tv Best of Bloomberg Technology Bloomberg December 5, 2016 12:00am-1:01am EST
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>> it's 1:00 here in hong kong. an update of the top stories. asian stocks falling after the italian prime minister lost his referendum on reform and resigned. the euro has slipped to the lowest since 2015. 50% -- 60% had about of support with almost all boats being counted. the new zealand prime minister says he will stand down next week and quit politics altogether at the election. he says he is not a career politician and it's time for someone else to lead the national party. find -- thed
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finance minister as his successor. the hang seng has made a slow start, dropping to a low. the link comes more than two years after a similar program between hong kong and shanghai. global news, 24 hours a day, powered by more than 2600 journalists and analysts in more than 150 countries. we have risk off with what we are seeing so far. japanese equities, concerns over instability in europe. the shanai sliding, 1.3%. sydney closing for the day. this is bloomberg. ♪
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bloom -- i'm emily chang and this is the "best of bloomberg technology. coming up, our interview with one of the richest men in the world, carlos slim. we will catch up with him in mexico city. plus, we will catch up with the sun run ceo on what a trump presidency means for the solar industry. we get our hands on snap's spectacles and insight on the product of lightspeed ventures -- from lightspeed ventures. we heard from billionaire carlos slim, mexico's richest person, for an exclusive interview from mexico city. at&t's aggressive pricing strategies in mexico are causing the company to, quote, money."lot of money here cop--
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bloombergs erik schatzker caught up with him from the mexico year ahead 2017 summit. take a listen. carlos: we are mainly in latin america. inhave a big operation europe. we always take care of our investments. we cannot get behind in technology, incapacity, to -- in capacity. we cannot stop for any reason. it gets cheaper, because now we pay less for what we are going to do in dollar terms. in dollar terms it will be lower. but in local currencies, it's cheaper. erik: the concerns that you have about the effect of trump policies on the domestic economy and america's standing in the world -- does that change the
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calculus that you may have for some of your assets in the united states? you own a very large wireless -- prepaid wireless company, tracfone. mr. slim: no. i don't think there is any change about that. he's talking about climate change. let's look at what he's going to do, because he is not saying he will get out of climate change, that's very important. about the leadership of the u.s.,, but, one time, he said he will get out of everywhere, and he wants to make a stronger army, a stronger military. and maybe he is looking to negotiate the reissuance of that -- the resources that will pay for that. it's an issue of negotiations. negotiations to make u.s. pay less. he is talking about corruption
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in washington. that's good for our country. good for everyone. erik: rooting out corruption? i'd like to think that's good for everybody. mr. slim: i know. if you take a look, that is the officials of government and congress. erik: i mentioned this business you have, tracfone. what is the long-term strategy for the business? is it to continue as it is now, to maybe merge it with a wireless carrier or perhaps to sell it at some point? mr. slim: in the short-term, it is follow like we are doing. we need to follow what is happening in the industry and the industry is moving very fast. and we are alert of what is moving, what is coming, and depending on all these things, we will take a decision in the right moment. erik: so what is more likely to in the longer term? mr. slim: the longer-term, it's
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difficult to define at this moment. but we're working in the short-term to do what we have done to make it profitable. we have a good operation, a good market share. erik: here in mexico, your former partner, at&t, is now the greatest threat to your wireless business. is at&t playing fair? mr. slim: we know that they were going to come to compete, because we opened the door. we opened the door -- they have had a big piece for many years of american mobile. erik: yes. mr. slim: they have 10%. -- in 1991, they have 10%. we opened the door to them buying it. if we don't buy the part, they will not be here. and they're getting very aggressive, a little more -- they are losing a lot of money.
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i don't know how much, but they are losing a lot of money. you can see that in the balance sheets. winning market, that is the strategy they take. what is very surprising is that they are selling at a very low price here, less than 50% of the price in the u.s. that means it is a surprise that they are selling -- not that the u.s. price -- but less than 50% of the price in the u.s. erik: is that anticompetitive behavior? mr. slim: i don't know. you make your judge. you judge. erik: i think you know more about those regulators and i do. the-- moreo -- and about those regulators than i do. but what can you do, what can american mobil do to stop at&t from taking your market share? if it continues to price of that
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level? mr. slim: they are taking too much market. they are subsidizing too much. they are taking some market from competitors, but it's not just good for the consumers, we are happy. emily: coming up, we will hear from the ceo of box, aaron levie, as the company's latest results topping estimates. plus, what he thinks the trump administration will mean for the tech industry. and payment provider stripe gets $150 million funding and creates ireland's youngest billionaire. this is bloomberg. ♪
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emily: enterprise cloud company box rose the most in a month. in months this week after it announced earnings estimates. the company showed strong sales growth in the third quarter. i caught up with box ceo aaron levie. take a listen. aaron: two things that we have been benefiting from. we have been building a platform for 11 years now which is very differentiated from the rest of the competitive landscape. as more and more enterprises need to be able to move their data to the cloud and need to be able to manage it securely, we have the most competitive product on the market for helping large companies, companies of all sizes, storing, share, collaborate on information in a very secure way.
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-- and manage all of their information in a very secure way. that's what has been going well, and we are benefiting from the fact that most enterprises all around the world need to modernize their infrastructure, they need to modernize the way they work. we happen to be in the right from at the right time product standpoint for that. emily: you see growth from expanding sales to existing customers, or adding new customers? aaron: a mix of both. one of the cool things about our product is that it makes sense for any type-- size business in any industry anywhere around th world. we see dramatic expansion happening because of new customers coming on board. we're now at 69,000 businesses that use the product. at the same time we are seeing continued expansion with an -- within existing accounts. some of our new products will be launched over the past year and a half add-on , products in terms of revenue model, that have been performing well. we think we will both expand in terms of new product sales to existing customers, as well as being able to reach on the -- reach all new markets and all new segments of the customer
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landscape. emily: you guys already have partnerships with big tech companies -- ibm, microsoft. now you have a partnership with google and facebook. do you have any concerns that these bigger companies will add box-type functionality to their own platform? aaron: part of the reason of the partnerships is to power that type of functionality for those companies. what's really unique about the cloud is as enterprises move to the cloud, they will be using more applications than ever before. some companies have 30, 50, 100 different providers that power different parts of their enterprise. so you might be using salesforce, workday, workplace, office 365, but you will want your content and data to store securely in one place, back next -- that then connects to all those applications. our fundamental strategy is to be the agnostic, horizontal platform that connects all those different services. emily: you, like many in silicon valley, were vocal about the presidential election. you had a conference where you
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had a tagline -- make soware great again. aaron: that was when it was a joke. emily: [laughter] now that we know the results, you recently tweeted, the first can trump keep america great, can he recognize the pain he has created?" what are your biggest concerns? aaron: there are probably two big components of trump specifically moving into office. the first is i think the campaign that we saw over the past year, the rhetoric from the campaign created a lot of divisiveness in the country, and we have seen that play out over the past couple weeks. the first thing is he needs a strong message that is one of the social issues of inclusion that we need as a country, to build great organizations and to innovate. that would be the first and most important thing i'd want to see from the new administration. the second part is, we have a bunch of issues in the tech industry that relate to policy and government regulation, but these are increasingly not becoming tech issues only.
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they are becoming issues for the rest of the country. emily: immigration, trade? aaron: human beings that are tech specific today, but will impact however company eventually is able to stay innovative. as we imagine car companies moving to life-sciences companies having precision medicine. the issues we see in silicon valley around encryption and privacy and patents, they're going to be applicable to every company on the planet. while we think about these issues as silicon valley issues, there are going to be issues for every large enterprise, every type of company that exists. emily: that was box ceo aaron levie. turning to samsung, south korea's most valuable company climbed to a record this week after announcing a series of moves, including handing shareholders a 36% increase in per-share dividends. the company also announced it may split as soon as next year,
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responding to pressure from activist hedge funds. paul singer's elliott management. we caught up with the managing editor for asia tech, peter hellstrom, from tokyo, just as the news broke, along with tech economy ceo david kirkpatrick in new york. peter: the big news out of this is that samsung has decided it's going to return more cash to shareholders, specifically through dividends and share buybacks. it has said in the past that it wants to return about 30%-50% of free cash flow to shareholders. as it has done that, the amount of cash that it has on hand increases. it will go to the top end of that range, 50% going back to shareholders either through dividends or share buybacks. it's going to begin by increasing the dividend for 2017, by 36%. it will also move from twice a year dividend to a four-time a year dividend. in addition to that, they say that by next year they will nominate an independent director with global experience to their
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board, and they are also going to look at the structural changes, including the split into a whole big company and an -- into a holding company and an operating company. emily: david, you believe that samsung's current corporate governance structure is archaic and simply just can't survive in this day and age. david: thank you for characterizing my views. emily: [laughter] david: i am absolutely amazed that samsung has done as well as it has, as this secretive, family-controlled company that is caught up in all of the relatively questionable governance issues that korean business in general suffers from. now they are hit by the double whammy of having a disastrous product development that is going to lose them at least $6 billion this year, plus being an -- in an environment in korea where the relationship between government and business is highly suspect, because of this extreme corruption scandal that is happening with the president, and it involves
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samsung among other companies. i think they have to go a lot further than what this suggests they might do. one outside director is not enough. they need probably, as i think elliott has proposed, to go public in the united states, to really have the transparency that comes with the kind of company they are competing with, which is google and apple and companies like that. i really think that is one of the main reasons why they had this big problem with the note 7, which was an inexcusable corporate problem. emily: that was peter ahlstrom from tokyo and david kirkpatrick in new york. coming up, this week was energy week here at bloomberg. we asked the ceo of solar company sunrun if trump's administration puts the clean energy industry in danger. next. and china is looking to compete with the u.s. and russia in the race to space. we will dive into the country's private space ambitions, next. this is bloomberg. ♪
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emily: this week on bloomberg, we focused in on energy. first up, solar. in the weeks following donald trump's election, there has been endless speculation on what the future of solar energy will look like in the united states. trump campaigned on promises to bring back call mining jobs and scrap president obama's clean energy initiatives. some of those initiatives helped scale of the use of solar, which
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increased 30 fold under obama. with solar jobs growing 12 times faster than the rest of the economy. we caught up with sunrun ceo lynn jurich and cory johnson on the road ahead for the industry. lynn: you know, i'm not concerned at all. renewables are here to stay. the cost performance is just there and the people want it. just to highlight what voters wanted, if we look at the federal election, where the energy policy gets set is more at the state level. there were two places where there was voting based on solar, -- rooftop solar. that was in florida and arizona -- nevada, excuse me. in florida, the same voters that elected trump and rubio also voted to keep solar in the -- rooftop solar in the state. rooftop solar is very of the moment. it creates the jobs people want, the domestic jobs. it brings affordable solar energy to people, and it brings competition, and that is a very bipartisan set of characteristics.
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emily: ok, but there is still some question about how donald trump feels about it. he hasn't said very much since being elected, but let's take a listen to one thing he did say. mr. trump: on energy, i will cancel job-killing restrictions on the production of american energy, including shale energy and clean coal, creating many millions of high-paying jobs. that's what we want. that's what we have been waiting for. emily: when you hear him say that, when you hear concern about tax credits getting rolled back, what is the response? lynn: i think first what he is saying is that we are investing in infrastructure and jobs. we are investing in domestic jobs. that is precisely what we are doing. as you were saying in the opening comment, the jobs and solar are going 12 times that of the rest of the economy. i see a very consistent with his message. the other benefit about the rooftop solar is that what we are really competing with is we are really competing with the
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price of retail power, and that is why it is so efficient and while we will win long-term. it makes sense to use the existing rooftop infrastructure and to produce the power where it is delivered. we aren't really competing with the centralized power source, we are competing with the whole cost to transmit them to the home. onto the tax credits -- i will say that the tax credit was a policy that was extended under republican-led congress, that was a george bush era policy. it sunsets after four to five years, and that is what's so great about this industry, that -- our costs reductions that we are realizing make it so that to subsidize this industry makes a ton of sense. it is working. it is creating the jobs, and it is bringing the savings to people. cory: i wonder if we -- i buy your argument that the state policy has tended to drive solar more than federal, but when i look at what's happening to your company, you are succeeding were -- where others aren't -- solar city, point of fact, has massively cut their guidance
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towards how many megawatts they will install. they operate in many of the same markets where sunrun is, and you have not cut. i wonder how you are seeing the world differently than they are. lynn: well, the benefit of our industry is that we have an available market size that is vastly beyond where we are today. if you look at u.s. households, we are penetrated 2% or 3%. but when you look over 10 years with the costs reductions we are expecting, that could be 20%, which means that we would deliver a 20% annual growth rate over 10 years. i have been very consistent to say that this industry can sustain that. during that time period, there could be companies that get over levered, companies that get in trouble. but one of the things i am most proud of, it is our sixth quarter of being public, and we have delivered nice, strong, consistent growth. if you look at performance year to date, we are 50% year-over-year in terms of the number of megawatts that we have installed.
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emily: the tesla-solar city merger has been approved. how does this impact you? a bigger, more diverse, and to -- end to end tesla give them more power? lynn: i applaud the merger. i think it's very good for the industry. we are operating in a $400 billion annual industry. that's what retail energy is. we welcome innovation. we welcome strong companies. we welcome strong brands to educate consumers that we are -- rooftop solar is here. it's inevitable. it's a good choice for the home. i think it will lift all boats and we will welcome the -- them into the industry. cory: to that point, i don't know how well you guys are doing on my bloomberg terminal, i have the sunrun stock chart. if we go into the terminal, just by typing it, we look at your cash flow statement, we get to a beautiful, beautiful free cash flow chart, or maybe not so much. you are going through a lot of free cash flow. big losses, a little bit better than it has been, but how do you intended to reduce the free cash flow burn that you guys have
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been in for such a long time? lynn: it's interesting -- we have held our cash balance flat at $200 million for over four quarters. if you look at that cash balance, it has held flat. not only have we done that, but we have delivered it while we have grown the business. last year we grew it 80%, this year 50%. we are investing in that growth. we are investing in policy. we are investing in r&d. we have a lot of exciting things happening in terms of how we are incorporating storage into the panels, and we are holding our cash balance steady. what you're seeing is a very strong contribution margin for every one of the new solar companies that we acquire. emily: china is spending billions of dollars on its space program, building a rival to the u.s. and russia. it's not simply a state-led effort. entrepreneurs are also investing in the space race. bloombergs -- bloomberg's china correspondent tom mackenzie has more on the story. tom: here in the desert closer
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-- than beijing, china's private space ambitions are taking flight. technicians are putting the final touches on one capsule, called traveler 2, that is connected to a giant helium balloon. it is designed to climb to near space, 20 kilometers above sea level. the company behind the project has lofty ambitions. it wants to commercialize manned near-space travel by 2020. first, though, they have to test the flight controls, capsule to control communications, and the life-support system. you have probably heard about the monkeys and dogs that were sent into space. the traveler ii will be transporting this little guy, a two-inch terrapin. the chairman, liu ruopeng, is hailed by some as china's elon musk. he wants to make near space travel accessible to as many people as possible, and by designing a craft with reusable parts, he hopes to keep tickets below $100,000 per person.
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dr. ruopeng: our goal is to make normal people go to near space. because if you go by rockets or by some other technology, either it will give you a crazy leading up or crazy dropping process, which is very difficult for normal people. but what we want to develop is that it goes smoothly, stop smoothly, just like taking a space elevator. tom: the ambition dovetails with china's bid to compete in a space race with the u.s., russia, and asian neighbors. the country aims to build and operate its first space station by 2022. it wants to send an astronaut to the moon by 2025 and land an unmanned vehicle on mars. in october, china launched, sending two astronauts into
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orbit for china's longest mission yet. and though it is a private company, it is backed by state money. the final frontier is still dangerous, though, and a long way off. half an hour after launch and add just 12 kilometers above the earth, traveler ii's systems failed. the mission was aborted, and the fate of its turtle crew is sadly unknown. tom mackenzie, bloomberg. emily: coming up, facebook remains in the spotlight over fake news. should the social network be held accountable? a ceo weighs in. and a reminder, all episodes of "bloomberg tech" are now streaming. this is bloomberg. ♪
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♪ italian prime minister matteo renzi lost his referendum and resigned. traders see the beginning of a slide to dollar parity. the vote had 60% support, almost all votes counted. the anti-establishment five star party is seen as the big winner. donald trump criticized china amid fallout from his phone call with taiwan's president. he tweeted that beijing did not ask permission to defy you its currency or increased militancy
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in the south china sea. the south korean opposition may votes to impeach president park over the influence peddling scandal. a faction in her party has agreed to support a parliamentary motion on friday. it is backed by 171 opposition lawmakers, plus 29 to reach the 300 required. a criminal filed complaint over last week's plane disaster in columbia. it says the jet was allowed to leave even though it's flight plan broke safety standards. the jet was beyond its range, and 71 people were killed when it ran out of fuel. on how the in markets have been trading in asia today. a huge day of event risk, let's
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get over to david. >> a weak start to the week for obvious reasons. the silver lining at the moment as we enter the last few hours of trade, volumes have moved to the lighter side of things, tapering off after a heavy round of selling at the beginning of the session. most stocks on the way down, and when you look at markets, closing at session lows, some bright spots, but there is very little buying at the moment within that space. when you look at volumes, perhaps one take away is that some investors are sitting this one out. financials in focus given the developments in italy. financial services down the most, banks will be one to watch in london or italy. dollar-yen one 13.53, flat here. , ftse futures, let me
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leave you with this. .ig declines against peers interesting to see what happens later. ♪ emily: welcome back to "the best of bloomberg technology". i'm emily chang. investors are rushing to snap up shares of snapchat's parent company ahead of next year's i.p.o. but they are having little luck as they search the typical sources of private stock by employees and investors. consumers are facing the same challenges as they scout out the company's first hardware product, spectacles. we were able to get our hands on the elusive specs. snap's first investor, jeremy liew, brought the gadget over for a test run. ♪ how did you get your
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spectacles? i have a feeling you did not wait in line for six hours. jeremy: i have some friends at snapchat. i called in a favor. emily: if you don't have friends at snapchat, the only way to get your hands on snap's new camera-clad spectacles is to stand in line for hours at pop-up vending machines across the country. $130 a pair or up to thousands on ebay. emily: let's do it. jeremy was a lucky one. he is one of snap's first investors, so he didn't have to wait. how does it work? jeremy: there is a little button on the top. when i press it, it starts recording video. you can see the light is on. you know you're being recorded right now. after it stops, it syncs through bluetooth to my phone. when i open my snapchat app, it will sync through. emily: the specs come in edgy colors, teal, coral and a muted black. they charge when connected to
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the rechargeable battery. they have a cool factor. but you have to wonder if spectacles will make a cool dent in snap's business. when you heard snapchat was going to make something like this, was going to get into hardware, what did you think? jeremy: i found that evan and the team there have demonstrated that they know better than anyone else what their users will want. emily: my turn. jeremy: let me know what you think. emily: i'll give it a try. jeremy: you're recording. emily: oh, i'm recording. jeremy: can you see? emily: yeah. hey! the camera records circular video, allowing you to hold your phone virtically or horizontally to see the scene. jeremy: i went ziplining with my daughter, and not having to worry about dropping a camera or a phone and being able to record that experience, it was really pretty fantastic. emily: why do you think spectacles will do any better than these? google glass?
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jeremy: i think it is kind of obvious just looking at them, don't you? emily: obvi, right? remember google glass retails at $1,500. more than 11 times more than spectacles. it can do a lot more things, though. jeremy liew believes that snap's price point will help get the product into the hands of the masses, but will spectacles have long-term staying power? i want to bring in ryan hoover. you haven't tried it, but you just saw our little experience there. i'm sure you have heard a lot about it. what do you think? ryan: i think it is a brilliant move. snap sucsnapchat is executing sl on so many different levels. it is very difficult for, especially a software company, to execute in hardware. they are doing it in a very snap kind of way. they are making it a toy and making it fun. also, introducing a price point making it accessible for a lot of people. emily: brilliant is a strong word. really, brilliant?
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ryan: even the execution of the distribution. they are creating vending machines. vending machines, since when were vending machines cool? they have made them kind of cool and also marketing campaigns, dropping them in different cities. emily: they are making it feel very exclusive, that is for sure. i will say i walked into it feeling skeptical but i can certainly see a, you would love these if you were a huge snapchat user because it is so video toget the your phone and to your app, and b, if you have kids, it takes away that awkward moment when you pull out your phone and your kid automatically stops doing that cute thing that they were doing that you wanted to get a picture of. do you think this is something actually that will add revenue to the bottom line or drive usage? in a big way? ryan: yeah, long-term, i believe this movement. it is not the first version that necessarily will. but it is the first step towards a hardware snap company. emily: now to a story we are watching. german prosecutors are investing facebook ceo mark zuckerberg and a number of other facebook executives after complaints of
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hate speech. the lawyer claims the social network accident unlawfully by failing to remove posts that incite hatred or violence. the lawyer provides examples of hundreds of posts denying the holocaust, calling for violence, and expressing support for terror groups. facebook said, "the allegations lack merit." meantime, the ceo of axel springer, one of the biggest companies in europe, says that politicians should resist calls to regulate facebook as a media company. this despite concerns surrounding fake news on the social network during the u.s. election. the ceo made the comments in an exclusive interview with bloomberg. take a listen. mathias: i think it is a tremendous distribution platform. i really stick to mark zuckerberg's philosophy that it is about connecting people. so it is a platform a bit like a telco in the old days. it brings people together. it facilitates communication. perhaps in a couple of years, it will be virtual reality conversations that we have on
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facebook. facebook is a technology company and a platform. it is a not publisher. it is not a content producer. it takes no responsibility for content, and it should not take responsibility for content. i think it is a totally misleading debate. you cannot blame people what they have shared during a telephone conversation. the only restriction for facebook i think should be the rule of law. what is against the constitution, what brings people into jail, that cannot be published on facebook, but i think the whole idea that they should have a super editor, that would transform facebook into a global media monopoly, and that's really going in the wrong direction from various points of view. emily: coming up, we will be talking to the c.f.o. of stripe, william gaybrick. the company just raised $150 million in its latest funding round and aims for rapid growth. the company's strategy is next. if you like bloomberg news, check us out on the radio. you can check us out on the
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satya: by 2025, our society will produce 180 zetabytes of data. in fact, we are running out of words to describe the number of bytes we're gathering. our role is to ensure that the data is not just an exhaust but is converted into actionable, helpful insights and intelligence. emily: this year, cybermonday set a new record, according to adobe digital insights. this signals a huge shift in consumer habits. americans spent $3.45 billion monday, a 12% increase from last year. enter stripe, the payment service that just raised $150 million, doubling its valuation to $9.2 billion. its focus on online merchants gives it an edge over competitors as retail shifts away from traditional brick and mortar. i spoke with william gaybrick, the c.f.o. of stripe, for exclusive interview. william: stripe is a platform for building on business and in particular for accepting payments. with this round, i do not think there is anything that has reinforced the capital. in particular, it has gotten investors excited about stripe is momentum that we carried through 2016 was the year of 2016. building for scale at stripe, and scale has come, in particular a lot of really big companies have been joining stripe. s.a.p., bloomingdales, target,
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macy's, unicef all have joined the stripe platform. in addition, we have opened up four new markets. france, spain, singapore, japan and launched a lot of great new , products. an atlas which is for , incorporating a business. as we look into 2017, the capital is to double down on those efforts, open up a bunch of new markets, and be ready for the scale to come. emily: you mentioned bloomingdale's and macy's. cyber monday spending up now 12%. how do you continue to monetize and capitalize on this strength? william: i think that, as you mentioned a second ago, up 12% year over year. yesterday was a huge, huge day for stripe users. we see more and more commerce moving from offline to online. so stripe is really about being an ally to startups and technology companies and giving them the tools to accelerate their businesses go global and
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, build marketplaces and platforms and pioneer new business models. emily: $9 billion is double square's market cap. is the difference justified, and why? william: stripe and square are very different businesses. in fact square is a business , that i greatly admire. it is a great business, but it serves a very different user base and is solving a very different problem. so, you know, for square, you're looking at the huge market of millions of small businesses across the country. largely offline. coffee shops, hair salons, things like that. stripe, in turn, is very focused on technology companies. so these are often very high-growth companies building businesses online and taking advantage of the new opportunities the internet creates. emily: on that note, you processed $20 billion last year. what is the estimate or the forecast for this year, and how fast do you expect that number to grow? william: well, as a private company, we don't report any financials right now. we haven't confirmed any numbers. as i mentioned a second ago, we
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are seeing a lot of great scale driven by a lot of really large users joining stripe. emily: we have been talking a lot about the political situation. you mentioned you guys have a lot of international efforts and international expansion happening. you have a partnership with alipay in china. i know you are now in cuba as a result of the white house opening relations with cuba. now we have a president who says -- president-elect -- who says he wants to curb our trade relationship with china and potentially end the relationship with cuba. are you concerned at all about stripe's business? william: well, as you note, emily, earlier this year when thpresident was making his historic trip down to cuba, he reached out to stripe in particular to invite us down there. in fact, a lot of entrepreneurs on the ground in cuba were asking for stripe to be there because of our atlas product. you know stripe will always be , about economic inclusion.
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we are really about building the technologies to create an economically interconnected world. what it means with the new administration joining, i'm not the expert to talk about policy or macro conditions. what i can say is there are there is strong evidence that the new administration is quite pro business. job creation and stoking the economy in general is a priority. and so we are aligned, at least in that way. emily: coming up, he is known as the hacking boy genius who cracked the iphone and turned down a job from elon musk. george hotz gives us an update on his regulation-defying self-driving car technology. this is bloomberg. ♪
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emily: noted investor whitney tilson spoke on bloomberg television about his outlook for the markets and his investments this week, including his short position on tesla. although the solar city deal took a big chunk out of the company's stock, he is taking a cautious approach. whitney: i am so tempted to short it.
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i got destroyed shorting it last time on the big run-up from 30 to 200 or something. it has made me cautious of shorting it, partly because i got burned before, but partly because you can construct the most perfect case on it about rising competition and the company is hemorrhaging money, and the solar city acquisition is just going to add to their losses and it certainly has added to their debt load. emily: hacker george hotz shocked the auto industry last year when he showed off a working autonomous car jerryrigged in his own garage. he would go on to reportedly turn down a job and elon musk, instead founding his own company to promise to sell self-driving software car kits for $999. it came to a halt last week when regulator says hotz a warning over safety concerns. he scrapped the plan and he tweeted, "would much rather spend my life building amazing tech than dealing with regulators and lawyers.
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it isn't worth it. will be exploring other markets and products. hello from china." not so fast. hotz came back this week to announce a plan to open source his software for free. he joined us to explain why. george: it supports right now select hondas and acuras and self-driving cars. you still have to pay attention at all times, but there are certain scenarios that you can take your hands off the wheel and not touch either pedal and the car will drive by itself. emily: ok. so regulators were not so happy about your original plan. how do they feel about this one? george: i don't know. i have not heard from them. the regulator response i thought was very reasonable. the problem was when it came. we were not selling a product. we were not even taking preorders for a product, and they were already asking me for things like a user manual under oath. easier to just cancel and pivot. emily: haven't you really just upped the ante? do you expect to get r more than
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t more than just a warning? george: no. we are not selling a product. nhtsa regulates the sale of products using the interstate commerce clause. we are just making plans available for free on the internet. that's a lot more like free speech. emily: isn't it like opening pandora's box, telling everyone, "here is how you can make a self-driving car"? you're basically allowing them to do something that is illegal. ok first off, it , is not illegal. you are responsible for complying with local laws and regulations. my understanding is if somebody in california went and built one of these, i am not a lawyer but i think that would be legal, because technically is only an adaptive cruise control and lane keep assist. which are exempt under california law from being an autonomous vehicle. california has the most restricted laws. somewhere like texas -- that is uber are testingoove
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down there. emily: have you made any commitment not to test yourself? george: nhtsa does not regulate testing. the only thing i told nhtsa is that we would notify them before we are making a product available for sale. we're not doing that. emily: what kind of interest have you gotten? george: we just opened it this morning. emily: are people excited? what is the response? george: already, we have people talking about building them, porting them to the old tesla that did not have autopilot. that is the great thing about it being open. those other cars we do not support, people can download our code and add support for them. emily: when you said hello from shenzhen, china, what did you mean? what are you doing there? george: i was in shenzhen, china. emily: and more were looking for , manufacturing partners. i did meet with a few companies there as well. i am not going to say who. you know, the other thing about open sourcing this, there are so many more jurisdictions than the u.s. the u.s. government may not like what i'm doing, but some other governments may and hey, we would love to work with you. emily: is china more open to it? george: i don't know.
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to be honest, i do not believe that it would be easier to navigate the regulatory environment in china, where i do not speak chinese, versus the u.s., where i speak english. but i don't know. emily: so, you know, folks like you have been willing to challenge regulators, but more broadly, people don't want to take that kind of risk. i wonder, how do you think regulations are essentially holding back self-driving car technology? george: i mean, again, i can really only comment on my specific case. in my specific case, they tried to regulate a product that was not even available for sale. they actually gave me 10 days to under oath provide them the user manual for a product i'm not even taking orders for. so if i make a mistake in the user manual, they are going to martha stewart me. you know? [laughter] emily: so -- george: premature. i think that was the problem. emily: you said elon musk offered you a job to build self-driving car software for tesla with a multimillion dollar bonus. you turned it down. you have also said your software is just as good as the latest
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tesla autopilot. george: i've not said the latest, i said the previous. emily: how does it compare to the latest? george: autopilot is a bit better. all of their autopilot cars are helping to train the other autopilot cars. once a bunch of people start building these, they communicate with our network, we train, we improve, we ship out. we will be able to beat autopilot. emily: what is your relationship with musk and tesla today? george: i don't know. i haven't heard from him. emily: no new offers? george: no. emily: interestingly, president-elect trump has nominated elaine chao to run the department of transportation. do you have any inkling of what she might mean for this industry? george: i looked into her policy positions a little bit. i could not find that much. the woman who he chose to do, to the lead transition committee on transportation, she came from a libertarian think tank who criticized california's steering wheel and pedal policy. for being overly restrictive, which i agree with. there has not been a single
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death in autonomous vehicles to date. you can talk about the autopilot one, but that is a lot more of a cruise control system than a true autonomous vehicle. to try to regulate something that has not only never caused a public safety problem but also could potentially solve a huge public safety problem, to me, seems very premature. i think that is the key word. emily: let's talk about the tesla autopilot death you just referred to. there's a debate about semi-autonomous versus fully autonomous, what is safer? what do you think is safer? what do you think most cars of the future will be -- fully or semi-autonomous? george: there is a long path to get to fully autonomous. i do not believe that there is a path to fully-autonomous cars without first going through semi-autonomous. i think tesla's plan for attacking the problem is brilliant and going to succeed. if tesla is the ios, we want to be the android. we will be the ones getting the 80%. we'll be a little bit worse for
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a bit, but that is kind of the plan. emily: founder george hotz there. well drones are swiftly busting , into new and unfamiliar territory from military , operations to food delivery. but there is one commercial drone you may not have seen yet -- designed by massachusetts-based drone maker cyphy works, which already works with the air force and u.p.s. bloomberg's ann moss visited their f.a.a.-approved test facility for an exclusive look. ♪ ann: hovering above the trees at peak foliage in this massachusetts town is an unfamiliar object, a high-powered commercl drone. lance: what you're seeing here is our p.a.r.c. system. what the p.a.r.c. is is persistence aerial reconnaissance communication platform. ann: these drones are not moving much. in fact, if you look closely,
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you'll see that they are tethered to the ground. that's because they are designed for surveillance and communication. lance: they do a couple of things. it allows us to keep the bird in the air indefinitely. it is powering the system. it is also allowing us to move up and down the tether. ann: lance vander brook is the c.e.o. of cyphy works, which makes these drones which can fly up to 400 feet for 220 hours. cyphy has partnered with state police, the u.s. army, and big events such as concerts and marathons. ♪ lance: a screen you are seeing here is actually coming off that camera. yeah, we can lock in on a car. this is our payload. this is a cm 100 camera. it gives you three times optical zoom. ann: it is latest start up by helen grainer. helen: from a technology point of view we're rolling right along or flying right along.
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ann: she is a co-founder of irobot, the company behind the roomba. cyphy has raised $36 million to date from investors and strategic partners such as motorola and u.p.s. the drone maker successfully flew its first delivery with u.p.s. this year. medicine to a hard-to-reach island. helen: i think initially going to inaccessible areas, emergency rural areas, i think that is the right place to start. no, i do envision them being used bringing you your starbucks coffee in the morning or your pizza at night. maybe even bringing you milk that you forgot another the store. ann: the f.a.a. cleared small commercial drones last summer, but the promise of delivery drones has been limited by short battery life. 45 minutes max. tethered drones present a new set of challenges. but for cyphy, it is a bigger picture play. helen: the tethered drones are making our drones really much
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more rugged, much more reliable. we get much more testing in and that will lead to much better, safer, more reliable delivery drones. ann: big players like amazon, alibaba and others are competing in the global market for global valuation of drone technology that is valued at $127 billion by price waterhouse coopers. lance: we work with a number of government agencies. public safety. we're starting to move into the private sector and starting to see it work with customers in the oil and gas space telecoms, , utilities. ann: cyphy currently employees 50 people and plans to double the size of the company in 2017. lance: it is an exciting time for drones, and the sky is the limit. ♪ emily: that was bloomberg's ann moss at the cyphy drone test facility in massachusetts. and that does it for this edition of "the best of bloomberg technology." we will bring you all the latest in tech throughout the week during our new time slot beginning monday.
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>> the italian prime minister matteo renzi will offer his resignation today after conceding defeat in a landmark referendum. early electionn would see the antihero five-star movement sleep to power. the euro drops to the lowest level since march, 2015. the nation's stocks trend lower, and now the focus turns to the banking sector and bond markets. tough tweets. the u.s. president-elect donald trump takes a hard line with china on social media, saying he won't be told who to talk to after
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