u.s. dollar. 6.89.ficial rate is that was the urine forecast for year end forecast for many. global news 24 hours a day, powered by more than 2600 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. this is bloomberg. afternoon trading getting underway in hong kong and china. this is how we are faring. hong kong up 4/10 of 1%. elsewhereuiet session with japan off for the holiday. this is a bloomberg. ♪
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emily: i'm emily chang and this is "bloomberg technology." coming up, a shipping disaster for amazon. a pilot strike threatens delivery for the e-commerce giant's biggest weekend of the year. plus, hp's quarter will disappoint. output fromslumping its servers and storage divisions. from the ceo of the new york times. coming up, president-elect donald trump makes peace with the new york times, a target of his frequent tweet storms. but first to our lead, a pilot strike could hit amazon where it hurts and disrupt deliveries during the most important shopping weekend of the year. 250 pilots employed by abx air are protesting alleged staffing shortages. abx is asking a judge to force its employees back to work. all of this as the we tell
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industry gears up for an 11% increase in online spending over the next two months of last year. amazon will benefit from much of that. joining us to discuss is sj consulting group's president. also our bloomberg news reporter who covers the airlines. bx pilots -- captain is joining us on the phone. michael, i want to start with you. first of all, give us the very latest, what we have learned from abx, amazon and a pilot. michael: glad to be here. the latest, we are told these parties are in court as we speak. abx air is trying to get a restraining order to get the pilots back to work and get these shipments going. it's a little unclear about whether they will get the restraining order, although the conventional wisdom is they will get a restraining order, and
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these pilots will go back to work. it's just not clear about the timing yet. emily: rick, the captain joins us on the phone. talk to us about how i got to this point on your end. rick: i would be happy to. good evening, ladies and gentlemen. we are negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement. we've been negotiating one from most two years. status quo strike, it is a strike over the existing collective bargaining agreement which management, because of the staffing shortage, and believe me, it is not alleged, the management agrees there is a staffing shortage. we've been talking about a for the past two years. they unilaterally altered certain provisions of our contract, and that has put an additional strain on our crews.
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through numerous meetings and negotiations, we have tried to alleviate and rectify those issues. management also refused to come to an agreement with us to maintain the status quo and therefore we elected to strike, which took effect early this morning at 2:30 eastern time. emily: captain, do you see a protracted strike here or not? rick: the strike will take as long as it takes to resolve the issue, as the gentleman previously noted. i am not aware of where we are, but i was advised the company filed a complaint in federal court. certainly a federal judge has that authority, but i can tell you that in my opinion, the judge will not issue an order, certainly not tonight. we will be on strike for the rest of the day and through tomorrow, and we will see how that court case progresses. emily: how much do you think
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this particular issue could impact amazon, given that they do have other carriers, but volume is expected to go up. as online shipments go up, amazon gets a lot of that new business. >> you are right. the timing is probably the worst to hurt the public counting on this for the holiday season. even though they do business fedex to help them with some of the volume, gearing up what that will be a challenge, and there will be some implications in terms of timing for delivery of those packages. they could get delayed by a day or two. it is not critical that those packages have to be there in two days, because a lot of those shipments are being bought for the holiday season. however, it is my view that the courts are not going to let the strike go for long, because this
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has never happened before, where the courts have allowed the public to suffer. they will send them back to the bargaining table while they keep operating in the interim. emily: michael, amazon has been working on its own fleet of cargo jets to help carry the load. how much could that impact the growing amazon business going forward? michael: they have secured the use of 40 jets. what they do is they fly their merchandise to these various distribution or fulfillment centers around the country, and the idea is to get the merchandise closer to people to allow for these two day deliveries and even same-day deliveries. it is a big push for amazon. i think one of the interesting things is, will this strike caused them to second-guess
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anything? they really relied on ups and fedex previously to do a lot of this flying, and now that they are going to start doing it themselves, are they going to rethink that? are these strikes and shortages of pilots going to come back to bite them? i think that's an open question. emily: captain, we have heard that some airlines may actually honor the strike and pick up the slack. what can you actually tell us about that? rick: within our system, we have a sister company known as ati that has flown trips in the service of amazon, that i was made aware of today. that's true. limited flights, i believe they have about eight airplanes in service. emily: last year was the biggest holiday shopping season amazon had ever experienced. they had one major snag where they did not anticipate the demand from third-party
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resellers. aside from this particular strike, what do you think the biggest challenges will be for amazon to overcome this particular holiday season? satish: i think they have made several changes during this year to prepare themselves for the season. they are working with the big carriers at ups, fedex, the post office. the post office handles more volume for them than the other two combined, and the post office has a large network. they can absorb it. they are delivering on saturday and sunday for amazon. then they have their own independent contractors in various markets that they will be able to leverage, including regional carriers. plus, i would disagree with what michael said. i don't think amazon is going to retract from using companies for flying. all of their airlines have union pilots, and they can experience
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the same thing. i think this will be a blip that will be forgotten in a day or two. emily: satish, president of sj consulting group. thank you. abx captain a rick, thanks for joining us by phone. and our very own michael sasso of bloomberg news, thank you. coming up, the debate of over how to moderate online discussion is heating up since the presidential election results. we will talk to a start up trying to defeat the trolls. and a reminder, all episodes now live streaming on twitter. check us out at 6:00 p.m. in new york, 3:00 p.m. in san francisco. this is bloomberg. ♪
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emily: the election has divided the u.s. off and online with the
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simmering controversy over the surge of fake news on facebook plus the surge of harassment on twitter. meantime, donald trump is using twitter to call out those he thinks are wrong, airing his grievances with everyone, from the cast of the musical of "hamilton" to "the new york times," before meeting with their editorial board today. joining me is the cofounder and ceo of a startup building a community platform with the goal of defeating trolls and online abuse. you used to work at reddit. new voices with the election of donald trump have joined the online conversation. there has been a rise of hateful accounts on twitter. for example, we are seeing folks identifying themselves as part of an alt-right movement. a controversial term. how do you plan to monitor, moderate, or even suppress this kind of discussion?
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dan: we think about it as a cultural problem. of course there is technology involved in helping us detect and prevent these kinds of things, but the weakest things we think other companies have forgotten is that what we are dealing with is a culture. so we raise enough money so we can spend enough time on private beta so we can start communities to actually seed our culture. i think what you will see is on twitter and these other places, what you really have is a culture of hate. you have a culture of harassment. by having a culture of these things, they are encouraged and spread far and wide. emily: so how do you actually change that? i am sure -- reddit did not start out thinking they would be breeding a culture of hate, and neither did facebook or twitter. these networks sort of become what the users want them to become. dan: sure, but you have to focus on it from day one. and i know that personally, that these other platforms really did
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not. what you focus on in a startup is growth at all costs. especially when your business model is advertising, you are forced to focus on growth at all costs. when you have something that is proving to exponentially grow your platform overnight, you go with that, and if that happens to be harassment and hate, you are incentivized to go with that. what we are trying to do is set up a different is this model, one that is in line with the communities, one that is in favor of the communities, so that we are forced to make decisions against these things. we know that we can't solve the problem that there are jerks online. it's not something that we can solve, but by trying and providing the tools from day one for community leaders and members to help us help them, we are going to be in a better place, at least that's our belief. emily: friday night, for example, the cast of "hamilton" delivered a message to mike
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pence, who was in the audience. the star saying, we, sir, are the diverse america that are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us or defend us and uphold our unalienable rights. president-elect trump said that vice president elect pence had been harassed. how do you define, and more importantly, monitor, what may or may not be harassment? some people felt that the cast was not harassing at all. dan: i think that is a good question, and there is always a gray line that is hard to tread. we are lucky in a community platform, we have a hierarchy, so we have community members and are able to surface problems like that in a more organic way. i think you have real problems on twitter that the rules are not applied evenly, so a lot of the things you see donald trump
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doing you also saw milo yiannopoulos doing, and he was banned when donald trump was not. we intend to enforce our rules equally across all people. harassment is harassment. but we recognize that it is a hard gray line, so we are focused on scaling our teams appropriately to our communities, which is not something you see these other companies focusing on. emily: if you were jack dorsey, what would you do differently? dan: that is a hard problem because you have so many years of this pervasive problem. i think he needs to lay down the law. he needs to ban a lot of people. he needs to stop a lot of behavior. he needs to take actions like not allowing anybody to participate on twitter without verifying their email address. there are simple actions that people are not taking because they need to focus on growth at
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all costs and these are some of , them. i wrote a post recently about this. there is a lot of simple things, focusing on making sure that people have the right identity so that they can be authentic. there is a lot of easy things he could be doing that they are not. emily: what about president-elect trump himself? who certainly -- he has not taken a break from twitter at all, to the surprise of many. you've got a survey that came out today saying that most people would like him to shut down his personal twitter account. how should trump be behaving? dan: i think he should be banned from twitter. if you did what he was doing on our platform, he would have been banned years ago, because he is calling for harassment of different people, and it's not proper behavior. emily: you think jack dorsey
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should ban donald trump from twitter? dan: i think he should have a long time ago, yes. emily: all right. dan mccomas, cofounder and ceo of imzy. we will keep our eye on you guys. thank you so much for stopping by. coming up, hp enterprise and the spinoff hp inc both reported earnings after the close today. we will have the results. this is bloomberg. ♪
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emily: you know about black friday and cyber monday, but now ebay is hoping the idea of mobile wednesday catches on. the idea is to persuade americans on the way to thanksgiving dinner to buy goods while on the road. so far, this is the slowest
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november for online sales since adobe began collecting data in 2012. after the close of hp enterprise and its spinoff printer business, hp inc. reported results. earnings matched estimates, but we are warned of slowing sales in the current quarter. there was a disappointing forecast. ceo meg whitman outlined where she sees growth for the company. take a listen. >> with this portfolio, we estimate we have a total addressable market of over $250 billion. within that, there are areas of very high growth, like high performance computing, software defined networking and industrial iot. we are already well positioned to lead in these areas, and you will continue to see us invest in a targeted way. emily: crawford del prete joins me via skype. crawford, you just got off the phone speaking with meg whitman herself. what did she have to say? crawford: similar to what you
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saw on the call, what is eg talks a lot m about remaking hewlett-packard enterprise. they are a company focused on the enterprise infrastructure space. what people need to get their heads around is that the infrastructure is changing, it is not going away. you have to build out the cloud, build out what's in private data centers. as you just talked about on that clip, this industrial internet of things -- there is so much data at the edge that hewlett-packard wants to capitalize on. what's different is building a different sized overhead structure, building a different infrastructure to support a company that is just not as big, and you are seeing that as the company hits its one-year anniversary of hewlett-packard enterprises' transformation. they have gone through a lot of restructuring. where that has been spin mergers and structuring or software. what we are starting to see now is a new enterprise
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infrastructure focused company emerge and make business choices around capitalizing on better margin pools within that really core infrastructure space. it can be quite competitive. emily: it's interesting, clearly when hp split, not a lot of people saw the election of donald trump coming, and his discussion about m&a yesterday with david kirkpatrick, he said that bigger can be safer in today's unpredictable environment, not knowing what's really to come in a trump administration. do you think two hp's are better off than one hp with donald trump running our country? crawford: i really can't comment on that. what i can focus on is what you are seeing emerge in these companies. i have spent a lot of time with both hewlett-packard and hewlett-packard enterprises. when i would say, if i could sum it up in one word, it's focus. this company, through their focus, has a lot more options,
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because the sales team is more focused on what they are selling, the products, the absolute amount of time they can spend on crafting the portfolio, that kind of stuff is just stronger than it has been in the past, and you really saw that in the hewlett-packard, the hp inc. pc results today, you saw the systems group growing 4%, and that is faster than the market. that is on better execution and better products. as far as what person is in charge, meg on the call mentioned she did not see the election having a significant impact on near-term results. longer-term, tough to tell at this point. emily: quickly, what is the progress you expect to see with the cloud, given the giants that are amazon, microsoft, and
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crawford -- and google. crawford: what hpe is going to focus on is helping companies with hybrid cloud infrastructures have the best infrastructure, and they are going to go after the highest margin pools. don't forget that hpe also has significant relationships with folks like microsoft azure, and they want to have profitable deals in that business. that's where you really want to benchmark them, can they be profitable over time supporting the public cloud? that's really a big part of their strategy. emily: crawford, thanks as always for stopping by. coming up, all four major u.s. stock benchmarks rallying to records. the dowell topping 19,000. what does it mean as we look ahead to 2017? and if you like bloomberg news, check us out on the radio. you can listen on the bloomberg radio at,, and in the u.s. on sirius xm. this is bloomberg. ♪
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>> is 1:30 in hong kong and here is an update of the top stories. korean investigators have searched the offices of the national pension fund services as part of the influence peddling scandal. it is alleged that the fund was pressured other presidents office to support the samsung merger in 2015 by request of a friend. afterhares returned to -- the board said the airline is to shut down. two disastrous crushes push the carrier into losses and they said they cannot pay next week.
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asia says they will be fighting the plan. a side effect of the global bond rout triggered by donald trump's election victory. yields have made stocks such -- such stocks less attractive. antonio is behind $150 million building currently under construction in manila. million tobout $5 use the name trump and says they see no conflicts. global news 24 hours a day, powered by more than 2600 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. this is bloomberg. let's take a look at how markets have been trading where the rally does continue in the asian session. day for asianod
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equities, up for a third consecutive session. we're seeing a strong and share markets close by 1.3%. their leading the pack today. positive movement coming from those material players. closed today for a public holiday. elsewhere, sing a lot of conviction coming from most of the markets in hong kong. haging up by 2/10 of -- njin up by 2/10 of 1%. we have seen the ramification of a stronger dollar into the em currencies, particularly in malaysia. kuala lumpur stocks down today. is lookingsion fairly flat. the other story of the day has been in the currency market in terms of the offshore renminbi. just below that level.
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the remedy is at an eight your -- the linen be is at an eight year low against the dollar. we will have more the top of the hour. this is bloomberg. ♪ emily: this is "bloomberg technology." all four u.s. major stock benchmarks rally to records on tuesday, with the dow jones topping 19,000 for the first time. however, tech stocks have not been part of the rally, last peaking october 24, two weeks before the election, a high has not been seen since 2000. as investors grow more confident that the fed can withstand a rate hike and adjust to donald trump, what does it mean for tech m&a and ipo's in the new year? here with me now, president of gmc group. carter, great to have you back on the show.
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the markets have been on a roll, but tech has not been part of the rally. why is that? carter: it's hard to say. markets have been up in small caps, in particular. i think a lot of the bigger tech companies are multinational in scale, and i think that the policy, trump's policies are generally anti-trade, those cuts -- those kinds of things really affecting people's viewpoints of the bigger companies, amazon, microsoft, ibm, since those are the largest market cap companies affecting the whole indices. emily: facebook, google down since the election. do you think that will keep up, or that once we start to see more certainty around trump's policies, that could change? carter: i think it could change. i think the tech sector will
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probably join this rally at some point. i think we will talk a little bit about ipo's. the backdrop for ipo's is very good. i think people are looking for high-growth companies in the markets today. we see a lot of growth in technology, especially in cloud-based software platforms. and other companies that don't necessarily have as big an impact as some of these global economic issues. emily: 2015, 2016 pretty dry years for tech ipo's, and now we have two political surprises with the election of donald trump and brexit, so perhaps companies waiting for her -- more certainty have not have gotten it. what does it mean for 2017 in terms of ipo's? carter: the backdrop for ipo's has been really good over the last six months. we have had low volatility in the market, five months of inflows into equity funds. we've had generally good
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performance. in the ipo sector, for the ipl's 's that have come out in 2016, the average ipo is up by 35%. in technology, about 45%. so people are making money, and outsized returns by betting on new companies in the ipo market. october, i couple of weeks before the election, we really saw an uptick in ipo activity, but as the election got closer, people got more uncertain, and that tailed off. i think we are set up for a much more robust ipo market in 2017. emily: so how many more ipo's? carter: it's hard to say, but the backlog for cloud deals has gone up significantly. emily: snapchat? carter: that's right. yesterday ineal
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the cyber security space. there are a lot of companies that have filed. jmp securities is an active underwriter in the technology and biotech markets. we saw a number of companies left underwriters and got on file confidentially in the fall. we know that there are a lot of companies lining up to go public in the first quarter of 2017. emily: what about him m&a? will companies get more inquisitive? who, why? carter: the m&a backdrop has been good. our own m&a advisory businesses is up dramatically this year. we focus on tech and health care and financial services and real estate and we have seen a steady increase in m&a activity. we don't really see that slowing down. a lot of the companies we deal with will benefit, at least from what we are hearing the policies
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will be, lower regulation, lower tax rates. companies that are more domestically focused, so don't have the issues around the stronger dollar and trade policy. we think so far it is generally positive. emily: one of our editors suggested yesterday that bigger is potentially safer under president-elect trump. would you agree with that? carter: i don't know if i agree with that. the market does not necessarily agree with that right now. the russell 2000 is up 11%. that's the area where the small-cap part of the market has been rallying. i think there is more uncertainty for large global companies that have businesses in asia and across the world with the potential for trade wars and other negative consequences.
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emily: any specific sectors within tech you would single out where you would expect to see activity? carter: we are seeing a lot of increased activity in cloud-based software. that is an area we cover and we dealseen recent dales -- around in ipo that is performed very well. we expect to see a lot more activity in that area. that has continued to be a good area for investors. emily: carter mack, jmp group president. always great to have you here. thanks for stopping by. a story we are watching, a major ad tech provider, appnexus, has barred breitbart news from using its tools because it says the online publisher violated its hate speech rules. appnexus says in light of former breitbart executive steve bannon being appointed to the white house, they did a human audit of the website. they say there are a lot of articles that crossed the line
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and incite violence. google says they pull ad support from sites that spread mixed information. coming up, the industry grapples with what the trump administration means for renewable energy demands. we speak with the biggest provider of home solar in the u.s., next. this is bloomberg. ♪
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emily: apple is making its return to black friday. the tech giant will have a one-day sales event november 25. this after the company decided to forgo the shopping event last year. it has been a busy few months who has had a revamp of their macbook pro last month. apple has not yet revealed what items will be on sale, but the apple watch is prominently displayed on the announcement
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page. shifting gears to renewable energy, in the weeks following trump's election, energy analysts have tried to guess what the incoming administration will mean for the sector. -- chavez promised the bling mr. trump has promised to bring back coal mining jobs. mr. trump: on energy, i will create many millions of high-paying jobs. that's what we want. that's what we've been waiting for. emily: but, questions remain, like what will be trump administration due to tax credits for installing solar panels? joining me, the ceo of the largest u.s. provider of solar energy loans for consumers. hearing trump's remarks, how do you expect that will impact your business? >> it has been good to hear from the transition team that they
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don't plan to target renewable energy tax credits, and that makes sense, because solar is one of the most popular things in america right now. 89% of americans support solar, about 85% of republicans, 95% of democrats. solar is creating jobs at 12 times the pace of the rest of the economy. it is one of the few bright spots universally popular. i don't think he will go after it. emily: this is a guy who believes climate change is a hoax, or at least has suggested as much in the last few years. there is concern about whether tax credits will be rolled back. how concerned are you? billy: i am not that concerned. ultimately, this is about which electricity sources are best for the country and the economy. right now, solar is cheaper than other forms of electricity. most of the action is taking place in the states right now. the market has taken on a life
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of its own. i actually don't think there's much he could do to slow down solar. emily: is there any upside under trump? billy: there is a lot of interesting investing in infrastructure. solar and transmission infrastructure investment are needed. we are hoping that some of the tax credits will be used to further deploy clean energy. emily: you guys are the leader in this space, but you've got run and solar city also providing a similar service. how do you see yourself remaining a leader? billy: we work with almost the entire industry. we are a fintech company where we provide products to almost every major installer in the country. when they are sitting across the kitchen table with someone who wants to go solar, they are using our application to get the customer instantly improved, offer them a loan. we don't compete with those companies, we work with those
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companies. emily: so how does a solar city merger impact you are the industry? billy: we were excited to see those two companies come together. we work with both companies. for us, it is a positive thing. i think they are a stronger company together and we are excited to keep working with them and supporting their business. emily: so do you buy into the sort of end to end energy service for consumers? billy: i do. i think most consumers benefit by going solar. i think anyone who has driven a tesla knows it is a better car than most others on the road. if you can bundle these together into a single offering and to test for customers , i think there is something there. emily: i asked the same question to the sunrun ceo, what is it
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like being in the same industry as elon musk? billy: i am glad to be on his side. emily: billy parish, ceo of mosaic, thank you for joining us. great to have you. tomorrow on bloomberg, the founder of sky bridge capital and member of the trump transition team will give his behind the scenes account on the incoming administration and weigh in on the latest appointment. tune in. coming up, a major hedge fund is betting big on small startups. they explain their investment strategy next. this is bloomberg. ♪
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emily: be a leader, not a tweeter. that's what most voters want from donald trump now that the election is over. a quinnipiac survey found that 59% of those surveyed think they -- think donald trump should close his personal account @realdonaldtrump. he has continued to be active on twitter since he was elected. president obama was the first president to use twitter, and his administration outlined a transition plan for trump to take over his @potus handle on
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inauguration day. however, donald trump's personal account has more followers than the potus account. hedge fund manager steve cohen is turning to tech to give his fund an edge. cohen recently disclosed his stakes in startup companies. the chief marketing intelligence officer joined daybreak america and explained his interest in tech and small startups. >> if you want to know what is going on where innovation is happening, it's important to know about startups, and that's what we are trying to do, get to know those companies in the space that are relevant to asset management, which is really a diversified asset management firm. we are really excited to work with those companies to both be a client to them and an investor to them. >> do you drop the money and say, see you later, or do you
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look for a joint partnership at the end of the day? >> one of the priorities is, can we help them? if we can't help them, there are a lot of places to get money. investments were helping them day-to-day with their most strategic priorities, whether it be introduction to large banks or how to trade or, as a customer, their technology product. it is really critical to our investment thesis. on the one hand, it's how you know you are making a smart investment, and number two, it's how you are a great vc to these companies because you are able to help them. >> what is the relationship with the ideas with steve? >> he is really engaged in the startup landscape. he is very involved and he is on the investment committee. every decision basically ends up with me and pete, our other partner, and steve having a talk about it, kind of getting his view and having his opinion in that process. it's great to do that with him.
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he is a liquid markets investor for 30 years, and one of the interesting things is the lend he brings. he wants to talk about multiples, growth rates, how much are we paying for this? these are things you traditionally don't hear in a vc process. it's very exciting for me. >> how do you value these companies? are they overvalued? how do you deal with that? >> you mainly value them on revenue, if they have revenue, and their are sort of multiples in the market, and if you have been doing vc for a while, you start to understand what those multiples are. over the last year, they have come down in most spaces, the exception being machine learning and artificial intelligence, where the prices are still very high. in very early stage deals, there are kind of accepted norms about what you pay. startup investing is a bit of an
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act of faith. you are betting on something big happening down the road. guys steve: an act of faith ? >> we have to understand what they've got. it's very energizing for him. it also helps with his public market investing, because these companies are the ones that are disrupting the big public companies. if you trade automotive stocks these days, you have to understand what's going on with artificial intelligence and self driving cars. for us as a firm, it has a lot of different advantages. >> your exit strategy? >> there's a lot less ipo's these days. normally these companies will get bought by someone along the way. it is obviously very exciting if a company goes all the way to and ipo, but i would say nowadays, you just have to count on that less and less. emily: that was matthew, point72
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ventures' chief market intelligence officer. at&t is online version of directv is launching next week without cbs. it is the lone holdout for the service along top media companies, aimed at cable customers. directv is now a package, more than 100 live channels delivered over the internet for $35 a month. tomorrow on the show, our guest host bob o'donnell will check in with intel security and break down the most hackable holiday gifts this season. what you need to do to secure your connected devices. find out tomorrow. and that does it for this edition of "bloomberg technology." remember, all episodes are now live streaming on twitter. check us out weekdays at 6:00 p.m. in new york, 3:00 p.m. in san francisco. that's all. this is bloomberg. ♪
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>> reshaping the fed. sources say donald trump is ready to fill two vacancies on the central bank or of governors. making a statement, use -- u.k. chancellor philip hammond with the much-anticipated many budget. what room does he have for giveaways? a ceo, later from this hour.


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