tv Charlie Rose Bloomberg January 12, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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♪ announcer: from our studios in new york city, thiis "charlie rose." charlie: we begin this evening with a look at developments around president-elect donald trump. it was revealed yesterday that intelligence officials shared with donald trump and president obama a summary of unsubstantiated claims that russia had selected personal and business information on the president-elect. hisatives speaking to candidacy. today, donald trump spoke to the news media for the first time in six months and certainly for the first time since he has been elected. he conceded that russia was behind the hacking of the democrats during the campaign. mr. trump: as far as hacking, i
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think it was russia but i also think we get hacked by other countries and people. charlie: but he adamantly denied his ties to russia. mr. trump: if vladimir putin likes donald trump --guess what? that is called an asset and not a liability. i do not know that i am going to get along with vladimir putin but there is a good chance i will not. he should not be doing it. he will not be doing it. russia will have much greater respect for our country when i am leading it then when other people have led it. you will see that. russia will respect our country more. charlie: at one point, he got into an argument with jim acosta, a cnn reporter, calling him and the organization fake news. mr. trump: not you. your organization is terrible. >> you are attacking our news organization. mr. trump: go ahead. quiet. i am not going to give you a question. can you statee --
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-- mr. trump: you are fake news. charlie: donald trump also said he would not divest from his vast business ownings. he will turn over the operations and control of those holdings to a trust overseen by his eldest son, eric and donald trump junior. mr. trump: my two sons, who are right here, don and eric, are going to be running the company. they are going to be running it in a very professional manner. they are not going to discuss it with me. charlie: joining me now, phil rucker of the washington post. and jonathan karl of abc news. just for the record, jonathan, where did this story begin? [laughter] charlie: take me to the beginning of the story to what we saw today. jonathan: these allegations had been out there for a long time pushed by political opponents of donald trump but cnn broke the story that these allegations had
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been part of what was presented to donald trump. charlie: the allegations were put together by political opponents in the primary process? jonathan: precisely. charlie: did they rely on the so-called intelligence operative from britain? jonathan: they did. and several news organizations , i have spoken to several people who have been in this for wild,, several -- a several allegations were not readily confirmable. some were readily disprovable. and to them those freed -- it was included in an appendix to that intelligence report on the russian hacking. but as i understand it, it was not directly briefed to president-elect donald trump. when they came in. during the oral presentation.
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but there was -- i am told it was a two-page summary. quite sanitized. that essentially said, there are unconfirmed allegations that the russians were trying to compile information that could be used to blackmail donald trump. charlie: we also now know that donald trump said it did not happen. jonathan: he said it did not happen. charlie: the russians said it did not happen. but the investigation continues, or not? jonathan: the fbi director comey , was asked this yesterday and he said he did not discuss ongoing investigations. which, you know, elicited a response from senator king. but i do not get the sense that there is any serious investigation. charlie: is there a consensus as to whether this is true? or some of them are true? jonathan: the consensus is that
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a lot of this is absolutely false. whether there are kernels of truth is unknown. charlie: nobody has confirmed or verified the story. jonathan: no. charlie: is it over? >> i don't think anything is over until it is over in this donald trump era. things tend to linger. the problem for donald trump is that it is all online and people are reading it whether it is true or not and i think that is why he was so angry in today's press conference. he chastised buzzfeed for doing it and even threatened them, saying they would suffer the consequences in the future for this action. i think the incoming administration is going to continue to try to fight it but it is out there and people are reading it. charlie: buzzfeed stepped forward after publication to say that they discovered some things later that they believe not to be true. later they said things were not true.
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charlie: we are publishing things we know not to be true. jonathan: -- >> this is a debate going on in media and journalism. the question is -- buzzfeed's argument was that this has been circulating at high levels of government and in the intelligence community and we think it is worth putting it out there and letting readers decide. basically the same philosophy that groups like wikileaks have adopted. rather than editing the information, they will dump it raw on the internet and let people decide. it is obviously a very controversial approach and a lot of journalists disagree with it and you saw donald trump in the press conference today thank the news outlets who did not record it. but i also think frankly it was a savvy move by donald trump because he is trying to divide the press corps against each other a little bit because he knows it is easier to take them on if they are bickering amongst themselves. but there are legitimate reasons to debate about whether this was a wise and responsible move by
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buzzfeed. >> the real question is why did the intelligence community decide to put any of this into their report. charlie: right. >> did they do it because they felt there was perhaps something to it even if a lot of it was demonstrably false? jonathan: or i will tell you right now that the folks in donald trump's inner circle say that the intelligence community did this as a shot at donald trump because donald trump had been so critical about it. absolutely. charlie: saying, we have access to stuff. jonathan: because even though it was only a two-page summary that was greatly sanitized, the fact that it was in there and that it leaked that it was in there gave the green light to other news organizations to cover it. now suddenly it is not just rumors being circulated by opponents of donald trump that -- but it is something that the intelligence community felt was worthwhile in including in this appendix. >> donald trump was clearly upset with the intelligence community at the press conference today.
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he said several times that it was outrageous that this information had been leaked and suggested that it was the intelligence community behind it. mckay: this is a strange feud to be having between the president elect and the intelligence community and it does appear that it will continue. charlie: his cia nominee -- he will have him look closely at what is going on in these institutions. >> he went so far as to suggest that it was a not a germany i germany -- naz situation and suggested that the intelligence and that the intelligence community was undermining his credibility and he tweeted that this morning and reiterated it at the news conference. there is bad blood here and it could have severe consequences for national security. charlie: john mccain -- he did a five minute interview where he said he got the information off the internet.
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as i understand it. >> the information came to him and he turned it over to the fbi. the fbi took the lead on this. so i think one of the interesting questions in the opening days of the donald trump presidency is what does donald trump do with director comey? charlie: what can he do? jonathan: he could fire him. i do not get the sense that there is a lot of confidence coming out of trump tower in comey. charlie: what is the point of having a 10 year term? jonathan: the point is to take it out of the -- charlie: if you could be fired at any minute, it won't matter. jonathan: it would be ineffective. charlie: overall, the first press conference was a success for donald trump? jonathan: first of all, it was unlike any presidential related press conference i have ever seen. charlie: because? jonathan: it was a free wheeling, rollicking affair. we have grown accustomed to
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presidential press conferences , certainly with obama and bush, everybody is seated. he has a list of questions. sometimes, you have a press secretary calling for the reporters. instead of the president himself. this was donald trump coming out and freewheeling and calling on all kinds of different news organizations. and following no planned script. i mean, it was really something else. clearly, he was freewheeling in his answers. >> he loved every minute of it. >> he loved it. >> donald trump has not done one since july but i expect him to do a lot of them. charlie: here is what interests me come before we move on to other things, has the british intelligence officer or operative been identified? i thought i saw something today. >> the wall street journal identified the person. charlie: exactly. intelligenceer
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official for the british intelligence and now works for a private security and investigations firm and was hired by republican opponents to donald trump during the primary. and that is where he started to compile the research. charlie: the reports coming out before the press conference today said within the intelligence community, he had credibility. mckay: yes that is true. , and i have spoken to people in the intelligence community who have been whispering about this stuff for months, well before the election. i don't know if this came originally from him, but certainly these allegations have been flying around. charlie: which raises the question, was it specifically regarding donald trump and what may have happened vis-a-vis russia or personal behavior? mckay: in this case, what has actually come out. what was published and unverified, have to do with russia compiling compromising information about donald trump and that was all i have ever heard from sources in the intel community. charlie: and he also spoke about
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putin today. basically said if he likes me, , that is good. it is better for us. >> there were significant things he said on this. first of all, he acknowledged that the russians were responsible for the hacking. charlie: he said the same about others also. >> he did. but he did acknowledge russia was behind it. jonathan: i asked him directly, what about the other conclusion that putin ordered this , specifically because he wanted to help you win the election. he did not dispute that. that is when he said what is wrong with vladimir putin liking me. but he added something else saying that putin should not , have done it. and that was a first, i think, the first criticism or admonishment from donald trump about vladimir putin. >> he suggested vladimir putin would not do it while donald trump was president. that he will respect donald trump and therefore stop these sorts of activities. charlie: i ask this of the secretary of state last night. is there any evidence that after
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the president met with vladimir putin and said -- stop this, we know you are doing this. we have evidence that you are doing it. that there has been significant hacking since? do we know? >> i do not think we know of any, that is not to say there has not been one. >> there was more activity on wikileaks. it may have been collected earlier. mckay: i think that the initial fear was about hacking the actual voting booths. or tampering with actual votes. as it turns out, there is no evidence that that happened. so at the very least i think , president obama said he deterred russia in doing that. >> donald trump said the democratic national committee was waiting to be hacked. he talked about how weak their systems work. charlie: they knew they were going to be attacked. >> he said, look, if the russians had obtained information about donald trump, me, they would have released it publicly during the campaign and
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the fact that they did not was a testament to the security apparatus that the republican party has. charlie: part of the argument at one point as to why this may have been intended to hurt hillary clinton is that they had information and they only released the stuff about hillary and never released this stuff about the republicans. >> there is no evidence that they would have used materials to hurt donald trump. i mean, you know. mckay: and there has been reporting that people in the intelligence community believed that the rnc was in fact hacked. this remains an open question. >> there were republicans that were hacked. but, you know. ♪
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♪ charlie: let us talk about what happens to his business. he basically said i am no longer involved. i am divesting myself. setting up a trust. my sons will run it. my daughter and son-in-law will be in washington and she will have nothing to do with it. correct? >> one of the incredible moments in all of this was that he said he was offered a $2 billion deal with dubai just the other day
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and he could have done it. but he decided not to. mckay: i think he unintentionally raised a bunch more questions. what was the context of that offer being made? is he taking business deals? or is he sitting in meetings that become deal meetings? i mean, i do not know. i would like more reporting about that because that raises serious questions. >> was it a cold call? philip: there was a sophisticated presentation today from a lawyer who had been hired by the donald trump organization to oversee this apparatus. she gave a detailed explanation to convince the people that everything has been cleared up and there are no ethical problems remaining. but donald trump is not divesting from the company. he is not selling his ownership of the company. he will only step back and have a trust his sons but he is not fully separating himself.
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>> they said there would be no new foreign deals while he was president. the domestic deals would go through some sort of review process. and there would be a compliance officer named at the company whose job it is to make sure that there are no conflicts of interest. >> but hired by the company. mckay: the takeaway is, all of it boils down to "you have to trust me." --youhas not been any know, he has gone through the motions of trying to remove any conflicts of interest and the appearance of it and if you do trust donald trump you can believe in that system, but i do not think there has been any system put in place that removes the possibility of conflicts of interest and frankly, even his unusual business holdings, it might be impossible. jonathan: i am not sure what he could have done. a lot of ethics watchdogs are saying he should sell everything. charlie: some things could be
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harder to sell than other things. jonathan: how do you sell all of that? it would take a long time and the deals would not be completed by the time he was sworn in. if someone had overpaid for something, would that be a bribe? charlie: let's talk about other things. naming a supreme court justice. jonathan: he submitted some 20 names for the supreme court. he is narrowing it down. that he has begun the process of making a nomination, which he said would come within weeks of the attorney general being sworn in. charlie: what would he do about the wall? philip: he wants to build it right away. he would not wait for a deal with mexico to pay for it. he would build it right away and work out a deal later. he suggested there could be some sort of border tax to fund it. it could take a year or a year and a half to get the deal with mexico. but he said he is building the wall. mckay: which asks the question about the battle in congress , because they would have to
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provide the funds to do that. charlie: which they have to do. provide funding for the government spending. mckay: the problem is for those of us that covered his campaign, at his rallies he always said -- "who is going to pay for the wall?" and people would always yell back mexico. have read the campaign literature, it was always that they would pay first and then mexico would pay back. but it is an open question as to whether congress would write him a blank check to build the wall. jonathan: he did say it at least once. in october at a rally. he said -- "reimburse." instead of, pay it forward. at least he was on record before the election. you would not have gotten that impression from going to rallies before that this would be a layaway plan for the wall but it was interesting that he put a time frame on it -- a year and a half. charlie: what did he say about obama care? jonathan: obamacare, he said
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within weeks of his secretary being sworn in, tom price, his hhs secretary being sworn in, that the plan would be submitted. that it would be a big, beautiful plan that we would be proud of. he did not give details on why we would be proud of it. charlie: talking about dismantling obamacare, they have no alternative. jonathan: what he did say was that the repeal and replace would be at the same time, perhaps in the same hour which directly contradicts what republicans in congress are prepared to do, which is repealing it by the end of february and then going through a process of replacing parts of it. not one big giant bill that replaces it all. the bits and pieces. over many months. charlie: regarding his nominee for secretary of state. basically, trying to make clear
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that as nominee and as the future secretary of state, he would be clear in terms of his attitude towards russia. mckay: right. this is what his team has said in defense of rex tillerson. what is that while he was ceo of , exxon mobil, he had different andof priorities responsibilities. he was responsible to the shareholders and now he is responsible to american citizens at large. that is the argument. i know hearings have gone on today. we have heard tough questions from republican senators , including marco rubio. i would suggest that he will be i think it has not been a completely smooth process. charlie: and jeff sessions is also going through hearings. philip: his hearings began yesterday. they have been difficult. senator cory booker testified against him which is an unusual move on capitol hill. charlie: first time a senator has ever testified against --
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philip: yes. it looks like he will probably win confirmation but again, it has been a difficult and messy process. donald trump singled him out for praise in today's press conference and said he has performed brilliantly. donald trump was watching on tv yesterday and very much, it was a law and order message from sessions. jonathan: i think that sessions has had a pretty good hearing even though he was roughed up by democrats and a lot of protesters. that was about as much as -- in terms of interruptions this evening. it reminds me a little of the ashcroft confirmation battle. 42 democrats voted against john ashcroft for attorney general at the beginning of the bush administration. he did not have a senator testified against him, but he was a senator. many of his fellow senators came out against him. i think he will ultimately be confirmed but that is the hot button position. charlie: was comey his deputy?
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he was at the hospital in which they were trying to get him to do something. he was very sick. jonathan: ashcroft was getting a medical procedure done and the white house was trying to get him to sign off on something. charlie: and he rushed out there to make sure he didn't do it. jonathan: precisely. that is why democrats respect him. charlie: today? jonathan: not so much. charlie: the president has been giving a series of exit interviews including 60 minutes, this weekend, then george stephanopoulos. he gave his farewell address. it was received well. was it? jonathan: i thought it was interesting in that you saw obama from 2004 and 2008, the optimistic obama, idealistic. hope and change. there was some of that in this farewell address but this was more obama, the realist who i thought was giving a sense that he believes that american democracy itself is under assault.
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not necessarily by donald trump but by the deep political divisions, deep racial divisions, by a growing trend towards isolationism. it was -- charlie: and about fake news towards the end. jonathan: absolutely. george stephanopoulos asked him sentence that one historians would use after him being the first african-american president. he thought about it and he said -- he cared deeply about american democracy which seemed kind of like a throwaway line , but when you go and hear what he does, what he says at the farewell address, it is my sense that he really has a belief that there is a fundamental challenge right now to the essence of what this country is all about. in many ways, it was a very foreboding message. charlie: i was interested as well. he has touched on this in interviews.
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is the idea of why the democratic party is in such bad shape in 2017. when he came in, majority in both houses and now the majority is against the democrats. the control of both houses. his argument from his own perspective was -- i was too busy governing and i did not pay attention. jonathan: and the decimation of the democratic party extends beyond the federal offices to the statehouses, state governors. and i can tell you that many democrats that i have spoken to , and i assume you guys as well, did not find his explanation for that all that convincing. they think the real problem was that he simply did not care about it. he did not care about politics. he does not particularly like politics. charlie: they disagree as to why. back to donald trump. he goes to washington on inaugural day. what is his presidency going to be like? you have suggested that he loves
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press conferences and we will see more. >> i think that will come back. charlie: he will be unconventional. clearly i would assume the , donald trump that we saw on the campaign trail is donald trump. people have said -- he has run the transition like a campaign and he has to shift from campaign mode to a governing mode. jonathan: i do not think there will be a perfect shift and the -- profound shift and the big question is how will he deal with congress? i don't think he has a full grasp of the legislative process. i know he has zero patience for it. passing alks about replacement for obamacare after repealing it, i do not think he understands. charlie: someone needs to brief him on the separation of powers. jonathan: what will he do when he is faced with that reality? philip: he will demand immediate
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action. every day there will be something, whether it is in has administration -- in his administration on the hell, he wants to show the american people on television every day that things are getting done. mckay: when you talk to republicans right now on the hill they will tell you that they are afraid of donald trump's twitter account and his ability to throw a spotlight on someone who is not falling in line or doing what they should. charlie: he weighed in on congress after the -- mckay: but you have to remember that he is at -- it is worth remembering that right now, donald trump might never have more political capital than he has right now. that is traditionally the case of presidents as they are coming in as president. i will be interested to see if a year down the line if republicans are still cowering in fear of his twitter. and willing to follow orders. rating, what it things, it will be interesting to see if he has the republican party marching in lockstep
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behind it. jonathan: the big issue may be tax reform. his team and paul ryan are absolutely in lock step and they are in a position that they might be able to do this. it has been a republican dream since 1986. charlie: it will be interesting to see what the senior counsel does and what jared kushner does as senior advisor. and what the differences in those roles will be. some indication they will close on middle east and another issue. kellyanne conway is there, senior counsel. reince priebus as chief of staff and rudy giuliani and chris christie on the outside but always influential. >> very influential. jonathan: yeah. you have the potential for real competing power centers in the west wing. you know, to have chief strategists like steve banyan and chief of staff reince
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priebus and knowing that jared kushner is probably more powerful than those two. how it plays out will be fascinating. mckay: the other power center will be donald trump's phone. he works the phone all day long and he will continue to do that in the white house. a lot of people have access to him. charlie: before we go and i will close on this -- i interviewed the chief of staff at the white house this week. he told me a story about what happens now in the white house. that the president wants to be there with his wife and his two children. he enjoys that and insists on it. then he goes upstairs with a bundle of papers and his own devices and stays up until 3:00 a.m. and contrast that to donald trump who seems to get up at 3:00 a.m. [laughter] charlie: so i'm thinking about this. this guy getting up at 3:00 a.m. they could have a conversation.
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beatles to the united states, the funeral of dr. martin luther king junior, and kennedy's assassination. he has been one of the sought-after photographers for celebrity portraiture for decades. a new documentary investigates his career. it traces his remarkable career. here is the trailer for "harry benson: shoot first". [ video clip ] >> i love harry benson. i think i am probably about a half bump from being in love with harry benson. >> harry is iconic. taking a lot of pictures of icons. >> it is rare that you know in the moment that the moment will be legendary. >> there is also his range and versatility. he could do it all. >> he is one of the great photojournalists of all time but yet people think beatles. >> i said i was a photographer.
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>> there were many intimate photographs of them. >> he was there with the ultimate subjects who were at the peak. >> they can be celebrities but they have to be someone he is attracted to. >> fisher allowed him to photograph him for days. >> take a look at the picture. he puts people at ease and you can see that in his work. some great photographers have a camera all the time. and a moment happened and they got it. >> he always knew that was true. >> if i do not take a photograph, i make a terrible mistake. i photograph what i see. and what i see, i shoot. >> the first shot that i saw of the senator lying was in his shot. >> no matter your personal feelings, you realize this is something you have to document. >> you could argue that he has nothing left to prove but every
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day he feels like he has something to prove. >> i am being debunked already. >> he loves to photograph people who are bigger than life. >> he was the guy everybody else was trying to be. >> he has a special sense of compassion for the people he is photographing. >> he does get the joke about life and he finds that in his subjects so often. >> could they believe it was james brown doing splits in your yard? they are going to talk about that forever. charlie: i'm pleased to have harry benson and the codirector here at the table. welcome. congratulations. >> thank you. it?lie: how have you done harry: i am an old man now.
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charlie: look at that. look at that. you have been there. the camera was there and you captured the image. harry: i would like to go over again and do the same things. you know. charlie: why you? why photography? harry: i wasn't good at school. photography was a way out. and if you keep taking a good photograph, eventually you will become heavyweight champion of the world. [laughter] harry: meaning if you work on a newspaper, you know right away that you failed or you won the day. charlie: but is there one secret to one fundamental way that you did it? harry: first in, last out. yes, photograph what you see.
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and what you see should inform. charlie: what is the answer to the question "why harry?" matthew miele: i think because, with the title of the film, he knows how to get into a situation. he knows how to charm the people but underneath that is a manipulation that is really all alluring and arresting. charlie: to get them to relax about the fact that he is around. matthew miele: absolutely. and you know, there are secrets to it as well. the way he dresses. he got to the second floor of the white house in the residence because he was in a suit and all the other photographers looked like custodians. he was able to ride in. it is a look. he has a handkerchief. he is a seasoned charmer. he turned to me. photographu took my
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a few times. matthew miele: he has taken everyone's photograph. and that is part of it too. michael jackson wanted to have a photograph taken with him because he photographed the beatles. so he has a legacy that follows him. charlie: why did you want to make a film? matthew miele: he was an interview subject for a different film we were working on. and he had done a book signing. they thought he would be a great raconteur. a great storyteller. i went to his apartment and he was sitting in front of us and we were rolling camera and after 10 minutes you realize that this man is not just a photographer but an iconic photographer. you look over his shoulder and there are the beatles having a pillow fight. and suddenly you think, forget tiffany, talk about harry benson. and you are amazed, and i am happy the first interview that we had with him and it ended up in the movie because he was very genuine and telling us how he did it. charlie: which is what i am trying to get him to tell me. matthew miele: the pillow fight was something that he had heard
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about. charlie: let us talk about it. harry: my dog took a run at him. charlie: what kind of dog you have? harry: a dachshund. charlie: here is muhammad ali and the beatles. two of the most incredibly, celebratory people. harry: that is right. after we had been on the ed sullivan show in new york, we the ed sullivan show -- charlie: with the beatles. harry: with the beatles. i had the television on and i heard a guy shouting on television about how he was the greatest. i thought it was a great idea to bring the beatles to meet him. go to the beatles, they said it was fine. and john lennon said that he was a big mouth and he is going to get beaten by the other guy, sonny liston. so i go to see them. but he said he did not want to
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bums.hose bones -- so i go back to the beatles with the car and i took them to meet cassius clay. and he had them lying down and doing this and that. who is the most beautiful. and clay completely dwarfed them. after it was over, the beatles would not talk to me. john lennon said that he made a fool of us.- and he did not speak to me. i did not care though because the following day i was going to jamaica to photograph ian fleming, from the golden eye because the james bond movies. you know, dr. no and all that. and then i went back to miami and i covered the fight.
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charlie: let me see the next one. this is frank sinatra and his then wife, mia farrow. harry: yes. charlie: take a look at this. harry: test charlie: it was at truman capote's famous black and white ball. harry: someone shouted to frank sinatra and it really upset him. they shouted -- "franky batman" and he did not like it. oh, he was angry. charlie: how many times did you photograph him? harry: a few times. and once he let me on the stage with him. and he told me after, i never let anyone else on the stage. it was in san jose or someplace. charlie: tell me how you made the film. matthew miele: over the course of about three years. we basically looked at the photography and the filing cabinets of the negatives. and gigi benson, his wife is the
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caretaker and curator of everything. so she really helped guide us along but thousands of images we had to comb through. but you really zero in on the the line of the film, a great photograph can never happen again. it will never take place again. and so, it is a glimpse and gone forever. that is a poem he constantly quotes by robert lewis stevenson. and we really zoomed in on that. those photos and the people in them we went after so we spoke to everyone from joe namath, to donald trump to dan rather. charlie: we will see some of them later. this is one of the famous photos of the boys in the fountain in 1956 in glasgow. let's take a look at that. harry: i was just walking through glasgow park. it was a hot summer day. and they had to use outside fountains because there were no
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swimming pools yet. and this is my moment. [laughter] harry: you know i like the , picture because it is spontaneous and real. charlie: when you take a photo, do you know it is going to be a great photo or is it only after you get back and see it? harry: only when you come back and see it. charlie: do you think you got it, then you didn't. harry: yes and no. charlie: this is andy warhol and bianca jager at the factory. here it is. this: i had never done before. this was two pictures. andy is in focus and behind him bianca is not. and then -- charlie: she is not in focus. and he is in focus.
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charlie: what was andy like? harry: he was very easy to talk to. he would stand in a corner at a party and photograph people. you know. matthew miele: he made you mad one time. right? harry: he went and painted one of my photographs of gerald ford. charlie: he painted it? took a photograph and painted it. harry: and he got more money than i did. charlie: that will make you mad. this is michael jackson at his home. harry: he was the prince of pop. charlie: that is something else. look at that. everything about it. matthew miele: that is the secret. how does he do it. michael jackson never let anyone on neverland ranch. so harry got there on behalf of the magazine but he knows how to work michael to get into the bedroom. no one has really ever gotten
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there. charlie: that is what i am saying, is that just innate charm you have? harry: tremendous charm. [laughter] harry: i could not charm you, charlie. charlie: here is bill and hillary clinton. harry: if she had become president, i would have made a lot of money on that. i like it because the lips do not meet. it is more sensuous. charlie: it is a lot more interesting. harry: i got been kissing as well, but i like it when it is that moment. charlie: is it easier to be a photographer today because of the digital revolution? harry: yes, it is. charlie: i thought so. harry: and i love seeing a lot of good pictures. actually, i think we are in a photography boom right now. everyone has a camera and they are taking good pictures. charlie: sure.
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they really are. you can take a remarkable photograph with an iphone. harry: absolutely. charlie: you can make a movie. harry: we are in a photography boom. charlie: what do you think? matthew miele: i tend to disagree. harry said one key thing in the film -- great photography is just paying attention. and learning and looking. sharon stone said it was breathing life. she was one of the interview subjects. and i think personally that we are in this new generation and everybody is looking down and taking things that are self-indulgent and they are not really breathing in life. they are not paying attention. so i think it negates from the fact that we are getting the photography that he got that he learned. you know. charlie: i hate to see people buried in their phones. matthew miele: it is awful. harry: i know. charlie: here is ronald reagan.
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he is dancing for the cover of vanity fair. harry: i did that with tina brown and that picture saved vanity fair. they were about to be closed. tina brown pleaded. charlie: and she called you and said -- go get the reagans. harry: she came with me. singing. frank sinatra said, it was her favorite. charlie: you are something. next is donald trump holding a million dollars in cash. here it is. harry: that is when he opened the casino in atlantic city. we were walking around and you know the place called the cage. charlie: where they had the money. harry: he said i could go in there and get a million dollars.
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and i said -- well, donald, i have never seen a million dollars in my life. so he goes in and piles it up. charlie: and now donald and melania trump. here it is. in mar-a-lago. everything he has is gold. charlie: well. harry: that is the first lady. charlie: what was the hardest thing for you to make this film? matthew miele: just because we're on the subject. going to interview donald trump was interesting. it was before he announced his candidacy. it was in 2014. because we took about three years to work on this. what was remarkable is that he was willing to talk about someone other than himself. about great photography. and he has had a relationship with harry for years. and he photographed him more than any other photographer. he said after the interview, anything for harry.
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it was a real friendship. i am thankful that he did this film. harry: it is not politics, believe me. charlie: i believe you. there is also ivanka trump. in her office. harry: there have been a lot of pretty ladies around washington. charlie: yes. harry: and famous. you know. charlie: this next one is susan mary allsop. i am looking for the photograph of george washington. or the portrait. harry: she was famous for having parties. charlie: sure. harry: and that was the reason of putting ivanka trump in there. charlie: yes. look at jackie kennedy in a ski mask. wow. harry: i liked it because she hide -- even when you see
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the eyes, right away, you know. as soon as you see her eyes. charlie: you know it is her. and the next one is ethel kennedy waving you away. harry: she was screaming. screening. it was one of those things that you could not fail that night. it was so close to dallas. you had to. i had to do it. it was my job. i was a news photographer. matthew miele: it was a testament to harry because he continued to shoot. charlie: next one is a kkk member holding her child. where was the shot? harry: south carolina. beaufort, south carolina. yeah. i went with -- charlie: how did you get there? harry: i went with the leader of the klan, bobby sheldon. charlie: i remember that. he said, i will be
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leaving around 9:00. i think you should leave with me meaning it was not safe. charlie: here is the ira. harry: i was on maneuvers with them. it seemed all right. it was getting dark. and there was a farm in the distance. and then lights going off and on. it was obviously -- they were telling us that a patrol was on. and there was. charlie: you can see the lights and people signaling. harry: we lay in the mud as the patrol came past. and afterwards, in the safe house, i hear a couple of ira guys talking and they said -- they were sure a couple of brits had seen them but they did not want to get into a firefight. i am glad they didn't.
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charlie: so when my. the next one i want to see is jfk in paris. look at the eyes. went to meethe khrushchev in vienna? harry: yes. he did not treat him that well. it was raining. he was at the arc de triomphe. -- charles de gaulle is on his right. charlie: that is not to you see in the photograph. harry: i cut him out. i liked the idea that jack kennedy was looking at me and kept looking at me until i climbed up on a parapet. charlie: yeah. harry: it was like, you know. you get a picture, you know. charlie: finally, this -- winston churchill at the harris school in 1960, going back to his alma mater. harry: back there.
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there was a new line in the went, and hehich shall when -- when a claim through each new generation. and that was the last time he went back to his old school. charlie: how old was he then? harry: probably the same age i am now. maybe younger than me. i think he was about 84 when he died. charlie: gigi -- very important to him. matthew miele: invaluable. he constantly says he married the right person because she let him go on a lot of assignments. and he lost a lot of family time. his daughter said harry would be off on assignment during holidays and birthdays. and he was chasing something extremely singular and something he was determined to do but he is not a renaissance man, just a great photographer with a 60
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year career. and i just hope we captured it in the 90 minutes that we had and i thank you for allowing me to do it. charlie: thank you. matthew miele: thank you. charlie: thank you, harry. harry: thank you for showing my pictures on your show. maybe in 20 years, i will come back with more. charlie: thank you for joining us. see you next time. ♪
11:00 pm
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